, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 7, 2016

Tuesday, June 7 2016, Gail Gabrowski & Bruce Venzke

Theme: Full Speed Ahead. The second word of each theme answer is a synonym for speed.

17. Fastener secured in concrete : ANCHOR BOLT

41. "The salt-free flavor statement" brand : MRS. DASH

64. Unpredictably nasty quality : MEAN STREAK

11. Seriously endangered group in Mary Shelley's "The Last Man" : HUMAN RACE

35. '60s-'70s Chrysler compact : DODGE DART

Melissa here. At first I thought the theme would be something about lightning,when I saw  BOLT and STREAK, but that thought was dashed when DASH and STREAK appeared.


1. Hoopla : ADO

4. Device for a selfie video : WEBCAM. I totally blew this whole section by entering TRIPOD here, which created an impossible mess. This section was the last to fall.

10. Poker pot disk : CHIP

14. Under the __: pressured : GUN

15. Brightly plumed songbird : ORIOLE

16. Subtle glow : AURA

19. "You're not serious!" : C'MON

20. Typical film festival entry : INDIE

21. Chocolate-and-toffee bar : SKOR

22. Loiter, with "out" : HANG

23. Cosa __ : NOSTRA. Literally translates to "Our thing," or "This thing of ours." Term used for the Sicilian Mafia.

25. Wyoming voters since 1869 : WOMEN

27. "Morning Joe" airer : MSNBC

30. Central courtyards : ATRIA

33. Ore-rich vein : LODE

36. Bumbling sort : DOOFUS

39. __ nouveau : ART. A style of decorative art, architecture, and design prominent in western Europe and the US from about 1890 until World War I and characterized by intricate linear designs and flowing curves based on natural forms. Know Your Arts:
"Art Nouveau is Paris. Art Nouveau is the Moulin Rouge. It’s Absinthe, Can-Can, the Orient. Art Nouveau is decadence."

40. Angst-filled music genre : EMO

42. Iams eater : CAT

43. Football lineman : END

44. Withdraw officially : SECEDE

45. Refuse to confess to, as charges : DENY

46. Severity : RIGOR

48. Tennis tie : DEUCE. Game tied 40-all and any tie thereafter:

50. Kick out of school : EXPEL

53. Sound of little feet : PATTER

57. Murder mystery staple : BODY

59. Oscar winner Sorvino : MIRA

62. __ cotta : TERRA. Unglazed earthenware. Click here if you'll be in Chicago now through January 8, 2017.

63. Digital reading, for short : E-MAG

66. Firestone product : TIRE

67. Involve : ENTAIL

68. Holy mlle. : STE. Sainte = French for holy, or saint.

69. Mail-routing abbr. : ATTN

70. Dangerous tropical fly : TSE-TSE

71. Distress letters : SOS



1. From the top : AGAIN

2. "I'm stumped!" : DUNNO

3. How music may be sold : ON CDS

4. Some wine-and-dine sorts : WOOERS

5. Misspell or misspeak : ERR

6. Spatter catchers : BIBS. Tried LIDS first, making more of a mess in that section.

7. Concoct, with "up" : COOK

8. Give the go-ahead : ALLOW

9. L.A. rail and bus service : METRO

10. Official seal : CACHET

12. It's pumped in gyms : IRON

13. Hint of hunger : PANG

18. "Another card, please" : HIT ME

24. Tennis great Agassi : ANDRE

26. Sitcom set in Korea : MASH. Bummed it disappeared from Netflix so quickly.

28. Pear variety : BOSC

29. Like a cryptogram : CODED

31. Pakistan neighbor : IRAN

32. Justice Dept. employee : ATTY

33. Creepy look : LEER

34. Upscale hotel chain : OMNI

37. Lose strength over time : FADE

38. Go through entirely : USE UP

41. Auto ad no. : MSRP

45. Ward off : DETER

47. Space station supply : OXYGEN

49. Dairy farm animals : CATTLE

51. Irish nationalist Robert : EMMET. Unknown to me.  

52. Creditors' claims : LIENS

54. Rapunzel feature : TRESS

55. Muse of poetry : ERATO

56. Furrow-making tools : RAKES

57. Software prototype : BETA

58. Leave off the list : OMIT

60. Rank according to ability, say : RATE

61. Pre-med subj. : ANAT

65. Family nickname : SIS

Jun 6, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016 Janice Luttrell

Theme: Fresh start to the week - The start of the unifier can also be the start to the start of the theme entries.

17A. Enter like a debutante : BREEZE INTO. Fresh Breeze.

23A. Keep a lawn moist : WATER THE GRASS. Fresh Water

53A. Deflate the overconfidence of : CUT DOWN TO SIZE. Fresh Cut.

63A. New beginning ... and what the first words of 17-, 23- and 53-Across can literally have : FRESH START

Argyle here. I started an expo but spent my time on the write-up instead.


1. Single-celled lab specimen : AMEBA

6. Sultan of __: Babe Ruth : SWAT

10. Machine-mixed ice-cream beverage : MALT. Okay, snack time. 30A. Ring-shaped fried veggies : ONIONS. 40A. Round veggie : PEA. 69A. Roast, on le menu : RÔTI(rôti de bœuf). 44D. Asian dish topped with crushed peanuts : PAD THAI. 46D. Cereal served hot : OATMEAL. 50D. Fish eggs : ROE. 51D. Absorbs with bread, as gravy : SOPS UP. Some poi? 67D. Island party : LUAU. Thirsty? 21A. Toga party barrel : KEG

14. Sun-bleached : FADED

15. Pass in soccer but not in football : KICK

16. Singer India.__ : ARIE. 61 Rampy, if you're still with us, there's a nice Corvair in the video.

19. Debussy's "Clair de __" : LUNE

20. Focus of psychoanalysis : SELF

22. Vinyl collectible : ALBUM

27. Comedy duo Key & __ : PEELE. Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele.

29. Midday snooze : SIESTA

32. __ on the back : PAT

33. Sting operation : TRAP

37. Where Hillary was a sen. : NYS. (New York State)

38. Airer of old films : TCM. (Turner Classic Movies)

42. Best pitcher in the rotation : ACE

43. Shocked reaction : GASP

45. Brazilian port : RIO

The beach looks clean here.

47. Search __: online tool : ENGINE

49. WrestleMania venues : ARENAs
52. Electroshock weapon : TASER

57. __ of the Union address : STATE

58. Velocity meas. : MPH

59. Pilate's "Behold!" : "ECCE!"

62. Georgia __ : TECH. Georgia Institute of Technology, one of the oldest and most respected polytechnical universities, is in Atlanta.

66. Vicinity : AREA

68. Hog hangouts : STIES

70. Shrill bark : [YELP!]

71. "Peter Pan" girl : WENDY


1. Homes for mil. jets : AFBs. (Air Force Base)

2. Female horse : MARE

3. Flower in a "Sound of Music" song title : EDELWEISS

4. Bovine hybrid : BEEFALO. Leftover from Sunday's puzzle?

5. Wood shaper with a broad blade : ADZ

6. Slalom racers : SKIERS

7. Men's dress shoe : WINGTIP

8. Work onstage : ACT

9. Boxing ref's ruling : TKO. (technical knockout)

10. Teen hanging out among shoppers : MALL RAT

11. Netherlands Antilles resort island : ARUBA

12. Lucy's blanket-toting brother : LINUS. "Peanuts" Their last name is van Pelt.

13. Swarms (with) : TEEMS

18. __ out: barely make : EKE

22. Ten-percenter: Abbr. : AGT. (agent)

24. Circus covering : TENT

25. Unlikely auto trade-in : HEAP. They have been known to have been donated to charities with a considrable inflated value.

26. Lauder of cosmetics : ESTÉE

27. Vintage video game : PONG

28. One-named Irish singer : ENYA. She did "Orinoco Flow" and Orinoco was in Sunday's puzzle.(part of a clue)

31. Carpentry fastener : SCREW

34. Engage in high jinks : RAISE CAIN

35. Unpopular spots in school? : ACNE

36. Social equal : PEER

39. Wisc. neighbor : MINN.

41. Not in favor of : ANTI

48. Texarkana daily : GAZETTE

53. Certain red giant : C STAR

54. In __: not yet born : UTERO

55. "Be silent," in music : TACET. Akin to TACIT.

56. "Be silent!" : "SHH!"

60. Rep on the street : CRED. (credibility)

61. Website featuring handicrafts :

63. Angler's lure : FLY

64. Deeply regret : RUE

65. NNE's opposite : SSW


Jun 5, 2016

Sunday June 5, 2016 Paul Coulter

Theme: "Hybrid Crossings" - Each Down theme entry crosses the hybrid word it forms. Like so:

22A. Without 3-Down, artful deception : SMOG (Smoke + Fog) AND MIRRORS. 3D. Driving hazard : FOG. Original phrase is "smoke and mirrors"'

37A. Without 32-Down, stinging insects : ORANGE (Yellow + Red) JACKETS. 32D. __ alert : RED. Yellow jacket. 

52A. Without 30-Down, separate matter altogether : MULE (Horse + Donkey) OF A DIFFERENT COLOR. 30D. Critter orchestrally imitated in Grofé's "Grand Canyon Suite" : DONKEY. Horse of a different color.  Both DONKEY and SPOON intersect two themers.
73A. Without 76-Down, arrive where one must decide between options :
COME TO A SPORK (Spoon + Fork) IN THE ROAD. 76D. Aid in a stirring experience : SPOON. Come to a fork in the road.

 90A. Without 90-Down, be evasive : SKORT (Skirt + Shorts) THE ISSUE. 90D. Golfer's garb : SHORTS. Skirt the issue. = Skort.

110A. Without 100-Down, classic children's novel : CHARLOTTE'S BLOG (Web + Log)  100D. Shipboard account : LOG. Charlotte's Web.

Heavy themage. Grid spanners are OK for 15*15, but somehow they're tougher to deal with for a Sunday puzzle. And Paul has added pressure of making the intersection work.

You might think those Down themers are short and won't present too much problem for the constructor. But they must intersect with the hybrid words. FOG cannot cross the O in MIRRORS. RED can not cross the E in JACKETS.

Brilliant construction. I'm totally in awe.


1. Personal ad abbr. : SWF. The movie is scary.

4. Dry and crack : CHAP

8. Film rating org. : MPAA

12. Muse of comedy : THALIA. Needed crossing help.

18. 1986 Gene Hackman film : HOOSIERS. What's your favorite Gene Hackman movie?

20. Paths for three-pointers : ARCS

21. "The Truth About Cats & Dogs" genre : ROM-COM
24. Gone : USED UP

25. Usher's creator : POE. Googled afterwards. Not familiar with the short story "The Fall of the House of Usher".

26. Actress Hatcher : TERI

27. Left end? : IST. Leftist.

28. "The X-Files" extras : G-MEN. Normally a clue for ETS.

29. Shallow crossing point : FORD

31. Dress : ENROBE

33. Cocktail hour array : DIPs. Was picturing drinks.

34. Prefix meaning "bee" : API
41. Bit of public relations deception : SPIN. Also 70. Trickery : DECEIT

42. Discussion group : PANEL

44. Ran quickly : DARTED

45. Others, on the Orinoco : OTRAS. Or OTROS.

46. Revealing, as some gowns : BACKLESS. So pretty.

49. Name again : RE-APPOINT

57. Maker of ProX skin products : OLAY. Gimme for ladies.

58. Where balls are often caught : MIDAIR

59. Catch but good : NAIL

60. Engine part : CAM

61. "The Waste Land" monogram : TSE

63. The King : ELVIS

65. "Errare humanum __" : EST. Latin for "to err is human".

66. Poll no. : PCT (Percent)

69. Ratted : TOLD

72. Field of study : AREA

80. Original model : ARCHETYPE. Great entry.

81. It counts : NEATNESS. Not abacus.

82. Gave a darn : CARED

83. Lazy : OTIOSE. Not a word I use.

88. Repeated phrase in Ecclesiastes : A TIME. Stumped me.

89. Latin wings : ALAE

94. U.K. award : OBE. Or MBE.

95. Vulnerable bone for a catcher : SHIN

96. Uncommon : SCARCE

97. Poet Silverstein : SHEL

101. Valhalla VIP : THOR

102. Cholesterol initials : LDL

103. "Momo" author Michael : ENDE.  Have any of you read the book?

106. Winner's medalla : ORO

107. Unlike golf, as a rule : INDOOR. We had a indoor driving range near Fleet Farm. Gone now. Also 98D. Stroked into the cup : HOLED
114. Absolute ruler : DESPOT

115. Native Rwandan : HUTU

116. Religious dissensions : HERESIES

117. Little hooters : OWLETS

118. Blood type, briefly : O NEG

119. Giant great : MAYS (Willie). Quite a few baseball references in this puzzle.

120. Poem originally performed with music : ODE


1. Stubby-legged Capp critter : SHMOO. Forgot. We had him before. Wiki says "Shmoos are delicious to eat, and are eager to be eaten."

2. Beau : WOOER

4. Theater : CINE

5. "The Birds" actress : HEDREN (Tippi)

6. Strong-__ : ARMING

7. Telepathy, e.g. : PSI. I don't get it. I wanted ESP.

8. Popular chocolate treat : MARS BAR

9. Defend from attack : PROTECT

10. Spanning: Abbr. : ACR (Across)

11. Biblical beast : ASS

12. One-ups : TRUMPS

13. Takes to the cleaners ... or cleans : HOSES. Great clue.

14. "Right on!" : AMEN

15. Readout using polarized light, briefly : LCD

16. Chit : IOU

17. Band aid : AMP. Great clue also.

19. Rested, in a way : SAT

22. Sunscreen letters : SPF

23. Spanish wine region : RIOJA. Got via crosses.

28. "Scram!" : GIT

33. Pfeiffer of TV's "Cybill" : DEDEE. Sister of Michelle Pfeiffer.

34. Patriots' Day month : APRIL

35. Bench site : PIANO. Piano bench.

36. Orch. component : INSTR. OK, instrument.  Gluey entry.

38. Move, to a Realtor : RE-LO

39. Hebrew leader? : ALEF. First Hebrew letter.

40. LPGA star Cristie : KERR. She's Boomer's favorite LPGA player.

41. Happy hour seat : STOOL

42. Zahn of TV news : PAULA. Lots of names in Downs. Besides the above HEDREN, KERR, DEDEE, we also have 50. Actress Bening : ANNETTE. 54. Three-time Masters winner : FALDO (Nick). 56. Former NBA center Dampier : ERICK. 75. Hal of the 1985 World Champion Kansas City Royals : MCRAE. 77. Czech hockey player Nedved : PETR. 78. Lukas of "Witness" : HAAS. 110. Comic Margaret : CHO. Korean CHO is same as Chinese Zhao or Chao (as in Elaine Chao).

43. "That shut her up like __": Tennessee Williams : A CLAM

45. Footnote abbr. : OP. CIT.

46. Bowl game star, briefly : BMOC. "Big Man on Campus"

47. Like some service : SAME DAY

48. Reagan prog. : SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)

51. Fund-raising gps. : PTAs

53. Chemical suffix : IDE

55. Half a sawbuck : FIVER

61. Schlepped : TOTED

62. Place for a coin : SLOT. Boomer was solving the NYT crossword in our local paper, then told me that Will Shortz made a big mistake in the clue for GRANT [50s president]. He said Grant's presidency was in 60s and 70s. Ha ha.

64. Tre + tre : SEI

66. Preface : PROEM. Not INTRO.

67. Break off : CEASE

68. Small amounts : TADs

69. Little laugh : TEHEE

71. Setting for Dickens : INN

72. __ Army: links group : ARNIE'S. Finally met with Jack Nicklaus last summer. He was so easygoing.

73. Tree with pods : CACAO

74. GUM rival : ORAL B

79. Disbelieving accusation : ET TU

84. Words said while stretching, maybe : IT'S LATE. Great clue/fill.

85. Non-Rx med : OTC DRUG. Four consonants in a row.

86. Formal will : SHALL. Got me last time.

87. Always, in verse : E'ER
91. White wine aperitif : KIR

92. Summer cooler : ICE TEA. I've started to use ICE TEA rather than ICED TEA. Easy to say without the extra D in ICED.

93. Halter? : SENTRY. Halt-er.

95. Photograph : SHOOT

 99. Uneven, as a leaf's edge : EROSE
101. Drink too much : TOPE

104. Odd couple? : DEES. The two letters.

105. Letter with curves : ESS

107. Altar avowal : I DO

108. Green : NEW

109. Internet access letters : DSL

111. Follower of Attila : HUN

112. Omega, to a physicist : OHM

113. Many a Wikipedia article : BIO

Happy Birthday to dear TTP, who saved this blog from Google Hell a few years ago. TTP is a computer expert, also a sports nut. He has astonishing knowledge on baseball & football & bowling. He and his wife are avid golfers and gardeners. TTP also does his own home improvement projects. He's also a great cook. Now, Dave, find that perfect cake!


Jun 4, 2016

Saturday, Jun 4th, 2016, Gareth Bain

Theme: None

Words: 72 (missing B,J,Q,X)

Blocks: 32

  This would have been an even quicker solve had it not been for the rash of proper names - and the fact of the matter is that it's the "Bain" of today's offering from Gareth.  Not only did I count 13 or more in the puzzle, but they crossed, too, and if you didn't know, well, then, you just didn't know.  And I did not know three squares, which I have to call fun-sponge on.  Not a particularly intimidating grid, with 2 11's and 2 10's in the Across, and paired 10's in the Down;

25. Film for which Anthony Quinn won an Oscar : VIVA ZAPATA - Never saw the movie, but there is this clip from Ocean's 13 which I did know - and proper name #6

11. 1980s scandal : IRAN-CONTRA - I remembered this news item from my high school days, with Oliver North and (a gratuitous leg image of) Fawn Hall; my earliest recollection of "news" was ABSCAM, and Claus von Bülow's trial

26. Angel on one's shoulder, so to speak : INNER VOICE

56. Genre of Madonna's "Ray of Light" album : ELECTRONICA - I thought this referred to her "gospel" album, Like A Prayer, but no.  I do remember this song, and it's along the lines of the "electronica" I listen to these days.  The Wiki on "Ray of Light"



1. Indian state bordering Bhutan : ASSAM - filled via perps; proper name #1

6. Lab glassware eponym : PETRI - OK, a proper name, but I knew this one (#2)

11. AOL, e.g. : ISP - Internet Service Provider

14. Bridges : SPANS - got it; the verb, not the noun(s)

15. Hamal's constellation : ARIES - thought I got it with "ORION", and it jibed with POPS, ERAT, and TIN....but left me with a mess at the end - and proper name #3

16. Indianapolis' __ Dome : RCA - #4 or....

17. 2008 Jack Black title role : KUNG FU PANDA - #4~?

19. Shipping nickname : ARI - OK, I tried UPS....more at 41d.

20. Considers with disdain : SNEERS AT

21. Spoke quietly? : SIGNED - Sign language, very cute

23. Sch. with a Riverhead campus : LIU - Uh, OK, drew a blank on this one - and I literally live like 5 miles from it; in my defense, it's on the Suffolk County Community College Campus - #5~?

24. Lure : SEDUCE - dah~! Had ENTIce

30. Author Morrison : TONI - #7

32. Benz finish : ENE - too bad the space wasn't longer, as I was thinking "clear coat" - the 'finish' on a Mercedes-Benz.  Nope, just BenzENE

33. Tender in Warsaw : ZLOTY - thought it was a kopek - #8

34. Proceeds : WENDS - I had "GAINS", as in the proceeds from a sale

35. Georgia of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" : ENGEL - proper name #9, filled via perps

37. Bapt., e.g. : RELigion

38. Austrian composer Webern : ANTON - proper name #10; via perps

39. Pet problem? : PEEVE - not fooled

40. Some cake layers : TIERS

42. Grill guard : U.S. :: __ bar : Australia : ROO - Nailed it, but not too hard to figure out.  I know what an automotive grill(e) guard is, and just expanded the idea....

43. Span. title : SRTA

44. Holder of an affectionate message : CANDY HEART

46. Destructive type : VANDAL

48. JFK, for one : DEMocrat

49. Tidbit : MORSEL

50. Most like a dive : SEEDIEST

55. Richard __ : III - I had it, then took it out because it didn't jibe with EMI at 58a.

58. Longtime Elton John label : MCA - dah~!! Not EMI

59. Show shown over : RERUN

60. Discussion venue : FORUM

61. Poetic twilight : E'EN

62. Fluid accumulation : EDEMA

63. Ridges on the neck : FRETS - I was in the wrong wheelhouse when I filled in MANES, which I knew was wrong, but....and then when the answer was revealed, I felt even sillier, since I play guitar....


1. Wants in payment : ASKS - tragedy has struck; my Dodge Stratus snapped a ball joint on Sunday, and because of various other ailments, I think it's time to upgrade; 293,475 miles, and it does not owe me anything.  Now I am looking for a Dodge Caravan, and they are ASKING for $10-13K, used

2. Like some flax : SPUN

3. Levelheaded : SANE

4. German chancellor Merkel : ANGELA - proper name #11

5. "The Magic School Bus" teacher : Ms. FRIZZLE - never heard of the book, show, or her; the Wiki - and proper name #12

6. Family nickname : PAPA - yeah, POPA is not quite right

7. Proof word : ERAT - part of Q.E.D., frequently seen in crosswords

8. Element in some solder : TIN

9. Site of a major part of the Bible? : RED SEA - RODS-- was just not going to give me any positive result - and "part(ing)" should have clued me in

10. Start of a repeat : "I SAID..."

12. Bug barrier : SCREEN DOOR

13. Like a pro : PAID

18. Everyday : USUAL - here's the "usual" gratuitous leg image

22. "__ Morgen!" : GUTEN - das German~! (see, I can knock more than just Frawnche)

24. Arranged : STYLED

25. Nixon and Ford : VEEPS

27. Flier's request : VEGETARIAN

28. Classical entrance : PORTAL - I want a drawbridge and gate on my castle home when I build it

29. Used the dining room : ATE IN

31. Tot's rebuttal : "IS NOT~!!"

34. Cleaned : WASHED OFF

36. Novak's TV partner : EVANS - no clue, but a good WAG on my part - #13

41. Its first truck was a Ford Model A : RYDER - I did not know this; UPS' first vehicle was a Model T car

44. Canceled due to rain, say : CALLED

45. Key of Sibelius' First Symphony : E MINOR - you know the drill; fill in -M--OR, and wait; once I got "SEEDIEST", I knew it was not MAJOR

47. Big name on the farm : DEERE

49. One apparently trapped behind glass : MIME - couldn't find a Spinal Tap link

50. Pond build-up : SCUM

51. Peak west of the Ionian Sea : ETNA

52. The Auld Sod : EIRE

53. Rabbit's tail : SCUT

54. Highland tops : TAMS

57. "And Venus sets __ Mercury can rise": Pope : ERE
