, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 2, 2019

Wedneday October 2, 2019 Jeffrey Wechsler

Theme: Taking Flight.

Jeffrey Wechsler is making a rare (At least it seems rare to me.) mid-week appearance, and so is desper-otto. Without the circles it's doubtful you'd ever find the JET, FIGHTER, GLIDER, or TURBOPROP on upward trajectories in the grid. My newspaper had the circles. My only problem was failing to look at 'em. This puzzle is a normal 15 x 15, but is symmetrical left-to-right only for those of you who care about those things. OK, let's get started...


1. Barely enough: SCANT. Scantily clad, perhaps.

6. Like a pooch's smooch: WET. It makes me cringe when folks kiss their dog or cat. It can also cost an arm and a leg...or worse. Caution: That article is not breakfast-friendly.

9. "Happy Days" actress Erin: MORAN. She fell on hard times with financial problems and depression, and ultimately succumbed to throat cancer a couple of years ago at age 56.

14. Software writer: CODER. Never considered myself just a coder. I was involved in all aspects of my applications from specifications to design to coding to beta testing and finally release to the production environment.

15. Texter's "As I see it": IMO. In my opinion, or IMHO, in my humble opinion.

16. Defunct defense gp.: SEATO. SouthEast Asia Treaty Organization. It lasted from '54 thru '77.

17. Pear variety: ANJOU. No reason, but it always reminds me of this old-timey actor Adolphe Menjou (Nobody names sons Adolph anymore.)

18. Opening setting of "Madagascar": Zoo.

19. Be carried by the current: DRIFT.

20. Fort Worth sch.: TCU. Texas Christian University.

21. RR stop: STA. Will it be STA or will it be STN? Only the perps know for certain.

23. Giuseppe's god: DIO. Italian.

25. "S" on an invitation: S'IL.Repondez s'il vous plait. French.

26. NFL's Gronk and others: TES. First I learned that his name wasn't T.E. Gronk. In fact it wasn't Gronk at all. It was Gronowski. And his first name was Rob, not something beginning with a T. Further research yielded his position. So TES stands for Tight EndS. Hooray. It'll be forgotten by lunch time.

27. Roller coaster experiences: THRILLS. Don't care for 'em, myself.

29. Previously, to a poet: ERE. Gluey.

30. 1999 Ron Howard satire: ED TV. Not his best work. It only received a 30% Rotten Tomatoes audience score.

32. Easy-to-spot jigsaw pieces: EDGES. Does everybody fill in the border first? I do.

33. Ado: FUSS. It's how we say "I do" here in redneck country [See above].

34. Turn back to zero: RESET. Illegal, if it's your car's odometer.

36. Hundred Acre Wood joey: ROO. Most of what I know about Winnie the Pooh, I learned from doing cws.

37. Egyptian Christians: COPTS. Not to be confused with the Picts who fought the Roman legions in what is now Scotland.

38. Word from Robin preceding headache, homework, and hamstrings, among others: HOLY. "Holy Hemorrhoid, Batman, what a pain!"

40. "Beetle Bailey" dog: OTTO. CSO, he said, taking a deep bow.

42. __ monster: GILA. Pronounced hē-lə -- the only venomous lizard native to North America.

43. Song and dance: ARTS. Fred and Ginger-ish

45. Ramp, and what's found in each set of circles: INCLINED PLANE. The airplane names are found in the inclined circles, doncha see.

50. Con: FOOL. Fool me once...

51. Floor models: DEMOS. Some can be good deals.

52. Putting game: GOLF. Not my game. It's 50/50 whether the ball will land in front of me or behind. I just swing and holler, "Eight!" to cover all eventualities.

54. Iconic lemon: EDSEL. The '50s sedan, not the ironic Friday Lemon.

56. "Live With Kelly and Ryan" network: ABC. I just wait on the perps.

57. Big name in whisky: DEWAR. CSO to IM, I think.

58. Small songbird: TIT. I would've clued this differently. I did not know that a chickadee is technically a tit.

59. Reevaluated favorably: UPRATED. OK, I guess. I doubt that Jeffrey's proud of this one.

62. Corp. tech boss: CIO. My former boss was one. He said it meant Career-Is-Over. He was not 39d, and died young of a heart attack -- his first and only.

63. Action film gun: UZI. Israeli assault weapon.

64. Privately: SUB ROSA. Literally "under the rose" which supposedly has some sort of history regarding secrecy. I remember an old joke involving a subpoena

65. Journalist Curry: ANN. Spent many years with NBC. Not sure what she's doing now.

66. Brief time: SEC. Yeah, that's pretty brief.

67. Taste: TRY.

68. Charles of R&B: RAY. Didn't recognize the name...oh, Charles is his last name. D'oh! I'd been torn between RAY and ROY before the light blinded me.

69. Macaw, for some: PET. Could be a long-term commitment. Macaws can live to be 70 years old.


1. Disperse: SCATTER. Also the source of "Diaspora," so I've read. Or maybe it's versa vice.

2. Admit having lost: CONCEDE. Some folks just can't admit when they're wrong.

3. Fiddles with: ADJUSTS. In my ute there was a notice in our phone book that if you connected a tape recorder to the phone a "periodic beep would be provided to notify the other party that they were being recorded." I thought this would happen automagically. Figuring it must have something to do with magnetic fields, I put the phone atop my bulk tape eraser and turned it on. I listened for almost a minute before giving it up as a lost cause. No beep was provided. At lunch time my father came home all steamed up. "Where have you been," he accused my mother. "I've been calling every few minutes all morning long!." It took a few days to realize that we were no longer getting phone calls from anybody. The telephone repair guy, who happened to be my uncle, determined that the phone's ringer was defective, but he couldn't figure out why. He replaced the whole phone. Problem solved. A few weeks later he reported to my dad that the permanent magnet in the phone had mysteriously become demagnetized. Tom!

4. Fresh start?: NEO. Also the role played by Keanu Reeves in The Matrix films.

5. Estate manager's suggestion: TRUST. "Trust me," or the document he writes.

6. Potter's specialty: WIZARDRY. Harry Potter.

7. Angsty rock genre: EMO. Not sure I'd recognize it if I heard it.

8. "Ta-ta!": TOODLEOO. I inked this in immediately, figuring I'd soon be reaching for the Wite-Out. Nope.

9. Early PC platform: MS-DOS. I wrote some powerful, itty-bitty programs in C for the MS-DOS platform. Programs with the same capability would suffer severe bloat when Windoze came along.

10. Above, to a bard: OER.

11. Elevate: RAISE UP.

12. Initially: AT FIRST.

13. Qualifier for a minimum price: NOT LESS. I get it, but I don't get it.

22. With 48-Down, Time Lord played by various performers: THE DOCTOR. Who was your favorite? Here's mine.

24. They, in Calais: ILS. French.

28. "Need __ on?": I GO. Yes for a few more c/a's.

31. Jam ingredient?: VEHICLE. My German relatives call a traffic jam a "marmalade."

33. Cinematographer's compilation: FOOTAGE.

35. Temporary usage fee: TOLL. One man's fee is another man's tax.

37. PC key: CTRL. CTRL and ALT are two keys that are used in combination with other keys. CTRL+ALT+[key] yields still other possibilities.

39. __-back: relaxed: LAID. Type B. Guilty, as charged.

41. Solemn bugle solo: TAPS. Lyrics, according to NPR.

42. Early Christian: GNOSTIC. I've heard of the Gnostic Gospels, but didn't know what that meant. Still don't.

44. Kilimanjaro topper: SNOWCAP. The Snows of Kilimanjaro

45. Treat, as table salt: IODIZE. Added to prevent iodine deficiency -- goiter. Remember those pseudo-chocolaty pills we had to take in grade school?

46. At hand: NEARBY.

47. Put in prison: EMBAR. My dictionary says this usage is archaic. I agree.

48. See 22-Down

49. TV pal of Jerry and George: ELAINE. Seinfeld.

50. Womb occupant: FETUS. DW received an email sonogram of her niece's unborn daughter. I thought it was a radar pic of tropical storm Imelda.

53. Weather map feature: FRONT. Why is there no weather tail?

55. Unbridled desire: LUST.

57. June 6, 1944: D-DAY.

60. Water filter brand: PUR.

61. That, in Tijuana: ESA. It could also be ESO, right Lucina?

Whew, made it all the way to the bottom. Now C.C. will magically make the grid appear below. It's been fun. Desper-otto over and out.

Oct 1, 2019

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 C.C. Burnikel

Mom and Pop Stores:  Each answer "KEEPS" the word "SHOP" hidden within the two-word spans.

16-Across. Golf tournament won by Shane Lowry in 2019: BRITISH OPEN.  Shane Lowry (b. Apr. 2, 1987) is an Irish professional golfer.

19-Across. "Easy Rider" actor: DENNIS HOPPER.

Dennis Lee Hopper (May 17, 1936 ~ May 29, 2010)

51-Across. Baltimore-based medical school: JOHNS HOPKINS. Johns Hopkins (May 19, 1795 ~ Dec. 24, 1873) was an American entrepreneur, abolitionist and philanthropist.  He amassed a large forture, which was bequeathed to a number of institutions, the most memorable is the still existing Johns Hopkins University.  His first name is actually Johns, which was his mother's maiden name.

57. "Fingers crossed!": HERE'S HOPING.

And the unifier:
34-Across. Stocking experts, and what 16-, 19-, 51- and 57-Across literally are: SHOPKEEPERS.  Shopkeepers are the individuals who own and operate an independent shop.  A lot of the little Mom and Pop stores in my city are disappearing and are being replaced by the big stores.

All the tripe you want from the Shopkeeper of this little shop we found in Naples.

1. Fisherman's __: waterfront district in San Francisco: WHARF.

6. Police HQ alerts: APBs.  As in All Points Bulletins.

10. Sushi bar sauce: SOY.

13. Swiss mathematician: EULER.  Leonhard Euler (Apr. 15, 1707 ~ Sept. 18, 1783) was influential in many areas of mathematics, including topology and analytical number theory.  It's all over my head, but ...

14. Soft palate dangler: UVULA.

15. "t," in "btw": THE.  Textspeak for By The Way.

18. Cavity-fighting org.: ADA.  As in the American Dental Association.
21. eharmony profile part: BIO.  As in a Biography.

24. Entry point: DOOR.

25. With 31-Across, "The Aviator" Oscar nominee: ALAN.  //  And 31. See 25-Across: ALDA.  This gives us Alan Alda (né Alphonso Joseph D'Abrusso; b. Jan. 28, 1936).

26. Maxim: OLD SAW.

28. Pequod crew: WHALERS.  A reference to Moby Dick, the novel by Herman Melville (Aug. 1, 1819 ~ Sept. 28, 1891).  The book is on my TBR list, but way, way down on that list!

32. Tidy (up): SPRUCE.

38. Give as a task: ASSIGN.

39. Office notice: MEMO.
42. Govt. drug bust, perhaps: FBI RAID.

45. Post-workout refresher: SHOWER.  Most of the showers in our hotels were very, very tiny.

47. __ mater: ALMA.

48. TriBeCa neighbor: SOHO.  TriBeCa is a neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, New York City that is the Triangle Below Canal Street.  It is near the area that is South of Houston Street.

50. "__ Blinded Me With Science": 1983 hit: SHE.

56. "Sands of __ Jima": 1949 film: IWO.  This was a John Wayne movie.

61. Country star McGraw: TIM.  Tim McGraw (né Samuel Timothy McGraw; b. May 1, 1967) was born in Delhi, Louisiana.

62. Gas brand BP relaunched in 2017: AMOCO.

63. Less prevalent: RARER.

64. Had chips, say: ATE.

65. Fail to notice: MISS.  What happened to the Swiss Miss logo on the chocolate?  Do you Miss her?

66. Washington, e.g.: STATE.  Washington was admitted into the Union on November 11, 1889.  The State is named for George Washington.  Its capital is Olympia and its largest city is Seattle.

1. Spider's creation: WEB.

2. "Ben-__": HUR.  Before it was an epic 1959 movie, starring Charlton Heston in the title role, it was a novel entitled, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, by General Lew Wallace (Apr. 10, 1827 ~ Feb. 15, 1905).  Wallace was a Union General in the American Civil War.  He presided over the trial of Henry Wirz (Nov. 25, 1823 ~ Nov. 10, 1865), who was the Confederate Commander over the prisoner-of-war camp near Andersonville, Georgia.  Wirz was found guilty of cruelty and endangering the lives of the prisoners and was executed.  Wirz was only 1 of 2 individuals executed for war crimes during the American Civil War.

3. Baba in a cave: ALI.  The story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves is just one of the Arabian Tales in the collection One Thousand and One Nights.  Ali discovered that the phrase "Open Sesame" would open the thieves' den, and hence, its treasures.

4. No longer working: Abbr.: RET'D.  As in Retired, like many of us here on the blog.

5. Curly-haired "Peanuts" character: FRIEDA.  I don't remember this character.

6. To have, in Paris: AVOIR.  Today's French grammar lesson.

7. Baby seals: PUPS.


8. "Yuck!": BLEH!

9. Twins infielder Miguel: SANO.  Miguel Sano (né Miguel Ángel Jean Sanó; b. May 11, 1993) is a 3rd baseman for the Minnesota Twins.

10. Rice, in Chinese cuisine: STAPLE.

11. "My goodness!": OH, DEAR!

12. Hankers (for): YEARNS.

14. "Hmm ... not likely": UH, NO.

17. Winter flakes: SNOW.

20. Capital of Sicily: PALERMO.  I was in Palermo a few weeks ago.

 Here I am waving from the balcony of our hotel.

 Our hotel was a few feet from the Quattro Canti, the intersection of the city's two main thoroughfares.

The Cappella Palatina, within the Norman Palace, is covered in beautiful mosaics.

21. Fluffy wrap: BOA.
22. "__ be darned!": I'LL.

23. Vegas calculation: ODDS.

27. Like most of northern Africa: SAHARAN.

28. Little songbird: WREN.

29. Drillmaster's syllable: HUP.

30. Opening day pitcher, typically: ACE.  The pitcher should be an Ace, but those selected to throw out the first ball aren't.


32. Icy road worry: SKID.


33. Cribbage piece: PEG.  My grandfather taught me to play cribbage.  Playing cribbage with my mother was one of the last things we did together.
35. Mama bear, in Seville: OSA.  Today's Spanish lesson.

36. Omega preceder: PSI.  It's Greek to me.

37. Puts a Singer to work: SEWS.  My grandmother had a Singer like the one below.

40. "Not really a fan": MEH!

41. Mined metal: ORE.

42. Sizzling Tex-Mex fare: FAJITA.  Yummers!

43. Fail epically: BLOW IT.

44. Shout from the foyer: I'M HOME!

45. __ Tzu: toy dog: SHIH.

46. Advanced student's course: HONORS.

48. Contractor's parameters: SPECS.

49. "Yeah, and ... ?": OK, SO.

52. Fancy pillowcase: SHAM.

53. Prefix with sphere: HEMI-.

54. Gold medals, to Spaniards: OROs.  More of today's Spanish lesson.

55. Quarrel: SPAT.

58. Nest egg acronym: IRA.  As in the Individual Retirement Account.

59. "Nothing but __": "Swish!": NET.

60. College sr.'s test: GRE.  As in the Graduate Record Examinations.

Here's the Grid:

A BIG "Thank You" to Boomer for filling in for me over the last several weeks while I was away.  Doing double duty two days in a row is a lot.  I really appreciate his fine and humorous commentaries.

Finally, here is your QOD:  My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I couldn't pay the bill, he gave me six months more.  ~  Walter Matthau (né Walter John Matthow; Oct. 1, 1920 ~ July 1, 2000)