23A. Bar mitzvah celebratory drink?: MAZEL TOV COCKTAIL. Molotov cocktail.
36A. Incompetent drivers?: SCHLEMIELS ON WHEELS. Meals on Wheels.
50A. Where decent people buy decent clothes at honest prices?: MENSCH STORE. Men's store.
66A. Cream cheese promotion?: SCHMEAR CAMPAIGN. Smear campaign.
84A. Trash-talking broadcaster?: SCHLOCK JOCK. Shock jock.
93A. Trudged through a nudist camp?: SCHLEPPED IN THE BUFF. Slept in the buff.
115A. Disaster for a figure skater?: KLUTZ PERFORMANCE. Clutch performance.
What a fun puzzle! So many unusual consonant combos in Yiddish, esp SCHLM/SCHL. Scrabbly too.
Mr. Ed gave us 7 entries. All of them are quite long. We have total 105 theme squares with some inconvenient letter pattern. But nothing fazes our Ed, who is one of the few constructors who make both themeless and themeless grids. Ed had a rare "Mr. Ed. Sessa" byline when his "HELLO I'M MISTER ED" puzzle was published by the New York Times a few years ago.
1. Tricks that treat: MAGIC.
6. Dalí contemporary: ARP (Jean).
9. Shame: ABASH.
14. Corp. bigwigs: CFOS. Still remember this guy?
18. Raspy-voiced Cooper: ALICE.
19. Protein provider: MEAT. Tofu for me. Mostly.
21. Evergreen bean: CACAO. The tree is evergreen.
22. Road division: LANE. So I marveled at a big maple tree in our neighborhood last week and asked Boomer "If you could be a tree, what tree would you like to be?" He said "I don't want to be a tree. I want to be a bowling ball".
26. "Roots" author Haley: ALEX.
27. Current gauge: AMMETER. Not ADAPTER.
28. Body wrap venue: SPA.
29. Jed Clampett, for one: HILLBILLY. Derogatory.
31. Sault Ste. Marie's __ Locks: SOO.
32. "That __ fact!": IS A.
33. Ring ruling: TKO.
35. Two in a canoe: OARS.
44. Seaweed product: AGAR. These are incredible mooncakes. The yellow centers are eggs, then red adzuki beans, then flour with green matcha. Reminds me of the mung bean cakes I had when I was a kid.
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Mooncakes |
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Mung Bean Cakes |
47. Howard of old comedy films: MOE.
48. Hereditary ruler: DYNAST.
49. Thumbs-up letters: A OK.
55. Lay idle: SAT.
56. Light sparkling wine: ASTI. Have any of you tried champagne vinegar?
57. Lodging with a "keeper": INN.
58. Bank job: HEIST.
59. Collectible print, briefly: LITHO.
61. Dark marks: BLOTS.
62. Stranger things: EXOTICA.
64. Officer Kalakaua's group, familiarly: FIVE-O. Never watched "Hawaii Five-0". Here is Officer Kalakaua.
65. Rainforest vine: LIANA.
70. Sapling support: STAKE.
72. Coordinate (with): TIE IN.
73. Traffic warning signal: FLASHER.
77. Means of access: DOORS.
78. Trouble from all sides: BESET.
79. Gumbo thickeners: OKRAS. Plurable?
81. Label for some Elton John albums: MCA.
82. Son of Seth: ENOS.
83. Web address letters: URL. Glad you noticed our blog URL C.C. logo, D-Otto! It's been there since Nov 2011 though :-)
87. Pickable point: NIT.
88. Confounded: DARNED.
91. Joey's mom: DOE.
92. "Gotcha": I SEE.
99. Sport with mallets: POLO.
100. Metric introduction?: GEO. Geometric.
101. Blood classification letters: ABO.
102. Tubular pasta, for short: MAC.
105. U.K. utility cost limitations: PRICE CAPS. Also a term we use here.
110. Blow away: AWE.
112. Sufi Muslim ascetic: DERVISH. Whirling dervishes.
114. Bull's partner, in a story?: COCK. Cock-and-bull story.
118. Musical diner fixture, for short: JUKE.
119. Like Poe pieces: EERIE.
120. It ends at the gutter: ROOF.
121. Choir voices: ALTOS.
122. Nap: REST.
123. __ Haute: TERRE.
124. Letters on a Sun Bum container: SPF. Never tried this brand.
125. Scientific methods: TESTS.
1. Some baby rockers: MAMAS. Rock-ers.
2. Legendary mission: ALAMO.
3. Rube Goldberg device, e.g.: GIZMO.
4. Brand written in frosty letters: ICEE.
5. Irish musical ensemble __ Woman: CELTIC.
6. Unprincipled: AMORAL.
7. Short spin?: REV. Short for Revolution. Nice clue.
8. D.C. fundraisers: PACS.
9. "That's awful!": ACK.
10. Whole or half home unit: BATH.
11. Smoothie berry: ACAI.
12. Wind catcher: SAIL.
13. Valleys: HOLLOWS.
14. Danes of "Homeland": CLAIRE. Her husband Hugh Dancy is going to be on the last season of "Homeland".
15. When many TV shows debut: FALL SEASON.
16. Like Nash's lama: ONE-L.
17. Steamy: SEXY.
20. Of the highest quality: TOP TIER.
24. "A Deeper Faith" musician: TESH (John)
25. It's iced and sliced: CAKE. We call that western cake. Chinese cakes can be sweet or salty, like these turnip cakes Cantonese eat during spring festival. You can find them at dim sum place also. Taro cakes are similar.
30. Thai currency: BAHT. Also 53. "The King and I" kingdom: SIAM. So Lemonade, does Oo make Nam-Pla Wan at home or just buy a jar from the Asian store? This sauce is very Thai. It's a mix of hot red pepper, dried shrimp, fish sauce, shallot and palm sugar. Then people dipping sweet apple or mango slices into the sauce.
34. Overused, jokewise: OLD.
36. Yearbook gp.: SRS.
37. Ambulance pros: EMTS.
38. Of no consequence: MOOT. Point.
39. Bettor's strategy: SYSTEM.
40. After one bounce, in baseball lingo: ON A HOP.
41. Warsaw Pact counterpart: NATO.
42. Host of, in slang: LOTTA.
43. Slope gear: SKIS.
44. François's friend: AMIE.
45. Millennials' folks: GEN X.
46. A year in Caesar's time: ANNO.
51. Peepers: CHICKS.
52. Anne of 1998's "Psycho": HECHE.
54. Brings out: ELICITS.
56. Arkin and Menken: ALANS.
60. "Terrible" despot: IVAN. 63. 60-Down et al.: TSARS.
61. No small favor: BIG ASK. That's a big ask. Ask is a noun.
64. Given away: FREE.
65. Fragrant shrub: LILAC.
67. Endless, in verse: ETERNE.
68. Organized like big stores: AISLED.
69. Jimi Hendrix do: AFRO.
70. Drive-in with skating carhops: SONIC.
71. Sticks with the Swedish meatballs: TOOTHPICKS. Boomer and I went to our local Ikea ages ago. We got hopelessly lost.
74. Med. group options: HMOS.
75. Behold, to Pilate: ECCE.
76. Dirt smoother: RAKE.
77. Red fox holes: DENS.
78. Possible result of swallowing air: BURP.
79. "Didn't expect that": OH OH.
80. Swiss painter Paul: KLEE.
85. Jewel case storage unit: CD TOWER.
86. Peter Pan rival: JIF. My favorite. Chunky.
88. Editor's mark: DELE.
89. "... __ full of rye": A POCKET. Long partial.
90. Archaeological site: DIG.
94. Tiny portrait holder: LOCKET.
95. Type of tide: NEAP.
96. In money trouble, say: BAD OFF.
97. It dropped "Cab" from its name in 2011: UBER. Lyft just went public.
98. Document details: FORMAT.
102. Diner freebies: MINTS.
103. Tied accessory: ASCOT.
104. Game with a mate: CHESS.
105. '80s IBM flop nicknamed "Peanut": PC JR.
106. Don Juan: ROUE.
107. Mariner's direction: ALEE.
108. Sound from a lynx's larynx: PURR.
109. To-do: STIR.
111. God with a bow: EROS.
113. Poetic lowland: VALE.
116. Slice of pizza?: ZEE. Pizza.
117. Dandy: FOP.
Here is a picture of Will Shortz and Mike Alpern at the Cru dinner. You can find more pictures here. Hopefully Rich will make it next year. Below is a picture of Jeffrey Wechsler and Mike.
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Cru Dinner Celebrities, Will Shortz and Mike Alpern |
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Jeffrey Wechsler and Mike Alpern, ACPT, 3/23/2019 |