, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 30, 2021

Monday August 30, 2021 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: PRICE CUTS (51. Markdowns, and what 17-, 23- and 46-Across all exhibit) - PRICE is cut in three different ways.

17. Special access for celebrities: PRIVATE ENTRANCE.

23. Mass communication?: PRAYER SERVICE.

46. Popular Chinese takeout dish: PORK FRIED RICE.

Boomer here. 

I've been messing around with some of my older baseball cards on eBay but maybe I am asking a little too much.  I suppose I might look at a PR ICE CUT.  Interesting, if the offer expires after 7 days, eBay automatically relists it and cuts the price for me.  I don't think grocery stores do this every week.


1. To-do list entry: TASK.  C.C. does not make a list for me.  She just has To ASK.  

5. Largely seasonal Golden Arches sandwich: MCRIB.  Sounds pretty good. I have not been to McDonald's in years. My first job after caddying was working at a McDonald's competitor called Jay's.  Pretty much the same prices except hamburgers were 10 cents on Tuesday.  


10. Mimicked: APED.

14. Not doing much: IDLE.  Our Santa Fe seems to totally stop running while stopped for a red light.  I suppose that saves gas but it seems weird.

15. "The Vampire Diaries" protagonist: ELENA.

16. Sleeveless top, briefly: CAMI.

20. Slender fish: EELS.  Are these really fish ??

21. Boxer Laila: ALI.

22. Garfield's dog frenemy: ODIE.

26. Fire up, as a motor: REV.  I suppose I could do this to keep the Santa Fe running.

27. Thumbs-up vote: YEA.

28. Superman foe Luthor: LEX.  Cadillac Foe LEXus.

31. Fill drink orders: TEND BAR.  For me it was a VO Manhattan on the rocks with cherry juice,  Now it's a Diet Pepsi.

35. Navigational aid letters: GPS

38. Winter glider: SLED.  Those were the days in Minnesota.  Every kid on my block had a SLED.

40. Greet at the door: SEE IN.

41. Well-organized: NEAT.  Still working on the baseball cards.  I have them pretty well organized, but there are always details.

42. Presidential biographer __ Kearns Goodwin: DORIS.

44. Ctrl-__-Del: ALT.  I am not too good at computer keys.

45. Heats, as water for pasta: BOILS.  I am pretty good at boiling Rotini.

49. Praise highly: EXTOL.

50. Freeway vehicles: AUTOS.

55. Modern hotel amenity: WIFI.  I am pretty sure that the Orleans in Las Vegas has this.  I don't know how to use it and I am too old to learn.  Also too busy at the Craps machine.

58. Word from the Yiddish for "expert": MAVEN.

59. Stereotypical techie: NERD.  Booger got his revenge (1984)

63. Fencing sword: EPEE.

64. Like milk on the floor: SPILT.  Don't cry over it.

65. Nabisco cookie: OREO.  I used to like these but diabetes limits me to maybe once a month.

66. "Easy __ it": DOES.

67. Screams: YELLS.  Plenty of that going on at Twins and Vikings games.  It does not do any good though.

68. Negotiator's asset: TACT.  Maybe people should YELL TACTfully. 


1. Helpful hint: TIP.  A little extra for the waitress if you don't mind.

2. Madison Ave. figure: AD REP.

3. More cunning: SLIER.

4. Body armor fiber: KEVLAR.  I never had one of these, thankfully.

5. Got together with: MET.  Years ago the Twins played at Metropolitan Stadium, and of course it was called the MET.  Does Chicago call their ballpark the WRIG ??  This reminds me: Years ago, back when the hair on a ballplayers head all fit under their cap and they shaved every morning, I visited Chicago to attend a baseball card show and was able to find all six of the 1955 Topps double headers to complete my set, I took time out to visit the "WRIG".  I paid about $10.00 to park on someones front lawn and went to the ball game.  All I remember is all of the seats had ABC (Already been chewed) gum on the bottom underneath.  I think they have replaced all the seats but I am not sure if they still sell gum at the concession stand.

6. Easily understood: CLEAR.

7. Film spools: REELS.  Or something to hold your fishing line in the boat.

8. Concave navel: INNIE.

9. Softball club: BAT.  Softball usually allows aluminum BATs, but baseball is always wood.  Louisville Sluggers Ash are the best. 

10. Northeasternmost U.S. national park: ACADIA.

11. Terrified reaction: PANIC.

12. Game show host, e.g.: EMCEE.  I watch the game show channel a lot and I dislike all of the EMCEEs.  They continue to ham it up.

13. Fizzle out: DIE.

18. To date: AS YET.

19. Mars explorer: ROVER.  Red Rover, Red Rover, send Venus right over.

24. Pre-holiday nights: EVES.  Christmas and New Years have EVES.  No sure about any other.

25. "Late Night" actress Amy: RYAN.

28. Hallucinogenic drug: LSD.  (1965)  LBJ took the IRT Crossed the USA, what did he see ?? The youth of America on LSD.

29. Skip the big wedding, maybe: ELOPE.

30. It's a copy and a company: XEROX.  What would an office do without it?

32. At hand: NEAR.

33. Shop with a slicer: DELI.

34. Quick meal: BITE.  I grab a BITE most evenings.  Sleep better.

35. Company with a spokeslizard: GEICO.  One of many Insurance companies that have STUPID Commercials.

36. Goes white from fright: PALES.

37. Ave. crossers: STS.  We live on a ST.

39. Desserts topped with gummy worms: DIRT PIES.  I am sure that I am not allowed to eat a piece of this.

41. "Wrong-o!": NO IT'S NOT.  YES IT IS !!!!

43. Chocolate-and-toffee bar: SKOR.  I can't eat this either.  Crosswords sure have a lot of food.

45. Champagne variety: BRUT.  Also a men's cologne.  I don't use it, too expensive.

47. Weak, as an excuse: FLIMSY.

48. Discourages: DAUNTS.

52. Magician's garb: CAPE.

53. Bad to the bone: EVIL.  As you read this, I am probably bowling. I hope I am not this bad!

54. Solar panel component: CELL.  Many of these near our home.  I believe they are providing electricity to our city hall and family center.

55. Tied the knot: WED.  C.C. and I got married with no strings attached.

56. Debut on the NYSE: IPO.

57. Consultant's payment: FEE.  Golf course and bowling center payment.

60. Named time span: ERA.  I think some Twins pitchers have double digits before the decimal point.

61. Remote button: REC.

62. Speck in a URL: DOT.  Or Department of Transportation.
