, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 14, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Bird Vocalization

18. Cares : GIVES A HOOT. Owl.

28. Girl who lost her sheep : LITTLE BO PEEP. Chicken et al.

48. Short online message visible only to approved followers : PRIVATE TWEET. Cartoon canary.

62. Get lovey-dovey : BILL AND COO. Pigeon.

No reveal.

Argyle here. I have to admit I made the classic mistake of overthinking this one. I couldn't see what gimmick C.C. was using. Ha! I didn't see the birds for the trees. But finally I heard them.


1. Main idea : GIST

5. Seniors, to juniors : DADS. Like Dr. Jones to Dr. Jones.

9. Pizza party drinks : SODAS

14. A whole bunch : LOTS

15. Skip past : OMIT

16. __ Jeane Mortenson: Marilyn Monroe's birth name : NORMA

17. Six-sided state : UTAH

20. Superfan to the max : MANIAC

22. For each one : A POP

23. Org. that created American Hunter magazine : NRA. (National Rifle Association of America) C.C. goes bird hunting?

24. BBC time traveler : DR. WHO. The early bird gets the earworm.

26. Ginormous amount : UMPTEEN

31. Lawyer's org. : ABA. (American Bar Association)

32. Enjoy the pool : SWIM

33. Narnia lion : ASLAN. (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)

37. Beauty goop : GEL

38. Get cracking : START

41. Cubes in a tray : ICE

42. Canonized fifth-cen. pope : ST. LEO

45. "Very funny!" : HA HA!":

47. VCR format : VHS. (videocassette recorder/Video Home System)

52. Important Colonial cash crop : TOBACCO

55. Carrying a gun : ARMED

56. "The Simpsons" Squishee seller : APU who might have this sign: 51D. "This convenience store checks IDs" : "WE CARD"

57. Parka part : HOOD

59. Awards for Helen Hunt and Holly Hunter : OSCARS. Hunt for As Good as It Gets(1997), Hunter for The Piano(1993).

65. Sunburn soother : ALOE

66. German pistol : LUGER. You have to be real good to hunt birds with a pistol.

67. Expel : OUST

68. Really anger : RILE

69. Revise, as text : EMEND

70. Makes a choice : OPTS

71. __-dish pizza : DEEP


1. Wearing a long face : GLUM

2. Greek letter before kappa : IOTA

3. Display confidence and pride : STAND TALL

4. Top with a slogan : T-SHIRT. Up in Lake George, they're fighting again about some of those slogans on display in the store fronts.

5. Canine gnawing toys : DOG CHEWS

6. "__ hearing you right?" : AM I

7. Prima donna : DIVA

8. Answer the call : STEP UP

9. Salad veggie with an edible pod : SNAP PEA

10. Fireworks reaction : "OOH!"

11. Stingless bee : DRONE

12. Valentino's valentine : AMORE

13. The devil : SATAN

19. Vague amount : SOME

21. Beltmaking tools : AWLS

25. Memorial news item, briefly : OBIT

27. Adorns with Cottonelle, informally : TPs. (toilet paper)

28. Falls behind : LAGS

29. "Yeah, whatever" : "I BET"

30. Nebraska city associated with steaks : OMAHA

34. Pretended to be what one isn't : LIVED A LIE

35. Tooth woe : ACHE

36. Home in a tree : NEST. Source of today's emanations?

39. Pro __: in proportion : RATA

40. Jimmy Fallon's longtime house band : THE ROOTS

43. Org. concerned with pesticides : EPA.(Environmental Protection Agency)

44. Apple tree grouping : ORCHARD

46. Emer. money sources : ATMs

49. Desktop image : ICON

50. Ritualistic kind of doll : VOODOO

52. Blackjack surface : TABLE

53. Poppy narcotic : OPIUM

54. Jut out : BULGE

58. Bra spec : D-CUP

60. Audition goal : ROLE

61. Ooze : SEEP

63. Quarterback Dawson : LEN. Played for three professional teams, most notably the Dallas Texans/Kansas City Chiefs.

64. East, in Essen : OST. German, adjective.
