, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday April 7, 2019 Paul Coulter


Apr 7, 2019

Sunday April 7, 2019 Paul Coulter

Theme: "Just Desserts" - One word in each common phrase is replaced by a soundalike dessert.

22A. Sure sign that Spot got into today's dessert?: PUDDING ON THE DOG. Putting on the dog.

35A. Krispy Kreme rep's agenda?: DOUGHNUT CALL LIST. Do Not Call list.

52A. Ice cream order toppings?: SUNDAE SUPPLEMENTS. Sunday supplements. I call it "Sunday magazines".

77A. Final roadside stop for an eggy treat?: CUSTARDS' LAST STAND. Custer's Last Stand.

92A. "You've made the Heath bar perfectly!"?: THAT'S A REAL TOFFEE.

113A. "Nice apple tart, Christopher"?: GOOD PIE, COLUMBUS. Goodbye, Columbus.

Is the original phrase for 92A "That's a real doozy"?
Paul is a very creative constructor who loves food and find inspirations in his food. Remember this "Top This" puzzle? See how he approaches his food themes so differently.


1. "Beat it!": SCAT.

5. Rubberneck: GAWK.

9. Preserve, in a way: SALT. You all know I love pickled veggies. Herrings too.

13. Grammar topic: USAGE.

18. "East of Eden" director Kazan: ELIA.

19. Only part of Egypt in Asia: SINAI.

20. Brio: ELAN.

21. Bedouin, e.g.: NOMAD.

25. Doubtful story: FABLE.

26. Cause of a stir?: TEASPOON. Nice clue.

27. Nutritious beans: SOYAS. Countable?

28. Metaphorical fate of a hatchet?: BURIAL. Bury the hatchet.

29. HuffPost owner: AOL.

30. Prefix with phobia: ACRO.

31. Damage: MAR.

32. APO mail recipients: GIS.

43. Medicinal plants: SENNAS. Laxative.

45. Beams: RAYS.

46. Give birth to: HAVE.

47. Boris Godunov, for one: TSAR.

48. Broadcast sign: ON AIR.

49. NFL six-pointers: TDS.

50. Kopf, across the border: TETE. German/French for "head".

51. Agitate: RILE.

58. Prof's aides: TAS.

59. Appear that way: SEEM SO.

60. Record holder: LINER.

61. Rose garden pests: APHIDS.

63. Run out, as a subscription: LAPSE. We need our local Star Tribune. Important part of our morning routine.

65. NYSE debut: IPO.

66. Request before a shot: SMILE.

68. Remain at home: STAY IN.

71. Coil of yarn: SKEIN.

73. Passes: ENACTS.

76. Campaign trail pro: POL.

82. Ness, for example: LOCH.

84. Soviet news acronym: TASS. Xinhua for China. Literally "new China". Largest news agency in the world.

85. Double curve: ESS.

86. One washing off the driveway: HOSER.

87. Langston Hughes poem: I TOO.

88. Light-seeking flier: MOTH.

89. Slew: SCAD.

91. __ Beach: South Carolina resort: MYRTLE. Boomer and I went there for a golf trip hundreds of years ago.

96. One of two in seven: Abbr.: SYL. Syllable.

97. Exist: ARE.

98. Blows it: ERRS.

99. Bygone Ford: LTD.

101. Tropical lizard: IGUANA.

105. "The __ Witch Project": BLAIR.

107. Italian almond biscuits: AMARETTI. Never had it.

112. Boy with a bow: CUPID.

115. Chip away at: ERODE.

116. It's sometimes enough: ONCE.

117. They're not idlers: DOERS.

118. "Buddenbrooks" author: MANN.

119. One tweaking pitches: TUNER.

120. Style: VEIN.

121. "As I Lay Dying" father: ANSE. Regular in our old Tribune Media days.

122. Q.E.D. part: ERAT.


1. Half of quatorze: SEPT. 14/7 in French.

2. Whodunit game: CLUE.

3. "O patria mia" singer: AIDA.

4. Young boys: TADS.

5. Paid male escort: GIGOLO. I learned this word from the Richard Gere movie.

6. Like some quotes: Abbr.: ANON.

7. Pale: WAN.

8. Like plastic pink flamingos: KITSCHY.

9. "Later": SEE YOU.

10. "The West Wing" actor: ALDA.

11. Golden Triangle country: LAOS. They eat long-grain sticky rice every day. In China, we mostly use sticky rice (short grain) in desserts.

12. Sci-fi spin-off before "DS9": TNG. The Next Generation.

13. Roll out: UNFURL.

14. Enjoy a view from on high: SOAR.

15. Both: Pref.: AMBI.

16. Big party: GALA.

17. Henry James biographer Leon: EDEL. Another old regular.

19. Hair holders: SNOODS.

23. Draft pick: IPA.

24. They're heard in jams: HORNS. Traffic jams.

28. Barn bundle: BALE.  Spitzboov grew up on a farm.

30. Dumbfounded: AGASP.

31. Expert: MAVEN.

32. Classification between family and species: GENUS.

33. Absurd: INANE.

34. Dudley's toon foe: SNIDELY. Where's our Dudley?

36. Hindustani language: URDU.

37. English assignment: THEME.

38. Does a reception job: CATERS.

39. Env. enclosure: LTR.

40. Query in Matthew: IS IT I.

41. Food at a bar: SALAD. Have any of you tried lotus root salad? Delicious! Lotus roots are hard to harvest and are very expensive here in our Asian stores.

42. Head lock: TRESS.

43. "Help!": SOS.

44. Biblical language: ARAMAIC.

49. Chinese menu possessive: TSO'S.

50. Mortise inserts: TENONS.

53. "College Football Live" channel: ESPNU.

54. Grasping tool: PLIERS.

55. Fat, e.g.: LIPID.

56. Corrupt: TAINT.

57. Ostentatious: SPLASHY.

62. Bullies: HECTORS.

64. Focus of an heir war?: ESTATE. Air war.

67. Clutter: MESS.

68. Small Champagne bottle: SPLIT. Learning moment for me.

69. Zipper part: TOOTH.

70. Big name in kitchen foil: ALCOA.

72. Buckwheat porridge: KASHA. I need to try this some day.

74. "Yum!": TASTY.

75. Fishhook fastener: SNELL.

78. Supply: STORE.

79. Flips (through): LEAFS.

80. Typist's left hand home keys: ASDF. Sunday grids need a few gluey entries.

81. "__ Day": 1993 rap hit: DRE.

83. All the rage: HOT.

88. Kate of "The Martian": MARA.

89. Bacon portion: STRIP.

90. Contest with picadors: CORRIDA.

91. Iron and zinc: METALS.

93. Carpenter's need: SANDER.

94. Dull gray, as winter skies: LEADEN.

95. "Get Shorty" novelist __ Leonard: ELMORE. Terry Gross had a terrific interview with him.

100. R&B group __ Hill: DRU.

101. "Rhyme Pays" rapper: ICE-T.

102. Expert: GURU.

103. Informed about: UPON.

104. Right hand: AIDE.

105. Cram, with "up": BONE.

106. Centers of activity: LOCI.

107. First-rate: ACES.

108. Plus-size supermodel: EMME.

109. Alpine transport: T BAR.

110. Toon Charlie, memorably: TUNA.

111. "This __ working": ISN'T.

113. Statehouse VIP: GOV.

114. Long, long time: EON.



OwenKL said...

DNF. SNEL? + Se? was a natick I couldn't even guess at. And I had TASTe without even realizing it was the problem.
The theme was fun and helpful.

Once there was a NOMAD, in the SINAI.
Wandered on his camel, with his sheep near-by.
He slept in a tent,
It had no picket fence,
And would not be attractive to either you or I.

Once there was a MOTH who was a GURU.
Other moths would ask, "What would you do?"
For a moth, he was smart
But when the night got dark
He still flew to the zapper for a boo-boo.

D4E4H said...

Great morning Cornies.

Thank you Paul Coulter for this challenging Sunday CW. I had to work back and forth, and up and down to eventually FIR.

Thank you C.C. for your informative review. The PICs of food inspire me.


OwenKL said...

{B, B-.}

Thought I remembered an ad catchphrase "Now that's a real cup of coffee" but diligent searching has failed to confirm.

Paul C. said...

C.C. - You're right about me and food. My mother made sure both my sister and I learned our way around the kitchen and I still love to cook! By the way, the base phrase for "That's a real toffee" is "That's a real toughie." I thought it was well known, but maybe it's a regionalism? The working title was Dessert Aisle. I liked how it sounds similar to Desert Isle. One of my favorite theme entries that didn't make the cut was ICANOLIIMAGINE - "After a long day of puzzle-making, I sure do crave an Italian filled pastry?"

It's been a while for me in the LAT. In the meantime, my second granddaughter Ava was born. A very pretty and good baby, if I do say so myself. My elder granddaughter Addie had her third birthday last week. With all the princess dresses people gave her, she's acquired a whole wardrobe of them. But Addie's more the athlete type. She runs me ragged with her boundless energy. Now I can join all you other grandparents in saying, My little grandkid is soooo cute." I'm proud of what good parents my son Dan and daughter-in-law Emily are. My mother taught me men and women should be true equals. I'm glad I was able to pass that along.

Lemonade714 said...

Another fun PC puzzle. Thank you both for a nice start to the day. Where are the pics of Addie and Ava Paul? We like ooing and ahing...

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

"Staring" led to errors this morning -- GAPE / GAWP / GAWK / AGAPE / AGASP. That's what Wite-Out's for. Misspelling CORRIDA with an E resulted in the questionable GOOD PEE, COLUMBUS. Fixed. Thanx, P.C. & C.C. (I agree with Owen, it's COFFEE not DOOZY.) And thanks for dropping in, Paul. I like that CANOLI entry.

Hahtoolah said...

Good Morning, C.C., and friends. I just Loved, Loved, Loved this puzzle. CUSTARD'S LAST STAND was my first theme entry, but my favorite visual was PUDDING ON THE DOG.

Boris Godunov is both a TSAR (1551 ~ 1605) and an Opera. The Houston Grand Opera put it on a couple of years ago. Until then, I was unfamiliar with either.

My favorite clue was Focus on an Heir War = ESTATE.

I tried Biscotti for the Italian Almond Biscuits before settling on the AMARETTI.

I was unfamiliar with SENNA, so tried Henna until the SOS set me straight.

I call foul on the Plus Size Model. LOL Esme is probably better known in the crossword world than EMMA!

Paul, I am so glad you stopped in. I know the phrase "That's a Real Toughie", but likes some of the others, though the pun was That's a Real Coffee. I think that was an advertising slogan. Also, that bridge in the background of the picture C.C. posted - Is that a Mississippi River Bridge?

QOD: Be a nuisance where it counts. ~ Marjory Stoneman Douglas (Apr. 7, 1890 ~ May 14, 1998)

Jerome said...

Where SoCal bakeries dump their day old desserts?

The La Brea Tart Pits

desper-otto said...

I'll bet you're right, Hahtoolah. It was "toughie." Paul?

Paul C. said...

Hahtoolah: That's the Commodore Barry Bridge, at Chester, PA, south of Philly. It forms the background for the Philadelphia Union's stadium. Besides crosswords, cooking, and grandkids, my other major passion is soccer. Played it all my life, but had to finally hang up the cleats last year because of a bad knee.
Desper-Otto: Yes, it was toughie.
Jerome: Good one. Wish I'd thought of it.

TTP said...

Good morning. Thank you Paul and thank you C.C.

I started fast, got on a roll and knew I was going fast (for me), so I tried to keep up the pace. Haste makes waste. No TADA. One error that was phonetically correct, but not spelling-wise.

I entered agro phobia, then immediately realized it's agoraphobia and changed it to akro phobia. Of course, s/b acro. D'OH ! That was the error. Had I not been so intent on time, I would have noticed KITSkHY.

Anyway, I did not know the names ANSE, MANN, ELMORE and EDEL and Langston Hughes. That slowed me down. Perps for all of those, but gettable.

I did know ICE T (Tracy Morrow Sr) and DRU Hill. Had to work out ASDF. Those aren't my home keys, but I'm no typist.

Like C.C., SPLIT for the small champagne bottle was a learning moment. I know bowling splits. I left the big 4 after striking on the first two in the tenth frame of the third game Thursday night. Won the pot by 1 pin.

Desper-Otto, what kind of wood do you think that is in the mortise and tenon picture ? Cherry ? Whatever it is, it is pretty.

Big Easy said...

This one was a tough puzzle to finish today. Unfamiliar words-SPLIT champagne, SNELL, KAHA, AMARETTI, 1/2 quatorze=SEPT, SNOODS-, unknown Rap junk- ICE-T, DRE Day- and unknown people-real & fictional- MARA, DS9 &TNG, EMME, EDEL, DRU Hill, ANSE, ELMORE. But I did complete it.

Is THAT'S A REAL TOFFEE supposed to mimicking an Italian saying "that's a real coffee". Just wondering.

I know SINAI fit but I don't see how it's part of ASIA. The rift from the Dead Sea continues to the Gulf of Aqaba to the Red Sea. SINAI is west of that rift, leaving it in on the African plate, not the Arabian plate, which is in Asia.

GIGOLO-paid male escort is a new definition. A GIGOLO is a man who woos a rich, usually older women, and takes her money. Then disappears.

TASS & Xinhua news agencies-more like propaganda agencies. They only print what the big boys allow them to print. Don't ruffle their feathers.

Hahtoolah- I was thinking BISCOTTI but 'biscuit' was in the clue so I knew that wouldn't work. SENNA, as in SENAKOT laxative.

desper-otto said...

TTP, I'm no expert, but I don't think it's cherry, the grain is too regular. More likely poplar or maybe some variety of oak.

Jerome said...

Thanks, Paul. For what it's worth, you're one of my favorite constructors.

Dessert that's impossible to chew while camping?

Iron smores

Okay, I'm done. I'll save you guys from further horrors.

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

We've been treated to lots of Paul's work in recent months and I find his puzzles fun and challenging. I caught the theme with Pudding on the Dog (which gave me a chuckle) and that made the solve easier, not easy, but easier. Had the typical Sunday proper name hang ups with Dre, Dru, ESPNU, Edel, and Emme. OTOH, I had only a few w/os: Seem As>To>So, Kashi/Kasha, and Esme/Emme (Hi, Hatoolah!) I liked the duos of IPO/IPA, TAs/TDs, Dru/Dre, and the Tuna that in Boston would be the Tuner! Nice CSO to Madame Defarge with Skein.

Thank you, Paul, for very a sweet and tasty Sunday and for stopping by and giving us a peek into your off-the-grid interests and activities. I believe it was you who asked a while back if a doll house was a suitable gift for your very young granddaughter. (We all assured you it was!) Thanks, CC, for 'splainin' it all and for those delicious-looking food photos, although I'll pass on the Kasha. Best to Boomer.

My sister has been transferred to the best rehab facility in the area for treatment and therapy. I hope she'll regain her strength and mobility; time will tell. Continued thoughts and prayers will be much appreciated.

Thanks, again, to everyone for the birthday wishes.

CC asked where our Dudley is and I mentioned WikWak and billocohoes being absent. I hope all are just busy with other interests and that everyone is well.

Have a great day.

Husker Gary said...

-Great fun. BURIED/BURIAL was a stumbling block
-Thanks for dropping by, Paul!
-People who drive out to GAWK at the flood can be a real problem
-Boris Badenov was a TOON foe for “Moose and Squirrel”
-Oops, HIT/HOT error. ITOI?
-People with drones have posted great views of our flood from on high
-Does anyone else think writing a THEME with a word processor would have been so much better than using ink and paper?
-My friend now CATERS our annual reunion dinners and has replaced Dixie Cups and paper plates with stemware and china
-One negative teacher can really help TAINT a weak staff
-After seven years as the Husker basketball coach and a barely .500 record, the AD said, “This ISN’T working” and so now there is a new coach. NU will pay the firee $2M not to coach next year

Paul C. said...

Irish Miss - Yes, I'm the one who asked about a dollhouse for very small children. That was for Addie's second birthday. I appreciated the advice. She plays with it all the time. This year's present from me was a rocking horse. It plays cowboy songs every time she squeezes its ears. Yet another big toy to clutter up the house and make noise to drive her father crazy. Which gives me a chuckle, remembering him at the same age.

Spitzboov said...

Good morning everyone.

Did it on-line. Not much to add to what's already said. Thanks, Paul, for dropping by.
APO - We got our mail through the FPO - - Fleet Post Office. At sea many times by Helo or hi-line transfer.
BALE - Got real good with a bale hook and right knee lifting BALES into the haymow. Much easier on ones back.
SINAI - Generally said to be part of Asia. Saw a World Atlas map where it is in Africa.
DOUGH - German Teig, L. German Deeg, Dutch deeg. (The final g's are sounded like the ch in 'ach'. The ee has a long a sound like in 'date'.)

"As I watched the dog chasing his tail, I thought "Dogs are easily amused." Them I realized I was watching the dog chase his tail."

PK said...

Hi Y'all! Challenging but fun puzzle, Paul. I, too, enjoy your puzzles and thanks for stopping by to chat.

Thank you,C.C. for another great expo.

On a bus tour to the Carolinas, I had a hotel room door that opened right onto the sand at Myrtle Beach. I got up at dawn to watch the sun rise over the ocean. Great memory!

Knew Quatorze was 14 but couldn't remember which language. I kept trying to put in SEis. SEPT? Oh... I enjoy learning languages in little bits here on the Corner but am confused sometimes without the bigger picture.


Misty said...

Well, Sunday crosswords are always toughies for me, but I really enjoyed this one, and how nice of you to check in with us, Paul, and tell us about your sweet granddaughters. TEASPOON was also one of my favorite clues and answers, and I also liked the Kopf/TETE combination. I must say I've never heard the word SNOODS used in real life--just crossword puzzles. Was SNIDELY's last name WHIPLASH? Can't figure out what makes me think that. Anyway, many thanks, Paul, and C.C. I always love your Sunday commentary with your great food photos.

Enjoyed your poems, Owen.

Fun 'tart pits' joke, Jerome.

Irish Miss, I hope your sister will get good care and have a good recovery in rehab.

Have a lovely Sunday, everybody.

Yellowrocks said...

I loved this punny puzzle. It took me quite a while to solve, but it was well worth it.
I tried GAWP first, but was happy to see it was GAWK.
Biscotti before AMARETTI. I tutored for a second generation Italian family and have enjoyed eating both with them.
In my days as a student and as a teacher we never used the term THEME. I am familiar with it only in books.
My son and DIL gave me a goodie basket for Mother's Day. It contained all kind of delicacies, including a split of champagne.
Encyclopedia Britannica, World Atlas, Science Trends and Wikipedia all locate the Sinai Peninsulas in Asia.
From what I've read today and in many books, I believe that gigolos don't take advantage of women. Women hire them with their eyes wide open, willingly paying for companionship, dancing partners, sex etc. The women actually feel they are in control of the situation, as opposed to regular dating where the partner's wishes need to be factored in. There are men who prey on older women, but gigolos usually don't.
Loch Ness in Scotland is lovely. We didn't see Nessie there.
I know Boris Godunov better as an opera.
Lucina mentioned that our square dance club seems to have a lot of fun. Here is a promotional video that features the fun we have. Wonderful pastime, wonderful social life.
Love it

Lucina said...


Paul, thank you for the fun today! I like that you come by and chat with us and keep us apprised on your sweet granddaughters. And I really enjoyed the puzzle.

It was not a REAL toughie! I liked all the long themers and it would be hard to pick a favorite. It was also enjoyable to see some old terms that used to appear regularly like SNOODS, and the fresh new cluing for SYL, that was tricky, and I've always understood GIGOLO to be a male escort, nothing more.

It's been decades since I read Faulkner so ANSE slowly seeped out aided by perps.

I loved seeing a Langston Hughes reference. One of my favorite of his poems is "Black Like Me". It's so poignant.

I had a few blanks only because I forgot to go back and fill SPLIT/POL.

On our many visits to Charlotte where my sister lives we also went to MYRTLE beach as well as white water rafting in the mountains.

Maybe someone can explain how slew is SCAD?

C.C., thank you as well. I also love to know about the foods you discuss and the accompanying photos as well as your perspective on some things we take for granted.

Have a lovely day, everyone!

Lucina said...

Thank you for posting that video! It certainly looks like fun and a very good time.

Spitzboov said...

Lucina - slew and scad both mean: a large number; a slew of books, scads of money.

Lucina said...

Thank you. I know that meaning but my mind did not go in that direction. I thought only of slew as the past tense of slay. This aging business is getting old!!

Jayce said...

This was a toughie but I loved every one of the 75 minutes I spent in solving it. I filled it all but didn't get the Tada, so turned on red letters to see what was incorrect. Sure enough (hello, Husker Gary!) I had ITOI and HIT. I immediately thought of Madame Defarge at SKEIN and of CanadianEh! at HOSER. I've always liked SNIDELY Whiplash as the quintessential villain. I played a similar villainous character in a high school play millions of years ago. Thanks for making such a pleasurable puzzle, Paul, and for posting here.

I chuckled aloud at PUDDING ON THE DOG, and my favorite clue/answer was BURIAL as the fate of the proverbial hatchet. Like Husker Gary (hello again) I first had BURIED.

My wife and I both like lotus root. I think the form we usually have it is as a sort of pancake when we go out for dim sum. Her name, Po Lin, means "precious lotus." There is today a Po Lin Monastery in Hong Kong, which is where she grew up, but I think it was built long after she came to the US, so she never saw it.

I recall seeing a movie, starring Jim Caviezel as Jesus, in which the cast only spoke Latin, Hebrew, and ARAMAIC. Must have been a lot of work for the actors to learn their lines and how to say them naturally.

Spitzboov, I liked your dog chasing its tail observation.

Good wishes to you all.

Anonymous said...

Paul, if you see this: Thanks for another enjoyable puzzle. Fwiw, I didn't know the base phrase for "... toffee" -- came to this website for extra info -- and not knowing one important crosser (MARA) made that portion of the solve a little difficult.

One thought: Google a term or phrase to see how many hits it gets; "that's a real toughie" is very low, with about 3,000; that might have persuaded me to exclude it and seek another themer. That said, I don't underestimate how difficult it is to come up with themers. And I'd want you to walk away from this comment knowing that overall I enjoy your puzzles very, very much and have a lot of respect for you as a constructor


Anonymous T said...

Sunday Lurk Say...

'Putting on the dog' is a thing? says yes:
Put on (the) dog dates back to American college slang of the 1860's and is recorded in Lyman H. Bagg's Four Years at Yale : "Dog, style, splurge. To put on dog is to make a flashy display, to cut a swell." At about the same time, the related adjective doggy was a popular slang term meaning 'attractively stylish; costly; fancy'.

It pre-dates 'putting on the Ritz'.

{B, B+}

HG - I had home-access to word-processors in college; I'd say no. I find it easier to collect my thoughts in ink on paper without the distraction of a word-processor's features.

BigE - I've only known YR's definition of gigolo. Here's Diamond Dave's cover (and spoof of 80's rock-videos).

C.C. I highly recommend Amaretti (with black coffee or espresso). They are not terribly sweet and light on the pallet.


Y'all have a great Sunday afternoon.

Cheers, -T

D4E4H said...

Lucina at 2:39 PM wrote "This aging business is getting old!!" This is a new slant on an old problem. I will say it a din din tonight, Thanks.


Becky said...

If you buy the individually wrapped biscotti, you can do a cool parlor trick. Take the wrapper and form it into a loose tube. ab out an inch in diameter. Put it on a surface and light the top of the tube on fire. Turn off the lights. It will eventually float up in the air. It's not really dangerous, although my husband gets really made whenever I do it, So I don't do it.

Oh, I had cataract surgery last week. I wish I could get my other eye done sooner.


Yellowrocks said...

I like word processing. I can endlessly rearrange and improve on my work with little effort. I used to cut and Scotch tape my paragraphs in a different order. Now I just erase and replace whole sentences in seconds. I am much more discriminating because I can correct so easily. Sometimes I have no idea where to head. Getting down a few paragraphs primes the pump and gives me new direction. Then I start over in a far better vein. When I proofread the finished product, I frequently change, a word, a phrase, a whole paragraph. Earlier this would have required retyping an entire page or pages. I may have let it slide.

OwenKL said...

My Dad grew up in Wisconsin, on the banks of Lake Superior. When he retired he became a beachcomber at Myrtle Beach. He said the Pacific reminded him of where he grew up, it was almost as spectacular.

Did I say Pacific instead of Atlantic? He was in Myrtle Beach, Oregon.

Boris Godunov, I put TOON first. Thought there was a mini-theme going when I got to SNIDELY Whiplash -- not just R&B characters, but specifically villains! It would have been fun to see Boris and Snidely together, wouldn't it?

Lemonade714 said...

Becky: if you like watching your biscotti wrapper float, you need to go to Chiang Mai, Thailand next November for the YI PENG part of LOY KRATHONG.
Glad your Cataract surgery has gone well.

Paul, it is good to see you as part of our family.

Roy said...

When I lived in the area, Niles OH had an ice cream stand named CUSTARD'S LAST STAND.

Abejo said...

Good evening, folks. Thank you, Paul Coulter, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, C.C., for a fine review.

Started this puzzle this morning, briefly. Went to church and then went to Dixon, IL, for a Y R College meeting. On the way back I worked the puzzle in the car I was in and then finished it when I got home. It was easy, but tough as well. I liked it.

The theme appeared after a while. Not immediately. I tried PUDDING ON THE PAW. I thought that was it. Later on PUDDING ON THE DOG became the best answer due to perps. Now I really had the theme. The rest came more easily. My last to get was THAT'S A REAL TOFFEE.

I liked SINAI. Never realized that part of Egypt was in Asia. Now I know. Interesting. I guess if I had looked at a map I would have realized it.

ANSE was unknown. Thank you, perps.

Did not know ASDF. I am a hunt and peck typer. After I had the AS I looked at the keyboard and saw the answer. ASDF. I am smarter than I look.

Liked ERAT. I always like that proof phrase, Q.E.D. The only book I ever saw that in was "Call of the Wild" by Jack London. My two cents.

So, I need to eat some supper now that it is 8:40 PM. Had a Feta Cheeseburger for lunch in Dixon, IL. It was real good. Dixon is Ronald Reagan's boyhood home, by the way. Years ago I toured the house he grew up in.

See you tomorrow.


( )

Big Easy said...

YR, Lucina, & Anon-T- GIGOLO are usually con artists, as in the 4F club, and I'll say it the Jed Clampett way. FIND 'me, FEEL 'em, FLEECE 'em, and FORGET 'em. They are only in it for the money.

Mirriam-Webster's difinition of 'gigolo'- a man supported a woman usually in return for his attentions.

Examples of 'gigolo' in a Sentence
"The murder victim is a dancer-cum gigolo engaged to a rich widow"
"By 1944, Velez was dating a handsome Austrian gigolo named Harald Ramond"

Oxford dictionary-"A young man paid or financially supported by a woman, typically an older woman, to be her escort or lover. 'The character decides to become a gigolo after discovering that it excites him when an older woman offers him money to have sex with her."

Yellowrocks said...

None of that says the gigolo is taking advantage of the woman. Many of the women are highly successful people and choose to hire the gigolos with eyes wide open and no expectation of a permanent relationship.
Men who fake love for a woman in order to mooch off her are not gigolos. said...


Thanks to Paul and C.C.!

No problems. Fun theme!

Cute theme.

Anonymous T said...

BigE. Now be nice :-) I can see the connotation that you're familiar with but I'm more familiar with the "male hooker" connotation. My $0.02 (and $3 will get a cup of Joe).

YR - Maybe I said that wrong... I love word-processors but only after I have my thoughts gathered with (some) structure and direction (which may later be honed/things moved around a bit in the WP after I red-line a paper copy).
What I can't do is open a new document and stare at a blank page and think and/or type anything useful. I need my paper-notes to get me going .

I also find I can think clearer when I don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc (there's time for all that in post :-)) and I can just think/scribble.

Nice to see you in better spirits Fermat!

Cheers, -T

Wilbur Charles said...

So much work and then I blow it on a simple French word. I had PYLON and in correcting that was left with PETE. Earlier I had thought of "Dummkopf" .
The SE gave me fits but getting the theme words was key. Some very tricky clueing as I'm sure others will share

."As I Lay Dying" - that's Misty territory, methinks
I accompanied Betsy to a bird show. I grabbed a seat and started solving. DW not happy so I stuck the half finished Xword in my back pocket and later it was gone.
I slipped another puzzle out of Winn Dixie and it may have helped.
I wanted MAVEN but the V in 46A baffled me. HAVE. Duh?

I see CC is familiar with see one of the old chestnuts like SNOOD

Paul you do craft excellent Xws

I too was tempted to peek at the keyboard.

My bil had a friend who was a gigolo, more like YR's def than big easy ie no one is deceived


Yellowrocks said...

Anon T, my older sister composes like you. I just type my random thoughts without being picky about grammar or spelling. Soon I get a better idea, delete most of what I wrote and start over. I keep revising constantly as I procede. Interesting how differently we all work. Again to each his own.

Misty said...

You got it, Wilbur--Faulkner wrote "As I Lay Dying."

Unknown said...

I'm voting for redwood- straight grain, reddish tint.

Di said...

That's a real toffee - that's a real toughie.