, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday


Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts

Apr 29, 2018

Sunday April 29, 2018 Jeff Eddings

Theme: "Camera Shy"-  Seven different camera brands are stretched out in each theme entry.

23. H&R Block calculation: PERSONAL INCOME TAX. Pentax.

42. Individual with limited skills: ONE TRICK PONY. Nikon.

50. "You can't be serious!": I BEG YOUR PARDON. GoPro.

70. Hamilton, for one: AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY. Minolta.

91. Recreational area with pipes, bowls and ramps: SKATEBOARD PARK. I just call it skate park. Kodak.

99. Dropping-off places?: SLEEPING CARS. Leica.

122. Red choice: CABERNET SAUVIGNON. Canon. Canon/Sony/Leica are one of the three cameras Don G and I used in our HIDDEN CAMERA puzzle ages ago.

Another Sunday debut. Congrats, Jeff!

I don't quite get how stretching out the cameras equal the puzzle title "Camera Shy" though.

1. Angled: FISHED.

7. Three-word defense: I AM SO.

12. Soother: BALM. Aloe vera! It can also minimize skin pores like cold water, not that D-Otto cares.

16. Sign, as a contract: INK. These days we e-sign. So convenient.

19. Pump measurement: OCTANE.

20. Shooting competition: SKEET.

21. Two-dimensional size: AREA.

22. ABO system abbr.: NEG.

26. Hot __: TUB.

27. K-pop city: SEOUL. K-Dramas are very popular in China.

28. Long. counterpart: LAT.

29. Sock part: TOE.

30. Times-changing workers?: EDITORS. Times newspaper.

32. They may be footed: PAJAMAS. Never worn pajamas.

35. Peru grazer: LLAMA.

37. On: ATOP.

38. Sworn words: I DO.

41. Gloomy __: GUS.

45. Put in new film: RELOAD. All digital now. Also 131. Shooters with straps, for short: SLRS.

47. [Oh no!]: GASP.

49. First name in makeup: ESTEE. This is their popular product. Too pricey.

54. "Full House," but not "House": SITCOM.

58. Small-runway mil. craft: STOL. Short TakeOff and Landing.

59. Cap joint: KNEE.

60. Former sea that's now part desert: ARAL.

62. Zany: LOONY.

63. "Into the Wild" star Hirsch: EMILE. Some poisonous plants killed him. My grandma and used to go out to the field a few miles from our home and pick up these gooey alga-like stuff (Nostoc commune) after the summer rain. She'd then dry them and made steamed buns during Spring Festival. Just look at these images when I typed in the Chinese name.

65. Drs.' publication: JAMA.

67. __-out: total: ALL.

69. PTA member: MOM.

76. High-tech agent: BOT. Like spambots,

77. Schuss or slalom: SKI.

78. UMass' conference: A TEN. Atlantic 10 Conference.

79. Explosive matter, briefly: NITRO.

80. Storm sounds: CLAPS.

82. Air carrier: DUCT.

84. Judge's assessment: FINE. 108. Being judged: ON TRIAL.

85. Olive, for one: TREE. Never saw an olive tree in person.

89. Throw away, in a way: DELETE.

95. Like the opening of "The Wizard of Oz": SEPIA.

97. Clarifying words: AS IN. Q as in "Qin". No U.

98. Microwave concern: ARCING.

104. Beehive State native: UTE.

105. SAT scores, e.g.: NOS.

106. Emulate a hot dog: PANT.

107. Gridiron gripper: CLEAT.

112. Cow chow: ALFALFA.

114. Hold up: ROB.

116. Ref. for wordsmiths: OED.

117. Polynesian Disney heroine: MOANA.

121. Lao Tzu's "way": TAO. It looks like this:

126. Angled piece: ELL.

127. Focus for clérigos: DIOS. God in Spanish.

128. Raven's sound: CROAK.

129. Part of a plot: IN ON IT.

130. Low: SAD. So sorry for your loss, Keith!

132. Tony's cousins: EMMYS. Julia Louis Dreyfus has nine.

133. Skip: IGNORE. 


1. Dandy guys: FOPS.

2. Drink with a domed cover: ICEE.

3. A.L. West pro, informally: STRO.

4. Entertains at the penthouse: HAS UP.

5. Historic WWII B-29: ENOLA GAY.

6. __ mother: DEN.

7. Five Pillars faith: ISLAM.

8. Breed from Honshu: AKITA. Have any of you been to Japan?

9. All NBA players: MEN.

10. Mennonites, e.g.: SECT.

11. 1962 Lawrence portrayer: O'TOOLE.

12. Sweetie, in slang: BAE. Too lazy to write baby/babe.

13. Twin sister of Apollo: ARTEMIS.

14. Headliners: LEAD ACTS.

15. Skirt type: MAXI.

16. As a whole: IN TOTO.

17. Impulse-conducting cell: NEURON.

18. Enemy in a Le Carré novel: KGB SPY. 71. 18-Down, at times: MOLE.

24. "Sad to say ... ": ALAS.

25. Diner sandwich: MELT.

31. Stick on, in a way: TAPE TO.

33. Dojo action: JUDO KICK. Debut fill.

34. Slugging Sammy: SOSA. We have lots of of mint-condition Sosa, McGwire rookie cards. Boomer used to own a baseball store in the 1980s. Alas, they're not worth anything now.

36. Oakland's Oracle, e.g.: ARENA.

38. Light controller in a lens: IRIS.

39. Obligation: DEBT.

40. Spread on toast: OLEO.

43. "Morning Edition" airer: NPR.

44. Lake Wobegon creator: KEILLOR. Such a sad downfall.

46. Creepy starer: OGLER.

47. Inexperienced: GREEN.

48. Donkey Kong looks like one: APE.

51. Like rolled carpet: UNLAID. Spell check does not like it.

52. "The Martian" star: DAMON (Matt)

53. __ contract: ORAL.

55. Food __: listlessness after a large meal: COMA. Your blood sugar goes up after a big meal, but your blood pressure goes down.

56. __ about: ON OR.

57. "Oh dear!": MY MY.

61. Gloria Estefan, for one: LATINA.

64. Error: MISSTEP.

65. Volkswagen sedan: JETTA. When I lived in Shanghai, most of Taxis were Jettas.

66. N-S Manhattan road: AVE.

68. Bookish set: LITERATI.

70. Starting quartet: ABCD.

72. Famous last words?: ET AL.

73. Ribs unit: RACK.

74. Blue side: UNION.

75. Unacceptable to some, for short: NOT PC. Also 109. Zero input: NO SAY.

81. Old Spanish bread: PESETA.

83. Meter measure: USAGE.

84. "The X-Files" org.: FBI.

86. Pour, e.g.: RAIN.

87. Inventor Rubik: ERNO.

88. Heart lines?: Abbr.: EKGS.

90. Cringe-worthy YouTube subject: EPIC FAIL. We were so happy to be back to Springbrook last Monday. The trails were still very soggy. We're going to hit 78 tomorrow.

92. Road goo: TAR.

93. Standard Oil brand: ESSO.

94. Unrealistic: DREAMING.

96. About to deliver: IN LABOR.

99. Outpourings: SPATES. Like your support for dear Santa, who lost his right leg to diabetes. 

 Cousin Merle, Laura (Argyle's sister) and Argyle, Feb 2017

100. Fingers-in-ears syllables: LA LA LA. Hope you're enjoying spring, dear LaLaLinda!

101. Embrace: ENFOLD.

102. Kiss drummer Eric: CARR. Wiki listed him as a "Past member".

103. Immediately: AT ONCE.

104. Hindustani tongue: URDU.

110. Sources of deck wood: TEAKS.

111. Sign in: LOG ON.

113. Digital displays, briefly: LCDS.

115. Earthen wall: BERM.

118. Cornerstone word: ANNO.

119. Film __: NOIR.

120. Pot starter: ANTE.

123. Capital of Switzerland?: ESS. Switzerland.

124. Hulce or Hanks: TOM. Or D-Otto or TTP, my rocks.

125. Sundial seven: VII.

Belated Happy Birthday to Dave (D4E4H), who turned 74 years old yesterday. Dave has some serious health issues and cannot move around freely, that's why sometimes his avatar is in BLACK when he's away from his normal computer. 

This Comments Section Abbreviation list is now easier to read because of Dave, who suggested me to alphabetize it. So simple yet I never thought of it.

Apr 22, 2018

Sunday April 22, 2018 Victor Barocas

Theme: "Number One Fan"- EGO  is hidden in the very middle each theme entry.

23. Neighbor of Montenegro: HERZEGOVINA.

34. Knew unfavorable things about: HAD THE GOODS ON.

43. Put the blame on: SCAPEGOATED.

56. In the "Other" column: UNCATEGORIZED.

67. Solving a problem boldly: CUTTING THE GORDIAN KNOT.

77. Tony Gwynn, notably: SAN DIEGO PADRE.

94. Ill-advised: MISBEGOTTEN

102. Complaint about monotony: HERE WE GO AGAIN.

117. Narcissistic trait exhibited perfectly by this puzzle's eight other longest answers: EGOCENTRISM.

In this type of hidden theme, often the hidden word span across two or more words. In today's case, we have a few one-word entries due to extra "centrism" layer.

Nice to see Victor Barocas' byline again. He's incredibly talented and self-effacing.

Left to right:

C.C., Tom Pepper, George Barany, Victor Barocas, Michael David & David Liben-Nowell. Missing David Hanson (Rosebud).


1. Jennifer Saunders Britcom: AB FAB. Absolutely Fabulous.

6. Supporting structure: TRUSS.

11. When tripled, "and so on": YADA. "Seinfeld".

15. Scandinavian language: SAMI.

19. PowerPoint unit: SLIDE.

20. Greek goddesses of the seasons: HORAE.

21. K.C. Royal, e.g.: ALER. American Leaguer. Gluey.

22. Snapchat co-founder Spiegel: EVAN. Husband of Miranda Kerr.

25. Gaiety: MERRIMENT.

27. Fleeced female: EWE.

28. Put up: ERECT.

29. Goalkeeper's success: SAVE.

30. Mournful melody: DIRGE.

31. Fleece-seeking vessel: ARGO.

37. Cabinetmaker's cylinder: DOWEL ROD. We also have 4. Carpentry tool: ADZ.

41. Obama : Bo :: FDR : __: FALA.

42. Pre-riot state: UNREST.

45. Bamm-Bamm's mom: BETTY. The Flintstones.

47. Like Chichén Itzá pyramids: MAYAN.

48. Harp constellation: LYRA.

49. Brought in: HIRED.

51. "Don't Bring Me Down" rock gp.: ELO.

54. Comparison phrase: IS TO.

60. Knuckler's lack: SPIN. R. A. Dickey was a Twin, ages ago.

63. T or F, maybe: ANS. The initial of our TTP.

65. Astronomer Hale: ALAN.

66. Japanese comics: ANIME.

73. Favorite's surprise: UPSET. Dupe with 126. Beginning: ONSET.

74. Learning method: ROTE.

75. Knee-injury initials: ACL.

76. Uncle __: BEN'S. Not BUCK.

82. Sailor's saint: ELMO.

84. U.N. worker protection gp.: ILO. International Labour Organization.

85. Normand of silents: MABEL.

86. Part of Q.E.D.: ERAT.

88. Port near Sapporo: OTARU.

92. Holy, to Henriette: SACRE. I have fond memory of this place.

96. "A Fish Called Wanda" actor: CLEESE.

99. Important pipe: MAIN.

101. German state named for a river, with "the": SAARLAND. The Saar River.

106. Audible alert: BEEP.

107. Greek marketplace: AGORA.

108. Plot measure: ACRE.

109. "Swell!": NEATO.

112. Caraway-flavored bread: RYE.

115. Exam for intellectual property lawyers: PATENT BAR. Debut entry.

120. Medical suffix: ITIS.

121. Actress Fanning: ELLE.

122. Eatery freebies: MINTS.

123. Command to attack: SIC 'EM.

124. Japanese PCs: NECS.

125. Useless, battery-wise: DEAD. Yay, my 11-year-old iPod came alive again.

127. Imitation: APERY.  Not a word I use.


1. 1975 Wimbledon champ: ASHE.

2. Botched: BLEW.

3. "Ask me anything": FIRE AWAY.

5. Wax maker: BEE.

6. "__: Ragnarok": 2017 superhero film: THOR. Chris Hemsworth.

7. Meander: ROVE.

8. Robert of "Vega$": URICH.

9. Resident of America's highest capital: SANTA FEAN. Hi there Owen!

10. Coral __: SEA.

11. Piano brand: YAMAHA.

12. Advil alternative: ALEVE. Boomer's hands sometimes have these spotty purplish spots. They often go away in a few days. His bowling buddy Don said it's due to various pain killers. Boomer had another bad fall a few weeks ago due to the stupid snow. Hurt his shoulder/elbow pretty bad. He had to take those pain killers.

13. Reduction of legal constraints, briefly: DEREG.

14. Part of ETA: Abbr.: ARR.

15. With a touch of sweetness: SEMI-DRY.

16. Opposed: AVERSE.

17. Tropical fruits: MANGOS. I once bought two mangoes that refused to ripen. Very weird.

18. What manslaughter lacks: INTENT. That would be murder.

24. Composer Telemann: GEORG.

26. Words of denial: I DON'T.

29. Mo.'s largest airport: STL.

32. Did some home maintenance: REPAINTED.

33. Narrow valleys: GLENS.

35. Pops: DAD.

36. Surpass: OUTDO.

37. Mil. award: DSM.

38. Plant also called a New Zealand yam: OCA. Still have not found these tubers in our local grocery stores.

39. Wuyi Mountains tea: OOLONG. Gimme for me.

40. It breaks in the morning: DAY.

44. Play about Capote: TRU.

45. Actress Vaccaro: BRENDA. Stranger to me.

46. Mind reader?: EEG.

49. Anaheim baseball cap feature: HALO.

50. Name dropped by TASS in 2014: ITAR.

51. Paperless periodical: E-ZINE.

52. Subpar car: LEMON.

53. "Waiting for Lefty" playwright: ODETS.

55. Earth tone: TAN.

57. Not free-range: CAGED.

58. Fled on foot: RAN.

59. Item gifted with a fountain pen: INK BOTTLE. I used to dread our calligraphy class.

60. "Pardon me, Giulia": SCUSI.

61. Post-larval: PUPAL.

62. "__ problem": IT'S NO. Tiny dupe: 68. "Lord, is __?": Matthew: IT I.

64. Dance floor flasher: STROBE.

69. What optimists don't give up: HOPE.

70. List-ending abbr.: ET AL.

71. Summer brew: ICE TEA. Or ICED TEA. Spring is finally here. Reaching 60s today. Our first 60s in five months.

72. Every one of: ALL.

78. Roast host: EMCEE.

79. Needlefish: GAR.

80. Controlling: REINING IN.

81. RN workplaces: ERS.

83. "S.W.A.T." star Shemar: MOORE. Unfamiliar to me.

87. Crunch targets: ABS.

89. Not for free: AT A PRICE.

90. Toon canine: REN.

91. Grand Forks sch.: UND. University of North Dakota.

92. One looking ahead: SEERESS. Great clue.

93. City near Lake Nasser: ASWAN.

94. Hamm of soccer: MIA.

95. Neighbor of Cameroon: GABON.

96. "Cat's in the Cradle" singer Harry: CHAPIN.

97. Papal representative: LEGATE.

98. Designed to light a fire?: EROTIC. Oh!

99. Damaged: MARRED.

100. Iron __: AGE.

103. Triangular building feature: GABLE.

104. City including the former site of a Seminole War fort: OCALA. Vowel-rich.

105. Glowing signs: NEONS.

110. Entr'__: ACTE.

111. Evaluate: TEST.

113. Flemish river: YSER.

114. One of 11 for Julia Louis-Dreyfus: EMMY.

116. Texas senator Cruz: TED.

117. Moody rock genre: EMO.

118. PreCheck org.: TSA.

119. Swindle, in slang: RIP.

I don't have any update on Argyle. I got overly optimistic last Sunday when he replied quite a few emails. Since then I have not been able to reach him. His friend Jennifer said he's doing OK and he's been using his computer. So let's hope he'll stop by the blog when he feels like it.

Thanks again for the well wishes and cards (weekly from Agnes!) you've sent to him.  And your tablet gift, D-Otto. And your ready-to-Amazon external keyboard, Anon-T.

Thank you so much for the kindness and generosity.


Apr 15, 2018

Sunday April 15, 2018 Paul Coulter

Theme: "Mirror Images"- The second three-letter string starting the second word is a mirror image of the letter letter string that ends the first word.

22. Coastal casino center: ATLANTIC CITY.

33. Current route: ELECTRIC CIRCUIT.
47. Chinese and Vietnamese: TONAL LANGUAGES. Mandarin has 4 tones. Cantonese has 9 tones.

67. Hotel evaluation system: STAR RATINGS.

90. Three-dimensional arrangement of atoms inside a diamond, say: CRYSTAL LATTICE. New term to me.

106. Article seen daily: NEWSPAPER REPORT.

120. Website evaluation tool: USER RESEARCH.

This theme reminded me a bit of Paul's "Magnetism" puzzles. The key words are consecutively hidden in the middle.

I especially liked 67A and 106A as all TAR/RAT, PER/REP are solid words.


1. High-fives, e.g.: SLAPS.

6. Big name in Champagne: MUMM. Not MOET. Also 26. Champagne word: BRUT.

10. Langston Hughes poem: I TOO.

14. Cinematic FX: CGI.

17. "The War of the Worlds" narrator of 1938: WELLES.

19. Hum-dinger of an instrument?: KAZOO. Nice clue.

20. It's composed of balances: DEBT.

21. Crew member: OAR.

24. Block-stocking building: ICE HOUSE. We call the sheds above frozen lakes "ice houses".

27. Indian nurse: AMAH. Might sound gluey to some, but this terms is widely used in Hong Kong.

28. First name in architecture: EERO.

30. Out of concern that: LEST.

31. Noodle concoction?: IDEA. 71. Terrible time?: TWOS. Gimmes for our regulars.

38. Charlie Brown correspondent: PEN PAL. These days we all use computer/tablet, etc. I guess we're all keyboard pals.

40. Lights into: ASSAILS.

41. It floods Florence periodically: ARNO.

42. Straightens up: TIDIES.

45. "We need a cat!": EEK. No mouse bothered us this winter. Yay!

46. Costa __: RICA.

54. Pretentious sort: PSEUD. Also 117. Pretends: PLAY-ACTS.

55. Poppycock: HOOEY.

56. Some decision makers: TOSSES.

57. Smartphone ancestor, briefly: PDA. Most dumb phones are pretty smart these days. 

59. Cos. with Xings: RRS.

60. Source of stress, probably: ONUS.

61. Like this ans.: ACR. Across.

63. St. Pete's place: FLA.

64. Goals: AIMS.

66. Hombre's hand: MANO.

75. Builder's need: PLAN.

77. "__ the fields we go ... ": OER.

78. Common Market letters: EEC. European Economic Community.

79. Advanced, as old age: RIPE.

80. Tell: RAT.

83. Courses for coll. credit: APS.

84. Third-least populous state: ALASKA. Wyoming. Vermont.

87. Staples Center player: LAKER. And 19. Longtime TV broadcaster of 87-Across games: KCAL

88. Ladybug's lunch: APHID.

93. Acidity-correcting fertilizer: MARL.New word to me.

94. Asian honorific: SRI. Also 129. Ladies of Sp.: SRAS.

96. Watching closely: EYEING.

97. Biol. branch: ECOL.

98. Like a well-grounded argument: TENABLE.

102. Play the flute: TOOTLE. Have any of you heard of Chinese Er Hu? The music is always hauntingly sad.

110. Lab vessel: VIAL.

111. Mystery writer Nevada __: BARR. Also new to me.

112. Middle of a Latin trio: AMAS.

113. Wind worth a warning: GALE.

115. Regrets: RUES.

123. Champagne word: SEC.

124. Iota: WHIT.

125. Long time follower?: NO SEE. Rooted in Chinese.

126. One getting smashed at a bash?: PINATA. Great fill/clue.

127. Tats: INK.

128. Nasdaq rival: NYSE.

130. Flippant: SASSY.


1. Q-tip: SWAB.

2. Speak without restraint: LET RIP.

3. Refer (to): ALLUDE.

4. Typewriter roller: PLATEN. Another word I never used.

5. D.C. VIP: SEN.

6. Papier-__: MACHE.

7. Action film weapon: UZI.

8. Sacred songs: MOTETS.

9. Journalist Bill inducted into the TV Hall of Fame in 1995: MOYERS. Wiki says he was the "White House Press Secretary in the Johnson administration from 1965 to 1967."

10. Follies: IDIOCIES.

11. Private eye: TEC. Detective. Not used these days.

12. Washington Monument, for one: OBELISK.

13. Additional: OTHER.

14. Dior or Klein: COUTURIER. In my TEC days, Dior was one of our biggest clients.

15. Beetle juice?: GAS. VW Beetle.

16. Boiling state: IRE.

18. Transit syst. component: STA.

23. Well-shod Marcos: IMELDA. Just crazy.

25. Annual winter telecast, with "The": OSCARS.

29. Coastline feature: RIA.

32. In a fitting way: APTLY.

34. __ belli: act of war: CASUS. Learning moment as well.

35. 2016 W.S. losers to the Cubs: CLE.

36. Bring upon oneself: INCUR.

37. Contemptible sorts: TOADS.

39. Afflict: AIL.

43. IV part: INTRA.

44. I strain?: EGO.

47. __ McAn shoes: THOM.

48. The last Mrs. Chaplin: OONA. And her grand-daughter.

49. It may be proper: NOUN.

50. Creator of many talking animals: AESOP.

51. To the extent that: AS FAR AS.

52. Cabbage: GELT.

53. Morales of "The Brink": ESAI.

54. Frying pan spray: PAM.

57. Scrolling unit: PAGE.

58. Frisbee, e.g.: DISC.

61. "Immediately!": ASAP.

62. Forklift load: Abbr.: CTNS.

65. Classic Fender guitar, familiarly: STRAT.

68. Crowd sound: ROAR.

69. Count (on): RELY.

70. Author Zora __ Hurston: NEALE.

72. Collaborative website: WIKI.

73. Crude gp.?: OPEC.

74. Bone-dry: SERE. Our old friend is back.

76. Chap: LAD.

80. Staple for a collegian on a tight budget: RAMEN. Instant Ramen hit Xi'an when I just entered college (1990). It was more expensive than a bowl of freshly made noodles sold in our school dining hall. But we all wanted Instant Ramen. So silly!

81. On the double: APACE.

82. Atavism: THROWBACK.

85. Exorbitant: STEEP.

86. Mary __ cosmetics: KAY.

87. No. 2 at the statehouse: LT GOV.

89. "You got that right!": I'LL SAY.

90. Film lover: CINEASTE.  I've only heard of "Cinephile".

91. Small amount: LITTLE.

92. "Is that __?": A NO.

94. Carb-loaded: STARCHY. All my meals are starchy. That's how I was raised.

95. Gym unit: REP.

99. Inlet or cove: ARM.

100. Some rechargeable shavers: BRAUNS.

101. One offering quarters: LESSOR.

103. Albania's capital: TIRANA.

104. Actresses Linney and Dern: LAURAS.

105. Gives a seat to: ELECTS.

107. Seafood serving: PRAWN.

108. Tough bosses to work for: OGRES.

109. Hard to come by: RARE. Like his rookie card, thought I much prefer the 1956 Topps.

114. Seer's claim: ESP.

116. Open carriage: SHAY.

117. Meas. checked after tire rotation: PSI.

118. Cariou of "Sweeney Todd": LEN.

119. "__ the season ... ": TIS.

121. Pueblo pronoun: ESA.

122. Frozen Wasser: EIS.

Husker Gary has updated our Crossword Corner Map. Please click below to enlarge. Or you can just click here.

Please email Gary if you want to be included or excluded in the map. Thanks for the time and efforts you've put into the map, Gary!



Apr 8, 2018

Sunday April 8, 2018 Jeffrey Wechsler

Theme:  "Low Flow" - L is changed into FL in each theme entry. (Thanks for the extra L observation, Lemonade.)
22A. Interfaith service attendees? : COMBINATION FLOCK. Combination lock.

28A. Arsonist's alibi? : FLAME EXCUSE. Lame excuse.

56A. Cause of business failure? : CORPORATE FLAW. Corporate law.

62A. Distinguished screwballs? : GREAT FLAKES. Great Lakes.

72A. Uproar over a controversial win? : VICTORY FLAP. Victory lap.

80A. Niche market for airport bookstores? : FLIGHT READING. Light reading.
106A. Dumpster hoverers? : PACK OF FLIES. Pack of lies.

117A. Hygiene product for very big teeth? : SUBSTANTIAL FLOSS. Substantial loss.

Five F's are added to the start of last words, three to the first. Quite consistent, key to this type of letter addition/deletion/substitution puzzles.

Jeffrey also gives us a 140-word grid. LAT Sundays are normally 144. Look at the top/bottom edges, they're usually divided into 4 parts. Jeffrey the Master only uses 3. He also places six solid non-theme 9's, two of them are paralleled.


1. Humanities degs. : BAs
4. Dangerous thing to fall in with : BAD CROWD. Great debut fill.

12. Enhances : ADDS TO

18. Exiled, with "away" : SENT

19. Nonconforming : IRREGULAR

20. Kitchen gadget : PEELER. Here is my favorite. I got it from our local Asian store.

21. Eponymous reader : UTNE. Reader.

24. Conquered after being lost, as territory : RETAKEN

26. Part of it is on L.I. : NYC. We also have 127. Manhattan region : EAST SIDE And 4. Bombers' home? : BRONX

27. __ food : HEALTH

32. __ resources : HUMAN

34. Ornamental shrub : YEW

35. Gurus' retreats : ASHRAMS. So many people are seeking enlightenment, but Buddha achieved his only after he left his wife and kid.

37. Ill-gotten gains : GRIFT

42. Sheep group : FOLD

44. Pre-adulthood stages : PUPAE

46. Venerable retailer : SEARS

49. Even once : EVER

50. Reliable sort : TROUPER. Always thought it's TROOPER.

52. Glitzy rock genre : GLAM

54. Goliath, to David : FOE

55. Levelheaded : SANE. You just can't rattle D-Otto. Last winter when he discovered he had permanent retina damage, he dealt it with humor, carrying on his Meals on Wheels work as usual. Always cool. Always a do-er.

59. State requiring "Stat!" : URGENCY

61. Enterprise bridge figure : SULU

64. More than not : MOST

67. Unrefined : RAW

70. "The Goldbergs" airer : ABC

71. "House" actor Epps : OMAR
76. Eponymous salad creator : COBB. Never had it. Some food just don't appeal to me. 

79. "That is my intention" : I MEAN TO

87. Emulate a condor : SOAR

88. Spherical organ : EYE

90. "Star Wars" saga fixture : LEIA. Boomer would have commented on the three vowels.

91. Equanimity : BALANCE

92. First word of "Send in the Clowns" : ISN'T. "Isn't it rich?".

93. WWI battle river : SOMME

95. Stop on the briny : AVAST

97. S.F. commuting system : BART

98. 16th-century Sorrento-born poet : TASSO. We had him before. And 125. 98-Across' lang. : ITAL

100. Cape user : MATADOR

102. SALT subject : ABM

103. Barely bested, with "out" : NOSED

111. Like Stephen King's Pennywise : CREEPY

114. Medium power? : ESP. Nice clue.

116. Golden quality? : SILENCE. No. 1 requirement for being a Ninja.
122. Yawn-inducing : DULL

123. One changing lines, perhaps : EDITOR. That's Rich.

124. End of an ultimatum : OR LEAVE IT. Feels like partial-ish to me. YMMV.

126. Yes : ASSENT
128. Sardine catcher : NET. Dried sardines are important in Korean cooking. Base of broth.


1. Stimulating nut : BETEL

2. Women's fashion chain : ANN TAYLOR. For career women.

3. Really angry : STEAMED UP

5. Radius location : ARM

6. Young socialite : DEB

7. Pixar output, briefly : CGI

8. Track competitor : RUNNER

9. Brand including Regenerist products : OLAY.  I still like the Olay original.

10. Defiant reply to a dare : WATCH ME

11. Soft & __: deodorant : DRI

12. Sleep disorder : APNEA

13. Make less dangerous, as a snake : DEFANG. You can find live snakes in many restaurants in Guangzhou. Live fish too.

14. Acer rival : DELL. Also 16. Acer employee : TECH. My screen is Acer.

15. Vending machine opening : SLOT
17. TV planet : ORK. Mork & Mindy.

18. Banzai Pipeline feature : SURF. Also  57. Grounds crew concern : TURF

19. Frozen drink brand : ICEE

23. Omega, to a physicist : OHM

25. London's __ Gardens : KEW

29. Ruth wore one : CAP. Baby Ruth. (Correction: I meant Babe Ruth.)

30. What kilowatt hours measure : USAGE

31. Knickknack perch : SHELF

33. Its Space Command has HQ in Colorado : USAF. Hi Bob, are you still reading our blog?

36. Capital of Eritrea : ASMARA

38. Alter, as a tailor might : RE-SEAM

39. First Family name : IVANKA Her kids speak Chinese.

40. Dueling party : FENCER

41. Low cards : TREYS

42. Consumer protection org. : FTC

43. Conquistador's treasure : ORO

44. Pacific Rim nation : PERU

45. Eurasian border river : URAL

47. Opposite of a squeaker : ROUT

48. Lowly worker : SERF

51. Tom of "Newhart" : POSTON. Boomer met him at a charity golf tournament once.

53. Math subj. : ALG

58. Information source, with "the" : WEB

60. All over the world : GLOBAL

63. Bookkeeping no. : ACCT

64. Champagne cocktail : MIMOSA. Do you guys like Kombucha?

65. Hurricanes form over them : OCEANS

66. Embarks : STARTS

68. Furry TV ET : ALF

69. License holder? : WALLET. No hesitation from me.

72. Stop by : VISIT. Tablet will take Argyle a bit longer to figure out. In the meantime, please continue sending cards to below address. He enjoys our cards.

D. Scott Nichols
Room #219
Wesley Health Care Center
131 Lawrence St.
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

73. GPS data : RTES

74. Foolish one : YO-YO

75. Food in a humility metaphor : PIE

77. Spheres : ORBS

78. Vanquish : BEAT

81. Hall of Fame chef De Laurentiis : GIADA. Know her of course. I did not know there's a Culinary Hall of Fame though.

82. Wreaked state : HAVOC

83. Tinkered with : DABBLED IN. Thought of TTP, who will probably still enjoy tinkering with things in his 90s. DIY takes curiosity and talents. 

84. "Soon" : IN A MINUTE

85. ATM giant : NCR

86. Procure : GET

89. Full-figured model born Melissa Miller : EMME. I did not know her original name. That's quite close to Marisa Miller the model below.

94. Archipelago with an eponymous wine : MADEIRA

96. Storied vessel : ARK

99. Big weight : ONE TON

101. Java creation : APPLET

102. Workers' org. formed in 1886 : AFL

104. Vasarely's genre : OP-ART

105. Word for word?: Abbr. : SYN. Another great clue.

107. Actor Davis : OSSIE

108. Raised symbol of resistance : FIST

109. Brilliant display : ECLAT

110. Market : SELL

111. They're chewed in pastures : CUDS. I'm glad I'm not a cow. I can't imagine eating the same food day after day.

112. Wrigley Field stats : RBIs

113. Sunrise dirección : ESTE

115. "Do the Right Thing" pizzeria : SAL'S

117. "Many fresh streams meet in one salt __": Shakespeare : SEA

118. Little piggy : TOE

119. Sol preceders : FAs

120. CXII halved : LVI. 56.

121. 20-volume ref. : OED

Splynter said "Hi". He is now working as an AutoCAD drafter for Westhampton Architectural Glass. I'm happy that he left that winery. I was afraid they would sabotage his hard work with AA.

Yeah, PK, try Dave's suggestion. Google Gmail. You should get your account back.


Apr 1, 2018

Sunday April 1, 2018 Pam Amick Klawitter

Theme: "Now That's a Workout!"- Each theme entry is punnily re-phrased as if it's a workout term fitting the person in the clue.

27A. Mediators burn calories by __ : RUNNING INTERFERENCE

45A. Employees burn calories by __ : PUNCHING THE CLOCK. Four of the theme clues have a specific profession. This one and 108A are a bit general.

64A. Researchers burn calories by __ : SURFING THE WEB. Look at this cool art.

72A. Forensic investigators burn calories by __ : LIFTING PRINTS

93A. Campaigners burn calories by __ : PRESSING THE FLESH

108A. Toadies burn calories by __ : JUMPING THROUGH HOOPS. I don't quite get this clue. Why "Toadies"?

Anon-T just asked me the other day whether he can use two "THEs" in the theme entries. This puzzle should alleviate his worries.

Yes, you can use two THEs and ANDs in theme entries. Rich also will not object if you use two UPs, TOs and INs as fill. But don't over-do it.

I'm always excited to see Pam back. She's an very creative constructor. Read this article.

1. Shopper, at times : TOTER. I've never used those big in-store tote bags. You?

6. Driving hazard : SKID

10. The last game there was played 9/28/2008 : SHEA. Mets vs. Marlins.

14. Olive Garden staple : PASTA. Here is pasta Xi'an style. Look at the hot peppers.

19. __ cuisine : HAUTE

20. Newcastle's river : TYNE

21. Changes lanes on? : TARS. Nice clue.

22. One way to think : ALOUD

23. Laura's classic "Dick Van Dyke Show" wail : OH ROB

24. Baseball family name : ALOU. More baseball references: 26. Hit-by-pitch reminders : WELTS. And 51. 2018 "Sunday Night Baseball" addition : A-ROD

25. Got off the horse : ALIT

31. Increased : ROSE

32. Short relative? : SIB. "Short" hints at a shortened answer.

33. __ spot : SORE

34. March family creator : ALCOTT

38. Cancel at NASA : SCRUB

40. Brainstorm : IDEATE. Imagine my surprise when I heard this word used in a podcast.

50. Those, in Tijuana : ESOS
52. Org. with specialists : AMA

53. Bust unit : KILO. Drug bust.

54. Carve up : ALLOT

55. Like many an AARP mem. : RET (Retired)

56. Got glasses on credit? : RAN A TAB. Liked the clue/entry.

60. Trent Reznor's band, initially : NIN. Nine Inch Nails.

61. College near Albany : SIENA. Gimme for Agnes/Santa/Spitzboov.
62. Earthshaking event : TREMOR. Hi there Jayce!

67. High winds : OBOES

70. Monterrey day : DIA

71. Blackens, as a flue : SOOTS

77. Clan symbols : TOTEMS

81. Bountiful native : UTAHN. Bountiful, Utah.

82. Carides of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" : GIA. No idea. Did like the movie though.

83. "Inside the NFL" analyst : ESIASON. Boomer.

86. Place to go in Gloucester : LOO

87. Collapses : GIVES

88. La Scala strain : ARIA. I like this Aria, where our Steve stays when he visits Vegas.

90. High degree : NTH

91. Buy and sell quickly : FLIP

92. Cabinet dept. with an atom on its seal : ENER

98. Fight in the boonies : RASSLE

100. Offshore : AT SEA

101. Picks on : TAUNTS. The big bully in our neighborhood was later bullied on in high school

102. First name in folk : ARLO

105. Broadway's Hagen : UTA

106. Pouches : SACS

116. Getting warm : CLOSE

118. Unadorned : BARE

119. Logical word from Descartes : ERGO. Jayce again!

120. Positive words from one in a slump : I'M DUE

121. Puts an edge on : HONES

122. Omani money : RIAL

123. Roger succeeded him in Bond films : SEAN (Connery). To me, Bond is always Daniel Craig. Very Bond-y.

124. Chilling : ON ICE

125. In-crowd : A-LIST

126. Word with ant or brat : ARMY

127. Churchill, for one : TORY

128. Chips : NICKS


1. God with a hammer : THOR

2. Iolani Palace island : OAHU

3. Chance to play : TURN. At Boomer's Friday morning pot games, there's a guy who wins money (quarters) from the other old guys, all the time. Last week Boomer beat the guy and was happy the whole day. Little joys of life.

4. Berkshire boarding school : ETON

5. Renaissance : REBIRTH

6. Big bucks : STAGS

7. One of the Jenners : KYLIE. She has built up a cosmetic empire.

8. Part of : IN ON

9. German, in Germany : DEUTSCH. TTP stationed there in his Army days. So many regulars on our blog served in the military: Argyle, Spitzboov, D-Otto, TTP, Boomer, Anon-T. Who else?

10. Pequod's chief mate : STARBUCK. Moby-Dick

11. __ Moon: Henry Hudson's ship : HALF. Guessed.

12. Cat Nation people : ERIES

13. Toon dog sharing a name with an MLB player : ASTRO

14. Used as security, in a way : PAWNED

15. One of the Baldwins : ALEC

16. Lonesome fish? : SOLE

17. Son of Akhenaten : TUT

18. "Mad Men" creations : ADs

28. Words of denial : NOT I

29. Blarney Stone home : EIRE

30. The Phantom of the Opera : ERIK. Here is Erik Agard, the new American Crossword Puzzle Tournament champion. He probably finished today's LAT in 6 minutes.

34. In pieces : APART

35. Attractive one? : LURER

36. Benjamin's bill : C NOTE

37. Anxious med. condition : OCD

38. ESPN figures : STATS

39. Russian crepes : BLINI. Never had Blini.

41. Hardest to hang on to : EELIEST

42. More than enough, usually : A SLEW

43. Odds end? : TO ONE. Like million TO ONE odds.

44. Cornerstone abbr. : ESTAB

46. Tandoori bread : NAN

47. "Today" rival, for short : GMA

48. Hollywood's Ken and Lena : OLINS

49. Where Kinshasa is : CONGO

54. Kutcher of "The Ranch" : ASHTON

56. Birds in Kilmer's "Trees" : ROBINS

57. Memphis middle name : ARON. Elvis' middle name.

58. Quattro maker : AUDI

59. Salty solution : BRINE

63. Goose and hen? : MOTHERS. Mother Goose. Mother hen.

65. __ Domino : FATS

66. Wizard revealer : TOTO

68. "Walk, Don't Run" actress Samantha : EGGAR

69. Skyline standout : SPIRE

72. German pistol : LUGER

73. Rock music memoir : I TINA

74. Strong preferences, casually : FAVES

75. Mikhail's wife : RAISA

76. __ different tune: change one's mind : SING A

78. Self-named sitcom : ELLEN

79. Word in Duncan Hines ads : MOIST

80. Former frosh : SOPHs

84. Co. that spawned Baby Bells : ATT

85. Theater warning : SHH

89. In an insightful manner : ASTUTELY. Thought of PK, who's very observant.

91. Shot target : FLU. Will definitely get flue shot this year. 

93. Witness' lineup choice, ideally : PERP

94. Map strip: Abbr. : ISTH. Isthmus.

95. Least distant : NEAREST

96. Inscribe : ETCH

97. Runway display : FASHION

99. Like the worst excuse : LAMEST

103. Sign of balance? : LIBRA
104. Ecstatic way to walk : ON AIR. Also 107. Ecstasy's opposite : AGONY

106. Domino product : SUGAR

 108. Multiple Grammy winner Mitchell : JONI

109. Purposes : USES

110. Weight unit : GRAM

111. Stale cookie in crosswords? : OREO. Quite popular in China now.

112. Ritz-Carlton rival : OMNI

113. Lyrical : ODIC

114. It's stopped during a save : PUCK. Hockey.

115. Gets : SEES

116. All the tea in China? : CHA. Just Chinese for "tea".

117. Facebook chuckle : LOL