, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday


Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts

Nov 3, 2019

Sunday November 3, 2019 David Alfred Bywaters

Theme:  "Don't Miss the Finale" (Final e)  - E is added to the end of each familiar phrase.
23. Coiffure created using a mirror?: SELF-MADE MANE. Self-made man.

25. Catholic leader appealing to a younger demographic?: TEEN POPE. Teen pop.  Wiki says "Pope John XI (931–935) was 20 at the beginning of his papacy. Youngest pope.
41. Aggressive tie feature?: POWER STRIPE. Power strip.

46. Becoming a full-grown dog?: PUPPY FATE. Puppy fat.

66. Topper for a tiny barn?: MINI VANE. Mini van.

70. Result of a hotel sprinkler malfunction?: WET SUITE. Wet suit.

89. Abundant greens?: BUNNY HOPE. Bunny hop.

92. Sleazy bar offering?: INSTANT WINE. Instant win.

112. Sad Rogaine result?: DOWN PATE. Down pat. Fun image.

114. Superhero beachwear?: SWIMMING CAPE. Swimming cap. Should have avoided 16. Gown complement: CAP.
All the added E's are silent. No syllable is added to any of the entries. Did I miss any other layer?

Heavy themage. Total 10. Yet David still manages a 140-worder.


1. Apes: MIMICS.

7. Wise advisers: SAGES.

12. "That's how it __!": GOES.

19. Parks with games: ARENAS.

20. Plane figure: PILOT. I'm glad the Southwest pilot camera was just a joke. Scary.

21. Emotion linked to schadenfreude: ENVY.

22. "'I __ you liked your drink,' sez Gunga Din": OPE. Hope. And 90. Luck, to the Bard: HAP.

27. Pry: SNOOP.

28. Nailed: ACED.

29. School support gps.: PTAS.

31. '50s TV innovation: COLOR. My dad got us one in the late 1980s.

32. Longing: YEN.

33. Slender bit of stemware: FLUTE. This is Chinese flute Dizi.

35. Woos: COURTS.

37. Branch of Islam: SHIA.

38. One often seen in a parlor: PIANO. Our editor Rich Norris is a piano player.

39. Establish firmly: ENROOT.

40. Coll. major: ENG.

49. Soft leathers: SUEDES.

50. Convert to ready money: CASH IN.

52. Pharma offerings: MEDS.

53. Downed: ATE. And 63. Much party food: SNACKS. Guangzhou's 7-Eleven stores have wonderful snacks. I really miss those sticky rice dumplings.

54. Game with plenty of kicks: SOCCER.

57. Extremity: END.

58. Window coolers: ACS.

59. Some pvt. equity ventures: LBOS.

61. Ejection: OUSTER.

69. Not Rep. or Dem.: IND. And 45D. Strongly favoring one side: PARTISAN.

72. Termination: DEMISE.

73. Two trios: SESTET. Six.

75. Alike, in Arles: EGAL.

76. Tats: INK.

77. Letters on a tap: IPA. Beer tap.

79. Basilica display: MOSAIC.

82. Challenge to "You're wrong!": AM I

83. Horse hue: ROAN.

85. "Manic" time in a 1986 hit: MONDAY. Manic Monday.

87. Duped: FOOLED.

95. WWII carrier: LST.

96. Krishna, for Vishnu: AVATAR.

98. Events with vandalism: RIOTS.

99. Surprised greeting: OH HI.

101. Small size: PETITE. Do any of you shop at Express?

102. "Inferno" part: CANTO.

103. Wall et al.: Abbr.: STS.

106. Signs: OMENS.

108. Bento box staple: RICE. Japanese moms spend lots of time on their kids' bento box.

109. Sulk: POUT.

110. Inborn: NATAL.

117. Period: ERA.

118. Part of Xerxes I's realm, nowadays: IRAN. The king in "300". He has lots of piercings in the movie.

119. Where sailors go: TO SEA.

120. Called from a sty: OINKED.

121. "L.A. Law" actress: DEY (Susan)

122. Audition cry: NEXT.

123. Reactions to mosquitoes: SWATS. Mosquitoes here in MN are vicious.

124. Derisive looks: SNEERS.


1. Sizable: MASSY. Not a word I use.

2. Goddess of peace: IRENE.

3. Fruit served in balls: MELON.

4. Dope: INFO. Thanks for the info on your smart vacuums. I'll stick to dumb one.

5. Settings for many ghost stories: CAMPFIRES.

6. U.S. number-issuing agcy.: SSA.

7. Ronnie of the Ronettes: SPECTOR. Unfamiliar to me. The singer with the second tallest hair?

8. Actress Anouk: AIMEE.

9. Pleased: GLAD.

10. Geological period: EON.

11. Squish: STEP ON.

12. Elude: GET AROUND.

13. Convenient, as shopping: ONE-STOP. Tiny ONE dupe: 43. Tyke: WEE ONE.

14. Night before: EVE.

15. Coordinate audio and video: SYNC. My iPod Classic sometimes triggers the "Power surge on the USB port" error. Do any of you use a powered USB hub? Dell says I need one for 11-year-old iPod.

16. Asset in a crisis: COOL HEAD.

17. Names (to): APPOINTS.

18. House of Lords group: PEERAGE.

24. Frighten: DAUNT.

26. Places to buy stamps: Abbr.: POS. Post Offices.

30. Romanticized 18th-century highwayman Dick: TURPIN. Wiki says he's an "English highwayman whose exploits were romanticized following his execution in York for horse theft."

34. Dogie catcher: LASSO.

35. Middling grades: CEES.

36. Frequent auto race sponsor: STP.

38. One on foot, in signs: PED.

41. One of a Biblical 150: PSALM.

42. Offer more than: OUTBID.

44. Clinches: ICES.

47. Workout ctrs.: YMCAS.

48. Grass used on some golf greens: FESCUE. Never heard of the term.

51. Sheep tender: HERDSMAN.

55. Baskin-Robbins buy: CONE.

56. Word with stick or ball: CUE.

58. Army-forming insect: ANT.

60. Like a monkey: SIMIAN.

62. OKC-to-Tulsa dir.: ENE.

63. "Go __ Watchman": Harper Lee novel: SET A.

64. Rwanda's capital: KIGALI.

65. Pollen producer: STAMEN.

67. Title Brooklyn lawyer in an Alabama courtroom: VINNY. "My Cousin Vinny".

68. Want as a price: ASK.

70. Jazz guitarist Montgomery: WES.

71. Leave out, in speech: ELIDE.

74. Little dogs: TOYS.

77. In a hurry, maybe: IMPATIENT.

78. Appropriate for versification: POETIC.

80. Otherwise: IF NOT.

81. 18th/19th-century agricultural innovation: COTTON GIN. Eli Whitney invented it. Handpicking cotton is hard on hands.

83. Mount with carved heads: RUSHMORE.

84. Coming: ON THE WAY.

86. Ominous: DIRE.

88. Paper cut cries: OWS.

89. Full-__: purebred: BLOODED.

91. More than exhaust: OVERTAX.

93. Psychological wounds: TRAUMAS. Has any of you read Sebastian Junger's "Tribe"?

94. "__ a stinker?": Bugs Bunny: AIN'T I.

97. Manhattan Project projects: A TESTS.

100. Quaint stopover: INN.

102. Heavenly body with a tail: COMET.

103. Vampire's undoing: STAKE.

104. Slim candle: TAPER.

105. Flexible Flyers, e.g.: SLEDS.

107. PR firm's forte: SPIN.

109. Leaning Tower site: PISA. My favorite Pisa guy.

111. Common adolescent affliction: ACNE.

113. "You __ here": ARE.

115. "Golly!": WOW.

116. Refusals: NOS.


Oct 27, 2019

Sunday October 27, 2019 Robin Stears

Theme: - "What About Bob?" - Each theme entry is in the pattern of B* O* B*.


34. Colorful Bobby Vinton album (and hit song): BLUE ON BLUE.

49. 1936 Edward G. Robinson gangster film: BULLETS OR BALLOTS.

68. Sun metaphor: BIG ORANGE BALL.

89. Make extreme efforts: BEND OVER BACKWARD.

103. 1998 Stephen King "haunted love story": BAG OF BONES.

118. "You're in my space, pal!": BACK OFF, BUSTER!

Great to see Robin back.

The middle O's are all different. That's the key to this theme.

Do you feel this puzzle is more challenging than our normal Sundays?


1. Narratives of deeds: ACTA. Waited for cosses.

5. Dental alloys: AMALGAMS.

13. Hamlet relative: VILLAGE. Not Shakespeare's Hamlet.

20. Bubbly name: MOET.

21. Attacked aggressively: TORE INTO.

22. It's usually taken in twos: ASPIRIN.

25. He plays Armstrong in "First Man": GOSLING (Ryan) 

26. Cub : bear :: cria : __: LLAMA.

27. Not quite cuatro: TRES. 4/3.

28. Relative of tsk: TUT.

29. Silent letters?: ASL. "Handy talk: Abbr." is another way to mislead us.

30. Article in Die Zeit: EIN.

31. English class assignment: ESSAY.

38. Certain flower cultivator: ROSARIAN. Oh, one who cultivates roses.

40. Town __: CRIER.

42. Eur. land on the Atlantic: POR. Portugal.

43. Gravlax herb: DILL. Wiki said "Gravlax" is a Nordic dish consisting of raw salmon, cured in salt, sugar, and dill."  I love pickled herrings. I probably will like this too.

44. Perform at the Improv, say: AD LIB.

45. Blows: ERUPTS.

55. Troon turndowns: NAES. Scottish for "no".

56. It borders three oceans: ASIA.

57. Carpet layer's concern: AREA. Do you guys all use those robot vacuums? Are they good?

58. Entirely fill: SATE.

59. Fine-tunes: HONES.

60. Baseball's "Stan the Man": MUSIAL.

63. Gillian's role on "The X-Files": DANA.

65. Justification: REASON.

67. Finesse: ART.

73. Like sashimi: RAW. Steve makes his own sushi rolls. Not sure of sashimi.

75. Currency replaced by the euro: PESETA.

77. Two-master: YAWL.

78. Search for provisions: FORAGE.

80. Waiter's handouts: MENUS.

81. Medication container: VIAL.

85. Usher: LEAD.

87. Sign sometimes upsetting: OMEN.

88. Clobber: DRUB.

93. Shoot for, with "to": ASPIRE.

95. Use a password, say: LOG IN. Test your internet speed here. Go! What's your number? I don't think any of you can top TTP.

96. 1985 movie with three possible endings: CLUE.

97. Asian holiday: TET. January 25, 2020.

98. Something in the air: AROMA.

99. Lemonade-and-lager drinks: SHANDIES. Not a term familiar o me.

107. Mike __, "Glee" character: CHANG. Also unknown to me.

108. "United Shades of America" channel: CNN.

109. "Xanadu" gp.: ELO.

110. Pub pal: LAD.

111. "Lucky Guy" playwright Ephron: NORA.

113. "Band of Gold" singer Payne: FREDA. Read more here.

115. Help: BENEFIT.

122. Like many a covered bridge: ONE LANE.

123. Selfish: EGOISTIC.

124. Saltimbocca meat: VEAL.

125. Time frames: PERIODS.

126. Property tax payer, e.g.: ASSESSEE. Expensive to live in Guangzhou now. Carmen's apartment is about 540 square feet, cost RMB1,500,000 (about $211,000). And she lives in the suburb. The downtown prices are forbidding.

127. Links numbers: PARS.


1. "Epitaph for a Spy" author Eric: AMBLER.

2. "Gangsta's Paradise" rapper: COOLIO. We had him before. This one is easy: 16. Rapper __ Nas X: LIL.

3. AFC South team: TEXANS.

4. Elementary particle: ATOM.

5. DOJ division: ATF.

6. Miss Piggy tagline: MOI.

7. Trig function: ARC TAN.

8. Suspicious: LEERY.

9. Taunt: GIBE.

10. Muchos meses: ANOS. Many months.

11. "Newhart" production co.: MTM.

12. Audible sign of distress: SOB.

13. Hard to pin down: VAGUE.

14. U-235 and C-14: ISOTOPES.

15. Records in a collection: LPS.

17. Sans-serif typeface: ARIAL.

18. Infomercial cutlery brand: GINSU.

19. Author Madeleine L'__: ENGLE. "A Wrinkle in Time" author.

24. Spenser's "The __ Queene": FAERIE.

28. Round-bodied flatfish: TURBOT. Another stranger.

32. Bank deposit: SILT.

33. Huevos rancheros condiment: SALSA.

34. Collector's items?: BILLS.

35. Girl in Byron's "Don Juan": LEILA.

36. Postal creed word: NOR.

37. Former Alabama-based grocery chain: BRUNO'S. Wiki says "The chain was acquired by Birmingham-based Belle Foods which discontinued the brand in 2012" .

39. He lost to Ike twice: ADLAI (Stevenson)

40. Pool room: CABANA.

41. Nutritional amt.: RDA.

46. Broad view: PANORAMA.

47. Many a "Stranger Things" character: TEENAGER.

48. Old draft org.: SSS.

49. Ole Miss rival: BAMA.

50. Ones taking things the wrong way: USURPERS.

51. "I'm only going to say this once": LISTEN UP.

52. Great Seal word: ORDO. Novus ordo seclorum.

53. Raise: REAR.

54. Giga- x 1,000: TERA.

59. Angels baseball cap feature: HALO.

61. Five-spots: ABES.

62. Inebriated: LIT.

64. Whatever or whichever: ANY.

66. Polar worker: ELF.

69. Yielded: GAVE.

70. Ore that's a source of silver: GALENA.

71. Piece in a still-life: EWER.

72. Tell all: BLAB.

74. Make (one's way): WEND.

76. Suddenly, in music: SUBITO. No idea.

79. Crossed the lake, in a way: ROWED.

80. "Jerry's Kids" telethon org.: MDA. OK. Muscular Dystrophy Association.

82. Not near the coast: INLAND.

83. Cherish: ADORE.

84. Apple's apple and Target's target: LOGOS.

86. Russian cottage: DACHA.

89. Wager without looking at one's cards: BET BLIND. One moire learning moment.

90. Energetic spirit: VIM.

91. Close-knit group: CLAN.

92. Panda's skill, in a 2008 film: KUNG FU.

94. Foul caller: REF.

99. Vertical mine accesses: SHAFTS.

100. Summer cooler: ICE TEA.

101. Win the love of: ENDEAR.

102. Corgi complaints: SNARLS.

103. Name probably derived from scat singing: BEBOP.

104. Coeur d'__: ALENE.

105. Hopeless case: GONER.

106. "them" author: OATES. Joyce Carol Oates.

107. Snappish: CROSS.

111. Barracks bosses, briefly: NCOS.

112. "The Grapes of Wrath" figure: OKIE.

114. Invitation letters: RSVP.

116. Peyton's quarterback brother: ELI.

117. __ Schwarz: FAO.

118. Actress Arthur: BEA.

119. Reno and others: Abbr.: AGS.

120. Shakespearean cry of disgust: FIE.

121. Pre-A.D.: BCE.

Happy 72nd birthday to Boomer, the absolute center of my universe. He had two treatments on a Friday morning last month, then in the afternoon he went to coach the kids again. He takes his coaching responsibilities very seriously. Three times a week, he's always there. And of course, he's been here for us every Monday, even when he was going the daily radiation.

We went to Mystic Lake the day on Friday as the casino is always a zoo on weekends. Boomer loves the nickel poker there. 

Boomer, 10/25/2019
The buffet is also fantastic.  Here is my plate. The big pile in front is coleslaw (red cabbage, carrot, walnut and cranberry). So good. I went back for seconds. The one on top left is Cajun Salmon (a bit dry), the white in the middle is cod. A few slices of radish with guacamole. Then a slice of char siu, so delicious! Then some kind of Italian pasta salad. Orzo, I think. At the end of the fork is a piece of  marinated artichoke.


Oct 20, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019 Gary Larson

Theme: "Off to a Good Start" - The first words of all the theme entries are synonyms of "good".

22A. Awesome product component?: CHILL FACTOR.

24A. Awesome mattress covering?: DOPE SHEET.

43A. Awesome plumbing connector?: TIGHT FITTING.
68A. Awesome hobby?: HOT PURSUIT.

70A. Awesome hunting dog?: HIP POINTER.

88A. Awesome entitlement?: RADICAL RIGHT.

113A. Awesome suit fabric?: BOSS TWEED.

115A. Awesome predicament?: SWEET PICKLE.

Each first word has a totally different meaning than "good", awesome!

I'm not familiar with "tight" and "radical" as "good". Is it common or new slang?

1. Dojo maneuver: CHOP.

5. Guitarist Joe of The Eagles: WALSH.

10. Wilts: SAGS.

14. Start of an incantation: ABRA. Do you have Abra auto repair shop in your area? 

18. The last Mrs. Chaplin: OONA.

19. Slow down: BRAKE.

20. Shiraz's land: IRAN.

21. Trickle: SEEP.

26. Step on it: INSOLE. Nice clue.

27. Stuck a fork in: STABBED.

29. Glenn Miller Orchestra singer Ray: EBERLE. Unknown to me. The guy on the left.

30. Immortal name in dance: ASTAIRE.

32. Ultimatum word: ELSE.

33. Staring-into-space experiences: TRANCES.

34. DEA agent: NARCO.

36. Court game word: ALAI. Jai alai.

39. Routine: ACT.

40. Stubborn critter: ASS.

48. Tiny toiler: ANT.

49. Fall collection?: LEAVES. We have quite a collection in our yard.

51. More consequence?: MERRIER. The more, the merrier.

52. Poetic adverb: OFT.

54. "__ & Basie": 1963 jazz collaboration: ELLA.

55. "True Detective" actor McNairy: SCOOT.

56. Bump from the schedule: PREEMPT.

60. Peacock's pride: PLUMAGE. I'll be proud too if I have plumage like this.

64. QVC sister channel: HSN.

65. Shot in the arm: BOOST.

66. Wall St. trader: ARB. Arbitrator. (Correction: It's arbitrager. Thanks, Sandyanon.)

72. Bit of legal advice: SUE.

73. Lose control: GO APE.

74. Chicken dinner choice: LEG. Roasted pigeons are very popular in Guangzhou.

75. Support: ENDORSE.

76. Gallivant: TRAIPSE.

78. Sound: NOISE.

80. Wine choice: ROSE.

81. Originally called: NEE. Wang for me.

82. Tool in a kit: NAIL GUN.

84. Shadowed: TAILED.

86. Low-tech note-taking aid: PAD. Scored a few cute pads during my last Marshalls' trip.

91. Snake's sound: SSS.

92. Zodiac animal: RAM.

93. Vacation spot: ISLE.

94. "Truly, the souls of men are full of __": Shak.: DREAD.

96. "We the Living" novelist: AYN RAND. Never heard of the book.

100. Big drink of water: SWIG.

104. Retail outlets: EMPORIA.

108. Low wind: BREEZE.

109. Like some receptions: CATERED.

112. In a showily pretentious manner: ARTILY.

117. Tennis great Nastase: ILIE.

118. Villain named Julius: DR NO.

119. Points at the dinner table: TINES.

120. Pepsi rival: COKE. Only Pepsi in our home.

121. Picnic staple: SLAW.

122. Cereal grain: OATS. I finally tried oat milk for the first time. It's a bit thin but pretty good with cocoa powder.

123. Mocking sarcasm: SNARK.

124. Arab leader: EMIR.


1. Movie mogul Harry and sportscaster Linda: COHNS. Wiki said Harry Cohn co-founded Columbia Pictures.

2. Lift: HOIST.

3. Checked out at the library: ON LOAN.

4. Ease, as symptoms: PALLIATE.

5. Ring org.: WBA. Boxing ring.

6. Scythe blade shapes: ARCS.

7. Starbucks serving: LATTE.

8. Bar word meaning "cup" in Danish: SKOAL. The fight song for Vikings is "Skol,Vikings".

9. Sage and thyme: HERBS.

10. Pro or con: SIDE.

11. 2000s Yankee nickname: A-ROD.

12. Sign of something missing: GAP.

13. Unkind look: SNEER.

14. Whitish: ASHEN.

15. Tailgate party recyclable: BEER CAN.

16. Campaign poster word: REELECT.

17. Most pertinent: APTEST.

22. Org. in Clancy novels: CIA.

23. Wheel inventor: FERRIS.

25. Govt. agency that aids entrepreneurs: SBA. Small Business Administration.

28. "Get lost!": BEAT IT.

31. Hosp. readout: ECG. All too familiar to Dennis.

33. Bolivian export: TIN.

35. Units of resistance: OHMS.

37. '80s-'90s Compaq laptop model: LTE. No idea.

38. Prepare sans oil, as a movie treat: AIR POP.

40. Israeli leaders?: ALEPHS. First letter in Hebrew.

41. Betray: SELL OUT.

42. Soldier, at times: SALUTER.

44. Electronics whiz: TECHIE. A few T's on our blog. Tony, TTP and the Hainan Tom (a la Carmen, D-Otto), all vets.

45. "Mending Wall" poet: FROST.

46. Wrinkle remover: IRON.

47. Continues: GOES ON.

48. Supplier of bills: ATM.

50. Seductress: VAMP.

53. Far from fragrant: FETID.

57. It may be skipped: ROPE.

58. Security rounds: PATROLS.

59. Locks: TRESSES.

61. Bellow title hero March: AUGIE. Also unknown to me.

62. One looking for a switch, maybe: GROPER.

63. Those, in Tijuana: ESAS.

65. Coastal California scenic attraction: BIG SUR.

67. Basenji and Borzoi: BREEDS.

69. Flips: UPENDS.

70. Katherine of "Suits": HEIGL.

71. Edible seaweed: NORI.

74. 1970 Kinks hit: LOLA.

77. What's more: AND.

78. Like Miss Congeniality: NICEST.

79. Writer Bagnold: ENID.

83. Trouble: AIL.

84. Prominent, after "on": THE MAP. Took me forever to identify this song. Has anyone heard of Mindme or Ebba? The song is amazing. 

85. "... but it'll cost you": AT A PRICE.

86. __ tax: PAYROLL.

87. "The Bourne Identity" malady: AMNESIA.

89. Assist: AID.

90. Test for M.A. seekers: GRE.

92. Yeshiva leaders: RABBIS.

95. One involved in a speculative "bubble": DOTCOM.

97. Fix, as a hem: RESEW.

98. AIDS-fighting drug: AZT.

99. Salon overhaul: NEW DO.

101. Bridge positions: WESTS.

102. Novelist Shaw: IRWIN.

103. Actress Davis: GEENA.

105. Kipling's "__-Tikki-Tavi": RIKKI.

106. Less well: ILLER. Ill is good too.

107. Word of support: AYE.

109. Small change: CENT.

110. Bothers: ADOS.

111. Critter on XING signs: DEER.

114. Notable time: ERA.

116. Word of reproof: TSK.


Oct 13, 2019

Sunday October 13, 2019 Kevin Salat

Theme: "Flip the Switch" - ON and OFF change positions.  

22A. Lectured about links?: SPOKE ON THE CUFF. Spoke off the cuff

47A. "We have that in stock," e.g.?: ON HAND REMARK. Offhand remark.

70A. Extra-base hit, likely?: FLY OFF THE WALL. Fly on the wall.

91A. Fake modeling material?: KNOCK OFF WOOD. Knock on wood.

117A. Let go of a factory workers unit?: LAID OFF THE LINE. Laid on the line.

32D. Guidebook for throwing a shot?: ON PUTTING. Off-putting.

60D. Stage hog staying sober?: HAM OFF RYE. Ham on rye.

Three Off to ON, Four On to OFF. One more will be an even switch.

Grid design can be deceiving at times. I thought this is a 140-worder, a few spots just feel so chunky.


1. Expert's nugget: PRO TIP.

7. Seaside eatery: CLAM BAR. Never been to a clam bar.

14. Relative challenge for some: IN-LAW. Real "relative".

19. Stand-up sort: MENSCH. So many on our blog.

20. Filmmaker for whom a Golden Globe award is named: DEMILLE. Also 127. Academy bestowals: OSCARS.

21. Part of TNT: NITRO.

24. Got out of the pen: SPRUNG. Jail. And 81. Sentence structure?: CELL.

26. 1974 Peace Nobelist from Japan: SATO. Wiki says he "brought Japan into the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974." He died in 1975.

27. Gram opening: INSTA. Instagram.

28. Word on a towel: HIS.

29. Icky stuff: GOO.

30. __-cone: SNO.

33. Portable preparedness kit: GO BAG.

35. Rang: TOLLED.

37. 2019 NCAA hoops champ: UVA. And 34. 37-Across conf.: ACC.

38. Start of a few choice words?: EENIE.

40. World Golf Hall of Famer Lorena: OCHOA. One of my favorite LPGA players.

42. Big discount events: FIRE SALES.

45. Fabric flaws: RIPS.

46. Govt. health org.: CDC. And 66. 46-Across HQ city: ATL.

49. Uniformed "O Canada" singer: BLUEJAY. And 52. Maple syrup base: SAP.

51. Prom coif: UPDO.

53. Oktoberfest vessel: STEIN.

54. Balaam's mount: ASS.

55. "In memoriam" piece: OBIT.

59. Adjust the length of: RE-HEM.

63. Peach center: PIT. Tried a few white peaches this year. So sweet.

64. "Cabaret" film director: FOSSE.

66. Spanning: ACROSS.

68. Foo Fighters frontman Grohl: DAVE.

69. "__ dreaming?": AM I.

73. Guys: MEN.

74. Frog hangout: POND.

76. Like many awards: ANNUAL.

77. Similarly named rival of a video game plumber: WARIO. Arch-rival of Mario.

78. PDX : Portland :: __ : Chicago: ORD.

79. Heavenly body?: ANGEL.

82. Wetland: FEN.

83. Tips politely: DOFFS. Hat.

85. Complainer who won't quit: NAG.

87. Dressed: CLAD.

89. Fundraiser: BENEFIT.

97. Round number?: PAR. Nice clue.

98. Obama Education secretary Duncan: ARNE.

99. Specialized market segment: NICHE AREA.

100. Big name in grills: WEBER.

102. Utah's __ Canyon: BRYCE.

103. Do brunch, say: EAT. Not a Chinese tradition.

104. Maze navigator: LAB RAT.

106. Cara of "Fame": IRENE.

108. Yet, in poetry: EEN.

109. "That was ages __": AGO.

110. Law firm fig.: ATT.

111. Brief affair: FLING.

113. XL, for one: SIZE.

115. Work intermittently (in): DABBLE.

122. Intel-gathering mission: RECON.

123. Premier League powerhouse: ARSENAL. Quite a few soccer fields in our area. 

124. Syrian city: ALEPPO.

125. Rainbow-shaped: ARCED.

126. Has no wrong answers, say: GETS AN A.


1. Downing St. VIPs: PMS.

2. Union __: REP.

3. "Blueprint for a Sunrise" artist: ONO. Wiki says it's a "concept album of experimental feminist rock". She looks like a Chinese empress here.

4. Chiding sounds: TSKS.

5. Frigid time: ICE AGE.

6. ID card feature: PHOTO. Do you all have a real ID?

7. New Orleans summer hrs.: CDT.

8. Bethlehem university: LEHIGH.  Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. (Thanks, billocohoes~)

9. "Absolutely!": AMEN.

10. Prop for an emcee: MIC STAND.

11. Olive pursuer of comics: BLUTO.

12. Sprouts source: ALFALFA. I only like beansprouts.

13. Call the game: REF.

14. First to hear the news: INSIDERS.

15. Little bites: NIPS.

16. P.O. delivery: LTR.

17. Peppery salad green: ARUGULA. Aldi has a spinach & arugula mix.

18. Convinced: WON OVER.

23. Twerp: NOBODY.

25. "Find out": GO ASK.

28. __ mentality: HERD.

30. NBA's Nikola Jokic, e.g.: SERB. Not familiar with him.

31. "Lost in Yonkers" playwright: NEIL SIMON.

36. "Hamilton" creator __-Manuel Miranda: LIN.

39. "Aha!": I SEE.

41. "I'm such a klutz!": OOPS.

43. Char: SEAR.

44. Energetically excited: AMPED.

46. Cooking oil option: CANOLA. Canola field is pretty.

48. Poor spirits?: HOOCH. Oh, I like this clue.

50. Sec: JIFF.

51. Good to have around: USEFUL.

54. All together: AS ONE.

56. Prepared, as beer: BREWED.

57. Waterloo resident: IOWAN.

58. Ruler until 1917: TSAR.

61. From then on: EVER SINCE.

62. Patch: MEND.

63. Rollin' stone, in a Motown classic: PAPA. "Papa Was a Rollin' Stone".

65. What collaborators should be in: SYNC.

67. Small burger: SLIDER.

71. Edie of "The Sopranos": FALCO.

72. Fish-eating bird: LOON.

75. Academy Award winner Dame Judi __: DENCH. I still have not figured out why Rich sometimes uses __ in the clue, esp when the actress is so famous.

80. Limnologist's subject: LAKE. Never heard of limnologist.

82. Wither away: FADE.

84. Funhouse reaction: FEAR.

86. Commit a hoops no-no: GOALTEND. Read more here.

88. Good times to build sand castles: LOW TIDES.

89. Least adorned: BAREST.

90. Many a "Freaks and Geeks" character: TEEN.

91. Manipulate digitally: KNEAD.

92. Falls for someone who's married?: NIAGARA. Good old clue.

93. Red __: fictional sub: OCTOBER.

94. __ party: FRAT.

95. American Heart Mo., aptly: FEB. Valentine's Day.

96. Armed conflict: WARFARE.

97. What "/" may mean: PER.

101. Ardent enthusiast: BIG FAN.

102. Frames around smartphone displays: BEZELS. The middle one is bezel-less. The screen looks bigger.

105. Top-tier: A LIST.

107. Mandarin hello: NI HAO. Literally "you good".

110. Lotion ingredient: ALOE.

112. Hendryx of the "Lady Marmalade" trio Labelle: NONA. We had her before.

114. Util. supply: ELEC.

116. Include covertly, briefly: BCC.

117. Online gaming annoyance: LAG.

118. St. Pete's place: FLA.

119. Beer choice: IPA.

120. "Code Switch" airer: NPR.

121. Dawn goddess: EOS.

Dennis is going to have a full open-heart surgery at the JFK Medical Center (Atlantis, Florida) next Tuesday Oct 15, 2019. The operation is quite risky as they need to replace both valves.

Dennis jokes that he is always a risk-taker and loves new adventures, but this is quite a battle. The surgery is long and the recovery is longer. Tough for someone who's always on the go.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Stay tough, Dennis!
