, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 10, 2023

Saturday, June 10, 2023, Amanda Rafkin

  Saturday Themeless Puzzle by Amanda Rafkin

Amanda is making her LA Times puzzle debut. She is from Los Angeles and started crosswords the same way as I did, with her mother. Here is a very nice interview With Amanda


1. Rhyming description of one who's very extra: DRAMA LLAMA.

11. Alternative bands?: AM/FM.

15. Tried: HAD A GO AT IT - I took three attempts at a unicycle and it did not work out!

16. Wedding dress option: SARI.

17. Weary response to a rant: ARE YOU DONE?

18. Not winning or losing: TIED and 50. Nadal's nickname: RAFA - is TIED with Gilles in the match below

19. French military cap: KEPI.

20. Dispatch: SEND.

21. Oft-used tissue: SINEW - Here's a big one

22. Works in a museum: ART.

23. Egg layer: HEN - Here's a HEN with a lot of eggs

24. Catchy song: BOP.

26. Needle pt.: ESE. 😀 Compass needle, of course.

27. Took the reins: LED - but...

28. Muppet who had a cameo on "The West Wing": ELMO.

Allison Janney, ELMO, Stockard Channing 

29. Sara's "And Just Like That ... " role: CHE - Some might remember Sara Ramirez as Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy

30. D.C. figure: POL.

31. "We might want to hire a chef": I DON'T COOK. 😀

33. Leaves in tears?: WEEPING WILLOW. 😀 Chad and Jeremy's 60's version of a 1932 song

35. Indiana's conference: THE BIG TEN.

36. Quite a stretch: EON.

37. Olive __: OYL - Popeye joined this cast in 1929 as a minor player

38. Negatives: NOES.

39. Hrs. not observed by most of Arizona: DST.

40. Chemical ending: ENE - Since we already had ESE as a direction, this went as a suffix

41. "So frustrating!": GRR.

42. "__ Sure the Boy I Love": HE'S - We can't get enough 50's and 60's rock and roll! These are The Crystals and Phil Spector's "wall of sound".

43. "Captain Marvel" actor: LAW - He played a character called Yon-Rogg. 

46. Connection points: NODES.

48. "The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On" poet Franny: CHOI.

51. Perched on: ATOP.

52. Sarcastic reply to a bogus offer: SEEMS LEGIT - Also "Yeah, right!"

54. Turn signal?: I'M UP 😀 My turn every Saturday. 

55. "The underdog is rallying!": UPSET ALERT - NFL fans know Super Bowl III was a huge upset. The Jets were owned by 49. Oil tycoon who once owned the New York Jets: HESS. Leon HESS. 

56. Court decisions: LETS. 😀

57. Creative outlets?: ETSY STORES.

1. Home of the Bengal Classical Music Festival: DHAKA 

2. Pinker: RARER.

3. Crack: ADEPT - We have some crack solvers here that are very ADEPT

4. Brief petition: MAY I?

5. Back: AGO.

6. Messed (up): LOUSED.

7. Encumbered: LADEN.

8. Boatloads: A TON.

9. "My whole worldview just shifted": MIND BLOWN 

10. Put away: ATE - Some people can really put away the groceries! They usually have 23. Seconds or thirds: HELPINGS.

11. City that a bubbly person might enjoy: ASTI - A city between Turin and Genoa that is famous for its sparkling wine

12. Breed of the Guinness World Records' longest cat: MAINE COON.

13. Charity concert, perhaps: FREE SHOW.

14. Hump day time: MIDWEEK - Geico has had some very clever commercials

21. Scoured: SPOTLESS.

25. W alternative: OMNI


27. Singer with the children's album "Camp Lisa": LOEB.

28. Noses (out): EDGES.

30. Left a drag show?: PEELED OUT. 😀

31. Cut off: INTERCEPT - Do so at your own peril.

32. Solidify: CLOT.

33. Suggestion made with confidence: WHY NOT ME?

34. Grammy-winning album with the hit "Earfquake": IGOR - I can't post any part of this "song"

35. Surface for digital art: TOE NAIL 😀

39. Rational believers: DEISTS.

42. Like a hygge dwelling: HOMEY. Hygge- It derives from a sixteenth-century Norwegian term, hugga, meaning “to comfort” or “to console,” which is related to the English word “hug.”

43. Oktoberfest choice: LAGER.

44. Lit: AFIRE.

45. L.A.'s __ Towers: WATTS.

47. Actor Omar: EPPS - Hugh Laurie had some very non-pc exchanges with Omar EPPS on the show House

Hugh              Omar

50. Settle elsewhere, in jargon: RELO.

52. Refuse to settle: SUE. 😀 SUE or settle?

53. Target of dumbbell rows, informally: LAT.

Jun 9, 2023

Friday, June 9, 2023, Natasha Erickson


Good Morning,  Cruceverbalists!  Malodorous Manatee here with another Friday recap.  Does anybody remember the stage show version of Peter Pan?  For some reason, after sussing out today's theme, the "I Won't Grow Up" song from that show became an ear worm for me.  "I Won't Glow Up" would be such an easy spoof.

I had never heard of GLOW UP before encountering it in today's puzzle.  There seem to be some worthy concepts wrapped up in a GLOW UP:

The Ultimate Guide to How To Glow Up

In any event, our puzzle setter, Natasha Erickson, has, in this puzzle, riffed on the Glow Up "label".  At four places (all Down clues/answers instead of the far more commonly seen Across) Natasha has employed a word that is roughly analogous to GLOW.  The UP gimmick is that we have to spell out the word from the bottom up instead of from the top down.  Quite disconcerting, at first.  We sense pretty quickly that something fishy is going on but it takes a while to sort it out.  The reveal helps but comes at what would likely have been one of the last places a solver would reach:

51 Down:  Positive personal transformation, in slang, and what the answer to each starred clue literally has?: GLOW UP.  A synonym for GLOW is to be placed in the squares from the bottom UP.

Here are the four themed clues/answers, all starred for our convenience (or, for at least one of us, annoyance):

5 Down:  *Possible symptom before a bad headache: MIGRAINE ARUA.  Read ARUA from the bottom up and we get MIGRAINE AURA.

10 Down:  *Quick-to-wake sorts: THGIL SLEEPERS.  Similarly, THGIL becomes LIGHT SLEEPERS, and so on.

18 Down:  *Small sign that things will improve: REMMILG OF HOPE.  GLIMMER OF HOPE

22 Down:  *Morning exhortation: RISE AND ENIHS.  RISE AND SHINE.

Here is how this all looks in the grid:

. . . and here is the rest of the story:


1. CIO partner: AFL.  In 1955, the two unions merged.

4. Mosey: AMBLE.

9. Literary musketeer: ATHOS.  The Three Musketeers were ATHOS, Porthos and D'artagnan

14. Natori Feathers undergarment: BRA.  A learning moment.  That's okay.  We all enjoy learning.

Natori Feathers BRA

15. "Ta-da!": DID IT.

16. __ Island: RHODE.  The State.

17. Life, for one: BOARD GAME.  Lots of possible answers for the clue.  E.G., prison term.  We have seen the answer that was used several times previously.

19. Concur: AGREE.

20. Fashion magazine that's also a French pronoun: ELLE.  A frequently-referenced mag on this blog.

21. Reuben bread: RYE.  Just add corned beef, Swiss cheese, thousand island dressing and sauerkraut.

22. Softball stat: RBIS.  Run Batted IS

23. Thailand, once: SIAM.

24. "Same here": AS AM I. Was it going to be SO DO I?

26. Toy company based in Billund, Denmark: LEGO.  It was enough to know that LEGO is a Danish company.

29. Garlicky dish: SCAMPI.

31. Ocho menos seis: DOS.  Today's Spanish cum math lesson.

32. Jazz style: SCAT.  Often clued with a reference to Ella.

33. Solar wind particle: ION.  The solar wind continuously flows outward from the sun and consists primarily of protons and electrons in a plasma state.

34. Christmas __: EVE.  

35. Hideout: LAIR.  How did the canine scientist get into her secret lair?  Through the labra door.

36. Serranos, e.g.: CHILIES.

40. More than willing: EAGER TO.

42. __ Kong: HONG.  Was it going to be KING?

43. Courses for coll. credit: APS.  Advanced Placement courseS

45. Formerly, in bios: NEE.  A mom takes her young son to the doctor one day.  She tells the doctor that her child's knee hurts and the doctor refers her to a nephrologist becuase it 's a kid knee problem.

46. Petrol brand: ESSO.   "Petrol" in lieu of "Gasoline" alerts us to think Canadian.

47. Issa of "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse": RAE.  Didn't John Lennon compose a song of roughly the same name?

48. Olympian's violation: DOPING.

The All Drug Olympics

52. Utah's Capitol __ National Park: REEF.

53. Water bill basis: USAGE.  The California legislature is toying with mandating an income based system for utility bills.  I am not sure how that will encourage conservation.

55. Sci. that studies biodiversity: ECOL.  ECOLogy

56. __ egg: vegan baking ingredient: CHIA.  I had never heard of a CHIA egg.  CHIA Pet, yes.  Another learning moment.  Thanks, perps.

58. Radar __: GUN.

Radar O'Reilly Would Not Fit

59. Silver State city: RENO.  There are lots of cities in Nevada.  ELKO is another with four letters.

60. Blacksmith's wear: APRON.

62. Bit of Valentine's decor: CUPID'S BOW.  Also the name of a certain part of one's lips and a form of lip enhancement surgery.

64. Snuck: CREPT.  Two somewhat odd past tense words.

65. Whereas, briefly: ALTHO.  "Briefly"hints that the word might be truncated.

66. Canberra sch.: ANU.  It's mascot should be the EMU.

67. Place to have reservations: HOTEL.  Cute.  Not reservations as in doubts or second thoughts about something.

68. Camera option: FLASH.  On / Off / Automatic

69. Rep. group: GOP.  The moniker Grand Old Party for the Republican Party first appeared in print around 1884.


1. Convent leader: ABBESS.

2. Cavort: FROLIC.

3. Playmate of Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Po: LAA LAA.

4. Verb on a dipstick: ADD.  Is your car down a quart of oil.  Perhaps you should check.

6. Annual milestones, briefly: B'DAYS.  BirthDAYS

7. Tart citrus drink: LIMEADE.  LEMONADE was too long.

8. Summer in Monaco: ETE.  A French lesson often presented in crossword puzzles.

9. Many a Yemeni: ARAB.

11. Early rail transportation: HORSE CAR.  I have watched thousands of TV westerns but cannot recall any references to this.

12. Amanda Gorman's "__ to Our Ocean": ODE.  Didn't know the work but it's almost always ODE.

13. "Catch my drift?": SEE.  See?

25. "Get out of the way!": MOVE.

27. Pace: 

28. Other, in Mazatlán: OTRO.  What was that last letter going to be?  An A or an O?  What will constructors do if the Latinx concept catches on.

30. Taro dish: POI.  I couple of years ago I went to Hawaii where I got really sick.  Upon my return my boy asked me what had caused the illness.  I replied, "POI, son."

36. "If I Could Turn Back Time" singer: CHER.

37. Spigot attachment: HOSE.

38. Away from prying eyes: IN SECRET.

39. Beauty spots?: SPAS.

41. Logical start?: GEO.  ECO?  NEO?  THEO was too long.

44. Bird that cries "Mine! Mine! Mine!" in "Finding Nemo": SEAGULL.

49. Sprain treatment: ICE BAG.

50. "You're doing it all wrong!": NO NO NO.  Anything said here would be redundant.

54. Sanjay of CNN: GUPTA.

57. Like some LAX flights: INTL.  LAX is the code for Los Angeles INTernationaL Airport

60. German "Drat!": ACH.

61. Whiz: PRO.  Coulda' been ACE.

62. Half-__: coffee spec: CAF.

63. [Head slap]: DOH.

Well, that will Sew Up things for today.  Glad that you were able to Show Up.  Have a great weekend, everyone.  I hope that no one gets nauseous and feels like they have to . . . oh, never mind.  Maybe you can stream this flick:


Jun 8, 2023

Thursday, June 8, 2023,Tim D'Alfonso


Constructor Tim D'Alfonso is back for his 4th appearance in the LA Times, his first being about 2 years ago and like today's puzzle it was just in time for Summer.

Like our frequent contributor from Norfolk, I don't think speling is one of Tim's strong suits, as he leads off with 3 punny themers with mismatched homophones for the IPA pronunciation of raɪt (the International Phonetic Alphabet that is, not the ALE): 

17A. Formal induction ceremony for a league of pickpockets?: SWIPING RITE.  As a leftie who can't tell my right from my left, I stay away from social media because I never know who I might accidentally pick up.

27. Bicycles and aviation, notably?: THE WRIGHT STUFF.  The Wright Brothers were the first to fly a heavier than air craft on 12/17/1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 

Historian David McCullough has pointed out that every time they flew they were risking their lives.  The Wrights had not only great courage, but the superb mental and physical characteristics that author Tom Wolfe termed The Right Stuff  (a pun on the Dayton brothers?) in his book about the Mercury Seven Astronauts, later made into this film:

43A. Tax advice for slugger Aaron Judge?: WRITE OFF THE BAT.  The deduction for just one of his bats could probably put him in a lower tax bracket.

58A. "That tracks," and an apt description of 17-, 27-, and 43-Across?: SOUNDS RIGHT.  Finally, Tim spelled it correctly! 😀

Here's the grid ...

... and here's the rest ...


1. "Maybe less": IF THAT.

7. "I could use a hand!": HELP.  One of the hardest things to ask for ...
11. Bioengineering letters: GMOGenetically Modified OrganismsThe Science and History of GMOs and Other Food Modification Processes.

14. Capital of Pakistan's Punjab province: LAHORELAHORE (/ləˈhɔːr/ lə-HOR; Punjabi: لہور [ˈlɔ̀ːɾə̆]; Urdu: لاہور [laːˈɦɔːɾ] (listen)) is the second largest city in Pakistan after Karachi and 26th largest in the world, with a population of over 13 million. It is situated in the north-east of the country with River Ravi flowing north-west of the city.
Royal Mosque
Lahore, Pakistan
15. U.S. citizen: AMER.

16. Say no to: NIX.

17. [Theme clue]

19. Unreturned serve: ACE.

20. Hathaway of "The Intern": ANNEANNE Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress. Her accolades include an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Primetime Emmy Award. Her films have grossed over $6.8 billion worldwide, and she appeared on the Forbes Celebrity 100 list in 2009. She was among the world's highest-paid actresses in 2015.  In this pic, Anne is NOT the Intern ...

21. Forest female: DOE.

22. "Amsterdam" novelist Ian: MCEWANIan Russell McEwan, CBE, FRSA, FRSL (born 21 June 1948) is an English novelist and screenwriter. In 2008, The Times featured him on its list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945" and The Daily Telegraph ranked him number 19 in its list of the "100 most powerful people in British culture".   Here's his website.
Ian McEwan
24. "Stay" singer Lisa: LOEBLisa LOEB (/loʊb/; born March 11, 1968) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, author and actress. She started her career with the number one hit song "Stay (I Missed You)" from the film Reality Bites, the first number one single for an artist without a recording contract.  Here's her career starter (with corrected lyrics) ...

26. Dos y dos y dos: SEIS.  Today's Spanish lesson.

27. [Theme clue]

33. Shot in the dark: GUESS.

34. Hardly well: RARE.  As long as it doesn't MOO, it's okay with me.

35. Compete (for): VIE.

36. MLB Triple Crown category: RBIS.  Leading a league in batting average, home runs, and runs batted in.

37. Hard to clean: GRIMY.

39. __ of thumb: RULE.  In English, the phrase RULE of thumb refers to an approximate method for doing something, based on practical experience rather than theory. This usage of the phrase can be traced back to the 17th century and has been associated with various trades where quantities were measured by comparison to the width or length of a thumb.  See the link for other, more controversial, etymologies.

40. British ref. work: OED.  The Oxford English Dictionary is the principal historical dictionary of the English language, published by Oxford University Press (OUP). It traces the historical development of the English language, providing a comprehensive resource to scholars and academic researchers, as well as describing usage in its many variations throughout the world.

41. Soft French cheese: BRIE.

42. Boot bottoms: SOLES.

43. [Theme clue]

47. From Denver to Topeka: EAST.

48. Puerto __: RICO.

49. Houston WNBA team until 2008: COMETSThe Houston COMETS were a Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) team based in Houston. Formed in 1997, the team was one of the original eight WNBA teams and won the first four championships of the league's existence. They are one of two teams in the WNBA that are undefeated in the WNBA Finals; the Seattle Storm are the other. The Comets were the first dynasty of the WNBA and are tied with the Minnesota Lynx and Seattle Storm for the most championships of any WNBA franchise. The team was folded and disbanded by the league in 2008 during the height of the Great Recession because new ownership could not be found.  
52. iPhone platform: IOS.

53. Westminster spot for art lovers: TATE.  The TATE has a large collection of paintings and engravings by the poet William Blake (1757–1827).  Here is a coloured print of Isaac Newton:
57. Mimic: APE.

58. [Theme reveal]

61. Abolish: BAN.

62. Cologne ingredient: MUSK.  An acquired odor apparently.

63. Acid artist: ETCHER. Dutch Master Rembrandt van Rijn, known simply as Rembrandt, was a master not only of painting and drawing, but  ETCHING as well.  He was arguably the greatest etcher to have ever lived, creating a body of work that spanned subjects and genres. Both successful and prolific, his oeuvre boasts close to 300 authenticated prints:
Christ Seated Disputing with the Doctors
64. Over the hill: OLD.  I resemble that remark! 😉

65. Flight sked figs.: ETAS.

66. Kind of oil used in hummus: SESAME.


1. Woman who says "Play it, Sam" in "Casablanca": ILSA.

2. Babe in the woods?: FAWN.  My all time favorite video, with a soundtrack by Gioachino Rossini (uncredited) ...

3. Slender: THIN.

4. Sure to fail: HOPELESS.

5. D'backs, in box scores: ARI. The state of  ARIzona not the MSNBC broadcaster, another frequent visitor to the Corner.

6. Warmhearted: TENDER.

7. Fabled napper: HARE.

8. Former Abbey Road Studios owner: EMI.  Where the eponymous Beatles album was recorded.  Looks like we hit the jackpot!  Here's the Medley from Side 2 (16:10 min:) ...

9. "Maybe I'll have better luck": LET ME TRY.

10. Exact: PRECISE.

11. Chew like a beaver: GNAW.

12. Flaky mineral: MICA.  A family of minerals actually, the most common being Muscovite.  The first time I found a piece of this (circa age 11) it seemed so exotic that it started my love affair with geology ...

13. Rice paddy plow team: OXEN.

18. Mongolian desert: GOBI.  The setting for Alexander Borodin's In the Steppes of Central Asia ...
23. Inexact fig.: EST.

25. Yelps of pain: OWS.

26. Fancy pillowcase: SHAM.

27. One floating down a river or speeding down a snowy slope: TUBER.

28. Gardner of "Saturday Night Live": HEIDIHEIDI Lynn Gardner (born July 27, 1983) is an American actress, comedian, and writer. Gardner has been a cast member on the NBC sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live since 2017.
Heidi Gardner
29. Heartache: GRIEF.

30. Soft palate projection: UVULA. The UVULA, also known as the palatine uvula, is a conic projection from the back edge of the middle of the soft palate, composed of connective tissue containing a number of racemose glands, and some muscular fibers. It also contains many serous glands, which produce thin saliva. It is only found in human beings.
31. Boneless cut: FILET.

32. Charges: FEES.

33. Get taller: GROW.

37. Completely disgust: GROSS OUT.   I hope that the pic above of the UVULA didn't GROSS YOU OUT!

38. Divide: RIFT.

39. Branch of engineering whose name was coined by Asimov: ROBOTICS.   One of the earliest instances of mechanical devices carrying out physical tasks dated to 3000 BC: Egyptian water clocks using human figurines to strike the hour bells.  These early "automata" as they were called even appeared in works of art, e.g. the mechanical doll Olympia in  the 1880 opera The Tales of Hoffmann is so convincing that she even passes the Turing Test (at least to the besotted poet Hoffmann!).  Here coloratura soprano Kathleen Kim performs the (exceedingly difficult) aria Les oiseaux dans la charmille (translation):
The first use of the word ROBOT occurred in 1921 in another drama, this one about mechanical men that are built to work on factory assembly lines and that rebel against their human masters. These machines in R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal ROBOTS), written by Czech playwright Karl Capek, got their name from the Czech word for slave.  Isaac Asimov coined the term ROBOTICS in his science fiction collection I, Robot to describe Three Laws of Robotics governing the behavior of robots toward humans. However it was not until 1957 that Joseph Engelberger and George Devol founded Unimation, the first ROBOTICS engineering company.

41. "No clue": BEATS ME.

42. Min. fraction: SEC.

44. Concert purchase: TEE.

45. Stepped: TROD.

46. Shows disapproval, in a way: HISSES.  Could have been clued "Partner to Boos".

49. Mexican resort, familiarly: CABO.  DNK CABO,  thinking it was Mexican slang for "resort".  CABO San Lucas is a resort city at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula, in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur.  Here's one of the most iconic sights ...
El Arco de Cabo San Lucas
(today's Spanish lesson)

50. Milky birthstone: OPAL. AKA White OPALS.  Experts report that Australian mines produce between 90% and 95% of the world's gem-quality OPAL. Opal mining takes place all over Australia, with primary sites like Coober Pedy and Lightning Ridge producing the majority. White OPAL is the astrological gemstone for the Zodiac sign Libra. Until 1912, it also served as the official birthstone for those born in October. It has long been associated with purity, love, goodness, and nurturing.
White Opal

51. Stitch up: MENDRAT ON was too long.

52. Color printer refills: INKS

54. Turkish title of honor: AGHA.

55. The other side: THEM.  The fact that we don't usually know THEM very well can lead to a lot of misunderstanding.

56. French 101 verb: ETRETO BE.  Today's French lesson #2 (see 39D for lesson #1)

59. Olympics chant: USA

60. Short way to go?: RTE.


As always, thanks to Teri for proof reading, for her constructive criticism.


Jun 7, 2023

Wednesday, June 7, 2023 ~ Jared Goudsmit

What Nonsense!

Happy hump day folks. Today we have three words that are synonyms for "Oh, BALONEY" spread at both ends of each theme entry (in circles that were too lightly printed for me to notice).

Why is this nonsense, you ask? Well, 1) baloney is spelt wrong and 2) the bologna words are outside the bread! 😀

Let's first visit the gobbledygook:

17. Über-genius: ROCKET SCIENTIST. Not a brain surgeon nor a "rocket surgeon." A bunch of ROT.

33. National Historical Park in Boston that commemorates a 1775 battle: BUNKER HILL. "Don't fire until you see this whites of their eyes." Ah, BULL - that wasn't really said. //Note the bonus:  There's  a lot of BUNK in there.

40. Prominent feature of many a Jimi Hendrix song: GUITAR RIFF. A bunch of GUFF (not Jimi!).

Purple Haze

56. Classic grade-school lunch, and what's literally found in 17-, 33-, and 40-Across?: BALONEY SANDWICH. Classmates thought I was full of Bologna and my nickname was... well, you can put it together.

How I learned to spell BOLOGNA

Now, let's see what other hogwash we have today:

1. "Ray" Oscar winner Foxx: JAMIE. JAMIE played RAY Charles in the MOVIE (38a).

Ray Charles in a Different MOVIE

6. Beef or pork: MEAT.

10. Hon: BABE.

14. Sicily's country: ITALY. Also Bologna's county.

15. Make one's mark?: ETCH. Cute.

16. Skills barometer: EXAM.

17. [See: theme]

20. Pound pts.: OZS. 16 ounces are parts of a pound (which doesn't contain puppies).

21. __ Vegas Raiders: LAS. The Raiders (NFL team) left Oakland for Las Vegas 22 JAN 2020.

22. Puts on clothes: DRESSES.

23. Oily compound: LIPID. Natural oil & waxes insoluble in water.

25. Banh mi spread: MAYO. With a large Vietnamese population in Houston, we have great Banh mi all over town.

26. Michael of "Alfie": CAINE. Don't think I've seen the MOVIE.

28. Distant: AFAR. Opposed to 19d - aNEAR (where the Blazing Saddles' sheriff was #AuthinticFrontierGibberish, er, Bologna).

30. New Deal pres.: FDR. Franklin Delano Roosevelt served as 32nd US president from 1933 to 1945.

33. [See: theme]

35. French father: PERE.

36. Clothesline alternative: DRYER.

37. In the vein of: ALA.

38. "Philadelphia" or "Chicago": MOVIE.

39. Stratford's river: AVON.  I think I should say something about a Bard upon there.

40. [See: theme]

42. Tender in Tokyo: YEN. Tender, cash, money.

43. Washed-out: PALE.

44. Used a prayer rug: KNELT.

45. Actress __ Rachel Wood: EVAN. Her IMDb.

47. Billionaire financier George: SOROS. Here thar be politics...

49. Where to watch Kings battle Senators: ICE RINK. NHL's Los Angeles Kings vs Ottawa Senators.

52. __ goo gai pan: MOO.

53. Prosecutors, for short: DAS. District Attorneys.

56. [See: theme]

59. "Supposing that's true ... ": IF SO.

60. Disney film featuring light cycles: TRON. A MOVIE and an old-school video game (which I filled with quarters).

1982 Trailer

61. The Scales of the Zodiac: LIBRA.
Our ancients had a heck of an imagination.

62. Come off as: SEEM.

63. Cab: TAXI.

64. And the following, in footnotes: ET SEQ. "What follows (used in page references). Eg: "see: vol2 p3 et seq" #Googled post solve.

1. "__ Dreams of Sushi": documentary about a Japanese chef: JIRO. I highly recommend it.


2. Encyclopedic in range: A TO Z.

3. PC alternatives: MACS. Apple's Macintosh.

4. Sort: ILK.

5. Cosmetics item: EYELINER.

6. Argentine soccer superstar Lionel: MESSI.
Kinda looks like Ted Lasso's Roy Kent, no?

7. Space-saving abbr.: ETC. ETCetera.

8. Low-pH substance: ACID.

9. The "T" of BTU: THERMAL. British THERMAL Units or 1054.35 Joules.

10. Brandt of "Breaking Bad": BETSY.

11. Mid-2000s comedy tour featuring Ahmed Ahmed and Maz Jobrani: AXIS OF EVIL.

Trailer (w/ light #politics)

12. High-pH substance: BASE. Dumb me put in ACID first (and I was a lab-tech!).

13. CPR-performing team: EMTS. Emergency Medical Technicians.

18. Become pointed: TAPER.

19. Within a stone's throw: NEAR. Unless you can skip it on the lake AFAR.

Wait, there's professional stone skipping?

23. Compare: LIKEN.

24. Newsstand spread: DAILIES.

26. Learning __: CURVE.  Calculus III had many high ones.

27. "Who's next?": ANY ONE ELSE?  Not The Who's 1971 album?
Backstory behind the album cover

29. Unfizzy: FLAT. Or still ;-)

31. Get sidetracked: DRIFT.

32. Snorkeling locale: REEF.

33. Party time, casually: BDAY. Birthday abriv.

34. Heist loot: HAUL. I like this one.

35. Skin openings: PORES.

38. Mime played by Bill Irwin on "Elmo's World": MR NOODLE.

Elmo's World

40. Media giant that owns USA Today: GANNETT. I used to feel ashamed, sitting in my hotel room solving their doormat-DAILy crosswords, but Erik Agard has really up'd the game over there.

41. Ohio birthplace of LeBron James: AKRON.  He got game.
LeBron James - 6' 9"

43. Apt rhyme for "sprain": PAIN. Cute.

46. Race car sound: VROOM. Zoom, zoom, zoom.

48. Muscat citizen: OMANI. Muscat is Oman's port capitol.

49. Hieroglyphics bird: IBIS. This is interesting.

50. Bistro: CAFE.

51. Actress Sedgwick: KYRA.

53. "I claim that!": DIBS.

54. Land division: ACRE.

55. "Inside the NBA" analyst, to fans: SHAQ.
Shaq - 7'1" 325 pounds. 
//conversion to OZs is an exercise left to the reader.

57. Fenway team, briefly: SOX. The Bo[Red]-Sox. Not to be confused with the Chi[White]-Sox who play at Guaranteed Rate Field (nee: Comiskey Park).

58. Clever one: WIT.  No one has accused me of that.

Theme was "rubbish" and the fill solid. Thanks Jared (and Patti's team).
The Grid

WOs: acid -> BASE, papers(oops) -> DAILIES, area -> ACRE
ESPs: JIRO (couldn't recall his name), MESSI, BETSY, PERE, EVAN, KYRA, ET SEQ
Fav: HAUL was old-timey fun but TAXI made me think of one of the funniest sitcoms ever.

And, now, for Weird Al's

My Bologna

Cheers, -T
Coda: From what (little) research I did: Jared attended Tulane and has been constructing puzzles since then. He's currenly at St. Louis Aquarium entertaining. He also did a stint at the Magic House, St. Louis Children's Museum. His LinkedIn and a 2021 interview.