, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 25, 2022

Sunday December 25, 2022 Gary Larson & Amy Ensz

Theme: "Tis the Season" - Each common phrase is re-phrased as Christmas-related.

23. Snow-covered home in many Hallmark Christmas greetings?: HOUSE OF CARDS.

28. Task of untangling last year's outdoor Christmas decorations?: LIGHT DUTY.

41. Rude way to describe shopping mall Santas?: SUBORDINATE CLAUSES.

66. Like a decorated Christmas tree, usually?: BALL BEARING.

87. Like the contents of a gift-wrapped pet carrier, hopefully?: LIVING IN THE PRESENT.

103. Career preparing gifts for those on Santa's "naughty" list?: COALFIELD.

110. Portraying Comet's sleigh-pulling partner in the Christmas pageant?: PLAYING CUPID.

We have a standard 7-theme entry in a 142 word grid from our crossword power couple. 84 black squares, 6 more than usual.  

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope your day is full of love and fun. I attended a Christmas eve mass last night. Bill, our Thursday sherpa, asked this mass to be offered to Boomer. Thanks, Bill! It's surreal to sit on the first row and be the first to get Father Charlie's blessing. I did remember to say "Amen" rather than "Thank you!" this time.


1. "God bless us, __ one!": EVERY. "A Christmas Carol". And 11. __ pudding: Christmas treat: PLUM. 21. Syllables from Santa: HO HO.

6. Cola choice: PEPSI.

15. Org. with Falcons and Ravens: NFL.

18. Stimulates, as curiosity: PIQUES.

20. Mr. T's outfit: A TEAM. And his outfit.

22. ISP pioneer: AOL.

25. Soon, long ago: ANON.

26. Overly: TOO.

27. Most wee: LITTLEST.

30. "Sounder" Best Actress Oscar nominee Cicely: TYSON.

31. Cap brims: VISORS.

34. Dog-__: EARED.

35. Ryder Cup org.: PGA. The 2023 Ryder Cup will be played in Italy.

37. Loudness measure: DECIBEL.

40. Chef's workload: ORDERS.

47. Completely updated: ALL NEW.

48. "Well, shoot": DRAT. Now I know why you need an ATM card. Never had one before. Hope to receive mine next week.

49. Air France hub: ORLY.

50. Wok, for one: PAN.

53. Coffee cup insulators: SLEEVES.

55. TV series based on a Coen brothers film: FARGO.

57. Noted second-place finisher: HARE.

58. Dodger great Reese: PEEWEE. Here with #42.

61. Slender stemware: FLUTE.

62. Went up a size: GREW.

63. "Waterloo" quartet: ABBA.

69. Word with wind and Wing: WEST.

70. Armoire part: DOOR.

71. Oscar winner Hunt: HELEN. For her "As Good as It Gets".

72. Build up: ACCRUE.

74. Go up against: ABUT.

75. Parlor piece: DIVAN.

76. Shows age, as newspaper: YELLOWS.

80. Yoga roll: MAT.

81. Make a bundle?: BALE. Good old clue.

82. Meyers of late-night TV: SETH.

86. British fish dish: EEL PIE. Looks tasty.

91. With good judgment: WISELY.

94. Perfect example: EPITOME.

95. Game console letters: NES.

96. Perfect: IDEAL.

97. Tell: RELATE.

99. Puts at ease: CALMS.

105. Proclaim loudly: BLARE OUT.

108. Actress Basinger: KIM. Here in "L.A. Confidential"

109. "Start talking": OK GO.

114. College domain: EDU.

115. Jump: LEAP.

116. Dispatch: HASTE. I only know "dispatch" as a verb.

117. Wonderland host who says, "It's always tea-time": HATTER. Mad.

118. Tres menos uno: DOS.

119. "NASCAR on NBC" analyst Earnhardt Jr.: DALE.

120. Figures (out): DOPES.

121. Flowering shrub, in gardener slang: RHODY. Rhododendrons.


1. NT book before Philippians: EPH. Ephesians.

2. Baroque stringed instrument: VIOL.

3. Evenhanded: EQUITABLE.

4. Out of practice: RUSTY.

5. Throws away quickly, in slang: YEETS. Not a word I use.

6. Busy orgs. during campaigns: PACS.

7. Coup d'__: ETAT.

8. According to: PER.

9. Despondent: SAD.

10. Online chats, briefly: IMS.

11. "Exile in Guyville" singer Liz: PHAIR.

12. Yearns (for): LONGS.

13. "I don't like the sound of that": UH OH.

14. __ Jack cheese: MONTEREY.

15. Essence: NATURE.

16. Header's opposite: FOOTER.

17. London insurance giant: LLOYDS.

19. Flight school hurdle: SOLO.

24. Italian fashion house known for leather goods: FENDI. Here's a nice Fendi Baguette.

28. Hang around lazily: LOLL.

29. Some parents: DADS.

31. "La Dolce __": VITA.

32. "Yeah, right": I BET.

33. Min. fraction: SEC.

35. Free TV spots: PSAS.

36. Noisy shorebird: GULL. What?

38. Wrap up: END.

39. Mercury or Saturn: CAR.

40. Norwegian capital: OSLO.

42. Words in a cocktail recipe: ONE PART.

43. Nice dream?: REVE. Nice the French city.

44. Geeky type: DWEEB.

45. __ valve: heart part: AORTIC.

46. Pressing need: URGENCY.

50. Cut (down): PARE.

51. War god: ARES.

52. Small amphibian: NEWT.

54. African language: SWAHILI.

55. Ala. neighbor: FLA.

56. Luminous glow: AURA.

57. "The Time Machine" author: H G WELLS.

59. Telepathic girl in "Stranger Things": ELEVEN.

60. Jazz great Fitzgerald: ELLA.

61. Marshy area: FEN.

63. "House of Gucci" actor Driver: ADAM.

64. "The Book of __ Fett": BOBA.

65. Boxing match: BOUT.

67. Actor Kingsley: BEN.

68. "The Whole Woman" writer Germaine: GREER. A few names in Down slots.

73. Peter Fonda title role: ULEE.

75. Crockett of folklore: DAVY.

77. Confides in: OPENS UP TO. Can't confide much to Carmen now. She's been sick with COVID. 

Lao Pan and Carmen, 5/3/2022

78. Sangria ingredient: WINE.

79. Gels: SETS.

81. Wallet: BILLFOLD.

82. Tizzy: SNIT.

83. Kin of -kin: ETTE.

84. Howe'er: THO.

85. Garment border: HEM.

87. "Dreamgirls" actress Sharon: LEAL.

88. Fix, as a horse: GELD.

89. Brewery letters: IPA.

90. Praline nut: PECAN.

91. Musical set in Oz: WICKED.

92. Eager reply to "Who wants dessert?": I DO I DO.

93. Irish poet Heaney: SEAMUS. Learning moment for me.

97. Fit for a queen: REGAL.

98. Skip the formalities, in a way: ELOPE.

100. Cry of frustration: ARGH. Big Easy got plenty from me last week.

101. Aptly named Renault: LE CAR.

102. Impudence: MOUTH.

104. Superstore with wordless assembly instructions: IKEA.

105. Information unit: BYTE.

106. Baloney: LIES.

107. Seven up, e.g.: TIED. Nice clue.

110. Letters from school: PHD.

111. Asian language: LAO.

112. Egyptian viper: ASP.

113. Like some humor: DRY.


A few extra notes:

1) Happy birthday to dear Kathy (Yellowrocks) and Lorraine (Fermatprime)! Have not heard from Lorraine for a while. I think her good friend Malcolm reads our blog from time to time.

Kathy (Yellowrocks), Dec 10, 2020

2) Boomer was buried on Dec 17th Saturday. It was a beautiful cold day. I wish I could tell him that I received the most amazing group card from his Monday morning traveling league, so so many guys signed it. And all five of his Thursday night teammates showed up for the visitation despite the bad weather, but he probably knew everything.  


I just want to say a special "thank you" to Dr. Nina (inanehiker). I would not have been able to take good care of Boomer without her medical and life advice. Nina patiently and promptly answered all my questions. She checked on me regularly and she still does. Her book of hope in the darkness, her generous gift card, her kindness and love will stay with me forever. 

I also want to thank constructor Tom Pepper, who drove Boomer to the VA, moved the TV and chair upstairs, and installed a floating shelf for me in our bathroom. Tom was there every step of the way for Boomer's funeral service. And he helped pay the group dinner after the mass. What you've done for me, Tom, touched me deeply.
Also want to thank D-Otto, Agnes, TTP, and my whole blogging team, who were always there for me when I needed help.

And to our blog readers, esp Janice Leavitt (Ohio), Glenn (Acesaroundagain), Tara Silva, Misty and Kelly Clark, thank you so much for making Boomer feel special in his final months.
I had a rocky start without Boomer. Wells Fargo locked me out of our bank account and deactivated my only credit card on Dec 16. Suddenly simple life basics became impossible. Hope the glitches get solved next week and I can live again. 

Dec 24, 2022

Saturday, December 24, 2022, Juliana Tringali Golden and Kate Chin Park

 Saturday Themeless by Juliana Tringali Golden and Kate Chin Park

Juliana is an editor and mom in Oakland, California. Her puzzles have appeared in the New York Times, the Atlantic, AVCX, the Inkubator, and elsewhere, and she writes a puzzle every Tuesday for You can find her on Twitter 
@julianatringali. Juliana told me,
I actually met Kate when I reached out to her about a puzzle. It was something she'd posted on her site, and Will Nediger called it out on one of his best-of lists. I asked her if she'd like to collaborate sometime, and our work on this themeless began! Since we both live in Oakland, we did manage to meet up with other local constructors this spring. Hopefully we'll do it again soon!

Kate Chin Park has had puzzles in most major newspapers, indie venues such as the 
Incubator and AVCX, the Boswords and Lollapuzzoola tournaments. She published east midi-sized puzzles one a week at She lives in Oakland California, with her partner and their "hostile-to-everyone-else cat" (see picture at the bottom of the write-up.) In previous write-ups, we also learned that Kate builds amazing furniture


A fun Christmas Eve puzzle by two talented constructors. I hope all of you have been nice and not naughty. This fire looks mighty nice out here on the frozen plains!


1. Confines, theatrically: TYPECASTS - George Reeve suffered that.

10. Tech site with a "track prices" browser plug-in: CNET.

14. Rank and file: HOI POLLOI 58 synonyms

15. Give up: WAIVE.

16. "I'm sunk!": ALL IS LOST and 36. Back on board: AFT - The AFT went down last @2:19 below

17. Snoring cause: APNEA.

18. Misery: WOE.

19. Both parents, in some families: MOMS - My neighbor's grandson has two lovely MOMS

20. Heist series title word: OCEANS - The one with "The Rat Pack" started it all

21. "Let me have it": DO YOUR WORST.

23. Plot: PLAN - 26. Father: SIRE - Both sets could be nouns or verbs

25. "A plateau is the highest form of flattery," e.g.: PUN.

28. Chess player Krush who is the only American woman Grandmaster: IRINA.

29. Enviable trait: ASSET.

31. "Wipe your paws" spot: MAT.

32. Turn to: CONSULT.

34. Stands to take a picture?: TRIPODS - Stands is a noun not a verb here. Even for my iPhone:
37. Meryl's "Mary Poppins Returns" role: TOPSY - Emily Blunt plays Mary Poppins and Meryl Streep plays a minor role as Mary's cousin TOPSY.

39. State capital?: MONEY - In Italy it used to be LIRA but now it's Euros 

40. Old Italian 39-Across: LIRA - This 500,000 LIRE note would convert to about 276 Euros 

42. Trojan leader?: TAU -  A Trojan (citizen of Troy) is Τρωός in Greek with TAU being the first (leading) letter

43. Scrapes (by): EKES.

44. Doll featured in many unboxing videos on YouTube: LOL SURPRISE - Open it up and see what you've got. New to me!

48. "We're dying to know!": TELL US.

49. Grandly appointed: POSH.

50. Zoom appt.: MTG - I saved $3,200 on my new hearing aids and talked to a nice guy named Bob via a Zoom MTG and he adjusted them for me online.

53. "Perfect!": A-PLUS.

54. Eucalyptus lover, familiarly: KOALA BEAR.

56. Stadium strata: TIERS.

57. Tragic dancer of French literature: ESMERALDA.

58. One could be a lot: ACRE - Oh, a building lot.

59. Film starring Himesh Patel as the only person in the world who remembers the Beatles: YESTERDAY - A lovely movie with a wonderful premise and the music, hey, it's the Beatles 


1. Soften: THAW.

2. "No regrets" initialism: YOLO - I didn't ride a big roller coaster until I was 53 and You Only Live Once.

3. Nap on a carpet, e.g.: PILE.

4. Prefix with -phenomenalism: EPI Here ya go

5. Explorer trained at the Gagarin Center in Star City: COSMONAUT - It's named for COSMONAUT Yuri Gagarin, the Russian who was the first man in space. Yeah, it was a gimme for this NASA guy.

6. Metallic mixture: ALLOY.

7. Replay tech: SLO-MO - The SLO-MO shows the Tennessee player fumbled before the ball crossed the goal line.

8. Tough calls: TOSS UPS.

9. Go unused: SIT.

10. Piccata need: CAPERS  - Capers are the immature, unripened, green flower buds of the caperbush

11. Singer who said, "Sometimes I sound like gravel, and sometimes I sound like coffee and cream": NINA SIMONE - A sample

12. Foundation of a barter system: EVEN TRADES 

13. Oolong and pu-erh: TEAS - The former was easy, the latter, huh? All you want to know about pu-reh tea

A Pu-erh TEA cake

15. Home of the Baylor Bears: WACO - The Air Force played Baylor in WACO on Thursday night and it was 11⁰F. Yikes

20. Title holder: OWNER.

21. Ranks in judo: DANS Everything you want to know

22. Out of shape: RUSTY.

23. Social image?: PROFILE PIC - Mine

24. Grooming aid that might gather dust: LINT ROLLER.

27. Site with artisan shops: ETSY - A frequent cwd visitor

28. Onetime macOS scheduling app: I-CAL.

29. Stock phrase: AT PAR Here ya go

30. Home for the holidays?: TIMESHARE - or...

33. Flower sacred in Buddhism and Hinduism: LOTUS.

35. Dish whose name means "to slice" in Hawaiian: POKE.

38. Take as a given: SUPPOSE.

41. Draw: ALLURE - We had it yesterday as "21. Seductive quality" 

45. Root (out): SUSS - We crossworders do this all the time

46. Wanders: ROAMS.

47. Dot on a map: ISLET - The ISLET of Mauritius (way to the right (east) on this map) recently hosted a big golf tournament on one of its nine golf courses. 

48. "Cheerio!": TA TA - Do Brits even say Cheerio and TA TA any more?

50. Canasta play: MELD.

51. "See what I did there?": TADA.

52. Overcast: GRAY.

54. Solution: KEY - Here's how I made my own

55. Setting for many a joke: BAR - A physics example and 23 more

Speaking of kitties:

This is Ludo.
Kate's beautiful kitty.