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Nov 22, 2022

Tuesday November 22, 2022 Susy Christiansen and Doug Peterson

 Hello Cornerites!

sumdaze here, substitute blogging a second week for our Tuesday star, Hahtoolah.

Today's theme is        Some Assembly Required.

Susy Christiansen and Doug Peterson put together today's puzzle. The connection between the 4 themers is difficult to discern until we see the reveal so let's begin there:

66. Across.  Essentials, or what the first words of the answers to the starred clues are: NUTS AND BOLTS. the basic, practical details

Basically, the first 2 themers give us types of NUTS and the last 2 give us types of BOLTS.



This might be one of those situations where seeing the completed grid up front is helpful.

And now for the 4 themers:

18. Across *  Gift basket retailer known for cheese and smoked sausage: HICKORY FARMS.

Hickory Farms

Hickory Nuts

27. Across *  Oktoberfest venues: BEER GARDENS. "A beer garden (German:  Biergarten) is an outdoor area in which beer and food are served, typically at shared tables shaded by trees. They originated in Bavaria, of which Munich is the capital city, in the 19th century, and remain common in Southern Germany. They are usually attached to a brewery, beer hall, pub, or restaurant" (Wiki)

Beer Nuts

(Note #1:  I like that the constructors chose to not go with another member of the nut family for the 2nd themer. Beer nuts are actually peanuts that have been boiled in water with sugar then salted. 4.5 star recipe)

42. Across *  Robin Williams drama set at a prep school: DEAD POETS SOCIETY.

Dead Poets Society (1989) movie trailer

dead bolt

54. Across *  Classic Ford model: THUNDERBIRD

(Note#2: a small NIT here in that Ford spells "Thunderbird" as one word so "thunder" is technically not the first word of the answer to this starred clue.)

Suzanne Somers drove a 1956 T-Bird in American Graffiti (1973),
directed and co-written by George Lucas.

THUNDERBOLT (noun):  a flash of lightning with a simultaneous crash of thunder.

I got a bit in the weeds on the difference between a lightning bolt and a thunder bolt.

Let's see if we can assemble the rest of the grid:

1. Oktoberfest mugs: STEINS. used at 27A

7. Possessed: OWNED.  not the creepy, demon kind of "possessed"

12. Battleship letters: USSUnited States Ship  The "Mighty Mo" was the last American battleship ever built. 

15. Sit-up kin: CRUNCH.  sit-ups vs. crunches

16. Letter-shaped violin opening: F-HOLE.  a bit of F-HOLE history

17. "Picked" complaint: NIT.  See Note #2 (above)

20. __-la-la: TRA.  a phrase of merriment; said when doing something and trying to make yourself seem innocent; used when there is nothing to say

21. Director Brooks: MEL.  Multi-talented Mel is also an actor, voice actor, comedian, writer, and producer.

22. Soccer family rides: SUVS.  Sport Utility VehicleS

23. More frigid: ICIER.

25. Lyrical: ODIC.  I am not loving this one. It gets my Giant Leap Award.

Giant Leap Award


31. "What's up, __?": DOC.
voiced by Mel Blanc -- not 21A Mel Brooks

33. Unlike Bond's martini: STIRRED.
This happens to me all the time.

34. Wunderkind: PHENOM.  
a person who is outstandingly talented or admired, especially an up-and-comer.

37. Highchair fashion: BIB.

38. Seehorn of "Better Call Saul": RHEA.

2 rheas and a Rhea

46. Actress Hathaway: ANNE. Here is her Oscar-winning performance in Les Miserables (2012).

47. Texter's caveat: IMO.  IMOpinion.  for days when you are not feeling Humble

48. Edit: REVISE.

49. Xylophone kin: MARIMBA.

53. Went first: LED.  as in, "We led the way."

58. Window ledge: SILL.

61. Low voice: BASSO.

62. Hammer target: NAIL.
I wonder if he has any nuts & bolts???

64. Campground chain HQ'd in Billings, MT: KOA.  founded in 1962; more than 500 locations

65. Natural resource: ORE.

71. Broadcaster with regular pledge drives: NPR.
Donate and you might get a tote bag!

72. Deep-seated: INNER.

73. Military gesture: SALUTE.

74. Shaved head?: ESS.  as in the letter "S". "Head" can mean "the front of" as in "head of the class". So the "front of" the word "shaved" is the letter "S".
I filled this with perps then it took me a long time to make sense of it.
S'pose super savvy solvers suspected sneakiness so successfully sussed something sooner!

75. Skewered appetizer served with peanut sauce: SATAY.
Delicious street food in Thailand!

76. Seismic event: TREMOR.  (Hi Jace!)

1. Hard-to-like person: SCHMO. Our Ch. Moe is very likable!
schmo  /SHmō/
  1. a stupid person.
  2. a hypothetical ordinary man.
  3. nounJoe Schmoplural nounJoe Schmoesplural nounJoe Schmos

2. Did one's best: TRIED. and true

3. Type of geometry: EUCLIDEAN.  Hands down, best fill of the day! If you wrote proofs involving lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, etc. in high school, then you did Euclidean Geometry. It is beautiful stuff!

4. Ballpoint pen filler: INK.

5. GIs with chevrons: NCOS.  Non-Commissioned OfficerS

6. Landscaping bush: SHRUB.

7. Compensate for: OFFSET. as in "the gains offset the losses"

8. "Huh ... ?": WHAtttt???? My runner-up for the Giant Leap Award (see 25A).

9. Fin. neighbor: NOR.  FINland is abbreviated, so is NORway.

10. Stately tree: ELM.

11. Long for: DESIRE.

12. Disentangle: UNTIE.  (Hi Jinx!)

13. Warning signal: SIREN.  Did you know that before fire trucks had sirens, Dalmatian dogs  ran alongside the horses to clear the way so the wagon could get to the fire quickly?
Nowadays they mostly just drive the truck.

14. Plays the lead: STARS.

19. First name in fashion: YVES. Saint Laurent

24. Outmoded data readers on PCs: CD DRIVES.

26. Denounces: CONDEMNS.  Haters gonna hate.

28. Corduroy ridges: RIBS.

29. Pinot __: white wine grape: GRIS.  aka Pinot Grigio. This wine pairs better with fish than with your Thanksgiving turkey. Serve ice cold.

30. Ann __, Michigan: ARBOR.

32. Arresting figure?: COP.  Fun wordplay! You have the right to remain silent....

34. Couple's indiscretion, for short: PDA.  Public Display of Affection

35. Female lobster: HEN.  some lobster info. I wish I could unread

36. Rippled pattern: MOIRE.
Kinda groovy!

39. Judge on "America's Got Talent": HEIDI KLUM.  It is interesting that Heidi Klum's symmetrical partner in this grid is EUCLIDIAN.

40. Sci-fi aviators: ETS.  ExtraTerrestrialS

41. Nautical "yes": AYE.
43. Mideast leader: EMIR.

44. "Lara Croft: __ Raider": TOMB.
It is important to dress appropriately when raiding tombs.

45. Animation collectible: CEL.  "Cel" is short for "celluoid", the transparent sheet on which the characters where once hand-drawn. In 1990, Disney switched to computer animation.  prices of desirable cels

50. Aphrodite's love: ADONIS. the god of beauty & attraction

51. Consisting of two parts: BINARY.

52. Galway Bay island group: ARAN.

54. Steakhouse order: T-BONE.

55. Pluckable instruments: HARPS.

56. Computer operators: USERS.

57. Quaint "performed": DIDST.  (archaic) a form of the past tense of "do"

59. State drawing: LOTTO.  Haha! I see what they did there. Not an artistic "drawing".

60. __ pointer: LASER.

63. Letter-shaped brace: L-BAR.
Nuts & Bolts not included

67. Spanish "a": UNA.

68. Blasting material: TNT.  TriNitroToluene

Wile E. Coyote and The Roadrunner in TNT Trouble

69. Aquaman's realm: SEA.
Jason Momoa in Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom (2023)

70. Fútbol fan's cry: OLE.

That's all for today. I look forward to reading your thoughts.

P.S.  Just a reminder... here is Hahtoolah’s note from 11/8/22:

If you are reading this on Tuesday, I will likely be on the crossword puzzle's favorite airline heading towards Tel Aviv.  Part business, part fun.  Unlike the song, however, I do know when I will be back.  See you at the end of the month.  You will be in capable hands during my absence.

Notes from C.C.:

 1) Thanks for subbing for the past two Tuesdays, sumdaze!

2) Hahtoolah is now safely back home. She sent me these two pictures with captions:


 Here I am outside the Agam Museum in Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel.

The Path to Peace is a mosaic creation designed by Israeli artist Tsameret Zamir, on the border wall dividing Israel and Gaza.  Visitors to the area are invited to add their own mosaics.

Nov 21, 2022

Monday November 21, 2022 Dan Caprera

Theme: C O L D SPELL (60. Stretch of chilly weather, and what the first words of the answers to the starred clues amount to, phonetically?)

17. *Song sung by sailors: SEA SHANTY.

25. *"Huzzah!": OH HAPPY DAY.

36. *Yosemite monolith in the 2018 documentary "Free Solo": EL CAPITAN.

50. *Actress who played Elliott's mom in "E.T.": DEE WALLACE.

Boomer here again. 

After the Vikings stole the game in Buffalo, they returned to Minnesota and were greeted with twelve seven straight days of below 33 temperatures.  Monday also had two inches of snow and 566 accidents were reported by MN-DOT.  Not sure if any were Bills fans smashing their cars into trees.

In any case Thanksgiving will be a chilly one.  Hope yours will be happy and also Happy Festivus for the rest of us.


1. "Skedaddle!": SCRAM.  Not last week.

6. CSI stuff: DNA.

9. Word before act or action: CLASS.  Head of one.

14. Hockey venue: ARENA. A busy on at the University of MN.

15. "Am __ the right track?": I ON.

16. Underworld: HADES.

19. Feathers in a duvet: EIDER.

20. Consumed: HAD.

21. Desktop computer originally sold in Bondi Blue: IMAC.

22. Stuffs to the gills: SATES.  Everyone will be SATED on Turkey Day.

23. "Vous __ ici": "You are here," in French: ETES.

28. World __ of Poker: SERIES.  Baseball is more popular

30. Homophone of 31-Across: TOO. 31. Homophone of 30-Across: TWO. TOO and TWO are FORE.

11D. Expanded, as a collection: ADDED TO.  Lots of baseball cards in my man cave.

32. Old fast fliers: Abbr.: SSTS.  Super Sonic.

33. Fishing spot: PIER.  Or a dock or ice house.

35. Not bad, not great: SO SO.

39. Quick swims: DIPS.

42. Auth. unknown: ANON. Anonymous.

43. Meadow bleats: BAAS.  Sheep not asleep

46. Top pitcher: ACE.  Verlander in the running.

47. Payable now: DUE.

48. __ Bros. Discovery: media conglomerate: WARNER.  Movie time ??

54. Roof overhang: EAVE.  We have one, keeps the drips away.

55. "I'll __ to that!": DRINK.  Hic!

56. Computer giant: DELL.

58. Hustle, quaintly: HIE.  Giddy up!

59. Bee's defense: STING.  Ouch !

62. In the future: HENCE.

63. Mine lode: ORE.  State below Wash.

64. Quick and nimble: AGILE.

65. Bright-eyed: EAGER.

66. Spider creation: WEB.  Tangled.

67. Made docile: TAMED.


1. Merit badge holders: SASHES.  Pin it anywhere.   

2. Makes from scratch: CREATES.  Turkey stuffing.

3. Bookworms: READERS.

4. Reply to a ques.: ANS.

5. Half a menu fish: MAHI.

6. Blues singer Washington: DINAH.  Ms. Shore also.

7. V-shaped slit: NOTCH.  In your belt.

8. "__ news?": ANY.  Not today.

9. Chintzy: CHEAPO.

10. Church attendees: LAITY.

12. Playground fixtures for two: SEESAWS.  Teeter totters.

13. Outdated geopolitical letters: SSR.  Super Senior -- ME

18. Singer-songwriter Tori: AMOS

22. Cricket or squash: SPORT. Or bowling and golf.

24. Web pages: SITES.

26. Enjoyed home cooking: ATE IN.  Black Friday meal.

27. "__-hoo! Over here!": YOO.

29. Course for intl. students: ESL.

33. Comic strip unit: PANEL.  Comics don't strip.

34. Wall St. launch: IPO.  Not a good idea at this time.

35. Catch: SNARE.

37. Tub sealant: CAULK.  Messy but it works,

38. Atty.'s group: ABA.

39. Pa: DAD.  Nine is long gone.

40. Beverage that may be served with a lemon slice: ICED TEA.  Delicious!

41. Looking (in): PEERING.

44. California home of the Angels and the Ducks: ANAHEIM.  And Disneyland.  Small World.

45. Rossini's "The Barber of __": SEVILLE.  Figaro.

47. Warning sign word: DANGER.

48. Fuse using heat: WELD

49. Walked unsteadily: REELED.  Caught a fish.

51. Pained reaction: WINCE.

52. Crush on: ADORE.  Your Black Friday Meal.

53. A-lister: CELEB.

57. Future atty.'s exam: LSAT.

59. "Murder, __ Wrote": SHE.  Angela Lansbury

60. Dairy farm animal: COW.  I never saw a purple one

61. Links org.: PGA.  Home of the Masters.


Nov 20, 2022

Sunday November 20, 2022 Doug Burnikel & C.C. Burnikel

Theme:  "Place Setting" - Each theme entry is literally rephrased as if it's a "place".

23A. Park place?: COMMUTER LOT.

25A. Busy place?: BEE COLONY.

39A. First place?: GARDEN OF EDEN.

73A. Hard place?: GRAVEL PIT.

107A. Private place?: MILITARY BASE.

124A. Last place?: SHOE STORE.

126A. Remote place?: SLEEPER SOFA.

38D. Safe place?: BANK VAULT.

54D. Sesame place?: BAGEL SHOP.

Ha, no theme clue change. I'm getting better :-)

COMMUTER LOT & MILITARY BASE are Patti's suggestions. Boomer and I started the brainstorming with MOUNT KILIMANJARO 16 [High place?]. Patti felt it was arbitrary, since it could be any mountain. So, go general if you have similar ideas.

This is the last puzzle Boomer and I made together. These days, he only has enough energy for his Monday blog.


1. "Is anybody here?": HELLO. In Chinese, it's just "Wei".

6. "Get outta here!": SCAT.

10. Box office receipts: GATE.

14. People with all-access passes: VIPS. Guess how many 4-letter entries in this grid?

18. Short and sweet: BRIEF.

19. Head lights?: HALOS.  Also 88. Surrounding vibe: AURA.

21. "Really?": IT IS.

22. Taquería freebie: AGUA.

27. Patriotic chant: USA USA. We attended the Solheim Cup in Edin a while ago. Very patriotic crowd.

28. Hangout for hog lovers: BIKER BAR. Also 34. They could use a welcome sight: SORE EYES. I like both fill.

30. Shots on the green: PUTTS. Also 69. Duffer's do-over: MULLIGAN.

31. Cost of living?: RENT.

33. To be, in Marseilles: ETRE. Gluey.

36. Hailed wheels: CABS.

42. Bother: ADO.

43. "Barefoot Contessa" host Garten: INA.

44. List that may drop down or pop up: MENU.

45. __ West-Allen: "The Flash" character: NORA.


46. Sunflower part: STEM.

48. Semi unit: TON.

49. Beginning stage: ONSET.

51. The Vitamin Shoppe rival: GNC.

53. Many Mecca residents: ARABS.

56. Calligrapher's container: INK POT. We used to bring this to school for Chinese calligraphy.  Abacus too. So ancient.

58. Aria, e.g.: SOLO.

61. Dress seen on Indian runways: SARI. Pretty.

63. Marathon, e.g.: RACE.

65. Vice __: VERSA.

67. Precious rocks: GEMS.

71. Words of empathy: I CARE.

76. Chemically inactive: INERT.

77. Quivers in fear: SHUDDERS. to think.

79. Composer Stravinsky: IGOR.

80. Eye shade: HAZEL.

82. Hindu spring festival: HOLI.

83. Five-star review: RAVE.

85. Mil. truant: AWOL.

87. Volkswagen sedan: PASSAT.

90. In __: before birth: UTERO.

92. Faux __: PAS.

94. Reason for celeb damage control: BAD PR. Also 115. Promo pro: AD REP.

96. Choice on a color chart: HUE.

97. Like a play about a play: META.

99. Often-ignored email: SPAM.

102. Not so hot: MILD.

103. "For You" singer Rita: ORA. Married to Taika Waititi.

104. "__ about that!": HOW.

110. Some PwC employees: CPAS. PricewaterhouseCoopers.

111. League for Guardians and Angels: AMERICAN. Hi there Janice!

113. __-Alt-Del: CTRL.

114. Go a few rounds: SPAR.

116. Closer's goal: SALES.

117. Wasn't honest: MADE IT UP.

120. Translator's challenges: IDIOMS.

128. Girl: LASS.

129. One with star power: IDOL.

130. Thompson of "Westworld": TESSA

131. Director Coen: ETHAN. Going solo now.

132. Where el sol rises: ESTE.

133. Colorful salamander: NEWT.

134. Put into storage: STOW.

135. Entertainer's crew: POSSE.


1. Spelman, e.g.: Abbr.: HBCU. Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

2. God with wings: EROS.

3. Peru's largest city: LIMA.

4. Madagascar primates: LEMURS.

5. Functional: OF USE.

6. __ shed: SHE.

7. Pasta or bread, e.g., for short: CARB. I used to have the upper left one for breakfast. Youtiao.

8. In a partnership: ALLIED.

9. Rested a while: TOOK TEN.

10. Disco family name: GIBB. The Bee Gees.

11. Totally relaxed: AT EASE.

12. Steering system parts: TIE RODS.

13. Key hit in panic: ESC.

14. Hold in high regard: VALUE.

15. Successful prankster's cry: I GOT YA.

16. Gave up, in a way: PUNTED. I watched a little bit of Vikings' game last Sunday. Very confusing. 

17. States as fact: SAYS SO.

20. Camper's fuel: STERNO.

24. Digressions: TANGENTS.

26. Doubleheader half: OPENER.

29. Corp. shuffling: REORG.

32. Catches some rays: TANS.

35. Target field: RETAIL. This clue probably does not mean much to those who don't know Target Field.

36. __ Field: Mets ballpark: CITI.

37. Unknown author, for short: ANON.

40. Bitterly regrets: RUES.

41. Support group?: FANS.

44. Secured in a slip: MOORED.

47. "Semper Fidelis" group: MARINES.

50. Lady Justice's garb: TOGA.

52. Sleeveless top, briefly: CAMI.

55. Permanent mark: SCAR.

57. Business trip allowance: PER DIEM.

59. Stubbs of the Four Tops: LEVI. Patti's clue. Learning moment for me.

60. Roar __ Roar: "Monsters University" frat: OMEGA. Patti's clue also. Another learning moment for me.

62. Negga of "Passing": RUTH.

64. Med. specialty: ENT.

66. Taj Mahal city: AGRA.

68. __ food movement: SLOW.

70. Komodo dragon, e.g.: LIZARD.

71. "Thereabouts": ISH.

72. Jay of "The Green Hornet": CHOU. Taiwanese. His CHOU is the same as my Zhou.

74. Answer an invite: RSVP.

75. "No __!": "Sure thing!": PROB.

78. Steamy: EROTIC.

81. Baked dessert: APPLE PIE. 98. 81-Down order: A LA MODE.

84. All-Star side: EAST.

86. Tibetan priest: LAMA.

89. Tazo products: TEAS.

91. Careless: REMISS.

93. Setting of the Sandra Bullock film "Gravity": SPACE.

95. Talk trash about: DISS.

100. Oil producer?: ARTIST.

101. Fragrant shrubs: MYRTLES.

104. Pain in the neck: HASSLE.

105. Nebraska natives: OMAHAS.

106. "They outplayed us": WE LOST.

108. Consecutively: IN A ROW.

109. Like the most clear sky: BLUEST.

110. Monte __ sandwich: CRISTO.

112. Actress Witherspoon: REESE.

118. Triangular shoulder muscle, for short: DELT.

119. Monterrey jack?: PESO.

121. Sounds amazed: OOHS.

122. Degs. for curators: MFAS.

123. Levelheaded: SANE.

125. Foil metal, once: TIN.

127. Pussy foot: PAW.

Boomer received an Army Black Knights sweatshirt, but we could not figure out who sent it. Must be someone on our blog. Thank you, you!

We had good days and bad days. Mostly good. On Tuesday Father Tom Kadera visited us and gave Boomer the Sacrament of the Sick and the Apostolic blessing. Then on Saturday Tom Pepper braved the snow and wind and helped us install a floating shelf. Tom has a tool bag with all kinds of stuff. Pretty Taskrabbit-y.
