, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 7, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016, Pam Amick Klawitter


Pam has a fun Wednesday puzzle for us where her three two-word theme answers end in synonyms for THROW that are appended to the BACK of the first word. Thus we have the reveal:

55. Reversions ... or what 17-, 26- and 43-Across all have? : THROWBACKS. We sports fans see this word and immediately think of the old uniforms athletes don occasionally to celebrate teams of yesteryear! Once a year the Steelers dress out in these THROWBACK "bumble bee" outfits of the 1930's:

17. Cold weather groundswell that can cause pavement damage : FROST HEAVE - Water's quirky property of expanding when it freezes can move mountains and sidewalks

26. Ancient siege weapon : ROMAN CATAPULT - Take that you Visigoths!

43. Manufacturer's coming-out event : PRODUCT LAUNCH - Some genius thought Life Saver Soda would be a good idea. Consumers could not get the past the revulsion of drinking liquid candy.

Now let's peruse the rest of fun Pam has tossed, flung and pitched at us:


1. Bucks in the woods : STAGS

6. Ratted out the bad guys : SANG

10. Dept. store stock : MDSE

14. Condor's condo? : AERIE - The view on the way home to the AERIE

15. Prefix with logical : IDEO

16. Dry as a desert : ARID

19. Go for the worm : BITE

20. Wind down or wind up : END - I imagine some barflies wonder as the night winds down where they will wind up

21. Name in Cold War news : TASS Telegrafnoye Agentstvo Sovyetskogo Soyuza (Telegraphic Agency of the Soviet Union)

22. Wright who wondered, "What's another word for 'thesaurus'?" : STEVEN

24. Ball catcher : MITT - Evolution

25. Needing wheels : CARLESS

30. "Knock it off!" : ENOUGH

31. Architectural curve : OGEE 

32. L.A. NFLer : RAM - Back in L.A. where they should be

35. Tax-free govt. bond : MUNI

36. Good feller? : AXE - This company in Tauranga, New Zealand have them

37. "One day only!" event : SALE

38. Boomer that no longer booms, briefly : SST

39. __ Valley: Reagan Library locale : SIMI - A beautiful place to visit

41. Warring factions : ARMIES

46. Woofer's partner : TWEETER

48. Landed : ALIT

49. Film boxer Rocky : BALBOA

50. Black, to a bard : EBON

51. Syst. for the deaf : ASL

54. Islamic branch : SHIA

58. Bard : POET

59. Capital of Belgium : EURO

60. Good-sized wedding band : OCTET

61. Kind of spot or loser : SORE

62. Cong. meeting : SESS

63. Lawn spoilers : WEEDS


1. Heist target : SAFE

2. Beach bird : TERN

3. Five-time A.L. home run champ, familiarly : AROD - Now an expensive liability

4. APO mail addressees : GI'S

5. Gem mount : SETTING

6. Midday snooze : SIESTA - Una SIESTA me refresca (A nap refreshes me)

7. Some govt. lawyers : ADA'S - I'm betting most of you know these

8. Calif. neighbor : NEV

9. Loses one's cool : GOES APE

10. Pre-1985 communications nickname : MA BELL

11. Car's engine-to-wheels connector : DRIVE TRAIN

12. Surfers visit them : SITES

13. Paradises : EDENS

18. Sub access : HATCH - A tight fit

23. __-blue : TRUE

24. View from Molokai's south shore : MAUI

25. Lab rat's home : CAGE

26. Radiation units : REMS - Dental X-rays expose you to about 3 milliREMS (.003 REM) but you get about 360 milliREMS/year from everyday sources

27. Taxing task : ONUS

28. New England capital : MONTPELIER - the least populous American capital (7,880)

29. Needing a skull-and-crossbones label : TOXIC

33. Actor Baldwin : ALEC

34. Screen door material : MESH - Our MESH is kitty-proof

36. Russia-China border river : AMUR

37. X-rated stuff : SMUT

39. Explorer Hernando de __ : SOTO

40. Conceptualizes : IDEATES - Do you run in a crowd that uses this word?

41. Permit : ALLOW

42. Post-shower display : RAINBOW

44. Mail-in incentive : REBATE

45. They're off-limits : TABOOS

46. Recipe amts. : TBSPS

47. "Yippee!" : WAHOO

50. Gets an "I'm sorry" from Alex Trebek, say : ERRS - He didn't need Final Jeopardy to win, so Buzzy Cohen didn't ERR but  jabbed Alex a little.

51. Entr'__ : ACTE

52. Short agenda? : SKED

53. Iwo Jima troop carriers: Abbr. : LSTS

56. Tint : HUE

57. Blackjack component : ACE

Now we THROW control BACK to you, our faithful solvers! Comment away! 

The Grid