, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 6, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013 Jeffrey Wechsler

Theme: "Double trouble..." 2:52

18A. Double : CARBON COPY. Remember the mimeograph machines in grade school?

21A. Double : IDENTICAL TWIN. Remember the twins from this gum commercial? (C'mon, you can sing it aloud!)

40A. Double : DOPPELGANGER.  Who's the guy on the left??

62A. Double : SPITTING IMAGEThis is an excellent explanation of the origin of the phrase, with a bonus mention of the next one:

67A. Double : DEAD RINGER. If you clicked on "dead ringer" in the previous link, you will know why I am posting this picture:

You "got" the theme, right? So, we have a 16 x 15 grid today, but I bet few of you even noticed that. The reason is the even-numbered central entry DOPPELGANGER. It's always odd-numbered at a 15*15. The stacked theme entries at 18-21 Across and 62-67 Across is quite impressive, I might add!! Plus some nifty phrases on the downs, just to keep it interesting: SLOW LEARNER, I DIDN'T FIT IN.

Marti here, to have fun with the rest...


1. Uncivilized : SAVAGE. Ah, but try music! "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast..."

7. Short "and so on" : ETCetcetera, etcetera! 2:54 (Translation, please?!?)

10. Marine layer phenomena, at times : MISTS.

15. King Arthur's resting place : AVALON.

16. Itinerary word : VIA. I often travel to Vienna VIA Zurich. On Lufthansa/Austrian Airlines. Best service in the business!

17. Give out : ALLOT.

20. Hotelier Helmsley : LEONA.

23. "Rights of Man" author : PAINE.

26. Tijuana tots : NENES.

27. Played the first card : LED.

28. What putting one's pen down in Final Jeopardy! usually means : I'M DONE. I bet Rich watches "Jeopardy!" every night...

30. White-collar worker? : PRIEST. Really fun clue!

33. Key econ. indicator : CPI. I wanted GDP, then checked perps. Nope...must be Consumer Price Index. This site will explain everything for you.

34. Worked undercover : SPIED.

39. Sister of Calliope : ERATO.

44. Jams : BINDS. (Because "Smuckers products" wouldn't fit...)

46. Planet earth : GLOBE.

47. Rest of the afternoon : NAP. Fun clue!

50. Promoting a new album, possibly : ON TOUR.

52. Former Sandanista leader : ORTEGA.

55. One lacking grace : OAF.

56. Food writer James : BEARD. Nailed it.

61. Bobbled grounder, e.g. : ERROR. Bobbled it.

66. Pledge from the faithful : TITHE.

71. ___ Sports Bureau, baseball's official statistician : ELIAS. No clue - n-e-e-d-e-d...e-v-e-r-y...p-e-r-p!!

72. Like mil. volunteers : ENL.isted.

73. Suffer : ENDURE.

74. Manhattan has many high ones : RENTS. Head scratching clue - how do "skyscrapers" fit into five letters???

75. Toper's trouble : DTS. A "toper" is a lush/sot/drunkard, etc. Delirium tremens. (Latin for "shaking frenzy.") If you go to the Huyghe Brewery in Belgium, you can have one of their signature "Delirium Tremens" beers.

76. Assent : SAY YES. " the dress!" (Inside joke.)


1. Animal pouch : SAC.

2. Charlton's "Earthquake" co-star : AVA. I went to the set at Universal Studios, and was one of the audience who was selected to appear in the escalator scene. They had a "green screen" behind us, so we couldn't see what was happening. But the audience was watching the actual dubbed version. With fake foam "rocks" raining down on me, I had to pretend that I was terrified as the building collapsed around me.

3. Alt. spelling : VAR.iation.

4. Sans melanin : ALBINO.

5. Mets pitcher who was 1984 N.L. Rookie of the Year : GOODEN. T-o-o-k...e-v-e-r-y...s-i-n-g-l-e...p-e-r-p!!

6. -ess kin : ENNE. As in adultrESS and comediENNE, signifying female roles. Not PC any more.

7. Electronic ballot : E-VOTE. I thought I had heard all the E-words!

8. Short basket : TIP IN. Not a big fan of basketball since Larry Bird retired.

9. Psychic Edgar : CAYCE. Nailed it. I actually have read "The Sleeping Prophet."

10. Retail haven : MALL.

11. "Would ___ you down?" : I LET.

12. One in need of a tutor : SLOW LEARNER. Like me, when it comes to baseball!

13. Most stylish : TONIEST.

14. Get ready, in military lingo : STAND TO. I wanted "stand by," but that would be TV lingo, right?

19. "AC360ยบ" channel : CNN. WAG.

22. Indiana Jones terrorizer : ASP. He hates snakes! 1:22

23. Flick : PIC.

24. Band aid? : AMP. Fun clue. Rock band.

25. "That wasn't the group for me" : I DIDN'T FIT IN. Hard to suss.

29. Forward-looking claim : ESP. Extra Sensory Perception.

31. Fill-up choice: Abbr. : REG.ular.

32. Anger : IRE.

35. "___ o' My Heart": 1913 song : PEG. So many versions to choose from...2:21

36. Bugged by a bug : ILL.

37. Mediator's challenge : EGO.

38. Delicately apply : DAB.

41. "Star Trek: DSN" changeling : ODO. Bullying scene...1:38

42. Sch. in Oregon's most populous city : PSUPortland State University. Not to be confused with Pennsylvania State University, which seems to have gone out of favor as a clue since the scandal. Or, the lesser known Plymouth State University in Massachusetts.

43. Prefix with natal : NEO.

44. Rah-rah fan : BOOSTER.

45. Like dirty laundry : IN A PILE. Yes, I have A PILE of it downstairs!

48. Previously : AGO.

49. 3, 4 or 5, usually : PAR. Rich is an avid golfer.  Husker G., you in?

51. Box score stat : RBIRuns Batted In. Does Hank Aaron still hold the record?

53. Saskatchewan's capital : REGINA.

54. Now : TRENDY. Took a while to get past "at once."

57. Drew to a close : ENDED.

58. Go-between : AGENT. His challenge might be an EGO.

59. Tehran bread : RIALS. Remember two weeks ago? Orani, Irani and Yemenis?

60. Driller's letters : DMD. Doctor of Dental Medicine.  So why is is not DDM?

63. Yonder item : THAT. I paused for a while, thinking I should enter "THAr."

64. Hardy lass : TESS. "Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented" is the complete title.

65. Mars, to Greeks : ARES. Greek and Roman gods of war. Mars is the son of Zeus and Hera.

68. Dude : GUY.

69. Before, before : ERE.

70. Second notes : REsDo, re mi fa sol la ti do! 5:33

And with that note, I shall leave you until next time!


Jun 5, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Gareth Bain

theme:  EXTREME SPORTS (35A. X Games activities, and, in a way, what can be found in this puzzle's circle) - The ends (extremes) of each theme entry is a type of sport.

17A. For example, to Juan : POR EJEMPLO. spanish. Polo.  

25A. Idol worshipped in Exodus : GOLDEN CALF. Golf.

49A. Casserole holder, perhaps : SQUARE DISH. Squash. 

58A. Armchair quarterback's speed? : SUPER SLO MO.  Sumo.

melissa here. this is solidly filled grid with 5 theme answers. nice chunks of corners. 


1. "Naughty!" : TSK

4. Zealous crusades : JIHADS

10. "Choosy __ choose Jif" : MOMS

14. Physician's org. : AMA. american medical association.

15. Leopardlike critter : OCELOTstunning.

16. Subj. for a vet : ANAT anatomy.

19. Okla., on old maps : TERR

20. Ersatz butter : OLEO. why anyone would want a replacement for butter is beyond me.

21. Gin maker Whitney : ELI. cotton gin.

23. Books expert: Abbr. : CPA. certified public accountant. accounting books.

24. Web prog. code : HTML

29. Reactions to revelations : AHAs

30. Acapulco gold : ORO. more spanish.

31. Preakness horse's age : THREE. don't follow horse racing, had no idea. wiki.

32. Orbiter until 2001 : MIR. russian space stationwiki says mir means peace or world.

33. Fox's title : BRER. from uncle remus.

34. Seam-y stuff? : ORE. cute.

40. Help out : AID

41. Drummer Ulrich : LARS. from metallica.

42. "The Chocolate __": classic young-adult novel : WAR

44. Stars, in Latin : ASTRA

47. Anti-pollution org. : EPA

48. Krakow native : POLE

52. Did garden work : HOED

53. Crude abode : HUT

54. '70s extremist gp. : SLA. kidnappers of patty hearst.

55. Spare targets : PINS. bowling.

56. Big bank : CITI

63. Philodendron's plant family : ARUM

64. Lack of vitality : ANEMIA

65. "China Beach" setting : 'NAM. vietnam.

66. Team that moved from New Jersey to Brooklyn in 2012 : NETS

67. Uncompromising : STRICT

68. One of RSA's 11 official languages : ENG. republic of south africa.


1. Faucet : TAP

2. Blended beverage : SMOOTHIE

3. "The Communist Manifesto" co-author : KARL MARX

4. Mojo __: "Powerpuff Girls" villain : JOJO. no idea.

5. Arctic abundance : ICE

6. Skirt border : HEM

7. Jungfrau, e.g. : ALPgorgeous.

8. Handed (out) sparingly : DOLED

9. Made off with : STOLE

10. Bath accessory : MAT

11. Like some garages : ONE-CAR

12. Christie heroine : MARPLE. agatha christie, miss marple.

13. Attack from the air : STRAFE

18. Sinuous fish : EELS

22. Openings : INTROS

24. Amateur radio operator : HAM. i never knew this.

25. Wounded by a warthog, say : GORED. ouch.

26. Utah County city : OREM

27. Rhine siren : LORELEIinteresting.

28. Chastity's mother : CHER. bono.

33. Prickly plants : BRIARS

34. Host who had a "Favorite Things" segment on her show : OPRAH

36. Estate near Twelve Oaks : TARA. didn't remember this.

37. Suckers : SAPS

38. Fast break advantage, in basketball : TWO ON ONE

39. Pro pitcher? : SALESMAN

43. Checkers side : RED

44. Garbage collector : ASH CAN

45. Future knight : SQUIRE

46. "Naughty!" : TUT TUT

48. Dr. made popular by 34-Down : PHIL

50. "__ Dream": Wagner aria : ELSA'S

51. Cow : DAUNT. synonyms - new to me. one meaning of cow is to browbeat or intimidate.

55. H.S. junior's exam : PSAT

57. AOL chats : IM'S

59. __ capita : PER

60. Brit. record co. : EMI

61. Guitarist Ocasek : RIC. of the cars.

62. Texter's "Holy moly!" : OMG


Note from C.C.:

1) Marti's UNPLUG (Render powerless?) is Paul's "Clever Clue of the Month" for May. Congratulations, Marti!

2) Happy 19th wedding anniversary to dear Misty and her husband! Misty loves James Joyce and has written a few books on Joyce's work. Her husband was a molecular biologist and biochemist who taught Genetics until his retirement. Misty said "Before his stroke he did the LA Times puzzle every morning (after bringing me coffee and the paper in bed!). I inherited the morning after his 2008 stroke."

This photo was taken in 2009 at their 15th anniversary party.