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Jul 16, 2019

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 Jennifer Lee & Victor Galson

I Feel Good.    Ah, the dreaded Circle puzzle.   The letters in the circles are anagrams of feelings.  Sadly, most of the anagrammed feelings shown today are not pleasant ones.

17-Across. "La La Land" Oscar nominee: RYAN GOSLING.  As in ANGRY.

But how can you be angry with Ryan Gosling?

25-Across. Obsolescent coin-op communication device: PAY PHONE.  As in HAPPY.

47-Across. Secondhand rides: USED CARS.  As in SCARED.

55-Across. Eerie stillness: DEAD SILENCE.  As in SAD.

And the unifier:
34-Across. What a bittersweet moment may evoke ... and a hint to each set of circled letters: MIXED FEELINGS.

The above graphic shows regions of the body whose activation is either increased or decreased when feeling the emotion.  The graphic is from a journal article by Lauri Nummenmaa, and can be found in the January 14, 2014 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  I'd link the article, but the blog isn't cooperating with links and videos today.


1. Singer LuPone: PATTI.  Patti LuPone (née Patti Ann LuPone; b. Apr. 21, 1949) played the role of Eva Perón in the Broadway production of Evita.  She later played the mother on the television drama Life Goes On.

6. Certain Jamaican, religiously: RASTA.

11. Dol. parts: CTS.  100 Cents makes up 1 Dollar.

14. Get-go: ONSET.

15. Predictable: USUAL.

16. Poke bowl fish: AHI.  Poke bowls are becoming very trendy.  Poke (pronounced "po-kay") means "to cut" or "to slice crosswise" in Hawaiian and is a raw sliced fish dish.  I first had poke when visiting in Hawaii and it was delicious.

19. Gym exercise unit: REP.  As in a Repetition.

20. Beat in a hot dog contest: OUT EAT.  The Annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest was held earlier this month ~ on July 4th.  The winner downed 74 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes.  Wouldn't you rather slow down and enjoy your food?

21. Farm yield: CROP.
Crop Circles

22. Singer Styles and illusionist Houdini: HARRYs.  I am not familiar with Harry Styles (b. Feb. 1, 1994).
Harry Styles

Harry Houdini

Harry Houdini (né Erik Weisz; Mar. 24, 1874 ~ Oct. 31, 1926) was a well known illusionist.  I learned recently that he had a younger brother who was also a magician and illusionist.  His brother went by the name Theodore Hardeen (né Ferenc Dezső; Mar. 4, 1876 ~ June 12, 1945).

Harry and Theodore

28. Fateful March day: IDES.  Beware the Ides of March.  Actually, each month has an ides, which is the middle of the month.  March is particularly fateful because it is the traditional date that Julius Caesar was killed.

29. Not timely, as a birthday wish: BELATED.

30. African adventure: SAFARI.

Not to be confused with the Web browser.

33. Jazz great Fitzgerald: ELLA.  Elle Jane Fitzgerald (Apr. 25, 1917 ~ June 15, 1996) and I have become good friends.  This is the third time she has made a guest appearance on a day I prepare the blog commentary.

39. "I don't believe you!": LIAR.  See, even feelings can arise when thinking about a liar.

40. Rudely sarcastic: SNARKY.

42. "Dirty" drink: MARTINI.

46. Two of a kind: PAIR.
49. Bites (on): CHOMPS.

51. Eye covers: LIDS.

52. Dr. Seuss' real last name: GEISEL.  We remember Dr. Seuss (né Theodor Seuss Giesel; Mar. 2, 1904 ~ Sept. 24, 1991), as a children's author.  Before he began writing children's literature, however, his early work was much darker, discriminatory and was often censored.

54. Chocolate dog: LAB.

60. Swelled head: EGO.

61. NOW co-founders: WOMEN.  NOW stands for the National Organization for Women.  It was founded in 1966 by 28 women, including Representative Shirley Chisholm (1924 ~ 2005), Betty Friedan (1921 ~ 2006), and Pauli Murray (1910 ~ 1985).

62. Ski run bump: MOGUL.

63. __ screen: medical test for poisons, etc.: TOX.

64. Nonreactive, as gases: INERT.  The inert gasses are on the far right of the Periodic Table.  They include Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon.

65. Uppity types: SNOBS.  They probably have swelled heads.


1. Spanish "for": POR.  Today's Spanish lesson.

2. "Pick a card, __ card": ANY.

3. Homeland Security screening org.: TSA.  As in the Transportation Security Administration, which is housed in the United States Department of Homeland Security.

4. Jazz ensemble instrument: TENOR SAX.

5. PC troubleshooter: IT GUY.  As in the Information Technology Guy, more commonly known as the Techie.

6. Trick: RUSE.

7. __ on the wrist: A SLAP.

8. Befitting: SUITABLE.

9. Sun-lover's hue: TAN.

10. "Solve for x" subj.: ALG.  As in Algebra.

11. Snack for Bugs: CARROT.

12. Dream partner: THE ONE.  Cute clue.

13. Drank daintily: SIPPED.

18. Tie-breaking NHL periods: OTs.  As in Over Time periods in the National Hockey League.

21. When doubled, a Latin dance: CHA.  The dance is the Cha-Cha.

22. That dude's: HIS.

23. 2018 Best Supporting Actor Oscar nominee Driver: ADAM.  Adam Driver (b. Nov. 19, 1983) received the Best Supporting Oscar for his role in BlacKKKlansman, in which he played a white undercover police officer who infiltrated the Klan on behalf of his black partner.

24. Int.-lowering mortgage deal: RE-FI.  As in ReFinancing the mortgage.

26. Hollers: YELLS.

27. Like the nose on your face?: PLAIN.

31. Ancient artifact: RELIC.  Ancient Relics may appear where you least expect them.

32. Menzel who voices Elsa in "Frozen": IDINA.  Idina Menzel (b. May 30, 1971) had been in many Broadway musicals.

33. Racket end?: EER.  As in Racketeer.

35. Legitimate target: FAIR GAME.
36. Custard-filled pastry: NAPOLEON.  Yummers!

37. Mass unit: GRAM.

38. Uno card: SKIP.  I can't remember the last time I played Uno, so didn't remember this card.

41. Nos. on wine labels: YRS.  As in the Year of the vintage.

42. Short-in-front, long-in-back men's hairstyle: MULLET.  Definitely NOT the Dream Partner.

43. Crumbly Italian cheese: ASIAGO.

44. Netflix competitor: REDBOX.  Redbox began as a DVD rental service found in malls and grocery stores.  They now offer a streaming service.

45. QB stats: TDs.  A football reference to the Quarter Backs and Touch Downs.

48. Ritual Jewish meal: SEDER.  Here is a brief explanation of the items found on the SEDER plate.  There are at least 5 items on the Seder plate: (1) a Shank Bone; (2) an Egg; (3) Bitter Herbs, also known as mayor; (4) vegetable; and (5) Charoset, a sweet mixture generally made of fruits and nuts.  Many seder plates all include an additional bitter herb.

49. Long-running forensic series: CSI.  Stands for Crime Scene Investigation.  I watched the original show for a few years when it first came on in the early 2000s, but lost interest after a few years.  The show ran for 15 years.

50. Command posts: HELMS.  Hi, Spitzboov!

53. Stevie Wonder's "__ She Lovely": ISN'T.  I'l play the clip for you but the I can't get the video portion to play for me today.

55. Sobriety checkpoint initials: DWI.  As in Driving While Intoxicated.

56. Loooong time: EON.

57. Nonprofit aid gp.: NGO.  As in a Non-Governmental Organization.  A brief history of the NGO.

58. Baby bear: CUB.

59. Raised railroads: ELs.

The El in Chicago.
I hope this puzzle left you feeling Happy.  I known I am happy.

And here's the grid:

I'll leave you with a QOD:  Every once in a while, someone will mail me a single popcorn kernel that didn’t pop.  I’ll get out a fresh kernel, tape it to a piece of paper and mail it back to them. ~  Orville Redenbacher (né Orville Clarence Redenbacher; July 16, 1907 ~ Sept. 19, 1995)

Jul 15, 2019

Monday July 15th, 2019 Gary Larson

Theme: COLD FRONT (56A. Harbinger of lower temperatures, and a hint to the answers to starred clues)

16A. *Metaphorical tablet for the overly nervous: CHILL PILL.

37A. *Flattering deception: SNOW JOB.

10D. *2005 Disney figure-skating film: ICE PRINCESS.

 24D. *Stop-action effect: FREEZE FRAME.

Boomer here. 

Yes indeed a chilly theme. Reminds me of about 4 months of Minnesota weather.  We have two seasons in Minnesota - bowling season and golf season. Sometimes they overlap. However I want to send sympathy and good wishes to those in the gulf coast states who once again are ravaged by hurricanes and tropical storms. We may freeze here in the north, and have occasional tornadoes, but we are never ravaged by hurricanes or earthquakes.  Wishing the best to those down south.


1. Chums: PALS.  We have a baseball card shop in Andover MN named Pals.

5. Lacks the ability to: CAN'T. No spot for apostrophe in a crossword grid.

9. Not spicy, as wings: MILD.  The weather we are having up north right now.

13. On the Pacific: ASEA.

14. China's continent: ASIA.

15. Potato-prep kitchen tool: RICER.

18. Ancient Greek theater: ODEON.

19. Sailors' yeses: AYES.  I think you need two of these for one yes.

20. Trinidadian music genre: CALYPSO.

22. Batman's butler: ALFRED.  Played by Michael Gough.  His surname in the Batman shows was Pennyworth.

25. Buyer's opposite: SELLER.  We hear these two terms about now in the Major League baseball season as the trade deadline approaches. Teams at the top become "Buyers" from lower teams with star players who want to "Sell".

26. Fishing boat: DORY.

27. Actress Pinkett Smith: JADA.  I have enjoyed Will Smith movies.  I hope they are doing well.

28. Troubles: AILS.  Buy a boat and SAIL away what AILS you.

31. Trouble: WOE.

32. Sacred: HOLY.  "And the three Men I admire the most, the Father, Son, and HOLY Ghost, - They caught the last train for the coast, the day - the music … died.  (Don McClean, Miss American Pie.)

34. C.S. Lewis' fantasy world: NARNIA. - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Oh my!

36. Mimic: APE.

39. Disney collectible: CEL.  Okay but if it is a phone, don't use it while driving.

40. Do a city planner's job: RE-ZONE.

42. Farm cluckers: HENS.  Reminds me of my great uncle Bill's farm in Siren, Wisconsin.  He had crops but also had a building of hens.  Each one would lay about 20 eggs per month.

43. "Bambi" doe: ENA.  Doe, a deer, a female deer.  (Sound of Music)

44. Biblical garden site: EDEN.  The bible says it was a great place to live, except for that darn apple tree.  Many cities have adopted the name.  We have an Eden Prairie in Minnesota.  A nice place to visit, but we can't afford to live there.

45. Riyadh resident: ARAB.

47. Played for a sap: USED.  Interesting lot at most car dealers.

48. Influential moneybags: FAT CAT.  Most of these rich "Cats" are not really fat.

50. Tousles, as hair: MUSSES.

52. Old-fashioned, close-fitting undergarments: CORSETS.  When my back was under repair, I had to wear a hard plastic one.  Very uncomfortable.

54. Diamond Head's island: OAHU. Gesundheit!  Hawaiian God bless you.

55. Let up: ABATE.

61. Nero or Claudius: ROMAN.  First date rebuke.  No ROMAN hands or Russian fingers.

62. Running shoe brand: AVIA.

63. __ Lackawanna Railway: ERIE.  Silly me.  I thought it was a Great Lake.

64. Look intently (at): PEER.  I always thought Peer Gynt was a third base coach for the Boston Red Sox.  Turns out it was a play.

65. Come dramatically into view: LOOM.  Summer activities.  We would string loops onto a LOOM and make a potholder for Mom.

66. __ between the lines: READ.


1. Lobbying gp.: PAC.

2. Tapped-off cigarette part: ASH. Believe it or not, there was a tobacco store in a mall called "Ashes".  The fellow who owned it was George Ash who also happened to be a little league umpire.

3. Luau garland: LEI.

4. Weekly pay, say: SALARY.  Of course if you're hungry, you may use your SALARY to buy CELERY.

5. Dressed like many a superhero: CAPED.  We heard about the butler, now we see the CAPED Crusader.  Keep your eye open for the Bat phone or that fancy car.

6. Without warranty: AS IS.  See the USED car lot mentioned above.

7. No goals, in soccer: NIL.

8. Sprinkled with baby powder: TALCED.

9. Halfway-through-the-term exam: MIDYEAR. Maybe in high school.  In college we had mid terms about every 4-5 weeks.  Maybe that's why I only lasted a year.

11. Some July babies: LEOS.  Interesting sign of the Zodiac, but also the name of a Lion - (Not Burt Lahr).  Could be a man's name.  In fact I bowled with a great bowler named Leo Mann.  So that would make it a Mann's name also.

12. Bond villain who attended med school: DR NO.  It sounds like you show up for a scheduled surgery and the doctor talks you out of it.

15. Sushi __: ROLL.

17. Corrosive chemical: LYE.

21. Support group for families of drinkers: AL-ANON.  I used to enjoy a cocktail now and then but it never hooked me.  I feel sorry for those fighting this disease.  I was told "NO BOOZE" because it does not agree with the cancer meds.  I donated the full bottles as door prizes to my bowling league and gave the open bottles to friends.

22. Pop-up-producing program: ADWARE.  This pops up everywhere all the time.  Welcome to the 21st century.

23. Like a lasso's business end: LOOPED.

25. "Come again?": SAY WHAT.  I don't know who started this response but I wanted to tar and feather him.

27. Former "Idol" judge, familiarly: J-LO.  The big stars all have abbreviated handles.  If you don't believe me, you can ask Tony O about Puck, and Killer.

29. One with a collateral loan: LIENEE.

30. Caesar and Cobb: SALADS.  Julius and Ty.

32. TV shopper's channel: HSN.  Why watch this if you have

33. Type of short play: ONE-ACT.

35. Tummy muscles: ABS.  We all have them.  Short for abdominal.

38. Ex-Florida governor Bush: JEB.  I heard his Dad and brother did pretty well

41. Astronomical way to wish: ON A STAR.  When you wish on one, it makes no difference who you are.  - Jiminy Cricket.

46. Imp: RASCAL.  Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, etc.  Also known as Our Gang.

47. Loan shark: USURER.  I have lost count of the number of emails I get with an offer to lend money.

49. High-schooler, typically: TEEN.  She was just seventeen, You know what I mean - (I saw her standing there.)

50. Palindromic title: MADAM.  "She took me in a washed away my childhood" - Statler Brothers.

51. Old TV dial letters: UHF.

52. Kvetch like a fish?: CARP.  I guess it means complaining,  But we have many Carp in our 10,000 lakes, and if you catch one you are not allowed to throw it back.

53. Bassoon kin: OBOE.

54. Varied mixture: OLIO.  Food sharing, however people in Wisconsin's dairyland will not share their OLEO

57. Ab __: from the beginning: OVO.

58. Salem is its cap.: ORE.  I have never been to Oregon.  Seems like a nice place to visit.  I am sure they have bowling centers and golf courses.  Rumor has it that it may have D.B. Cooper's body also.

59. Actress Long: NIA.

60. Texas senator Cruz: TED.  A narrow victory over Beto in 2018.
