, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jan 24, 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Agnes Davidson & C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Five-letter Jumble - Use circles if you got 'em.

60A. Lakota chief at Little Bighorn, and what's literally found in this puzzle's circles: CRAZY HORSE

17A. Golf stroke played from sand: BUNKER SHOT

40A. Tire-inflating aid: AIR HOSE

11D. "Wish me luck!": "HERE'S HOPING!"

25D. Historic educational center of Paris' Latin Quarter: THE SORBONNE

Argyle here(in very nice company). The circles span two words and don't (I believe) spell any actual words. And where else can you find an entry like "Neener neener!"?


1. Foot-in-mouth incident: GAFFE

6. Blue ox of folklore: BABE. Worked with Paul Bunyan.

10. Pork or lamb cut: CHOP

14. Indian or Iranian: ASIAN

15. Tag sale condition: [AS IS]

16. Helen of Troy's mother: LEDA. Somebody just had to sneak a Troy reference in.

19. Wrinkle remover: IRON

20. Remarkable times: ERAs

21. Homes of blue-plate specials: DINERS

23. "The Simpsons" creator Groening: MATT

26. Apple mobile platform: iOS

28. __ fit: tantrum: HISSY

29. Readily available: ON HAND

31. Jerry of "Law & Order": ORBACH. It's been thirteen years since he died.

34. Act division: SCENE

35. Irritated incessantly: ATE AT

36. Canadian Thanksgiving mo.: OCT.. CSO, eh.

39. Hesitant sounds: UH's

42. Part of rpm: PER

43. John of England: LOO

44. Softens, with "down": TONES

45. In an unfriendly way: ICILY

47. Bitterness: RANCOR

49. Skippers on ponds: STONES. Year round sport.

50. Torah teacher: RABBI

52. Napoleon or Nero: Abbr.: EMP. (emperor)

54. Rainbow flag letters: LGBT. (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)

55. Digital library contents: E-BOOKS

57. Bone-dry: ARID

59. Hit the runway: LAND

66. Skin breakout: ACNE

67. Poker pot starter: ANTE

68. Longtime NBC newsman Roger: O'NEIL

69. Classic Jaguars: XKEs

70. Recent returnees to Los Angeles: RAMS

71. Oft-poached fruit: PEARS. So many recipes.


1. Chatter away: GAB

2. Sun Devils sch.: ASU

3. First sign of a shark: FIN

4. Faux glow: FAKE TAN. "Lady's eyes go off and on with a finger full of glue
Lips are drawn upon her face in come-to-me tattoo
Creamy suntan color that fades when she bathes" - Greasy Heart by Jefferson Airplane

5. Part of DOE: Abbr.: ENER. (Department of Energy)

6. Low voice: BASSO

7. Blond shade: ASH

8. Short life story?: BIO

9. Abbr. on a cornerstone: ESTD. (Established)

10. Treatment facility: CLINIC

12. Smells: ODORS

13. Cultivated violet: PANSY. Think spring.

18. Roach spray brand: RAID

22. Critic's harsh words: "I HATE IT!"

23. City in northern Iraq: MOSUL

24. Dried chili pepper: ANCHO. When fresh they are referred to as poblanos. Anchos are flat, wrinkled, and heart shaped. The ancho is the sweetest of the dried chiles; and is most commonly used in authentic Mexican cooking and is a staple in red chili and tamales.

27. "Neener neener!": "SO THERE!"

30. Clutter-averse type: NEATNIK

32. Vintage cars named with the initials of their company's founder: REOs

33. Music majors' degs.: BAs. (Bachelor of Arts)

35. River of Florence: ARNO.  Ponte Vecchio.

37. Fanzine figure: CELEB

38. Romantic rendezvous: TRYST

41. Org. with a five-ring logo: IOC. (International Olympic Committee)

46. Brewski: COLD ONE

48. Dwellings: ABODES

49. Agile: SPRY

50. "Just chill!": "RELAX!"

51. Taken __: shocked: ABACK

53. Puzzles with dead-end paths: MAZES

56. Lasting mark: SCAR

58. Chain famous for breakfasts: IHOP

61. Genetic letters: RNA

62. All-hrs. cash source: ATM

63. Belfast-born actor Stephen: REA

64. McCartney's title: SIR

65. Golf Hall of Famer Ernie: ELS
