, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 19, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013 Gareth Bain

THEME: I swear, I am so mixed up.

The second word of a fairly clued two-word phrase is chopped up (anagram-med) into a mild curse, which is revealed in the middle of the across clues. What makes this so impressive is even knowing more than 50 cuss words, I could not come up with another anagram, heck I tried.  RATS I so wanted that gold STAR. A workout by one of regular young constructors  our South African veterinarian friend Gareth Bain, who doubles as a blogger of the LAT on Amy Renaldo's Crossword Fiend site. The anagrams were simple, except 59A, which took a bit because it is not 4 letters like the others. It begins as a geography-centric puzzle, which is always hard for Americans. Tricky, but lots of short words and lots of blocks and even a J. I always have a good time with a GB original.

18A. *Celebrating the big five-oh, say : MIDDLE AGED.(10) Anagrams to EGAD.

23A. *Small museum piece : OBJET D'ART.(9) Becomes DRAT. A little American French.

53A. *Dancer with many fans : SALLY RAND. (9)  DARN. She appears in many of Max Allen Collins historical mysteries, along with her famous fans, as opposed to her many fans. Love the play on words.

59A. *Profit factors : COST PRICES.(10). The tricky one because it is not 4 letters, CRIPES, and the fill does not roll off my tongue.

and the unifier:

37A. What the answers to the starred clues end in, in more ways than one. MINCED OATHS. (11). Minced meaning chopped, which like twisted and many others is the sign that an anagram is required.


1. Their first parts are geog. indicators : SSNS.  If you did not know, the first three of the Social Security Number is based on where it was issued.

5. Her last film was "Two-Faced Woman" : GARBO.

10. Newspaper page : OP-ED. I am not opening this controversial door again.

14. Injure, in a way : CLAW. I am not sure our vet friend had cats in mind,  and I bet you all have been clawed..

15. ___ dome : ONION. An obvious architectural TERM, but one I did not know I knew.

16. Denpasar's island : BALI. It is the site of their airport.

17. ___ mentality : HIVE. We must learn from the honey BEES.

20. ___-Locka, Florida : OPA. The also have an airport.

21. Sum, sometimes : I AM. (Soom), the Latin for I am.

22. Country across the sea from Eritrea : YEMEN. Across the Red Sea (happy belated Passover) before you get to Ethiopia.

27. Oil-rich African country : GABON. One of the surviving pieces of French Equatorial Africa, a small rich place.

29. City on the Rhone : LYONS. More geography, it is called  LYON in French which made this extra hard, though the clue was in English, so....

30. "___ Theme": "Doctor Zhivago" song : LARA'S. Very pretty TUNE (3:18).

32. Tram contents : ORE. As it is taken from the mine, they load the trams.

33. Hog : sow :: rabbit : ___ : DOE. Reminds me of the LSAT. A word animal clue.

35. Freak (out) : WIG.

36. Court cry : OYEZ. Also sometimes, OYER et TERMINER. It stems from the old days when judges travelled to the courts and the people had to be advised the court was there. More law stuff, 46D. Put forth without proof : ALLEGE. Sounds bad, but you allege what the facts are in a complaint and then prove them at trial.

40. Pigeon-loving Muppet : BERT. I missed this whole phase.

42. Fjord cousin : RIA. Bodies of water.

43. ___ Victor : RCA. Do you recall his name?

44. Bargainer with GM : UAWUnited Auto Workers.

45. LeVar's "Roots" role : KUNTA. Kinte.

47. Bender : BINGE.

51. Icky coating : GRIME.

55. Its young are called crias : LLAMA.  Gotta love the CAMELIDS. Our vet always gets some of his specialty in the puzzles. Also, 6D. Member of a large kingdom : ANIMAL.

57. Rock's ___ Lobos : LOS. Sing along,  LA BAMBA.(3:05). (More animals, wolves here).

58. Touch clumsily : PAW. So when she said he was pawing her, it was the clumsiness that mattered. (Animal paw?).

62. Siouan tribe : IOWA.

63. ___ d'amore : OBOE. I do not know much of the OBOE of LOVE. JzB? LINK. (2:49).

64. Terse observation : ADAGE. Interesting clue, as I think of the word like aphorism, apothegm, axiom, maxim, proverb, not just terse. Terse seems unfriendly.

65. W.S. winner in four of the last five years : NLER. baseball World Series being dominated by the National League, lately.

66. Flex : BEND.

67. Leafy recess : BOWER.

68. Pirate played by Laughton : KIDD. He played the CAPTAIN.(3:17) He seemed a bit foppish to be blood thirsty.


1. Art movement : SCHOOL. Like the Pointillists.

2. Elude : SLIP BY. His youth eluded him.

3. Code talkers' tribe : NAVAJO. Did you all see/like this MOVIE? (2:19).

4. 5-Across's home: Abbr. : SWEden.

5. Lose it : GO MAD.

7. Clear : RID.

8. Spa specimen : BOD. y?

9. Lacking siblings : ONLY. Child?

10. President with a B.A. from Columbia : OBAMA.

11. Shoulder-length hair styles : PAGEBOYS. Like this?

12. The "you" in the 1968 lyric "Gee I think you're swell" : ELENORE. The spelling gave away this TUNE.(2:32)

13. Imitated : DID. Frank Caliendo did John Madden so well. Sorry to hear that Pat Summerall died.

19. Brain tests, briefly : EEGSElectroEncephaloGramS.

21. "Put up your dukes, then!" : IT'S ON.

24. Break up : END IT.

25. Statistician's input : RAW DATA. GIGO.

26. Common folk group : TRIO. Kingston anyone?

28. ___ Perce tribe : NEZ. Not related to the eye glasses.

31. Seaweed extract : AGAR. A wonder of the world for cooks and scientists LINK.

34. Beige relative : ECRU. Can any of the guys tell them apart?

36. Atheist activist Madalyn Murray ___ : O'HAIR. She was always being talked about when I was young as the founder of the first organized Atheists. She led to the banning of prayer in schools and was eventually murdered. LINK  (2:21). We will not talk religion or politics here, but when she died my father's words rang in my head during her funeral. "All dressed up and no place to go."

37. Dennis the Menace neighbor : MR. WILSON. Now living somewhere in Boca Raton.

38. German opener : EINS. One in German.

39. Super Fro-Yo sellers : TCBYSThis Can't BYogurt.

40. Eat at : BUG. This clue irritated me. In fact it 49D. Ate (at) : GNAWED at me. A tense clecho.

41. Drop zone? : EAR LOBE. OK GB, explain this one, drops meaning earrings?

45. Dole's running mate : KEMP. Former Buffalo Bill quarterback Jack. Lots of athletes make it to politics. How many do you know?

48. City SE of Roma : NAPOLI. Italian for Naples.

50. "___ Scissorhands" : EDWARD. Johnny Depp, ladies? No, okay NOT JOHNNY DEPP.(3:29).

52. Checked for the last time? : MATED. I am not sure if this is a pun on the state of matrimony, or just a reference to the game.

54. Like one who is 52-Down : LOSER. I repeat, I don't know....

56. Fast horse : ARAB.

59. Pen's mate : COB. (oops, don't we have MATED above?) Of course he is speaking of swans

where the adult male is a COB and the female is a PEN.  He then ends with. 62A. Pen filler: INK. to enhance the confusion, I love it.

60. Brief commitment : I DO. With such a high divorce rate, brief may be the operative concept.

61. Crow's croak : CAW. And alliteration clue to fill, nice.

Well it is great to be back to Friday, even though blogging marti is always a treat. Gareth is also much fun and a very pleasant young man, willing to answer questions. While you are reading this, I am getting ready to get on airplane to Buffalo  which to me is now Charlotte's ville, current home of my granddaughter. See you all next week.
Lemonade out.

Apr 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013 Erik Agard

Theme: "Get the point?"

20-Across. *Web page index : SITE MAP.

22-Across. *Keep in touch! : WRITE ME.

47-Across. *Comics supervillain whose real name is Charles Brown : KITE MAN. An homage to the kite-flying Charlie Brown of "Peanuts."

4-Down. *Vampire victim's souvenir : BITE MARKS.

10-Down. *Chicken choice : WHITE MEAT.

And the unifier:

70. With 71-Across, what the answers to starred clues contain? : HIDDEN and 71. See 70-Across : AGENDA.

The theme entries had to have the asterisk, since there was 7, 8 and 9-letter non-theme fill in the grid. So as I was filling in answers, I couldn't help but notice the first words all ended in ITE, and the second words all started with M...(hmmm, I wonder where this is going?)

Unusual grid design with left-to-right symmetry, but not top-to-bottom. And we have a pangram! C.C. just did an interview with this young man on April 3rd.

Let's see what else Erik has dished out for us.


1. Invitation reminder letters : BYOB. "Bring your own bottle." Anything you say, Erik!  Where's the party?

5. Tape player button : EJECT.

10. '80s pop duo with an exclamation point in its name : WHAM! Ah yes, the disco era...3:21

14. Renaissance painter Guido : RENI. Baroque master.

15. Indian city : DELHI. Five letters, so at least I could eliminate Agra!

16. Sharpen : HONE.

17. #2: Abbr. : ASST. Whaaa??  All I could think of was a #2 pencil.  (Comes from doing too many crosswords, I guess.)

18. Like some checking accounts : NO FEE.

19. Cry after being tagged : I'M IT!

24. Start of a boast : I CAME...I saw, I conquered.

25. "Middle of Nowhere" director DuVernay : AVA. She won Best Director at the Sundance film festival for it.

27. Prohibit : DEBAR. Hands up for "estop?"

28. Restaurant survey creator : ZAGAT.

29. Tease : RIB.

30. Smacked, biblically : SMOTE.

31. Steven Chu's Cabinet dept. :

32. Mononymous "Rumor Has It" singer : ADELE. You know I have to link it! 3:43

34. Used peepers on : EYED.

35. "Firework" singer Perry : KATY. Anyone else fill in "Como" without thinking?  DUH! It's the 21st century, people. Here's the song. 3:54

37. Exile isle : ELBA.

39. Debacle : FIASCO. Great word!

42. Soda buys : LITERS.

46. Mac interface : OSX. "Operating System 10."  I wonder how many PC users would know that?

51. Start to push? : PEE.  No, it's not bathroom humor. We are simply looking for the first letter of "push" here.

52. Clarified butter : GHEE.

54. "___ Believer":'60s hit : I'M A. Ear worm from the sixties. 2:35

55. Retailer T.J. ___ : MAXX.

56. Knock out of contention : ELIMINATE.

61. Personal partner? : UP CLOSE. "Up close and personal."

64. It goes around the world : EQUATOR.

68. Flat container : SHOE BOX. Great clue!  "Flats" are a type of ladies shoe.

69. Ice cream treats : SUNDAES.


1. Lingerie spec : BRA SIZE. The gents would tar and feather me if I didn't link one of these.

2. "Absolutely!" : YES I CAN.

3. Treading the boards : ON STAGE.

5. Flamboyant Dame : EDNA. Oh, I dunno. She looks pretty normal to me.

6. Where to find a lot of answers? : JEOPARDY. Another nice clue.

7. Impish sort : ELF.

8. Like some vitamins : CHEWABLE.

9. Cake level : TIER.

11. Inner city buddy : HOME BOY. Anyone else want "main man?"

12. Produce, as cartoons : ANIMATE.

13. Like most cabs : METERED.

21. Was introduced to : MET.

23. Passports, e.g. : IDs.

26. Contend : VIE.

32. Yours, in Tours : A TOI.

33. Big name in scat : ELLA. Another era heard from. I believe this is # 5 for today.

36. Cry from Cathy of comics :

38. Trash repository : BIN.

39. Weather for low beams : FOG.

40. Moderating suffix : ISH. "I'm fifty-ish..." (OK, that might be stretching it, rather than moderating it.)

41. Terminate : AXE.

43. Green org. : EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency.

I liked the progression of the next three answers:

44. T. ___ : REX.
45. What F or M may denote : SEX.
48. "It takes a licking..." watch : TIMEX.

49. U.K. record label : EMIElectric and Musical Industries. Probably best known as the record label of The Beatles, but they had a couple other notable names under their belt, as well.   ;-)

50. Leonine neck features : MANES.

53. Sought morays : EELED. Nothing about sniggling?

55. Gettysburg general : MEADE.

57. Brain part : LOBE.

58. "And the race ___!" : IS ON.

59. Blue hue : AQUA.

60. Mao Tse-___ : TUNG.

61. Seat, in slang : USH. Change the "s" to a "g" for me.

62. NYG NFL rival : PHI.ladelphia and the New York Giants of the National Football League.

63. Fish-and-chips fish : COD. I like haddock in my fish-and-chips!

65. Basking goal : TAN.

66. Where age always goes before beauty, briefly : OED. Alphabetically, that is. Oxford English Dictionary.

67. The ANC's country : RSA. African National Congress, Republic of South Africa.

'Til next week!
