, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jan 14, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Yeah, there's an app for that. - Find the four embedded apps.

16A. Recycled sheets for scribbling : SCRAP PAPER

23A. End-of-filming cast event : WRAP PARTY

45A. Toy gun loaded with rolls : CAP PISTOL

54A. Scrubbing brand with two periods in its name : S.O.S SOAP PAD

35D. Supplier of software hidden in 16-, 23-, 45- and 54-Across : APP STORE

Argyle here. Tricky to make sure there wasn't any inadvertent apps. Solid corners and nifty columns.


1. Like many bar brews : ON TAP

6. 2013 World Series champs, familiarly : SOX. Boston Red Sox in six against St. Louis Cardinals.

9. PC problem solver : TECH. Good guy to know but hopefully not on a first name basis.

13. Garlicky sauce : AIOLI. The mayo with attitude.

14. Stinky Le Pew : PEPÉ

15. Storybook baddie : OGRE

18. Senior's big dance : PROM. We only had a Junior Prom.

19. Rain heavily : TEEM

20. Dry as the Gobi : ARID. Large desert region in Asia.

21. Perfect spots : EDENs

22. Org. headed by the U.S. Comptroller General : GAO. (Government Accountability Office) Gene L. Dodaro is the Comptroller General.

25. "Alley __" : OOP. Being in quotes means this is the comic or song and not the basketball pass. (alley-oop)

26. Under lock and __ : KEY

27. Pervasive glow : AURA

28. Used a rotary phone : DIALED. Who still has one?

30. Fried rice ingredient : EGG

31. Spider's trap : WEB

34. Scandal-ridden Texas-based corporation : ENRON

35. Pirate's "yes" : "AYE"

36. Odometer button : RESET

38. Fast sports cars : GTs. Mine is only a ST, Sport Touring? GT stands for Grand Touring.

39. "Great" primate : APE

40. Skiing coats : PARKAs

41. Rain delay rollout : TARP

43. Pick up the tab : PAY

44. Tattoos, slangily : INK

48. Morning hrs. : AMs

49. Plane handler : PILOT

50. Stun with a police gun : TASE

51. Shopping bag : TOTE

53. Admit frankly : AVOW

56. Christmas candle scent : PINE. Put away for the year.

57. Works in un museo : ARTE. España.

58. With glee : GAILY

59. Serving whiz : ACER. Would have been good to be clued as computer maker today.

60. Golfer's smallest wood? : TEE

61. Tough journeys : TREKS


1. Brewer's oven : OAST. It's been awhile since I first posted this. Oast House Interactive.

2. "Good job!" : "NICE GOING!"

3. Ripped to shreds : TORE APART

4. Shrine to remember : ALAMO

5. Dot on a domino : PIP

6. Old-timey photo hue : SEPIA

7. Spot with regular and guest columnists : OP-ED PAGE

8. Gen-__: millennial preceder : Xer. I feel Millennial should be capitalized as it refers to the next generation.

9. First-rate : TOP DRAWER

10. Long-legged wader : EGRET

11. Chum : CRONY

12. Tailoring borders : HEMS

14. Fencing defense : PARRY


17. Poked at like a cat : PAWED

21. Lobed organ : EAR

24. Wrinkly little dog : PUG

25. Keats' "__ on Melancholy" : ODE

26. Historical novelist Follett : KEN. A gimme for a lot of you.

29. Suffered a blackout : LOST POWER

30. Cyclone center : EYE

32. Ice cream treat : ESKIMO PIE. 52D. "Grand" ice cream maker : EDY'S

33. Jack's access : BEANSTALK

36. Bit of sunlight : RAY

37. Pooh-pooher's sound : [TSK!]

39. Tycoon Onassis : ARI

40. Prefix with -lithic : PALEO. Paleo- A prefix that means "prehistoric" (as in paleontology) or "early or primitive" (as in Paleolithic).

42. On point : APT

43. Hustlers chasing rustlers : POSSE. "Cut 'em off at the pass!"

45. Word with duty or pride : CIVIC

46. Like a hermit : ALONE

47. Personal shopper's asset : TASTE

48. For the bond-issue price : AT PAR

49. Bearded Smurf : PAPA

54. Went unused : SAT

55. TSA employee : AGT. A shout-out to Dennis.


Note from C.C.:

Happy Birthday to dear JD, who joined the blog a few months after I started it. Over the past few years, JD has kindly shared with us many adorable pictures of her grandsons. Click here for more.

Left to Right: Cameron, Truman, Grady, JD & Dylan