, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jan 5, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Tom Uttormark and C.C. Burnikel

Theme: May I have a word with you? - Words that are a???? are split into two words and clued as such.

20. One hospital celebration? : AWARD CEREMONY. A WARD CEREMONY (Ward - section of a hospital)

25. One mug from the boxing ring? : ABOUT FACE. (military command) A bout face; a face after a bout in boxing.

46. One news magazine managing editor? : AHEAD OF TIME. A head of Time(Time magazine)

52. One adorable romantic threesome? : ACUTE TRIANGLE. (triangle that has all angles less than 90°) A cute triangle.

Argyle here but no reveal. The puzzle has mirror crossword symmetry. Many proper names. I added a few songs to ease the pain.


1. Nothing, in Nogales : NADA but here's something...I'm not sure what.

5. A-list invitee : CELEB

10. Inhale in awe : [GASP!]

14. "The Big Country" Oscar winner Ives : BURL. Here is a clip from the movie.  Clip(2:41)

15. Hertz competitor : ALAMO

16. Germany's von Bismarck : OTTO

17. Study at the last minute : CRAM

18. Decorated anew : REDID

19. Grown-up tadpole : TOAD

23. The blahs : ENNUI

24. Radon and ozone : GASES

29. Joe of "Casino" : PESCI. Pesci played Nicholas "Nicky" Santoro.

32. [Not my typo] : (SIC)

33. Ethan of "Before Midnight" : HAWKE

37. Sound system component : AMP

38. "Honest!" : "NOT A LIE!" Sure. 40D. "Honest?" : "IS THAT SO?"

41. Breathable mixture : AIR

42. "Count on it" lawnmower brand : TORO

44. Fast-spreading Internet phenomena : MEMES

45. Michelin rating unit : STAR

49. Without question : BY FAR

50. Store posting : HOURS

56. Long-distance swimmer Diana : NYAD. When she was 64, she swam from Cuba to Florida, the first person confirmed to have done so.

57. Crime scene clue exposed by dusting : PRINT

58. Hereditary code carrier : GENE

60. Table tennis video game : PONG. Do you remember?

61. Cozumel cash : PESOs. Was that where the ill-fated cruise was headed a few years back?

62. "__ but not least ... " : LAST

63. Trick : RUSE

64. Look after : SEE TO

65. Barely managed, with "out" : EKED


1. "Parks and Recreation" network : NBC

2. Heavenly glows : AURAE

3. Written (up), as a contract : DRAWN

4. Annually updated reference : ALMANAC. Did any almanac predict this winter?

5. Pulse-boosting exercise, for short : CARDIO

6. Utility measured in kilowatt hrs. : ELEC.

7. Fill with cargo : LADE

8. Qatari bigwig : EMIR

9. Hispanic convenience store : BODEGA

10. Set sail : GO TO SEA

11. Make reparations : ATONE

12. Hangs around : STAYS

13. Sci-fi escape craft : POD

21. Apply before cooking, as spice to meat : RUB IN

22. Papier-__ : MÂCHÉ

26. Spanish pronoun : USTED. (you)

27. Words of grande affetto : TI AMO. Italian for "I love you".

28. Bass staff symbol : F CLEF

29. On-the-back praise : PAT

30. Expressive rock genre : EMO

31. "Contents under pressure" containers : SPRAY CANS. Do not incinerate.

34. Plumbing problem : WATER LEAK

35. Sorento automaker : KIA

36. Throw wide of the cutoff man, say : ERR. (baseball)

39. Dr. Eric Foreman portrayer on "House" : OMAR EPPS. Full name today.

43. G-rated cry of dismay : "OH, FUDGE!"

45. Sneak across the border : SMUGGLE

47. Nosh : EAT

48. Electrified particle : ION

49. Louisiana wetland : BAYOU

51. Hearing, for one : SENSE

53. It has bark, but no bite : TREE

54. Get out of bed : RISE

55. Playing a fourth NHL period : IN OT. (overtime)

56. Network home to "A Prairie Home Companion" : NPR. (National Public Radio)

59. Takeoff approx. : ETD. (Estimated Time of Departure)


Jan 4, 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016 Janice Luttrell

Theme: Lefty - Can you guess my title?

20A. Canadian flag symbol : MAPLE LEAF. Loose leaf notebook.

52A. Final details to take care of ... and, literally, what the last words of 20-Across and 10- and 29-Down can be : LOOSE ENDS

10D. Preface to Bush Sr.'s "no new taxes" promise : "READ MY LIPS". Loose Lips Sink Ships.

29D. "America's Got Talent" host since 2009 : NICK CANNON. An irresponsible person is a loose cannon. Phrase Finder

Argyle here. Your basic Monday; a nice pin wheel without the pin.


1. Hockey disk : PUCK

5. Blows, as one's lines : FLUBS

10. Belmont Stakes, e.g. : RACE. The Belmont Stakes is the third and final leg of the triple crown of horse racing.

14. Workplace protection org. : OSHA. (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

15. Parts in a play : ROLES

16. British prep school : ETON

17. Arab League prince : EMIR

18. Deed holder : OWNER

19. Weaponry : ARMS

22. "Farewell, mon ami!" : "ADIEU!"

23. "Put a __ on it!" : LID

24. Prevailing weather : CLIMATE

26. After-dinner brandy : COGNAC 49D. Straight up, cocktailwise : NO ICE

30. Every 24 hours : DAILY

31. "Hold Me" Grammy winner K.T. : OSLIN

32. Rap sheet abbr. : AKA. (Also Known As)

33. Speech therapy subject : LISP

37. Actor Baldwin : ALEC

38. Advertising handout : FLIER

40. Wedding vows : I DOs

41. Honky-__ : TONK

42. Rowboat need : OAR

43. High-80s grade : B-PLUS

44. Like mountain roads : CURVY

46. Mojave or Gobi : DESERT

47. Two-deck rummy variety : CANASTA

50. Dylan or Dole : BOB

51. Hotelier Helmsley : LEONA

58. The Emerald Isle : ERIN

59. Heavenly food : MANNA

60. Injured, as a muscle : TORE

61. Wealthy, in Juárez : RICO. Spanish.

62. In the midst of : AMONG

63. Unexpected problem : SNAG

64. Sharp-edged : KEEN

65. Shopping binge : SPREE

66. Tranquil discipline : YOGA. 84 classic asanas.


1. Sonnet or haiku : POEM

2. West Point initials : USMA. (United States Military Academy) Remember we recently learned there is a U.S. Mint at West Point.

3. Poker player's token : CHIP

4. Hoopster Malone : KARL. "The Mailman" played 18 seasons (1985–2003) with the Utah Jazz.

5. Play friskily : FROLIC

6. Mooed : LOWED. Down in the lea.

7. Elbow-to-wrist bone : ULNA

8. Sexy photos in women's mags : BEEFCAKE. And brains, too.

9. Ukr. or Estonia, during the Cold War : SSR. (Soviet Socialist Republic)

11. Open-air courts : ATRIA

12. Halley's __ : COMET

13. Occur as a result : ENSUE

21. Stylish vigor : ELAN

22. Have a bug : AIL

25. Unreliable witness : LIAR

26. Winter wear : COAT

27. Capital on a fjord : OSLO

28. Secluded valley : GLEN

30. Eggs and butter market section : DAIRY. At the back of the store.

34. Sit at a four-way stop, say : IDLE

35. Sweet's opposite : SOUR. Sometimes together.

36. Furtive "Hey!" : "PSST!"

38. __ Knox : FORT

39. Psychedelic light source : LAVA LAMP. 30 minutes.

43. Emmy winner Neuwirth : BEBE. Lilith Sternin, on Cheers and Frasier.

45. Land between Can. and Mex. : USA

46. Prescription amount : DOSAGE

47. Supermarket staffer : CLERK

48. Eagle's nest : AERIE

50. Good, in France : BONNE

53. "Want the light __ off?" : ON OR

54. Crafts website : ETSY

55. Taboo : NO-NO

56. Really dull time : DRAG

57. Arcade giant : SEGA

59. Pas' mates : MAs

"Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey"


Jan 3, 2016

Sunday, January 3, 2016 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: "Online Chat" - Each theme entry is in the pattern of I* M*.  (Hello, Irish Miss!)

22A. Fictional detective whose first name is Endeavour : INSPECTOR MORSE

31A. "Somewhere in Time" band : IRON MAIDEN

55A. Times for reflection : IDLE MOMENTS

90A. Best Actress Tony winner in "Wicked" : IDINA MENZEL. I had "Frozen" reference.

111A. Motel convenience : ICE MACHINE

124A. Knowledge seekers : INQUIRING MINDS. Two are plural answers, so no odd man out.

15D. Xanadu locale, now : INNER MONGOLIA. It's called Shangdu in Chinese. Du means "capital" in Chinese.

59D. Sharpie output : INDELIBLE MARK. So neat! Love the guy.

Reveal entry:

124. GroupMe exchanges, briefly, and a hint to this puzzle's eight longest answers : IMs

Simple theme. Very me.

I originally proposed ILL-MANNERED and IRISH MUSIC as themers also. Rich rejected the former as it's the only hyphenated entry. And he did not feel IRISH MUSIC is idiomatic enough.

Rich changed the theme clues quite a bit, but most of my fill clues survived. Progress! I'm trainable, as Gary often says. Wish I had his cluing talents.

1. Fightin' with : AGIN

5. Avid bird watcher? : CAT. Waiting for Dave to find the perfect link.

8. Tournament passes : BYES

12. Dogie collar? : LARIAT

18. Anderson of "WKRP in Cincinnati" : LONI. No other way to clue her.

19. Anise-flavored aperitif : OUZO

20. Place to have poi : LUAU. Never had poi. But I bake taro roots often. The smaller ones like these.

21. Fall color : ORANGE

25. Reprobate : SINNER

26. "Wanna __?" : BET. Did you notice that all those attendees in Steve's London reunion last month are couples? The lady in front of him must be special to him. Wanna bet?

27. Guitarist Paul : LES

28. Namely : TO WIT

29. Fannie __ : MAE. Older than Freddie Mac.

30. Paranormal power : ESP

34. First-rate : STELLAR. Boomer prepared us a stellar New Year's Eve meal on Thursday. Walleye, wild rice & acorn squash. I also had pickled Daikon slices, Jayce!

37. Apple Watch assistant : SIRI

38. Wichita-to-Duluth dir. : NNE

39. Jobs for grad students : TAs

42. "Now I see!" : AHA

43. Counterfeit watchdog, for short : T-MAN

46. Staying power : LEGS. Splynter's expertise. Legs and castles.

48. 1994 comedy with an oxymoronic title : TRUE LIES. Schwarzenegger film.

51. Plan in detail : MAP OUT

53. Celestial circles : HALOES

57. Self-reflective musing : IS IT ME? Rich's clue.

60. Record book : LEDGER

62. Cheese in some bagels : ASIAGO. Never had it. I guess what cheese is to you guys is like Tofu to me. Fried, fermented, fresh, I love them all.

63. PC hookup : LAN

64. Interstate giant : SEMI

66. Magazine extra : INSERT

68. Sci. concerned with climate change : ECOL

69. Digital readouts, briefly : LCDs

71. Uses a straw : SUCKS

73. Hotel with a Gold Passport loyalty program : HYATT. No idea. Rich's clue.

75. Fruit-eating fictional race : ELOI. Sorry, this answer 71-A.

77. Exercise units : REPS

79. Decorative plaster : STUCCO

81. Fray, say : WEAR

83. Golfer Poulter : IAN. Saw him in practice tee once. Gosh, what a waste of brand new Pro V1 balls. Those pros are so pampered. Guess how many balls in this pyramid?

84. Go by : ELAPSE

86. Tapped into : DREW ON

88. Chocolate-filled cookie : MILANO

92. "No bickering!" : BE NICE!

94. Like some rats : ALBINO

95. Unconventional : OUT THERE

97. Fifth pillar of Islam : HAJJ

100. Pitcher Sparky : LYLE. And 101. Throw hard : GUN. Both Rich's clue. I had Julia Roberts ex reference for LYLE. Rich loves his Yankees.

103. That, to Juanita : ESA

104. Bugs with horns : VWs. Rich's clue as well.

106. Afternoon TV fare : SOAP

108. "Fifty Shades of Grey" author : E. L. JAMES. Two more sequels.

114. Casino convenience : ATM

116. Form attachment? : ULA. This answer 71-A. Formula.

117. Mother __ : EARTH

120. Cortez's gold : ORO

121. Dot follower, at times : NET. And 113. Dot follower, at times : COM

122. Slightly larger than tall, at Starbucks : GRANDE

127. Less stuffy : AIRIER

128. Molokai neighbor : MAUI

129. Nice concept? : IDEE. Nice the French city. This beach looks too pebbly to lie on.

130. Skinny : POOP

131. Nudge : POKE AT

132. "American Dad!" dad : STAN. No idea. Also Rich's clue.

133. Express : SAY

1. Courtroom vouchers? : ALIBIS
2. Sister of Cordelia : GONERIL. Bad girl.

3. Coming up : IN STORE

4. Playful bite : NIP

5. Affects adversely : CUTS INTO

6. __ dye: food-coloring compound : AZO

7. Calorie-laden dessert : TORTE. Also 82D. High in calories : RICH. This is our Rich. The lady on the left is his wife Kim. Look at the words on Rich's shirt. ADIN something? That's a crosswordese!

8. Botch : BLOW

9. Cold War KGB chairman Andropov : YURI. Wow, I don't know him. He sounds very important.

10. Bridge positions : EASTS

11. Take to court : SUE

12. County bordering Santa Fe County : LOS ALAMOS. Rich's clue.
13. Disney mermaid : ARIEL And 19. Mermaid's home : OCEAN. Rich changed my ARIEL clue so we could have a "Mermaid' clue echo here. Of course, I failed to make the connection.

14. Sought a seat : RAN

16. Years and years : AGES. Hard to believe I've been married for almost 15 years.

17. U. of Maryland player : TERP

23. Spreading tree : ELM

24. Spanish peak : MONTE. So Monte Carlo is Spanish then?

29. "Whatever" : MEH

32. Time to see stars : NIGHT. Steve sees stars every day. Some of his friends are actors. He lives in Studio City.

33. Remiss : DERELICT
35. Stun with a gun : TASE

36. Resting easy : AT PEACE

40. Make true : ALIGN

41. Circus attraction : SIDESHOW

44. Car owner's obligation : AUTO LOAN

45. Some Windows systems : NTS. This answer totally 71-A. Sorry, guys.

47. Popular buying club : SAM'S

49. Put to work : USE

50. The king of Spain? : EL REY

52. De Beauvoir, to Sartre : AMIE. Enduring love, though both had other lovers.

54. Wranglers alternative : LEES

56. Lipstick characteristic : MATTE. Lower one.

57. Not up to par : ILL

58. With reverence : SACREDLY. Waste of a 8-letter spot. Such a boring word. But I did not have better option.

61. Unconnected : DISCRETE
 65. __ du Louvre : MUSEE. What's your favorite piece there?

67. Sensitive thing to touch : RAW NERVE

70. Lady in a 1955 film : SPANIEL. "Lady and the Tramp".

72. Intrusive vine : KUDZU

74. "Dust to Dust" author Hoag : TAMI

76. Rescuer of Odysseus : INO. Learned from doing xwords. 71-A as well.

78. Bridge measure : SPAN

80. TD Garden NBA team : CELTS

85. Environmental warning : SMOG ALERT. I worked for a company in Tsingtao after I graduated. The big boss often took me to Beijing for business. Gosh, always so foggy.

87. 2008 honor for Joe Cocker: Abbr. : OBE

89. Spot check? : LEASH

90. Potent ending? : IAL. 71-A. Potential.

91. Squat : NONE

93. Uninherited wealth : NEW MONEY

96. Creole-speaking island nation : HAITI. And  110. 96-Down governing group : SENAT

98. Icon after "Not a member?" : JOIN NOW. And 99. Anonymous one : JANE DOE. And 107. Upscale boarding facility : PET SPA. Pretty happy with the triple stack. This is made possible by the gluey OWE A (134. __ debt of gratitude).

102. She played Fantine in "Les Misérables" (1998) : UMA

105. Boot camp nickname : SARGE
109. Roman province governed by Pontius Pilate : JUDEA

112. Rock of comedy : CHRIS. Funny guy, Chris Rock.

114. Thing to fill or bridge : A GAP. Partial. 71-A.

115. Rush or Cream : TRIO

118. Water color : AQUA

119. Downfall : RUIN

123. Never, to Nietzsche : NIE

125. Where I-86 and I-15 meet : IDA. Rich's clue.

126. 2015 Etsy milestone, initially : IPO. Our cousin has an Etsy store.


Jan 2, 2016

Saturday, Jan 2nd, 2016, Barry C. Silk

Theme: Saturday Silkie~!

Words: 70 (missing J)

Blocks: 27

A tragic start to the New Year, in terms of crossword solving for this blogger.  Too many proper names turned this into a fun sponge for me (*, I count 16).  I skipped red-letters and went straight to Google for one-off answers in an effort to solve the NE and SW corners, but even then I struggled up top.  I blame brain-lock, and doing the puzzle much too late to stay open- minded.  Can't even blame UPS - that's all over now, and I'm on a 3-day weekend....Triple 9-letter corners in the 'recto', triple 7's in the down on the 'verso' (trying to use what I have learned doing crosswords, uh, sort of), and two 10-letter spanners;

23. eBay feature : UPPER CASE B - and I got this one, but it was in a corner I solved

46. Silk Road component : KHYBER PASS - did not know the exact spelling

O       N      W    A   R  D~!


1. Diamond surprise : UPSET - yeah, and just about any sport, really

6. Change keys often? : ISLAND-HOP - I was just plain stuck in a musical frame of mind - USE A CAPO was clever, but too short.  Florida Keys never crossed my mind

15.* "You've got me on my knees" woman in a 1971 hit : LAYLA - I 51-acrossed this one; I happen to prefer the acoustic version to the original

16. Competition covering many miles : SPACE RACE - again, stuck in a sporting frame of mind, so TRIATHLON, IDITAROD (too short), etc.

17. Wing : ANNEX

18. Unix guru, e.g. : POWER USER - I just don't get this; are we talking "power" user as in a computer maven, sort of like wearing a "power" tie to the big business meeting~?

19. Biblical miracle component : LOAVES - the other part being fishes, specifically 5 barley loaves and two "small" fish - the Wiki

21.* ''Wedding Bell Blues'' songwriter : NYRO - no clue

22. Last Hebrew letter : TAV - no clue

25.* Designer Ricci : NINA - no clue

26. D.C. United's org. : MLS - I did know this was soccer

27. King ratsnake's defense : ODOR - I tried FANG to start - that's 0.0% any way you slice it

28. Arctic : GELID - and strangely, I 51-acrossed this one

29. Pencil contents, perhaps : EYELINER

32.* "Particularly small and particularly wicked-looking" villain : Mr. HYDE - I had MRH---, which led me to parse it as "Mr.----", and that helped.  Reminds me of a song I just downloaded;

Men At Work

33. Fateful day : IDES

34. Pick up : HEAR

35. Neighbors of Frauen : FEMMES - German & Frawnche women

38.* "The Roosevelts" documentarian : KEN BURNS - total perp and WAG

42.* Jordan's only port : AQABA - Google #1 - the "Q" was not happening

43. Benefit from work : PERK

44. Classified initials : EOE

45.* Tamblyn of "West Side Story" : RUSS - not AMBER, seen here in House, M.D.

I liked the way her character dressed....

49. Down : EAT - dah~! Not SAD

50. Bug : FLAW

51. Ace the test : NAIL IT

52. Dogfish Head sellers : ALE HOUSES

55.* Mobutu's land : ZAIRE

56. Most unforgiving : STRICTEST

57. Inception : ONSET

58. Slinky spots : TOY CHESTS - I figured this was the toy, and not the gentleman's club

59. Learning methods : ROTES


1.* Poe title answer to " ... 'What is written ... / On the door of this legended tomb?'" : ULALUME - got it via perps, but had to look this up to see if it was one word/name, so here's the Wiki

2. Impressive array : PANOPLY - again, I 51-acrossed it

3. Neural junction : SYNAPSE

4. Professeur's charge : ELEVE

5. Government, often : TAXER

6.* Juno, e.g.: Abbr. : ISP - Internet Service Provider; I was stuck on Roman God/2007 movie

7. Back : SPONSOR - ugh, my sponsor will never forgive me for missing this one

8. Many a president : LAWYER

9. Having a bite : ACERB

10.* 50s-60s emperor : NERO - ugh - literally, from the years 54 - 68

11.* R&B group __ Hill : DRU - no clue

12. With urgency : HASTILY

13. Mythological sea nymph : OCEANID - all I knew was that it most likely ended with "-ID"

14. Fill : PERVADE - such as conversation in crowded restaurant

20. Tea cart items : SCONES

24. Vitamin C sources : ADES - oh, I didn't know you were a source of vitamin C, LemonADE....

25.* Prime minister sworn in by Mountbatten : NEHRU

28. Land __ : GRAB - I'd heard the term, but wanted to read more

30. An arm and a leg : LIMBS - har-har

31. Bean product? : IDEA

32.* "The Little Mermaid" composer Alan : MENKEN - more no clue

34. Wormwood, e.g. : HERB

35. China setting : FAR EAST

36. On a par with : EQUAL TO

37. Domination : MASTERY

38. Site of Truman's winter White House : KEY WEST - semi-clecho~???

39. Dreamer's opposite : REALIST - if I said this is my girlfriend - am I a dreamer or realist~?

Yep, her name is Gabriella, er, I mean Cora

40. "Ain't happening!" : "NO SIREE~!" - right, the clue just after my posted pic

41. Sonnet parts : SESTETS - I had SEPTETS, and 46a. ending in "-SP" seemed unlikely

43. Stages : PHASES

46.* 1971 title detective : KLUTE - heard of it, but never saw it

47. Carry-on no-no : RAZOR

48. Schroeder's love : PIANO - no clue - not a "Peanuts" fan at all

50.* WWI French marshal : FOCH - les Frawnche

53. It's heard at 52-Across : [hic]

54. D and C, in D.C. : STs
