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May 13, 2023

Saturday, May 13, 2023, Rich Norris

Saturday Themeless by Rich Norris

Our former editor shows up with another engaging puzzle. I sailed along pretty good but POPO is not in in my vocab and so I'll take one bad cell (COPO/CBS) and try to get on with my life.

I wonder if Rich was familiar with all the proper names he employed. ๐Ÿคจ


1. Erosion control supply: STRAW MATS - These are ubiquitous around here as bypass highways with overpasses are being built all around our town and good spring rains are bringing the STRAW MATS to life.

10. Composer Bruckner: ANTON All you'd ever want to know

15. Ahead of its time: PROPHETIC - Some claiming to be prophets are really looking for a profit

16. Held up: BORNE.

17. Pizza sauce choice: RED TOMATO.

18. Condition: STATE - The value of a dime depends on its STATE or condition

19. "__, Chef": Marcus Samuelsson memoir: YES - This is the story of his rise as an adopted child from Ethiopia who became a very successful chef in NYC. (pub. 2012)

20. Nabokov novel: LOLITA - A middle-aged man having relations with a 14-yr-old girl, what could possibly go wrong?

22. Condition that can interfere with focusing, briefly: ADHD.

23. Reagle of "Wordplay": MERL.

24. Go along: AGREE.

26. Pupil of Beethoven: CZERNY.

29. Things that are worth looking into?: MIRRORS ๐Ÿ˜€

31. Trope intro: HELIO - HELIO(Greek: helios/sun) tropes (Greek: trepan/turn) are plants whose flowers follow the sun across the sky. The prime example is the state flower of Kansas.

32. Summer Olympics racer since 1936: CANOE - Ernst Krebs canoeing in the 1936 Olympics for Deutschland 

33. Pac-12 athlete: UTE - Next year, USC and UCLA join the Big Ten and the Utah UTES, et. al. will be left behind

35. Round figure: ORB.

36. Like many '50s cars: TWO TONE - Oh, you mean back when cars had personality?

38. HBO __: MAX.

39. Court: WOO.

40. Romance novelist Brenda: HIATT.

41. Poor showing: NO ONE.

43. Chirp: TWEEDLE - Lewis Carroll invented TWEEDLE Dee and TWEEDLE Dum to encounter Alice in Through The Looking Glass
45. Coastal features of Washington and Alaska: FJORDS Kenai FJORDS National Park, Home of the most beautiful FJORDS in Alaska

46. Bridget Riley genre: OP ART.

47. Rebuke, maybe: SLAP.

48. Fluffy rug: SHAG.

49. Last-minute, often: HECTIC.

52. "Death in Paradise" airer: PBS - A BBC import

55. Model 3 maker: TESLA.

57. Inescapable situation: BLACK HOLE - Not even light can escape

59. Some deco works: ERTE'S.

60. One who makes the rounds?: ๐Ÿ˜€ BARKEEPER.

61. Circular defense mechanisms: MOATS ๐Ÿ˜€

62. Anxiously awaits: SWEATS OUT - 1969 draft lottery


1. Agile: SPRY.

2. Corner: TREE.

3. Fish sticks?: RODS ๐Ÿ˜€ 

4. Keenly intelligent: APT.

5. Totally different, slangily: WHOLE NOTHER.

6. Broadway classic with the lyrics "I can smile at the old days / I was beautiful then": MEMORY - The show-stopping song from Cats

7. In any way: AT ALL.

8. South American monkey: TITI.

9. Shetland native: SCOT - A SCOT who lives in the Shetland Islands has a cost of living nearly double the rest of the U.K. However, golf is reasonable at the Shetland Golf Course: 
£30 per day, £80 per week; £130 per fortnight

10. Six-pack contents?: ABS.

11. Tig with a recurring role on "Star Trek: Discovery": NOTARO - She is standing under the K in this picture

12. News about a possible exchange: TRADE RUMOR - These rumors were around all winter and he didn't go to any of these teams. If you care at all, you know where he went.

13. Testifying: ON THE STAND.

14. Sine qua non: NEED.

21. Vice president after Thomas: AARON Burr.

23. Hosp. scan: MRI.

25. Prize that may need to be altered if a player wins it again: GREEN JACKET - Here we see the 2019 Master's winner, Tiger Woods, helping the 2020 winner into his GREEN JACKET.

26. Eats: CHOW.

27. Process of dramatic character change: ZERO TO HERO - Tom was the 199th player picked in the 2000 NFL draft and sat out his entire rookie year. The next year the Patriots' starting QB got hurt and Brady finally got to play and became the Greatest Of All Time.

28. Gomiti, for one: ELBOW PASTA.

29. Lacking luster: MATTE.

30. Trying to resolve a tie, briefly: IN OT - Notre Dame coach (and cwd fill) Ara Parseghian was forever blamed for not trying to win this game in 1966 and "settled for a tie". It was another 30 years before the NCAA instituted rules so games could go IN(to) OT(overtime) 

32. __-fired: COAL - Our electricity is mostly generated in this plant 1/4 mile south of where I am sitting

34. Former union members?: EXES - That would be former marital union members 

37. Side to side?: WIDTH.

42. Alley follower: OOP.

44. Aerie newborn: EAGLET - EAGLETS born in this aerie are a short flight from the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center.

45. Title horse in a Mary O'Hara children's novel: FLICKA My Friend Flicka was part of my b/w television childhood

47. Unsettling look: STARE.

48. Half-note feature: STEM.

50. Weakens: EBBS.

51. White __: hard seltzer brand: CLAW.

52. The law: POPO From reduplication of the abbreviation PO (police officer), originally in reference to partnered bike officers in Southern California whose paired shirts would read POPO

53. Fromage hue: BLEU - My Greek wife hates BLEU cheese and olives in the Greek salad

54. Barcelona-born muralist: SERT.

56. Jenny, e.g.: ASSHere's a link to the site below

58. Dads and lads: HES.


May 12, 2023

Friday, May 12, 2023, Taylor Johnson


Good Morning, Cruciverbalists.  Malodorous Manatee here with today's recap of a puzzle by Taylor Johnson who first appeared in this venue just a few days shy of one year ago (on 22 May 2022, per Bill).  Taylor has also had puzzles published in other venues.  Previously, he has employed themes where letters have to be removed from common words and phrases in order to form appropriate (and humorous) answers to the clues.  Today, in an example of, arguably, increased efficiency, nothing has to be removed.  A single letter merely has to be moved over from the start of one word to the end of the preceding word.  He provides the key at:

59 Across:  Makes room, and when parsed differently, an instruction for four answers in this puzzle: MOVES OVER.  Or, as intended here, MOVE  S  OVER.

He applies this methodology at four places in the grid:

17 Across:  Leg muscle of a mathlete?: GEEK'S QUAD.  Geek Squad (techies) is modified by moving the S from the beginning of the word SQUAD to the end of the word GEEK thereby making GEEK possessive.  At the risk of being redundant, GEEK SQUAD  morphs into GEEK'S QUAD (as in quadriceps).

31 Across:  Fruity pastry made by a movie boxer?: ROCKY'S TART.  Similarly, ROCKY START becomes ROCKY'S TART.  What Adrian certainly was not?

Theme From Rocky XIII

35 Across:  Pub pour for an enlisted soldier?: PRIVATE'S ALE.  Parsed differently, PRIVATE SALE.

42 Across:  Vacation for a stand-up performer?: COMIC'S TRIP.  COMIC STRIP.

Comic's (and POTUS's) Trip

Here is how this looks in the grid:

. . . and here are the rest of the clues/answers:


1. Informant: RAT.  Hollywood gangster movie jargon.

4. MGM part: METRO.

9. Labor leader Chavez: CESAR.  His granddaughter was recently tapped to be the current president's reelection campaign manager.

14. Goof: ERR.

15. Sprinter Bolt: USAIN.  Among other accomplishments, an eight-time gold medalist at the Olympics.

16. Enough: AMPLE.  Knock.  Knock.  Who's there?  Four eggs.  Four eggs who?  Four eggs AMPLE.

19. Stacked: BUILT.  A bit of a stretch.  In slang, both stacked and BUILT have another meaning.  Perhaps that's what was intended here.

20. "Don't you agree?," informally: INNIT.  Punt!

21. Darn things: SEW.  Darn, here, is used as a verb as in to mend.

23. However, poetically: THO.

24. Game requiring plug-ins?: MAD LIBS.  You plug your words into the blanks without knowing the context (a second participant asks you for a noun, a verb, an adjective, etc.).  The results can sometimes be hilarious.
27,  Idle Talk:  CHATTER

30. International gas brand: ESSO.  From Standard Oil.  S.O.

33. Source of a low blow?: TUBA.  A bit of word play.  A wind instrument that plays low notes.  Hand up for first thinking of KNEE,

34. "History of the World, Part II" actress/writer Wanda: SYKES.  The Hulu TV series is meant to be a sequel to the 1981 Mel Brooks movie.  It's good to be the king.

39. Like part of some fusion cuisine: ASIAN.

41. Semisoft cheese: EDAM.  Not all cheeses are made in the same manner.  In fact, EDAM is made backwards.

45. Shirt part with a button: CUFF.

49. Tip: POINTER.

50. ESPN Deportes language: ESPANOL.  The clue employs the Spanish language so the answer does also.

52. Small bill: ONE.  As in legal tender, currency.

53. Crossed (out): XED

55. __ board: EMERY.  A SURF board was too short.  A CUTTING board was too large.  Ouija board fit but didn't work.  Thanks, again, perps.

56. Pegasus pair: WINGS.  The mythical winged horse.

62. First name in cosmetics: ESTEE.  ESTEE Lauder visits us frequently.

63. Netflix crime drama set in Missouri: OZARK.

64. Self-regard: EGO.

65. River in a van Gogh painting: RHONE.

66. Event of passing interest?: RELAY.  RELAY race.  Pass the baton.  Literally.

67. Silent approval: NOD.


1. Ruling period: REGIME.  It can be used to mean the time period although more often it refers to the government in power.

2. Entertainment centers?: ARENAS.  A bit of word play.  Places where you might go for entertainment.  Not something like this:

3. Directions: TRENDS.  Would one ever say that current directions are in the right, or wrong, direction?

4. "You honestly need me to do that?": MUST I.  Quotation clues provide much flexibility.

5. Letters on some office suite doors: ESQ.  ESQuire is an honorific for an attorney.  Collectively, we're still working out the approriate honorific as esquiress does not seem to have caught on.

6. Sigma follower: TAU.  It helps to know the Greek alphabet if one likes to solve crossword puzzles . . . or at least print it out and keep that sheet of paper handy.

7. Narrow inlets: RIAS.  Crosswordese.

8. Next: ON DECK.  Best known as a baseball reference.  The next batter up is said to be ON DECK.

9. Indie rockers Death __ for Cutie: CAB.  Often clued with a reference to wine or Uber.

10. Cassowary cousin: EMU.

11. Classic bit of slapstick: SPIT TAKE.  SPIT TAKE is a comedic technique or reaction in which someone spits a drink, or sometimes food, out of their mouth as a reaction to a surprising or funny statement.

12. "Everyone's accounted for": ALL HERE.

13. Fires back, in a way: RETORTS.  Verbal bantering.

18. K, in the NATO alphabet: KILO.  Same tip as for 6 Down, above.
22. Frequent question from a toddler: WHY

25. British dude: BRUV.  Brother --> Brudder - -> Bruvver --> BRUV.  Unfamiliar to this solver.  Thanks, perps.

26. Buckwheat noodle: SOBA.

28. Indian state near Bhutan: ASSAM.  An oft visited place in crosswords.  Sometimes clued with a reference to tea. 

29. Brief sign-off: TTYL.  Talk TYou Later.  Hand up for first trying TA TA.  Cheerio!

32. Cover the spread?: CATER.  Provide the food on the table as in "that's a nice spread."

33. Hint of color: TINCT.  Hand up for TINGE.

35. Olive stuffing: PIMIENTO.   A red, heart-shaped pepper.

36. Cloudburst: RAIN.

37. Singer Brickell: EDIE.   She knows what she knows if you know what I mean.  
Married to Paul Simon. 

38. Drains: SAPS.  SAP is another word with multiple meanings.

39. Household outlet output: AC POWER.  Alternating Current.

40. "In a few": SOONISH.  Acceptable . . . ish.

43. __ ed: SEX.  No longer limited to those "social disease" films that they showed us in high school.

44. Shiver: TREMOR.

45. Hunting garb: CAMO.  CAMOuflage

46. Bumpy: 

47. Precede: FOREGO.  Although it is usually employed to mean relinquish or go without, FOREGO can also mean to go before.

48. Casting option: FLY ROD.  Sculpture (lost wax casting)?  Hollywood ensemble?  To throw?  To watch your cellphone screen on your TV?  Nope.  A fishing reference.

51. Annoying: 
PESKY.  Where does the word "politics" come from?  From the Greek "poly" for many and the English "ticks" for PESKY parasites.

54. Nap: DOZE.

57. Mil. title: GEN.  GENeral  Abbr / Abbr

58. Match, in poker: SEE.

60. Kilmer of film: VAL.

Nick Rivers Straightens That Rug

61. Cy Young stat: ERA.  A baseball reference.  Earned Run Average.  The Cy Young award is given annually to the best pitcher in each of the two major leagues.


May 11, 2023

Thursday, May 11, 2023, Doug Peterson


For many of you today's constructor Doug Peterson needs no introduction. By my count today's outing marks his 59th appearance on the Corner, his first being on  Friday, May 9, 2008, reviewed by C.C.  Here's an interview with Doug on November 29, 2016 published in the blog Puzzle Nation

His theme today is contained in 4 over the shoulder zingers said by the person who got in the last word at a less than amicable departure.  This is not the type of theme that helps you to solve the puzzle, but rather one that is a puzzle in itself,  While this will disappoint some, I think that it would be difficult to suss without the circles, and in the event that your publisher didn't include them just

Give It Your Best Shot

For reasons we'll see shortly, each themer consists of a pair of answers.  I've highlighted the letters that appear in the grid circles.

Pair 1:

17A. Song from "Anything Goes": YOU'RE THE TOP.  Here's Ella Fitzgerald with this classic Cole Porter musical (click Show more for lyrics) ...
 19A. Shaved __: ICE.  Summer will be here before you know it.  Here's a place that sells this delight less than a mile from where we live.
We call them Snow Balls
Pair 2:

22A. "Lodge 49" actor __ Russell: WYATTLodge 49 is an American comedy-drama television series created by Jim Gavin.  It aired on the cable television network AMC in the United States from August 6, 2018, to October 14, 2019.  Wyatt plays Sean "Dud" Dudley, an ex-surfer who discovers Lodge 49 and is looking to lead a happy life.  The series was cancelled after 2 seasons, so let's hope he found it.

24A. Like some hockey goals: EMPTY NET.  An empty net goal, abbreviated as EN or ENG and colloquially called an empty netter, occurs in several team sports when a team scores a goal into a net with no goaltender (goalie) present.  After reading the above link, I'm still unclear on the concept and hope that somebody (CanadianEh!?) stops by and 'splains it.

Pair 3:

35A. Wet/dry garage cleaner: SHOP VAC.  These are very useful in a pottery studio where you're working with clay and water, as long you don't have to change between wet and dry filters too often.

38A. HBO subsidiary: CINEMAXCinemax is an American pay television, cable, and satellite television network owned by the Home Box Office, Inc. subsidiary of Warner Bros. Discovery.
Pair 4:

52A. Pain relief brand: EXCEDRIN.  A combination drug (Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) / paracetamol (acetaminophen) / caffeine)  for the treatment of pain, especially tension headache and migraine.
54A. Olympic swimmer Ledecky: KATIEKathleen Genevieve Ledecky (born March 17, 1997) is an American competitive swimmer. She has won seven Olympic gold medals and 19 world championship gold medals, the most in history for a female swimmer. Ledecky's six individual gold medals at the Olympics, 14 individual gold medals at the World Aquatics Championships, and 22 overall medals at the World Aquatics Championships are records in women's swimming‌  Here's Katie fresh from the pool ...
Katie Ledecky
And the reveal:

60. End of a testy exchange, and what can be found four times in this puzzle, thanks to four black squares: PARTING SHOT

Here's the grid, with the four types of SHOTS each "parted" by a BLACK square. ...

And here they are reunited ...

 PIC                as in PHOTO
ATTEMPT    as in TRY
DRINK          as in a stiff drink of HARD LIQUOR

And with the exception of "attempt", let's thank Doug and Patti for NOT including these other types of shots ...

... We get daily doses of these from other publications. ๐Ÿ˜”

Here's the rest ...


1. Arduous journeys: TREKS. E.g. journeying through all the Star TREK series and spinoffs is really arduous.

6. On the move: ASTIR.

11. Dr. J's first pro league: ABA. It's a little known fact that before Julius Irving joined the NBA he was in the legal profession ...

Julius Irving, ABA

14. Bleachers sign: HI MOM

15. Extent: SCOPE.

16. Big finish?: RIGFashion Photographer Captures the Most Beautiful Big-Rigs on Earth ...

17. [Theme clue]
19. [Theme clue]

20. Comic Boosler: ELAYNE.  Here's Boosler on Leno...

21. Crunch at breakfast?: CAP'N.  The story of CAP’N CRUNCH and the toy whistle that spawned an industry ...
22. [Theme clue]
24. [Theme clue]

27. Pixar short about a steamed dumpling: BAO.  The story of an Asian delight on the threshold of crossword stardom.

28. Alien-seeking org.: SETISearch for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.  If we can't find any here, why would we expect to find any in outer space?  It makes great science fiction though ...
30. Kidneys, e.g.: ORGANS.

31. Does some grilling: ASKS.   Whenever perps are subjected to this the cops DON'T ASK NICELY.

33. Arthurian island: AVALONAvalon, or Insula Avallonis, the legendary island of Celtic mythology, is where, according to some sources, King Arthur’s Excalibur sword was forged. It is also the place where the mythical king was taken, fatally wounded, to meet his death. In short, Avalon is a utopian paradise where the legends of English knights and political wholeness unite in a kingdom lost in the mists of time.
The Lake of Avalon

35. [Theme clue]
38. [Theme clue]

42. Clicker: REMOTE.  Or somewhere LOCAL, like in the sofa maybe.

44. Rummikub piece: TILERummikub (/หˆrสŒmikjuหb/[1]) is a tile-based game for 2 to 4 players, combining elements of the card game rummy and mahjongHere's the official site.
45. Unruffled: SERENE.

48. Caspian country: IRAN.

51. Here-there connection: NOR.

52. [Theme clue]
54. [Theme clue]

56. Checkout IDs: UPCSUniversal Product Codes.

57. Fool's gold: PYRITE.  It may not be gold, but it has its uses.
Here's what the real stuff looks like ...
Gold Nugget
59. __ Speedwagon: REOREO Speedwagon, or simply REO, is an American rock band from Champaign, Illinois. Formed in 1966, the band cultivated a following during the 1970s and achieved significant commercial success throughout the 1980s. The group's best-selling album, Hi Infidelity (1980), contained four US top 40 hits and sold more than 10 million copies.  Here's Keep on Loving You from that album ...

60. [Reveal clue]

65. Each and every: ALL.

66. Prove useful: AVAIL.

67. Slip away from: ELUDE.  Some things you just can't ELUDE ...

68. Agcy. with a "3-1-1" rule for liquids: TSA.  In case you haven't flown lately ...

69. "I did awesome!": YAY ME.  "Good for you!"

70. Like Cheerios: OATEN.


1. Archaic possessive: THY.

2. Christ the Redeemer locale: RIOChrist the Redeemer is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ in RIO de Janeiro, Brazil, created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa. Romanian sculptor Gheorghe Leonida sculpted the face. Constructed between 1922 and 1931, the statue is 30 metres (98 ft) high, excluding its 8-metre (26 ft) pedestal. The arms stretch 28 metres (92 ft) wide. It is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone.
Christ the Redeemer
3. Earthbound bird: EMU.

4. Peninsula near Japan: KOREA.

5. Refines, as ore: SMELTS.  Also tiny fishes ...
6. Like a used barbecue pit: ASHY.

7. When, in Act I, Lear curses "a thankless child": SCENE IV.  In this clip from Act 1 Scene 4, performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company, Antony Sher plays King Lear mercilessly berating his "thankless child" Goneril, played by Nia Gwynne (wait for it - the line in the clue is at the very end) [subtitles were lost by the clip - words below] ...

     LEAR  It may be so, my lord.—
     Hear, Nature, hear, dear goddess, hear!
     Suspend thy purpose if thou didst intend
     To make this creature fruitful.
     Into her womb convey sterility.
     Dry up in her the organs of increase,
     And from her derogate body never spring
     A babe to honor her. If she must teem,
     Create her child of spleen, that it may live
     And be a thwart disnatured torment to her.
     Let it stamp wrinkles in her brow of youth,
    With cadent tears fret channels in her cheeks,
    Turn all her mother’s pains and benefits
    To laughter and contempt, that she may feel
    How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is
    To have a thankless child.—Away, away!

A CSO to our thespian Ole' Man Keith, who I'm sure has berated a few Gonerils in his time, for an explanation as to how she came to merit such abuse.

8. Sacred carving: TOTEM.  For example the TOTEM poles created by First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest to represent and commemorate ancestry, histories, people, or events.  I first learned of these works in the pages of Boys Life as a scout and to see them is on my bucket list.  Another CSO to CanadianEh!:
G’psgolox Pole
Haisla people
British Columbia, CA

9. 2019 Uber event, briefly: IPO Initial Public Offering.

10. Weight room iteration: REP.

11. "West Side Story" Oscar winner DeBose: ARIANAAriana DeBose (born January 25, 1991) is an American actress. She has received various accolades, including an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a nomination for a Tony Award. In 2022, Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world.  Here Anita, played by Ariana, tells the Jets what happened to Maria ...
12. Popular writer?: BIC PEN.  Cute.

13. Boris and Natasha, e.g.: AGENTS.  From the greatest cartoon series of all time here's Boris on a Broomstick or The Flying Sorceror ...

18. "Girls Trip" actor Larenz: TATEGirls Trip is a 2017 American comedy film starring Regina Hall (Ryan), Queen Latifah (Sasha), Tiffany Haddish (Dina), and Jada Pinkett Smith (Lisa).  It follows a group of four friends who go to New Orleans to attend the Essence Music Festival in order to reconnect after a long time.  Larenz TATE plays Ryan's love interest ...
Larenz Tate
21. Baby swan: CYGNET.

22. Clean: WASH.

23. Artist Ono: YOKO.  We haven't heard from YOKO in a while, and as she turned 90 on February 18, I thought it might be a good time for an update.
Yoko Ono
25. __ sci: POLI.

26. Jumbo suffix: TRON.  My son took 3 of his children to an O's game at Camden Yards recently.  It was my 8 year old grandson's first time at a ballgame.  My son said that he was so excited that he danced the whole time. It was only a matter of time before the Jumbo-TRON spotted them and my son managed to get this long shot.   The 8 year old is 2nd from the left and my son's on the right taking this picture:
Here's a groufie he took of the four of them. He said the youngest was starting to fade ...
And the icing on the cake:
My son asked me to put in something about "Baseball being America's greatest pastime", but I said that would violate the Corner's "no religion" policy. ๐Ÿ˜€

27. Some four-year degs.: BAS.

29. Folded fast food: TACO.

32. Bouts of indulgence: SPREES.
34. Taiwan-based computer brand: ACER.

36. Peddle: VEND.

37. From the States: Abbr.: AMER.

39. Smaller version: MINI.

40. Skin-healing plant: ALOE.

41. Millennial preceder: XER.  One of the 7 generations starting with those who lived through WWII until today.  Here's how you can keep them all straight.

43. "A Christmas Carol" child: TINY TIM.  Last week we had the miser Ebeneezer Scrooge.

45. "Bathers at Asniรจres" painter Georges: SEURATBathers at Asniรจres (French: Une Baignade, Asniรจres) is an 1884 oil on canvas painting by French artist Georges Pierre Seurat.  And today's French lesson:
Bathers at Asniรจres
46. Boots out: EXPELS.

47. Pepsi alternative: RC COLA.

49. Analogous: AKIN.

50. "Wicked Tuna" channel, familiarly: NAT GEO - To steal a phrase from Otto von Bismarck - "Anybody who likes AHI and respects the law, should never see either being made".  Wicked Tuna follows a group of salty fishermen from the nation's oldest seaport, Gloucester, Massachusetts, as they make their living the way it's been done for centuries – rod and reel fishing, one catch at a time – all in pursuit of the bluefin tuna    A reel reality show.  Here's a trawler ...

53. "Here's hoping ... ": I PRAY.  As I get older I seem to be doing more of this every day.

55. Rock band named for an inventor: TESLA.  And I thought they were named for an EVTESLA is an American rock band from Sacramento, California. In late 1981, bassist Brian Wheat and guitarist Frank Hannon formed a band named City Kidd, which evolved into Tesla.  Here's their Love Song ...
58. Tick off: RILE.

60. Prove useful: PAY.

61. "Sweet but Psycho" singer __ Max: AVAAmanda Ava Koci (born February 16, 1994), known professionally as AVA Max, is an American singer and songwriter. She signed with Atlantic Records in 2016, through which she released her breakthrough single, "Sweet but Psycho", in August 2018.

62. Rough house: HUT.

63. Verse of exaltation: ODE.

64. X, on a Rolex: TEN.


As always, thanks to Teri for proof reading, for her constructive criticism.


May 10, 2023

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 ~ Emma Lawson & Shannon Rapp

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Happy Wednesday folks! Anon -T here reporting for duty.

Emma and Shannon Rapp (aka Norah Sharpe) bring us three breeds of "Rover" that "Range" across the fill (in the circles) and unifies it with an SUV that will likely fit all the pups (but,... it's not a Subaru :-)).

17. Dog relaxing across a foam flotation device?: POOL NOODLE. Poodle. Pick which second O gets the circle.

//Here's where I got my wires crossed for a bit. I though "POOL POODLE; theme is dog-breeds with the first few letters making another first or second word."
You try to think of a breed that begins with TRI at second themer fill - ain't gonna work.
Anyway, when I got to the reveal, I realized the dogs are in the circles (which were light on my printout - I'll add toner to my Amazon cart), fixed my pOODLE to NOODLE, and filled the rest of the grid lickety-split.

28. Dog traveling through a mysterious section of the North Atlantic?: BERMUDA TRIANGLE. Beagle.
Our favorite Beagle

49. Dog spreading out at a minimal performance venue?: BLACKBOX THEATER. Boxer.

63. High-end SUV, and an apt description of each set of circled letters?: RANGE ROVER.

Cute and much more simple that I was trying to make it. Thanks Emma & Shannon for the entertaining puzzle.

1. "Between Two Ferns" host Galifianakis: ZACH.
Obama played along for ACA

5. German woman: FRAU.

Cloris Leachman played along.

9. Brief "Don't know yet": TBD. To Be Determined.

12. __ mutter: potatoes and peas dish: ALOO. I think we've all learned this by now - foreign (not French) potatoes == ALOO.  Don't get me wrong - I love a good Indian dish but never understand them as printed.  I make Youngest order -- she grew up Montessori, knows Indian food, and knows what I like.

13. "Birmingham" sculptor Simone __: LEIGH. Perps. I Googled so you don't have to. Chicago artist born in '67. Amazing work!

15. Trick or treat: VERB. Ha!! "Fool" or "buy for." Also, noun: (magic) trick; (sweet) treat.  Halloween is only 173 days away.

17. [see: theme]

19. Garden need: SOIL. "Fence" to keep out the critters was too long.

20. Respected figure: ELDER. Am I an ELDER yet? I've waited 52 years...

21. Round Table titles: SIRS. Trust me, I'm holding myself back from linking yet another Monty Python clip.

23. Cavaliers sch.: UVA. University Virginia.

24. Way out: EXIT. The egress.
Believe it or Not - That's how Ripley got 'em out the door.

26. Realms: EMPIRES.

28. [see: theme]

32. What "will be" will be: ARE. Cute. Very cute.

33. Window part: SASH. Pane also fit :-(

34. Short pants?: TROU. Short for Trousers.

35. 2019 documentary about fatherhood: DADS. Sussable.

37. "Designated Survivor" actor Penn: KAL. I Googled for an image and... "Kalpen Suresh Modi, known professionally as Kal Penn, is an American actor, author, academic lecturer, and former White House staff member in the Barack Obama administration." Fandom Link.

39. Robin's residence: NEST.
Robin, aka Mork, resided here with Mindy.

42. Spanish house: CASA.

45. Court dividers: NETS. Tennis courts not basketball nets.

48. __ of Tranquility: SEA. Lunar geography and Apollo 11's landing site.

49. [see: theme]

53. Expression of love that doesn't quite land?: AIR KISS. Didn't land the kiss? Tsk. Tsk.

54. Stitches: SEWS.

55. Car care brand: STP.   Scientifically Treated Petroleum. Or, if you visit STP's website: Science. Technology. Performance. Not to be confused with a Stone Temple Pilots' performance.

56. Fold: TUCK.

58. Pronoun pair: HE/HIM.  You'll see this on some folks' Social Media profile -- pronouns to be used when addressing.

61. Call-and-response response: AMEN. #Church

63. [see: theme]

66. Renaissance fair instrument: LUTE.

67. Dentist's tool: DRILL.  Open wide.

68. Angry outburst: RANT.

69. Opposite of NNE: SSW. Points on a compass rose.

70. Octagonal sign: STOP.

71. Codas: ENDS.

1. Comic book onomatopoeia: ZAP. Onomatopoeia - a word that sounds like what it means. But y'all knew that.

2. Soothing succulent: ALOE.

3. Like early spring weather: COOL.

4. Poker variety: HOLD 'EM. How to play.

5. Home of Everglades National Park: FLORIDA.

6. __ Speedwagon: REO. The car or the band from Champaign, IL? We should be told.

7. Helps: AIDS.

8. Less appealing: UGLIER.
UGLIer fruit

9. Best Buy wallful: TVS. Have y'all seen some of the new TVs? I don't think I want to watch News Hour with that kind of definition.

10. "Beauty and the Beast" song: BE OUR GUEST.

Classic fun animation.

11. Tripe: DRIVEL. [see: this expo]

14. __ crab: HERMIT.

Hermit Crab Changes Shells

16. Nonchalant: BLASE. I think I spelled it with a "Z" first 'cuz there's extra ink in that square.

18. Connection: NEXUS.

22. Trade jabs: SPAR. Boxing.

25. Undertaking: TASK.

27. Party to: IN ON. Privy didn't fit.

28. Billie Eilish's "__ Guy": BADIf you're so inclined. //It's not that BAD.

29. Notable slice of time: ERA.

30. Fancy places to see the stars?: RED CARPETS. Planetarium didn't fit //and there's no Pink Floyd at the RED CARPET.

31. Quick note of appreciation: THANX. Saves only one letter typed. Thx is what I use - saves three keystrokes.

36. Bag of potatoes: SACK.

38. "Shall we?" response: LET'S. Do it!

40. "Told ya!": SEE.

41. Roof goo: TAR.

43. Comic vignette: SKIT.

44. Ridiculous: ABSURD. Inane. //CED came to mind ;-)

46. Viola Davis film whose tagline was "Change begins with a whisper": THE HELP.


47. Ninja Turtle home: SEWER.
//want a story? As undergrads, DW would do some babysitting for extra cash.
Being an educator, she'd teach the kids literature and art.
She introduced one kid (about 7yrs old) to Michelangelo.
"Mrs. K, I didn't know he painted too!"
He was talking about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

49. Rudimentary: BASAL.

50. Chemistry paper?: LITMUS.  Stick in the stick and ph will show acid or base via color. Always fun to have a handful of these on hand for playing with, erm teaching, the kids.

51. 2023 awards for "Everything Everywhere All at Once": OSCARS.

52. On land: ASHORE.

57. Make mittens, say: KNIT.

59. Tennis star Lendl: IVAN.

60. Repair: MEND.

62. Just out: NEW.

64. __ Worm: 1980s bedtime toy: GLO.
My lil' Sis had one of these.

65. Shares again, on Twitter: RTS. RE -Tweets.  Honestly, I've never gotten the hang of the TwitterVerse and I probably make myself look like an old dude when I RT a response.  Frankly, Musk is making it worse (NPR & BBC #StateAffiliated. Really?). I'm still waiting on BlueSky to accept my "Let me play, please!" request. //end RANT

The Grid:
The Grid

WOs: noun->VERB, TanK, pane->SASH, BASic -> BASAL
ESPs: LEIGH, IVAN (as clued), KAL.
Fav: Trick or treat == noun or VERB

Well, another expo in the books here at The Crossword Corner. Hope y'all had fun too.
Looking forward to y'alls take and expo corrections / additions.

Cheers, -T