Feb 9, 2021
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 Michael A Macdonald
Feb 8, 2021
Monday February 8, 2021 Jared Goudsmit
Theme: B AND B (38. Inn offering a morning meal, briefly ... or a hint to six puzzle answers) - Each theme entry is in the pattern of B* B*:
17A. Foamy tubful for unwinding: BUBBLE BATH.
27A. Lumber on a diamond: BASEBALL BAT.
47A. Bryan Cranston crime drama: BREAKING BAD.
62A. Fish-and-chips coating: BEER BATTER.
3D. Infant's source of nourishment: BABY BOTTLE.
30D. Icon with a left-facing arrow: BACK BUTTON.
Boomer here. Congrats to Jared Goudsmit on his LA Times debut.
My older sister, Barbara Burnikel, is pretty good at solving crosswords. She lives in San Francisco and subscribes to the New York Times.
Last Friday I needed a "Boomer Blood"
draw at the VA. and today I will receive a phone consultation from my
oncologist to let me know how I am doing. During the Blood Draw, I asked
if they had any Covid vaccine doses lying around, and the young lady
told me that they just had a clinic for vaccines the previous week and
650 veterans received shots. I was shocked by the news that all of the
recipients were 85 years or age or older. I remember years ago when I
was too young to buy cigarettes or liquor, but I never knew the day
would come where I was too young to get a shot.
5. Top dog: ALPHA. This sounds like a fraternity thing.
10. Trojan War hero: AJAX. A cleanser that you might clean your driveway with.
14. Stroller, in Sheffield: PRAM.
15. Give up, informally: BAG IT. Our Las Vegas trip was cancelled this year, so I won't have to BAG IT at the craps table.
16. Serenity "before the storm": CALM. "Serenity now" - Frank Costanza on Seinfeld.
19. Excessive publicity: HYPE.
20. Needlelike engraving tools: STYLETS.
21. Mae __, first Black woman in space: JEMISON. About 10 years younger than I. She floated aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor.
23. Airer of Tyler Perry's "The Oval": BET. Black Entertainment Television.
24. Harmonic: TONAL.
25. "Last Week Tonight" network: HBO. I have cable TV but I pass on paying extra for HBO.
33. Deli sandwich, initially: BLT. One of my favorites, but a little tough to open wide to eat.
34. Nobelist Wiesel: ELIE.
35. Use the exit: LEAVE. "Leaving on a Jet plane, Don't know when I'll be back again." John Denver.
36. On the __: quarreling: OUTS. Three of them are the end on an inning.
41. Whole heap: SCAD.
42. Turns to soup, as ice cream: MELTS. I have found some
excellent "Vanilla Bean" ice cream at Aldi. 1/2 fat and I lace it with
sugar-free chocolate pudding powder and some sugar free wafers.
44. Mystical vibe: AURA.
46. Jest: KID. No KIDDING - it's a great dessert.
50. Investigative journalist Nellie: BLY. HOF Twins pitcher Bert BLYleven.
51. "Check it out for yourself!": GO SEE.
52. Bird in Liberty Mutual ads: EMU. Yup, and if you ask me, they are pretty stupid ads.
54. Ali of "Love Story": MACGRAW
57. Artist's board: PALETTE.
61. Loafing around: IDLE. If you live in my state, it's called letting your car warm up in the winter.
64. Old Russian ruler: CZAR.
65. Hosp. trauma pro: ER DOC. I have a bowling buddy named Don. He is a retired ER gas passer so of course we call him "Doc".
66. Caramel-filled candy: ROLO.
67. Shift and Tab: KEYS. On the keyboard. It has taken me time
to get used to the fact that our Santa Fe does not have KEYS. Press a
button to open the doors. Put your foot on the brake and push a button
and it starts.
68. Praises highly: LAUDS.
69. Small bills: ONES. Honoring our first president but these days it doesn't buy much.
2. Very dry, as Champagne: BRUT. I seem to remember a cologne by this name.
4. Easygoing pace: AMBLE. Putt out on the hole then AMBLE to the next tee.
5. Help a robber, say: ABET. Double it $10.00 on the Pass Line.
6. Experiment sites: LABS.
7. Links org.: PGA. I was following them in Phoenix last week. A
few spectators but I did not see any masks. Okay, I did not wear a
mask when I played last summer, but I kept a distance.
8. Assassin's assignment: HIT JOB. Also Albert Pujols' assignment.
9. Greek goddess of wisdom: ATHENA.
10. Trojan War hero: ACHILLES. He must have been the guy with the bad heel.
11. Blue birds: JAYS. Toronto's MLB baseball team eh.
12. Purina rival: ALPO.
13. Marvel-ous heroes?: X-MEN.
18. Do not disturb: LET BE. "Speaking words of wisdom, LET it BE, LET it BE. Beatles.
22. Retail complex: MALL. Minnesota has a "Mall of America" on
the South side of Minneapolis. Since we live on the north side, we
don't visit it much. Have not been there at all since the virus hit.
24. Like many first-time workers: TEENAGE. My first time job was a caddy at the country club. I was fourteen. Great job and free golf every Monday morning.
25. Cold War threat: H BOMB.
26. Clearer, as a sky: BLUER. It's a bit odd. A clear blue sky
in the summer and it's very pleasant. Same clear blue sky in the winter
and you freeze your tail off.
28. Priest's robe: ALB.
29. One-named "Chandelier" singer: SIA.
31. Be of use to: AVAIL. We had a bit of snow last week and had
to AVAIL ourselves of a couple of shovels. Nothing like the Northeast
got last week however.
32. Bear in a kid's bed: TEDDY. Mr. Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore.
37. Walks drunkenly: STAGGERS. My meds prohibit alcohol in my system but sometimes I stagger anyway.
39. Name, as a knight: DUB. Hit a golf ball less than five yards.
40. Bikini top: BRA.
43. Toffee candy bar: SKOR.
45. Journalist __ Rogers St. Johns: ADELA.
48. Author Allende: ISABEL.
49. Period "ushered in": NEW ERA. This is our NEW ERA of Covid
vaccine. Minnesota has given shots to 8% of its citizens. I have
received four emails "We'll let you know" from the VA. Still waiting my
53. Paris subway: METRO. I thought it was one of those big, long sandwiches.
54. Rocking Jagger: MICK. HOFer Mantle.
55. Axlike tool: ADZE.
56. Potter's material: CLAY.
57. Jab: PROD.
58. Elementary lesson: ABCS.
59. Marketing prefix: TELE. Yes and I wish they would leave me alone.
60. Greek matchmaker: EROS.
63. Tulane URL ending: EDU. And many others.
Feb 7, 2021
Sunday February 7, 2021 Gary Larson
Theme: "Work Place" - Each familiar phrase is reinterpreted as if it's a workplace fitting the products or professions in the clue.
22A. Facility for processing vacation requests?: LEAVE OFFICE.
24A. Facility where the higher-ups do business?: STATUS BAR.
44A. Facility for researching cocoa-based goodies?: CHOCOLATE LAB.
69A. Facility for baking custard-filled pastries?: NAPOLEON COMPLEX.
97A. Facility for purchasing the latest fad items?: WHAT'S IN STORE.
121A. Facility for a matchmaker?: SETUP SHOP.
124A. Facility for cloning research?: DOUBLE SPACE.
3D. Facility for recycling old batteries?: DEAD CENTER.
79D. Facility for manufacturing homes?: HOUSEPLANT.
This is a extension of the Robert W. Harris puzzle we had years ago. I think it works the best when all the entries are nouns phrases.
Quite theme heavy. Total 9 entries. Four of themers intersect. I always love it when that happens.
5. '70s Connecticut governor Ella: GRASSO. Was she nationally known?
11. Requiring utensils, as some sandwiches: OPEN FACE.
19. Pitcher Hershiser: OREL.
20. Searched roughly: RIFLED.
21. Apparent displacement due to observer movement: PARALLAX. We had this before.
26. Puts on cargo: LADES.
27. "It's a __!": FACT.
28. ORD postings: ETAS.
29. Expert: ACE.
30. English race place: ASCOT.
31. Hides: LIES LOW.
35. Reagan secretary of state: SHULTZ. George Shultz is still alive.
37. Click beetles: ELATERS. New to me. Sure does not look like elated.
39. Wyoming natives: ARAPAHOS. Google shows that "Today, the Cheyenne and Arapaho are federally recognized as one tribe and known as the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes".
42. Peak: ZENITH.
48. Muesli morsel: OAT.
49. City NNW of San Francisco: EUREKA.
53. __-Ball: arcade game: SKEE.
54. Place for a hero: DELI. Xi'an style sandwich.
55. Pizzeria fixture: OVEN. And 8D Pizzeria offerings: SLICES. And
57A. "Yum!": DELISH.
59. Last of a series: OMEGA.
62. Help: AID.
63. Red Cross supply: SERUM.
65. Deck alternatives: PATIOS.
67. Advisories: ALERTS. We're under a Wind Chill Advisory right now. High today - 2.
74. Minds: SEES TO.
77. Composer Prokofiev: SERGEI. He composed "Peter and the Wolf". Read more here.
78. Master, in Hindi: SAHIB. Does this term apply to woman also, Vidwan?
82. Zero deg. at the equator, say: LAT. OK, latitude.
83. Impact sound: SPLAT. 38D. Sound of an impact: THUD.
87. Put (away): SALTED.
89. California lake near the Nevada border: MONO. Also new to me.
90. Unpopular spots: ACNE.
92. Donor drive target: ALUM.
94. Eye: PEER AT.
96. Tabloid topic: UFO.
101. Fingers: RATS ON.
103. Indian cooking style: TANDOORI. I wonder if TTP has fiddled with tandoori chicken.
104. Michelin product: CAR TIRE.
107. Some are vital: ORGANS.
110. Shapes again: RE-MOLDS.
112. Slangy denials: NOPEs.
115. Super Bowl LIV halftime performer: J LO. Here with Shakira.
116. Ph.D. hurdle: DISS. Dissertation.
119. Kind of 1940s suit: ZOOT.
120. Gown fabric: TULLE.
126. Disinfect: SANITIZE.
127. Start a paragraph, maybe: INDENT.
128. Writer Bagnold: ENID.
129. Many kilt wearers: SCOTSMEN.
130. Pickles: MESSES.
131. Yardsticks: Abbr.: STDS.
2. Neighborhoods: AREAS.
4. Lung air sacs: ALVEOLI. Not an easy word.
5. Miracle-__: GRO.
6. Thumb (through): RIFFLE.
7. Fling: AFFAIR.
9. Shakers and others: SECTS. The religious Shakers.
10. Keats' "To Autumn," e.g.: ODE.
11. Black __: OPS.
12. Toast topping: PATE.
13. Part of Q.E.D.: ERAT.
14. Foe of Rocky and Bullwinkle: NATASHA.
15. Frequent subject in recent headlines: FLU SHOT. Still no extra dose for Boomer's arm. VA clinic just completed the 85+ group. Soon, hopefully.
16. Green and Yankovic: ALS.
17. Conspiring group: CABAL.
18. Strict: EXACT.
23. It's often divided: ESTATE.
25. __-de-chaussée: ground floor: REZ.
32. "Well, __-di-dah!": LAH.
33. Suit in a Spanish deck of cards: OROS: "A Spanish deck of cards has always been divided in 4 suits, called: Oros ("golds" or gold coins), Copas (cups), Espadas (swords), and Bastos
(clubs). These symbols supposedly represented the 4 social classes
divided by the feudal society: royalty, clergy, military, and common
people." Source here.
34. Off-the-wall: WACKO.
36. Worn: USED.
40. Work with feet: POEM. Good old clue.
41. Toward the sheltered side: ALEE.
42. Attractions in San Diego and the Bronx: ZOOS.
43. Icicle's locale: EAVE.
44. Privia Pro Stage pianos, e.g.: CASIOS.
45. Cordelia's father: LEAR.
46. Touched down: ALIT.
47. Bridge actions: BIDS.
50. Seized vehicle: REPO.
51. Its planes have missile defense systems: EL AL.
52. Toy with a tail: KITE.
56. Women with habits: NUNS. We've been in contact with the sweet
nuns at Benedictine Sisters at Clyde, Missouri all these years.
Boomer's aunt, Sister Caroline, was buried there.
58. Sharpens: HONES.
60. Liquid meas.: GAL.
61. They may be bitter: ALES.
64. Gym equipment: MATS.
66. Tough spot: SCRAPE.
68. Physical, say: EXAM.
70. Weasel report?: POP. "Pop! Goes the Weasel".
71. Stare at in a creepy way: OGLE. You won't find this word in USA Today puzzle.
72. Distribute, with "out": METE.
73. Waterfront sight: PIER.
74. Leaves on a dog: SLAW. Never saw Boomer put coleslaw on his hot dogs.
75. A head: EACH.
76. Peak seen from Messina: ETNA.
80. Skinny: INFO.
81. Godsend: BOON.
84. Arrive, in a way: LAND.
85. Plus: ALSO.
86. Pre-test helper: TUTOR. Hi there, Bill G!
88. Flier with a flight: DART.
91. Jazz diva Jones: ETTA.
93. Seconds, say: MORE.
95. Contaminates: TAINTS.
98. Excavation site: SAND PIT.
99. Isn't at all wishy-washy: INSISTS.
100. Glass lip: RIM.
102. Thespian companies: TROUPES.
104. "Feather canyons everywhere," to Joni Mitchell: CLOUDS.
105. Building blocks: ADOBES.
106. Givens in the "Wheel of Fortune" bonus round: R S T L NE. And 108. Like non-oyster months, traditionally: R LESS.
107. Drinks in the a.m.: OJS.
109. Did okay in class: GOT A C. Quite a few letter plays here.
111. __ layer: OZONE.
113. Heston title role: EL CID.
114. Sprouts-to-be: SEEDS.
117. Mason's wedge: SHIM.
118. "The Usual Suspects" crime lord Keyser __: SOZE. OK, I googled, played by Kevin Spacey. I won't link then.
122. 108-card game: UNO.
123. Montblanc product: PEN.
124. Hard to see in: DIM.
125. Sci-fi beings: ETS.