, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 8, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Penultimate Letter Homophones - You may ask WHY and you'd be right.

17A. Many a coffee shop, vis-à-vis Internet access : WI-FI HOTSPOT

37A. "No need to hurry, is there?" : "WHY THE BIG RUSH?"

61A. Gender-determining heredity unit : Y CHROMOSOME

Argyle here. C.C. has given us a modest little Monday puzzle that was almost a pangram, short the J and Q. Some snappy fill, especially in the verticals.


1. Eva or Juan of Argentina : PERON

6. "Taking you places" premium movie channel : STARZ

11. Suffix for hero : INE

14. '60s-'70s Twins great Tony : OLIVA. What a ham; gets her picture in another puzzle.

15. Nest on a cliffside : AERIE. How are the owlets doing, downtonabbey?

16. "Friends" actress Courteney : COX. She now stars in "Cougar Town" which is on TBS. I've never seen it.

19. Corner PC key : ESC

20. Subj. for immigrants : ESL. (English as a Second Language)

21. Synagogue : SHUL

22. Cowpoke's seat : SADDLE

24. Flightless South American bird : RHEA

26. Scottish hillside : BRAE

28. "... believe __ not!" : IT OR

29. Hairstyling immortal Vidal : SASSOON. Immortal?

31. "Ship out" alternative : SHAPE UP

34. Humble home : HUT

35. 1980s secretary of state Alexander : HAIG. He showed up a week ago Saturday

36. False show : ACT

41. "__ 'nuff!" : SHO. Slang for "Sure enough".

42. Move, in Realtor-speak : RELO. (relocate)

43. "In __ Shoes": Cameron Diaz flick : HER. (2005) I've never seen it.

44. Meddles (with) : TAMPERS

46. "Pretty please ..." : "I BEG YOU ..."

50. GPS choices : RTE's. I still use maps.

51. Pinnacle : ACME

53. Geologic periods : EONS

54. Extensive property : ESTATE

57. Sorrowful cry : "ALAS!"

59. Slangy "OK" : "YEH". or "yeah". 5D. Casual turndowns : NAHs

60. "Wheel of Fortune" purchase : AN 'E'

64. Mauna __: Hawaii's highest peak : KEA

65. Harbor cities : PORTS

66. ESPN analyst Garciaparra : NOMAR. He is one of 13 players to hit two grand slams during a single game.

67. Bachelor in personals, briefly : SWM. (single, white, male)

68. Early stage : ONSET

69. Extends across : SPANS


1. __ that be: authorities : POWERS

2. Inventor Otis : ELISHA. Not often we get his first name.

3. Remington weapons : RIFLES. Founded in 1816 by Eliphalet Remington. (would never have gotten his first name.)

4. Egg: Pref. : OVI

6. Second-largest planet : SATURN

7. Physicist Nikola : TESLA. Our old friend.

8. Dadaism founder : ARP. Jean Arp, our old acquaintance.

9. Spanish rivers : RIOs

10. Greek letter that seems like it should be last : ZETA

11. Summer refreshers : ICED TEAS

12. Hardly an amateur : NO SLOUCH

13. Quote in a book review : EXCERPT

18. "How frustrating!" : "OH, BOTHER!"

23. Chip go-with : DIP

25. Pale as a ghost : ASHY

27. "La Bamba" co-star Morales : ESAI

30. Very strange : OUTRE

32. Car headlight setting : HIGH BEAM

33. Strike a bargain : AGREE

35. "The Newsroom" channel : HBO

37. Request for the latest update : "WHAT'S NEW?"

38. The Twins, at Minneapolis's Target Field : HOME TEAM

39. "Born Free" lion : ELSA. Andy Williams, Born Free(2:21)

40. Press for : URGE

41. Windex targets : STREAKS

45. Free TV ad : PSA

46. Words before "Can you give me directions?" : "I'M LOST!". Needed 50-Across.

47. Cellist who performed at Steve Jobs's funeral : YO-YO MA

48. Like a single-performer show : ONE MAN

49. Leads, as to a seat : USHERS

52. Garçon's handout : CARTE. French menu.

55. AutoCorrect target : TYPO

56. Keynes's sci. : ECON. (economics)

58. Male heirs : SONS

62. Appt. book rows : HRs. Hours this time, not home runs.

63. Soak (up), as gravy : SOP


Apr 7, 2013

Sunday April 7, 2013 Don and Barbie Gagliardo

Tittle: PC Connection- Each two-word theme entry starts with P* C*, and every Across theme entry is connected with a Down theme answer. 

23A. Track team : PIT CREW. Racetrack. Crossing 3D. Vet visitor's burden : PET CRATE
25A. Betty Boop feature : PIN CURL. Crossing 15D. Fir coat feature? : PINE CONE. Fun clue.

34A. Where to see a guest's name : PLACE CARD. Crossing 10D. Part of JFK's legacy : PEACE CORPS

70A. Solo product : PLASTIC CUP. Solo Cup. Crossing 51D. Statistical circle : PIE CHART

73A. Restaurant specialist : PASTRY CHEF. Crossing 49D. Makeshift storage container : PAINT CAN

106A. Burgess's "I'd rather see than be one" critter : PURPLE COW. Crossing 77D. Movies, hit songs, TV, etc. : POP CULTURE

118A. It has a tip, a shaft and a butt : POOL CUE. Oh, it has a butt. Crossing 86D. Head of the world? : POLAR CAP

122A. Talladega leader : PACE CAR. Crossing 89D. Office owie : PAPER CUT

Perfect puzzle title!

16 intersecting theme entries. Isn't this amazing? For this grid type, you have to have plenty of theme material to work with, long and short, to make the crossing work. And you have to have the skills and patience. 

Don is brilliant in grid designs. He always pulls off feats which I think are impossible. So nice to see Barbie as well. She's a very sweet, caring & creative person.

Don & Barbie

1. Bebop aficionado : HIPSTER. Jazz!

8. Bond phrase : AT PAR. At face value. Not that Bond, you dummy!

13. Harness : TAP INTO

20. Soul mate : ONE LOVE. Love the Bob Marley song.

21. Vatican City statue : PIETA

22. Landlord, at times : EVICTOR

24. __-foot oil : NEATS. Never used it.

26. Subst. for unnamed things : ETC

27. Wonderland visitor : ALICE

29. White House title: Abbr. : CIC. Commander-in-Chief.

30. Suffix with cyan- : IDE

31. Unlike cons : PRO. Adjective here.

32. Bit of fan support : RAH

37. Actor Firth : COLIN. Oscar for "The King's Speech".

39. Gouge : SOAK

41. __ volente : DEO

42. City in Florida's horse country : OCALA

43. Bounded : LOPED

44. "Rain Man" subject : AUTISM. 102. College subj. in which 44-Across would be discussed : PSY. Sorry PSY. But you had enough exposure already.

46. __ Alto : PALO

48. Prone's opposite : SUPINE

50. Jenny Craig suggestion, e.g. : DIET TIP. I don't like those no-fat, low-fat stuff. Takes the joy of food completely.

52. Lady's man : LORD

54. Changes for the better : AMENDS

57. Drawing for beginners : ART I

58. Piano lesson subject : ARPEGGIO. Don is a piano technician.

61. Zoo channel : MOAT

63. "Green Eggs and Ham" narrator : SAM

66. Toward the back : AREAR. Hey, our A* word.

68. Soup __ : SPOON

69. "You got it!" : BINGO
75. A, to Aristotle : ALPHA

76. Ruin, as a scene : HAM UP

78. Like the main point : FOCAL

79. Buckeyes' sch. : OSU

80. Short court plea : NOLO. Nolo contendere.

81. Sore loser : BAD SPORT

83. Droughty : ARID

85. Keeper's counterpart? : WEEPER. Oh, Finders, keepers/Losers, weepers.

87. Graf __ : SPEE

88. It's directly behind the three : NINE PIN. I bet TTP nailed this one. He's a great bowler too.

92. "The Merchant of Venice" heroine : PORTIA

95. Parking spot border : CURB

97. Ace-queen, e.g., in bridge : TENACE. For Spitzboov, who will also love 12D. Imps : RASCALS.

98. Gave out cards : DEALT

100. Name derived from Nicholas : CLAUS

104. Eject : SPEW

105. Caesar's first attacker : CASCA. Caesar was stabbed 33 times.

108. Civic border? : CEE

109. Call the game : UMP

110. Basic ed. trio : RRR

112. Go (for) : OPT

113. German camera : LEICA

115. Tach readout : RPM

120. Hot spot : SAUNA

124. Cheaper for residents, as a college : IN-STATE

125. Jetson son : ELROY

126. Sign of an error : ERASURE

127. Poker-faced : DEADPAN. Manac's link last night is so funny.

128. D-backs and Cards : NL-ERS. National Leaguers.

129. Like a leopard moth's wings : SPOTTED


1. Bob with jokes : HOPE. I was picturing Saget.

2. Still alive : IN IT

4. Great Basin cap. : SLC. Salt Lake City.

5. Holy scroll : TORAH

6. Sinister-sounding daredevil name : EVEL

7. Use another dustcloth on : RE-WIPE

8. Sleep disruption : APNEA

9. Neck wrap : TIE

11. Historic Greek region : ATTICA
13. So-so : TEPID

14. Like a real go-getter : AVID

16. Former trucking regulatory agcy. : ICC. Interstate Commerce Commission.

17. Sequence of unspecified size, in math : N-TUPLE. No idea, Bill.

18. Steamy : TORRID

19. Acrylic fiber : ORLON

28. Every other horse sound? : CLOP. Clip clop.

33. Japanese spitz : AKITA

35. It may be part of a code : COLOR

36. "This Is India" novelist Santha Rama __ : RAU. We had her before.

38. Amateur night feature, briefly : OPEN MIC. Great entry.

39. Bummed : SAD

40. French consent : OUI

41. "The Comedians" composer Kabalevsky : DMITRI. Unknown to me.

43. It might be a stretch : LIMO

45. Layers : STRATA

47. Shakespearean calls to battle : ALARUMS. Also new to me.

53. Sparrow portrayer : DEPP (Johnny). Jack Sparrow. "Pirates of the Caribbean".

55. Honolulu-born jet pilot/pop singer : DON HO

56. Wise guys : SAGES

59. Not let get away : GO AFTER

60. "I would __ far as to say ..." : GO SO. Tough spot. Otherwise you would not see two GO's in the same area.

62. Soy stuff : TOFU. I like Tofu & chives combo.

63. Bridge stat : SPAN

64. Permit : ALLOW

65. Syrup source : MAPLE. Do you store it like honey or does it have to be in the fridge when opened? Never had maple syrup.

67. USAFA part: Abbr. : ACAD

69. Print credit : BYLINE

71. Waterproof boot : SHOE PAC. New term to me as well.

72. Little yippers : PUPS

74. Albino, for one : RARITY

81. Ernie's pal : BERT. "Sesame Street".

82. Waste not : RE-USE

84. Thick : DENSE

90. Milieu for axels : ICE

91. Fresh : NEW

93. Site for serious treatment, briefly : ICU

94. Slugging teammate of Bob Feller : AL ROSEN. "The Hebrew Hammer". Both with the  the Indians.

96. Fraternal gp. since 1868 : BPOE

98. Singer Vic : DAMONE

99. Señor's wife : ESPOSA. Esposo for "husband".

101. Shock : APPALL

103. Slides through a reader : SWIPES

105. God with a bow : CUPID

106. Clean, bird-style : PREEN. How are your owlets, Michelle?

107. Pottery sources : CLAYS

108. Chocolate source : CACAO

111. "Hollywood Squares" semi-regular __ Lee : RUTA. Can never remember her name.

114. Nitpick : CARP

116. Cut the skin from : PARE

117. Steed who could read : MR. ED

119. Old Ford : LTD

121. "... tears __ prayers shall purchase out abuses": Shakespeare : NOR

123. Approx. number : EST

Good luck with the road test tomorrow, Splynter! You can do it!
