, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 15, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019, Michael A. Macdonald

FLASH in the Pan.  The word Flash can be proceed the first word of each theme answer to give us a new concept.

20-Across. "Hell's Kitchen" chef: GORDON RAMSAY.  As in Flash Gordon.  Flash Gordon is a science fiction comic strip hero who first appeared in 1934.

Gordon Ramsay (né Gordon James Ramsay; b. Nov. 8, 1966) is a British chef, restaurateur and food critic.

31-Across. Risky low-lying area to build on: FLOOD ZONE.  As in Flash Flood.  These two terms are close, but not the same.  The National Weather Service defines a Flash Flood as flood caused by heavy or excessive rain in a short period of time, generally less than 6 hours, whereas a Flood Zone is an area that is prone to flooding for a longer period of time.

This event was neither a Flash Flood, nor did it occur in a Flood Zone.

48-Across. Not someone an amateur should play poker with: CARD SHARK.  As in Flash Card.  We all probably had Flash Cards when in school to help learn vocabulary, math problems, or other information.  Typically, a flash card has a question on one side and the answer on the other.

And the unifier:
55-Across. Narrative device that peeks at the future ... and a hint to the start of 20-, 31-, and 48-Across: FLASH FORWARD.

1. Bloke: CHAP.

5. Tie, in chess: DRAW.

9. Rival of Elle: VOGUE.  Both Elle and Vogue are fashion magazines.

14. Punjabi prince: RAJA.  A crossword staple.

15. Personal energy field, some say: AURA.

16. Black key wood, traditionally: EBONY.  Did you ever wonder why piano keys were in black and white?

17. Banned apple spray: ALAR.  Which crosses with 3-Down:  Cracked open, say: AJAR.  When is a door not a door?

18. Electric fan noise: WHIR.
9. Fix, as a loose shoelace knot: RETIE.

23. Special or covert strategies: OPs.  As in Special Operations or Covert Operations.

24. Trucker's unit: TON.

25. Owns: HAS.   //  And 11-Down: Obtained: GOT.

28. Lorelei's river: RHINE.  According to legend, Lorelei was a beautiful young German maiden who would sing enchanting songs while sitting on this huge rock on the banks of the Rhine River.  When the boatmen heard her singing, they would become so enrapt, that they would forget where they were, causing their boats to crash into the rock and they would drown.  The legend became famous after Heinrich Heine wrote this poem, which you can read in both English and German.  The Lorelei is actually a large rock formation in the curve of the Rhine River, and there have historically been a lot of boat crashes at the site.

34. Long, long time: EON.  Another crossword staple.

35. Post-WWI art movement: DADA.  Everything you wanted to know about the DADA Art Movement, but were afraid to ask.  Marcel Duchamp (1887 ~ 1968) is an artist who is closely associated with the Dada movement.

37. Affixed with a hammer: NAILED.

38. Unknown Doe: JOHN.  John or Jane?  Wait for the perps.

40. "Gymnopédies" composer: SATIE. Erik Satie (May 17, 1866 ~ July 1, 1925) makes frequent guest appearances in the crossword puzzles.

42. High-grade cotton: PIMA.   Not to be confused with 50-Across: Adidas alternatives: PUMAs.

43. Barely make, as a living: EKE OUT.

45. Boots the ball: ERRS.

47. Serious no-no: SIN.

52. Everyday article: THE.

53. Second-tallest living bird: EMU.  These large birds make frequent guest appearances in the crossword puzzles.

54. Burger holder: BUN.

61. Camper's craft: CANOE.

64. "English breakfast" drinks: TEAS.  Everything you wanted to know about English Breakfast Tea, but were afraid to ask.

65. Bear's warning: ROAR.
66. Assumed name: ALIAS.

67. Colored eye part: IRIS.

68. Prefix for objectors: ANTI-.  As in Antidisestablishmentarianism.

69. Where to get dates: PALMS.  Cute clue!

70. __ a one: none: NARY. 71. Barely a sound: PEEP.

1. Rugged cliff: CRAG.

2. Angelic ring: HALO.

4. Formal forgiveness: PARDON.

5. Occurs to, with "on": DAWNS.

6. German coal valley: RUHR.

7. La Scala number: ARIA.  It may not have been recorded at La Scala, Milan's opera house, but it is an ARIA from Carmen, one of my favorite operas.


8. Become fond of: WARM TO.

9. Porch with a roof, usually: VERANDA.

10. Give heed to: OBEY.

12. Institute of higher learning, to Brits: UNI.

13. Look at intently: EYE.
21. Opinion piece: OP-ED.  I learned from doing the crosswords that OP-ED means "Opposite the Editorial Page in a newspaper, and that it expresses the opinion of the author who is not generally affiliated with the paper's editorial board.  Here are some Tips on writing an Op-Ed piece.

22. Oklahoma athlete: SOONER.  The word "sooner"became associated with Oklahoma shortly after the Land Run of 1889 to people who entered what became the State of Oklahoma before the official date designated in the Indian Appropriation Act of March 2, 1889.

25. "Total patient" philosophy: HOLISM.

26. Low-hemoglobin condition: ANEMIA.

27. Many taxis: SEDANS.
28. Not accept: REJECT.

29. Pipe smoked in trendy bars: HOOKAH.  Since it's the 2nd day of Sukkot, this clue is rather timely.  Actually, the only time I have actually seen a Hookah in a Sukkah is on a UNI campus.  It's just funny because it rhymes.

30. "Where are you?" response from a nearby room: IN HERE!

31. Govt. regulator of dietary supplements: FDA.  As in the Food and Drug Administration.
32. "I don't have time right now": LATER.

33. Nada: ZIP.

36. Inhaler user's malady: ASTHMA.

39. Nonverbal okay: NOD.

41. Really bug: IRK.
44. Having no purpose: USELESS.

46. Cowboy boot attachment: SPUR.

49. "Keep __ Weird": Texas city slogan: AUSTIN.  This slogan was adopted in 2000 by the Austin Independent Business Alliance to promote small businesses in Austin, Texas.  You can read more about the weirdness of the city.

51. Open for Christmas: UNWRAP.  Fun clue.

54. Everycow: BOSSY.  I always heard cows called Bessie, however, there is apparently a tradition of calling cows Bossie.

55. Whitecap formation: FOAM.

56. Olympian queen: HERA.  It's Greek to me.

57. Okay, but not great: FAIR.

58. Great: A-ONE.

59. Part of APR: RATE.  As in the Annual Percentage Rate.

60. Plumbing problem: DRIP.

61. Upper limit: CAP.

62. Phrase on a menu: Ă€ LA.  Think of Chicken Ă  la King.

63. Nada: NIL.

Here's the Grid:

QOD:  Facing the choice between changing one’s mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.  ~  John Kenneth Galbraith (Oct. 15, 1908 ~ Apr. 29, 2006), Canadian-born economist

Oct 14, 2019

Monday, Oct 14, 2019 Paul Coulter

Theme: ON THE MONEY (59. Exactly right ... and where parts of 17-, 24- and 47-Across appear)

17. Toy component of a miniature cabin ($5): LINCOLN LOG.

24. One applying for a financial gift ($50): GRANT WRITER.

47. Popular Wyoming mountain resort ($20): JACKSON HOLE.

Boomer here.  

What a week!!  Twins are history and I don't think it matters because Houston would not like to play in 30 degree weather.  Since this blog covers most of North America, I wish to mention sympathy to those in Southern California who were damaged by the fires. Also to those up north from Fargo to Theodore Roosevelt National Park who were pelted with an October blizzard. Finally prayers and good wishes to Dennis in Florida who is undergoing a serious medical procedure.  
Now on to the puzzle.  Our constructor seemed to leave out the George Washington bill, the one to which I am most familiar.


1. Livens (up): PEPS.  Add an "I" and I am drinking one.

5. River through the Lake of the Ozarks: OSAGE.  "Oh SAGE" Thanksgiving is only about six weeks away.  My favorite spice in the Turkey stuffing.

10. GPS diagrams: MAPS.  Spell it backwards and you have that military meat from Austin, MN.

14. Teen heartthrob: IDOL.  Singer Billy with funny hair.

15. Rocker Eddie Van __: HALEN.

16. Tennis great Arthur who wrote "A Hard Road to Glory": ASHE.

19. Actor Gosling: RYAN.  How about Nolan who had about 324 wins and over 5000 strikeouts?

20. "__ suggestions?": ANY.

21. Mindless repetition: ROTE.  Hope you are not tired of pro athletes yet, but Kyle Rote was a wide receiver for the New York Giants.  My claim to his fame is we share the same birthday, (However not the same year of course.)

22. "You __ grounded!": ARE SO.

23. Jack Sprat no-no: FAT.  His wife could eat no lean.

27. "What __ state of affairs!": A SAD.

29. Frosty coating: RIME.  I did not know what it was called. We had a bit of RIME on our deck yesterday.  Winter comes early in Minnesota,

30. Par __: via airmail, in Arles: AVION.

32. Intend to say: MEAN.  Jesse Ventura used to call Gene Okerlund (wrestling sports caster) MEAN GENE.

34. WWII turning point: D DAY.

38. Doozy: LULU.  "To sir, with Love."

39. High-tech eye surgery: LASIK.  Too high tech for me, I need glasses to read the paper and the internet.

40. Self-defense spray: MACE.  Get this in your eye and I don't think LASIK will help.

41. Roach or termite: PEST.

42. Stuntman Knievel: EVEL.  I remember 1974 when the world was watching him to jump a motorcycle over the Snake River Canyon somewhere in Idaho.  I don't remember if he made it but he must have because he performed many jumps after that.

43. Like Cheerios, grain-wise: OATEN.  General Mills offices are near our home. I used to eat Cheerios but I have changed my attention to CHEX.

44. Fine-tune, as skills: HONE.

46. Author Rice: ANNE.

52. Myrna of "The Thin Man": LOY.  The "Thin Man" became a TV series in the late 50s. with Peter Lawford. Lawford was a brother-in-law of JFK and also a member of the so called "Rat Pack" who hung out at The Sands in Las Vegas.

55. High hairdos: AFROS.  Not to be confused with the Houston Team that is taking on the Yanks in the ALCS.

56. Greek "i": IOTA.

57. Simpson trial judge: ITO.  Ah yes, The most famous judge of the O.J. Simpson era.

58. Unfocused image: BLUR.  Maybe they should try LASIK.

62. First, in "Who's on First?": BASE.  What's on second, I don't know's on third.

63. Worse, as excuses go: LAMER.

64. "I, Claudius" role: NERO.

65. "__ girl!": ATTA.

66. Accomplishments: DEEDS.  Get as many Monopoly cards as you can.  Collect rent and win the game.

67. "No warranties": AS IS.


1. Seasoned rice dish: PILAF.

2. Patsy's "Ab Fab" pal: EDINA.  This would be a southwest suburb of Minneapolis.

3. Hairstyles named for an equine feature: PONYTAILS.  My older sister had one for years.  A common style in the 50s and 60s but I still see a few around today.

4. Utah luggage tag initials: SLC.  Salt Lake City,  I've been through there a few times on I-80.  They sure have a big lake there.  Bigger than all Minnesota lakes except Superior I suppose.

5. "Dear God!": OH LORD.

6. Reindeer reins holder: SANTA.  My church had a priest named Father Santa.  He transferred to Michigan, but at Christmas he got lots of mail.

7. Filmmaker Woody: ALLEN.

8. Former Prizm maker: GEO.  Interesting history, the car was a joint venture with GM and some Japanese automakers.  I think Chevy took it over in the early 2000s but it did not last long.

9. London lang.: ENG.  When I was a young American, I thought "English" was a foreign language.

10. Guy wearing a ring, perhaps: MARRIED MAN.

11. Until now: AS YET.

12. New moon, e.g.: PHASE.  This word comes up in electricity all the time.  Your home is probably single phase, but three phase is for the bigger power users.

13. Mexican title: SENOR.

18. Church keyboard: ORGAN.  My church replaced ours with a piano.  Not my favorite.

22. Escort's offer: ARM.

25. Oregon or Chisholm: TRAIL.  I wonder how many "TRAILS" are in the U.S.

26. Bat one eye: WINK.

28. Place to eat Seoul food: SOUTH KOREA.  I get it, a play on words.  I know I am constantly guilty of it.  Sorry.

30. Mont Blanc, e.g.: ALP.

31. Saturn SUV: VUE.  This was replaced by the "Outlook", but now I think Saturn has been swallowed up by GM and you have to go to Chevy to get an SUV.

32. Expert: MAVEN.

33. Language suffix: ESE.  Minneapolis to Lake Superior compass direction.

35. Starts of many news stories: DATELINES.  Also known as "Breaking News" which is every report on MSNBC, CNN, and FOX (less Shepard Smith).

36. Expert: ACE.  A great start to the game of 21 aka Blackjack.

37. Strong desire: YEN.  Japanese money.  It takes a whole bunch to equal a U.S. dollar.

39. Jay of late-night TV: LENO.  Used to be on "Tonight", now his show is in a garage.

43. Late hr. to turn in: ONE AM.  This is when I get up to take pills, but I am back in the sack by 1:01 AM.

45. CIA forerunner: OSS.  WWII era, Office of Secret Services.

46. Changes: ALTERS.

47. __ the Hutt of "Star Wars": JABBA.  Star Wars of the future.  If this were in the stone age, Fred Flintstone might holler "Jabba Jabba Dooo".

48. Note after G: A FLAT.  I almost had "A FLAT" when my tire picked up a nail last Spring.

49. Pizza feature: CRUST.  I used to make and bake pizzas.  We called the base a crust but it was not crusty.  Not like the frozen kind you get at the Grocery store.

50. Blackjack request: HIT ME.  A dangerous move with 15 or 16.

51. __ and aahed: OOHED.

53. Comical Cheri: OTERI.

54. Up-and-down toys: YO-YOS.  Everyone had a "Duncan" when I was a kid.  We could make them sleep or go "around the world".

59. Ancient: OLD.  I am not there yet, but getting close.

60. Dumfries denial: NAE.

61. Words before roll or streak: ON A.  Could be a bowling term for XXXXXXX.


Oct 13, 2019

Sunday October 13, 2019 Kevin Salat

Theme: "Flip the Switch" - ON and OFF change positions.  

22A. Lectured about links?: SPOKE ON THE CUFF. Spoke off the cuff

47A. "We have that in stock," e.g.?: ON HAND REMARK. Offhand remark.

70A. Extra-base hit, likely?: FLY OFF THE WALL. Fly on the wall.

91A. Fake modeling material?: KNOCK OFF WOOD. Knock on wood.

117A. Let go of a factory workers unit?: LAID OFF THE LINE. Laid on the line.

32D. Guidebook for throwing a shot?: ON PUTTING. Off-putting.

60D. Stage hog staying sober?: HAM OFF RYE. Ham on rye.

Three Off to ON, Four On to OFF. One more will be an even switch.

Grid design can be deceiving at times. I thought this is a 140-worder, a few spots just feel so chunky.


1. Expert's nugget: PRO TIP.

7. Seaside eatery: CLAM BAR. Never been to a clam bar.

14. Relative challenge for some: IN-LAW. Real "relative".

19. Stand-up sort: MENSCH. So many on our blog.

20. Filmmaker for whom a Golden Globe award is named: DEMILLE. Also 127. Academy bestowals: OSCARS.

21. Part of TNT: NITRO.

24. Got out of the pen: SPRUNG. Jail. And 81. Sentence structure?: CELL.

26. 1974 Peace Nobelist from Japan: SATO. Wiki says he "brought Japan into the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974." He died in 1975.

27. Gram opening: INSTA. Instagram.

28. Word on a towel: HIS.

29. Icky stuff: GOO.

30. __-cone: SNO.

33. Portable preparedness kit: GO BAG.

35. Rang: TOLLED.

37. 2019 NCAA hoops champ: UVA. And 34. 37-Across conf.: ACC.

38. Start of a few choice words?: EENIE.

40. World Golf Hall of Famer Lorena: OCHOA. One of my favorite LPGA players.

42. Big discount events: FIRE SALES.

45. Fabric flaws: RIPS.

46. Govt. health org.: CDC. And 66. 46-Across HQ city: ATL.

49. Uniformed "O Canada" singer: BLUEJAY. And 52. Maple syrup base: SAP.

51. Prom coif: UPDO.

53. Oktoberfest vessel: STEIN.

54. Balaam's mount: ASS.

55. "In memoriam" piece: OBIT.

59. Adjust the length of: RE-HEM.

63. Peach center: PIT. Tried a few white peaches this year. So sweet.

64. "Cabaret" film director: FOSSE.

66. Spanning: ACROSS.

68. Foo Fighters frontman Grohl: DAVE.

69. "__ dreaming?": AM I.

73. Guys: MEN.

74. Frog hangout: POND.

76. Like many awards: ANNUAL.

77. Similarly named rival of a video game plumber: WARIO. Arch-rival of Mario.

78. PDX : Portland :: __ : Chicago: ORD.

79. Heavenly body?: ANGEL.

82. Wetland: FEN.

83. Tips politely: DOFFS. Hat.

85. Complainer who won't quit: NAG.

87. Dressed: CLAD.

89. Fundraiser: BENEFIT.

97. Round number?: PAR. Nice clue.

98. Obama Education secretary Duncan: ARNE.

99. Specialized market segment: NICHE AREA.

100. Big name in grills: WEBER.

102. Utah's __ Canyon: BRYCE.

103. Do brunch, say: EAT. Not a Chinese tradition.

104. Maze navigator: LAB RAT.

106. Cara of "Fame": IRENE.

108. Yet, in poetry: EEN.

109. "That was ages __": AGO.

110. Law firm fig.: ATT.

111. Brief affair: FLING.

113. XL, for one: SIZE.

115. Work intermittently (in): DABBLE.

122. Intel-gathering mission: RECON.

123. Premier League powerhouse: ARSENAL. Quite a few soccer fields in our area. 

124. Syrian city: ALEPPO.

125. Rainbow-shaped: ARCED.

126. Has no wrong answers, say: GETS AN A.


1. Downing St. VIPs: PMS.

2. Union __: REP.

3. "Blueprint for a Sunrise" artist: ONO. Wiki says it's a "concept album of experimental feminist rock". She looks like a Chinese empress here.

4. Chiding sounds: TSKS.

5. Frigid time: ICE AGE.

6. ID card feature: PHOTO. Do you all have a real ID?

7. New Orleans summer hrs.: CDT.

8. Bethlehem university: LEHIGH.  Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. (Thanks, billocohoes~)

9. "Absolutely!": AMEN.

10. Prop for an emcee: MIC STAND.

11. Olive pursuer of comics: BLUTO.

12. Sprouts source: ALFALFA. I only like beansprouts.

13. Call the game: REF.

14. First to hear the news: INSIDERS.

15. Little bites: NIPS.

16. P.O. delivery: LTR.

17. Peppery salad green: ARUGULA. Aldi has a spinach & arugula mix.

18. Convinced: WON OVER.

23. Twerp: NOBODY.

25. "Find out": GO ASK.

28. __ mentality: HERD.

30. NBA's Nikola Jokic, e.g.: SERB. Not familiar with him.

31. "Lost in Yonkers" playwright: NEIL SIMON.

36. "Hamilton" creator __-Manuel Miranda: LIN.

39. "Aha!": I SEE.

41. "I'm such a klutz!": OOPS.

43. Char: SEAR.

44. Energetically excited: AMPED.

46. Cooking oil option: CANOLA. Canola field is pretty.

48. Poor spirits?: HOOCH. Oh, I like this clue.

50. Sec: JIFF.

51. Good to have around: USEFUL.

54. All together: AS ONE.

56. Prepared, as beer: BREWED.

57. Waterloo resident: IOWAN.

58. Ruler until 1917: TSAR.

61. From then on: EVER SINCE.

62. Patch: MEND.

63. Rollin' stone, in a Motown classic: PAPA. "Papa Was a Rollin' Stone".

65. What collaborators should be in: SYNC.

67. Small burger: SLIDER.

71. Edie of "The Sopranos": FALCO.

72. Fish-eating bird: LOON.

75. Academy Award winner Dame Judi __: DENCH. I still have not figured out why Rich sometimes uses __ in the clue, esp when the actress is so famous.

80. Limnologist's subject: LAKE. Never heard of limnologist.

82. Wither away: FADE.

84. Funhouse reaction: FEAR.

86. Commit a hoops no-no: GOALTEND. Read more here.

88. Good times to build sand castles: LOW TIDES.

89. Least adorned: BAREST.

90. Many a "Freaks and Geeks" character: TEEN.

91. Manipulate digitally: KNEAD.

92. Falls for someone who's married?: NIAGARA. Good old clue.

93. Red __: fictional sub: OCTOBER.

94. __ party: FRAT.

95. American Heart Mo., aptly: FEB. Valentine's Day.

96. Armed conflict: WARFARE.

97. What "/" may mean: PER.

101. Ardent enthusiast: BIG FAN.

102. Frames around smartphone displays: BEZELS. The middle one is bezel-less. The screen looks bigger.

105. Top-tier: A LIST.

107. Mandarin hello: NI HAO. Literally "you good".

110. Lotion ingredient: ALOE.

112. Hendryx of the "Lady Marmalade" trio Labelle: NONA. We had her before.

114. Util. supply: ELEC.

116. Include covertly, briefly: BCC.

117. Online gaming annoyance: LAG.

118. St. Pete's place: FLA.

119. Beer choice: IPA.

120. "Code Switch" airer: NPR.

121. Dawn goddess: EOS.

Dennis is going to have a full open-heart surgery at the JFK Medical Center (Atlantis, Florida) next Tuesday Oct 15, 2019. The operation is quite risky as they need to replace both valves.

Dennis jokes that he is always a risk-taker and loves new adventures, but this is quite a battle. The surgery is long and the recovery is longer. Tough for someone who's always on the go.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Stay tough, Dennis!
