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Apr 4, 2023

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 Sean Ziebarth

Store Closing: All Sales are Final.

I'll start with the unifier today:

56-Across. Going-out-of-business bargain event, and an apt description of this puzzle's circles: CLOSING SALE.  Notice how there are fewer and fewer letters in-between the SA-LE as we progress down the grid.  Crazy Eddie finally closed for good due to SEC violations.  I remember the Crazy Eddie ads from my days in Connecticut.

20-Across. Muppet with blue feathers and a black unibrow: SAM THE EAGLE.  7 letters.

34-Across. Ceramic piece in a kitchen backsplash, say: MOSAIC TILE.  3 letters.  Some of the most magnificent mosaic tiles can be seen at the Piazza Armerina in Sicily.  Because the Roman ruins are so remote, they have been well preserved.

40-Across. Laryngeal projection: ADAM'S APPLE.  2 letters.

Here's the grid, so you can see the circled SALE.

Let's not forget this little homophone:

28-Down. Cruise (along): SAIL.

What else is for Sale in today's puzzle?

1. Lasting mark: SCAR.

5. Hairstyle with upturned ends: FLIP.  A style favored by Mary Tyler Moore.

9. Neckwear worn by Fred in "Scooby-Doo": ASCOT.

14. Worker's compensation: WAGE.

15. More than fix up: REDO.

16. "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" spinoff: RHODA.  [Name # 1.]  //  And 41-Down. "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and 16-Across, e.g.: SIT-COMS.

17. "Words fail me!": I CAN'T EVEN.

19. Mexican title: SEÑOR.  Today's Spanish lesson.  Hi, Lucina!

22. __-la-la: TRA.

23. Flower bed tool: HOE.

24. Poems that may begin "For a ... ": ODEs.  A crossword staple.  An Ode could also be musical.

25. __ before: deadline words: ON OR.  I have to finish the blog commentary on or before 3:30 a.m. each Tuesday.

27. "No seats" sign: SRO.  As in Standing Room Only.
28. Access ticket at a snowy resort: SKI PASS.

31. Farm mom: MARE.

37. Burn soother: ALOE.  A crossword staple.  So is this cartoon.

38. "Parlez-vous français?" reply: OUI.  Today's French lesson.  The alternative answer could have been NON.

39. Cabbage dish: SLAW.  Why is it called Coleslaw?  Yummers!

44. Belief systems: -ISMS.  Think Theism, or deism, or as Waseeley gave us last Thursday, there is Darwinism.

45. Fill-in-the-blanks diversion: MAD LIBs.

46. Dudes: MEN.

48. Memory unit: BYTE. Computer memory.

49. Naval lockup: BRIG.  Origin of the meaning of Brig as a naval prison.

51. Journalist Koppel: TED.  Ted Koppel (né Edward James Martin Koppel; b. Feb. 8, 1940) is a British-born American journalist.  He is probably best known for hosting Nightline.  [Name # 2.]

54. Good friend: PAL.

59. Vinegary stew of Filipino cuisine: ADOBO.  Apparently, countries all over the world have a variation of Adobo.

61. Zoom call, say: VIDEO CHAT.

62. "Attack!": SIC 'EM.

63. Genesis garden: EDEN.  Another crossword staple.

64. Reusable bag: TOTE.

65. Lifts: TAKES.

66. Home made of sticks: NEST.

67. Zig or zag: VEER.

1. Sound of a clean jump shot: SWISH.

2. Crème de __: sweet liqueur: CACAO.  Everything you wanted to know about Crème de Cacao but didn't know to ask.

3. Athlete's best effort: A-GAME.

4. Tenant's monthly expense: RENT.  Also the name of a Broadway musical.

5. Liberty: FREEDOM.

6. Structure with high-water marks: LEVEE.

Aerial view of the Levee in Baton Rouge.

7. "Any more bright __?": IDEAS.

8. Early Atari release: PONG.  Pong was first released over 50 years ago!

9. "__ and Old Lace": ARSENIC.  Arsenic and Old Lace is a 1939 play, later made into a movie, about two old women who begin murdering lonely old men by poisoning them.

10. That woman: SHE.

11. Air lines?: CONTRAILS.  Everything you wanted to know about Contrails but didn't know to ask.

12. Skunkiness: ODOR.

13. Stanford basketball coach VanDerveer: TARA.  Tara Ann VanDerveer (b. June 26, 1953) has been the head women's basketball coach at Stanford since 1985.  [Name # 3.]

18. God of Thunder: THOR.  Norse mythology.  [Name # 4.]  //  And 21-Down. God of Mischief: LOKI. [Name # 5.]  More Norse mythology.

26. Chooses to join: OPTS IN.

27. Appropriate: SEEMLY.

29. Grand __: bases-loaded homer: SLAM.

30. Fixes with thread: SEWS.

31. Hat-tipping word: MA'AM.

32. Actor Alan honored with a SAG Life Achievement Award in 2019: ALDA.  Alan Alda (né Alphonso Joseph D'Abruzzo; b. Jan. 28, 1936) is probablybest known for his portrayal of Hawkeye Pierce on  M*A*S*H.  [Name # 6.]

33. Highway barricade: ROAD BLOCK.

A major road block.

35. "Clumsy me!": OOPS!

36. Slangy greeting: 'SUP.  This slangy greeting has made many appearances in the puzzles recently.

42. Cain's brother: ABEL.  A Biblical reference.  Cain, who was a farmer, slew his brother, Abel.  (See Genesis 4:8).  [Name # 7.]

43. Prestigious: EMINENT.

47. Waffle-maker: EGGO.

49. Less-played song, usually: B-SIDE.  A list of B-Side songs that became hits.

50. Harley outings: RIDES.
51. Chevrolet SUV model: TAHOE.  I've heard there is also a lake with this name on the border of California and Nevada.

52. Fill with joy: ELATE.

53. Turn aside: DETER.

54. Historian's field: PAST.

55. Sarah McLachlan ballad: ADIA.  Not to be confused with Aida, which is both an opera and a Broadway musical.   [Name # 8.]

57. Pizza cooker: OVEN.

58. "SNL"-like show filmed in Canada: SCTV.  As in Second City TeleVision.

60. Spelling contest: BEE.

That's all for this week.


Passover begins tomorrow night with the first Seder.  Chag Pesach Sameach to all who celebrate.

Notes from C.C.:
Happy birthday to dear Agnes (Irish Miss), who helped me so much during the last few years of Boomer's life. I can't imagine the mistakes I would have made without her always prompt and practical advice. Thank you so much for the love and care you've been so generously giving to me, Agnes!

Apr 3, 2023

Monday April 3, 2023 Dan Caprera


Hello Cornerites! Welcome to the first Monday in April!

Mama Mia! Today's constructor Dan Caprera has given us a Wicked fun puzzle enjoyed by solvers from Oklahoma! to Chicago to the South Pacific to Hamilton, Ontario. Yes, The Sound of Music from A Chorus Line was ringing in my ears as The King and I, along with the other Guys and Dolls, worked our way through the clues. We plan to thank The Producers by sending them a case of Spamalot and perhaps a pair of Kinky Boots.

You guessed it! Our theme today is        Broadway Shows
James Cagney performing Give My Regards To Broadway
from the musical Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942).

Let's take an intermission and look at the 4 themed entries:

16 Across. *Vigorous effort: ELBOW GREASE.
  1. hard physical work, especially vigorous polishing or cleaning.
    "you should be able to get the rust off with a wire brush and elbow grease"

23 Across. *"Last Week Tonight" host: JOHN OLIVER.  
Comedian, actor, and writer JOHN OLIVER hosts this HBO show.
It airs at 11 p.m. on Sunday nights. Oof!

38 Across. *Winter transports with treads: SNOCATS. "SNOCAT" is a portmanteau of "snow" and "Caterpillar", as in the tractor company. The name originated from a 1946 trademark by Tucker Sno-Cat corporation. They can be used for plowing; grooming mountains and trails; creating snow terrain parks and obstacle courses; and transporting passengers across snow-covered areas.  

49 Across. *Come out on top, but just barely: WIN BY A HAIR. This idiom and "win by a nose" mean to defeat one's opponent by a very narrow margin.

Why would these seemingly disparate things be in the same puzzle? Let's look at the reveal:

61 Across. Dazzling theater performance, and what the answer to each starred clue literally has: SHOWSTOPPER.  The Broadway shows GREASEOLIVERCATS, and HAIR are all dazzling theater performances. Furthermore, the titles are at the end of the starred clues so each starred clue actually STOPs with a show.
Well done, Dan!


1. Abrasion a tot may call an "owie": SCRAPE.  A Hello Kitty band-aid will make it feel better.
7. __-mo: instant replay technique: SLO.

10. Cauldron: VAT.  a large tank or tub used to hold liquid, especially in industry.
Batman (1989)
Michael Keaton (Batman) and Jack Nicholson (The Joker)
have it out over a VAT of industrial goop at Axis Chemicals (1:41 min.)

13. Wobble: TEETER.  Does anyone remember these toys?
Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down. 

14. Stretch across: SPAN. and 7 Down. Barcelona's country: SPAIN.
The Camino de Santiago SPANs a good portion of northern SPAIN.
Has anyone read I'll Push You ?

15. Wedding promise: I DO.  I heard recently that people are using ChatGPT to write their "personal" wedding vows.  😂

18. Dairy farm animal: COW.  
Check out their tally board!

19. Future prunes, perhaps: PLUMS.  I used to have a neighbor who had a prune orchard. That is how I learned that prunes are their own fruit -- not just dried plums. I ate fresh prunes off the tree and made prune jam. This link explains the difference between a plum and a prune. Good job, Dan, for including the "perhaps" qualifier!

20. R&B singer Redding: OTIS.  Oh, yeah.... 
(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay
The song was recorded shortly before Otis died in a plane crash.
It was the first posthumous single to top the charts in the U.S.
My cat used to always perk up during the whistling part.

21. "And __ off!": WE'RE.  I usually add, " a heard of turtles." My Aussie friend Mick usually adds, " a bucket of shrimp left in the sun." His version is funnier.

22. Spanish "Yes, yes!": SÍ SÍ

25. Treble __: music symbol: CLEF.  

27. Exceedingly dry: SERE.  (adjective)  being dried and withered.

28. Fan's "I want my money back!": BOO.
Snoopy BOOs Charlie Brown
in A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) (31 sec.)

31. Use Grubhub, say: EAT IN. When I had the "E", I was trying to make some sort of E-food or E-tail thing work. Turns out, it wasn't that complicated.

34. Curt: TERSE.

37. Gallop: RUN.

40. "__ it ain't so!": SAY.
Weezer released SAY It Ain't So in 1994.

41. Mermaid whose father is King Triton: ARIEL. (See 55 Down.)

43. Soda brand in blue cans: PEPSI.

44. Chopping tool: AXE.

45. Do as one's asked: OBEY.

47. Philosopher Immanuel: KANT.  (1972-1894) life and works and more

53. Carmine and ruby: REDS.  wines
Was it constructor Dan's plan to distract us with thoughts of
this Carmine from Laverne & Shirley?
57. Comes to a close: ENDS.

58. Piggy bank addition: COIN.  

59. Confusion: MIX-UP.  I am sure you have heard stories of travel destination MIX-UPs. This one happened just last February when a man traveling to Sydney, Australia ended up in Sydney, MT .

60. Hullabaloo: ADO.  

63. Cup edge: RIM.

64. James of jazz: ETTA.

65. "Gotta hurry!": I'M LATE.  "Gotta" in the clue makes the contraction in the answer work.

66. Observe: SEE. and 36 Down. Observe: EYE.

67. Donkey: ASS.

68. Dangerous African fly: TSETSE.  W
hen an infected TSETSE fly bites people, it can transmit a parasite that causes the disease African trypanosomiasis, also called sleeping sickness. Symptoms include fatigue, high fever, headaches, and muscle aches. If the disease is not treated, it can cause death.

1. Units tracked by fitness trackers: STEPS.

2. Large stringed instruments in an orchestra: CELLI.  Hand up for first having CELLo. It turns out that CELLI or cellos is the plural of "cello" (full name:  violincello).

3. Picture puzzle: REBUS.  Here are 9. You can find the answers at the end of this write-up.
4. Decidedly tiny: ATOMIC.  A human hair is about 1 million carbon atoms wide.

5. Church benches: PEWS.  Wisdom from my grandfather:  He who passes gas in church sits in his own PEW.

6. Indoor rower, for short: ERG.  We've had this one before. An ERG (commonly known as a rower) stands for "ergometer", a device that measures the amount of work performed. It is designed to mimic the rowing motion that a person creates when in a watercraft but operates on land. Embrace the ERG!

8. Rodeo ropes: LASSOS.
Will Rogers in The Roping Fool (1922).
Watch him rope a mouse!
This is a 4:22 min. excerpt. Here is a link to the full 19:22 min. version.

9. Dollar: ONE.

10. The other way around: VICE VERSA.  Fun fill!
  1. with the main items in the preceding statement the other way around

Here is the trailer for the 1988 movie VICE VERSA starring Judge Reinhold and Fred Savage.
It's one of those parent-kid-switch-bodies movies -- always a good set-up for some silliness.

11. Love to pieces: ADORE.

12. Pisa landmark: TOWER. Construction of the Leaning TOWER of Pisa began in 1173 as the third and final structure of the city of Pisa's cathedral complex. In particular, it was built to serve as the complex's bell TOWER.

14. "Jokes __ Can't Tell": late-night segment: SETH.  The "late-night" part, along with a perp or two, helped me guess "SETH Meyers". I found this article on the segments.

17. Locale of many a swanky bar: ROOFTOP.

21. Cable: WIRE.

23. The Fugees rapper Wyclef __: JEAN.  Wyclef Jean, born on October 17, 1969, is an American-Haitian rapper and songwriter best known for his chart-topping album “The Score.” He began his musical career singing in church choirs, having been raised by a preacher father.

24. Admits: LETS IN.
A policeman at 10 Downing St. LETS IN Larry the cat. (56 sec.)
I love that Larry uses the policeman as his personal doorman.
Notice the giant yawn.

26. TV journalist Stahl: LESLEY.  Ms. Stahl began her 31st season on 60 Minutes in September 2022, having joined the broadcast as a correspondent in March 1991.

28. Wardrobe item with a clasp: BRA.

29. Belonging to us: OUR.

30. Russian Orthodox church feature: ONION DOME.  
why Russian churches have ONION-shaped DOMEs

32. Rink surface: ICE.

33. Some lap coverers: NAPKINS.

35. Kenny G's horn: SAX.
Kenny G. plays Silhouette (1988).

39. Old Russian ruler: TSAR.

42. Subsides: EBBS.

46. Luxury vessels: YACHTS.

48. __ sec: orange-flavored liqueur: TRIPLE.  

You might find it in these drinks:
Long Island Ice Tea, Cosmo, Kamikaze, and Side car.

49. Puts on: WEARS.  

50. Many a low-budget flick: INDIE.  
We are not talking about INDIana Jones.
This refers to an INDEpendently made movie; that is, one made outside of a major studio.

51. Owl sounds: HOOTS.

52. Audio brand: AIWA.  I found this timeline on the company's website:
1951    Founded & independent
1982    Acquired by Sony Corporation
2006    Brand Discontinued
2017    Re-launch of AIWA (independent again)
2020    Kick-start AIWA Global Business Network Formation

54. American living abroad, for short: EXPAT.  An EXPATriate is a someone who lives outside their native country.  the difference between an EXPAT and an immigrant

55. Tunes two croon: DUETS.  Here are two toons crooning tunes:
Sweet Child from The Little Mermaid (1989)

56. Shopping binge: SPREE.  According to Good Job, Brain! Episode #107, Mary Todd Lincoln was a notorious compulsive shopper. She liked to go to New York on shopping SPREEs where the merchants were happy to extend credit to the president's wife. Her shopping debts created problems in her life.

59. May honorees: MOMS.  This year, Mother's Day is Sunday, May 14.

61. Salty expanse: SEA.

62. __ for tat: TIT.  actions done intentionally to punish other people in retaliation for something they have done to you.

And for the grand finale, we have the grid!  

3 Down. REBUS puzzle answers:
1.) misunderstood, 2.) a walk in the park, 3.) one in a million, 4.) looking back, 5.) you're under arrest, 6.) stand by me, 7.) walking on thin ice, 8.) I see you understand, 9.) B flat

That's all for today. Please save me a seat for next week!

Apr 2, 2023

Sunday April 2, 2023 Pam Amick Klawitter

Theme: "Sound Bites" - Both words in each theme entry end with the same letters but are pronounced differently.

21A. Traveling puppet show featuring talking melons?: CANTALOUPE TROUPE.

34A. Coffee vessel with a broken handle?: UNSAFE CARAFE.

56A. "Men never eat flaky pastry for brunch," e.g.?: QUICHE CLICHE.

80A. Result of an orchard's promotional deal with a bakery?: FRUIT BISCUIT.

98A. Lobster soup that's a little too spicy?: RISQUE BISQUE.

117A. Rule for adding toppings to french fries?: POUTINE GUIDELINE.

14D. Unconventional spot for breadmaking?: DOUGH TROUGH.

65D. Box of donuts kept on ice?: FROZEN DOZEN.

Pam Amick Klawitter is a wordsmith. See her books here. How did she think of Cantaloupe? Amazing.

I was just talking to a friend about the craziness of the English language, using the classic example of Dough/Laugh/Through/Bough. Chinese is so simple. Chinese verbs never change. We don't even have a definitely article. The tones can drive people nuts though. Just see this Ma.


1. Go against: DEFY.

5. Faction: SECT.

9. Mesoamerican pyramid builders: MAYAS.

14. Cozy room: DEN.

17. Pelee Island's Great Lake: ERIE.

18. "Same here!": SO DO I.

19. "When the moon hits your eye" feeling: AMORE. Dean Martin's "That's Amore". Also 109. Sings soothingly: CROONS.

20. Dublin-born singer/activist: BONO.

24. Sign of aging: RUST.

25. Add zest to, e.g.: SEASON. Do you use cumin in your daily cooking?

26. Skipping school: TRUANT.

27. One of 10 in Exodus: PLAGUE.

29. Org. with an elephant mascot: GOP. Created by Thomas NAST, whom we see from time to time. Donkey seems silly.

30. German gent: HERR.

31. Squirt __: GUN.

33. Hearth debris: ASHES.

39. "Scat!": BEAT IT.

41. H.H. Munro's pen name: SAKI. Have not seen him for a long while.

42. Trauma ctrs.: ERS.

43. "Anchors __": Navy fight song: AWEIGH.

45. Classic TV brand: RCA.

48. Man of La Mancha: SPANIARD.

51. Mystery writer Nevada: BARR. Anna Pigeon series.

53. Talk enthusiastically in a nerdy way: GEEK OUT.

55. Chinese zodiac animal before the Ox: RAT.

59. Ringlet: CURL.

60. D-Day fleet: LSTS.

61. Carol opener: ADESTE.

62. Taj Mahal city: AGRA. Also 68. Colorful Hindu festival: HOLI.

63. Remote hiding place?: SOFA.

66. Pay attention to: HEED.

71. Matthew of HBO's "Perry Mason": RHYS. Married to Keri Russell ("Felicity').

72. Male deer: HART.

73. Media revenue source: AD SALE.

77. Burden: ONUS.

79. "All right already!": OK OK.

83. Former Fed chair Bernanke: BEN.

86. Website known for feminist cultural criticism: JEZEBEL. Used to be owned by Gawker Media.

88. Microwave alert: BEEP.

89. Competence in a specific field: LITERACY.

91. United: ONE.

92. Not on edge: AT EASE.

94. Scouring pad brand: SOS.

95. Goofs up: ERRS.

96. "Credit cards only": NO CASH.

103. Increase: ADD TO.

105. One of the fam: SIS.

107. Stunning defeat: ROUT.

108. Fish-to-be: ROE. I like mentaiko pasta. Cod roe.

111. Teahouse mat: TATAMI.

113. Papier-mâché party item: PINATA.

116. Labyrinth: MAZE.

121. Some sheep: EWES.

122. Bath-loving Muppet: ERNIE.

123. Striped stone: AGATE.

124. Objectives: ENDS.

125. Obj. of identity theft: SSN. Chinese has 18 digits.


126. Campus list-makers: DEANS.

127. Russian turndown: NYET.

128. __ of yore: DAYS.


1. Solstice mo.: DEC.

2. Timeline units: ERAS.

3. __ print: FINE.

4. One more time: YET AGAIN. Solid 8.

5. Before long: SOON.

6. School domain: EDU.

7. Whirlybirds, for short: COPTERS.

8. Earth, en español: TIERRA.

9. Last name of acting sisters Rooney and Kate: MARA. Also 46. Last name of NBA brothers Steph and Seth: CURRY.

10. Interspersed with: AMONG.

11. Video-sharing site: YOUTUBE.

12. Abstract art pioneer Jean: ARP.

13. Leak slowly: SEEP.

15. Follow logically: ENSUE.

16. Takes down: NOTES.

18. Sledding spot: SLOPE.

20. Luca of "The Godfather": BRASI.  "Sleeps with the fishes."

22. Beginning on: AS OF.

23. Grounds crew concern: TURF.

28. Wood-shaping tool: LATHE.

30. Metallic finish?: HARD C. Last letter in Metallic.

32. Pastoral sound: NEIGH.

34. Cold War initials: USSR.

35. California wine valley: NAPA. Also the cabbage that I eat often.

36. 32-card game: SKAT.

37. Cherry red: CERISE.

38. Some British peers: EARLS.

40. "A Death in the Family" Pulitzer winner James: AGEE.

44. Squirms: WRITHES.

47. Map collection: ATLAS.

49. Brightness stats?: IQS.

50. Writer: Abbr.: AUTH. Pam is an author.

51. Place to retire: BED.

52. Blackjack card: ACE.

54. Some 1980s Chryslers: K CARS.

57. Called "Shotgun!," say: HAD DIBS.

58. Corp. leader: CEO.

60. Potato pancake: LATKE.

63. Manga made for adolescent girls: SHOJO. Literally "young girls". Sho= Young. Jo = Girl/Girls.

64. Like some chardonnay barrels: OAKEN.

67. __ de cologne: EAU.

69. Novelist Erdrich: LOUISE. She was born in Little Falls, Minnesota.

70. Still competing: IN IT.

74. Take turns?: STEER.

75. Vigoda of "Fish": ABE.

76. __ service: LIP.

78. 4x4, briefly: UTE.

80. Greek salad topper: FETA. 87. Club ingredient: BACON. And 93. Sashimi fish: AHI TUNA. Our foodie Steve right now is now in an island off Fiji.

81. Like non-oyster months, traditionally: R-LESS.

82. Pull: CLOUT.

83. Root beer eponym: BARQ.

84. Neutral tone: ECRU.

85. CNBC topic: NYSE.

90. Zipped again: RESEALED.

94. Lenny's pal on "Laverne & Shirley": SQUIGGY. Unknown to me.

97. Native Nebraskans: OTOES.

99. Persia, today: IRAN.

100. "Not nice!": SO MEAN!

101. Wedding party: BRIDE.

102. Skye of "La Brea": IONE.

103. Capstones: ACMES.

104. Sketches: DRAWS.

106. Nightie fabric: SATIN.

110. Zipped: SPED.

112. Associations: TIES.

113. Surname of two British prime ministers: PITT. "William Pitt the Elder" & "William Pitt the Younger".

114. "Queen Sugar" actress Lifford: TINA.

115. Comedian Richter: ANDY.

118. Mine extraction: ORE.

119. OPEC member: UAE.

120. Tee preceder: ESS.
