, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Nov 5, 2022

Saturday, November 5, 2022, Evan Mulvihill, Adam Simpson

  Saturday Themeless by Evan Mulvihill and Adam Simpson


1. Tree whose leaves are ground and dried to make filé powder: SASSAFRAS - So that is what Hank Williams was singing about.

10. Set cymbals: HI-HAT.

15. Wind pitched in G: ALTO FLUTE - Here with a curved or straight head

16. Meditative posture: ASANA.

17. Part of a mane event?: LION TAMER - 😋

18. Fine cuts: SLITS.

19. Puff pen: E-CIG.

20. Many a Dickens child: WAIF - Here are some WAIFS in a production of A Christmas Carol

21. Going rates: FARES and 45. Part of a fleet: CAB.

22. Triple __: SEC - An orange-flavored liqueur 

23. "Seasons of Love" musical: RENT - or... Musical based on Puccini's La Boheme 

24. Low noise: RUMBLE.

25. Big name in country music: JUDD - Mom Naomi died on April 30 of this year

26. Japanese title of respect: SAN.

27. Web portal co.: AOL.

28. PC nexus: LAN - Local Area Network does not require the internet.

29. Insurrection: COUP.

31. Nice range: ALPS - Nice doesn't fool crossword vets. 

Nice, France

32. Game room fixture: PING PONG TABLE - BILLIARD fit first after I saw TABLE

35. Victoria, for one: LAKE.

36. Maker of MYDAL bunk beds: IKEA.

37. Judy Woodruff's longtime network: PBS.

38. Verb attachment: OSE - VERBOSE or here's 78 of them

39. Springfield bartender Szyslak: MOE - This Halloween you could have gone as MOE, Homer Simpson's bartender.

40. Perlman of "The Mindy Project": RHEA - Yeah, I know, she'll always be Carla from Cheers

42. Recipe words: STIR IN.

44. Kerfuffles: ADOS.

48. Stuffed shells: TACOS.

49. "This Is What America Looks Like: My Journey From Refugee to Congresswoman" writer: OMAR.

50. Multiparty merger statement?: WE DO.

51. Cut down to size: ABASE.

52. Like some series finales: MIDSEASON - New for me:

What’s a MIDSEASON Finale? 

First, a midseason finale is the last episode of a traditional, weekly-airing television season before it goes on hiatus for a month or more. It may be called a winter finale or even a fall finale, but they all mean the same thing: Your show won’t be back on the air for a while. 

54. Harder to come by: RARER.

55. Handy bookmark for a note-taker: INDEX CARD.

56. Head lock: TRESS - 😋

57. Bear markets?: TOY STORES


1. Corporate department: SALES.

2. Chef and farm-to-table pioneer Waters: ALICE.

3. Not easily moved: STOIC.

4. Dance partner?: SONG - Of all the wonderful Mary Tyler Moore scenes, this is one of my very favorites

5. Forward's opposite: AFT - The AFT of the Titanic rose high into the air before sinking

6. Far from perfect: FLAWED.

7. Cuba libre: RUM AND COKE.

8. Had an epic fail: ATE IT - I bought a Beta Max camera and player

9. Feudal laborer: SERF.

10. Lives it up: HAS FUN.

11. Belief of more than 2 billion people: ISLAM.

12. Downside of some self-cleaning: HAIRBALLS - No problem here because Lily gets brushed very frequently

13. Dik-dik or gerenuk: ANTELOPE A dik -dik      A gerenuk

14. Cornstalk toppers: TASSELS - I made big money hiring hundreds of kids every summer for 23 years to DETASSEL corn to make hybrid seeds. Why it is done.

23. Step up: RUNG - Quickly! 

24. Moonstruck: RAPT.

25. Homicide detective Rizzoli of "Rizzoli & Isles": JANE - The character and her portrayer 

26. Caramel lollipop in a yellow-and-red wrapper: SUGAR DADDY - Memories of my misspent yute 

28. "Whatevs": LIKE I CARE - When did "I could care less" equate to "I couldn't care less"?

30. Number of World Series wins for the Nationals: ONE - World Champions in 2019. Worst record in MLB in 2022.

31. Quartet with the 2021 album "Voyage": ABBA - Forty years after their last concert, ABBA got together again, had themselves digitized, filmed a new concert with 160 cameras, incredible lighting and sound that made for an unbelievable concert! Harbinger of more to come?

32. Where elbows might be on the table?: PASTA BAR.

33. Subatomic particle: PION Good luck!

34. Parrots: APES - APE/APING/APER are cwd standards for imitating.

35. Skill rarely practiced now: LOST ART -????

39. Tightwads: MISERS.

41. Mounts: HORSES.

43. Blush wines: ROSÉS.

44. __ acid: AMINO.

45. Animal expert Millan: CESAR - Many of his dog training skills work in the classroom!

46. Truly cherish: ADORE.

47. Portfolio option: BONDS.

49. Forget about: OMIT.

50. Baylor University site: WACO.

53. No. after a no.: EXT - How 'bout some Excel code to handle phone extensions 

Nov 4, 2022

Friday, November 4, 2022, Nathan Hale

Theme: "I only regret that I have but one livestock to exchange for my crossword solvers"

Puzzling thoughts:

First off, kudos to Nathan Hale - both our Nation's patriot and today's puzzle constructor - for their contributions. But since a Google search and a Crossword Corner search show nothing for "Nathan Hale Crossword Constructor", I must conclude that our Nation's patriot rose from the dead to generate this giggly grid. Or if indeed there IS a Crossword Constructor with the same name as one of our Nation's patriots, then perhaps this is his/their first published puzzle. If so, more kudos. A debut puzzle at LAT is one to be proud of!

Let's dig into this treat and see what kind of exchange Hale made ...

20-across. *Era known for Pegasus and other winged stallions?: WHEN HORSES FLY. Of course, the more common phrase is: "When PIGS fly" ...

33-across. *Tenderize steaks?: BEAT A DEAD COW. The more common phrase is "Beat a dead HORSE" - as this visual depicts

41-across. *Pet restriction set by the condo board?: DON'T HAVE A PIG. My favorite of the three punny clues. "Don't have a COW" is the more common phrase ... Gary Larson (the comic strip author, not the crossword constructor) says it best:

And the unifier: 56-across. Wall Street site, and what happened in order to form the answers to the starred clues?: STOCK EXCHANGE. Brilliant. Here is a STOCK "Exchange" that most investors would not welcome ...

Here is the grid:

1. Gives away: CEDES. An interesting read on the CESSION of Alaska by Russia

6. __ receipt: GIFT. A "must" nowadays for items purchased as GIFTs on Amazon, et al

10. Pros unlikely to use vacation time in April: CPAS. No rest for the weary ...

14. Cantina breakfast element: HUEVO. If we are truly giving a CSO to our Latin American cornerites, perhaps a video for them is in order?? Gawd I hope this means just what it says (Queremos Vacaciones = "We want vacations") ... sung by the famous trio "Tres HUEVOs" ... I know someone will find another version of "Tres HUEVOs" ...

15. Smell: ODOR. If we take this clue as a verb, could you then say: "I ODORed a rat?!"

16. Plus: ALSO.

17. Four pairs: OCTET. Couldn't it ALSO be two trios and one pair?

18. Machu Picchu's land: PERU. Home of the INCANs, too. Fun Fact #1: Did you know that Machu Picchu was where the INCANdescent light bulb was created?

19. Frog sound?: RASP. CROAK wouldn't fit; RASP as in a RASPy voice. Got a frog in your throat?

23. Goof: ERR.

24. Ambient musician Brian: ENO.

25. Like many hunter-gatherer societies: TRIBAL. [Vocabulary dot com] "TRIBAL SOCIETY: hunting and gathering society, hunting and gathering tribe group that supports itself by hunting and fishing and by gathering wild fruits and vegetables; usually nomadic

28. Want: DESIRE. Different than a NEED. Just ask my partner Margaret ... we had many "DESIRES" for our new house but focused on the NEEDS

30. __ Valley: Reagan Library site: SIMI. A little bit of info on the city of SIMI

32. Pub fare: ALE. I fancy a game of darts, myself

36. Either of the "Grey Gardens" women: EDIE. WAG. Short for EDITH

39. Actor Barinholtz: IKE. I guess "Presidential nickname" was too easy for a Friday

40. Greenlit: OK'ED. The term "Greenlight" has both a positive and negative connotation. It originated from the railroad industry as the "green light signal" meant it was OK to continue forward on the tracks. In slang, it means the OK to commit a crime or a "hit" [Dictionary dot com] [Wiktionary dot com]

46. State Dept. URL ender: GOV. Not to be confused with a State Dept. nickname: GUV

47. Famous __ cookies: AMOS. But if you didn't know the answer, how could you say he was "famous"??

48. Lackluster: ANEMIC. As in lacking luster

52. Contacts online: E-MAILS. Oh, the verb form. Not your contact "list"

54. Notable period: ERA. During the "dead ball ERA" in baseball, most pitchers had a very low ERA

55. Pleased sigh: AAH. What I didn't just sigh as I realized I still have nine more "across" clues, and all of the "down" clues left on which to comment ...

60. Rental car choice: AVIS. How about an SUV or SEDAN? Nope, neither fit here

62. "Rubyfruit Jungle" writer __ Mae Brown: RITA. If I were ever to have one of my crossword puzzles accepted by the LA Times, I know that I will have to bone up on my books, movies, plays, songs, et al, to make sure I have some robust clues! ;^)

63. Radical: ULTRA. ULTRA doesn't sound nearly as cool as "RADICAL"

64. "Whip It" rock band: DEVO. About time for another visual, Moe ...

65. Elemental unit: ATOM.

66. Sea-bound group: FLEET. Of course, Moe thought of a different definition for FLEET ... maybe it's my upcoming colonoscopy in early 2023 ... Fun Fact #2: Who created the FLEET Enema? Charles Brown Fleet, a young pharmacist who moved to Lynchburg, VA in 1869, invented and began selling his Fleet's Chap-Stick lip balm. In 1893, Fleet developed the formula for phospho-soda, the basic ingredient for the Fleet Enema" [Lynchburgvirginia dot gov]

67. Yoked team: OXEN. If you watch my video for 14-across, that would be Yolked team

68. Strong urges: YENS. Also, a weak currency

69. Directory items: FILES.

1. __ down: ate with relish: CHOWED. HOT DOG is what I eat with relish ...

2. Game that introduced the joker into modern playing cards: EUCHRE. Here is a link

3. Dissuades: DETERS.

4. Square: EVEN. JAKE fits, too

5. "Take that!": SO THERE. Lots of these type clues use the term "playground retort", but these sound so much more "adult" ... ;^)

6. Brand of helmet cams: GO PRO. Visual time:

7. __ of March: IDES. 15TH fits, too

8. Warning from a driver?: FORE.

9. "Would I lie to you?": TRUST ME. As an aside, I spent the better part of 45 years in Sales and Marketing ... please go back and re-read Fun Fact #1 to see if you "TRUST ME" ... ;^)

10. Soccer great Lloyd who wrote the memoir "When Nobody Was Watching": CARLI.

11. Listen to, as a recording: PLAY BACK. My fellow Stooges were these kind of "BACKS" - watch the first 10 seconds or the whole 3:42 of Curly, Larry, and Moe

12. Donkey: ASS. How many of you spell this word "A$$" when referring to a different definition?

13. Soak (up): SOP. Fun Fact #3: SOP is an acronym for: Standard Operating Procedure. It's a SOP to SOP up gravy with a roll or piece of bread

21. Window seat at the front of an airplane, often: ONE A. If the clue read "Aisle seat at the front ...", the answer could've been several choices depending on the aircraft's configuration. But the left window seat on ALL commercial aircraft is designated with the letter "A"

22. Cold, in Córdoba: FRIA. Una vez más, un video en español

26. Spiky succulent: ALOE. These "guys". We have an arboretum nearby that has a plethora of these. Here's one in bloom

27. More than off-color: LEWD. Moe-ku/haiku #1:

Former Bush VP
Took Methaqualone, then cursed.
New name? Dan QuaaLEWD

29. "Suuuuure": I BET. What skeptics might say about one or more of my "FUN FACTS"

30. "Land __ alive!": SAKES. We go from LEWD in 27-down to one of the milder oaths out there. I think this expression dates back to the '30's and '40's. Speaking for those my age and older, bless your heart to whomever came up with this clue! ;^)

31. Notion: IDEA. By this time, I've plum run out of IDEAs to make this blog more silly. Good thing, eh?!

34. Early DVR brand: TIVO. Fun Fact #4: TIVO is an acronym for Television Input Video Output

35. Old Venetian magistrate: DOGE. This clue - as the clue in 30-down - plays to an older crowd. Had the constructor or editor wanted to play to a younger crowd, the clue might've been: "Cryptocurrency starter"

36. Leg up: EDGE. Does that mean that a male dog has an EDGE over a female dog when doing their business?? Oops, the silliness just re-appeared ...

37. Unhappy ending: DOOM. Kinda like the character's name in the Spider-Man comics and Marvel movies

38. Like kudzu: INVASIVE. Fun Fact #5: Kudzu was intentionally introduced to North America by the Soil Erosion Service and Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s for the purpose of controlling soil erosion in the American Southeast

42. Saintly glow: HALO. Does this guy have one??

43. "Take a hike!": AM-SCRAY. In a puzzle where LIVESTOCK is featured, what better time to use a phrase that is in PIG Latin


44. Pique-nique setting: PARC. Frawnch. Picnic in a PARk

45. Piqued: IN A HUFF. Wait a second ... didn't we just have pique in the clue above? Multiple meanings for Frawnch words spelled the same?? Do they think they're English???!!! ;^) [Dictionary dot com] says about the word origin: "mid 16th century (denoting animosity between two or more people): from French piquer (pique) ‘prick, irritate’

49. "Wolf Hall" novelist Hilary: MANTEL. [Wikipedia dot com] "Dame Hilary Mary Mantel DBE FRSL was a British writer whose work includes historical fiction, personal memoirs and short stories. Her first published novel, Every Day Is Mother's Day, was released in 1985

Moe-ku/haiku #2:

A former slugger's
Fireplace shelf's built from bats.
It's Mickey's MANTEL

50. "No argument here": I AGREE.

51. Flouts the rules: CHEATS. [Collins Dictionary dot com] says: "What does flouts stand for? To treat with disdain, scorn, or contempt; scoff at; mock. To flout the rules of propriety." Is CHEATS, then, a bit of a stretch???

53. "Here we go!": IT'S ON. A trailer from the movie "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?"

54. Physicals: EXAMS. More of a dialog now, with your doctor/PCP/PA/Nurse Practitioner than an EXAM. About the only "physical" thing they do is to listen to your heart and lungs through a stethoscope

57. Sky box?: KITE. Ha Ha

58. Historic British school: ETON.

59. "__ Want for Christmas Is You": ALL I.

60. Hubbub: ADO.

61. Aggravate: VEX. Hope I haven't VEXed you with today's blog!

Comment to your heart's content below ... as an aside, yours truly had a published puzzle yesterday at Newsday. Click on this link if you'd care to take a stab at it. The puzzle is called "Young 'Uns" on November 3. Have fun! Thanks to MalMan who noticed it!!

Nov 3, 2022

Thursday November 3, 2022, Carly Schuna


 Car Talk
An NPR interview with Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers


(and a CSO to Picard)

Today's constructor, Carly Schuna, is relatively new, with one puzzle in the NY Times and two in the LA Times.  I can give you no better introduction to this multi-talented person than Husker's review of her March 26, 2022 outing.  BTW it looks like Carly could give CrossEyedDave a run for the money in the cake department.

Today Carly wants to talk cars, one of modern life's necessities.  She does this with 4 punny clues,  each containing the name of a car manufacturer, and then filling with 4 commonly used two word phrases, each beginning with one of the manufacturer's popular models:

17A. Place that showcases certain Fords?: ESCAPE ROOM.  An escape room, also known as an escape game, puzzle room, or exit game, is a game in which a team of players discover clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks in one or more rooms in order to accomplish a specific goal in a limited amount of time. OTOH, a FORD ESCAPE looks like this:

2023 Ford Escape

29A. Beacon that illuminates some Hondas?: PILOT LIGHT.   A pilot light is a small gas flame, usually natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas, which serves as an ignition source for a more powerful gas burner.  OTOH, a HONDA PILOT looks like this:
Honda Pilot

46A. Starting line for a race exclusively for some Hyundais?: ACCENT MARK.  Among other uses accent marks, also called diacritical marks, are used  to indicate the correct pronunciation of words to which they are added.  OTOH, a HYUNDAI ACCENT looks like this:

Hyundai Accent

62A. Overall condition of certain Nissans?: ROGUE STATE.  "Rogue state" (or sometimes "outlaw state") is a term applied by some international theorists to states that they consider threatening to the world's peace. These states meet certain criteria, such as being ruled by authoritarian or totalitarian governments that severely restrict human rights, sponsoring terrorism, or seeking to proliferate weapons of mass destruction.  I'm sure everyone can think of at least one ROGUE STATE that has been in the spotlight for the last half year.  OTOH, a NISSAN ROGUE looks like this:

Nissan Rogue

No reveal, circles, or asterisks.  Here's the grid:

Let's  see if we can keep this one on the road ...


1. Minor in astronomy?: URSA.  The BABY BEAR that is.  Given that male bears are cads, URSA MAJOR must be the MAMMA BEAR.

5. Golden St. region: SOCALSOuthern CALifornia.

10. Org. that includes the Sun and the Sky: WNBA.  Here are the WNBA teams.

14. Gravy __: BOAT.

15. Extremely, in slang: HELLA.  Shouldn't this be HELLAVA?

16. Swag: HAUL.  I think the 2nd definition applies here.

19. Marine mammal with the same colors as an Oreo: ORCA. Or  "Confection with the same colors as a marine mammal" could be yet another clue for OREO.

20. Save: RESCUE.

21. Digital covers?: TOE SOCKS.  They keep your piggies warm.

23. Broadcasting: ON TV.  Does anybody watch this anymore?

25. Result of a crash?: NAP.  I'm about to crash.  I think it's time for my NAP.

26. Planets, poetically: ORBS.  I still think Clyde Tombaugh was right.  Hand up if you think there are 9 planets?

35. Diner staple: MELT.

36. Oft-injured knee parts, for short: ACLS.  An ACL injury is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) — one of the strong bands of tissue that help connect your thigh bone (femur) to your shinbone (tibia).

37. Falcon's 69-Across: AERIE.  Sounds kinda scary to me.

38. In the style of: ALA.  Teri and I visited ALA a year back to attend a wedding.  A beautiful state with friendly, generous people.

39. Heartburn remedy: ANTACID.  IMHO, the best ANTACID is drinking lots of water.

41. Nail-biting NFL periods: OTS.

42. Dharma follower: HINDU.   Dharma is a key concept with multiple meanings in Indian religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and others.  Although there is no direct single-word translation for dharma in European languages, it is commonly translated as "righteousness", "merit" or "religious and moral duties" governing individual conduct.

44. Desktop with a Retina 5K display: IMAC.   Sweet! Hand up if you've got one Apple scruffs?

45. Promote aggressively: TOUT.   Thankfully the TOUTING season will be just about over by next Tuesday, followed by the WRANGLING season over what the REAL results were.

48. Gear on a tour bus: AMPS.

49. "Wanted to mention," for short: BTW

50. Ailing: SICK

52. "Ahem": EXCUSE ME

57. Reunion attendees: NIECES.  And 39D AUNTS.

61. Cross off: X OUT.

64. Tollbooth pricing unit: AXLE.  Correlates nicely with the number of wheels and weight, and thus road wear.

65. Nautical units: KNOTSWhy do we need different measures of distance and speed on the ocean?

66. Former Indiana governor Bayh: EVANBirch Evans Bayh III, born December 26, 1955 (not to be confused with his father Birch Bayh, Jr.),  is an American lawyer, lobbyist, and Democratic Party politician who served as a United States senator from Indiana from 1999 to 2011 and the 46th governor of Indiana from 1989 to 1997.
Evan Bayh

67. Blue part of blue cheese: MOLDIs it safe to eat moldy blue cheese?

68. Fills completely: SATES.

69. Egg holder: NEST.  If they're high enough they can be pretty EERIE.


1. Taxi alternative: UBER.  We tried UBER when we attended a wedding in New York, but the traffic was so bad there that we found it was faster to walk or take the subway.  We did have a lot of success with LYFT in D.C.

2. Thorny subject?: ROSE.  Teri likes rosesHere's how to grow them.
Peach Rose

3. Anatomical pouches: SACS.   These containers seem to vary so much in their form and function that I was unable to find an overarching definition for them.  The best I could come up with was this Wikipedia subtopic with a menu of links to different types of sacs.

4. Not without consequences: AT A COST.  A clue is related to the Hindu concept of Karma (see 42A).

5. Ovenware for roasting vegetables: SHEET PAN.

6. Above, in odes: OER.  Perhaps the most famous usage of this word is in the ode to our nation's flag: "O’er the ramparts we watch’d were so gallantly streaming ..."

7. Coagulate: CLOT.

8. __ gobi: potato and cauliflower dish: ALOO.  Here's a recipe for Aloo gobi.  I first learned the word Aloo from Aloo parathas, Indian pastries stuffed with spiced potatoes.   I guess Aloo must mean "potato"

9. Mourn: LAMENTLamentations of Jeremiah - No 1 by Thomas Tallis:

10. __ pie: WHOOPIEYou can make your own.

11. DEA agent: NARC.

12. Mets manager Showalter: BUCKWilliam Nathaniel "Buck" Showalter III (born May 23, 1956) is an American professional baseball manager for the New York Mets. Previously, he served as manager of the New York Yankees (1992–1995), Arizona Diamondbacks (1998–2000), Texas Rangers (2003–2006), and Baltimore Orioles (2010–2018).
Buck Showalter

13. Word of woe: ALAS.  See 9D.

18. "I threw away my golf shoes when I got a hole in one," e.g.: PUN.  Or maybe "I like to putter and dig holes" ...

22. Leaves in a bowl: SALAD.

24. Mr. Boddy in Clue, e.g.: VICTIM.   Speaking of PUNS.

26. Missouri River city: OMAHAOmaha is the largest city in Nebraska and the county seat of Douglas County. Omaha is in the Midwestern United States on the Missouri River, about 10 mi (15 km) north of the mouth of the Platte River. The nation's 39th-largest city, Omaha's 2020 census population was 486,051A.  I did one of DAB's puzzles last week and he clued this as "Nebraska city that sounds like a German grandmother's laughter."  Another CSO to Husker.

27. Remnant of the past: RELIC

28. Sauvignon __: BLANC. Sauvignon blanc is a green-skinned grape variety that originates from the Bordeaux region of France. The grape most likely gets its name from the French words sauvage ("wild") and blanc ("white") due to its early origins as an indigenous grape in South West France.  A CSO to CMOE.
Sauvignon Grapes

30. Andes animal: LLAMAThe llama is a domesticated South American camelid, widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era. Or the beast in an Ogden Nash poem.

31. Filmdom awards: OSCARS.  Did they give any awards this year?  All I heard about was this:
"The Slap Heard Round the World"

At least Reuters photo-journalist Brian Snyder made some money from it.

32. Husband-to-be: GROOM.  A bridegroom (often shortened to groom) is a man who is about to be married or who is newlywed.

33. Ask (for): HIT UP

34. Battery units?: TESTS.  Here's a battery of tests to determine the usefulness of a battery of tests.

39. Reunion attendees: AUNTS.  And 57A NIECES.

40. Gross feeling: ICKINESS.  "adjective. Informal. Not pleasant or agreeable: bad, disagreeable, displeasing, offensive, uncongenial, unpleasant, unsympathetic. Slang: yucky" - The Free Dictionary

43. Showed for the first time: DEBUTED.  The T is silent. 

45. Relax for a bit: TAKE TEN.  I've only got time to Take Five:

47. Dances suggestively: TWERKS.  I checked out some GIFs, but I don't think Margaret Farrar would approve.

51. Opposite of trans: CIS.   Cistrans isomers are stereoisomers, that is, pairs of molecules which have the same formula, but whose functional groups are in different orientations in three-dimensional space.  The prefixes "cis" and "trans" are from Latin: "this side of" and "the other side of", respectively.  Here's an example of cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene, both colorless gases used in the synthesis of gasoline.

cis-trans isomers

52. Proctor's handout: EXAM.

53. Sentimental sign-off: XOXO.  Hugs and kisses.  The first recorded usage X was in 1763 by a parson Gilbert White.  The origin of O is speculative and more recent.

54. Winnow: CULL.

55. Poet Van Duyn: MONA.  DNK Pulitzer Prize winning poet Mona Van Duyn (1921–2004), the first woman to serve as U.S. poet laureate.  Selected short poems by Mona Van Duyn.

56. Award quartet that includes 31-Down: EGOT.  Here's a list of EGOT winners.

58. Buckle: CAVECAVE is short for CAVE IN,  a synonym for BUCKLE:
59. Airport guesses, for short: ETAS.

60. In the mail: SENT.

63. Shoshonean language: UTEShoshone, also spelled Shoshoni; also called Snake was a North American Indian group that occupied the territory from what is now southeastern California across central and eastern Nevada and northwestern Utah into southern Idaho and western Wyoming.  Their language was one of the Uto-Aztecan languages.  The  State of Utah derives its name from the UTE language.
Shoshone Indian


As always, thanks to Teri for proof reading and for her constructive criticism.


Carly Schuna, you are invited to post anything you'd like to share about this puzzle, its evolution, the theme, or whatever, in the Comments section below.  We'd love to hear from you.


Nov 2, 2022

Wednesday, November 2, 2022, C.C. Burnikel


3. Academy Award category: BEST ACTRESS. CATS

18. "Great to find that out": GLAD I ASKED. AIDA

20. Eclectic online digest: UTNE READER. RENT


24. Arrives, and an apt description of the sets of circled letters: SHOWS UP

Melissa here. I'm putting the grid up top, so you can see C.C.'s clever gimmick. The circled letters, read UP, are all Broadway SHOWS.


1. Flash __: impromptu gatherings: MOBS. One of my all-time favorite flash-mobs, even though it's quite old now. 

5. Chew like a squirrel: GNAW

9. Pretzel topping: SALT.

13. Pentathlete's sword: EPEE. The five events in the modern pentathlon—fencing, swimming, horse riding, pistol shooting, and running—were chosen to reflect skills that cavalry soldiers of the 19th-century ought to possess and refine.

14. Low opera voice: BASSO. From Wiki: Basso profondo (Italian: "deep bass"), sometimes basso profundo, contrabass or oktavist, is the lowest bass voice type. Below: Basso Profondo Trio - Song of the Volga Boatmen.

15. Joshua __ National Park: TREE. Two distinct desert ecosystems, the Mojave and the Colorado, come together in Joshua Tree National Park

16. Swell: RISE.

17. "Your work is awesome!": I'M A HUGE FAN. When I met my son's new girlfriend, she said "I'm a huge fan of your work," meaning my son. How can I not love her?

19. Overstep boundaries, perhaps: INTRUDE.

21. Civil rights activist Baker: ELLA. Who was Ella Baker?

22. Beverage brewed in a chawan: TEA. What Makes a Bowl a Chawan?

23. "The Bone Garden" novelist Gerritsen: TESS.

25. City that hosts the State Fair of Texas: DALLAS.

29. Fifth of a nickel: CENT.

31. Round of applause: HAND.

33. Aggravate: IRK. And 40A just a few below ...

34. "I'll handle this": LET ME.

36. __-Free: contact lens solution: OPTI.

37. By way of: VIA.

38. Fact-checker's catch: ERROR.

39. Leave stunned: AWE.

40. Troubled to no end: ATE AT. 1) Annoyed 2) Annoyed greatly 3) Annoyed no end 4) Annoyed persistently 5) Bedeviled 6) Bothered 7) Bothered a lot 8) Bothered a lot 9) Bothered big-time 10) Bothered constantly 11) Bothered deeply 12) Bothered greatly 13) Bothered incessantly 14) Bothered nigglingly 15) Bothered no end 16) Bothered persistently.

42. Thanos, to the Avengers: FOE. Supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

43. Those, in Spanish: ESOS.

45. "Say cheese!": SMILE.

46. QB stats: TDS.

47. Org. fighting for LGBTQ rights: ACLU. What do we want? An end to acronyms! When do we want it? ASAP!

48. Garlic's covering: SKIN. For a few years I lived in Gilroy, just on the other side of the fence from one of the Christopher Ranch garlic processing plants. When they were drying, it would literally rain pieces of the paper skins for days.

49. Emphatic agreement: YES I DO.

51. Washed-out: PALE.

53. Go out for a bit?: NAP. Cute.

56. Light in signs: NEON.

58. Text from a glum chum: SAD FACE. There's an emoji for most everything. 🧄

60. Gala celebrating the Academy Awards: OSCAR PARTY.

64. Heavy burden: ONUS.

65. Like ground chicken: LEAN.

66. Dubai dignitaries: EMIRS.

67. Fully aware of: ONTO.

68. Palm fruit: DATE.

69. Promotional sample: DEMO.

70. Turns blue, maybe: DYES. The image that popped into my head was Violet, from Willy Wonka.


1. Deserve: MERIT.

2. Offer one's two cents: OPINE.

4. One with a crystal ball: SEER.

5. Go and Go Fish: GAMES.

6. Org. that uses cryptanalysis: NSA. National Security Agency.

7. Arthur in the International Tennis Hall of Fame: ASHE.

8. "__ that be nice!": WOULDN'T.

9. Real bargain: STEAL.

10. Bark: ARF.

11. Field for grazing: LEA.

12. Value of a Q tile, in Scrabble: TEN. Trivia: The highest score ever achieved for a single move in a Scrabble tournament was by Cathy Evans of Redbridge, Essex, who played QUETZALS for 365 points during the November 1986 Letchworth Open Scrabble Tournament.

14. Bathroom fixture: BIDET.

27. Sans serif typeface: ARIAL. Font and design geeks will enjoy this documentary all about Helvetica. You can watch the whole thing free here.

28. Go rollerblading: SKATE.

30. Music genre that spawned screamo: EMO. Never heard of screamo.

32. Donkey Kong, e.g.: APE.

34. Southpaw: LEFTY. How Did Lefties Become Known as 'Southpaws'?

35. Wear down: ERODE.

39. Yahoo! alternative: AOL. Not so much an alternative. According to Wikipedia: AOL is a brand marketed by the current incarnation of Yahoo! Inc.

41. "Spare us the details!": Abbr.: TMI. Too Much Information.

44. Served, as ice cream: SCOOPED.

48. Brings down the house: SLAYS.

50. Plain silly: INANE.

52. Four-footed Jetson: ASTRO. The Jetson's family pet.

54. Like a 30-degree angle: ACUTE.

55. Guadalajara cash: PESOS. And 29A CENT.

57. January or June: NAME. Sneaky.

59. Something to chew on: FOOD. And 5A GNAW.

60. Like antiques: OLD.

61. Zooplankton's habitat: SEA.

62. Litter box visitor: CAT. And ASTRO, just above at 52A.

63. Hoop's outer edge: RIM.