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Aug 5, 2024

Monday August 5, 2024 Shaun Phillips and Ben Wildman-Trobriner


Happy Monday, everyone! sumdaze here. Today we are treated to another Olympic-themed puzzle. What a marvelous surprise! Theme:

Beginning with the four themed clues, we have:

16 Across. Performance in the center ring, e.g.: CIRCUS ACT.  
Three Ring Circus by Linda Mears

22 Across. Facetious "do not disturb" sign: GENIUS AT WORK.  This one was my favorite. 
some Wile E. for Charlie Echo

49 Across. Year-end feat for a star student: A-PLUS AVERAGE.  It took me a bit to parse the hyphen. I suppose that lowers my average.

60 Across. Leafy dish that may be topped with vegan ranch dressing: TOFU SALAD.  
recipe  (I would skip Step #2 to save time.)

The reveal is found in Row 8:

38 Across. Olympic delegation cheered on by the chant found in 16-, 22-, 49-, and 60-Across: TEAM USA.  

Bonus points to Shaun and Ben for finding phrases where USA spans two words.
Additional bonus points for including eleven Olympics-themed clues in the fill. I will note them as we go through the other clues. Just a warning, I am taking some liberties here.


1. Clock front: FACE.  Last Monday's reveal was ON THE CLOCK.

5. Genie's home: LAMP.

9. IRS form experts: CPAS.  "Internal Revenue Service" is abbreviated, so is "Certified Public Accoun

13. Arkin of "Argo": ALAN.  (1934 - 2023). He was in a lot of notable movies. I wonder if our constructors chose Argo because they advocate alliteration.  #ItTakesOneToKnowOne

14. Genesis twin: ESAU.  He was the elder twin to brother, Jacob.

15. __ kebab: SHISH.  
Its etymology is Turkish. The Western version is a dish of pieces of marinated meat and vegetables cooked and served on skewers. 

18. 1492 craft: PINTA.     and     
20 Across. Ocean crossed by 18-Across: ATLANTIC.  
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean Blue.  

19. Barcelona bar bites: TAPAS.  another amusing alliteration

25. Splashy suits?: SPEEDOS.  [Olympic nod #1. They are seen in the swimming and diving competitions.]

28. "One Kiss" singer __ Lipa: DUA.  If you saw Barbie, you saw Dua in a cameo role, playing Mermaid Barbie. Additionally, her song Dance the Night is on the movie's soundtrack.  

29. Dressed (in): CLAD.  In the above picture, Dua Lipa is CLAD in a mermaid costume.

30. Beaver structures: DAMS.  Beavers are considered a keystone species because they create habitat for so many other animals. This is wonderful time-lapse video showing the wildlife attracted to a pond made from a beaver's DAM. It is from the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Dept. (5:41 min.) Look for the dates in the bottom, right-hand corner. It begins on 3/31/19 and goes through 4/20/20. At the end, there is a list of all the animals in order of appearance. Fittingly, the very first animal listed is Beaver Castor canadensis.   

33. Pride flag letters: LGBTQ.

37. "__ the land of the free ... ": O'ER.   [Olympic nod #2. You will hear it whenever the USA is awarded a gold medal.]

40. 38-Across gymnast Mary __ Retton: LOU.  [Olympic nod #3. She won five medals in gymnastics events at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angles.]

41. Hard-to-find guy: WALDO.  There are seven primary Where's Waldo? books and over 30 variations. The first Where's Wally? book was published in 1987 in the U.K.

43. Guitar clamp: CAPO.  Without a CAPO, the open strings on a guitar are E, A, D, G, B, and E. My teacher taught me the mnemonic Elephants And Donkeys Got Big Ears. Using a CAPO changes those notes, depending on where the CAPO is applied. It allows one to use familiar finger positions to play different chords.

44. 38-Across gymnast Lee: SUNI.  [Olympic nod #4.  Among her many achievements, Suni is on the 2024 USA Women's gold-medal winning gymnastics team.]

45. Dashboard stat: RPM.  "Statistic" is abbreviated, so is "Revolutions Per Minute".

47. Optometry exam: EYE TEST.  I had one the other day. I had to confess to my doctor that I was "meta-ing the test" because I could not tell if the second letter was an O or a D but I looked ahead and saw a for-sure D, so I knew the blurry letter must be an O.

54. Steakhouse order often served au jus: PRIME RIB.  

55. Old enough: OF AGE.  [Olympic nod #5. Have you noticed that the announcers tend to say, "At twenty years OF AGE" instead of "twenty years old"?]

59. __ of humor: SENSE.  

63. Cheered (on): EGGED.  I am fairly sure EGGing someone on is cheering them on to do a bad thing so no Olympic nod this time.
a crocodile hatching from and EGG
Its mother will stay nearby (to EGG it on?)
for several weeks to months.  more on crocodiles

64. Erelong: ANON.  Erelong is a hint that the answer is also archaic. Both are adverbs that mean "before long", "shortly", or "soon".  

65. "Blame It on the Bossa __": NOVA.  This song was a 1963 hit single for Eydie 
Gormé (1928-2013). (Mad Men fans might like this video.)

66. Flue grime: SOOT.  

67. U-shaped stringed instrument: LYRE.  

68. Checkout unit: ITEM.  
(Click to enlarge.)
Sometimes that is me on the right because I have not yet figured out how to
bag my own ITEMs and dig for my credit card at the same time.

1. Information that's easily verified: FACT.  

2. Shawkat of "Being the Ricardos": ALIA.  She was also in Arrested Development.  IMDb page

3. Gefilte fish fish: CARP.

4. Like some small pets: ENCAGED.  After being ENCAGED, the canary was ENrAGED so it ENgAGED an attorney.

5. "__ Misér
ables": LES.  [Olympic nod #6.  A French rendition of Do You Hear the People Sing? was in the Opening Ceremonies.]  

6. Fit __ fiddle: AS A.  Have you heard, "As fit as a brown trout"? Read more here.

7. Chinese region known as the "Las Vegas of Asia": MACAU.  Vegas vs. Macau

8. Final golf shots, usually: PUTTS.  [Olympic nod #7. "
Golf first became an Olympic sport during the second edition of the modern Games, Paris 1900. It returned for the the 1904 Games in St. Louis, but then took a 112-year hiatus before finally returning to the Olympic program for Rio 2016." Golf Olympic History]  

9. Chitchat: CHIN-WAG.  Merriam-Webster labels this word as "chiefly British" and "informal". It means "a friendly conversation."

10. Spotted bean or horse: PINTO.  In the NE, we have PINTO crossing PINTA, which crossed the ATLANTIC.  

11. Showing signs of life: ASTIR.

12. Rustic cabin: SHACK.  
The B-52's  ~  Love Shack  ~  1989

15. Pancake flipper: SPATULA.

17. Like items at a consignment store: USED.

21. Boy: LAD.

23. Lymph __: NODE.

24. Physicist Newton: ISAAC.  I remember liking this book. I should re-read it. 

25. Flat-bottomed barge: SCOW.

26. Heartfelt request: PLEA.

27. Actor James __ Jones: EARL.  [Olympic nod #8. James Earl Jones narrated introductions to the 2000 Sydney and 2004 Athens Olympics.]

31. Sport in octagonal enclosures, for short: MMA.  Mixed Martial Arts

32. Word before hero or power: SUPER.

34. Red, white, and __: 38-Across's colors: BLUE.  [Olympic nod #9. These are the colors of  the American flag.]
I read once that "red, white, & blue" sounds odd to French people. They say, "blue, white, & red." Fair enough.  

35. Cargo capacity units: TONS.

36. Bow out: QUIT.

38. Athlete in lane four of an Olympic swim trial, for one: TOP SEED.  [Olympic nod #10. An Olympic pool has eight lanes. Lane #4 is preferred because it has less wave resistance. The swimmer with the best time in the preliminary heats merits Lane#4 in the finals. Read more here.]

39. Protein-rich bean: SOYA.

42. Percussionist's kit: DRUMSET.  Putting kit in the clue waved us off the preferred DRUMkit.

44. No Doubt lead singer Gwen: STEFANI.  Before she was on The Voice, Gwen was Just a Girl (1995), singing in a band called No Doubt.  

46. Tarnish: MAR.  like a reputation

48. Self-images: EGOS.

49. Church recesses: APSES.  
The round part is an APSE as viewed from the outside.

50. Spaghetti sauce brand: PREGO.

51. Shoptalk: LINGO.  

52. All-important: VITAL.  
a sign displaying human VITAL signs
(Click to enlarge.)

53. Tree with black wood: EBONY.  

56. "Thanks __!": A LOT.

57. __ birth to: GAVE.

58. Cheese similar to Babybel snacks: EDAM.  
61. The "F" of FWIW: FOR.  FOR What It's Worth

62. French one: UNE.  [Olympic nod #11. France is hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics.]

Here is the grid:  
I "picked" these Black-Eyed Susans for you.
Enjoy your day!

Aug 4, 2024

Sunday, August 4th, 2024 ~ Kelly Richardson

Title: All Ball

Kelly provides us nuthin' but net in today's puzzle. #Basketball.

22. Goal of a dog running an agility course?: GET TO THE HOOP. And drop a bucket.

A puppy doin' it

36. Arrive too late for the blanket giveaway?: MISS A FREE THROW. This gave me a chuckle.
How do folks that make $$$/yr miss?

51. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?: DEEP THREE. Oooh! A mid-court shot by a philosopher.

Monty Python

61. Garden privacy border made of psychoactive plants?: ILLEGAL SCREEN. Ref blows the whistle.

73. Gutter ball?: ALLEY OOPS. Boomer would call that a missed lane(?)

86. All of the reporters covering a trial?: FULL COURT PRESS.

105. Basketball stat, and what can be found in six of this puzzle's long answers: DOUBLE DOUBLE. And there's the cute - notice the double letters in each of the themers.

I can understand, if you've not been around basketball fans, how this theme might be a passed ball.

1. Fuses: WELDS. I was thinking electrical fuses. Anyone remember putting a penny under one to keep the lights on until getting back from the hardware store?

6. Fuse: UNITE. Cute cleco.

11. Microsoft's web browser: EDGE. Also U2's guitarist.

15. Bar: BAN. LSAT was first to mind. Youngest takes it this fall. She should take the Bar in 3 years.

18. Really fowl?: AVIAN. #boo-hiss :-)

19. "Fuller House" actor John: STAMOS.

20. Like a leaf blower: LOUD. Oy! Every time I want to take a nap the HOA mowers appear on the median raising a racket.
//BTW, that's why tennis is the loudest sport... They're always raising a racket :-)

21. "Flamin' Hot" director Longoria: EVA. TLN w/ a V in the middle... perp wait for Es or As.

22. [See: Theme]

24. "__, Brute?": ETTU.

25. Talk by a rev.: SER. The REVerend makes a SERmon.

26. Adds nutrients to, as flour: ENRICHES.

27. Mass x acceleration: FORCE. F=ma. Physics 101.

29. Provide fare for an affair: CATER. Love the clue's alliteration.

31. Vibe: TENOR.

32. Teddy bear picnic need: TEA SET.

34. Betting setting: CASINO. I'll be staying at the Linq's Tuesday for Blackhat|Defcon.

35. Wildebeest: GNU. What's GNU with you?

Gary GNU

36. [See: Theme]

38. Chrysalides, e.g.: PUPAE.

41. Art able to: CANST. Um, OK.

42. Cove, e.g.: INLET.

43. Stringed instrument: HARP.

44. World's third-largest river, by volume: CONGO.

45. Thanksgiving Day Parade sponsor: MACYS.

47. Really grate on: RILE.

51. [See: Theme]

53. Hajj destination: MECCA.

54. Ride a bike: PEDAL.

55. Branch of Islam: SHIA.

56. Two-tone bear: PANDA. A black and white answer.

57. Handles: FIELDS. An Easter Egg; as in fields a Ball.

58. Saint-Tropez sea: MER.

61. [See: Theme]

65. Part of REM: EYE. Anyone else think Stipe at first?

R.E.M.'s Orange Crush

66. Graduates: ALUMNI.

68. Major artery: AORTA.

69. Sch. between Mex. and N. Mex.: UTEP. University of Texas, El Paso. With Youngest at UT Austin and the other three of us with degrees from OU, um... #Awkward :-)

71. Nom de plume: ALIAS. Do they call AKA NdP in France?

72. HS assessments: PSATS. High School's Pre-Standard Achievement TestS.

73. [See: Theme]

78. List of options: MENU.

79. Los Angeles art museum: GETTY.
The Getty

80. Salty side: FRIES. I was looking for sass from Flo at Mel's.

81. Appeal: PLEA.

82. Big name in tractors: DEERE.

84. Pam of "Jackie Brown": GRIER.

85. Petrichor, e.g.: SCENT.

86. [See: Theme]

91. Brains behind a tech startup?: CPU. Cute. Central Processing Unit of a "techy" computer.

92. Ed who plays Donald Sterling in the miniseries "Clipped": O'NEILL.

93. Lambaste: BERATE.

94. New Hampshire state flower: LILAC.

97. Tehran resident: IRANI.

98. Take over a dance: CUTIN.

99. Seats near the action: FRONT ROW.

102. "Sneakers" actor Kingsley: BEN.

103. Lowly worker: PEON.

105. [See: Theme]

108. Back muscle, briefly: LAT.

109. "Not long now": SOON.

110. Over the moon: ELATED.

111. __ Loops: FROOT. All the colors taste the same but it's a great sugar rush before school.

112. "Rockaria!" rock gp.: ELO.

I was not familiar with this song.

113. Sports award: ESPY.

114. Chip dip: SALSA. I prefer pico de gallo.

115. Forest fronds: FERNS.

1. Pay: WAGE.

2. Vault or beam, in gymnastics: EVENT.

3. Petrol unit: LITRE. C,Eh! should be happy w/ the spelling.

4. Modern matchmakers: DATING APPS. Cute.

5. Ice-and-syrup treat: SNO-CONE.

6. Some Numic speakers: UTES.

7. "Prolly not": NAH.

8. Letters introducing a judgment: IMO. In My (Humble) Opinion.

9. 85 in a 55, say: TOO FAST. No, 85 in a 55 is just about right on Houston's Beltway (Grand Parkway is another matter - better be doing ~95 to keep from getting run over)

10. Evita, to Juan Per n: ESPOSA. OMG!, Duolingo just paid off :-)

11. Lyriq or Leaf: ELECTRIC CAR. I've never heard of Lyriq.

12. Coddle, with "on": DOTE.

13. Instinct: GUT. Gut reaction.

14. Teach: EDUCATE.

15. Awaken: BESTIR.

16. Skin care brand whose name comes from the Latin for "oats": AVEENO.

17. Like a slot canyon: NARROW.

19. "__ Used To Be Mine": Sara Bareilles song: SHE. I was thinking The Cars' My Best Friend's Girl.

23. Not 'round?: THRU. Adverbs abriv'd.

28. Pro coin flipper: REF. Think beginning of a footBALL game.

30. Plant with helicopter seeds: ASH TREE.

32. Hint: TINGE.

33. Sylvan __: "Hey Mami" folktronica duo: ESSO. ESP.

34. Animation stills: CELS.

36. Head locks?: MANE.

37. Artist who has recorded in Tolkien's fictional language: ENYA.

38. Post-M.A. pursuit: PHD. Out of respect, I call her Dr. DW.

39. Fed. next to Oman: UAE. United Arab Emeritus.

40. Not post-: PRE.

41. Undersea colony creator: CORAL.

44. Cook-off bowlful: CHILI. You know, one of things I really miss about living in SPI is the CHILI parlors. I know H-Town doesn't put beans in it, but,.. some kidney beans stretches out the proteins.

45. Smart society: MENSA. Half of the MENSA's I know are <redacted>

46. "Hells Bells" band: AC/DC. Hell yeah! //Splynter can get on board :-)


48. Lounging: IDLE.

49. British title: LADY.

50. If not: ELSE.

52. Adds water to: THINS.

53. Soda fountain drinks: MALTS.

54. Like some air fresheners: PINEY.

56. Celebration: PARTY.

57. Celebrations: FETES.

58. "__, this is a Wendy's": MA'AM. This is a response to someone who's not at the right time nor place for what they are saying.

59. Romance novelist Kennedy: ELLE.

60. Destroy: RUIN.

62. Hopping holiday figure: EASTER BUNNY.

63. Farm animal in some yoga classes: GOAT.

64. Mathematician who wrote the first theorem of graph theory: EULER. Ooooh, now we're getting into maths *heart emoji*

67. Schmaltzy: MAUDLIN.

70. References in some crossword clues: POP CULTURE.

72. Machu Picchu country: PERU.

73. Rally: ARISE.

74. Fabrications: LIES.

75. Cheer after un gol: OLE.

76. Write: PEN.

77. Perched: SAT.

79. Subj. of John McPhee's "Annals of the Former World": GEOL.

80. Guitar component: FRET.

83. Celestial obscuration: ECLIPSE.

84. Yogurt topping: GRANOLA.

85. Prequel series, essentially: SPINOFF.

86. Quirk: FOIBLE.

87. "Far out!": UNREAL.

88. Shanty: LEANTO.

89. Hanoi holiday: TET.

90. Lion families: PRIDES.

91. Lump of earth: CLOD.

95. Trellised archway: ARBOR.

96. Two-dot punctuation: COLON.

98. Flock flat: COOP.

99. __ market: FLEA.

100. Vermilion: RED. Google tells me vermilion is a brilliant RED. ESP saved me.

101. Hoses down: WETS.

104. Dawn goddess: EOS.

106. LUV competitor: UAL. LUV is Southwest Airlines; UAL is United.

107. "Boy With Luv" band: BTS. #K-POP

The Grid:
The Grid

Thanks Kelly for the Slam Dunk puzzle. It was a lot of words but this dyslexic solved it.

I've missed posting at The Corner the last few (very busy) days and I've been remiss...
Happy 80th Tehachapi Ken. You raised a good boy.
And, SubG, Happy Birthday to you too. Thanks for sharing the snap.

I'm getting girded for Hacker Summer Camp [read: getting my Pi proxy updated for Blackhat & Defcon] so y'all probably won't hear from me 'till the 13th.

Cheers, -T

Aug 3, 2024

Saturday, August 3, 2024, Katie Hale

 Saturday Themeless by Katie Hale

Katie, Patti's assistant editor, is a stay-at-home mom living in the London inner-city Borough of Hackney.

Her puzzle required some real head scratching in places but was a pleasant excursion.


1. Help with spelling: WAND - Oh, that kind of spell! 😀

5. Up: AHEAD - The famous analog Master's Tournament Scoreboard shows Patrick Reed is ONE UP on second place Ricky Fowler -15 to -14 (under par scores are posted in red).   

10. Like cotton candy: SPUN.

14. Steinbeck twin: ARON - Eden, ARON and Cal, hmmm... Genesis anyone? 


15. Herd stray: DOGIE.

16. Transparent block in Minecraft: PANE - This appears to be a thing in this game

17. Event responsible for the northern lights: SOLAR STORM - This amateur astronomer confidently entered SOLAR FLARE first.

19. Nobel city: OSLO.

20. Pro across town from a Cap: NAT - In Washington D.C. the NHL Capitals play three miles north of Nationals Park where the MLB NATionals play

21. Takes the cake?: EATS 😀

22. Himalayan kingdom: BHUTAN -  A few hundred miles east of Mt. Everest

24. Sappiness: TREACLE - A mainstay of my lovely bride's very successful Hallmark Channel movies. 

26. Shout to: HOOT AT.

27. Heady list: BEER MENU 😀

29. Listserv setting: BCC - Blind Carbon Copy. 

31. Asa's "Sex Education" role: OTIS - Kate or Patti's Saturday OTIS.

33. God who favored the Trojans: ARES.

34. Steak meat: AHI - Tuna is not what we first think of as steak here on the Great Plains


35. "How!?": WHAT'S YOUR SECRET.

39. "TMI!": ICK 😳 10 signs you're sharing TMI

40. Née: BORN 
Jacqueline "Jackie" Lee Kennedy Onassis (NÉE Bouvier /ˈbuːvieɪ/; July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994).

41. Sea __: BASS.

42. Important body part in balancing: TOE.

43. Delicacy often prepared à la Bourguignonne: ESCARGOT.

46. Sappy types: MAPLES 😀 A different kind of sappy from 24 Across - Treacle

48. Some high-end speakers: ORATORS 😀 Some high-end speakers can charge $250,000 and up for an appearance.

52. Take another shot: REFILM - Stanley Kubrick did 148 retakes to get this scene from The Shining the way he liked.

53. Winter layer: COAT 😀

54. Opus __: DEI - Silas was a sincere follower of Opus Dei in The Da Vinci Code. Okay, he was a psycho too but...


55. Chamber opening?: ANTE - The ANTEchamber where one waited to see QE II at Buckingham palace. 

56. Late night lament: I CAN'T SLEEP -I never miss an opportunity to post 60's Rock and Roll

59. Chandon partner: MOET.

60. "In the Bedroom" Oscar nominee: TOMEI.

61. Too: ALSO.

62. Off: AWRY.

63. Awards for very good plays: ESPYS - Uh, athletic plays. 😀 The 2024 list of nominees

64. __ Coe: Highlands hiking spot: GLEN - Scottish highlands


1. Never happened: WASN'T - The Y2K disaster.

2. Loud: AROAR.

3. "The Prince of Tides" star: NOLTE.

4. Genomics focus: DNA 
Put simply, genomics is the study of an organism’s genome – its genetic material – and how that information is applied. All living things, from single-celled bacteria, to multi-cellular plants, animals and humans, have a genome – and ours is made up of DNA. 😗

5. Super Bowl goal: AD SALE - $$$

6. More in demand: HOTTER.

7. Alter __: EGOS - Superman, Bat Man, Spiderman, Mr. Hyde, et al.

8. Lack of space?: AIR 😀 Space definitely lacks AIR

9. Spiritual that lists body parts: DEM BONES. 💀

10. Declaim: SPOUT - This is an election year 

11. Shell stations?: PASTA BARS - A small one

12. Lets off the hook: UNLATCHES 😀

13. "__ Bible": Arcade Fire album recorded in a renovated church: NEON.

18. Signal to start playing: RECESS BELL - Those 4th grade eyes are locked onto the clock as it approaches 10 am, 11:35 am and 2:00 pm.

23. Digs in canals: HOUSE BOATS - Digs is slang for where one lives and this HOUSE BOAT was used in Sleepless In Seattle.

32. Resemble: TAKE AFTER - Speaking of Sleepless in Seattle, here is Meg Ryan and her son Jack Quaid

25. Somewhat: A BIT.

26. German address: HERR - HERR Stephan Schläpfer is a distant cousin (and a great guy) we met in St. Gallen, Switzerland. 

28. Luau backdrop, perhaps: MAUNA - Hawaiian for mountain

30. Op. __: CIT - I have never used this term in my real life.

31. "Calm down": OH COME NOW.

35. Card: WIT.

36. "Free Solo" setting: YOSEMITE - The 3,000 ft. vertical face of El Capitan

37. Fantasy monsters: ORCS - From LOTR

38. Nineteenth Amendment campaigner: CATT - Women's Suffrage

44. "Wagatha Christie" subject Coleen: ROONEYWagatha origin

45. Complimentary: GRATIS.

47. Reverence: PIETY.

49. "Another Love" singer Tom: O'DELL.

50. First name on "The Morning Show": REESE.

51. Nurse: SIP ON.

52. Protagonist in many a Diwali story: RAMA 
Diwali marks the day Rama, Sita and Lakshmana return to Ayodhya after 14 years in exile. Exiled by his own father King Dasharatha, Rama, his wife Sita and his brother, Laxmana, face various hardships as they travel through the forests. Okay...

53. Stay out for the night: 

57. NYSE listings: COS - Companies

58. Twitch hitch: LAG - Twitch is a streaming service and it can sometimes have a hitch which results in a LAG, I guess...


Note from C.C.:

Happy birthday to dear Melissa, who guided us for many Wednesdays in the past. I've never met anyone as brave and tough as Melissa.
