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Jul 4, 2023

Tuesday, July 4, 2023 Ella Dershowitz

Bye, Bye, Blackbird.  The first word of each them answer are homophones:  Buy / Bye / Bi / By / and Bai.

17-Across. Purposely cause a delay: BUY SOME TIME.

24-Across. Dismissive send-off that originated in an Ice Cube film: BYE, FELICIA.

38-Across. Annual celebration involving a pink, purple, and blue flag: BI VISIBILITY DAY.  September 23 is Bi Visibility Day.  It is a day to recognize and celebrate the bisexual community.

48-Across. Generally speaking: BY AND LARGE.

60-Across. Drink with São Paulo Strawberry and Burundi Blueberry flavors: BAI LEMONADE.  And a shout-out to our dear friend, Lemonade who used to provide commentary on Fridays.

What else do we have on this Fourth of July?

1. Many a maid of honor: SISTER.

7. Engrave: ETCH.

11. "Saving Lives, Protecting People" govt. org.: CDC.  The official name is Center for Disease Control and Prevention, but the "P" is dropped in its abbreviation.  We all heard a lot about the CDC in the past couple of years.  It is the national public health agency and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

14. Taco kit brand: ORTEGA.

15. "Beat it!": SHOO!

16. Small inlet: RIA.

19. Seer's claim: ESP.  As in ExtraSensory Perception.

20. Portion out: ALLOT.

21. Not superficial: DEEP.

22. Tingling feeling caused by whispery videos: Abbr.: ASMR.  Short for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.  Hand up if you knew what this meant.

23. "Do-Re-Mi" critter: DEER.  You know I had to include this song.

26. 401(k) kin: IRA.

28. Valleys: DALES.  Hi, Lucina!

29. Tankard beer: ALE.

32. Flee to wed: ELOPE.

36. On edge: TENSE.

41. Mold-to-be: SPORE.

42. Food flavoring: SPICE.

43. Fútbol fan's cry: ¡OLÉ!  Today's Spanish lesson.

44. High tea snack: SCONE.  Yummers!  They are tasty and easy to make.

46. Indoor rower, familiarly: ERG.  Hand up if you knew this.

52. Bike storage aid: RACK.

56. Tunneling insects: ANTS.

57. Ballet bend: PLIÉ.

58. Indian lute: SITAR.  Ravi Shankar (April 7, 1920 ~ Dec. 11, 2012) is probably the most well-known sitar player to many Westerners.

59. Bill Nye's subj.: SCI.  William Sanford Nye (b. Nov. 27, 1955) bills himself as Bill Nye the Science Guy.  [Name # 1.]

62. Minister's title: Abbr.: REV.  As in Reverend.

63. "Understood": I SEE.  //  Not to be confused with 40-Down. Cold drink brand: ICEE.

64. Spider-Man player Garfield: ANDREW.  Andrew Russell Garfield (b. Aug. 20, 1983) has portrayed Spider-Man in several of the movies. [Name # 2.]

65. "__ we good?": ARE.

66. Name said twice in an introduction: BOND.  [Name # 3.]

67. Fool's gold: PYRITE.

1. "The worst!": SO BAD.

2. Triumphant cry: I RULE!

3. Fashionista's focus: STYLE.

4. "Fun Home" composer Jeanine: TESORI.  Jeanine Tesori (b. Nov. 10, 1961) is best known for her work in theater.  She has written several Tony-nominated scores for Broadway, which in addition to Fun Home, include,  Twelfth Night at Lincoln CenterCaroline, or Change; and Shrek the Musical.  Hand up if you knew this composer.  [Name # 4.]

5. "Grand slam" awards acronym: EGOT.  As in the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony.

6. Aries animal: RAM.

7. First name in the perfume aisle: ESTÉE.  Estée Lauder (née Josephine Esther Mentzer) co-founded the eponymous cosmetics company with her husband.  Although the company does have a perfume line, the company is probably best known for its make-up.  In the 1980's, actor Ted Danson was the spokesperson for Aramis, a men's cologne by Estée Lauder.  [Name # 5.]

8. Many an "Ocean's Eleven" character: THIEF.  Ocean's Eleven was a 1960 movie about a series of heists in Las Vegas.  It was remade in 2001, which starred George Clooney as Danny Ocean.

9. Provided for free: COMPED.

10. Weeder's tool: HOE.  It has been so hot in Louisiana, that portions of I-10 have been closed due to buckling of the road.

11. Orchestral climax: CRESCENDO.

12. "Please pack your knives and go," for one: DISMISSAL.

13. "It's a Wonderful Life" director Frank: CAPRA.  Frank Capra (né Francesco Rosario Capra; May 18, 1897 ~ 1991) was an Italian-born American film director.  His primary work was in the 1930s and 1940s. [Name # 6.]

18. Ice cream maker Joseph: EDY.  Everything you wanted to know about Edy's ice cream, but didn't know to ask.  [Name # 7.]

22. Dance company founder Alvin: AILEY.  Alvin Ailey (b. Jan. 5, 1931 ~ Dec. 1, 1989) was an African-American dancer and choreographer.  He created the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (AAADT) as havens for nurturing Black artists.  [Name # 8.]

24. Indonesian island in the Coral Triangle: BALI.  The Coral Triangle is a rich ecoregion that contains over 500 species of reef-building corals.

25. Former's counterpart: LATTER.

27. Email again: RESEND.

29. Core muscles: ABs.  As in the Abdominal muscles.

30. Performer who pretends to sing: LIP-SYNCER.

31. Stirring strong emotions: EVOCATIVE.

33. Delivery room docs: OBs.  As in Obstetrician.  Obstetrics is the field of medicine that involves care during pregnancy, childbirth and immediately after delivery.  It differs from gynecology in that the latter (25-Down) focuses on all women's health care issues.

34. Small fruit seed: PIP.

35. Yale alum: ELI.

37. Pupil locale: EYE.

39. Flat __: hair tools: IRONS.  I don't think women use this method anymore to straighten their hair.

45. Texas city on Mountain Time: EL PASO.  A brief history of El Paso.

47. Gay dating app: GRINDR.

48. Iraqi port: BASRA.  The city has a long and rich history.

49. Otherworldly: ALIEN.
50. Agitated: RILED.

51. "__ whiz!": GEE.

53. Game company with a "Fuji" logo: ATARI.  A brief history of the logo.  Pong was one of Atari's first games.  Can you believe that it was released more than 50 years ago!!!

54. Coast Guard Academy student: CADET.

55. Mardi Gras parade-organizing group: KREWE.  A brief history of the origin Mardi Gras traditions in New Orleans.  Apparently, the word Krewe first appeared in 1857.

58. Walkman maker: SONY.  I had a walkman.  It was state-of-the-art for music listening at the time.

60. Marathoner's wear: BIB.

61. AllTrails download: MAP.  AllTrails is a fitness and travel mobile app.

Here's the Grid:



Jul 3, 2023

Monday, July 3, 2023, Susan Gelfand


Hello Cornerites!

Today's theme is:  

Constructor Susan Gelfand is back with her third Monday puzzle in five weeks. This time she cleverly plays with a phrase found in 53 Across. Let's take a look:

53 Across. Imitate, and what the last words of 18-, 26-, and 42-Across can do: FOLLOW SUIT.
In card games like Bridge, to FOLLOW SUIT is to play a card belonging to the SUIT (♡, ♢, ♠, or ♣) that led the hand. From that, we get this idiom which means "to do the same thing".

Next, looking at 18-, 26-, and 42-Across, we find words that make a new word or phrase when written after the word "SUIT".

18 Across. Hardcover protector: DUST JACKET.  SUIT JACKET

26 Across. Solve a mystery: CRACK THE CASE.  SUITCASE

42 Across. Like some home repairs: DO IT YOURSELF.  SUIT YOURSELF

That last one was my FAV.
While solving this puzzle, there were several times when I was fairly sure of the answer but decided to wait for perps "just to be extra-sure"; but, the perp also made me say, "I better wait for a perp". This went on until I found a solid foothold; after which, I backtracked through my original thoughts. In the end, things fell into place with few surprises.

Susan also delt out these clues:

1. Whole bunch: SLEW.  as in "We have a SLEW of clues to get through today."

5. "Pomp and Circumstance" composer: ELGAR.  Sir Edward ELGAR composed Pomp and Circumstance in 1901. The title comes from a line in Shakespeare's Othello ("Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war!"). It was not originally intended for graduations. Elgar's march was used for the coronation of King Edward VII. It first became associated with graduations in 1905, when it was played when ELGAR received an honorary doctorate from Yale University; but, it was played as a recessional (not as a processional) at the ceremony.  source

10. No. 1 choice: FAVE.

14. Road runner: AUTO.  Beep! Beep!

15. Boxer Ali who retired with a perfect 24-0 record: LAILA.  
She wrote this book in 2002 and a cookbook in 2018.

16. On a cruise: A-SEA.   and  35 Across. Perched on: ATOP.

17. Walk of Fame figure: STAR.  This "figure" is not a personality. It is a shape.
As it turns out, the Hollywood Walk of Fame Class of 2024 was announced last Monday.

20. Recklessly committed: HELL-BENT.  Def:  determined to achieve something at all costs.

22. Bedside bulb holders: LAMPS.  and  41 Across. Fabled wish granter: GENIE.
Robin Williams (1951-2014) talks about creating his GENIE character for the movie Aladdin (1992).

23. Spinal column element: DISC.  
Good news:  Medical experts are developing minimally invasive treatments where a gel is injected into the nucleus pulposus. Imagine all the people who will benefit!

24. Goes along with: ABIDES.  
The Big Lebowski (1998)
Jeff Bridges:  Thanks, Gary...Take care, man, I gotta get back.
Sam Elliott:  Sure. Take it easy, Dude -- I know that you will.
Jeff Bridges:  Yeah man. Well, you know, the Dude ABIDES.
Sam Elliott:  The Dude ABIDES. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that...

30. Scoundrel: ROGUE.

31. Emporium: MART.

32. "As __ my last email ... ": PER.  

36. Speedy: RAPID.

38. Basilica section: NAVE.  Sometimes the answer is "Apse".

39. Implore: BEG.

40. Like Granny Smith apples: TART.  I once planted a Granny Smith tree in my backyard because they are sweet enough to eat but also TART enough to bake in a pie.  
Doesn't it look delicious?

45. Pirouettes: TWIRLS.
She looks like the ballerina in little girls' pink & white jewelry boxes.

47. Textbook section: UNIT.

48. Opera solos: ARIAS.

49. Fixed payments: STIPENDS.  Def:  a fixed regular sum paid as a salary or allowance.
That means you get the same amount regardless of the number of hours you worked. Non-profits sometimes pay STIPENDS to seasonal workers.

56. Hockey score: GOAL.  This clever misdirection had me thinking of numbers, but the 4-letter restriction got me the point.

57. Went by horseback: RODE.

58. Pop singer Mann: AIMEE.  
AIMEE Mann Voices Carry (1984)

59. Steady stare: GAZE. a condition brought on by looking into a display case of GlAZED doughnuts

60. Opinion column: OP-ED.

61. "Fresh Air" host Terry: GROSS.  CSO to you-know-who!

62. Home for garden tools: SHED.

1. Ceremonial accessory worn diagonally: SASH.  
2. Medieval instrument with a pear-shaped body: LUTE.  

3. "As well as some other folks," in brief: ET AL.

4. International soccer competition: WORLD CUP.  The FIFA Women's WORLD CUP starts in just 17 days in Australia and New Zealand.  Digital Fan Guide

5. Firstborn: ELDEST.  I needed to know 5A to decide between oLDEST and ELDEST. Fortunately ELGAR looked better than oLGAR; but, hey, it is a name so who can say? I have a feeling seasoned solvers have ELGAR memorized.

6. Countdown culmination: LAUNCH.  
Starship First Integrated Flight Test (April 20, 2023)  #goosebumps
"First integrated" means they are testing the 1st & 2nd stages together.
It is the most powerful rocket ever made and it is twice as powerful as the Saturn V that took man to the moon. SpaceX has since redesigned the coupling between the 1st & 2nd stages, based on what they learned from this launch. The next step is to send it into orbit (probably later this year).

7. Heart of the matter: GIST.  Def:  the substance or essence of a speech or text.
I could explain further but I think you get the GIST.

8. PC key near the space bar: ALT.

9. "The Big Bang Theory" astrophysicist whose parents live in India: RAJ.  
Rajesh Ramayan "RAJ" Koothrappali was played by Kunal Nayyar.
In this scene, he is dropping off his Yorkshire Terrier, Cinnamon, so Howard can dog-sit.  (1 min.)

10. Building front: FACADE.  See the diagram for 38A.

11. Information desk sign: ASK ME.  cute fill

12. High-level execs: VEEPS.  and  19Down. Elite guests: A-LIST.

13. Noshes: EATS.

21. Eco-friendly commuter option: BIKE.  and  36 Down. Commuter option: RAIL.  
24. Smoothie berry: ACAI.

25. Shakespeare, for one: BARD.  Def:  a person in ancient societies skilled at composing and singing or reciting verses about heroes and their deeds; poet.
Note:  Its adjective form is "bardic".

26. Clawed crustacean: CRAB.  

27. Memorization method: ROTE.
Rote learning is defined as the memorization of information based on repetition. The two best examples of rote learning are the alphabet and numbers. Slightly more complicated examples include multiplication tables and spelling words. At the high-school level, scientific elements and their chemical numbers must be memorized by ROTE. source

28. Super eager: AGOG.  

29. E, on a gas gauge: EMPTY.  This clue calls out for some Jackson Browne....
Running on Empty (1979)
32. Sheet of glass: PANE.

33. Wicked: EVIL.

34. Coral formation: REEF.  
37. Creative pursuits: ARTS.

38. Rainy day accounts: NEST EGGS.

40. Trunk of the body: TORSO.  and  43 Down. Some belly buttons: OUTIES.
About 10% of people are OUTIES.  8 Belly Buttons Facts

41. Hold firmly: GRIP.  Let's all get one.

42. Used an old phone: DIALED.  Washed up?
44. Joins together: UNITES.

45. Girl Scout group: TROOP.

46. "Lady Windermere's Fan" playwright Oscar: WILDE.  for those who would like to know more

48. Natural hairstyle: AFRO.

49. Japanese wrestling style: SUMO.
This is a pic of the back of my ticket when I went to see SUMO in Fukuoka, Japan.
Notice the last line.  (Click to enlarge.)

50. Comedian Trevor: NOAH.  
Trevor was born Feb. 20, 1984 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

51. Stun: DAZE.  What a coincidence! "Stundaze" was my 2nd choice for a blogger handle. 😜

52. Snow glider: SLED.

54. Tail motion: WAG.  
Click to enlarge.

55. Knight's title: SIR.  This is the last clue so I will say, "Good night, SIR!"

The Grid

Before I go, here's some music to get you ready for tomorrow. Have a great week everyone!
Saturday in the Park. Chicago (1972)

Jul 2, 2023

Sunday July 2, 2023 Amie Walker

Theme: "Film Adaptations" - The first words and last words of 6 films are switched.

22. Film about double agents at the card table?: SPIES OF BRIDGE. Bridge of Spies.

38. Film about college kids trying to clean up the dorm before parents weekend?: ROOM PANIC. Panic Room.

48. Film about an out-of-this-world job?: SPACE OFFICE. Office Space.

61. Film about the morning meals of a 1980s pop star?: TIFFANY'S AT BREAKFAST. Breakfast At Tiffany's.

82. Film about the installation of red carpets?: LINE THE WALK. Walk the Line.

88. Film about a bird on a Firebird?: HOOD ROBIN. Robin Hood.


109. Reverse course dramatically, or an alternate title for this puzzle: FLIP THE SCRIPT.

Is there a further layer to cohere the set? I fear I'm missing something here. 

I don't recall seeing so many great long fill in a Sunday puzzle. Stunning grid work.


1. Present inaccurately: SKEW.

5. Pen __: PAL. Oh I have an incredible pen pal: Janice Leavitt from Ohio, who sent me these sweet Malley's Buckeyes. Janice reads our blog faithfully. She just does not comment. Thank you, Janice!

8. Challah unit: LOAF. More food: 21. Polish dumplings: PIEROGI. 53. Khao kha mu meat: PORK. 104. Sandwich selection: ROAST BEEF.  Steve probably knows khao kha mu. From Wikipedia: "hao kha mu is an individual dish consisting of stewed pig's trotter in seasoning condensed hot pottage (some recipes are mixed with cocoa powder or boiled peanuts), then it will be cut into thin slices and topped on steamed rice."

12. Two-dimensional: PLANAR.

18. Dialect that may be part of code-switching, for short: AAVE. African-American Vernacular English.

19. "Notorious" SCOTUS justice: RBG.

20. Model Macpherson: ELLE.

25. Truly enjoy something: EAT IT UP. More great long fill: 26. Controversial topic: HOT POTATO.
9D. The one that got away, maybe: OLD FLAME.15D. Lead-in to a potentially hurtful comment: NOTHING PERSONAL.28D. Hive inhabitant: DRONE BEE. 44D. Some barkers: CARNIVAL WORKERS. 81D. Bargain hunter's aim: GOOD DEAL. 82D. Fancy way to the airport: LIMO RIDE. What I said earlier. Stunning.

27. Gently add, as egg whites to batter: FOLD IN.

29. Cries of comprehension: AHAS.

30. Really wow: AWE.

31. Corn throwaway: COB. And  32. Melon __: BALLER. Both made me think of Agnes.

34. Old Dodge: OMNI.

36. Train for a relay, say: RUN.

37. Granada greeting: HOLA.

42. Jaunty neckwear: ASCOT.

45. Agenda unit: ITEM.

46. Short, secret passages?: NDAS. Non-Disclosure Agreements.

47. "Minions: The Rise of __": GRU.

51. Like ground turkey: LEAN.

52. Mimics: APES.

54. Mouse sound: CLICK.

55. Coddle: BABY. How do you call your loved ones? I hear "Honey" a lot in Minnesota. In Xi'an, it's simple: "Bao Bei" (Baby) for "boyfriend", "Lao Gong" for "husband".

56. Shift or sheath: DRESS.

57. Source of UV rays: SUN.

58. Tony-winning actress Hagen: UTA. 71. Pop singer Rita: ORA. 79. Actress Mireille: ENOS. 21D. Louvre Pyramid architect: PEI.Vowel-friendly 3-letter names. This one is heavy in vowel also: 14. "7 Rings" singer Grande: ARIANA.

59. Great Lake that touches four states: ERIE.

60. Clairvoyant: SEER.

68. Cello kin: VIOL.

69. Smartphone array: APPS.

70. Young man: BOY.

73. Faculty leaders: DEANS.

75. Sebastian of "The Little Mermaid," for one: CRAB.

76. Firefighting equipment: HOSES.

80. Scotland's __ of Skye: ISLE.

81. Shiva and Brahma: GODS.

84. NNE opposite: SSW.

85. Comedian Mabley: MOMS.  First female comedian to perform at the Apollo Theater.

86. Farsi-speaking land: IRAN.

87. Spills: TELLS.

91. Beer ingredient: MALT. And 115. Dutch beer: AMSTEL.

92. Variety show hosts, briefly: MCS.

93. Joy of MSNBC: REID. Boomer kept asking me to check on her hairstyle.

94. Call it a night: GO HOME.

96. Neither win nor lose: TIE.

97. Intel org.: NSA.

100. Thousand __, California: OAKS.

102. Actress Blythe: DANNER. Gwyneth Paltrow's mom.

107. Full arm tattoos: SLEEVES.

111. Dreamlike: SURREAL

112. "M*A*S*H" star: ALDA.

113. Deg. for many a CEO: MBA.

114. Upfront bet: ANTE.

116. Ballet supporters?: TOES. 8. Pacific ring?: LEI. Nice clues.

117. Madrid's Puerta del __: SOL.

118. Russian ruler until 1917: TSAR.


1. Malia Obama's sister: SASHA.

2. "Wham!": KAPOW.

3. Paperless party announcement: EVITE.

4. "Read 'em and __!": WEEP.

5. Three-quark particle: PROTON.

6. Britcom based on a "French and Saunders" sketch: AB FAB.

7. Pride initials: LGBT.

10. Early computer language: ALGOL.

11. Subtle inquiry: FEELER.

12. Semi-autobiographical Billy Joel song: PIANO MAN.

13. Permit: LET.

16. __ fresca: AGUA.

17. Scams, with "off": RIPS.

23. "How precious!": SO CUTE.

24. Unemotional: ROBOTIC.

33. Smart __: ALECK.
35. Westminster reps.: MPS. Members of Parliament.

36. Genre with many subgenres: ROCK.

37. Classic LP player: HIFI.

39. Jazz singer Anita: ODAY.

40. Riles up: IRES.

41. Swear: CUSS.

42. Egyptian cobras: ASPS.

43. Teapot feature: SPOUT.

49. In base eight: OCTAL.

50. Custard dessert: FLAN. Durians are custardy. High in fat, high in sugar, the smell offends many, but I love them so much. Just wish they were cheaper.

51. Hibernation station: LAIR.

52. Neck of the woods: AREA.

55. Texter's "Hold that thought": BRB.

56. Stand up to: DEFY.

58. 59-Down carriers: UFOS. 59. 58-Down passengers: ETS.

60. Little bit: SKOSH.

62. "Whatever": FINE.

63. Show of political support: YARD SIGN.

64. Me-time spots: SPAS.

65. Urgent PD call: APB.

66. Provide a fake alibi for, say: ABET.

67. Doll with fluffy hair: TROLL. Lots of trolls at our local flea market. I just don't see the appeal.

72. Seeks answers: ASKS. Please can you leave an Amazon review once you complete my puzzles?
You'll make me very happy!

73. Course component: DISH.

74. Canadian fuel giant: ESSO.

75. Rooster topper: COMB.

76. Whisky-maker Walker: HIRAM.

77. Vigilant: ON ALERT.

78. Text status: SENT.

79. Flock females: EWES.

83. "Yada, yada, yada": ETC ETC.

85. CT scan kin: MRI.

89. Mojave, for one: DESERT.

90. Like some yogurt: NON-FAT. Been loving my own soy yogurt.

92. Liturgical text: MISSAL.

95. "You there?": HELLO.

96. Martial arts-based fitness system: TAE BO.

97. German dissents: NEINS.

98. Way around Philly: SEPTA. OK, stands for Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.

99. Following: AFTER.

100. Thessaly peak: OSSA.

101. Homecoming guest: ALUM.

103. Comm. system in the film "CODA": ASL.

105. __ Law: electrical principle: OHM'S.

106. German sausage, for short: BRAT.

108. Valiant leader?: VEE. Valiant.

110. Ballet step: PAS.

Thank you so much for the sweet posts, emails and cards for my birthday. I hiked the outside loop at Springbrook, then had a few long calls with my close friends. Will meet with the nice Church couple Bill and Margaret for a birthday lunch once I get this cough out of my system. They really love me despite the fact that I'm still not ready to be a Catholic (yet). I like being a lost lamb.

Congrats to Dennis and his wife Linda who just celebrated their 35-year wedding anniversary! Dennis was always the first to comment on our blog in the earlier days. Come back, Dennis!

Dennis & Linda, Wedding Day

Dennis & Linda, 35 Years Later
