, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Nov 15, 2022

Tuesday November 15, 2022 Michael Sharp

 Hello Cornerites!

sumdaze here, filling in for the delightful Hahtoolah.

Today's CW is a worthy challenge from constructor/blogger, Michael Sharp. For more on M.S., follow this link to a 2011 article titled, "How an English professor became the online king of the crossword".

Our theme is:         PHEW POINTERS

We begin with:

1. Across.    Sci-fi weapon that makes the sounds heard at the ends of the answers to the starred clues: RAY GUN.

Later, M.S. neatly wraps things up in the SE corner with a clecho:

71. Across.    Sci-fi weapon that makes the sounds heard at the ends of the answers to the starred clues: PHASER.

Notice that both answers have 6 letters. Perps are required to start this puzzle. (Hi D-Otto!)

There are 3 themed answers. Each ends in the sound associated with sci-fi weapons:
20. Across *  "Black Widow" co-star: FLORENCE PUGH.
I had no idea who this could be; but, perps, along with the standard spelling of Ms. Pugh's first name, helped me until I got to the last letter and found it crossed with another unknown name. Fortunately, the theme came to my rescue and I reasoned only an "h" could provide the "pew" sound.

Florence Pugh

36. Across *  Cathedral bench: CHURCH PEW.

56. *Offer of assistance: LET ME HELP YOU.
I find this answer especially clever since we need to borrow the "p" in "help". Tacking the "p" onto "you", we have a third way to write the "pew" sound.

Let's look at the rest of the clues:


7. Hubs: Abbr.: CTRS CenTeRS

11. Catch: NAB.

14. Operating mindlessly: ON AUTOpilot.

15. "Call on me! I know!": OH OH.  Remember Arnold Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter (1975-1979)?

16. Mined resource: ORE.

17. Getting some sun: DAYLIT.  
(adjective) illuminated by daylight

18. Like a phenom's rise to stardom: METEORIC.

22. Placeholder abbr.: TBA.  TBAnnounced

25. Court divider: NET.  Think "tennis", not "legal system".
Watch this player leap over the NET during play.

26. Light lunch: SALAD.

27. Spy of kid-lit fame: HARRIET.  Published in 1964. Recommended for ages 8-12.

30. Olympics participant: ATHLETE.
Do you consider the horses participating in Olympic equestrian events "athletes"?  Equestrian Olympics Sports Facts

32. Oxen harnesses: YOKES.

33. "Should that be the case ... ": IF SO.

35. Costa del __: SOL. a region in the south of Spain
I always like the name Marysol (sea & sun) so I named my cat that. She's in kitty heaven now.

40. Isr. neighbor: SYR ISRael is abbreviated, so is SYRia

43. Genius Bar pro: TECH.

44. Capital city on the Andean Plateau: LA PAZ. The hint here is "Andean" so we can narrow down our options to South American capitals. 
Wiki Link

48. Forced: COERCED.

51. Binge watcher's unit: EPISODE.

53. Venomous snake: ADDER. too many letters for "asp"

54. Sound from a fold: BAA.

55. Came in first: WON.

61. Much of nursery school: PLAY TIME.

62. Of France: GALLIC.
  1. 1.
    French or typically French.
  2. 2.
    relating to the Gauls.

66. Brain scan letters: EEG.  ElectroEncephaloGram

67. Comparable: AKIN.

68. New York prison in 1971 headlines: ATTICA.  NPR Attica link

69. Mormon initials: LDS.  Latter Day Saints
Last week I read Josh Hanagarne's memoir, The World's Strongest Librarian. Josh is 6'7" tall, was raised in the Mormon Church, has Tourette Syndrome, and works as a librarian in Salt Lake City. It was interesting to read his thoughts on all of that.

70. Enthusiast, colloquially: NERD.


1. Towel holder: ROD.

2. De Armas of "Blonde": ANA.  Lovely Ana is from HavANA, Cuba. (for realz!)

3. Happy cry: YAY.

4. Wide gap: GULF.
  1. 1.
    a deep inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land, with a narrow mouth.
  2. 2.  a deep ravine, chasm, or abyss.

5. Elec., for one: UTIL.  ELECTricity is a UTILity.

6. Zero: NOT ONE.  I suppose "two" could also be "not one".

7. Cupid colleague: COMET.  Nice misdirection! I was thinking of the cupid with wings and an arrow.

Coming to your rooftop in 39 days!

8. "__ what?": THEN.

9. Campus mil. unit: ROTC.  Reserve Officers' Training Corps
Do you know someone who needs money to pay for college? Army ROTC scholarship info

10. "Jeepers!": SHEESH.

11. "Anything goes!": NO RULES.
At first I had "NO hoLES" because I was confusing "holes" with "holds" as in "no holds barred"; which, it turns out, is a term from wresting meaning, "no restrictions (RULES) on the kinds of holds that are used." So I got there, eventually!

12. Japanese "thank you": ARIGATO
This word is often mispronounced by non-native speakers of Japanese. Do not combine the "a" and "r" as one syllable. It is not ar-i-ga-to. Instead, say a-ri-ga-to. The "a" is like the "a" in "father". Also, extend the last "o" sound a bit, almost as if it were 2 syllables.

13. Alison who wrote the graphic memoir "The Secret to Superhuman Strength": BECHDEL.  Crossing unknown names can be tricky but we had some help with this one. (See the 20A themer.)

19. Stone for a Libra: OPAL.  According to most charts, there are only 2 birthstones spelled with 4 letters:  Opal & Ruby. Wait for a perp.

21. No longer working: RETIRED.

Several Cornerites are retired teachers.

22. Poetic possessive: THY.

23. Steamed bun in Asian cuisine: BAO.  On Sunday, 11/6/22, we had 57D "Bun cooked in a bamboo steamer".

24. Genesis boat: ARK.

28. "Parks and __": REC. Recreation
This video is 8 min. of "best of" video clips from the TV show Parks and Rec. (Fans of the show will probably enjoy this more than those of us who are not as familiar with all of the characters.)

29. Sorta: ISH.
Informal (adverb): to some extent

30. Metaphor for no-longer-relevant history: ASH HEAP.
"The ash heap of history (or often garbage heap of history or dustbin of history) is a figurative place to where objects such as persons, events, artifacts, ideologies, etc. are relegated when they are forgotten or marginalized in history."

31. Blouse: TOP.
"Blouse" is an interesting word. I always associated it with a lady's TOP so I had to resist the temptation to snicker when I married my Marine husband and he called the TOP to his uniforms a "blouse". Also, my Aussie boss called his shirt a "blouse". I am thinking the connection is that both U.S. Marines and Australians have a history with British English ... which obtained the word from French. Would anyone like to chime in on this?
Also, "blouse" can be used as an adjective (in its participle form) and a verb. Marines use "blousing bands" to blouse their boots so things cannot fall down into their boots. Here is a 34 sec. video on how to blouse military boots. (Marysol used to love to steal DH's blousing bands! We'd usually find them under the couch.)

34. Media-monitoring org.: FCC. The Federal Communications Commission

37. Great Basin native: UTE. a CW staple

38. Actor Wallach: ELI.  Oh, that's who he is!

Eli Wallach (1915 - 2014)

39. Is past?: WAS.  Fun clue!

40. Surgical tool: SCALPEL.

41. Sang some high notes?: YODELED. Some clever word play here in that "high" can refer to the yodeler's vocal range as well as the altitude at which Swiss yodelers live.
I hope this song will put a smile on your face:

Riders in the Sky sing "A Cowboy's ABCs"
Y is for "the Yodel"

42. Colorful sale labels: RED TAGS.  The hint on this one is "colorful".

45. "Kaboom!": POW.

46. Commotion: ADO.

47. Garden type: ZEN.
I took this photo at Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, Japan.

49. "Ratatouille" rat who loves gourmet food: REMY.

Remy in "Ratatouille" (Pixar 2007)

50. Greek islander: CRETAN. Start with the first Greek island you can think of then adjust the suffix.

52. Evidence of workplace gender bias, perhaps: PAY GAP.  Similar to 4D ??

54. Mix: BLEND.  Interesting that both words can be used as a noun or a verb.

57. Walk in the park, maybe: HIKE.
At first I thought of this type of park.                    
Then I thought of this type of park.


58. Mideast dignitary: EMIR.
EMIR:     a title of various Muslim (mainly Arab) rulers.
IMAM:     one who leads Muslim worshipers in prayer
OMAN:     a country in the Middle East
OMAR Sharif:     Egyptian actor

59. Pledge: OATH.

60. Beauty store chain: ULTA.
With 1,356 stores, you've probably driven past one.

63. Fleur-de-__: LIS.  (Hi Big Easy!)
also spelled fleur-de-lys

64. Curling surface: ICE.
Not this type of curling!

65. Automobile: CAR.

Here's the grid:

That's all for today. I look forward to reading your thoughts.

Oh, and in case you missed it, here is Hahtoolah’s note from 11/8/22:

If you are reading this on Tuesday, I will likely be on the crossword puzzle's favorite airline heading towards Tel Aviv.  Part business, part fun.  Unlike the song, however, I do know when I will be back.  See you at the end of the month.  You will be in capable hands during my absence.

Nov 14, 2022

Monday November 14, 2022 Ed Beckert

Theme: LETTER OPENERS (38. Envelope-slicing tools, and what the answers to the starred clues literally have?)

18. *Chophouse selection: T-BONE STEAK.

24. *Wayfair and Amazon: E-TAILERS.

54. *Army fare during WWII: C RATIONS.

60. *Moving day rental, for some: U HAUL TRUCK.

Boomer here. TECU does not spell out anything.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving coming soon.  I think we might be having meat other than T-bone steak.  I don't think C-rations would fill the bill either. 

Note for last Friday 11-11: Happy Veteran's day to all who served! My memory is bowling a 672 series to help Fort Campbell, Ky. win the 3rd Army bowling tournament. 


1. Aesop critter who loses to the tortoise: HARE.  "Gimme a head with HARE.  Long beautiful HARE."


5. Metal corrosion: RUST.  This does not show up on older cars the way it used to.

9. Braid: PLAIT.

14. Sermon-ending word: AMEN.  A former priest cane to our home last week for a visit.  Part of my hospice.

15. Norway's capital: OSLO.

16. Underground molten rock: MAGMA.  Hot stuff.

17. Like cotton candy: SPUN.  Hi Ho come to the fair

20. Fat-based bird feed: SUET.  Not sure why birds like this stuff.

22. __-Mex cuisine: TEX.  Not sure why anyone likes this stuff.

23. "Picnic" playwright William: INGE.

27. Glowing remnant in a fireplace: CINDER.  We don't use our fireplace anymore.  Too messy.

29. Weep loudly: SOB.

30. Brian of Roxy Music: ENO.

31. Get __ of: discard: RID.  Every Tuesday morning for us.

32. Beast of burden: ASS.  Look behind you!

33. Fragrant shrub: LILAC. Green grow them all sparkling with dew.

35. Tapered off: ABATED.

42. Jab: POKE AT.

43. Rough wool fabric: TWEED.  I never liked TWEED.

45. Coll. dorm figures: RAS.

48. Cabernet, e.g.: RED.  RED and WHITE - Fight, fight, fight.

49. __-Wan Kenobi: OBI.

51. "Good Girls" actress Whitman: MAE. Mrs. West also.

52. Texas city on the Rio Grande: EL PASO.  A bid in Bridge.

56. Blueprint detail, for short: SPEC.

57. Sci-fi saucer: UFO.  I never daw one..

59. Method: Abbr.: SYST.

63. "Game of Thrones" actress Headey: LENA.  Miss Horne also.

66. Commuting option in Ga.'s capital: MARTA. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority.

67. "What __ is new?": ELSE.  Nothing.

68. Pub pints: ALES.  I prefer Ginger ALE. 

69. County of southeast England: ESSEX.

70. Prep for publication: EDIT.  I am doing this now

71. Folk story: MYTH. Mostly baloney.


1. "That ship __ sailed": HAS.


2. Roadie's armload: AMP.  100 minimum per home.

3. Like travel mugs: REUSABLE.  Not toilet paper.

4. Lassitude: ENNUI.

5. Bad to the core: ROTTEN.  Do not eat that apple.

6. Laptop port letters: USB.

7. Post office openings: SLOTS.  Draw poker is my favorite.

8. Muscle quality: TONE.

9. U.K. leaders: PMS.  Afternoons.

10. "E pluribus unum" language: LATIN.  I took four years in high school.

11. Discussion outline: AGENDA.

12. Pictures: IMAGES.

13. "Any __?": "Who's interested?": TAKERS.

19. Fire up: EXCITE.

21. Voting members in a certain college: ELECTORS.  The entire USA last Tuesday.

24. Subj. often taught by a native speaker: ESL.

25. Drudgery: TOIL.  Too much work.

26. Laughed heartily: ROARED.

28. Sense of self: IDENTITY.

31. Bird of prey: RAPTOR.

34. Org. with a racket in its logo: ATP.

36. Feathery accessory: BOA

37. Dawn droplets: DEW.

39. Barely make, as a living: EKE OUT.  Win at golf by one stroke.

40. From a distance: REMOTELY.

41. "Beautiful Girls" singer Kingston: SEAN.  Not in Kingston trio.


44. __ Plaines, Illinois: DES.

45. Job application component: RESUME.

46. Socially dominant figures: ALPHAS. Alpha males.

47. Asparagus units: SPEARS.  Britney's favorite veggies.

50. Easter egg holder: BASKET.  5 months away.

53. Sharp, as some angles: ACUTE.

54. Was able to: COULD.

55. Ramadan faith: ISLAM.

58. Unoccupied: FREE.  No charge.

61. Hardly strict: LAX.  West Coast Airport code also.

62. CBS forensic series set in Vegas: CSI.

64. Butterfly catcher: NET.

65. Powdery residue in a fireplace: ASH.


Notes from C.C.:

1) Our friend Mendal visited Boomer yesterday. So heartbroken to see Boomer so thin and unable to eat much. Takes him lots, lots of effort to write a Monday blog these days, but he's the Boomer.

Mendel & Boomer, 11/14/2022

2) Big Easy sent me these two pictures. He said these are "picture of us from a 60's dance where everybody wore Hippie clothes."

Diane & Big Easy

Nov 13, 2022

Sunday November 13, 2022 Drew Schmenner

Theme: "It's Working!" - Various job professions are humorously re-interpreted, fitting the position in each clue.

23. Hitching post?: WEDDING OFFICIANT.

33. Fair trade?: CARNIVAL BARKER.

60. Cold calling?: POLAR EXPLORER.

70. Inside job?: INTERIOR DECORATOR.

82. Power station?: PRIME MINISTER.

107. Instrumental role?: CONCERT PIANIST.

121. Scoring position?: BROADWAY COMPOSER.

Congrats to Drew Schmenner on his LAT debut. And a milestone Sunday.

Both the theme entries and the clues are solidly in-the-language. Very consistent and a must for this theme type.


1. Soccer great Mia: HAMM. Bill G has met with her. They once lived in the same neighborhood.

5. Practical jokers: WAGS.

9. Ankle-related: TARSAL.

15. Kindergarten recitation: ABCS.

19. McFlurry cookie: OREO.

20. Inside scoop: INFO.

21. "The Heart of the Matter" novelist: GREENE (Graham)

22. "Sounds like a __!": PLAN.

26. Pennant __: RACE.

27. Vision correction tools: LASERS. We also have 62. Ophthalmologist, informally: EYE DOC. Anyone had LASIK on our blog?

28. __ Grande: RIO.

29. Like rainforests: LUSH.

31. Revolutionary Guevara: CHE. He visited China in the 1960s. Here with Chairman Mao and Zhou Enlai.

32. Social group: CLUB.

38. "Pipe down!": SHH.

40. Tiny parasites: LICE.

42. Erin of "Happy Days": MORAN.

43. Wax-wrapped cheese: EDAM.

44. Try to win over: WOO.

45. Freud's "The __ and the Id": EGO.

46. Shoulder muscles, briefly: DELTS.

48. Two-syllable foot: IAMB.

51. Cry to a cap'n: AHOY.

53. Not much at all: A TAD.

57. Snooped (around): NOSED.

59. Hankook product: TIRE. Based in South Korea.

64. Some Himalayan residents: NEPALIS.

66. Beam: RAY.

67. Far from port: ASEA.

68. Pigeon coop: COTE.

69. Inexact fig.: EST.

75. World Series mo.: OCT. Here's Boomer's Eucharistic Minister Bill and his wife Margaret. I really like them, so kind and sweet. Bill hopes that I can become a Catholic so they can still see me regularly in the future.


77. Genesis locale: EDEN.

78. Hardships: ILLS.

79. Agcy. with a taxing job: IRS.

80. Peanut butter Girl Scout cookies: DO-SI-DOS.

88. Notable times: ERAS.

89. Cuban singer Cruz: CELIA. "Queen of Salsa".


91. Any second now: SOON.

92. Exude, as charm: OOZE.

93. Actress Ward: SELA.

94. __-turvy: TOPSY.

96. "60 Minutes" network: CBS.

99. Ornate flower pot: URN.

100. Lava __: LAMP.

103. Agree to join: OPT IN.

105. Casual conversation: CHAT. I talk with Carmen almost every day. She's going to be a grandma soon.

106. Purr former: CAT.

111. Maui's scenic __ Highway: HANA.

113. WC: LOO.

114. "Falling Skies" actor Wyle: NOAH.

115. "Life Is Good" rapper: NAS.

116. Poet Gorman who read at President Biden's inauguration: AMANDA.

119. Give off: EMIT.

126. Lhasa __: APSO.

127. Many a profile picture: SELFIE.

128. Mystery novelist Paretsky: SARA.

129. One of the Three Bears: MAMA.

130. "Those people?": THEM.

131. Dangerous African fly: TSETSE.

132. Cash drawer slot: ONES.

133. "Sounds good to me!": I'M IN.


1. Laugh really hard: HOWL.

2. Field of expertise: AREA.

3. Inst. that features clinical rotations: MED SCHOOL. Partner with 85. Froot Loops mascot: TOUCAN SAM. Brilliant pairs.

4. Prototype: MODEL.

5. Hits the jackpot: WINS BIG. I put in a $10 bill when we went to Mystic Lake for Boomer's birthday. Almost lost all my money, then I got this.


6. "Life of Pi" director Lee: ANG.

7. Fighter pilot's sensation: G FORCE.

8. "Lost in Translation" director Coppola: SOFIA. Daughter of Francis Ford Coppola.

9. __ Fridays: TGI.

10. Continuing storyline: ARC.

11. Big name in outdoor gear: REI.

12. Putty, caulk, etc.: SEALANTS.

13. Invalidate: ANNUL.

14. Doesn't bother: LETS BE.

15. Bank loan abbr.: APR.

16. Extortionist: BLACKMAILER. Partnered with 70. "They're not saying anything worth listening to": IT'S ALL NOISE. We don't often see pair of 11's as fill.

17. Secret stash: CACHE.

18. Scornful look: SNEER.

24. "Go, me!": I RULE.

25. 79-Across document: FORM.

30. Possessed: HAD.

34. Agreement from a silent partner?: NOD.

35. "Lost in Yonkers" Tony winner Worth: IRENE.

36. Bravery: VALOR.

37. Yogurt-based condiment served with hot curry dishes: RAITA. Cucumbers are cooling. Yin food.

38. Exchange: SWAP.

39. Hostess cream-filled cake: HO HO.

41. Sweet-talk: COAX.

47. Spanish title: SENOR.

49. 3D diagnostic tools, briefly: MRIS. Also 105. Diagnostic tool, briefly: CT SCAN.

50. Second to none: BEST.

52. Story: YARN.

54. Singer featured on Flo Rida's "Low": T PAIN.

55. Additionally: ALSO.

56. Action figure?: DOER.

58. Hold up: DETAIN.

61. Evaluated: RATED.

63. Diameter halves: RADII.

65. __ dish: PETRI.

68. Pink cocktail, familiarly: COSMO.

71. Start anew: RESET.

72. Majestic trees: ELMS.

73. Geppetto's goldfish: CLEO. In "Pinocchio".


74. __ buco: OSSO.

75. "To a ... " poems: ODES.

76. Apple discard: CORE.

81. Sci-fi writer Asimov: ISAAC.

82. Longstocking of kid-lit: PIPPI.

83. Worshipper of Jah: RASTA.

84. Inseam unit: INCH.

86. Political commentator Klein: EZRA. He co-founded Vox.

87. Tenant's expense: RENT.

90. Contract ambiguity that may be exploited: LOOPHOLE.

95. Half a cosmic whole: YIN.

97. Commonwealth off Florida: BAHAMAS.

98. Notary public's device: STAMP.

101. Fellows: MEN.

102. "Survivor" host Jeff: PROBST.

104. "I Put a Spell on You" singer Simone: NINA.

107. Sole mate?: CLEAT. Great clue.

108. Vim and vigor: OOMPH.

109. Shipping weight deductions: TARES.

110. Final word: SAY SO.

112. Two-time Australian Open winner Osaka: NAOMI.

117. __-glace: rich sauce: DEMI.

118. Isles off the Irish coast: ARAN.

120. Hall of Fame pitcher Seaver: TOM.

122. Toward the rudder: AFT.

123. Prefix with content and belief: DIS.

124. Miniature: WEE.

125. Smelter's input: ORE.


A few extra notes:

1) Happy birthday to Big Easy (George), husband of Louisiana Tennis Hall of Famer Diane! Guess what, George understands my English.

Big Easy and his wife Diane

2) Boomer has not been feeling great. He sleeps quite a bit and eats little. He also has stomachache whenever he gets up to pee or just moves. He's still adamantly against a hospital bed, so we'll have to continue to struggle with the one set of stairs every day. 

We did have some highlights. On Tuesday, the hospice sent Jeffrey to give Boomer a sponge bath in his life chair. Jeffrey spent two years teaching English in Jiangsu, China. He returned to the US after COVID hit. It was fun speaking some basic Chinese with him.

Then on Friday, the hospice staff sent Boomer a bag of goodies, including this appreciation letter. We were so moved.

3) My book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" will be published on May 9, 2023. It's edited by Francis Heaney. The book is now available for pre-order at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The grids are all 10x10, all themed. I think you'll like it. Very me.
