, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 7, 2017

Sunday May 7, 2017 Paul Coulter

Theme: "French Connection" - Two words of the same meanings & same letter count are placed side by side. The first one is of French origin.

22A. Outcome : DENOUEMENT. Notice all the French-rooted words are English words.   J'AI FAIM & I'M HUNGRY won't work. Wrong letter count also.

24A. Outcome : RESOLUTION

38A. "Win some, lose some" : C'EST LA VIE

41A. "Win some, lose some" : THAT'S LIFE. Same clues too of course.
65A. Bare : AU NATUREL

68A. Bare : BUCK-NAKED
91A. "Confidentially ... " : ENTRE NOUS. Also the title of this popular book. The author is actually an American.
94A. "Confidentially ... " : BETWEEN US
110A. Fine dining aficionados : BON VIVANTS

113A. Fine dining aficionados : EPICUREANS. Our Steve is one. Does the new consulting gig mean you've left Oracle?

All the French words are placed in front. Very consistent.

The separate 10 theme entries work like grid-spanners, in a way. I don't believe Paul put those black square stair steps in the middle on purpose. Just the result of grid design restrictions.


1. Starbucks serving : LATTE. Not MOCHA.

6. Pound foot? : IAMB. Ezra Pound.

10. Busy co. on Mother's Day : FTD. Our flea markets here officially kick off on Mother's Day. Some open today. Yay!

13. Put forward : POSED

18. Get too close to : CROWD

19. Françoise's friend : AMIE. 98. Coup target : ETAT. Stray French.

20. __ moment : AHA. Not IN A.

21. Capricious : FICKLE

26. It's a long story : SAGA

27. Advanced legal deg. : LLM. Master of Laws. Not LLD today. Also 44. Legal agreement : LEASE

28. Souvenirs with three holes in them : TEES. I was picturing a bowling ball. Pricey souvenir.

30. Is down with : HAS

31. Dr.'s order : MRI. Not EEG/MED

32. Keisters : CABOOSES

35. 640 acres: Abbr. : SQ MI. Drew a blank.

37. Hosea contemporary : AMOS. Biblical prophets. Also 52. Mount delivery : SERMON
45. Countryman of Gary Player : ERNIE ELS. George (Big Easy on our blog) has met Ernie Els a few times. Different format at Zurich Classic this year.

47. Training group : CADRE

50. One may be named for a president : ERA

51. Spread out : SPLAY
53. Onward in time : FORTH. Not AHEAD.

56. Often elided pronoun : YOU ALL

58. Grandpa Walton portrayer : GEER (Will). Used him in my own grid once.

60. Like Perot in the 1992 pres. election : IND (Independent)

61. The '70s, in a Tom Wolfe essay : ME DECADE

63. "When We Were Kings" subject : ALI

64. __ club : GLEE. Not GOLF.

70. Put __ appearance : IN AN. I had ON AN.

71. Org. with lanes : PBA.  Lisa, one of Boomer's bowling friends, had two perfect games in a row in February. Their Monday league has many top bowlers.

72. Elegantly, to Vivaldi : GRAZIOSO. New word to me. Sounds thankful.

74. Offense : SIN

75. Bell curve figure : MEAN. Got via crosses.

76. Like a quarter's edge : REEDED. Not a word I use.

77. Coagulates : CLOTS

81. Rifled : LOOTED

83. In the cards : FATED

84. Routine first baseman? : WHO. Who's on First?

85. Go after : ENSUE. TTP is chasing morels these days. Do you eat them fresh or do you dry them?

86. Mushers' transports : DOG SLEDS

89. "I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie" author : EBERT

96. Gospel singer Winans : CECE. Same pronunciation as my name, right?
99. The 3rd Avenue line was the last of them to operate in Manhattan : EL TRAINS. Drew a blank.

101. Beatle bride : ONO

102. Actress Garner, familiarly : JEN. Wish they were still together.

103. Fill past full : SATE

105. Singer DiFranco : ANI

106. Sorts : ILKS

 116. Senescence : OLD AGE. Senescence sounds old.

117. Even so : YET

118. Take-out order? : DELE. Gimme for regulars.

119. Snowy __ : EGRET

120. Holds up : LASTS

121. News letters : UPI

122. Cheek : SASS

123. Chinese toys, for short : PEKES. Toy dogs.


1. Some SLR displays : LCDs

2. Side squared, for a square : AREA

3. Chinese secret society : TONG. A bit obscure.

4. Feature of many Broadway musicals : TWO ACTS

5. Email ending : EDU

6. 1975 Jackson 5 hit : I AM LOVE. The answer filled in itself.

7. Autobiographical subtitle : A MEMOIR

8. Time div. : MIN

9. Actress Davis : BETTE

10. Make out : FARE

11. Site of Mount Olympus : THESSALY. Somewhere here.

12. "__ Kapital" : DAS

13. Name of 12 popes : PIUS

14. Fall mo. : OCT

15. Whole alternative, in Nottingham : SKIMMED MILK. Skimmed makes better sense.

16. Ecuadoran province once famous for its gold : EL ORO

17. Patron saint of France : DENIS. Sometimes it's DENYS.

21. Swing wildly : FLAIL

23. Island near Corsica : ELBA. BunnyM is going to her little island in the Mexican Caribbean next week. They go there every year to celebrate their wedding anniversary, I think.

25. Resistance units : OHMs

29. Co-star of Bea, Betty and Rue : ESTELLE. "The Golden Girls"

33. Amber __ : ALE

34. Erotic : SENSUAL

36. Parts of gals. : QTs

37. A long way off : AFAR

38. Pitch indicator : CLEF. Musical pitch!

39. Architect Saarinen : EERO

40. Coal-rich German region : SAAR

42. Get better : HEAL. Positive thoughts to our Lemonade and a few others. Hope all's good, Spitzboov!

43. Champagne bucket, e.g. : ICER

46. Apple variety : iPAD

48. Actress Blakley : RONEE. Forgot. We had  her a while ago.

49. Cut off : ENDED

52. Watch word? : SEIKO. Tricky clue. Plus, so many five-letter watch brands.

54. Fed after tax evaders : T-MAN

55. Worked (up) : HET

56. __ Buena, town that became San Francisco : YERBA

57. Continental divide? : OCEAN. Great clue.

58. Surgical dressing : GAUZE

59. Castilian hero : EL CID

62. Had : DUPED

64. Canterbury pen : GAOL. Jail.

65. Bridal path : AISLE. Side by side with 66. Wedding : UNION

67. They go by in a flash : NANOSECONDS. Another great clue/fill combo.

68. Banker's bane : BAD DEBT

69. Pres. advisory team : NSC

72. Prepares : GETS SET

73. It holds the line : REEL

75. Face : MEET

76. Popular pasta topping : RAGU. Staple in our household.

78. Actor Wilson : OWEN

79. By way of, briefly : THRU

80. Tipplers : SOTS

82. Air : TUNE

83. One may echo in an alley : FOOTSTEP. The image reminds me of the frequent plot device in Chinese movies about 1940's.

86. Chain letters? : DNA. Fun clue also.

87. Obstructs the progress of : DERAILS

88. Batting positions : STANCES

89. Poetic dusk : E'EN. Evening.

90. Surround : BESIEGE

92. Superman player : REEVE

93. It towers over Taormina : ETNA. Not familial with Taormina. I do know 104. Italian wine center : ASTI

95. 2012 Nintendo debut : WII U

96. Early computer language : COBOL

97. __ Gay: WWII bomber : ENOLA

100. West Yorkshire city : LEEDS

102. Sprightly dances : JIGS

107. Frolic : LARK

108. Cap site : KNEE. Kneecap.

109. Retired fliers : SSTs

111. Winery sight : VAT

112. Manhattan sch. : NYU

114. Patch grower : PEA. No peas in our small garden. I do love sugar peas.

115. Gym unit : REP

May 6, 2017

Saturday, May 6th, 2017, Alan Olschwang

Theme: None

Words: 72 (V,W,Z)

Blocks: 28

The last time we saw a Saturday puzzle from Alan was January of last year - I believe that I have cringed every time I've seen his name as the constructor, and today was no different.  However, I did manage to get through most of the puzzle pretty smoothly - a few answers in my wheelhouse got me some traction, and it was only in the NW corner that I got stumped.  Triple 10x6 corners one way, triple 8's the other, and one spanner;

36. 1924 novel set during the British Raj : A PASSAGE TO INDIA - and a movie in 1984

15. Controlled : RODE HERD ON - I did not get my "ta-DA~!" because I had rode HARD on - which made sense; I have never heard the HERD version - but that's the straight up definition

13. Jonquil and daffodil : NARCISSI - learning moment; the Wiki

65. It may be spontaneous : COMBUSTION

38. Brazen : ARROGANT

"May the Fourth be with you" is followed 
by the less-popular "May the Sith"


1. Without delay : THIS SECOND

11. Eleanor Roosevelt's real first name : ANNA

16. 1967 self-titled folk album : JOAN - pondered this or BAEZ

17. Uncomplicated : ELEMENTARY - I just finished building a countertop which I made using 5/4 stock and my new biscuit joiner - now I feel like tackling something a little more complicated, like a chess set ( which I'd need a lathe for ) and something cool, like this;

18. Abruzzi town in a Longfellow poem : ATRI - dah~! Not ASTI

19. British prime minister during two millennia : BLAIR - my 1d. made me change this

20. Hot skillet sound : SSSsss

21. Suits : EXECS

22. Leaves alone : LETS BE

24. Somme time : ÉTÉ - Frawnche - been a while

26. Somme co. : CIE - and thus, more Frawnche

27. What may be seen before long : ERE

28. It, in Italy : ESSA

31. Supper, say : REPAST

33. "Way to go!" : "ATTA BOY~!"

35. Language that gave us "galore" : ERSE 

legs galore

40. Bit of mischief : LARK

41. Perfectly : TO A TURN

42. Attack from above : STRAFE

44. Con __: briskly, on scores : MOTO

45. Diner owner __ Lee on "2 Broke Girls" : HAN - a different "Han"

48. Metal precioso : ORO

49. Surfing need, briefly : ISP - web surfing, with an Internet Service Provider

51. Even : SQUARE

53. Proper : RIGHT

55. Chocolate __ : LAB - Dah~! Not BAR

58. Commercial word after "open," perhaps : UNTIL

59. Beneficial berry : ACAI

60. Occurred : CAME TO PASS

62. Cloud __ : NINE - I was curious about the origin

63. Beneath : INFERIOR TO

64. Challenge for srs. : SATs


1. Amp setting : TREBLE - ah, not ELEVEN

2. Call out : HOLLER

3. Imagine : IDEATE

4. Big Macks : SEMIs

5. Palate cleansers : SHERBETS

6. Yeats' yet : E'EN - poetic 'even'

7. Flat-screen predecessors : CRTs - went with LCDs, but was not convinced

8. Harem rooms : ODAs - been a long time since I've seen this in a crossword

9. Ancient mariners : NORSE

10. Letters after Sen. Schumer's name : D, NY - democrat for New York

11. Bon Ami competitor : AJAX

12. Greeting carrier : NOTE CARD

14. Licorice-flavored brew : ANISE TEA - got it from doing crosswords

21. Extra-wide spec : EEE

23. Willing subjects? : ESTATES - wasn't fooled, but my first thought, OFFSPRING, didn't fit

25. Team builders : TRYOUTS - good clue

29. Pudding starch : SAGO - tried TARO, and that's 100% 50% correct

30. Crossing the keel : ABEAM

32. One of the Ivies : PENN -oops, not YALE

33. Silly question starter? : ASK A....

34. Anne Frank's father : OTTO - shout-out~!

36. They were in it but didn't win it : ALSO RANS

37. Crime author Cornwell : PATRICIA - filled via perps

39. Mohawk's confederacy : IROQUOIS - spelled it wrong; in the DOWN, it was hard to see

43. One may be thrown in anger : FIT

45. 1962 John Wayne film set in Africa : HATARI - yeah, not "sAfARI" - never seen a John Wayne movie - before my time

46. Blueblood, informally : ARISTOcrat

47. Wrestling hold : NELSON

50. Pizza Hut's Texas headquarters : PLANO

52. Prepare for a transplant : UNPOT - we had REpot last week

54. Gets moving : HIES

56. Band letters : AM/FM

57. "Peaky Blinders" network, with "the" : BEEB - The BBC

60. Mil. VIP : CIC - we have a new Commander In Chief

61. It replaced "Court" in a TV channel name : TRU


May 5, 2017

Friday May 5, 2017 Jeff Chen and Seth Geltman

(Note from C.C.: Lemonade still feels quite weak from his surgeries. D-Otto blogged today's puzzle.)

Theme: FUZZY MATH - Each math term is re-phrased as non-math.

“Fuzzy math” has a couple of very different meanings. In one sense, it can describe the way a politician defends his pie-in-the-sky spending plan. It’s also a valid field of math related to fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory. I’m not sure this puzzle fits either of those meanings. To me, it just seems to be a smattering of unrelated, but weirdly-clued, two-word math expressions:

17A. Bizarre entr'acte? : ODD NUMBER

25A. Cue from the wings? : LINE SEGMENT

37A. L.A. or N.Y. publishing equipment? : TIMES TABLES (Equipment?)

49A. Upbringing involving unhip oldies? : SQUARE ROOTS

And the reveal…

61A. It doesn't add up ... except as a hint to 17-, 25-, 37- and 49-Across : FUZZY MATH

This is another of the frequent collaborations from Jeff and Seth. We’ve seen Jeff here many times. Seth teaches computer science to grade school kids in California. He writes about his joint efforts with Jeff: “In the Pro-Am circuit of puzzles, he (Jeff) is definitely the Pro, and I'm the Am.” (Sorta like the cornerites’ collaborations with C.C.)

Let’s see what Jeff’s and Seth’s integration has wrought...


1. Ike, in the '50s : PREZ

5. Suffix for "leader" : ARCH. As in monARCH, oligARCH, etc. Had to think about it before the light went on.

9. Stopped to think : MUSED. My first guess.

14. First female attorney general : RENO. Janet was in charge during the Branch Davidian debacle in Waco. She passed away last November. There’s probably more than you ever wanted to know about her here.

15. Animal in una arena : TORO.  “Una arena” tells us the answer will be Spanish.

16. Fester, e.g. : UNCLE. Morticia’s Uncle Fester on the Addams Family.

19. Historic name in India : MAHAL.  As in the Taj. Tried NEHRU first.

20. "Millennium" trilogy author Larsson : STIEG/ The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest. Have you read them? I thought they were pretty good.

21. "It's go time" : I’M UP (Meh!)

23. It's little when it's white : LIE. Probably my favorite clue in this puzzle.

29. Enter furtively : EDGE IN. Sneak and Steal in were too long.

31. Locks removed at night? : TOUPEE. Voted second favorite clue.

32. Curb : REIN Another first guess.

33. Reserved box, maybe : VIP SEAT (Meh #2)

40. Apt : GERMANE. No relation to Jermaine Jackson.

41. Sleazy gaze : LEER Not OGLE this time.

44. Sanction : PERMIT

47. "Open wide!" : SAY AAH

53. It's quite a mess : STY

54. Land of Freud: Abbr. : AUS tria

55. Flush, in Tijuana : RICO. Rich, no relation to Rich Norris.

56. Try to strike : HIT AT

58. Beamed : LIT UP

63. Muse of memory : MNEME. Looked really weird, until I remembered “mnemonic.” She was one of the original three muses. Later there were nine.

64. Hightail it : FLEE

65. Limo destination : PROM. Commonplace today. LIMOs were unheard of at the proms of my ute.

66. Accord, for one : SEDAN. Honda.

67. A or B, for the record : SIDE Those good ole 45’s with the big whole in the middle.

68. Figs. that are never intentionally reused : SSNs The first three digits once signified the area where the card was issued. No more. Soon Medicare will begin issuing cards with non-SSN numbers. I carry my Medicare card, but I’ve blacked out all but the last 4 digits.


1. Do quite well : PROSPER

2. Destructive algal bloom : RED TIDE

3. Writing a "Dear John" letter, say : ENDING IT

4. Lose focus, with "out" : ZONE

5. It requires a 24-Across : ATM (24A: See 5-Down. PIN)

6. Hood of folklore : ROBIN

7. Eclair filling : CREME Tried CREAM first.

8. Egyptian sky god : HORUS No relation to Horace Greeley.

9. Quiet : MUM

10. Feminine article in Italy : UNA Second appearance today – see 15a.

11. Haul : SCHLEP Dutch-German origin. I’ll bet Spitz knew that.

12. Sitcom character who dated baseball's Keith Hernandez : ELAINE Thank you, perps.

13. Insert neighbor, on PCs : DELETE Did you cheat? On my keyboard it’s directly below Insert.

18. Wrinkly hybrid : UGLI

22. Beatle for two years : PETE BEST

26. DC-to-AC electronic device : INVERTER If you’ve got solar photo-voltaic panels on your roof, you need an INVERTER to make the power usable.

27. "Scoooooooooore!" : GOAL Soccer (or futbol).

28. Without a sound : MUTELY Without a spoken word, perhaps, not necessarily soundless.

30. Baffler : ENIGMA The machine.

34. Ending for many schools : ISM Capitalism, socialism, communism, ad nauseum...

35. Fundraising sch. group : PTA

36. Franciscan leader? : SAN San Francisco

38. Milwaukee schoolteacher who went on to lead Israel : MEIR Golda, who became Prime Minister.

39. Typically five-armed marine invertebrates : SEA STARS

42. Go whole hog on Thanksgiving : EAT A TON

43. Beats : RHYTHMS (Weird letter combinations)

44. Biblical collection : PSALMS (Weird letter combinations part 2)

45. Track runner : EQUINE i.e. a horse.

46. Suffered from neglect, in a way : RUSTED

48. Hardly hale : ASHY (I guess they mean “pale” or “wan.”)

50. Jazz improvisations : RIFFS

51. Eyelike openings : OCULI

52. Slowly exuded : OOZED

57. Cheeky tykes : IMPS

59. She played Mia in "Pulp Fiction" : UMA Thurman

60. __ name : PEN The male swan has a cob name.

62. Part of a dazzling duo? : ZEE daZZling.

It wasn’t a slog, but this one just didn’t do it for me. Your mileage may differentiate. Thanks for the effort, Jeff and Seth.

As you read this, I’ll be at the Medical Center having a routine EGD – not to be confused with a GED. Desper-otto out (literally).

May 4, 2017

Thursday May 4th 2017 Craig Stowe

Theme: METEing out. Our four themers have a letter scramble as nicely explained by the reveal:

61A. Collectors' event, and a hint to what's hidden in the answers to starred clues : SWAP MEET

And here are the players:

18. *"Thinking ... " : LET ME SEE ... When I saw these together I thought there might be a theme here. Alas not. (Correction: 18A is a theme entry.)

20A. *Shakespeare play set on an enchanted island : THE TEMPEST. Source of much crossword angst trying to decide between "Arial" and "Ariel".

32A. *Busker's performance, perhaps : STREET MAGIC. David Blaine is the master of this genre. Quite amazing.

42A. *They may be crowned : WISDOM TEETH. Not mine. They were yanked at what I felt was a ridiculously early opportunity and left the rest of my teeth to spend the remainder of their lives rearranging themselves. Jokes about British dentistry are not misplaced. My first dentist (before numbing was invented) operated a drill with a treadle, much like a sewing machine. I was five. The trauma Dr. Cotton caused me still keeps me awake at night.

57A. *Proven longterm : TIME-TESTED. I have time-tested recipes. Feel free to inquire (enquire?) if you have a particular need.

OK, here we go! I liked the theme, I loved how the clue lengths allowed the blog entries to step down nicely - look upstairs and you'll see what I mean. Talking of upstairs, I was in an office building today which had its three-year fire drill. Walking down 21 flights seemed mean; but the posh folk upstairs had 35 to cope with.

Nice job from Craig. Let's see what else we've got!


1. Overlook : IGNORE

7. Monte Mario's city : ROMA Nice learning moment. I had **MA and guessed LIMA. Was wrong.

11. Gravy, on menus : JUS. OK, so, restaurant owners - when you say "Prime rib with au jus", you know you're saying "Prime rib with with juice"? You have been told.

14. At anchor : MOORED

15. Somber notice : OBIT

16. German direction : OST. Let's try this from memory - Nord, Sud, Ost, Oest, I think.

17. "Proceed as planned" : IT'S A GO

22. Period in ads : NITE

23. Lair : DEN

24. Bladed tool : AXE. Conveniently with or without the "E" for constructors.

25. Ancient Greek theater : ODEON

26. "Thought I should share," briefly : FYI. "For your information, Steve's blogs suck".

28. Pit gunk : TAR We have the La Brea (The Tar) Tar Pits here in LA. So let's go visit The Tar Tar Pits.

30. __-wolf : SHE

31. Candy heart word : LUV

38. Specialty : AREA.

40. Vital circulation component : AORTA. Fair enough, you're missing an aorta, your circulation is not working too well

41. Provocative : RACY

45. __ Alamos : LOS. "The Poplars". If you ever find yourselves in Los Alamitos (The Little Poplars) make a beeline for "The Fish Company" restaurant. Not many saplings to be seen, but the best Fish & Chips I've ever had.

46. "Forgot About __": Grammy-winning duet featuring Eminem : DRE

47. Actor Stephen : REA

48. Army crawler : ANT

49. Stale : PASSÉ

52. One in a cheering crowd : FAN

54. Moving wheels : VAN. Nice clue, U-Haul or equivalent.

56. Classic "You as well?" : ET TU, Brute?

63. Hot : ON FIRE

64. Wheels : CAR

65. First name at Woodstock : ARLO. Crossword enthusiasts know the lineup at Woodstock better than the musicians themselves.

66. Canadian coin : TOONIE. Two Canadian Dollars, eh Canadian Eh? It's aboot a buck fitty. (See what I did there? I'm tri-lingual)

67. Tick off : IRE. Pretty much hated this. "Let me ire you", "I'm sorry I ired you"? No. Flat-out no. Did you ire me with this clue? No, you irked me.

68. First queen of Carthage : DIDO

69. Performer with 20 Oscar nominations : STREEP Now there's some serious bragging rights.


1. Tag line? : I'M IT Usually not a good situation,

2. Many a black-clad teen : GOTH

3. Serious downturns : NOSE-DIVES. Not serious if you nose-dive into one of my dinners.

4. Talk with style : ORATE

5. University officials : REGENTS

6. Ancient Dead Sea kingdom : EDOM Thank you, crosses, Not really up on my Old Testament much.

7. Swiss luxury brand : ROLEX, Wimbledon sponsors since before sponsors were officially "allowed"

8. Quite heavy : OBESE. "Quite" heavy? Master of understatement there, I think.

9. Baker's protection : MITT

10. Bread machine? : ATM. "Machine" is in the name. So it's an ATM. Just as it's not a PIN number, it's a PIN. Rant over.

11. Leader of the animated Pussycats : JOSIE

12. Was of __: helped : USE TO

13. Dutch Golden Age artist : STEEN. Fond of a lot of people,brawling, dogs and wine.

19. Make lovable : ENDEAR

21. Echo : PARROT

25. Electrical unit : OHM.

Schrodinger, Heisenber and Ohm are in a car.

They get pulled over. Heisenberg is driving and the cop asks him "Do you know how fast you were going?"

"No, but I know exactly where I am" Heisenberg replies.

The cop says "You were doing 55 in a 35." Heisenberg throws up his hands and shouts "Great! Now I'm lost!"

The cop thinks this is suspicious and orders him to pop open the trunk. He checks it out and says "Do you know you have a dead cat back here?"

"We do now, you idiot!" shouts Schrodinger.

The cop moves to arrest them. Ohm resists.

26. Glitch : FLAW

27. Cosmonaut Gagarin : YURI. First man in space.

29. "... love hath made thee __ snake": "As You Like It" : A TAME

30. Put into words : STATE

33. Poetic adverb : ERE

34. Endless, poetically : ETERNE. A poetic double

35. Aspic-coated French chicken dish : GALANTINE. Food! Here's a classic (and, frankly, not very appetizing-looking) rendition:

36. Tappable image : ICON

37. Dermatologist's concern : CYST

39. Accumulates : ADDS UP

43. Mine output : ORE

44. One without : HAVE NOT

49. "Casino" co-star : PESCI. I missed the "I", I always want to call him Joe PESCE. Corrected finally, when ERE didn't make much sense. "My Cousin Vinnie" - a must-watch every time I'm channel-hopping

50. In conflict, seriously : AT WAR

51. Gawk : STARE

52. Specialty : FIELD. We had "AREA" earlier. Similar enough.

53. Defensive retort : AM TOO. More playground antics.

55. Concerning : AS FOR

57. Actress Hatcher : TERI

58. Wee ones : TOTS. Taters? Yum.

59. Lackawanna's lake : ERIE

60. Word with freeze or fry : DEEP

62. Ticked off : MAD. Not IRE. Now I'm happy.

I started a new consulting gig this week, and so far so good. Hope you all have a great Thursday!

Aaaaaannnnd *drum roll* ........ here's the grid.
