, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 8, 2013

Saturday, Jun 8th, 2013, Peter A. Collins

Theme: None

Words: 70 (missing F,Q,Z)

Blocks: 32

  Alas, I was done in not by the proper names in this one, but by phrases I have never heard before.  For the second week in a row, we have had a "non-Saturday" grid, with the long answers "inside" the edges.  Some 'eye-rolling' fill today, I thought, and some words just don't look right, either.  Eight 10-letter and two 11-letter fills, so we have:

26A. To the max : AS ALL GET OUT - well, it makes sense, I guess, but I have never heard or said this - might be regional

41A. Horseshoes, e.g. : LUCKY CHARMS - I tried "TOSSING GAME", since it fit; there's a horseshoe taped up over the 8line sorting station at UPS

31A. Sleight-of-hand swindle : PIGEON DROP - I "know" of this con, but never its name

38A. Shot protection : GOALIE MASK - mine's on top of my head here

Od Warn~!


 1. General transportation? : JEEP - ah - I did try "TIRE" first, since there is a General Tire company, and a LOT of transportation rides on tires....

5. Like some whiskey : IRISH - can you get an alcohol "buzz" from smoking an Irish Whiskey cigar~???

10. Accident initials : EMS - Emergency Medical Services

13. __-Free: contact lens solution : OPTI


14. Bollywood princess : RANEE - clued as "Indian" in the week; Bollywood is a step further

15. Passes, in a way : LAPS

17. 2000s Korean compact : KIA SPECTRA - I don't know why I put in "Electra" at first

19. Hip to : IN ON

20. Transcendent joy : ECSTASY

21. Focus of a historic New Orleans museum : VOO-DOO - once the ---OO was there, I got it

23. "__ shall live your epitaph to make": Shakespeare's Sonnet 81 : "OR I..."

24. Worrying about : SWEATING - ah, not FRETTING

30. Teachers' degs. : BEs - Bachelor of Education, but it's usually B.Ed.(s)

32. Start to charge? : SUR - surcharge, which strangely means the cost AFTER the initial

33. '70s TV character name whose original Broadway spelling had an "a" instead of an "e" : UNGER - That would be "The Odd Couple"

34. Kenan's TV pal : KEL - all perps, no clue on this show

35. Item under glass, perhaps : RELIC - when I started working at Winn-Dixie in Fla 1n 1995, I was the oldest person on the grocery staff (at 24yrs old) - so the kids called me "Relic" - and I liked it

37. Spot warning : Grr - yeah, "ARF" seemed a bit weak

40. The Tribe, on scoreboards : CLEveland - The Indians, and featured in "Major League", and I still dig the movie

42. 1980 hit with the lyric "It took a long time to know him" : 'HE'S SO SHY' - The Pointer Sisters, and a music link

44. End for Caesar : EAN - CaesarEAN, as in Section

45. Scrub in, say : ASSIST - I watch "House, M.D." in syndication, from my DVR

46. Service providers : PASTORS - ah, that service; and a semi-clecho 8D. Father's talk: Abbr. : SERmon

50. Where to find an expiration date? : OBIT - HA~!  I tried TOMB first, 'cause I was on that wavelength

51. Curator's event : ART EXHIBIT - I had ---BIT, and that seemed wrong, then the light bulb....

54. Put on a thumb drive, say : SAVE

55. Frost bit? : VERSE - Poetry from Robert Frost - didn't fool me, either

56. Name in a footnote : CITE

57. Bench, once : RED - A-ha~!  I got this one, as well - I knew Johnny Bench was a Cincinnati Red

58. Splits : EXITS

59. Strike one as being : SEEM


1. Routine element : JOKE - In a stand-up comedy routine

2. Many a miniseries : EPIC

3. DFW postings : ETAs - Dallas/Ft. Worth, the airport

4. Wild Bill Hickok, notably : PISTOLEER - this does not look right

5. Parting words : "I RESIGN"

6. Ribald : RACY - ribald; "vulgar", from the German "riben" to copulate - and  a chance for Splynter to post a gratuitous leg image

7. S&L figure : INTerest - Savings & Loan

9. Lift, as an anchor : HEAVE UP

10. Economist Janeway : ELIOT

11. Lower jaw-related : MANDIBULAR - phew, that's a mouthful~!

12. Hated the book, perhaps : SPOONERISM - Baited the Hook being the "alternate" phrasing

16. Busses in Birmingham : SNOGS - Watch Harry Potter - there's snogging going on there

18. Beauty spot? : PARLOR

22. Bit of fodder : OAT

24. Hot-and-cold : STREAKY

25. Fuzzy : WOOLLY - the two "L"s seem 'wrong' to me - must be the down-ness of the answer

26. Toon shopkeeper voiced by Hank Azaria : APU

27. Where business is always picking up? : SINGLES BAR - I am trying to "pick up" one of the female associates at Home Depot - I don't do the bar anymore

28. Pushy : AGGRESSIVE

29. '90s judge on "The People's Court" : ED KOCH - a WAG - I could not remember the name of the first guy who did the spot; "W-something....ah, "Wapner"; I did not know Ed was a judge there, just the mayor of NYC - the Wiki

32. Linguist's concern : SEMANTICS

35. Belabor : REHASH

36. Most ATM deposits : CKs - Checks, and, meh.

38. Novelist Flaubert : GUSTAVE - I had everything but the "G", since my first "shot protector" was "KEVLAR VEST"

39. Tools for those on the way up : ICE AXES

40. Bedlam : CHAOS

41. __ Altos, California : LOS

43. Positioned : SITED - mostly in terms of where a house sits on its plot, in terms of solar gain, views, etc.

46. Bother : PEST - the Pittsburgh Penguins were SWEPT out of the playoffs by Boston tonight - and they are an NHL pest to me

47. Stage presentation? : OBIE - the award for stage performances

48. Observance : RITE

49. Stalk in the garden : STEM

52. Excitable dinosaur in "Toy Story" : REX - I could not think of his name - but when the perps filled it in, I got a smack upside the head from myself

53. TNT part : TRInitrotoluene - usually we get the TNT part as the answer; I was curious, so I read the Wiki - it was first prepared by a German named Julius Wilbrand - as a dye - now that's what I call "ribald"


Jun 7, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013, Jim Holland

Theme: Is she out there? Letter in.
Or, this LINK.(1:03).

Each of the four theme answers are recognizable two-word phrases with a single letter inserted and attached to the final word to create a new and whimsical phrase. The second words are all words starting with a single letter. I just had one of Mr. Holland's puzzles in April where he entertained us with a punny one; this time he has an add-on with four solid entries. To accomplish that we have many more than a Friday worth of 3,4 and 5 letter fill. I liked OBSOLETE, DOODLER, STEAMS UP and some others but there there were some really hard short ones. Let's explore.

17A. Spontaneous camera adjustment? : SUDDEN F-STOP. (11). A quick stop becomes the misunderstood action which basically controls how much light comes in through the lens.

26A. Electronic device for some singles? : BACHELOR I-PAD. (12). The single man's cave becomes his tablet. Makes sense after that 90 square foot apartment.

43A. Oversized cleaning tool? : GENEROUS Q-TIP (12). Just keep it out of your ear.

57A. Kid's sport played in costume? : MASKED T-BALL. (11). My favorite one as I picture all the little kids in their masks swinging away.


1. Brown shade : ECRU.  Continuing my shade theme from last week.

5. Authentic : LEGIT.

10. Yale Law students, until 1918 : MEN. He tried tricking you into putting in ELI.

13. Move furtively : SLINK.

15. Muse for Byron : ERATO. A repeat performance from yesterday, and not the only one as we also have, 38D. Belligerent son of Zeus : ARES. War god.    

16. Cry of support : OLE. This is a lot of bull.

19. URL ending : GOV. You have to wait for peeps.

20. Unemployed? : OBSOLETE. This was not easy clued this way. And we have an antoclecho 45D. Employed : USED.

21. Car buyer's choice : COUPE. DeVille?  DeVil? Laugh?

23. In one's cups : LIT.

24. One at a dull meeting, perhaps : DOODLER. I doodle at all opportunities.

31. Alberta NHLer : OILER. Edmonton, Alberta Canada, which suggests Mr. Holland has some ties as he also includes, 8D. 1989 World Champion figure skater : ITO. She also won the OLYMPIC gold (6:48)  in Alberta, Canada. Every figure skating clue brings back fond memories of dear CA and our other past posters who skated. We miss you dear Clear Ayes.
Clear Ayes & Granddaughter Rachael

32. It often includes a bio : OBIT. Uary

33. Unfavorable : BAD. Not my first thought.

36. "The Man Show" co-host Carolla : ADAM.

37. Ship's anchor hole : HAWSE. I love the definition in the dictionary, "Where the hawsehole is on the ship." Apparently from Old Norse for neck? Jerome, SB?

39. Decree : RULE. Which is also a Law which rhymes with

40. Green : RAW.

41. Gun barrel measurement : BORE. Which has nothing to do with 26D. Tusked mammal : BOAR.

42. Like staying in the Bates Motel : EERIE. If you do not know the movie Psycho, they have a TV series now.
46. Lets out early : PAROLES. Last day of school in Florida, so the traffic gets better.

49. Halifax hrs. : AST.In Nova Scotia, more Canada, and Atlantic Standard Time, 1 hour earlier than EST.

50. Something to aspire to : IDEAL.

51. Angers : STEAMS UP. Nice fresh fill.

56. Captain's record : LOG. How many have seen the new Star Trek movie, I still have not gone, but I can always here Shatner's voice, "Captain's Log, stardate..."

60. Jazz ___ : ERA. Which was when JzB?

61. Dangerous snake : ADDER. My favorite is the BLACK (2:42) one.

62. "...could ___ lean" : EAT NO. Poor Mrs. Sprat.

63. Retreat, perhaps : DEN. Unless it one of iniquity...I think they are now media rooms, or family rooms.

64. Pries (into) : NOSES. Such a nice literal usage, as you see people actually inserting their face, nose first...

65. Ticket word : SEAT.


1. Exxon, previously : ESSO. Classic crosswordese.

2. Bridge ___ : CLUB. I used to play often, but not in a long while.

3. Clears : RIDS.

4. Command following a mistake : UNDO.

5. Gave, as in a will : LEFT TO. To many legal terms slowed me down here.

6. Gaelic tongue : ERSE.

7. Rod : GAT. Hard boiled detective fiction words, Mickey Spillane, etc.

9. Fall wear : TOP COAT.

10. Trump, for one : MOGUL. I will avoid comment on this man except to ask if anyone has seen the ESPN show where Trump is credited with destroying the USFL?  I know his attorney from those days.

11. Use a ladder stereotypically : ELOPE.

12. "___ My Love": 1967 hit : NEVER. My teenage years from the ASSOCIATION.(2:46).

14. Sullivan's student : KELLER.  I have always been fascinated by the story of HELEN.(2:59). The Movie the Miracle Worker was also wonderful.

18. Diamond on many charts : NEIL. He was at Fenway Park to support Boston after the Marathon Massacre.

22. Vegas bet : ODD. You will never get even betting just odd; gambling is not that Black or Red.

24. Informal claim : DIBS. Like the ubiquitous call, "shotgun."

25. Expectant father in "Return to Mayberry" : OPIE. A reunion show, with all the old characters, including a married Ron Howard; here is the entire SHOW. (1:36:08).

27. "O patria mia" singer : AIDA. How many opera fans do we have?

28. Nail that's often curved : CLAW. Kitty lovers?

29. Moment of hesitation : HEM. Haw, he got them.

30. Trireme mover : ROWER. The three rows of oars in this ancient VESSEL. Very hard fill.

33. Eponymous beekeeper Shavitz : BURT. This was very obscure, while the company kept his name, he sold out to his partner who made a success of BURT's BEESWAX products. I did not know his last name but do recall when all they sold was candles..

34. Et ___ : ALII. You say ALII I say ALIA.

35. Serious : DEEP. Like all those conversations in college where we were able to....

37. Fine-tune : HONE. are seductive ways.

39. What an asterisk means on some forms: Abbr. : REQ. Uired. You can't finish the form unless you fill it in.

41. Luggage lugger : BELL MAN. Bell Cap?

42. Fancy spread : ESTATE. Not food, dirt.

43. India's smallest state : GOA. I had no clue, but perped it in.

44. Some of their scenes were filmed in deserts : OATERS. I knew this immediately was referring to old westerns.

46. In a stack : PILED.

47. Be gaga over : ADORE.

48. Lear daughter : REGAN. Clearly Goneril and Cordelia would not do.

51. Arcade game word : SKEE. Balls!

52. Work force entrants' assets, briefly : MBASMaster of Business Administration.

53. Fill to capacity : SATE.

54. Prismatic bone : ULNA. I never really thought about PRISMS.

55. Scheme : PLOT.

58. Flurry : ADO.

59. Radical campus org. : SDS. Students for a Democratic Society.

Well another Friday done and an odd experience, with some very hard fill in a grid with primarily short words but a very clever theme. Until next time, I am either in a storm or playing in golf tournament as you read this; live long and prosper. Lemonade out.