, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 21, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013 Erik Agard

Theme: S > > > s - Take a 5-letter word that starts with an S and is still a word after you chop off the S. Repeat the resulting word, add an S and hope it makes sense. Find an appropriate clue and you're done.

17A. German cars bought by Riyadh residents? : SAUDI AUDIS

21A. Cafeteria carriers gone missing? : STRAY TRAYS

54A. Streamlined onion relatives? : SLEEK LEEKS

59A. Stories you've heard a bajillion times? : STALE TALES

10D. Out-of-tune string instruments? : SHARP HARPS

27D. Neato water sources? : SWELL WELLS

Argyle here. You could say these are rhyming anagrams with the rows overlapping and the columns intersecting. Ambitious for a Monday but complex is Erik's forte.


1. Floating platforms : RAFTS

6. Guy or fellow : MALE

10. Haughty sort : SNOB

14. Creepy starer : OGLER

15. Top military draft category : ONE A

16. Skid row denizen : HOBO. No, no; a wino or a bum but not a hobo.

19. Not many : A FEW

20. Releases (on), as an attack dog : SICs

23. QB's mishap : INT. (interception)

24. Tennis icon Arthur : ASHE

25. Makes a choice : OPTS

26. Drawing upon : USING

28. 100-yard race : DASH

30. Shoulder wrap : SHAWL

32. "Once __ a time ..." : UPON

34. PC software : APPs

38. Rose of baseball : PETE

39. Hard to hear : FAINT

40. Was a passenger : RODE

41. Figure skater's leap : AXEL

42. Uncle Remus's __ Rabbit : BR'ER

43. Nursery-rhyme Jack or his wife : SPRAT. 11D. Like Jack 43-Across's diet : NO FAT

Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
His wife could eat no lean.
And so between them both, you see,
They licked the platter clean.

44. Put down, as floor tile : LAID

46. "__ my case" : I REST

48. Fixes with thread : SEWS

50. Plastic coffee container designed for a Keurig brewer : K-CUP

51. Sports enthusiast : FAN

57. Pie à la __ : MODE. Oops. 33D. Dessert with a crust : PIE. Often made with fruit.

58. Basketball's __ "The Pearl" Monroe : EARL. Wiki

61. Bad to the bone : EVIL

62. Promgoer's concern : ACNE

63. Leaning somewhat : ATILT. An A-word but better than ALOP.

64. Lousy grades : DEEs

65. Like so : THUS

66. inventory : SHOES. LINK


1. Big name in vermouth : ROSSI. Martini & Rossi®

2. A second time : AGAIN

3. Vary irregularly, as prices : FLUCTUATE

4. Koppel and Knight : TEDs. One newsman on TV and one TV newsman on WJM.

5. __ Lanka : SRI

6. Teeth-and-gums protector : MOUTHGUARD

7. Conductor Previn : ANDRÉ

8. "Star Wars" princess : LEIA

9. "Piece of cake!" : EASY

12. Does as directed : OBEYS

13. Curtain call acknowledgments : BOWS

18. Part of YMCA: Abbr. : ASSN.

22. How-__: instruction books : TOs

24. Feel lousy : AIL

28. Insult comic who was a frequent Johnny Carson guest : DON RICKLES. Johnny strikes back.


29. Crumb-carrying insect : ANT

30. Relaxation center : SPA

31. Put a curse on : HEX

35. Financial planner's concern : PORTFOLIO

36. Handheld computer, briefly : PDA. (personal digital assistant)

37. Go down in the west : SET

39. "The X-Files" gp. : FBI. On the TV series.

43. Ninth mo. : SEP.

45. Pop the question : ASK

47. Ploy : RUSE

48. Work really hard : SLAVE

49. Spooky : EERIE

50. Reeves of "Speed" : KEANU

52. Dancer Astaire : ADELE. Fred's sister.

53. Homes for chicks : NESTS

54. Future flower : SEED

55. J.D.-to-be's exam : LSAT. (Law School Admission Test)

56. __ A Sketch : ETCH

57. Trig or calc : MATH

60. Prof.'s helpers : TAs. (teaching assistant)


Note from C.C.:

For those who missed my link last time, here is the Washington Post article on today's constructor Erik Agard. Don't miss the weekly puzzles he posts on his blog.