, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday March 18, 2019 Kurt Mengel & Jan-Michele Gianette


Mar 18, 2019

Monday March 18, 2019 Kurt Mengel & Jan-Michele Gianette

Theme: Solo Act - The first words are synonyms of "only":
18. Tonto's friend, with "The": LONE RANGER.

23. Early Neil Diamond hit: SOLITARY MAN.

36. Offspring sans siblings: ONLY CHILD.

53. Used car selling point: SINGLE OWNER.

60. Something unlike any other: ONE OF A KIND.

Boomer here.  

I see SINGLE in the puzzle.  Reminds me that the Major League season begins March 28.  Baseball has always been my favorite sport, however I am taken aback by the contract given to Bryce Harper by the Phillies. $330 Million ????  I hope he can do something about his hair.  What bothers me the most is that one of my idols, Harmon Killebrew I believe earned $120,000 after his MVP year in 1969.  

I had a tough week at the VA hospital last week. A couple of treatments to fight cancer.  Very necessary but it knocked me on my butt for a few days. I even had to get a sub for bowling on Thursday.


1. Slick-talking: GLIB.

5. Crime organizations: GANGS.  Not always crime.  Reminds me of the "Gang of 8".  Four GOP and four Dems in the senate who wrote the prelude to border security and economic horizons for the U.S. 

10. On the Atlantic, say: ASEA.  "I joined the Navy to see the world, but what did I see?  I saw the sea."

14. Bow-and-arrow-carrying Hindu god: RAMA.

15. Spry: AGILE.

16. Running shoe brand: NIKE.  One of the PGA Players tournament commentators said Tommy Fleetwood looks like a homeless person who just robbed a Nike store.

17. Smartphone downloads: APPS

20. Copper-and-zinc alloy: BRASS.  Of course this was a group designation for all the officers in the Army.

22. Countries: NATIONS.

26. Fireworks reaction: OOH.  And don't forget AAH.

28. "Honest" prez: ABE.  Of course he presided before our time. But he will always be a benchmark President.

29. Suffix with ranch: ERO.  I had a few friends that drove Ford Rancheros.  It was kind of half sedan, and half pickup truck.  I thought it was a pretty good vehicle, but Ford discontinued it in the late 70s.

30. Work into a frenzy: STIR UP.  I think if you insert another "R", you have that nasty little thing on your cowboy boot to make your horse run faster.

32. Brother of Bobby Kennedy: TED.  Brother of John and Bobby.  Chappaquiddick did him in.

33. Lawman Wyatt: EARP.  Hugh O'Brien played him in adult western of the 60s.

35. Body art, briefly: TATS.  Never liked them.  But I respect others' choice.

40. Sheet music pitch indicator: CLEF.
43. Leaning Tower site: PISA.

44. "Survivor" station: CBS.  It also had the Big 10 (+4) hoops tournament.  Gophers made it to the semis and will get a nod for the NCAA March Madness.  Final Four will wrap up in Minneapolis next month.  I don't expect to see the Gophers there, but give them a couple of circles in your bracket.

47. Gauchos' lariats: REATAS.

50. Chair part: LEG.  Chairs have four, the rest of us have two.  If they don't work well, maybe a little GEL will help.

51. Paintings, etchings, etc.: ART.  Mr. Garfunkel.  I always wondered if that was his real surname.

52. 10-minute NFL periods, if they last that long: OTS.

57. Alike in many respects: SIMILAR.

59. Capital of Yemen: SANAA. Sha NaNaNa, hey ay ay Good bye

63. Repairs with turf, as a lawn: SODS.  Not sure if we still have a lawn.  I have not seen it for months.

64. Cap'n's mate: BOSN.  Could be a shortened "Old Spice" commercial

65. Birds in a gaggle: GEESE.

66. French cruise stops: ILES.

67. "The Simpsons" bus driver: OTTO. I suppose I OTTO watch "The Simpsons"some day so I get these clues.

68. __ Allan Poe: EDGAR.

69. Laundry brand: TIDE.  Tide is a year older than me - born in 1946.  Like me it has taken many baths and it still smells fine.


1. Clutches for: GRABS AT.

2. Carriage passenger's warmer: LAP ROBE.  Just do not feed "Rusty" Beef - a - reeno.

3. Stabbed by Buffy, as a vampire: IMPALED.

4. Voices below tenori: BASSI.  Beyond my expectations.  I only know tenor and bass.

5. Four qts.: GAL.

6. In days of yore: AGO.  A long, long time ago, I can still remember how the music used to make me smile.  Clear Lake Iowa, 1959

7. Fool: NINNY.

8. Eye twinkle: GLEAM.  When P & G made toothpaste, they spelled it wrong.  I don't think it's on the shelves anymore.

9. Sealy competitors: SERTAS.  It seems as though Mattresses last longer than cars.  Amazing how many ads are out there.

10. Year in Tuscany: ANNO.  Latin is a dead language, as dead as dead can be.  First it killed the Romans, and now it's killing me.

11. Lady of Italy: SIGNORA.

12. Barely manages, as a living: EKES OUT.  So if you are barely managing this puzzle, put some clothes on and eke it out.

13. Bubbly prefix: AER.

19. "__ That a Shame": AIN'T. My tears fell like rain.

21. Dutch painter Jan: STEEN.

24. Devastated Asian sea: ARAL.

25. Golfer McIlroy: RORY.  He was all over the TPC Sawgrass Saturday but managed to hang in there.

27. Some laptops: HPS.  I used to sell HPS Lamps - High Pressure Sodium.  The yellowish ones that replaced Mercury and Fluorescent in Street Lighting.

31. "__ be my pleasure": IT'D.

34. Angel dust, for short: PCP.  I cannot spell what the technical name is for this drug, but it can really take you for a loop.  Worse than Zoledronic Acid.

36. Shakespearean "frequently": OFT.

37. Jack and Jill went up one: HILL. Duh.

38. "Understood": I SEE.  I see said the blind man, but he really didn't.

39. Old Nigerian capital: LAGOS.  Was the Nigerian capital made of plastic blocks?  Oops, I am confused with the Legos at Mall of America.

40. __-Magnon: CRO. My gosh - these guys are hundreds of centuries old.  I'll bet not even can find your Cro-Magnon ancestor, but they probably say they can.

41. "Better if we skip this": LET'S NOT. And say we did.

42. Most simple: EASIEST.

44. Tubular ricotta-filled pastry: CANNOLI.  The mob guys always order these on "Law and Order".

45. Covered with crumbs before cooking: BREADED.  I don't know about crumbs, but breaded fish fillets are tasty Friday meals.

46. Street in Berlin: STRASSE.  Also in Hardheim.  I lived at Sieben Eister Sandweg Strasse for a few months.  (They did not have enough room in the barracks.)

48. "Not likely!": AS IF.

49. Stored fodder: SILAGE.  There are silos as farm buildings in Minnesota.  Even with the hemispherical roofs, the snow is causing problems.

54. In one's birthday suit: NAKED.  Eke it out

55. "Norwegian Dances" composer: GRIEG.

56. "__ something I said?": WAS IT.

58. Pre-stereo: MONO.  We have had this before, and I had a MONO record player before and so did many of you.

60. "Name a price--I'm flexible," in ads: OBO.  I hate Best Offers on eBay.

61. Intel-gathering govt. group: NSA.

62. __ Spiegel: German magazine: DER.

Note to TTP and other bowlers on our blog:

The gentleman second from left is a young bowler from Minnesota. Around 8-10 years ago I was in a classic league with Matt McNeil and we both bowled anchor for our respective teams.  One night I swept three games from him with an 814 series. I think it was the only time in the league that anyone took three from Matt.  This week he has qualified second on the PBA tour and the finals will be on FS1 on Thursday at 7:00 PM Central time.  I do not recognize the 4th and 5th qualifier.  Third is Bill O'Neill and whoever survives the stepladder will face the master from Australia, Jason BelMonte. I will be watching.



OwenKL said...

The EARP brothers faced the Clanton GANG.
From all of their guns, the bullets sang.
The tune was arpeggio
Played brio allegro.
Next morning the bells a dirge gravely rang.

His companion was from a First NATIONS band.
When trouble would STIR UP
He'd put boot in stirrup,
And Tonto slipped on moccasins (of NIKE's brand)!

RORY's tongue was as GLIB as his stories were AGILE,
Jumping across facts, climbing theories fragile!
He built each conspiracy
On frail heresy --
The Devil finds work for brains that are idle!

{A-, B+, A-.}

D4E4H said...

Good morning Cornies.

Thank you Kurt Mengel and Jan-Michele Gianettefor this enjoyable Monday CW which I FIR in 28:02 min.

Thank you Boomer for your enjoyavle review.

67 A: I also have never watched the Simpsons.


Jinx in Norfolk said...

FIR, erasing BASSo for BASSI when Neil Diamond re-entered my memory. I liked that song back in my ute.

I think Fleetwood looks like a promo for golf - "Golf is so easy even a caveman can do it."

If someone tried to sell me a car that had a SINGLE OWNER I would discount the price. Sell me a car owned by a boring old married person. However ONE OWNER would be an asset. Oh well, constructor's license.

We are in St. Augustine after an uneventful trip through Howie-In-The-Hills, FL (population 1,248). It is always a nice day when I drive on byways more than Interstates.

Thanks for the mostly-easy Monday puzzle, Jan-Michele and Kurt. Didn't like the S-Hole country capital Natick of LAGO x SANAA, but otherwise it was fun. And thanks to Boomer for the always-fun tour. Sorry your treatments are so difficult, but hope they are effective.

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

The theme must've been really obvious -- d-o managed to get it. Zipped right through this one with nary a snag. I'll take that CSO at 67a. Thanx, Kurt, Jan-Michele, and Boomer. (Sorry to hear about your treatment woes. I had two zoledronic acid infusions, a year apart, but only reacted to the first one.)

HPS: My laptop is an HP -- a really cheap "Stream." During the monthly Windows update I have to connect an external hard-drive. The internal one doesn't have enough free space to complete an update.

ASIF: I've decided to switch my primary physician. I really like the guy I've seen for the past ten years, but he's 50 miles away through Houston traffic. The new one is only 20 miles away through mostly open country. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, the new doctor is Javaria ASIF.

STIR UP: Adding that extra R gives you the thing you stick your foot in...not the horse accelerator.

Spitzboov said...

Good morning everyone.

Thanks Boomer for the fine and chatty intro to start the week off.

Easy today; no problems with the solve. Saw the theme in the background but didn't really focus or dwell on it.
STEEN - I like his paintings; very people oriented.
DER Spiegel - 'The Mirror' in German.
goose GEESE - - German Gans, Gänse; L. German Goos, Göös. When us kids couldn't sit still or became antsy, my mother would describe us as a wöhl Goos (grubbing goose - digging and pecking into something)

Have a great day.

inanehiker said...

Nice speed run to get started on the week! I'm with Boomer and Dave - I have never seen the Simpsons - but between crosswords and Sporcle quizzes I know many of the characters: Apu, Otto, Moe, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, etc....

Thanks Boomer - glad you're feeling stronger!
and Kurt and Jan-Michele!

Hahtoolah said...

Good Morning, Boomer and friends. I found this puzzle to be challenging at first. Neither GLIB nor GANGS came to me at first. LONE RANGER and ONLY CHILD made the theme easy enough to suss out.

Another thing I noticed about this puzzle was all the words containing the letter "G".

Funny comment about the SINGLE OWNER, Jinx. When I was working, I averaged less than 10 miles a day, as it was less than 5 miles round trip to and from my office. When my husband and I went anywhere, we generally took his car, not mine. Thus, even though I was essentially the Single owner, I never put much milage on my car.

Wishing you all the best, Boomer.

QOD: Each day, we wake slightly altered, and the person we were yesterday is dead. ~ John Updike (Mar. 18, 1932 ~ Jan. 27, 2009)

John E said...

I don't appreciate your Trumpian reference about an "s-hole country." Humans live there.

Yellowrocks said...

Easy Monday fare. The I in tenori called for in I in bassi, but I had basso and was looking for solo something. Wagging the R in Rory suggested solitary and bassi. TA DA.
DO, hand up for spur vs stirrup.
OBO was ESP, but now I remember Or Best Offer. It reminds me of a silent auction for charity. "During a silent auction, bids are written on a sheet of paper that is commonly placed before or next to the item." You can keep returning to bid higher if someone outbids you. "At the predetermined end of the auction, the highest listed bidder wins the item." If no one wants the item as badly as you do, you can get it for a song.
David is coming to connect my new printer today. A week without a printer has been inconvenient, especially for a square dancing club president. Also we will go to the bank and add David's name to the signatures for my safety deposit box.
DO, I am surprised that in the Houston area you need to go to a doctor 20 miles away. All mine are closer than 10 miles.
I am learning the Simpson's characters through crosswords. My minimal interest holds me back.
As a teacher it was necessary to create interest in order for the material to "stick" in the students' minds.
John E, likewise. That grates.

Oas said...

Good morning all
Quick and steady FIR Monday
Thanks Kurt and Jan and Boomer for your offerings
Also enjoyed OwenKl
Only slow down in the puzzle was I started Riata in place of REATA.
Gauchos made me think of Argentina or Brazil
Spanish or Portugues?
8:10 get some more sleep and get up on the othere side of the bed.

Ahh Springtime!!

AMag said...

Tuscany, cannoli, and signoras --- what could be better?

"Solitary Man" is my favorite Diamond song.

CanadianEh! said...

Marvelous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Kurt and Jan-Michele, and Boomer (hope you are feeling better soon after a tough week!).

This CW filled quickly with just a few inkblots, and I saw the SINGLE theme.
Basso changed to BASSI; Riatas changed to the other spelling, REATAS.
I filled in Let It Go for 41D and smiled thinking of Frozen and recent Elsa discussion, but it was LET'S NOT.
Perps helped with the correct spelling for GRIEG.

Jinx- This Canadian will call you (and Oas) out on that comment. I agree with JohnE@8:10 and YR. "Humans live there", and although their countries may not be what we in Canada or USA might consider desirable, those countries are their homelands; disparaging adjectives demean both the country and the people, and are not acceptable here IMO. Language is powerful!

Wishing you all a good day.

Jerome said...

I'm with you, John E

desper-otto said...

YR, we're only "loosely" in the Houston area up here in the sticks. Our little town has a grand total of four retail enterprises: a Dollar Tree, two women who cut hair by appointment only, a dog groomer, and a gelato shop near the park that's open summer only. There are plenty doctors 15 miles away in Kingwood, but I chose one who's a member of the same primary group as my former doctor. They'll be able to access all of my records on their portal. They're affiliated with a major hospital nextdoor to their practice.

John E. Plus 1.

Husker Gary said...

-The 5 themers today describe how many feel today in our flooded island town.
-Our small town airport had scores of cars yesterday as people were flown in and out between here and Omaha/Lincoln
-MLB has changed from when owners put all the money in their pockets
-For some TATS for are permanent acknowledgements of temporal events
-Mahomes of the KC Chiefs didn’t even get a chance in OT in the 2019 AFC championship
-I did GLOM ON before I made a GRAB AT.
-My DW wife’s twin Joyce had a rescue cat she named NINNY. The cat was horrible to everyone but Joyce
-One must wonder at what demons drive people to PCP and Meth
-CANNOLI scene in Godfather after a hit
-Distressed corn in a drought is often cut for SILAGE to feed livestock

CrossEyedDave said...

Back home, but spent most of yest- on a plane...
Delayed two hours due to congestion,
(someone should really do something about the health of our air transit system...)

It did help in completing the Super Long Sunday Puzzle however.

The good news?
Daughter #2 did our Sunday food shopping,
started the Corned Beef, bought some awesome Irish Soda Bread,
and DW only had to boil the Potatoes & saute the mushrooms and Dinner was ready!
(Hey, this is a first!)

Also had a Crossword fan in the middle seat between DW & myself,
Unfortunately She was a Rex Reed reader, and not a CC reader,
but we did exchange some tough Clue/Answers...

Upon landing, cross wind/short runway, had to wait another
15 minutes for a gate to open up. Which gave me plenty of time
to espy a loose screw/washer combo on the #1 engine cover.
(Hey, this thing was rattling/ready to fall off!@)

Anywho, the Pilot wished us Goodbye getting off,
& I could not help but advise him of the loose screw on his plane,
(Meanwhile DW was sure I was the other loose screw on this plane...)

But, FLN,in trying to catch up, must post some Impish links
for Irish Miss:


#2, Why I think Vegetarians are inhumane...

& #3, I know its been done, but ya gotta post this...

TTP said...

Good morning. Thank you Kurt Mengel, Jan-Michele Gianette and Boomer. Fun puzzle and write up.

Nice easy puzzle to start the week. I needed it after a restless night. Was still pretty tired before the coffee kicked in, and had to read the clue "Tubular ricotta-filled pastry" three times before I read pastry rather than pasta.

Boomer, unfortunately I will not be able to watch the PBA World Championship this Thursday night as I will be bowling at that time. Otherwise I would tune it in. I hope Matt McNiel wins so you will have the privilege of saying that you once bested the PBA World Champion, 3-0.

I've had high 700 series numbers, but never broke 800. Last Thursday we took 5 of 7 points against the team that has the two highest average bowlers in the league. One shot 257, 267, 231 for a 755 but fortunately for us, the other had an off night and rolled a 584. I couldn't get going in the first two games, but finished with a 234 and a 601 series.

I knew you were thinking of spur rather than stirrup. But the stirrups can make a horse go faster. At the risk of repeating myself, the only time I ever rode a horse was when I was about 12, and my dad got my older sister a horse. We were all excited. After my sister had ridden awhile, it was my turn.

At first Blister didn't want to move, but with my dad's little slap on her butt she started off. My feet soon came out of the stirrups and started hitting her in the haunches. So she ran faster. I was bouncing pretty good, and had to grab the saddle horn to hold on, losing the reins. After running through the church yard and across the parsonage, she ran down Main Street and only stopped when she got to the overpass that crossed the interstate.

I walked her the full mile back home. My sister was mad at me. I never rode again.

Time to get moving. See all y'all later n'at !

Acesaroundagain said...

Hey Boomer, I know you weren't feeling well if you missed bowling. Glad you're doing better. Its hard to imagine that Belmo bowls 56 games on different patterns and manages to lead the best bowlers in the world by over 300 pins. And he does it regularly. The guy is just flat good.

Dog's best friend said...


Has your neighbors dog welcomed you home yet? What a great feeling, eh? Dogs have a way of making one feel special with their unbridled enthusiasm. One day you may even trade in that cat for a dog. Lol. But of course you will not be able to leave it behind and you'll find a way to take it with you down to the beach!

Misty said...

Nice Monday puzzle, many thanks, Kurt and Jan-Michelle. I sailed down the top and then hit a bit of trouble in the southeast corner, where a Nigerian capital crossed a Yemen capital. Like Oas I too had RIATA before the LET'S cleared that up. Nice to see EDGAR Allen Poe, which helped with the SILAGE. Can't remember if I've ever seen the German STRASSE in a puzzle before. So, lots of interesting things, all around.

Always love your Monday write-up, Boomer, and so sorry to hear about the tough week. But thanks for letting us know--we care about you and support you so much.

Have a good week coming up, everybody.

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

This was a typical Monday speed run but I needed perps for Steen and Rama. W/os were Basso/Bassi and Riatas/Reatas. Hand up for never having watched "The Simpsoms" but, like others, I've become familiar with the character's names, especially our resident Otto, aka DO.

Thanks, Kurt and Jan-Michele, for a "singular sensation " and thanks, Boomer, for the usual chuckle-laden review. Sorry you had such a difficult week and hope you're back on the lanes soon. Good luck to Matt McNeil on Thursday.

HG, some of this morning's TV flood coverage was from Fremont. Stay safe and I hope the worst is over for the hardest hit areas.


Ferm, sending positive and encouraging thoughts your way.

Last night's St. Paddy's Day celebration was fun and festive and boasted at least 50 Shades of Green! ☘☘☘

Have a great day.

PK said...

Hi Y'all! Great puzzle! Prayers for your health, Boomer, you still score big with us!

Gary, saw on the news that planes were landing in Fremont as one of the only ways in and out, wondering how you were.

SINGLE OWNER: my car that I bought in Oct. 2016 now has 589 miles on it. It is on the battery charger at present.

Tinbeni said...

Boomer: Nice write-up & photo.

Kurt & Jan-Michele: Thank you for a FUN Monday puzzle. I enjoyed the theme.

Husker Gary: Your "Home-Town" was on the Weather Channel ... Hope you "Dry-Out" soon.


Lucina said...

Easy and amusing Monday; thank you Kurt Mengel and Jan-Michele Glianette!

Yea! I, too, got the theme.

Like others I've learned the Simpsons characters from CWds but not the Indian gods! Those have to wait for perps but it wasn't a long wait.

I have to say, Jinx, I was a bit shocked when I read your post.

Boomer, I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time but my hope and prayer is that all that will soon improve and you'll get some relief. I'm glad your sense of humor is intact. Thank you for the sparkling review.

Husker Gary said...

-Thanks for all your concern. As I have mentioned we are north of the railroad tracks and are perfectly safe.
-If you look at this map, and find the railroad tracks near the bottom, everything south of them is under water (which is receding). You can also see the Platte turns south and away from us here in extreme eastern Fremont.
-Our biggest issues are empty grocery shelves but convoys of trucks are getting here this morning as the river recedes.
-Wonderful pilots are shuttling people in and out as well and my friend’s daughter just got home from spring break at UNL via an airplane.
-The only heartening news is that the public response to help has been overwhelming and effective
-BTW, it’s never good news when your town is on The Weather Channel

Spitzboov said...

HG - The discharge from Gavin's Point dam thru yesterday was 53000cfs which is greater than the flow over Niagara Falls in non-tourist season. Could not more flow have been stored in Lewis and Clark Reservoir or doesn't their Rule Curve allow it? There's usually some latitude on rule curves to accommodate competing riparian interests. Just wondering what the local buzz is.

AnonymousPVX said...

Well, right off, rather shocked at the “s-hole” comment....Out of nowhere, really...why?

More amused at the “haircut” comments, brought me back to 1970 or so....thought we were past that. You channeling my late Dad from when I was 16?.... He got over silly haircut stuff.....

Otherwise, a perfectly fine Monday puzzle. No issues at all, although I do agree with the Natick Lagos/Sana’a.

No markovers either.

Have a great day, or at least a better one.

Jayce said...

Nifty puzzle; I enjoyed it.

Husker Gary said...

Musings 3
-Our last big flood here was in 2011 and people were outraged then that Gavin’s Point did not anticipate the obvious looming disaster and Omaha suffered tremendous damage along the Missouri just when they had moved the College World Series downtown near the river. The same feelings exist here now. The mills of bureaucracy grind slowly.
-Heroic efforts saved the Series but it was nip and tuck!

Spitzboov said...

This puzzle reminds me of the music piece "Dueling Banjos". I'm guessing Ms. Gianette offered several Italian entries, and were then countered by several German offerings by Mr. Mengel. ICBW but that's my theory.

Forgot to comment on
street - German STRASSE, L. German Straat, Dutch straat. BTW, Kurt's spelling would be used by the Swiss. I believe the German convention is Straße utilizing the Eszett grapheme. (This is not a nit.)

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this will get posted. Ol' Man Keith here, OMK, using my laptop while my desktop (containing my passwords) is down.

I'll just submit this. If it works, I'll write some more.

Anonymous said...

OK. Ol' Man Keith is back.
Today's puzz was a bit tricky for Monday. I don't mean hard, just tricky--in that the cluing often didn't narrow the possible fills. This caused more write-overs than usual, as from ISN'T to AIN'T, AAH to OOH, &c.

But all in all this was diverting enough to bring a modicum of joy w/o Angst. And that's what we're here for. Right?
A 3-way on the near side.
This brings today's anagram, a reference to the pzl's theme--in that it touches on the anger often experienced by those persons singled out to pay the price for the shame or guilt of their group, tribe, or nation. I refer, of course, to their...

Lucina said...

Interesting origination of GEESE in German that sounds akin to Spanish "ganso".

The gauchos dwell in Argentina and REATA is Spanish.

Avg Joe said...

Spitz there's a lot more in play here than the Missouri. First, there was an enormous snow pack in NE Nebraska, and on Wednesday, the temps rose well above freezing and there was 1 1/2" of rain upstream on the Niobrara in Holt Co (and westward). That caused the only dam on the Niobrara, near Spencer, to completely wash out. That event sent an 11' wall of water downstream to the village of Niobrara, at the confluence with the Missouri. Ponca Creek, another tributary, was also flooded. This caused almost all of the problems in Knox Co, my boyhood home. The Corp shut down Ft Randall (next upstream) entirely to accommodate the surge, but with a Gavin's Point discharge of 19,000 cfs it was quickly overtopping the gates. So they stepped up discharge (incrementally) to 100,000 cfs to relieve that issue. After a couple of days, they scaled it back and it's now at 43,000 cfs, the last I heard. The same snowpack and rapid warmup affected several other watersheds. The Blue, the Elkhorn, the Loup and the Platte, primarily. High flows in the Missouri are only a minor contributor to the flooding upstream in more central parts of the state. The Blue watershed is largely separate of the others. Gary is near the Platte, which is downstream from confluence with the Loup near Columbus (also badly flooded). The Elkhorn confluence with the Platte is west of Omaha, well downstream from Fremont, and that's flooding west Omaha. The ultimate confluence of the Platte with the Missouri is at Plattsmouth, which is ~30 miles south of Omaha, which is causing the flooding in extreme SE Nebraska and neighboring Iowa. This melting snow and rain event involved roughly the eastern half of Nebraska and any issues on the Missouri were largely precipitated by the collapse of the Spencer Dam before it domino'd downstream.

Spitzboov said...

Avj Joe - Thanks for filling in a few 'holes' in my understanding of the E. Neb. drainage. Guess I was wondering what Nebraska's input to the Missouri River Mainstem Reservoir System Water Control Manual
Gavins Point Dam – Lewis and Clark Lake
has been since the 6 large dams in the system are upstream of your state.

CrossEyedDave said...

HG, Don't watch! (you have probably seen enough...)
But for Non Huskers, Gavins Point Dam on this Friday, 3/15/19 was nowhere near The Release of 2011...

Dogs best friend @ 11:18,
Mondays are my day off, as one of their 3 sons is home.
& my poor back could use the rest as this Husky could pull
a sled alone from Nome and back...
I have noticed that once we get down to a daily routine, I am
greeted by a low growling Halloooo...
But if I have been away for a while, she gets so excited
that she starts "zooming," or running from one end of the
house to the other.

I have yet to see this though...

Equal time video...

One thing tho, she is a runner. once off the lease, she is gone...
Maybe because I am not the owner, or that she has had several owners,
but this Dog has no interest in being in one place.

Another thing tho...
I think she has trained me,
Because our daily excursions (each one is different)
involve her sitting shotgun in my Minivan with the window open.
(She is harnessed.)
Crazy thing is that she gets all excited if I go down
a different road than usual. Jack Kerouac reincarnated...

Anywho, getting overlong...

and got to get back to reality...

So, just a little trivia...

before my Swan Song...

Ol' Man Keith said...

Ahhh, here I am under my own name.
My wife Janice fixed my desktop problem. The glitch was with my mouse. The desktop (iMac) claimed it wasn't getting a signal. I made sure the mouse was well charged and rebooted countless times--to no avail. Janice took over my chair, and within ten minutes solved the problem. Somehow.
I have no idea what she did. There was a time when I was the computer genius, but now I must defer--willingly!--to my younger spouse.
She has the magic touch.

Avg Joe said...

Spitz, it can't be much. The vast majority would be from the Niobrara above Gavins Point. There are other streams of course, but they're mostly pretty small. Ponca and Bazille for example. Below Gavins Point is another matter. With tributaries, the Platte probably drains more than 60-65% of the state, and even the southern tier that ends up in the Blue or the Republican eventually ends up in the Missouri by the time it reaches St Joe.

CrossEyedDave said...

P.S. -

If you are lonely,
I wouldn't normally recommend an Accordion...
(if you have a full band, you are not lonely...)

This actually happened to me,
his name was Rocky the Robin...

Irish Miss said...

CED, welcome back, your daily dose of humor was missed. 🐱 🐶 🐈 🐩

PK said...

Spitz & Avg Joe: Very interesting. As a water activist 20 yrs ago, I was remembering KS suing NEB for not releasing enough water in the Republican & Blue Rivers for KS use in irrigation, etc.. Today I bet they hope Neb doesn't release all they could.

Spitzboov said...

Avg Joe - By input I meant the concerns and points of view of a downstream riparian. Sorry I wasn't more clear.

Avg Joe said...

Ah! Sorry for that misunderstanding. From what I've seen (mostly on FB), there's been little negative pushback. Sure, there's those that bitch about everything, but nearly all the feedback I've seen recognizes that this is a shitstorm that has little or nothing to do with the Corp. it's still a dynamic situation, but it's improving in most areas.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention other issues in the state. The western half of the state got 12-18" of snow during this event, and that's been causing untold grief, especially with cattle ranchers during calving season. It's by no means over, but it's getting better.

SwampCat said...

Am I just hopelessly naive? I've read all your comments about Jinx's comment and that wasn't my take on it at all.

The two fills in question are not easy. Yes, we've had both before but not an east fill. Several of you mentioned it was a natick. And that's all I read into Jinx's comment.

For me, Perps filled in ...ANAA and LAGO.... The natick was that hole where they perps available. I WAGed an S and got the TaDA . Does that make it an S-hole??

Oh I admit maybe he meant it to be offensive. Surely not the first offensive comment here. I just read it differently. Just a different point of view.

F. Puzzle, great write up. Owen you just keep on getting better and better.

SwampCat said...

That was supposed to be FUN puzzle ......cheese.....

OAS said...

Lucina @2:48
Thanks for your comment . I had connected gaucho to the Argentina Steppes in my mind .One dictionary has the English and Spanish and Portuguese spelling the same way with another showing the REATA for Spanish. I only LIU after reading your reply.

Canadian Eh

Thanks for caring. My mistake, but please allow me to explain. My response t0 @ 8:10 was not in reference to the preceding comment which I had not taken the time read. I went back over Boomer's review and thought @8:00 was reading more into " sha na na na ay ay ay goodbye" than was there. I don't recall seeing other posts from John E ,though he might be well known to other cornerites. I did not know him and likely, wrongly, interpreted his comment as a sly way to get the political ball rolling. I say political because his point could easily have been made without political reference. I've seen a school teacher called down and embarrassed by unkind cutting remarks at a public meeting by a school trustee. To keep embarrassing the teacher, the trustee , a pillar of the community offered apologies that were designed to keep embarrassing the teacher . I reference this unfortunate experience because I saw a parallel to this in the comment @8:10.
It was only after reading your post and again Lucina's that I looked for and found what this was really about. I agree with your statement "disparaging adjectives demean both country and the people". John E's use of a disparaging and politically inciteful adjective to describe the referenced adjective should not be getting a free ride here IMO.

Anonymous T said...

Hi All!

Thanks Kurt & Jan-Michele for a slightly-crunchy Monday. It took me until 10a b/f I entered first-ink and was no longer ASEA.

Thanks Boomer for another Trademark Monday Expo. Sorry to hear about the trying week.

WO: PCb first.
ESPs: SANAA (two A's made me doubt I recalled STRASSE right), RAMA

{A, B, B+}

Welcome home CED!

OMK Your DR made me think of the John Oliver interview w/ Lewinski last night; she's got a sense of humor about everything now.

God Speed HG & Ave Joe. Thanks for the reports.

Dinner time. Cheers, -T

John E said...

I apologize for possibly misinterpreting Jinx's comment. A reflex reaction when I hear "s-hole country." I certainly should not have used our president's name in the post. I have appreciated the non-polical nature of the blog. It's a nice respite from the news of the day.

Lemonade714 said...


Arthur Ira Garfunkel (born November 5, 1941) is an American singer, poet, math teacher, and actor who never changed his name.

Ted Kennedy let drink ruin his life; Chappaquiddick was just the product. Chappaquiddick was a nickname of mine in high school. My late brother Barry became good friends with TED who visited often. His capacity for alcohol was mind-boggling, without it ever seeming to effect his speech of motion. I guess he was afraid to ever get dtunk again. Another friend, was LANCE ALWORTH as they shared interest in the mini-storage business. He said when he was retiring, he was broke, never having made more than$46,000.00 per year in San Diego and the two years of six-figure slaries in Dallas alng with Super Bowl money were not enough to live off of. Lance was always complaining because he was asked about the exploits of receiver LANCE RENTZEL who played the same position for the Cowboys, but that is another story.

Wilbur Charles said...

FLN: Baader-Meinhof  was also a leftist German group that Len Deighton referenced in his Sampson stories.
I liked Sunday's Xword. I finished it early this morning.

Then I had a few minutes for breakfast and knocked off a typical Monday Xword with some interesting clues. The S in LAGOS shouldn't have been that hard.

And ... Since today was DW Betsy's birthday I was tied up keeping her happy.

As I reported six months ago, the name ABE Lincoln is not revered in Tampa eg the old Confederacy.


CanadianEh! said...

The wonderful thing about this Corner is that we can share with each other; if we are offended, we can state it and talk it out. Other Cornerites may have seen it a different way and they can enlighten us. We apologize and continue to talk to each other, accepting our differences.

Anonymous said...


Whaaaat? Have YOU been channeling your inner Ted? Or are on new meds?

That was a very interesting post. Thank you for that.

Anonymous T said...

WC - Extend my belated HBD wishes to Betsy. You're a good man Charlie Brown. Cheers, -T

Lucina said...

Thank you for taking the time to explain. Yet, you must know that the term "s-hole countries" will be forever associated with our current leader's similar remarks. It's a crude and cruel way to refer to an entire continent and he seemed to have no compunction about it. We all would have understood you had you said Natick.