, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 7, 2020

Tuesday July 7, 2020 Evan Kalish

Off to the Races:  The word Gate can be placed at the "Start" of the first word of each theme answer to give us a new concept.

19-Across. Outdoor security illumination: FLOOD LIGHTING.  Flood Gates.  Everything you wanted to know about the Flood Gates of New Orleans, but didn't know to ask.

30-Across. Teeth: PEARLY WHITES.  Pearly Gates.

40-Across. First ten U.S. constitutional amendments: BILL OF RIGHTS.  Bill Gates.

William Henry Gates, III (b. Oct. 28, 1955)

And the Unifier:
55-Across. Where horse races begin ... and where the beginning of 19-, 30- and 40-Across might be seen: STARTING GATES.

WARNING:  There is a bad word at the very end of this very funny Video.

1. Baroque composer of many fugues: BACH.  Remove the "C" and you get 1-Down: Scroogean scoff: BAH!  

The Bach family was very musical, but probably the best known is Johann Sebastian Bach (Mar. 31, 1685 ~ July 28, 1750).  The "forgotten son" of the family was P.D.Q. Bach.

5. "__ did you say?": WHAT.

9. Pageant adornment: SASH.

13. Workout reminder: ACHE.

14. Team instructor: COACH.  Also the name of a company that makes high-end handbags.

15. Stage in an insect's life cycle: PUPA.  Some insects undergo 3 stages, others have a 4 stage life cycle.

16. Stiletto __: shoe part: HEEL.  High heels are really not all that comfortable.  Since the Quar, I have been either been going barefoot, in my gym shoes, or wearing flip-flops.  Not sure I ever want to go back to dress shoes.

17. Waze suggestion: ROUTE.

18. Chief Norse deity: ODIN.  A crossword staple.

22. Tennis toppers: VISORS.

24. Shucked shellfish: OYSTER.  Grilled oysters are a speciality in many restaurants in South Louisiana.

25. German cry: ACH!

26. Tummy muscles: ABs.  This is becoming a crossword staple.

28. Election night graphic: MAP.  Results from the 1900 Presidential election.  Looks like William McKinley (Jan. 29, 1843 ~ Sept. 14, 1901) beat William Jennings Bryan (Mar. 19, 1860 ~ July 26, 1925).

29. Sloppy room metaphor: STY.

34. Caesar's last gasp: ET TU.

35. Gut punch reaction: OOF!

36. __ na tigela: Brazilian berry dish in a bowl: AÇAI.  Açai berry has become a very popular crossword word.  They look like blue berries.

45. "Fill 'er up" fluid: GAS.

48. Michelle Obama __ Robinson: NÉE.  Before she married Barack Obama (b. Aug. 4, 1961) in October, 1992, she was known as Michelle LaVaught Robinson (b. Jan. 17, 1964).

49. Turn on the waterworks: SOB.  I initially tried Cry.

50. Charged particle: ION.  Ions appear with some regularity in the crossword puzzles.

51. Defeat cunningly: OUTFOX.

53. Flat renter: TENANT.  I initially tried Leasee then I tried Renter, before finally settling on Tenant.

59. State with a greeting in its name: OHIO.  //  A shortened version of 4-Down: Word of greeting: HELLO!

60. Apple pie-making tool: CORER.

61. Hoops officials: REFs.  As in Referees.  The ref is in the stripped shirt.

64. Lady's man: LORD.  You, too, can become a Lord or Lady.

65. Egg producer: OVARY.

66. Bridal accessory: VEIL.  Bridal veils can be of varying lengths, as shown below.

67. Approximately: OR SO.

68. Word after user or stage: NAME.  As in User Name or Stage Name.

69. Provocative, as humor: EDGY.


2. Versatile blackjack card: ACE.
3. Culinary topper: CHEF'S HAT.  The usual crossword answer to a clue like this is Toque.

5. Stove fuel: WOOD.

6. In it for the long __: HAUL.

7. Play opening: ACT I.

8. One blamed for losing a game: THE GOAT.  But GOAT also means Greatest OAll Time.

9. Unchangeable leopard markings, in Jeremiah: SPOTS.  The Biblical phrase can be found in Jeremiah 13:23.

10. IRS-conducted ordeals: AUDITS.

11. Small piano: SPINET.  Here are some sizes and names of keyboard instruments.

12. Irritably needing food: HANGRY.  Hangry is a portmanteau of Hungry and Angry.  There is a physiological reason for this condition.

14. Bing who teamed with Hope in "Road to ..." films: CROSBY.  Bing Crosby (né Harry Lillis Crosby, Jr.; May 3, 1903 ~ Oct. 14, 1977), Bob Hope (né May 29, 1903 ~ July 18, 2003), and Dorothy Lamour (née Mary Leta Dorothy Slaton; Dec. 10, 1914 ~ Sept. 22, 1996) made several "Road to ..." movies that were adventurous, comedic, romantic and musical.

20. Like much lore: ORAL.

21. Pre-release buzz: HYPE.  There was a lot of Hype before the release of the last Star Wars movie.

22. Enjoy an e-cig: VAPE.  This is becoming a crossword staple.

23. Very cool rapper?: ICE T.  Ice T (né Tracy Lauren Marrow; b. Feb. 16, 1958) is also an actor.  He portrayed Detective Odafin Tutuola on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

27. Extremely muscular, in modern parlance: SWOLE.  I am not familiar with this word.  It is derived from the word "swollen", but also describes an extremely muscular physique.

28. Annoys: MIFFS.

31. Massage: RUB.

32. Owl's sound: HOO.  Hand up if your owl said "Who!"

33. Mattress problem: SAG.

37. Smoothie additive also used to sprout "hair" on terracotta "pets": CHIA SEED.

38. Lots and lots: A TON.

39. "__ it obvious?": ISN'T.

41. Playing an extra NBA period: IN OT.  As in In Over Time.

42. Dictionary: LEXICON.  John McWhorter (b. Oct. 6, 1965) is a professor at Columbia University where he teaches English and linguistics.  He also hosts a podcast called Lexicon Valley, which provides fascinating lectures on language etymology.

43. Traffic circle: ROTARY.  These circular traffic intersections go by many names.  We called them roundabouts.  They are supposed to ease the flow of traffic, but sometime it can be difficult to exit if there are too many exit options.

44. "Su-u-ure": I BET!

45. Split with the band, maybe: GO SOLO.  Members of the Beatles began to go solo near the end of the band's run.

46. Novelist, e.g.: AUTHOR.

47. Alternative to a crowded elevator: STAIRS.  I worked on the 7th floor of a 7-story building.  I would usually take the stairs because it was good exercise.

52. Hobbit on a quest: FRODO.  A reference to Frodo Baggins.  I never understood the appeal to the Hobbits.

54. Optic __: NERVE.

56. Starburst?: NOVA.

57. Ma's ma: GRAM.  My maternal grandmother went by Nana.

58. Roberts' "Pretty Woman" co-star: GERE.  Pretty Woman is a 1990 romantic comedy about a "working girl", played by Julia Roberts (b. Oct. 28, 1967), and a wealthy businessman, played by Richard Gere (b. Aug. 31, 1949).

62. Newton fruit: FIG.  Fun Facts about the Fig Newton.

63. Sneaky: SLY.

Here's the Grid:

QOD:  It's fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.  ~  Bill Gates (b. Oct. 28, 1955)

Jul 6, 2020

Monday July 6th, 2020 Jeff Stillman

Theme: Cartoon Catchwords

18. Catchwords from Bart Simpson: AY CARAMBA.

20. Catchwords from Ren: YOU EEDIOT.

35. Catchwords from Fred Flintstone: YABBA DABBA DOO.

52. Catchwords from Charlie Brown: GOOD GRIEF.

54. Catchword from a Ninja Turtle: COWABUNGA.

Boomer here.  

Happy Monday and I hope everyone stayed safe over the holiday weekend.  C.C. and I stayed pretty close to home while the southern part of our USA seemed to soar with Covid problems.  Last year here in Minnesota we had four days with a high temp of 90+ degrees.  We had that many last week with more to come. Our Monday golf was rained out, so a couple of friends and I played a par 72 course last Thursday. I was wiped out and I lost about 8 pounds. My clothes were so sweaty that C.C. helped me peel them off.  However I made it with no serious health reaction but I think my next round will be in the 80s.  The temp, not my score.


1. IRS form experts: CPAS. Certified Public Account however in my career with Graybar as a pricing manager our CPA was a Customer Price Authority.

5. Computer data unit: BYTE.

9. MLB's Indians, on scoreboards: CLE.  Rumor has it that this will change soon.  But first we may see a new name for the Washington NFL team.

12. Natural history museum piece: RELIC.

14. __ beef: ROAST.  I like ROAST beef, but I also enjoyed the Celebrity Roasts, mostly from Las Vegas.

16. Put on TV: AIR.  Some of it is Hot AIR, just like our weather.

17. First Hebrew letter: ALEPH.

22. Pretty pitcher: EWER.

23. Giant of a Giant Mel: OTT.  Hall of Famer who played a little before my time. In fact, his last season was the year I was born.

24. Rx orders: MEDS.  I get to take 8 prescribed pills daily plus a couple of over the counter MEDS.  They seem to be working so far.

25. Proves to be false: BELIES.

27. "m" and "n" sounds: NASALS.  Another NASAL sound is blowing your nose.

29. "Far out, dude!": RAD.

30. Greatest possible degree: NTH.  Sounds like our Minnesota Temps last week.

31. Decorated the walls, in a way: PAPERED.  Our walls are all painted.

34. James of blues: ETTA.  I remember ETTA KETT in the comics in the 60s.

38. Speaker's place: DAIS.

39. In perfect circumstances: IDEALLY.  It's a wonderful toy, it's IDEAL

40. City trains above the street: ELS. Or one of my favorite Golfers, ERNIE.

41. React to sad news: CRY.

42. Twins Mary-Kate and Ashley: OLSENS.

46. Dudes: FELLAS.

48. Sheet of ice: FLOE.  I am sure it all melted here.  But ice fishing season is just around the corner.

50. By way of, in itineraries: VIA.

51. Lager or pilsner: BEER.  Beer, Beer, Beer said the privates, happy men are we.  There's none so fair as can compare with the fighting infantry.

56. Designer Nina: RICCI.  I only remember Toni RICCI who was Abby Carmichael's friend on "Law and Order".  RICCI was murdered in the episode.

57. Airline once owned by Howard Hughes: TWA.  I think TWA was one of Howard's toys.  He bought a few hotels and a bunch of land on Las Vegas Boulevard and made a ton of $$$$.

58. Done in, as a dragon: SLAIN.

59. Furry swimmer: OTTER.  I keep thinking of  "Animal House".

60. Cagey: SLY. and the Family Stone.

61. "Green" Vt. peaks: MTNS.  From the MTNS, to the Prairies, to the Ocean white with foam ...

62. To be, to Brutus: ESSE. 


1. Kid's coloring stick: CRAYON.  Crayola has been around a long time.  I had a box when I was young.

2. Jai alai ball: PELOTA.

3. Indigenous Alaskan islanders: ALEUTS.

4. '70s-'80s quarterback Brian: SIPE.  He managed 10 ordinary years with the Cleveland Browns.

5. Interweave, as hair: BRAID.  My hair is not long enough.

6. "Around the world" toys: YO-YOS.  Duncans were the best.  I could do Around the Worlds, Walk the dog, and a bunch more.

7. Mediator's forte: TACT.  As you can tell by my expos, I do not have a lot of TACT.

8. That, in Madrid: ESA.

9. Inherited, as a lot of money: CAME INTO. Not me, but I did win $80.00 in Las Vegas last February. Then they had to close the casinos.  I never thought I would strain them financially.

10. Opera text: LIBRETTO.

11. Chapter in history: ERA.

13. School course with beakers: CHEM LAB.  I cannot remember if I ever told this story.  We had a chem lab in high school and the teacher was Earl Thompson who was about 5 feet six inches tall.  Larry Mikan was in chemistry class and he may have been struggling and his father, George, of the Minneapolis Lakers came for a conference.  Sorry but I had to chuckle.

15. Trapped on a branch, say: TREED.

19. Hole-making tool: AWL.

21. Abandons all hope: DESPAIRS.  GIVES UP did not quite fit.

25. Hostile feelings, as between feuding families: BAD BLOOD.

26. __ Na Na: SHA.  That group used to sing some of my favorites.  Especially Bowser.

28. Alerts from the LAPD: APBS.  All Points Bulletins. Are there a lot of points in LA?

29. Country star McEntire: REBA.  Great singer!  I think she has done a couple of gigs at our State Fair in August. C.C. and I have been to the fair a few  times in St. Paul.  Unfortunately it has been cancelled this year.

32. Water whirled: EDDY.

33. Female name that's a body part backwards: RAE.  What ??  I have to turn around to hear you.

34. Ice cream brand: EDY'S.

35. Home of the Ivy League's Bulldogs: YALE BOWL.  I suppose YALE will be open in the fall.  It does not look good for BOWL Centers.  Do not call the building ALLEYS and those things inside the Bowling Centers are called LANES. Thank you. 

36. Warehouse passage: AISLEWAY.  This might be called a LANE also.

37. Swiftly, to Schubert: ALLEGRO.

38. Dict. meaning: DEF.  Definition of course.  I am old enough to remember dictionaries.  If you cannot, you can always Google one.

41. Atkins diet concern: CARBS.  I've been loading up to try and get the weight back I left on the golf course last Thursday.

43. Forces out: EVICTS.  Sadly there have been quite a few during the unemployment caused by the virus.  We have a few tent cities in some of our public city parks.

44. Nephews' sisters: NIECES.

45. "On Language" columnist William: SAFIRE.

47. Grazing locale: LEA.  Minnesota has the city of Albert Lea.  I think he was a founding citizen.  I don't think he grazed.

48. Paralyze with mist, as an airport: FOG IN.  We don't see much fog.  We did have a snow problem at MSP last February. Oddly, C.C. and I were delayed many hours.  MSP Airport these days probably says goodbye to one jet every hour.

49. Student financing options: LOANS.

52. Tiny biter: GNAT.

53. Baptism or bris: RITE.

54. Pennies: Abbr.: CTS.

55. Einstein's birth city: ULM.  Minnesota also has a city named NEW ULM.  Home of "Herman the German".  I bowled a State Tournament there once at their Bowling CENTER.

 Good luck to you, Abejo!
Abejo and Harvey, the Knights Templar, 2013


Jul 5, 2020

Sunday July 5th, 2020 Ed Sessa

Theme: "The Magnificent Seven" - The first word in each theme entry can follow "grand".
23A. *Pro in a ring: PRIZE FIGHTER. Grand prize.

36A. *Challenge for a hopeful collegian: ENTRANCE EXAM. Grand entrance.

55A *Multi-faceted stage performance: SLAM POETRY. Grand slam.

77A. *Military stint: TOUR OF DUTY. Grand tour.

94A. *Act of genius: MASTER STROKE. Grandmaster.

16D. *1977 Eagles hit: HOTEL CALIFORNIA. Grand Hotel.

44D. *Liszt list, e.g.: PIANO REPERTOIRE. Grand piano.


111. Ribbon-cutting event, or what the starts of the answers to starred clues can have: GRAND OPENING.

We have not seen "words that can precede/follow" Sunday theme type for a while. Rich normally saves the type for weekdays.

Such a clever title.

1. Graf with 22 Grand Slam singles titles: STEFFI.

7. Epcot's Spaceship Earth, e.g.: GLOBE.

12. Sacha Baron Cohen alter ego: ALI G.

16. Part of HMS: HER.

19. Soup dish: TUREEN. This looks quite delicate.

20. Like many feedbag cereals: OATEN.

21. NFL analyst Tony: ROMO.

22. Big name in kitchen gadgets: OXO. D-Otto's brand.

25. Helped throw a party: CO-HOSTED.

27. Boxers' org.?: AKC. Great clue. We also have 29. Boxer's wound: GASH.

28. Birth day ordeal: LABOR.

31. Clock watchers: IDLERS.

32. Bygone Russian ruler: TSARINA.

34. Sonic the Hedgehog creator: SEGA.

35. Math class for coll. credit: AP CALC.

40. Footnote abbr.: OP CIT.

42. Removes fasteners from: UNPEGS.

45. Hand-rubbing chuckle: HEH.

46. Trawler's catch: SHRIMP. Most of the shrimp we eat are probably from some farms.

48. Firewood option: ASH.

49. Title for Marian: MAID. Maid Marian. Robin Hood.

50. Reacts with obvious pleasure: BEAMS.

52. Comply with: OBEY.

53. Pet peeve?: FLEA. And 54. Cap-and-crown org.?: ADA. 105. Winter coat?: SNOW.

58. Believer: THEIST.

60. Least amt.: MIN.

61. Reasons against: CONS.

62. Lands' End department: MEN'S.

63. Barrier __: REEF.

64. Historic toolmaking period: IRON AGE.

66. Practices, as a trade: PLIES.

68. Eyes and ears: SENSORS.

71. Chocolate-caramel candy brand: ROLO.

72. Industrial arts class, informally: SHOP.

73. Actor Cumming of "The Good Wife": ALAN.

74. River inlet: RIA.

75. International economic coalition: G SEVEN.

80. One of the Bobbsey twins: NAN.

81. Valley with cellars and sellers: NAPA. Extra homophone touch.

82. On the fence: TORN.

84. Loathing: ODIUM.

85. "__ Misbehavin'": Fats Waller song: AIN'T.

86. Suffix with glob: ULE.

87. Ingratiates oneself (to), with "up": COZIES.

89. The NBA's Magic: ORL.

90. Leave the larval stage: PUPATE. Not a word I use.

92. __-Croatian language: SERBO.

97. Plant-based sugar substitute: STEVIA. Boomer uses it occasionally.

99. Charged atoms: IONS.

100. Earliest work in a musical chronology: OPUS ONE.

104. One making amends: ATONER.

106. Afghan capital: KABUL.

108. Initialism for some time away from work: LOA. OK, Leave of Absence. Give [Hawaii's Mauna ___] a rest.

109. Met a monthly obligation: PAID RENT.

114. Canon initials: SLR.

115. Singer from County Donegal: ENYA.

116. Like many roofs: EAVED.

117. Parking garage designation: A LEVEL.

118. Just make, with "out": EKE.

119. Insect repellent: DEET.

120. Gushes: SPEWS.

121. Forensic competition: DEBATE. I'm not familiar with this meaning of "forensics".


1. Mar. 17 figure: ST PAT.

2. Ankara natives: TURKS. 4. Topper for 2-Down: FEZ.

3. "Fear of Flying" author Jong: ERICA.

5. Premonition: FEELING.

6. Hospital deliveries: INFANTS.

7. Disco era word: GO GO.

8. Lion player Bert: LAHR. Never saw "The Wizard of Oz" until I came to the US. We had our first TV in late 1980s. By then, Hong Kong movies were all the rage.

9. 5'9" Giant Mel: OTT.

10. Disco band brother: BEE GEE.

11. Makes hopping mad: ENRAGES.

12. Foot part: ARCH.

13. Bath bathroom: LOO.

14. "Gotcha, man": I'M HIP.

15. Perp's pretend friend, in interrogation: GOOD COP. Looks like our state might change our flag also.

17. Works out: EXERCISES.

18. Reel holders: RODS.

24. Letter-shaped girder: I BAR.

26. Hand-to-hand sound: SLAP.

30. Brass band members: SAXHORNS.

33. Marsh plant: REED.

34. Bonehead: SCHMO.

35. Yves' squeeze: AMIE.

37. Interruption lead-ins: AHEMS.

38. Tide type: NEAP.

39. "We Have the Meats" sandwich chain: ARBY'S.

41. This, when over there: THAT.

42. Fish sauce taste: UMAMI. Important ingredient in kimchi sauce.

43. Low point: NADIR.

47. "I'm buying": MY TREAT.

50. Downfall: BANE.

51. Part-time player: SEMI-PRO.

53. Bank add-ons: FEES.

55. What weight watchers watch: SCALE.

56. Access, as a site: LOG ONTO. And 66. Calls work from home: PHONES IN.

57. Drive origination point: TEE.

59. __ Penny: folk tale name: HENNY.

65. Smoked salmon: NOVA.

67. Grant on old TV: LOU.

68. Blighted area: SLUM.

69. Mirthful: RIANT. Not a word I use.

70. "À votre __!": SANTE.

72. Stretch mark, say: STRIA.

73. Grownup: ADULT.

75. Safari sights: GNUS.

76. Pitch from a rep: SALES TALK.

78. Lysol targets: ODORS.

79. Stands in the forest, perhaps: FIRS.

83. Baum princess: OZMA.

85. A group of them may be called a shrewdness: APES. Such a long word for "group".

87. Dealt with: COVERED.

88. Memorable pie throwers: STOOGES.

90. Window one would rather keep closed: POP-UP AD.

91. Tiny Tim's strings: UKULELE.

93. Oregon golfing mecca: BEND.

95. Swathe: ENWRAP.

96. Automaton prefix: ROBO.

98. Sherlock's foe Adler: IRENE.

101. Three-time A.L. batting champ Tony: OLIVA. Still waiting for him to get into the Hall of Fame.

C.C. & Tony Oliva, 9/15/2011

102. Nine-piece combo: NONET.

103. Sharp-eyed bird: EAGLE.

104. Cathedral recess: APSE.

105. ER directive: STAT.

106. Had already learned: KNEW.

107. Supplements, with "to": ADDS.

110. Emmy-winning scientist: NYE.

112. Melrose in L.A., say: AVE.

113. Lincoln's st.: NEB. Here there, Gary, Avg. Joe and Brad!
