Theme: "therein lies a tale" - to paraphrase Shakespeare.
18A. Ruthless adversary : MORTAL ENEMY
27A. Serious software problem : FATAL ERROR. Dreaded blue screen.
49A. Wisenheimer : SMART ALECK
62A. Truth known only to a few ... and a hint to a word hidden in 18-, 27-, 39- and 49-Across : INSIDE STORY
Argyle here. A little twist; a synonym for STORY is what's hidden in the theme entries. All three ways to split TALE are used with two and two in the center. A step up from Monday.
1. Attorneys' degs. : JDs. (Juris Doctor)
4. Clipper or Laker, briefly : NBAer. Basketball player.
9. Up to now : SO FAR
14. Sup : EAT
15. Get up : ARISE
16. Jigsaw puzzle unit : PIECE
17. Norse war god : TYR
20. Planting ground : SOIL
22. Have debts : OWE
23. Joints often sprained : ANKLES
24. Words before card or lock : PICK A. Any card.
26. Precious : CUTE
30. "Rats!" : "DANG!"
34. Hyundai luxury model : AZERA. Currently the AZERA slots between the midsize Sonata and the Genesis sedan. Car and Driver were not impressed. Story.
35. Victor's cry : I WIN
37. Besides : TOO
38. Actress Hagen : UTA. Bio.
42. __ bind: stuck : IN A. The Devil was in a bind when he down to Georgia.
43. Video game letters : NES. (Nintendo Entertainment System)
44. Circular imperfection in wood : KNOT
45. Slip-on shoes : PUMPS. Jimmy Choo's idea of pumps.
47. One with a killer serve : ACER
52. Obsessed whaler captain : AHAB
54. Boating stopover : ISLET
55. Half of the hip-hop duo Black Star : MOS DEF
58. Certain NCO : SGT.
59. Billions of years : EONS
65. Agcy. with narcs : DEA. (Drug Enforcement Administration)
66. Mark with a sale price, say : RETAG
67. Greek goddesses of the seasons : HORAE. ( literally translated as "the hours")
68. Vex : IRK
69. Airline seat choice : AISLE
70. Hinged fasteners : HASPS
71. McMahon and Sullivan : EDs
1. One of two MetLife Stadium NFL teams : JETS. The other's the Giants.
2. Belafonte hit : DAY O. (The Banana Boat Song)
3. Erotic dance : STRIP TEASE
4. "Platoon" war zone : NAM
5. WWI era English poet Rupert : BROOKE. Bio.
6. High-flying battles : AIR WAR
7. East, in Mexico : ESTE
8. "Michael Collins" actor Stephen : REA
9. Exhausted : SPENT
10. Made a pig of oneself? : OINKED
11. Have a hunch : FEEL
12. Summit : ACME
13. Husband-and-wife creators of Curious George : REYS. Margret and H. A. Rey
19. Doctor House portrayer Hugh : LAURIE. More links please.
21. Prevaricator : LIAR
25. Lewis' partner : CLARK. Can you believe I drew a blank here?
26. Monastic hood : COWL
27. Flora's partner : FAUNA
28. Ancient Mexican : AZTEC
29. Rodeo rope : RIATA
31. Life-ending season in Ecclesiastes : A TIME TO DIE
32. Socially insensitive, in a way : NON-PC
33. "__ your mother" : GO ASK
36. Tibet neighbor : NEPAL
40. More than a little risky : UNSAFE
41. Mausoleum : TOMB
46. 1997 movie beekeeper : ULEE
48. Tire type : RADIAL
50. Hardships : RIGORS
51. Letter-shaped shoe fastener : T-STRAP
53. Line of shrubbery : HEDGE
55. Juan's "Look!" : "¡MIRA!"
56. "Dedicated to the __ Love" : ONE I
57. Grounded fast planes, briefly : SSTs. (Supersonic transport)
58. Spartan promenade : STOA
60. Techie, stereotypically : NERD
61. Fifth Avenue retailer : SAKS
63. Librarian's rebuke : "SHH!"
64. "Amen!" : "YES!". The end. After my write-up I realize this is harder than I originally thought.
Dang me! I forgot to color the center TALE.
Note from Mike Peluso:
"Joe Krozel helped me design the grid. It was quite tricky with a 7-letter word right in the middle, and I was having no luck designing the grid. I e-mailed Joe and he was happy to help me, and I was able to complete the puzzle. Thanks, Joe!"