, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Gareth Bain

Theme: Olive Garden - because they have the Never Ending Pasta Bowl. The endings of the themes are types of pasta, as the unifier in the SE reveals.

18A. *Sculling competition craft : RACING SHELL

28A. *"Support our troops" symbol : YELLOW RIBBON

47A. *Convenient neckwear : CLIP-ON BOWTIE

62A. *Disorder on the court : TENNIS ELBOW

55D. Food found in the shapes at the ends of the answers to starred clues : PASTA

A hungry Argyle here. I'll cut my comments short so I can get to breakfast. Eggs and spaghetti.


1. Co. with brown trucks : UPS. A Splynter shout out, first thing.

4. Eat with relish : SAVOR. Savor the flavor.

9. Brand-new barker : PUPPY. Aah!

14. Vietnamese holiday : TET

15. Yale or Root : ELIHU. Elihu Root was Secretary of State, 1905 – 1909.

16. Be in harmony : AGREE

17. Fiancé's last words? : "I DO"

20. "Toreador Song" opera : "CARMEN". 22. Cheers for Escamillo in 20-Across : OLÉs The glamorous toreador.

23. Zing : PEP

24. Annual fact book : ALMANAC

26. __ of office : OATH

33. Singer Guthrie : ARLO

36. Historic women's gp. : DAR. (Daughters of the American Revolution)

37. Comic actor Dudley : MOORE

38. Middling mark : CEE

39. New Jersey port with a bridge to Staten Island : BAYONNE


42. Slipshod : LAX

43. "Speak of the __!" : DEVIL

45. Prefix with -lithic : NEO. Neolithic, the last phase of the Stone Age.

46. Liquefy : MELT

51. Without repetition : ONCE

52. Develop stage fright, say : TENSE UP

56. "Me time" resort : SPA

59. Lady of Lisbon : DONA

61. Freeport's "Grand" island : BAHAMA

65. "Pygmalion" playwright's initials : GBS. George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)

66. Els with tees : ERNIE. Bert is his caddie.

67. Big name in metal wrap : ALCOA

68. Permit : LET

69. Buddies, in slang : PEEPS. Your people, your posse.

70. British comedian Gervais : RICKY

71. History chapter : ERA


1. Seat of New York's Oneida County : UTICA. An area well known to some of our solvers.

2. Sewing machine lever : PEDAL

3. Thunder source : STORM

4. Cool and collected : SERENE

5. Hawkeye Pierce portrayer : ALAN ALDA. M*A*S*H

6. London's Old __ : VIC. (theatre)

7. Buckeye State : OHIO

8. Get close to "Empty" : RUN LOW

9. Fritter away the hours : PASS TIME

10. "Blech!" : "UGH!"

11. GRE practice : PREP. (Graduate Record Examinations)

12. One-named soccer immortal : PELE

13. Website with restaurant reviews : YELP. And more. LINK

19. Transmission choice : GEAR. This had me looking for a type of transmission, not just one gear.

21. BLT dressing : MAYO

25. Medium for some animators : CLAY. Claymation they call it.

27. "Game of Thrones" network : HBO

29. Maine campus town : ORONO

30. Tree trunk : BOLE

31. Like Sabin's polio vaccine : ORAL

32. Bank teller's cry : "NEXT!"

33. Outlet letters : AC/DC. Not both on the same outlet, I hope.

34. Lively dance : REEL

35. First name in jeans : LEVI

39. Brownies with brown sugar in place of chocolate : BLONDIES. Guess what? It's safe to google 'blondies image'.

40. Pond critter : NEWT. Needed perps to decide which critter it would be.

41. Small laptop : NOTEBOOK

44. Much-hyped NASDAQ event for Facebook : IPO. (initial public offering)

46. Fry basket material : MESH

48. Cpls. and sgts. : NCO's

49. Remain close to : BE NEAR

50. Sort of : IN A WAY

53. Soaring hunter : EAGLE

54. "Raw" pigment : UMBER. As opposed to 'burnt'?

56. Staircase part : STEP

57. Famille patriarch : PÈRE. in France.

58. Writing sister of Emily and Charlotte : ANNE

60. "That's __ need!" : ALL I

63. __ in the bud : NIP

64. Send covertly, as a dupe email : BCC. The original recipient won't see a copy has been sent.


May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Fore! - Actually, it is right in the fairway. The three most common scores you can make on a hole of golf start the first three of four grid-spanning entries; the unifier being the last one.

17A. 1978 hit for the Commodores : "THREE TIMES A LADY". LINK (3:39)

23A. Safety feature at a dangerous intersection : FOUR-WAY STOP SIGN. Example, also called ALL WAY.

50A. False start punishment, in football : FIVE-YARD PENALTY

58A. As expected, or, golfwise, a hint to numbers found in 17-, 23- and 50-Across : PAR FOR THE COURSE

Argyle all teed up and ready to let'er rip. Starting a Monday with grid-spans is impressive and a good drive, unlike some of my real first tee drives. The fill is on par with a Monday; a couple of crunchy nuggets but no Naticks. Personally, I like the look of the two cheaters in the corners.


1. Finders' shouts : A-HAs

5. Maternity ward event : BIRTH

10. Formal title : SIR

13. Destroy : RUIN

14. Legend automaker : ACURA. This is the luxury vehicle division of Honda.

15. 1988 Cy Young winner Hershiser : OREL. You're not surprised to see baseball clues, are you?

20. Microbe : GERM

21. Minnesota Wild's org. : NHL. (National Hockey League)

22. Status __ : QUO

28. Boxer played by Will Smith : ALI

29. __ the finish : IN AT. (but not Orb)

30. Give one's word : VOW

31. Business bigwig : TITAN. The first gods in Greek mythology. Real biggies. (LINK)

33. Olympics sled : LUGE. Rosebud!

35. Mideast sultanate : OMAN

39. English : John :: Welsh : __ : EVAN. It is of Welsh and Hebrew origin. (seems an odd combo)

40. High male voice : TENOR

41. Pro __: in proportion : RATA

42. Like the night : DARK

43. Seek prey : HUNT

44. Agriculture goddess on the New Jersey state seal : CERES. Roman goddess. Yellowrocks can link this.

45. Bigger than med. : LGE.

47. Multinational coin : EURO

49. Scintilla : BIT

55. Hush-hush maritime org. : ONI. (Office of Naval Intelligence)(that's all I can tell you. Shh!)

56. AAA suggestion : RTE

57. Just hanging out : IDLE

64. Work on the deck : SWAB. Mopping.

65. Steamed : IRATE

66. The stuff of legends : MYTH

67. 25-Down student : ELI. 25D. New Haven sch. : YALE U.

68. Shows up : COMES

69. Gets the picture : SEES


1. Museum display : ART

2. "How's that again?" : "HUH?"

3. Instrument "played" for a hairbrush microphone user : AIR GUITAR. Ad for the microphone. LINK Order your's NOW!

4. Scornful look : SNEER

5. Role for Keaton and Kilmer : BATMAN

6. "Here," on Metro maps : [ICI] In France.

7. Mojito liquor : RUM. Dennis, are you drinking mojitos?

8. Former Senator Lott : TRENT. Mississippi Republican Senator, 1989 – 2007.

9. Discuss in detail : HASH OVER. I prefer my hash with eggs.

10. Note after fa : SOL

11. Kirkuk native : IRAQI

12. Excavated anew : REDUG

16. France's third most populous cité : LYON

18. "Desert Fox" Rommel : ERWIN. WW II tank commander in Africa.

19. Dog food brand : ALPO

23. Meant to happen : FATED

24. Tony whose #6 was retired by the Twins : OLIVA

26. Dumbfounded : STUNNED

27. Gave one's word : SWORE

32. Oft-sprained joint : ANKLE

34. Hopped out of bed : GOT UP

36. Bread with swirls stolen by Jerry in a classic "Seinfeld" episode : MARBLE RYE

37. What the dog did with the homework? : ATE IT

38. Foul, as weather : NASTY

40. Showy : THEATRIC

44. Time-share unit : CONDO

46. Greek street food : GYRO

48. Treats again, as a sprain : RE-ICES

50. Dandy fellows : FOPS. Are you a Dapper Dan man?

51. Blown away : IN AWE

52. Like YouTube videos gone wild : VIRAL. I'm in awe of some of them but always with a grain of salt.

53. Nostalgia-inducing : RETRO

54. Homecoming group : ALUMS

59. "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity" org. : FBI

60. Nonkosher meat : HAM

61. Printemps follower : ÉTÉ. We're back in France...

62. Holy mlle. : STE.. ...again.

63. Puzzled comments : EH's I hope you are no longer puzzled.

Boomer (C.C.'s husband)  and #6 Oliva
Oliva looking at Boomer's Hartland statues. The big guy on the left is former Twin Juan Berenguer. The background picture is Hall-of-Famer Bert Blyleven.