, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 3, 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017 Brock Wilson

Theme: April Showers - from mist to inundation.

16A. Awkward situation: FINE HOW-DO-YOU-DO

24A. Weekly paycheck, e.g.: STEADY INCOME

46A. Golf practice facility: DRIVING RANGE

60A. Start of a hopeful rhyme about bad weather, and a hint to what the first word of 16-, 24- and 46-Across may describe: RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY

Argyle here. Brock continues to produce Monday puzzles with the same solve, three different words brought together by the unifier. Nothing wrong with that, plus, he provides me with swell set-ups for the theme titles.


1. Spiders' fly catchers: WEBS

5. It forms over a healing abrasion: SCAB

9. Casual talk: CHAT

13. Mine, to Marcel: À MOI

14. Batted ball into the dugout, say: FOUL

15. Lane at the Daily Planet: LOIS

19. Mournful poem: ELEGY

20. IDs shown at airports: LICENSES. Passports for international flights though.

21. Close tightly again: RESEAL

23. Business suit go-with: TIE

31. Pose a question: ASK

34. Actress Shire: TALIA. Yo! Adrian!

35. Courtroom hammer: GAVEL

36. Sheet music symbol: CLEF

38. Henry or Jane of "On Golden Pond": FONDA

40. Walrus feature: TUSK

41. Vague emanations: AURAs

43. Gymnast Comaneci: NADIA. She received a perfect score of 10.0 at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal.

45. Live __: Taco Bell slogan: MAS. "Live More!"

49. Bullring shout: ¡OLÉ!

50. Anatomical sculpture subjects: TORSOS, or TORSI but not TORSIS.

54. Signed, as a deal: AGREED TO

59. Skin transplant, e.g.: GRAFT

62. Catcher's glove: MITT

63. Swedish furniture giant: IKEA

64. Scrabble square: TILE

65. Hearty meal: STEW

66. Where Anna danced with the king: SIAM. "The King and I"

67. Doesn't feel well: AILS


1. Nilla product: WAFER

2. Novelist Zola: ÉMILE. I think it's time for Émile Zola to go back on the crossword shelf.

3. What fillets lack: BONES

4. All-out attacks: SIEGES

5. Northern Cal. airport: SFO. (San Francisco International Airport)

6. Monastic hood: COWL

7. Quattro automaker: AUDI

8. Political alliance: BLOC

9. Genetic duplication: CLONING

10. Shelter adoptee: HOUSECAT

11. Helper: AIDE

12. General __ chicken: TSO'S

17. High-end hotel chain: HYATT

18. Bigfoot cousin: YETI

22. Metaphorical new thing to "turn over": LEAF

25. As a companion: ALONG

26. Iraqi money: DINAR

27. When tripled, "and so on": YADDA, YADDA, YADDA.

28. Egg cell: OVUM

29. Flat-topped elevation: MESA

30. Lodge fellows: ELKS

31. Many a prep sch.: ACAD

32. Speak indistinctly: SLUR

33. Emmy nominee Russell of "The Americans": KERI. She's come a long way from the Mickey Mouse Club. Also she has nice 61D. Pinup's leg: GAM

37. Underdog's opposite: FAVORITE

39. "__ Misbehavin'": AINT

42. Feature of words beginning with "wr": SILENT W

44. Disco era term: À GO-GO

47. At no time, to bards: NE'ER

48. List of mistakes: ERRATA

51. 2005 slasher film sequel: SAW II

52. Considering everyone: OF ALL

53. Eyelid maladies: STYES

54. Weapons: ARMS

55. Trot or gallop: GAIT

56. Orator's platform: DAIS

57. Polynesian carving: TIKI

58. Most eligible for service: ONE A


Note from C.C.:

Dear Agnes (Irish Miss) made her New York Times crossword debut today. Congrats, Agnes!

Eileen (sister of Agnes) & Agnes, Nov 22, 2013

Apr 2, 2017

Sunday April 2, 2017 John Lampkin

Theme: "All in Favor" - PRO is added to each theme entry.

23A. Website search response with an attitude? : PAGE NOT PROFOUND. Page Not Found error.  Normally the author has removed or moved that page.

37A. Competition at the geometry fair? : PROTRACTOR PULL. Tractor pull.

54A. "A penny saved is hardly worth the effort"? : IRREGULAR PROVERB. Irregular verb.
81A. "I'll give you five bucks for your Egyptian water lily"? : LOTUS PROPOSITION. Lotus position.

98A. Positively charged vehicle? : ONE- PROTON TRUCK. One- ton truck.

117A. Miscreant handling letters? : MAIL IN REPROBATE. Mail- in rebate. The only entry where PRO is inserted inside a word.

16D. Quality control job at a maraschino factory? : PROBING CHERRIES. Bing cherries.

42D. Feature of Charlie Brown's head? : CIRCULAR PROFILE. Circular file.

We have total 120 theme squares in a 138-word grid. The average themage for LAT is about 94-100. Average word count is between 142 and 144. Doesn't look like a lot to non-pros, but it's very hard to reduce word count on Sundays. 

I mentioned before that this addition/deletion type works best when the new word is not related to the old word etymologically. John did just like that.

He also intersected two long themers. And of course, John's trademark cluing style: clue echoes, wordplay, fun & vivid clue images.

1. Worker on the floor : TILER

6. Second-rarest blood type, briefly : B NEG. Any B- or AB- on our blog?

10. Really big : VAST

14. Worked at home : UMPED. Great clue.

19. "Lordy me!" : I DO DECLARE. Never used "Lordy me!"

21. "Hamilton" accolade : OBIE. You wanted TONY?

22. "Ici on __ français" : PARLE. Speaks. Also 37D. Famille member : PERE

25. Spirits strength : PROOF.  Drinks.

26. Seven Wonders lighthouse : PHAROS. Got via crosses. Could only think of Alexandria.

27. They often have runners : SLEDS. Another great clue.

28. Mite : WEE BIT

29. "Round __ virgin ... " : YON. "Silent Night".

30. "My turn" : I'M UP

33. "Guys and Dolls" composer : LOESSER (Frank)

36. Archipelago part: Abbr. : ISL (Island)

40. Marshal at Waterloo : NEY (Michel). Learned this guy from doing crosswords. Had Bob Ney not been involved in the Jack Abramoff scandal, he would be a power player today and we would have had a great clue for NEY.

 41. Pre-A.D. : BCE

43. "So long" : SEE YA

44. Vexing : IRKING

46. Ballerina Shearer : MOIRA

48. Like some out-of-favor suffixes : FEMININE. Like ETTE. Got me.

52. Lats relatives : PECS

58. You, at one time : THEE

60. "In a __" : SEC

61. Burkini wearer, perhaps : ARAB

62. Saltimbocca herb : SAGE. Never had Saltimbocca,

63. Acquiesce : ASSENT

65. Moo __ pork : SHU. Never heard of this dish until I came to the US.

66. "'Scuse Me While __ This Guy: and Other Misheard Lyrics": Gavin Edwards book : I KISS

68. Fella : SPORT. New meaning of "sport" to me.

71. Booster's cry : RAH

72. 89-Across' Illinois headquarters : MOLINE. And 89. Farm equipment giant : DEERE

74. Primary part : LEAD

78. Germ's future? : IDEA. This clue so John.

79. 66, e.g.: Abbr. : RTE

80. Carrier known for tight security : EL AL

86. Spanish 101 word : ERES. You are.We also have 75. Spanish pronoun : ESA.

88. Gorilla, for example : GREAT APE
90. Actress __ Sue Martin : PAMELA

92. Do fair work : GET A C

95. Mule's father : ASS

96. Cabinet dept. : AGR

103. Also : TOO

104. "Probably ... " : ODDS ARE

105. River past Logroño : EBRO. Not familiar with Logroño. Northern Spain. We also have 4. River of Germany : EDER

106. Sun or moon : ORB

109. Obliterate : EFFACE. I've only used "self-effacing".

111. Outfit again : RE-RIG

114. Hall of Fame second baseman Roberto : ALOMAR. When I first came here (2001), he was with the Indians. So was CC Sabathia.

116. "If I Were __ Man" : A RICH

121. Fracas : MELEE

122. Chow : EATS

123. Overhear : LISTEN IN ON. Have you used a bug detector, Anon- TTP?

124. Ranked tournament players : SEEDS

125. "Let's Get It On" singer : GAYE

126. Many 99-cent purchases : APPS. Might stump those who are not into tablets/smartphones.

127. Stretch : STINT

1. Unstable : TIPPY

2. Snake state : IDAHO

3. New England touchdown site : LOGAN. Not Gillette Stadium.

5. "The Bathers" artist : RENOIR. Saw it at Musée d'Orsay.

6. Short lunch order? : BLT

7. Midday refresher : NAP. Not TEA.

8. Writes ths clue, say : ERRS. Self-referential.

9. Rock sci. : GEOL. Field of Misty's husband.

10. __ doll : VOODOO

11. One overstepping bounds : ABUSER. And 12. Seriously overstepped bounds : SIN

13. Brother of Jack and Bobby : TED. The Kennedys.

14. What may be stiff when trouble arises? : UPPER LIP. Fun clue.

15. Farm girl : MARE. This clue makes me smile also.
17. Plaza Hotel imp : ELOISE

18. With skill : DEFTLY

20. Sagan series : COSMOS

24. Touched : FELT

28. Bandleader Lawrence : WELK

31. Sport-__ : UTE

32. Modular homes : PREFABS

34. Holder of disks : SPINE

35. More steady : SURER

38. British philosopher A.J. : AYER. No idea. Wiki says he's known for "logical positivism".

39. Sides sharing views : CAMPS. Oh as in Sanders Camp/Clinton Camp.

41. Mining passage : BOREHOLE. Also a learning moment for me. I sure don't want to go in.

45. Migratory bird banding equipment : NETS. What is "banding", D-Otto?

46. Homecoming query : MISS ME?

47. "Encore!" : AGAIN

49. Lyricist Gershwin : IRA

50. Eggy quaff : NOG

51. Composer Charles : IVES

53. Hill hundred : SENATORS

55. Classic TV nerd : URKEL. "Family Matters".

 56. Chou En-__ : LAI. Probably the best loved politician in China. He protected many good people from being prosecuted during Cultural Revolution.

57. Denudes : BARES

59. Fruit-ripening gas : ETHENE. I tried to put bananas & apples in a brown bag to hasten the ripening. Never seemed to help much. Unlike Bill G, I prefer bananas with plenty of brown spots

64. Prim and proper : STAID

67. Revolve on an axis : SLUE

69. Lab dispenser : PIPETTE.. Another learning moment for me.

70. Prefix with meter : ODO

73. Intestinal divisions : ILEA

76. Suitable : APT

77. "Rocky IV" boxer Ivan __ : DRAGO. This stumped me last time.

82. Watched at the beach, maybe : OGLED

83. Hems in : TRAPS

84. Transparent : OPEN

85. Deck wood : TEAK

87. Osculates : SMOOCHES. Do you osculate in real life? It's a new word to me. I actually read it as "oscillate".

91. German finale : ENDE

93. Wall St. hedger : ARB (Arbitrager)

94. Arrow poison : CURARE.Another learning moment.

96. You won't find subs on them : A TEAMs

97. Get out : GO FREE

99. Hole-in-one, for one : RARITY. And 110. Got a hole-in-one on : ACED

100. Otherwise : OR ELSE

101. Actress Hatcher : TERI

102. Time periods? : COLONS .Had to ask dear Santa, who gave me this: Today, 8 : 29 AM

106. Muscat native : OMANI

107. Give up to the cops : RAT ON

108. Retired sportscaster Musburger : BRENT

112. At a Dodger game, for short : IN LA

113. Handle : GRIP

115. Parting words? : OBIT

117. Bit of RAM : MEG. OK, short for megabyte.

118. Drivers' org. : AAA. Not PGA.

119. What Zener cards purportedly tested for : ESP

120. NBA nos. : PTs

Apr 1, 2017

Saturday, Apr 1st, 2017, Brad Wilber

Theme: None

Words: 70 (missing J,Q,Y)

Blocks: 32

  We have not seen a solo Saturday from Brad since 2015; he contributed on two Saturdays last year.  I struggled with this one from Mr. Wilber, mostly by filling in the wrong answers on my first pass, and unwilling to let  them go.  Lots of one-word clues which can run into ambivalence and vagueness very quickly One 13-letter and two 11-letter spanners, chunky 8x6 corners in the NW and SE, and almost triple 8s in the opposing down corners.  Separation of the corners from the rest of the puzzle made it difficult to move from one area to another, too.  Some of the longer fill;

35a. Chart-topping instrumental of '76: THEME FROM SWAT

32a. Headed for a stall, quite possibly: OVERHEATING

38a. Time's Best Comedy Sketch of the 20th Century: WHO'S ON FIRST

19d. Fish with a prehensile tail: SEAHORSE

23d. Essentially:  IN EFFECT

24d. 1992 Nestle acquisition: PERRIER


April FOOLs~!

And now for the real puzzle....

Saturday, April 1st, 2017, Bruce Haight

Theme: Gotcha~!!!

Words: 72 (missing J,Q,V,W,X,Z)

Blocks: 29

Sorry, I couldn't resist~!  Three out of four weeks with a Bruce for a constructor - isn't that the nick-name for any guy from Australia~?  Anyway, a slightly themed puzzle for today, with a clever visual in the grid depicting something akin to the last Across clue featuring escalator; S T A I R S.  As for the rest of the challenge, it was looking grim on the first pass, but again, I did better with my first Down pass, which gave me something to work with on my second go.  Finished within my personal time, and nary a cheat or Google.  Chunky 8x8 and 6x6 corners with an ascending trio of "escalators" in the center.  Some of the longer fill;

15a. Slender smoke : PANATELA - I am making my way through Jonathan Kellerman's Alex Delaware novels, and his detective, Milo Sturgis, occasionally smokes a panatela

11d. Concert tix flashed at a singles bar, say : DATE BAIT - never heard the phrase; if they're offering Rangers tickets, I'm in - I hope she would be, too....

32d. It could involve a disappearance : MAGIC ACT

57. Like an escalator, and, aptly, like the six-letter word that begins where 40-Across ends : AT A SLANT



1. Shuttle facility : SPACE LAB

9. Auto shop purchase : RADIAL - I suppose "tire shop" would have been too easy for Saturday

16. Thorny shrub : ACACIA

17. Emotionally withdrawn : IN A SHELL

18. Buries : INTERS - I tried EMBEDS

19. Little laughter : TITTER

20. In a pinch : IF NEED BE

22. Autumn shade : OCHER - oops, not OCHRE

23. Many profs : PHDs

24. Oktoberfest supply : BIER

25. Transportation option : UBER

26. Whopper inventor : LIAR - ah, that kind of whopper....

27. Unites for a purpose : BANDS - usually with "together"

28. Jaunty topper : TAM


29. __ golf : MINI - oh, I would have gone with SKIRT; at least it could be answered MAXI, too

30. Ja, across the border : OUI - Yes, in German and Frawnche

31. Beezus' little sister, in Cleary books : RAMONA - learned from doing crosswords

33. Perfect : SPOT ON - I had SUPERB first, but then wondered if it was the verb perfect, and not the adjective perfect

36. Proper : APT

37. Delight at the comedy club : SLAY

38. Super __ : PAC - ugh, I had no clue

40. Hitches : SNAGS

43. Punxsutawney headliner : PHIL - the groundhog winter/spring weather forecaster for all of us, located in PA

44. Default result : REPO - default on payments

45. Doughnuts, geometrically : TORI - Latin plural of torus

46. "Growing Up in New Guinea" author : MEAD - just had to guess the "A"

47. Joint component : TENON - partnered with Mortise.  I am buying a biscuit joiner this weekend for two projects - fixing a split table, and building a new side station top

48. Hatchling from a green egg : EMU CHICK

50. Art incorporating architectural elements : MURALS - I considered this, and then it filled via perps

51. Judge's declaration : NO BAIL

52. Rule with many exceptions : I BEFORE E - seen this recently, too

54. Software giant : ORACLE

55. Yak, yak, yak : RATTLE ON

56. One way to break the news : GENTLY


1. Say scornfully : SPIT OUT

2. Emergency exit device : PANIC BAR

3. Something detested : ANATHEMA

4. Furniture mover : CASTER

5. Heavens : ETHER

6. Creepy look : LEER

7. Entirely : ALL

8. Its sung in the same act as "Some Enchanted Evening" : BALI HA'I

9. Comes down : RAINS - yesterday and today, in my neck of the woods

10. Unpopular spots : ACNE

12. Stuck at the ski lodge, maybe : ICED IN - run away Tin~!

13. Sack for company? : AIRBED

14. Surgical tools : LASERS

21. Wartime prez : FDR

23. Fruity cocktail word : PIÑA

26. Fuzz : LINT

27. Lift : BUOY - good WAG on my part from the "Y"

29. Challenging locks : MOPS

30. Colorful ring tone producer? : OPAL - I watched this cool NOVA episode on gems while I was in Delaware

33. Arrived home evasively : SLID

34. Clearing : OPEN AREA

35. Layered dessert : NAPOLEON

37. Colombian singer formerly a coach on "The Voice" : SHAKIRA

39. Agree : CONSENT

40. Hearing aid, briefly? : STENOGrapher - a bit meh, but the clue sort of salvages the "non-word" fill

41. "That's it for me" : NO MORE - "NO MORE  for me thanks, I'm drivin'"

Daffy Duck

42. Oranjestad native : ARUBAN

43. Pumping target, for short : PECtoral

44. Casino table do-over : RE-ROLL - I had REDEAL to start, slowed down the SE corner

46. Daughter of Billy Ray : MILEY

47. Medford school with a Boston campus : TUFTS - perps.  I work at UPS in Medford, LI - but it's not the same place....

49. Tobogganing spot : HILL

50. Prefix with carpal : META

53. Swing in a box : BAT - Baseball reference; I am sure C.C. is all keyed up for the new season


Mar 31, 2017

Friday, March 31,2017, Andrew Woodham

Title: It is Greek to me

I love this first time puzzle from Andrew Woodham, who we invite to stop by and tell us more. As you all know I love word play puzzles and this adds a new variation by using sound alike Greek letters to replace words in known phrases. Each of the three themers uses two letters to replace the beginning of each phrase. The reveal is the simple referential answer GREEK LETTERS. We also have some nice fill RECEIVE,  LAB TEST,  ZEROES IN,  SHOTGUNS, SNARE DRUMS  and LIQUID SOAP to finish off this debut. Many of the short fill are clearly clued to make sure this Friday is not too easy.

20A. Unused car using some 56-Across? : NU ALPHA ROMEO (12). NEW ALFA ROMEO is clued appropriately.

35A. Movies using some 56-Across? : PSI PHI FILMS (11). SCI-FI FILMS

42A. Compulsive sort using some 56-Across? : PI RHO MANIAC (11). PYROMANIAC.

56A. "Antigone" characters? : GREEK LETTERS (12).

The 2500 plus year old play by Sophocles is the somewhat hidden reveal.


1. Serious service : MASS. Religion, no comment.

5. Toaster opening? : HERE'S. My first thought was "popup."

10. Moxie : ZEAL. Meh.

14. Settled down : ALIT.

15. Treasure : ADORE. Je t'aime, je t'adore.

16. Crop, say : EDIT. Pictures.

17. Taboo : NO NO.

18. Parade instruments : SNARE DRUMS. Begun with snare drums, but they were led by  trombones.

22. It can be bid : ADIEU. Hopefully is a fond one.

23. Coin toss winner's option : RECEIVE. NFL.

27. Large Eurasian group : SLAVS. But where are the Northern SLAVS?

31. Very, to Puccini : ASSAI. Italian word.

32. DJIA company alphabetically following Home Depot : IBM. The THIRTY.

38. PC alternatives : MACS.

40. Dreamers have big ones : IDEAS.

41. A scarf can protect it : NAPE.

45. Yahoo! alternative : MSN. Nope, replaced by Microsoft Edge.

46. "Silas Marner" author : ELIOT. This woman who reminds me of Amy Farrah Fowler.

47. Static source : DRYER.

49. Doctor's order : LAB TEST. I have had more than my share this year.

52. Latin dance : SAMBA. Samba is a Brazilian musical genre and dance style, with its roots in Africa via the West African slave trade and African religious traditions, particularly of Angola and the Congo, through the samba de roda genre of the northeastern state of Bahia, from which it derived. Wiki.

60. Dawn, for example : LIQUID SOAP.

63. Place for pins and needles : ETUI.

64. Amazon ID : ISBN.  International Standard Book Number.

65. Unlimited free mileage pioneer : ALAMO. Part of the building of a success story for the Florida based COMPANY.

66. Mapmaking name since 1872 : RAND. Cannot forget McNally.

67. What much insurance covers : LOSS.

68. Family nicknames : NANAS.

69. Wild plum : SLOE.


1. Heavenly food : MANNA.

2. Audibly : ALOUD.

3. Decalogue delivery site : SINAI.  Deca=10: Logue=laws.

4. Wraps not made in delis : STOLES. Do women wear them any more?

5. Jumble : HASH.

6. Poet __ St. Vincent Millay : EDNA. She wrote, " My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -- it gives a lovely light!"

7. 2013 Katy Perry chart-topper : ROAR.

8. Diamond mishap : ERROR. Baseball.

9. Teacher's note : SEE ME. The dreaded note.

10. Focuses (on) : ZEROES IN. Back again. Maybe as wiki suggests the phrase comes from adjusting a sighting mechanism of a firearm to minimise the discrepancy between where the sight points and where a bullet lands on a target. 12D. Focus : AIM. clecho

11. Part of an academic address : EDU.

13. 62-Down protectors : LTS. Since most quarterbacks are right handed, the "blind side" tackle is critical.  LINK. 39D. Common football passing formations : SHOT GUNS. 62D. Snap receivers: Abbr. : QBS.

19. It may be served from an orange-handled pot : DECAF.

21. Orange stuff : PULP.

24. Faith with Five Pillars : ISLAM. Faith, Charity, Praying, Pilgrimage, and Fasting. More religion, no comment.

25. Sirens : VAMPS.

26. Innsbruck iron : EISEN. Now we have German this week.

28. "... __ sure you know" : AS I'M.

29. "Livin' la __ Loca": Ricky Martin hit : VIDA. Dupe? 44D. "__ la vie" : C'EST. Whatever happened to Ricky?  LINK.

30. Lighten one's wallet : SPEND.

32. Press : IMPEL.

33. Sri Lankan pop music : BAILA. No idea. Anyone get this without perps?

34. Periodic McDonald's pork sandwich : MCRIB.

36. What alopecia sufferers lose : HAIR.

37. "My word!" : I SAY.

43. Cheri of "SNL" : OTERI. She is a little hyper for me.

48. Yelp users : RATERS. True but ich.

50. 65-Across choice : SEDAN.

51. Roadster maker : TESLA. Wow,  not on my list. LINK.

53. Music genre word : METAL.

54. Musical Mars : BRUNO. Any watching the new Season of The Voice?

55. Better half? : A-SIDE. Nice rendition of the oft forgotten A-SIDE.

57. Zen riddle : KOAN.

58. Buddhist teacher : LAMA.

59. "Beowulf," for one : EPOS. A singular epic poem..

60. Adjective for rapper Jon or Kim : LIL.

61. Tonic go-with? : ISO. Made famous with gloves.

Hard week healthwise, but we are hanging in. Enjoyed the diversion; hope you all did. Lemonade out.

Note from C.C.:

Splynter (Richard) and I made today's The Chronicle of Higher Education  "Shellacked" puzzle. You can click here to solve it. Congrats on your crossword debut, Splynter!