, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 4, 2013

Tuesday, Jun 4, 2013 David Poole

Theme: Do You Do Windows? - Go to the back of the theme entries with your Windex.

18A. Need after a bank job : GETAWAY CAR

23A. Business that cuts locks : BARBER SHOP

38A. "Know what I mean?" : "GET THE PICTURE?"

50A. Jamaican resort : MONTEGO BAY

57A. Classic Hitchcock film, and a hint to the end of 18-, 23-, 38- and 50-Across : REAR WINDOW. Here is a compilation of TV takes on the movie. LINK

Argyle here and I don't do windows. Did it seem like a lot of déjà vu today? If there is, it's Rich's doing; David would have no way of knowing. A nice solid Tuesday with some interesting side trips.


1. King or queen, but not a prince : CARD

5. Coffeehouse connection : WI-FI

9. Carnival features : RIDES

14. Once again : ANEW

15. Breezed through : ACED

16. "99 44/100 % pure" soap : IVORY. "It floats."

17. Staff symbol : NOTE

20. Partner of true : TRIED

22. Veg (out) : CHILL

26. Change People, say : EDIT. People, the magazine.

30. Just manage, with "out" : EKE

31. The Brewers, on scoreboards : MIL (Milwaukee) (From C.C.: Here is a fun picture of Kazie, her husband Barry and son David with Brewers' Racing Sausages at Miller Park in August 2010.)

32. Gal pal of Jerry and George : ELAINE

34. Church get-together : SOCIAL

37. Sikorsky and Stravinsky : IGORs. (helicopters and compositions)

41. Blender setting : PURÉE

42. Paste back together : REGLUE

43. 8-Down, to Mexicans : ESTADO. (state) 8D. Southern neighbor of British Columbia : IDAHO. Also, to Mexicans, 53D. Sunset dirección : OESTE. (west)

45. Ben-__ : HUR

46. Spot for a shot : ARM. Yeah, I had BAR and like other bars, it messed me up for a while.

49. Tabloid twosome : ITEM

54. Ancient Aegean region : IONIA

56. Kind of question with only two possible answers : YES/NO

62. "No __ luck!" : SUCH

63. Paddled boat : CANOE

64. Movie "Citizen" : KANE. (Orson Welles, 1941) and  67A.  64-Across's Rosebud : SLED

65. In good shape : TRIM

66. Put up with : STAND

68. Current event? : EDDY. Tricky but not, once you have it.


1. "That's impossible!" : "CAN'T BE!". Not for everybody, can't be. Janis Joplin - I Need A Man To Love. (4:57)

2. Arctic pullover : ANORAK

3. Call it a night : RETIRE

4. Nerdy type : DWEEB

5. Shake, as a tail : WAG. 7D. Command to Fido : FETCH

6. Mixologist's bucketful : ICE. At the place for a shot that I was thinking of.

9. Iranian currency : RIAL

10. Harvard and Yale are in it : IVY LEAGUE

11. Leader of the Dwarfs : DOC

12. Stat for Jered Weaver : ERA. Starting pitcher for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (earned run average)ERA

13. Country W of Iraq : SYR. (Syria)

19. Clean with a rag : WIPE

21. Knocked down a peg : DEMOTED

24. Rolling in dough : RICH

25. More shrewd : SLIER. More shrewd = more dough.

27. A-line designer : DIOR

28. Legal memo's "concerning" : IN RE

29. Parisian possessive : TES. (your)

33. Religious ritual : LITURGY. From Greek, for public service.

34. Household gadget used on a board : STEAM IRON

35. Big brute : APE

36. Traffic controller : LIGHT

38. Short burst of wind : GUST

39. Art Deco designer : ERTE. Good old "RT"

40. Game with suspicions and accusations : CLUE

41. Canada's smallest prov. : PEI. (Prince Edward Island)

44. Luxury hotel chain : OMNI

46. Preposterous : ABSURD

47. Causing serious nose-wrinkling : RANCID

48. "Good heavens!" : "MY, OH, MY!". What the cook said when she discovered the butter was rancid.

51. Cries in sties : OINKS. No, oinks aren't cries but for the sake of alliteration, let it stand.

52. Spanish tennis star Rafael : NADAL. Worth a watch.

55. Needed to pay : OWED

57. Pepsi alternatives : RC's. (Royal Crown)

58. Put away some dishes? : EAT

59. California's Santa __ : ANA

60. Small bill : ONE

61. United : WED


Jun 3, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013 Michael Dewey

Theme: And The Beat Goes On - The theme entries conclude with parts of the circulatory system.

20. Siblings, sons, daughters, etc. : FLESH AND BLOOD

29. "Along related lines ..." : "IN THE SAME VEIN ..."

47. Main thoroughfare : CENTRAL ARTERY

56. Have the song memorized : KNOW IT BY HEART

Argyle here. We also have two incidentals, SKIN and FLESH. Is it a Monday or Tuesday puzzle, YES/NO? In any case, Michael(Boston College,'91) has his usual strong fill AND no 'A' word.


1. Ran a towel over : WIPED. I held off of putting in DRIED.

6. Free stuff at a party, in slang : SWAG. "I thought it was free," said the swagman.

10. Throws in : ADDS. ...and he stowed that jumbuck in his tucker-bag.

14. Have because of : OWE TO

15. Supergirl's Krypton name : KARA. (Kara Zor-El)

16. Munich Mrs. : FRAU

17. "Great taste. Less filling" beers : LITEs

18. Srs.' nest eggs : IRA's

19. Keister : RUMP

23. 35mm camera type : SLR. (single-lens reflex)

24. Anxious med. condition for TV's Monk : OCD. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

25. Actor McKellen : IAN. Has been known to talk to ents.

26. Onetime telecom giant : GTE. (General Telephone and Electronics Corp. 1959-1982)

33. Cosmetician Lauder : ESTÉE

34. Like sorted clean socks, hopefully : PAIRED

35. More than half : MOST

38. Push-up muscle, briefly : PEC. (pectoralis)

40. Greek sandwich : GYRO

41. Desk compartment : DRAWER

44. Simple question type : YES/NO

50. They're two sizes above M's : XL's

51. Out __ limb : ON A

52. "The Raven" monogram : EAP. (Edgar Allan Poe)

53. AQI monitor : EPA. Air Quality Index / Environmental Protection Agency

60. Goose egg : ZERO

62. "Are you __ not?": "Joining us?" : IN OR

63. "Kim" actor Flynn : ERROL. Kim is a 1950 adventure film based on the classic novel by Rudyard Kipling.

 64. Gung-ho : AVID

65. Old Italian coin : LIRA

66. Half a Washington city : WALLA

67. __ de foie gras : PÂTÉ

68. Negotiator's goal : DEAL

69. Eyelid woes : STYEs


1. Gulps (down) greedily : WOLFs

2. "Count on me" : "I WILL"

3. "Great" Russian czar : PETER I

4. Summers in Paris : ÉTÉS

5. Toss back jiggers of liquor : DO SHOTS. (1.5 US fluid ounces)

6. Superficial, as beauty : SKIN DEEP

7. Fend (off) : WARD

8. Saudi __ : ARABIA

9. Streetlight of old : GAS LAMP. A musical interlude. The Old Lamplighter(2:21)

10. Jackson 5 hairdo : AFRO

11. Grunt work : DRUDGERY

12. Flood control structure : DAM

13. Eat dinner : SUP

21. German's eight : ACHT

22. Most-draftable status : ONE A

27. Wedding cake section : TIER

28. Prefix with plasm : ENDO. A central, less viscous portion of the cytoplasm.

30. Food packaging fig. : NET WT.. The weight of the actual food.

31. "Later, gator" : "SEE YA'"

32. Energy : VIGOR

35. 17th-century year when Henry Hudson entered his bay : MDCX. 1610 (History)

36. Baseball's Hershiser : OREL

37. Literary language of India : SANSKRIT

39. __ cortex: outermost brain tissue : CEREBRAL. Pleasantly taxed today.

42. Suffix with sock or switch : EROO

43. Went on a rampage : RAN WILD. It seems once a week it happens somewhere.

45. "Freeze, Fido!" : "STAY!". Cute alliteration.

46. Sibling's sons : NEPHEWs

48. Actress Kazan : LAINIE. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" 2002

49. Once every 12 months : YEARLY

54. Worker, briefly : PROLE. A member of the proletariat.

55. Book of maps : ATLAS

57. Lymph __ : NODE

58. __ Bora: Afghan region : TORA

59. Part of Q.E.D. : ERAT

60. Reheat quickly : ZAP

61. Perón of Argentina : EVA
