, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Nov 16, 2016

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016 Bruce Haight

Theme: Naming Names. Five names-as-nouns entries identified by similarities in the cluing.

17A. Nerd's moniker : POINDEXTER. From "Felix the Cat", and later a character in "The Revenge of the Nerds".

25A. Detective's moniker : SHERLOCK.

"A man should keep his little brain attic stocked with all the furniture that he is likely to use, and the rest he can put away in the lumber-room of his library where he can get it if he wants."

The Five Orange Pips

39A. Traitor's moniker : JUDAS. Thirty pieces of silver was his price, according to some.

47A. Genius' moniker : EINSTEIN. 

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits".

60A. Old-timer's moniker : METHUSELAH. Also a wine bottle containing 8 standard bottles, or six liters. The bottle on the floor, second from the right, is one.

Greetings! No, you haven't blinked and missed Wednesday, Jazzbumpa and I traded blogging days this week so you'll see him tomorrow. This puzzle certainly felt like a Thursday though - it took me quite some time to get going, not helped by being unfamiliar with POINDEXTER and unable to get off the WEED WACKER idea. Nice theme, some solid longer non-theme entries too, especially TATTLETALES and ARMED ESCORT in the downs.

Let's see what else we've got:


1. New England NFLers : PATS. The Patriots. And the only franchise not geographically aligned to a city or a state, but a region.

5. Workforce : STAFF

10. __ salad : TACO

14. Cornell who founded Cornell : EZRA. Who are Better than Ezra? These guys.

15. Actress Tierney : MAURA. Thank you, crosses.

16. Passionate god : AMOR. This one threw me for a loop, being neither Eros nor Cupid.

19. Unexciting : TAME

20. Actress Gabor : EVA. Along with sisters Magda and Zsa Zsa.

21. Blends : OLIOS

22. Destination for the last flight? : ATTIC. Enjoyed unraveling this one. Clever clue.

23. In the cellar : LAST. Bottom of a league table. From the attic to the cellar in one fell clue.

27. Speak to : ADDRESS

30. Michelle who was the youngest female to play in a PGA Tour event : WIE. She was the youngest person at 10 years old to play in the US Amateur, and she never wanted to stop testing herself against better and better competition. She won the US Women's Open in 2014, having graduated from Stanford while still finding time to play professional golf. Quite a role model.

31. Bubbles up : FOAMS

32. Didn't like leaving : HATED TO GO

38. Ending for marion : -ETTE

40. Gung-ho : AVID

41. Lawn-trimming tool : WEED EATER. The inventor's grandson, Mark Ballas, is a professional ballroom dancer on "Dancing with the Stars".

43. Anti-inflammatory brand : ALEVE

44. Sixth sense, initially : E.S.P.

45. Coming to a point : TAPERED

52. Bonny one : LASS

53. Captain Kirk's "final frontier" : SPACE

54. Young zebras : FOALS

56. "Gross!" : EWW

59. __ avail: fruitless :  TO NO

62. Skunk cabbage feature : ODOR. Even the latin name sounds unpleasant: Symplocarpus foetidus.

63. More flimsy, as an excuse : LAMER

64. Ballet move : PLIÉ.

65. Attention getter : PSST! Checho with 55D

66. Krispy __ : KREME

67. Man, but not woman : ISLE. Lies between England and Ireland in the Irish Sea. Nigel Mansell, who won both the Formula 1 world motor racing championship and the Indy Car World Series, was a volunteer policeman on the island while he was still a racing driver and reportedly enjoyed writing speeding tickets with the comment "Who do you think you are, Me?".


1. First name in skunks : PEPE

2. Sea of __: Black Sea arm : AZOV. Tried ARAL first which slowed me down.

3. Court calendar entry : TRIAL DATE

4. __ Diego : SAN

5. Silvery food fish : SMELTS. I thought "smelt" was the plural but Webster's has both.

6. Airport waiter : TAXI

7. Dealership lot array : AUTOS

8. At risk of being slapped : FRESH

9. A long way : FAR


11. Former New York senator Al D'__ : AMATO

12. Word with book or opera : COMIC

13. "Clean Made Easy" vacuum brand : ORECK

18. Pill amounts : DOSES

22. Like Death Valley : ARID

24. Bodyguard, typically : ARMED ESCORT. I had a bodyguard once on a business trip to Mexico City back in the '90s when kidnapping was becoming a serious problem. The guy was armed to the teeth.

26. Lambs' moms : EWES

27. Not many : A FEW

28. Indulge, with "on" : DOTE

29. Sealed tight : SHUT

33. Summer cooler : ADE

34. Bakery offering : TART

35. Presents too aggressively : OVERSELLS

36. Cave in : GIVE

37. Pigged out (on), briefly : O.D.'ED. I'm not a big fan of this word, I don't even know how to punctuate it.

39. Taunting remark : JAPE. Leaning moment. I know jape as a prank, I didn't know it as a taunt.

42. Italian noble family : ESTE. Thank you, crosses. Not familiar with this family, although they date back to 996 so they've been around for long enough.

43. Take __: decline to participate : A PASS

46. Enticement : ALLURE

47. Prevent, in legalese : ESTOP. Yuk. Thumper and move on.

48. Apple players : IPODS

49. Compact 48-Down : NANOS. My first iPod was a Shuttle - even more compact, it didn't even have a display.

50. "My concern is ... " : I FEAR

51. "You've got the wrong person!" : NOT ME!

55. Attention getter : AHEM

57. Cry out loud : WAIL

58. "Look ma, no hands!" : WHEE. Followed by "Look ma, no teeth".

60. March on Washington monogram : M.L.K.

61. Prefix with gram : EPI-

"I don't believe in astrology. I'm a Sagittarius and we're very skeptical."—Arthur C. Clarke

I think that about does it for me today. See you back in my regular slot next week!


Nov 15, 2016

Tuesday, November 15 2016, Alex Eaton-Salners

Theme: Deep In The Weeds

16. Source of post-toilet training anxiety : BED WETTING

22. Surfer's destination : WORLD WIDE WEB
36. Great Depression recovery program : NEW DEAL

58. Desert plant suggested by this puzzle's circles : TUMBLE WEED

Melissa here. Appears to be a debut from Alex Eaton-Salners, and a pangram at that! For those without benefit of circles the theme might be a bit trickier - although all the theme answers are pretty gettable.  The word TUMBLE hints that the circled letters are anagrams. I had a little trouble in the southwest.


1. Wobbly dessert : JELLO. Cute clue.
6. Pal : BUB. Tried BUD first.
9. Vintner's tub : VAT
12. Birdlike : AVIAN
13. Drachma replacer : EURO
14. B&Bs : INNS

18. Use too much of, briefly : OD ON. (Overdose)
19. Many SAT takers : SR'S
20. Dashboard feature : DIAL
21. Reach through the air : FLY TO. This did not come easy.

25. Treat, as table salt : IODIZE
28. Major blood vessel : AORTA
29. Male in the hive : DRONE
30. Sharp-tasting : TART
32. Trailer park parkers : RV'S
35. Actor Cariou of "Blue Bloods" : LEN
39. Question of method : HOW
40. Letters on a law office door : ESQ
41. Purges (of) : RIDS
42. "The Hot Zone" virus : EBOLA
44. Quick-as-lightning Bolt : USAIN. Jamaican sprinter.

47. Apt to malfunction, as wiring : FAULTY
48. Youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II : PRINCE EDWARD
52. Illumination units : LUXES. Did not remember this one.
53. Have __: know someone : AN IN
54. "The Night Of" channel : HBO
57. Slender woodwind : OBOE

61. Dingbat : DITZ
62. Flat-package furniture chain : IKEA
63. River through western Germany : RHINE
64. Florida island : KEY
65. Video game initials : NES
66. Separates for the wash : SORTS


1. Quick punches : JABS
2. "Did you __?!" : EVER
3. The eyes have them : LIDS
4. Murphy's __ : LAW
5. Standard eggs purchase : ONE DOZEN
6. Play with Lincoln Logs, say : BUILD
7. Coffee hour vessel : URN
8. Peat source : BOG
9. Purple shade : VIOLET
10. Artist nicknamed the "Pope of Pop" : ANDY WARHOL
11. Govt. bill : T-NOTE
13. And others, in bibliographies : ET. AL.
15. Stuck-up sort : SNOB
17. Goodyear product : TIRE
21. Pres. who developed the 36-Across : FDR
22. Finish in front : WIN  

23. Stuff to sell : WARES
24. Itty bit : IOTA
25. Not employed : IDLE
26. Rock groups? : ORES
27. Man of La Mancha : DON QUIXOTE
30. Packing rope : TWINE
31. Say further : ADD
33. Chevy's plug-in hybrid : VOLT
34. Rock to music : SWAY
37. Great Lake bordering four states : ERIE
38. Knowledge seekers : LEARNERS
43. Flower source : BUD
45. Companion of Bashful : SNEEZY
46. Bldg. coolers : AC'S
47. Get no credit for, in school : FAIL
48. Walk heavily : PLOD
49. Big name in puzzle cubes : RUBIK. Could not remember how to spell this, tried X and Q first for the last letter. D'oh.
50. British noblewomen : DAMES
51. Where to see the Sun, the Sky and the Stars: Abbr. : WNBA
54. Will beneficiary : HEIR
55. Like an arm in a sling : BENT
56. Lyrical lines : ODES
58. Altoids container : TIN

59. Island strings : UKE. Ukelele.
60. Question of identity : WHO

Nov 14, 2016

Monday, November 14, 2016 Craig Stowe

Theme: No Reveal Monday - Theme entries start with related items.

17. Celebration with personnel: STAFF PARTY

29. Hangman man, e.g.: STICK FIGURE

44. React in the slightest way: BAT AN EYELID

60. Hoarse-voiced "Maggie May" singer: ROD STEWART

Argyle here and Craig (back so soon) Stowe. After last week, we needed a nice easy puzzle to start the week. Starting in the NW corner though gave me some doubts but it worked out alright.


1. Joined, as a team of oxen: YOKED

6. Per person: A POP

10. Pockmark, e.g.: SCAR

14. Bacteria in rare meat, maybe: E COLI. Big maybe. Unless the meat is ground, e coli can only be on the surface of your cut of meat.

15. Hockey score: GOAL

16. Get through tough times: COPE

19. Like certain inappropriate remarks: UN-PC

20. __ Destiny: 19th-century U.S. doctrine: MANIFEST. 8th grade US history, remember? No quiz ... this time.

21. Television host: EMCEE

22. Cloister members: NUNS

23. Title for Elton John: SIR

25. Young fellow: LAD

26. Sound from a flock: [BAA!]. Sound from a Scrooge: [BAH!]

32. More than enough: AMPLE + 46-Down. More than enough: LOTS OF

34. Alludes (to): REFERS

35. Exaggerated publicity: HYPE

36. Garish: SHOWY

38. Hospital helper: AIDE

41. Enter sneakily: EDGE IN

43. Not exactly: ABOUT

48. Born, on society pages: NÉE

49. Israeli weapon: UZI. Both machine guns. 58-Down. WWII weapon: STEN

50. Thurman of "Gattaca": UMA

51. Bygone automaker: OLDS

53. Knocks down completely: RAZES

55. Says over: ITERATES

59. Ticks off: IREs. Ha, it IRKed me.

62. Puts on TV: AIRS. Soon they will be airing Christmas airs. (I know that's un-pc.)

63. Norway's capital: OSLO

64. Sudden power increase: SURGE

65. Cut with a beam: LASE

66. Complaint: BEEF

67. Soup-eating utensil: SPOON


1. Polite rural reply: "YES'M"

2. Hexa- plus two: OCTA

3. Zen paradox: KOAN. A problem or riddle that admits no logical solution. Trekies know about this.

4. Spritelike: ELFIN

5. Scatter widely: DIFFUSE

6. Court great Andre: AGASSI

7. Word with "of entry" or "of call": PORT

8. Muesli morsel: OAT. Cool alliteration.

9. Two-__ tissue: PLY

10. Problem in a neglected pool: SCUM

11. Ending: CONCLUSION

12. Perform (in): APPEAR

13. Draw back, as one's hairline: RECEDE

18. Repressed, with "up": PENT, 52-Down. Escorted to the penthouse, say: SAW UP

21. Buffalo's lake: ERIE

23. Distort, as data: SKEW

24. Questionable: IFFY

26. "Phooey!": "BAH!" "Humbug!"

27. Comic/writer Schumer: AMY

28. Starters on a menu: APPETIZERS

30. Witch: CRONE

31. Snatch: GRAB

33. Woman seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan: LEDA

36. Look to be: SEEM

37. Casual greeting: "HI, YA"

39. Expected at the station: DUE

40. Nice summer?: Ã‰TÉ

42. Bearded beasts: GNUs

43. 221B Baker Street, e.g.: ADDRESS. The address of Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

44. Part of a time capsule ceremony: BURIAL

45. Hank who voices some "Simpsons" characters: AZARIA. Moe Szyslak, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Chief Wiggum, Comic Book Guy, Carl Carlson and numerous others.

47. "__ it get to me": I LET

54. Latin being: ESSE. (to be)

55. Eric of "Monty Python": IDLE

56. Hawaiian root: TARO

57. "And thus ... ": "ERGO ... "

60. Steal from: ROB

61. Suffix with rib- or lact-: OSE. Ribose is a pentose sugar. Lactose is sugar from milk.


Nov 13, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016 Alan Arbesfeld

Theme: "Jam Session" - Each theme entry is a pile up of items hinted by the first word in each clue.

22A. Traffic jam? : TOYOTA JEEP AUDI KIA FORD. Veteran solvers probably recall Merl Reagle's traffic jam puzzle. He had two lanes of cars all jammed up in a 21*21.

35A. Raspberry jam? : YOU STINK BOO HISS GO HOME. This one made me laugh.




111A. Paper jam? : GLOBE POST TIMES SUN NEWS. Newspapers.

So we have 6 spanners (total 126 theme squares) in a 134-word grid. Astonishing. We often see 142 or 144 worder with less than 100 theme squares.

Alan Arbesfeld is a veteran constructor. He has many many puzzles published by the New York Times and L.A. Times. He's also one of the constructors for the CrosSynergy puzzles. Look at those names, best in the business.


1. Best Supporting Actor nominee for "Forrest Gump" : SINISE. Lieutenant Dan.

7. Terra __ : FIRMA. Not COTTA.

12. Glass raiser's opening : A TOAST. We also have 77. Glass raiser's opening : HERE'S TO

18. Warren Buffett, for one : OMAHAN. Gary lives in Fremont.

19. Get off : DETRAIN. Do you actually use this word, or DEPLANE? 

21. Entertain at bedtime : READ TO

25. Giraffe cousin : OKAPI. Hello there!

26. Sitcom planet : ORK

27. Less concerned with your privacy : NOSIER. I don't get it. You get nosy when you're less concerned other's privacy, right?

28. Was second to none : LED

29. Like many Richard Matheson stories : EERIE

31. Holy : SACRED

33. Remains at the butcher : OFFAL

40. Ticks off : ANNOYS

41. Nashville venue : OPRY

42. Traditional tomato paste fruit : ROMA

43. Moldova currency : LEU. Romania's too. Albanian is LEK.

44. Just make : EKE OUT

47. Oversupply : GLUT

49. Pub order, briefly : IPA

58. Belgian expressionist James : ENSOR. Gimme for veteran solvers.

59. Fed lines : CUED

60. __ Mae : SALLIE. Same letter count as FANNIE & GINNIE.

61. Kim's last name, in Kipling's novel : O'HARA. No idea. Never read the novel.

64. U.S. Army specialists' underlings: Abbr. : PFCs

67. __ Mawr: Pennsylvania college town : BRYN

69. Braves, but not Indians, briefly : NLERS. Gluey entry.

70. Stinging crawler : RED ANT

72. Of the flock : LAIC

74. Moistening liquid : BASTE

83. Penn in NYC, e.g. : STN

84. 9, at times: Abbr. : SEPT (September). Tiny answer/clue dupe with 93. Many September births : VIRGOS

85. Modern research aid : GOOGLE. Let's see how long it takes Google engineers to solve this "Bad Request" issue. The blank/double dupe glitch has been on forever.

86. Praise that's usually not prose : ODE

87. New Look designer : DIOR

89. Rope fiber : HEMP

90. Follow-up to a finish : EPILOG

100. "Let's give __" : IT A GO. Three-part partial. 

101. Reach, as great heights : SOAR TO

102. Sock material : LISLE

103. Urgent knock : RAP

104. Morning prayers : MATINS. Have not seen this entry for a while, Lucina!

106. Pinky __ : TOE

107. Snap course : EASY A

116. Gretzky's first NHL team : OILERS. Boomer bought a fake Gretzky rookie card on Craigslist two years ago. Be careful about sports cards there.

117. Hot stuff : EROTICA

118. Pain in the side : STITCH

119. Stated with authority : SAID SO

120. Hamlet and others : DANES

121. Hong Kong airline __ Pacific : CATHAY. Used to take Cathay Pacific to Paris via Hong Kong.


1. Explorer Hernando de __ : SOTO
2. "Don't worry about me" : I'M OK

3. Poland Spring competitor : NAYA. What's your preferred water brand? Some of the caps are just so hard to open.  

4. "With any luck!" : I HOPE SO

5. Fullness : SATIETY

6. "Bambi" doe : ENA

7. Data-uploading initials : FTP (File Transfer Protocol). TTP just solved a thorny issue for my Ginger Roots blog last week. Man, a bad DKNY link can put a post in jail for three years.

8. Author Levin : IRA

9. Off-color, as a joke : RAUNCHY

10. Olympic skater Ito : MIDORI

11. Liqueur-flavoring plants : ANISES. I never grow anise, you?

12. Two-time Indy 500 champ Luyendyk : ARIE. We had him before.

13. Spot for a spot : TEAROOM. Hmm, dim sum.
14. Clumsy sort : OAF

15. Big name in menswear : ADOLFO. Are you a fan of this brand?

16. Transfer for immediate viewing : STREAM

17. Take baby steps : TODDLE. Is this a common verb form?

19. "Criminal Minds" agent Morgan : DEREK. Unknown to me.

20. Fearful sound : EEK

23. Participate : JOIN

24. Former apparel store with a backwards letter in its name : KIDS R US

30. Staircase components : RISERS

31. Absorb : SOP UP

32. __ valve: heart part : AORTIC

34. Govt. mortgage agency : FHA. Federal Housing Administration,

35. Beinecke Library site : YALE, Not familiar with the library.

36. Scott Turow memoir : ONE L

37. Coin word : UNUM

38. Hire : BOOK

39. Black-clad subculturists : GOTHS. There's a Lady Goth in our flea market. She wears the same black outfit every Sunday, for over 10 years. 

45. Surgeon general under Reagan : KOOP.  I'm thinking the next one will be Ben Carson.

46. Winter hat feature : EARFLAP

47. "The Waltons" actor Will : GEER

48. Insect making spotty appearances? : LADYBUG. Cute clue.

49. Just sitting, say : IDLE

50. Scissors need : PAIR

51. Son of Zeus : ARES

53. Wild : FERAL

54. Cockamamie : INANE

55. Central point : NUB

56. "The Divine Comedy" division : CANTO

57. Pompeo of "Grey's Anatomy" : ELLEN. She plays Dr. Grey.

61. Eyes, poetically : ORBS

62. Pressure : HEAT

63. Server's edge : AD IN. Tennis.

65. Amazon icon : CART

66. Bro or sis : SIB

68. Shaker contents, chemically : NACL

71. Boxing's "Iron Mike" : TYSON

73. Convincing : COGENT

75. '50s-'60s country singer McDonald : SKEETS. No idea. Was he popular then, D-Otto/Argyle?

78. "Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs" speaker : ROMEO. Deep thought from a 13-year-old.

79. 1995 comet observer : BOPP (Thomas Bopp). I drew a blank.

80. Kansas city: IOLA. I forgot. But our PK must knows. By the way, she can read all the posts/comments. She just can't comment. Her iMac is still sick.

81. Olfactory stimulus : ODOR

82. Requirements for prints, for short : NEGs

87. Was really into : DUG

88. Related compounds : ISOMERS

89. Author Zora Neale __ : HURSTON. We see NEALE often.

91. Cornmeal dish : POLENTA. You can't tempt me with Polenta!

92. "My mind is made up!" : I MEAN IT

94. List closing : ET ALIA

95. City near Monte Vesuvio : NAPOLI

96. Composed : POISED

97. Indian spiritual tradition : TANTRA

98. 2010 Literature Nobelist Mario Vargas __ : LLOSA. Peruvian novelist.

99. Road reversals, for short : UIEs

105. Lhasa __ : APSO

106. Gumshoe : TEC

108. First family brother : SETH

109. Female leadership org. : YWCA

110. Pale : ASHY

112. Bunk, e.g. : BED

113. Meteor tail? : ITE. Meteorite.

114. Start to represent? : MIS. Misrepresent. Jazzbumpa is averse to this type of clue, esp if the entries are wobbly.

115. Trojans' sch. : USC

Happy Birthday to the real Big Easy (George Simpson), who's an excellent golfer and volunteers at the Zurich Classic where he meets with Ernie Els every year. George and I made two puzzles for the L.A. Times, he was just amazing. A natural.

Big Easy and his wife Diane