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Feb 19, 2023

Sunday, February 19, 2023 ~ Hoang-Kim Vu & Wendy L. Brandes

"Auto Correct"

After I first solved the puzzle and looked at the circles, I thought "cute the gear shift in order." But after I wrote them out, something wasn't right. I discussed with a Cornerite and he noted they were just "auto-corrected" e.g. Packets->Rackets. That's when it hit me: we were going for a drive.

Let's take a spin with an Automatic Shifter (PRND) and (16 & 100 downs) SHIFT GEARS through the normal daily drivers.
The PRNDL (video)

26. Noisy outbursts that are greatly appreciated?: WELCOME RACKETS. Welcome Packets. "Auto-Correct" took it out of Park and put it in Reverse.

44. Bird voted "Most Likely to Succeed"?: BEST OF THE NEST. Best of the Rest. Out of Reverse into Neutral.

61. Messages hidden in some brunch fare?: WAFFLE CODES.   Waffle coNes.  Neutral to Drive.

74. Bit of middle-school fashion?: TWEEN JACKET. TweeD Jacket. Drive going back back through Neutral.

89. Halloween rental fee?: COSTUME CHARGE.  Costume ChaNge.  Neutral back into Reverse. 

110. Bad news at an Atlanta pie shop?: JUST OUT OF PEACH.   Just out of Reach. And Reverse back into Park.  There, we're back in the driveway.

See the SHIFTer going through the GEARS in order as you leave and  return, top to bottom and back to top: PRN-D-NRP.
Let's take ride through the rest of the grid.

1. Ends of pens: NIBS. Think you have an ink, well... [see what I did there? Ok, I'll try to behave]

5. Approval from a Lab: WAG. That beautiful, smart, pup that sniffs your bum.

8. Like chocolate ganache: RICH. Yum!

12. Swindles: SCAMS. If someone asks you to pay in Bitcoin...

17. Sound at a barbershop: SNIP. Clip, clip. There goes your hair. I always ask them to get the gray ones first.

18. Poetic salutes: ODES. Nothing about a Grecian Urn(?)

20. Pain: ACHE. Every Wednesday & Friday after my Tuesday/Thursday workouts.

21. Stuck out one's tongue as requested: SAID AH. Do Docs do this anymore? Mostly they just take blood, urine, and hook you to a machine, no?

22. Coffee shop loyalty card reward: FREE DRINK. I frequent nothing enough to bother with 'perks'.

24. Get close to: NEAR. Approach. Cue Mel Brooks and Cleavon Little [TV - MA] //y'all know Richard Prior wrote at least half that script.

25. Japanese fish preparation: TATAKI. Original meaning is 'beat with a hammer'. In food, just seared on the outside and raw in the middle. Not good for chicken but brilliant for sushi-grade tuna.

26. [See: Theme]

28. Not very much: A BIT OF. Just a smidge.

29. Give, as a driver's license: ISSUE TO. If "they" ISSUE it, it's official.

30. Brown quickly: SEAR. [See: TATAKI]

32. Lemon scraping: ZEST.

33. Toot: SPREE.

36. __ A: Italian soccer league: SERIE. If you say so...
Serie A League Logos

39. Loot: LUCRE. I wanted cache for the longest time. At least I knew it was not the verb.

41. Strikes (out): CROSSES. If I showed you my grid, you'd know what it means. DELE.

44. [See: Theme]

49. Like crudités: RAW. Food!

50. Fix, as a pet: SPAY. Poor (female) lab.

52. __-di-dah: LAH. Mr. Fancy Pants.

53. Watch closely: EYE. Gotta keep an EYE on him; He's doing crosswords during meetings (moi?)

54. Fabrication: LIE. You made that up!

55. Signed up: ENLISTED. When I bought my house I said to the title-agent, "Last time I signed this many times, I found myself in the Army."

58. Beach town west of Santa Monica: MALIBU.

60. AED administrators: EMTS. Automated External Defibrillators are carried by Emergency Medical Technicians. Clear! ?

61. [See: Theme]

63. Made sense of: SORTED OUT. And my big-fat Ink-Over. I had SussED OUT for a while.

66. Atop, poetically: O'ER.

67. Court divider: NET. Tennis, volleyball,

68. Disgusted syllable: FEH. ? OK, I had FEI

69. Wallach of "The Magnificent Seven": ELI.

70. Tot's perch on a bike: CHILD SEAT.
Queen of the World back there

74. [See: Theme]

79. Grasped: HELD. Not "Understand."

80. Used a rotary phone: DIALED. Kinda funny to watch kids (these days) figure one out.

Think they can figure it out in 10 minutes?

82. When the dinner bell rings: MEALTIME. Nothing to do with Pavlov's dog.

83. Not online, online: IRL. In Real Life.

84. Truck's tankful: GAS.

86. Rollaway, e.g.: COT. Army cots don't exactly roll up nor are they a comfy bed.

87. Crack a book: READ. I wanted study.

88. Actor Chaney: LON.
Master of the Grotesque

89. [See: Theme]

93. Connect with: TAP INTO. Your social/professional network.

96. Writer Calvino: ITALO. Italian writer.

97. Like ta moko and the haka: MAORI.

99. Indy 500 family name: UNSER. This name I knew.

100. Chutzpah: GALL. Anyone want sass?

103. Govt.-issued IDs: SSNS. Social Security NumberS

105. Oft-removed throat tissues: TONSILS. Do DRs still do this? I have mine.

108. Delights: ELATES.

110. [See: Theme]

116. Garb: ATTIRE. Clothes.

117. App buyer: USER. If you USE a Smart Thing(tm) you buy APPlications to make it more USEful.

118. Fishy scoopful at a deli: TUNA SALAD. Food!


119. Large-horned mammals: RHINOS.

120. Agitate: RILE. Get your Irish up.

121. "__ Brockovich": ERIN.

122. Teacher from the old school?: MARM.

123. "Yesterday" and "Tomorrow": SONGS. Beatles (Fab Four) & Annie (orphan kid with Daddy Warbucks).

124. Long fish: EELS. Gars fit too.

125. Vote against: NAY. Anti.

126. Apple Watch assistant: SIRI. The voice assistant on your iThing and why all AI assistants are female.    //DW's is set to an Aussie bloke. Should I be worried? :-)

1. Blue tag?: NSFW. Not Safe For Work is a warning before blue-humor. Our team has a discord space for NSFW content and/or to poke fun/entertain ourselves during vendor calls without $corp snooping. [Full disclosure - we are the $corpSnoops #CyberSec]

2. Pertaining to: IN RE. Regarding. As To. Pertaining to Subject. //our #discord only tangentially does; it's mostly memes

3. Jessica of TV's "The Sinner": BIEL.
Biel is Married to Justin Timberlake [WikiP]

4. Genus subdivision: SPECIES. Don't know much about biology (This guy does an OK Sam Cooke in the style of Ska.)

5. Some gummy animals: WORMS. I love Haribo's Gummy Bears and sleepy time melatonin gummy worms.

6. Parting mot: ADIEU. Goodbye, Frenchman. [Cue Monty Python]

7. Art classes?: GENRES. Types, er, classes of art. You know, like Baroque. And if ain't Baroque, don't fix it [I'll see myself out soon]

8. Corporal or private: RANK. Army training sir!

9. Potential cause of brain freeze: ICEE. It's called Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia

10. Exchanges: CHATS. Swapping stories.

11. Reflexive pronoun: HERSELF.

12. Onetime Volvo rival: SAAB. See: A Man Called Ove.

13. Inhabitant: CITIZEN.

14. "It's __!": A DATE. Anyone else think, "Alive!"?

Young Frankenstein

15. Predatory sharks: MAKOS.

16. With 100-Down, change one's approach, and a hint to the circled letters: SHIFT.

19. Accomplish a lot with little effort: SKATE BY. All my life. A boss-man once told me, "Get the little things 100% and people will let you slide if you mess-up the big stuff. The big stuff is hard but the little is easy." Then and there, I was a consultant :-)

21. Like potatoes: STARCHY.

23. Some tablets: DOSES.

27. Situp's target: CORE. My trainer has me working core. He said I was getting too puffy(? - I pay him for this? :-))

31. Filmmaker with a unique style: AUTEUR. Highfalutin "class of art."

33. Bit of hardware: SCREW. Saturday, week, it was a T-NUT.

34. One of yoga's five vital forces: PRANA. I'll leave this for those who know better. Lucina, you yoga, right?.

35. Piano-playing dog on "The Muppet Show": ROWLF. I need perps for spelling


37. Puerto Rico y Mallorca: ISLAS. Spanish Islands.

38. Abbr. in a research paper: ET AL. Latin. It means I'm only typing the first few names in my works cited or, literally, and others.

40. "The Pioneer Woman" host Drummond: REE. Sis loves her books & recipes. I have one cookbook.

42. Fragrant compounds: ESTERS. Essential smelly stuff. DW has only one perfume that doesn't send me into a sneezy fit.

43. Small detail?: SPEC. No detail is to small to do a job well. [see: my 19d comment]

45. "Makes sense now": OH I SEE. Aha!

46. Muppet with a puppy named Tango: ELMO. More Muppets!

47. In __: as found: SITU. Latin. In the original place.

48. Course obstacle: TEST.
Army Training, Sir!

51. God, in Hebrew: ADONAI. My limited understanding: Saying YHWH is a sin, so Adonai is used in prayer.

56. "You win this hand": I FOLD. With these cards, I can't win.

57. Luge, e.g.: SLED.

Any Takers?

58. Convened: MET. Once, a Constitutional Congress convened...

59. Puccini's "La __": BOHEME. Puccini's opera. Got an hour? Click for Fernando & Luciano Pavarotti.

60. Fiat: EDICT. Law from a ruler. Usually, half-baked. The emperor has no ATIRE.

62. Uncouple: DETACH. Remove the drive-shaft from the joint and you've finally uncoupled it (and covered in gook).

64. 2002 American League MVP Miguel: TEJADA. Shortstop. Miguel [MLB Stats] was with Oakland when he received the Most Valuable Player. He also played in Houston '08 & '09.

65. Transport to Tel Aviv: EL AL. Standard x-wordese. Hahtoolah, I'm sure, can tell you if they lose your luggage.

68. Abbr. in an email subject line: FWD. "Forward." Like when you accidentally FWD that NSFW joke to your boss.

70. Quite smart: CHIC. Stylish.

71. Big sandwich: HERO. Is a hot-dog a sandwich? I say no and neither are hoagies nor grinders. Discuss.

72. Woes: ILLS.

73. Cars named for Henry Ford's son: EDSELS. It was totaled before it left the lot. History says a flop. Too many hands in the kitchen is the way I read the history of this disaster.

74. "Neon" fish: TETRA.

75. "Cool!": NEAT.

76. Pottery ovens: KILNS. Waseeley can tell you all about 'em.

77. Overact: EMOTE. Throwing this out there: Who's the biggest HAM?

78. Mid-range voice: TENOR. Is it weird of me to say The Great Caruso? [no relation]

No Relation

81. Fertile soil: LOAM.

84. Demolish: GUT. Raze. One GUTs the room before the re-model.

85. Accumulates: AMASSES. Gathers. Keep and take care of what you got and, soon, you've got plenty to share.
Or your SO calls you a hoarder :-) //hey, her car still fits in the garage. So there's that :-)

87. Change direction: REROUTE. GPS does this in heavy traffic.

90. Activity at windmills and pinball machines: TILTING. Think Don Quixote or cue Sir Elton John in The Who's Tommy.


Pinball Wizard

Don Quixote

91. Create out of thin air: CONJURE. Make stuff up. Lying isn't good but fiction can be. //Who wrote these rules?

92. Show up for: GO TO. Showing up is half the job.

94. Destroys, as books: PULPS. I wouldn't say Pulp-Fiction destroyed books :-)

95. Pants measurements: INSEAMS. "Do you dress left or right?" said the seamstress. Wha???

98. One after another: IN TURN. My turn to comment, your turn will come in twelve more fill.

100. See 16-Down: GEARS.

101. Howe'er: ALTHO. Short for "although." Anyone else think there's TOO MUCH slang in the vernacular?

102. "Lux et veritas" language: LATIN. Where's Lemonade when you need him? I mean this is obviously LATIN, but WTH? [I LIU: Light and Truth]

104. "Fat Is a Feminist Issue" writer Orbach: SUSIE. Her WikiP page

106. Sotomayor who said, "You cannot value dreams according to the odds of their coming true": SONIA. A Justice in the minority (in more than one way :-))

107. "Unless there are none": IF ANY. IF ANY one objects to the marriage of these two 18yro kids... Nobody did.

109. Greek matchmaker?: EROS. He hit DW & me with his arrows.

111. Peddle: SELL. Pedal: Bike. Petal: Flower.

112. Número de leches en un postre específico: TRES. Spanish: Number of milks in a specific dessert. Three. We had TRES leches as 60a in Rafeael's 2/11/23 puzzle.

113. Jai __: ALAI.
114. NFL quarterback Derek: CARR. Raider's Quarterback.

115. Port on some TVs: HDMI. High-Definition Multimedia Interface. It carries digital & audio signals from box to the screen/speakers.

The Grid
The Grid

I hope everyone had fun and I didn't go too far off-road with the expo.
Cheers, -T

Feb 18, 2023

Saturday, February 18, 2023, Tom Pepper and C.C. Burnikel

 Themeless Saturday by Tom Pepper and C.C. Burnikel 

Our regular bloggers here know that Tom Pepper was a great source of strength for C.C. during her recent trials. All of us should have such a friend when we really need one. 

This wonderful picture shows constructors Andrea Carla Michaels, Tom Pepper and C.C. with kibitzer (and occasional constructor) Boomer.

Today she and Tom collaborate on this very challenging but doable puzzle. I really had to skate around the grid before the fun long fills revealed themselves. C.C. also told me that Tom is a golfer and got to play St. Andrews two years ago and there are two golfing clues today.

My final fill was at ROM_/ZEND_YA where the "A" was the only letter that made sense. I hope Tom and C.C. have another puzzle soon!


1. Wardrobe of one's dreams?: PAJAMA TOPS - 😀

11. "And then __!": SOME.

15. Honor won seven times by Nikki Giovanni: IMAGE AWARD - American poet, writer, commentator, activist and educator who has won the NACCP IMAGE AWARD seven times

16. Makeshift sled from a cafeteria: TRAY.

17. Information for the record: LINER NOTES - The tipoff was "record" in the clue

18. Competent: ABLE.

19. Radio host Shapiro who sings with Pink Martini: ARI.

20. Org. whose website has a "Travelers' Health" page: CDC Go to their site and fill in any where you are going in the world in the box on the right hand side to get a report.

21. Tarnished: SULLIED.

23. Pique periods: FITS 😀

25. Navigation software once called FreeMap Israel: WAZE - I had no idea but it soon occurred to me that WAZE has been used as fill here.
27. Tweak: ALTER - What we bloggers, well this one anyway, do up to the last minute

28. Full-bodied: STOUT.

30. Flat rates?: RENTS - This flat in London RENTS for 
₤1,600 pcm (per calendar month) which is $1,928/month

32. Before: AGO.

33. Field trip?: ERROR - A 
65. Field worker?: REF would have to spot the ball where this runner was first touched  

35. Org. with conferences: NCAA.

36. Prune: LOP.

37. Cholesterol-rich burger toppers: FRIED EGGS 😧

40. Venue with programmes: BBC - London has flats and the British Broadcast Corporation has programmes 

43. Cuarón Oscar winner about a domestic worker in 1970s Mexico: ROMA.

44. Hoodwinks: SNOWS - SCAMS gave way to SNOW jobs

47. 100%: ALL.

48. Best Driver and Best Jockey, e.g.: ESPYS 2022 ESPY Winners

50. Flounder's best friend, in a Disney film: ARIEL - This cel from the 1989 feature cartoon shows ARIEL, Sebastian and Flounder and sold for $1,100. Ten years later Disney put a lot of animators out of work by using CGI instead of hand-drawn films.
52. Monet's cathedral city: ROUEN - Monet did a series of impressionistic paintings like this one of the cathedral at ROUEN. Here are more.

54. Careful handling: TACT.

56. Danish shoe brand: ECCO - This ECCO MEN'S TRACK 25 MOC GTX SHOE will run you $240
57. Lose it: GO BATTY - Obscure names of obscure people on obscure shows on obscure networks 

59. Homes on the road, briefly: RVS.

61. Fell: HEW - Definitely a step above lopping

62. 25-Across et al.: APPS.

63. "Can you drive me?": I NEED A RIDE.

66. Little more than: MERE - Ralph Kramden, "It's not a lot of money, Alice!"

67. Heart-to-hearts: TETE-A-TETES - TÊTE-A-TÊTES should sometimes be discrete

68. Olympic archer?: EROS.

69. Holds one's ground: STANDS FAST - I can't use Rosa as an example too often!


1. Rice dishes: PILAFS - I thought the answer would be more exotic than this cwd staple

2. "Ya with me?": AM I RITE - The "ya" in the clue hinted at an informal fill

3. Cleaning agent: JANITOR.

4. Datum requested by winery websites: AGE.

5. Defunct Ford div.: MERC - The car racing Greased Lightning in Grease was a black 
1949 MERCury Series 9CM

6. Mug alternative: A AND W - A AND W root beer is way better than Mug Root Beer. Uh, some of those A AND W mugs did not make it back into the store.

7. Garage type: TWO CAR - Every house being built in our neighborhood now has THREE CAR garages

8. __ of This Swirled: Ben & Jerry's flavor with cookie bits: OAT - 😀
9. Charisma: PRESENCE - Ursula  Burns, the CEO of Xerox, has it

10. California sch.: SDSU - South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD would have worked but it's a little further east

11. Buy time: STALL - "Uh, er, yeah, well, ya know..."

12. Revolutionary?: ORBITAL - I had a real V-8 moment when it came to me!

13. One source of toxic behavior: MALE EGO.

14. Systane dose: EYEDROP.

22. One of the oldest types of pasta: LASAGNA LASAGNA is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, type of pasta, dating back to the Ancient Greeks and Romans. The Romans baked this pasta in a dish called ‘lagana’

24. Crowd __: SURF.

26. Emmy-winning star of "Euphoria": ZENDAYA 
ZENDAYA (Maree Stoermer Coleman)

29. Onslaught: TORRENT.

31. Elements added to a photo's metadata: TAGS.

34. Ocho __, Jamaica: RIOS - Even I know Ocho RIOS means eight rivers but I read that there are only four rivers that come to this beautiful city. 

38. Like some hockey goals: EMPTY NET - A team that is trailing may take out its goalie to have six attackers but they risk this happening.

39. Ticked off: SORE - BTW, Patrik Stefan above was SORE because, as you can see, he actually missed the net on this opportunity

40. Darts, e.g.: BAR GAME - I was amazed when I found out that the highest score you can get in a game of Darts is 180 - all three of your darts in the triple 20 ring. Three bulls eyes gets you 150.

41. Goof: BLOOPER.

42. Many a golf instructor: CLUB PRO - Tyler Kingston at my club

45. Kansas setting of "Dennis the Menace": WICHITA  - How Hank Ketcham chose this city

46. Leaves the country, in a way: SECEDES - and so it began

49. Listen to first, say: SCREEN - Caller ID can serve as a SCREEN for incoming phone calls

51. Like a winning golf score: LOWEST - In the 1997 Master's, Tiger was LOWEST by 12 strokes 

53. Lets up: EASES.

55. Jack Pearson or Phil Dunphy: TV DAD - From This Is Us and Modern Family respectively 

58. Small songbirds: TITS - Nope... 

60. Exams no longer considered for admissions decisions at UC: SATS Here you go

64. Itinerary info: ETA.