, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 13, 2013

Wednesday, Mar 13 2013, Gerry Wildenberg

theme: go green!

17a. GREEN : CONSERVATIONIST. environmentally beneficial.

27a. GREEN : VILLAGE COMMONS. a common, open area within a settlement.

48a. GREEN : PUTTING SURFACE. on a golf course, where the flagstick and hole are located.

63a. GREEN : THE COLOR OF MONEY. the color of US paper money, and the name of a 1986 movie starring paul newman and tom cruise, a follow-up to the hustler.

melissa here. 

two grid-spanning theme entries - the black squares look so pretty the way they  cascade diagonally down.

no extra charge (get it?) for these:

5a. Parsley family herb : DILL 

9a. Straight from the garden : FRESH 

23a. First word of "Greensleeves" : ALAS my love, you do me wrong.

33a. Green prefix : ECO. as in eco-friendly.

34a. Green shade : TEAL. check him out. 

57a. "The Green Hornet" airer, 1966-'67 : ABC. superheroa little before my time.


1. Sound finely tuned : PURR.  motor.

14. Role for Ronny : OPIE. ronny howard, in the andy griffith show.

15. Neighborhood : AREA

16. Ceiling : LIMIT. i won't say it.

20. Next in line : ON DECK

21. Hobbyist's buy : KIT. model airplane or car, etc.

22. Tennis racket part : GRIP. the handle.

25. In a glass by itself : NEAT. tin!

35. Aimée of "La Dolce Vita" : ANOUK. fellini film, italian for the sweet life.

37. Cozy reading rooms : DENS

39. Personal property : STUFF. unless you have a cat, then not so much.

42. "At Wit's End" humorist Bombeck : ERMA

43. Drilling tool : AUGER

45. Buster? : NARC. new clue.

47. It might say "Wipe your paws" : MAT

52. __ carotene : BETA

53. Draws : TIES

54. Parlor piece : SOFA. quaint.

59. Puget Sound port : TACOMA. washington state.

66. Japan's commercial center, historically : OSAKA

67. Accessory on the handlebars : BELL. does anyone use these anymore?

68. TV part? : TELE

69. __-case scenario : WORST

70. Oscillation : SWAY. a little tricky.

71. Body art, briefly : TATS


1. Little, to Leoncavallo : POCO. italian opera composer, poco is italian for little.

2. Aware of, as the latest : UP ON

3. Fruit coat : RIND. peel.

4. Protect again, as a driveway : RESEAL

5. Pre-Renaissance period : DARK AGES. sometimes i think we're going back there.

6. Football commentator Cross : IRV

7. Drip, say : LEAK

8. Emilio Estefan, notably : LATINO

9. Producer Ziegfeld : FLO. short for florenz - creator of ziegfield follies.

10. Cellphone customer's creation, perhaps : RINGTONE

11. Mideast ruler : EMIR

12. "Right away, señor!" : SI SI. c.c!

13. Internet address letters : HTTP

18. Brilliance : ECLAT

19. Gossip tidbit : ITEM

24. Install in Congress : SEAT

26. Dr.'s group : AMA. american medical association.

27. Sanskrit scripture : VEDA. archaic form of sanskrit.

28. Frost over : ICE UP

29. Mute sound? : LONG U. trying to trick us.

30. Stuck (to) : CLUNG

31. Marilyn, before she was Marilyn : NORMA jeane mortenson.

32. Poison __ : SUMAC

36. Latest addition to the British Royal Family : KATE. not for long.

38. Reversals : SETBACKS

40. __ food : FAST

41. Genetic research insect : FRUIT FLY. haven't seen tse-tse in a while.

44. U.S. 1, for one : RTE

46. Lobster Newburg ingredient : CREAM. 

49. Emphatic type: Abbr. : ITALics

50. Big wheels : NABOBS. just sounds funny.

51. Author Fitzgerald : F. SCOTT. the great gatsby. 

54. Put in the overhead bin : STOW

55. Very : OH SO

56. Cold feet : FEAR. alright.

58. Seagoing help : CREW

60. Military classification : ONE A

61. Go all weak in the knees : MELT. mmmm.

62. Seagoing assents : AYES

64. Bit of muesli : OAT

65. Schnozz extender : OLA. ha.


Mar 12, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Bruce Venzke and Gail Grabowski

 Theme: Acme - A synonym for acme, (high point), starts off each theme entry.

17A. Prime hours for television broadcasters : PEAK VIEWING TIME

23A. Down in the dumps : CRESTFALLEN

37A. "Greetings, Paddy!" : "TOP O' THE MORNIN'!"

53A. Moonshine, or a soda named for it : MOUNTAIN DEW

61A. Conduct observed during international negotiations : SUMMIT DIPLOMACY

Argyle here and, shore and begorrah!, a roundabout way to get an Irish greeting in! Took a couple of spanners but the job was done.


1. Zion National Park's state : UTAH

5. "Liquid diet" drinkers : SOTs. Nobody we know. ;~)

9. Low-prestige position : McJOB

14. Actress Rogers : MIMI. And competitive poker player; I did not know that.

15. Front of the boat : PROW

16. River in Lyons : SAÔNE. Oh, great, another river to remember.

20. Snorkeling spot : REEF

21. Quaint "before" : ERE

22. Scissors sound : SNIP

27. Scrape together, with "out" : EKE

28. Googler's success : HIT

29. Skinny Olive : OYL. But was she EVOO?

30. Transferred, as property : DEEDED

32. Small amount : IOTA

34. GM navigation system : ONSTAR. (OnStar)

42. List of corrections : ERRATA

43. Created, as a web : SPUN

45. Jim of "Liar, Liar" : CARREY. Canadian,; I did not know that.

48. Dreamer's acronym : REM. (rapid eye movement)

51. Dedicated lines? : ODE

52. Conquistador's treasure : ORO. (gold)

57. Connecting point : NODE

59. Game with Skip and Reverse cards : UNO. Fun for all ages.

60. Show one's pearly whites : GRIN

66. Delta rival, as it used to be called : USAIR

67. Southernmost Great Lake : ERIE

68. Top draft status : ONE A

69. Debussy's "slow" : LENTE. (French notation)

70. Studio payment : RENT

71. More-caloric egg part : YOLK. I did know that.


1. "Steee-rike!" caller : UMP. The Houston Astros will host the Texas Rangers in the first game of the 2013 regular season on Sunday, March 31 at 8 p.m. EDT.

2. Accessory with a Windsor knot : TIE

3. Liqueur sometimes used in amandine sauce : AMARETTO. Start with a trout from a clear Irish stream. amandine sauce recipes.

4. Backpackers' outings : HIKES

5. All gussied up : SPIFFY

6. Forty-niner's pay dirt : ORE. The eighteen forty-niners, looking for gold, not the footballers looking for the end zone.

7. Beach bring-along : TOWEL

8. Marble cake pattern : SWIRL

9. Flavor-enhancing additive : MSG

10. Maine Coon and Manx : CATS

11. Signed up for : JOINED

12. Ready for recording : ON MIKE. (ready or not, in some cases.)

13. Alerted, in a way : BEEPED

18. Legislative turndown : VETO. The executive branch may turn down the legislative branch.

19. Must : NEED TO

23. Ill. metropolis : CHI. Anybody know where this is?

24. Laugh-a-minute type : RIOT

25. Wahine's greeting : "ALOHA"

26. In the vicinity : NEAR

31. Coastal divers : ERNS. Normally, they dive down to the water but not in it.

33. Mimic : APER. (nouns)

35. Hoops dangler : NET. (Basketball)

36. Shrewd : SMART

38. City near Provo : OREM

39. Beta-test : TRY OUT

40. Little music player : iPOD NANO

41. Not decent, so to speak : NUDE. but not indecent, either. Depends on the context.

44. Still in the package : NEW

45. Government official working overseas : CONSUL

46. Inspire, as curiosity : AROUSE

47. Former NBAer Dennis : RODMAN. Yes, he inspired curiosity.

49. Predatory hatchling : EAGLET

50. Surrealist Joan : MIRO. but more surreal than Rodman?

54. Less than : UNDER

55. Bête __ : NOIRE. Something or someone particularly detested and avoided.

56. "Star Trek" co-star of Shatner : NIMOY

58. Radiate : EMIT

62. Anger : IRE

63. Tailor's fastener : PIN

64. Toon collectible : CEL

65. Talk and talk : YAK


Notes from C.C.:

Here are two lovely pictures of Kazie & her husband Barry with their then 6-week old granddaughter Lea. Click here for more pictures.

Kazie said Lea is raised to be bilingual. So she and Barry are Grandma and Grandpa, and Lea's German grandparents are Oma and Opa.

Lea and Grandma Kazie
Lea and Grandpa Barry

 Here is a picture of the wedding of Lea's mom & dad (Saxony, August 2008):

Left to right: Kazie' younger son, her husband Barry, the happy couple, her husband's brother and sister, the sister's husband and Kazie.