, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 Howard Barkin

Theme: Baby Steps - the theme clues all begin with something which is commonly found in a nursery.

20A *“Jolene” singer: DOLLY PARTON. Is the Pope Catholic? Does a bear sleep on its back? Is Bill G. going to comment on this?

50A *Rush hour jam spots: BOTTLENECKS. We've got our fair share of these in SoCal. I particularly like the one in Orange County at the confluence of the 5, 22 and 57 freeways which is nicknamed "The Orange Crush".

11D *Residence in a park, often: MOBILE HOME. Those pesky 9D phenomena always seem to seek out these places.

29D *Rickety wheels: RATTLETRAP. My BMW falls into this category at the moment - the rear struts need replacing and they're squeaking like a 17th-century chuck wagon, and the engine idle is too low and making every panel inside rattle when I'm at a stop light. I'd better call my mechanic.

37A Illicit exam aids, and places where the first parts of the answers to starred clues can be found: CRIBS. Those books of log tables that we were allowed to carry into math exams back in the Stone Age were handy places for cribs (mine, of course, was pristine).

Happy Wednesday everyone - Steve here with what I believe might be Howard Barkin's debut puzzle for Tribune - if that's the case congratulations! (I couldn't anagram anything "Rich Norris"-related!)  (Note from C.C.: Howard Barkin finished 13th in this year's ACPT. )

Left to right: Dan Feyer, Howard Barkin Anne Erdmann, 2010 ACPT

Four fun theme entries with a unifier and some nice fill too - lots of high-scoring Scrabble letters in the grid - missing only a Q and an F for the pangram. Let's check out  the rest, including a back-reference to the theme at 61A.


1 Insectivore’s meal: BUGS. And Bizarre Food presenter Andrew Zimmern.

5 Toppled tyrant: TSAR. Alternatively CZAR, so I wait for the crosses.

9 Circus chairman?: TAMER. I liked this one. Some might quibble about the lack of "LION" but I'm good with it.

14 The “Aeneid,” for one: EPIC. It is quite an epic, it took Virgil 10 years to write.

15 Squeegee, e.g.: WIPE

16 Layer to worry about: OZONE

17 Cutting-edge brand?: ATRA. Gillette razor blades from the 90's now manufactured in India.

18 Yoked team: OXEN

19 Spa wear: ROBES

23 Tax shelter, briefly: IRA. Topical subject for Tax Week.

24 Place for a date: PALM. I was trying to figure if this was a fair clue/answer as you can put your calendar entries in any organizer, not just a Palm, then the food-related penny dropped.

25 Hibiscus plant’s family: MALLOW. The State Flower of Hawai'i

27 Once in a blue moon: RARELY.

30 Little bit: SMIDGE

32 Weight Watchers meeting need: SCALE. Not a strengthened floor?

33 Software with crop and marquee tools: PHOTOSHOP

36 Vintner’s vessel: VAT. I love the alliteration.

38 Egg cells: OVA

39 Baked snacks often dipped in hummus: PITA CHIPS. A friend of mine named one of her bichons Pita, which is an acronym for Pain In The Ass. She was prescient as well, the poor dog is on Prozac.

42 Bond-Bond link?: JAMES. "My name is Bond. James Bond".

44 Easter flowers: LILIES

45 Death Valley, for example: DESERT

46 Oscar winner Charlize: THERON

48 Salty seven: SEAS. I tried naming them, and came up with a lot more than seven.

49 Though: YET

56 Medicare insurance segment: PART B

58 Breakfast chain: IHOP. The International House Of Pancakes is not really international, and serves more than just pancakes, but hey, why spoil a good name.

59 Many a blog post: RANT. Not me, mine are always reasoned and balanced. Really.

60 Backspace through text: ERASE. When I was a computer programmer, I was a very fast but highly inaccurate typist. I was given the nickname "Backspace". You could always tell which was my keyboard - that key was worn blank.

61 Word heard in 37-Across: MAMA

62 Low card: TREY. I was going to grumble that the deuce is lower, but then realized "A low card" not "THE low card".

63 On the say-so of: AS PER

64 Furry sci-fi creature: EWOK

65 Glasses, in ads: SPEX. Do pubescent boys still want a pair of X-Ray Spex?


1 Abacus slider: BEAD

2 __-the-minute: UP-TO

3 Miss: GIRL

4 “Grey’s Anatomy” prop: SCALPEL

5 Like more absorbent paper towels: TWO-PLY. I often have trouble reading the downs, and could not figure out what on earth this word was until I realized it was hyphenated.

6 Workday alarm hr.: SIX AM. My Pilates trainer was knocking on my door at 6AM today. I like to start the day with pain and suffering.

7 Copycat: APER

8 “La Vie Bohème” musical: RENT

9 Carrier to Oz: TORNADO. I wanted "QANTAS" here, very nice clue/answer

10 __ dye: food-coloring compound: AZO. Learning moment for me.

12 Start of el año: ENERO. The Spanish year starts with this month.

13 Sat through again: RESAW. This one got a "hmmmmmmm, not really" from me today.

21 New Haven’s biggest employer: YALE. I posted a pic of West Point last time out, so here's one of Yale - it looks flooded to me!

22 Skips: OMITS

26 Some cellphones: LG'S. Cellphone manufacturer with the slogan "Life's Good"

27 Invitation abbr.: R.S.V.P. The "s'il vous plaît" part of this phrase is an alternate to the clue at 33D - a fun tie-in

28 Trendy berry: ACAI. When did berries get trendy? They undoubtedly are in L.A. - people claim almost mystical results from adding Goji berries to their smoothies.

30 Uses FedEx: SHIPS

31 “Flash” gatherings: MOBS. There have been bigger, longer and more musical flashmobs, but this was one of the first and my favorite - at Grand Central Terminal in New York.

33 “Je vous en __”:“Please”: PRIE. A more pleading way of saying please in French than "s'il vous plaît" - this translates more literally as "I pray of you .."

34 CBer’s “Your turn”: OVER

35 Former time: PAST

37 Sturdy material: CHINO. I had no idea the reason my pants are chinos is because of the fabric - I thought it was the cut and color.

40 Go public with: AIR

41 Knock into next week: CLOBBER. Great word!

42 Composer Sibelius: JEAN

43 Strongly maintains: ASSERTS

45 “Spiritual Solutions” author Chopra: DEEPAK. Are there any other Chopras?

46 Go-go personality: TYPE A

47 Pays heed to: HEARS

48 NFL highlight reel technique: SLO-MO

51 Hourglass figure?: TIME

52 Deice?: THAW. I had to look at this clue a dozen times before I saw what it was - I thought it was a misprint at first.

53 Beef, or a fish: CARP. Nice one!

54 Joint with a cap: KNEE

55 Netherworld river: STYX. And an earworm which is a favorite of classic rock fans everywhere

57 “Cats” initials: T.S.E. T.S.Eliot. Did you know that T.S. stands for Thomas Sterns? I didn't.

And that's it! I'm cutting my teeth in my first competitive crossword competition out here in Sherman Oaks this coming Sunday in aid of the Brain Research Foundation - Four NYT puzzles from Will Shortz - I promise to tell you all if I make an unholy mess of it! If any other left-coasters are interested, here are the details.

Have a good Wednesday. Hug your family and appreciate your friends.


Apr 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Progression - The second word starts with the letter 'P' followed by a phonetic long vowel (A to U) progression & L.

17A. Lost color in one's cheeks : TURNED PALE

26A. Bartender's twist : LEMON PEEL

38A. Stack of unsolicited manuscripts : SLUSH PILE. (learning moment)

53A. Tribal carving : TOTEM POLE

63A. It may be filled with a garden hose : KIDDIE POOL

Argyle here with our fearless leader's Tuesday puzzle. Enjoy those verts in the corners. You might say C.C. is becoming a "corner" specialist.


1. Soccer officials : REFs

5. "You __ dead!": "I'm telling mom!" : ARE SO. 15A. "No way!" : "NEVER!". 11D. Terse critical appraisal : "I HATE IT!". Or could be clued, "Teen critical appraisal of everything"

10. Location : SITE

14. Berry in healthy smoothies : ACAI

16. Jazz classic "Take __ Train" : THE 'A'

19. Greasy spoon grub : [EATS]

20. Hit hard : RAM

21. Like blue hair : DYED

22. "Faust" dramatist : GOETHE. Faust is the guy who sold his soul to the Devil.

24. Fred's dancing sister : ADELE

28. Beer to drink on Cinco de Mayo : CORONA
30. Four quarters : ONE

31. Tax agcy. : IRS

32. Archaic "once" : ERST

33. Talk show pioneer Jack : PAAR

36. Residential bldg. units : APT's

41. Bush secretary of labor Elaine : CHAO. Short bio.

43. Madeline of "Blazing Saddles" : KAHN. Here she does a routine with George Burns.

44. Emails the wrong person, say : ERRS

48. U.S./Canada's __ Canals : SOO. The name, Soo, is shortened and anglicized for the two cities named Sault Ste. Marie, in Ontario and in Michigan. Sault either means "jump" or "rapids" in French.

49. Sunrise direction, in Köln : OST. German town also known as Cologne.

51. Buyer's "beware" : CAVEAT. Caveat emptor ("let the buyer beware") (Important to someone who goes to flea markets.) ;-)

57. Go : LEAVE

58. City on the Rio Grande : EL PASO. Home of the UTEP Miners.

59. Feed the kitty : ANTE. Poker.

61. "Cool" monetary amt. : MIL. Short for million.

62. Even-handed : FAIR

66. Helsinki resident : FINN

67. Actress Burstyn : ELLEN

68. Hip-swiveling dance : HULA

69. Vexes : IRKS

70. Extremely poor : NEEDY

71. Ruin Bond's martini : STIR. James prefers them shaken.


1. Daily grind : RAT RACE

2. Besides Chile, the only South American country that doesn't border Brazil : ECUADOR

3. __ market : FARMER'S. Limited selection in the spring.

4. Break a Commandment : SIN. Moi?

5. "Toy Story" boy : ANDY

6. Fend off : REPEL

7. Dance around : EVADE

8. Somme salt : SEL. Somme is a department of France, located in the north of the country and is part of the Picardy region.

9. Where Nike headquarters is : OREGON. Beaverton, OR, seven miles west of Portland.

10. Considerable, as discounts : STEEP

12. Ties to a post, as a horse : TETHERS. I can't picture a cowpoke actually using the word though.

13. Art gallery props : EASELS

18. Delightful spot : EDEN

23. "Paper Moon" Oscar winner Tatum : O'NEAL. She was ten when she won.

25. Many, informally : LOTSA

27. Change from vampire to bat, say : MORPH

29. Kwik-E-Mart owner on "The Simpsons" : APU

34. Extend an invitation for : ASK TO

35. "I knew it!" : "AHA!"

37. Thorn in one's side : PEEVE. Used as a noun here.

39. Appears strikingly on the horizon : LOOMS

40. Co. letterhead abbr. : INC. (incorporated)

41. Welcome summer forecast : COOL AIR

42. Noticeable lipstick color : HOT PINK. Cute pairing of 'cool' and 'hot'.

45. Come down hard on : REAM OUT

46. Filled pasta : RAVIOLI

47. Top-notch : STELLAR

48. Golden Slam winner Graf : STEFFI. (tennis)

50. Said : SPOKEN

52. Away from the wind : ALEE

54. Takes home : EARNS

55. Punch bowl spoon : LADLE

56. Over and done : ENDED

60. Hard to see : TINY

64. French landmass : ÎLE

65. Acidity nos. : PH's. A scale of 0 to 14, where less than 7 represents acidity, 7 neutrality, and more than 7 alkalinity.


Note from C.C.:

Happy 85th Birthday to dear Dot! And a belated Happy 99th Birthday to her husband Irv!

Left to Right: Kazie, Dot, Irv & Andrea, Sept 2009