, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 8, 2020

Monday June 8, 2020 Kurt Krauss

Theme: SHORT TERM (60. Temporary ... and how both ends of the answers to starred clues might be described) - Short can precede both words of each theme answer.

17. *Plot of a movie, say: STORY LINE. Short story. Short line.

25. *Single-layer dessert: SHEET CAKE. Short sheet. Short cake.

36. *Stock buying or selling directive with a specified price: STOP ORDER. Shortstop. Short order.

50. *Nintendo income source: GAME SALES. Short game. Short sales.

Boomer here.

Thank you, desper-otto, for explaining the theme to C.C. and me. We could not figure out "how both ends of the answers to starred clues might be described".

Things have settled down a bit in Minneapolis with smaller crowds and very little violence.  Businesses are opening up. Wow, the Governor allows the bowling centers to open at 25% capacity.  I am staying away and wasting time on a golf course. I don't know about fall leagues. Many of my bowling buddies are saying no vaccine - no league bowling, and I'm afraid I agree.


1. Dada pioneer Jean: ARP.  Add one more "A" and you have an organization for seniors.

4. Closes: SHUTS.  Most every nonessential was SHUT for two months.

9. Newborn horses: FOALS. The Kentucky Derby for three year olds was moved to September.  They did not lose qualified entries.  All race horse's birthdays are January 1.

14. Keep out of, with "from": BAR. All the BARS in Minnesota were closed for two months.  Recently they were allowed to open.

15. Basic belief: TENET.

16. Boutros-Ghali's U.N. successor Kofi __: ANNAN.

19. Sam of "Jurassic Park": NEILL.

20. Animated film mermaid: ARIEL.  A Disney Princess. 

21. Give it a shot: TRY.  I give a golf ball a shot every Monday.  It's very TRYing.

23. Docs' org. with a noted journal: AMA.  My June visit to my oncologist was changed to a phone call.  First I gave a blood sample to our VA Clinic Northwest of our home. Then My doctor phoned me and indicated that I'm doing okay. I did not visit our VA hospital this time. The small clinic in Ramsey, MN has been incredibly changed. Very clean, chairs in the waiting room are 6-10 feet apart.  Many have been removed.  I was impressed.  I told C.C. that I figured the clinic was a lot safer than some of the grocery stores we visit. 

24. Pennsylvanie, par exemple: ETAT.

28. Gridiron pitchout: LATERAL.  A pitchout on the baseball diamond is to catch a base stealer.

31. Caught, as a butterfly: NETTED.  I don't remember netting a butterfly.  We used to net fish now and then to bring them into the boat.   

32. Kingston Trio hit with the lyric "Fight the fare increase!": MTA.  "Vote for George O'Brien, get poor Charlie off the MTA.  I sang this solo in concerts of the Benilde High School Glee Club.

33. Supreme Norse god: ODIN.

35. Equals on a jury: PEERS.

39. Bingo-like game: BEANO. Never played this game, but C.C. planted bush beans in our small garden last week.

42. Dressed in: WORE.  Dress in too many times and it may become WORE out.

43. Freshly painted: WET.

46. Glue brand: ELMER'S.  I ruined a lot of baseball cards with good old Elmer's.

48. London's theatre district: WEST END.  I wonder if they ever presented "West Side Story"?

53. Feed bag bits: OATS.  "Mares eat OATS and does eat OATS and Little Lambs eat Ivy."

54. Pince-__ glasses: NEZ.

55. Gangster's gun: GAT.

56. Penniless: BROKE.  Many small businesses in Minneapolis won't be back after damaged by rioters and looters.

58. Playful swimmer: OTTER.  Fraternity Chairman in "Animal House".

63. Half-and-half half: CREAM.  The other half is milk.

64. Giggle sound: TEHEE.

65. "The Matrix" hero: NEO.

66. Fruity desserts: TARTS.  Also the name of the sorority sisters in "Animal House".

67. Casino lineup: SLOTS. Casinos are opening up across the USA.  SLOTS are located 6-8 feet apart.  I have not witnessed any in MN.  Mostly SLOTS are touched.  Do we wear rubber gloves?  Do they clean them after every use?

68. '80s missile prog.: SDI.


1. Stomach muscles, briefly: ABS.

2. Machine gun sound: RAT-A-TAT. Rum a Tun Tun.  Which way did they run?

3. Like a fair share: PRO RATA.  The stock market went up a bit last week. Not sure if we got our fair share.

4. Eye affliction: STYE.

5. Satan's realm: HELL.  Angels on motorcycles.

6. Prefix with cycle: UNI.  Does anyone ever ride these anymore??

7. First extra inning: TENTH.  I'm still waiting for the first inning.

8. Cubic meter: STERE.

9. Devotee: FAN.  Because I am a baseball FAN.

10. Play sans intermission: ONE-ACTER.  I get it, but it may have more than ONE ACTOR!

11. Bring to life: ANIMATE.  Thank you Walt Disney.

12. Calif. NBAer: LA LAKER. I was just talking about my bowling buddy Eddie George.  His son, Devean George, graduated from my H.S. alma mater and played a few years for the LAKERS.

13. NBC's "Weekend Update" show: SNL.

18. Confirmation, e.g.: RITE.

22. Japanese money: YEN.

24. Stately tree: ELM.  Rather have a maple and steal some sap for syrup in the fall.

25. "Freudian" oops: SLIP.

26. Flap-doored homes: TEPEES.  We have a number of homeless people in tepees and tents near the protesters' area in Minneapolis.  I feel sad for those people.

27. Masthead list, briefly: EDS. Editors.

29. Helicopter parts: ROTORS.

30. Big fuss: ADO.  Much ADO about nothing.

34. "This minute!": NOW.

36. Pooh-pooh: SNEEZE AT.  Did you ever notice when preparing a big one, you need to fill your lungs with air.  I enjoy sneezing. It assumes that I don't have the virus.

37. Lettered theater locations: ROWS.  Make sure you sit at least six feet apart.

38. Dr. of rap: DRE.

39. Plead with: BEG.

40. Hyundai sedan: ELANTRA. We are preferring the Santa Fe when the time comes. I filled my tank on March 13, and filled again last week.  It took 12 gallons.

41. Electrical measuring device: AMMETER.

43. Loses strength: WEAKENS.  I think my meds WEAKEN my legs a bit but I can still hit a golf ball.  And take a cart.

44. Went in: ENTERED.

45. NFL six-pointers: TDS.  Indeed!  I wonder if they are going to play this fall and will the stadiums be 25% filled??  I guess I don't care about a ticket.  I have not seen a game in person since they moved from the Metrodome to U.S. Bank Stadium.  But my TV still works!!

47. Droop: SAG.

49. Friendly honk: TOOT.  TOOT,TOOT, Tootsie, don't cry.

51. Endures: LASTS.

52. Six-decade actress Barrymore: ETHEL.  Fred's wife on the "I Love Lucy" show.

56. Writer Harte: BRET.  My son's name also.

57. Rd. map lines: RTES.

58. Fall mo.: OCT.  My birthday month. Usually I can still play golf.  It does not look like I will be doing that other sport anytime soon.

59. Real estate ad abbr.: RMS.

61. "Caught you!": OHO.  Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Diet Pepsi.

62. Miss Piggy catchword: MOI.


Jun 7, 2020

Sunday June 7, 2020 Mark McClain

Theme: "Case in Point" - Each familiar phrase is humorously clued as if it's law-related.

23A. Bailiff who keeps the jury in stitches?: COURT JESTER.

34A. Music played between attorneys' arguments?: BRIEF INTERLUDE.

52A. Polite argument on behalf of the accused?: CIVIL DEFENSE.

76A. Cartoon dialogue introduced as evidence?: TRIAL BALLOON.

93A. Satisfaction for a prosecuting attorney?: GUILTY PLEASURE.

109A. Action brought by a cowardly plaintiff?: CHICKEN SUIT.
15D. High-hat challenge of a conviction?: SNOB APPEAL

69D. Magistrate who specializes in agricultural litigation?: FIELD JUDGE.

Solid punny theme from Mark. I bet our regulars can come up with more sentence/hearing candidates.

Great grid design as well. Theme entries are spread everywhere. And you won't find strange Abbrs or words in Mark's grids.


1. Jouster's wear: ARMOR.

6. Language of 100,000+ Canadians: CREE. Winnipeg is Cree for "muddy water".

10. "Waterloo" group: ABBA.

14. Jr. challenge: PSAT.

18. Early "Masterpiece Theatre" host Alistair: COOKE.

19. Got the news: HEARD.

21. Champagne word: BRUT.

22. Toy owner in "Toy Story" films: ANDY. Saw lots of Buzz Lightyear toys at our flea market over the years.

25. Hotel unit: ROOM.

26. Egg-white omelet's lack: YOLK.

27. Close friends, say: DEAR ONES.

28. Dramatic technique: IRONY.

30. "The Sandbox" playwright: ALBEE.

31. Frigg's spouse: ODIN. Or Frigga (Rene Russo).

32. Parade features: FLOATS.

33. Bull alligator sounds: ROARS. Really?

39. Faithful spring?: LEAP. Leap of faith.

40. Pal played her in early films: LASSIE. Pal the dog.

41. Invitation encl.: SASE. Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope.

42. First of an alley's 10: HEADPIN. Bowling alleys here have been reopened. 25% of the capacity only. 

45. Tribute creator: ODIST.

46. Palm species: ACAI.

48. Home of the Big 12's Cyclones: AMES.

50. Actress Ward: SELA.

51. "The Great" detective of kid-lit: NATE.

56. Ins. giant: AIG. Founded in Shanghai in 1919. AIA is a subsidiary of AIG.

57. Bar group: DRINKERS.

59. Toyota logo shape: OVAL.

60. Chaucer works: TALES.

62. Prompts on stage: CUES.

63. Steam up: ANGER.

65. Vanishing act word: POOF. PFFT too.

67. Send (to): REFER.

70. Do the crawl, e.g.: SWIM.

71. Cause of ruination: DOWNFALL.

75. Action film shooter: UZI.

81. Garfield's foil: ODIE.

82. Place for a nest: TREE.

84. Vishnu's quartet: ARMS. Can you imagine life with four arms? I'll be so confused.

85. Solemn promise: OATH.

86. Get a hard copy: PRINT.

87. Persian hunting dogs: SALUKIS. Wiki says they hunt "primarily by sight rather than scent".

89. Sing the praises of: LAUD.

91. Turn into cash: REDEEM.

92. Scott in an 1857 case: DRED.

97. Mustard town: DIJON.

99. __ Fables: AESOP'S.

100. Plate crossings: RUNS.

101. Blow a gasket: ERUPT.

102. Justice Kagan: ELENA.

103. Aggressive stingers: FIRE ANTS.

107. __ one's time: wait: BIDE.

108. Tennis great Steffi: GRAF. Happy couple.

112. Links org.: USGA.

113. In __: unmoved: SITU.

114. Spot cost: AD FEE.

115. "Neon" fish: TETRA.

116. After that: THEN.

117. Scientist __ deGrasse Tyson: NEIL. He was the classmate of constructor Andrea Carla Michales at Harvard.

118. Alan in old films: LADD.

119. "My bad, Francesca": SCUSI.


1. Clemson's NCAA div.: ACC.

2. Large cross: ROOD.

3. Pouty face: MOUE.

4. Often-fried veggie: OKRA.Tastes great with bonito flakes.

5. Upgrade technologically: RETROFIT.

6. __ blanc: Loire Valley wine: CHENIN. Not familiar to me. Not a wine drinker.

7. Take exception to: RESENT.

8. Digs in: EATS.

9. Prior to, in verse: ERE.

10. Out of the country: ABROAD.

11. Literary Yorkshire family name: BRONTE.

12. Channel markers: BUOYS.

13. Drive-thru device: ATM.

14. Truckers' cargoes: PAYLOADS.

16. Freud disciple: ADLER (Alfred)

17. Little shavers: TYKES.

20. Goes for oil: DRILLS.

24. Foster with Oscars: JODIE. I've only seen one of her movies.

29. Bounder: ROUE.

30. Tiler's calculation: AREA.

32. Sickly: FRAIL.

34. Flaxen, as hair: BLOND.

35. Speed gauge: RADAR.

36. Question in Matthew: IS IT I.

37. Heart and soul: ESSENCE.

38. Morales of TV's "Titans": ESAI.

39. Not as much: LESS.

42. Female lobster: HEN.

43. "Would __ to you?": I LIE.

44. Pesters: NAGS.

46. Refreshes, with "out": AIRS.

47. Walgreens rival: CVS.

48. Way over yonder: AFAR.

49. Filmmaker Gibson: MEL.

52. So-so mark: CEE.

53. Firm belief: DOGMA.

54. Genesis matriarch: EVE.

55. Town across the Thames from Windsor: ETON.

58. Composer Weill: KURT. Known for "Mack the Knife", which Boomer loves.

61. Makes available to: AFFORDS.

63. Hole-making tools: AWLS.

64. Pen part: NIB.

65. Milne creation: POOH.

66. Control: OWN.

67. Wagon road features: RUTS.

68. Biblical scribe: EZRA.

70. "Cheers" bartender: SAM.

71. URL element: DOT.

72. "Ta-ta, Thierry!": ADIEU.

73. Big ship: LINER.

74. "I can do that": LET ME. I finally planted daikon radishes this year. Hope mine can be as good as these ones in a few months'.

77. Carefully timed operation: RAID.

78. E-file org.: IRS.

79. Awkward sorts: LOUTS.

80. Title for Gaga: LADY.

83. Pole, for one: EUROPEAN. Nice clue.

86. Farm workers of old: PEASANTS.

88. Canterbury's county: KENT.

89. Companion of Dorothy: LION.

90. Camel cousin: ALPACA.

91. O'Connor who played Gabrielle on "Xena": RENEE. Learning moment for me.

93. Italian treats: GELATI.

94. Handy: USEFUL.

95. Selling for, with "at": PRICED. Grape prices are finally down here. Been $3.99/lb for a few months.

96. Waited in hiding: LURKED.

97. First appearance: DEBUT.

98. "Fighting" Indiana team: IRISH.

99. Lofty home: AERIE. So many sticks.

103. World Cup org.: FIFA.

104. Tiny bit of a min.: NSEC.

105. Ballet attire: TUTU.

106. Titles of respect: SIRS.

108. "Family Feud" reruns channel: GSN.

110. "Good" cholesterol initials: HDL.

111. Mai __: TAI.


Jun 6, 2020

Saturday, June 6, 2020, Greg Johnson

Themeless Saturday by Greg Johnson

On this D-Day anniversary, I am blogging my seventh Greg Johnson themeless entry. I ran through this one in one of my 43. Done in the least amount of time: FASTEST times and enjoyed some fun cluing along the way.

From Greg's Website

1. Measures roughly: PACES OFF - When I was a softball coach, I could PACE OFF 45' (15 slightly exaggerated strides) for pitchers to practice from very accurately

9. Suspicious offers, often: SCAMS 

14. Pots and such: IRONWARE - A fine example of Smithey IRONWARE made in Charleston, S.C.

15. Egypt neighbor: LIBYA - Allied and Axis Powers fought for control of this area in 1941/42. 76 years ago today the Allies invaded the Axis Powers from the north

18. Three-time Olympics host country: ITALY - This shows document that 16. Authenticates: CERTIFIES Italy will host the 2026 Winter Olympic Games

19. Welcome at the door: ASK IN - "Warning before you 
57. Enter: SET FOOT IN our house: "We have a cat!" (From Thursday's Jeffrey Wechsler puzzle)

20. Landmark in the 2018 documentary "Free Solo": EL CAPITAN - Alex Honnold is the only climber to have conquered EL CAPITAN with no safety equipment (FREE)  by himself (SOLO)

22. Container for some baked goods: BREAD BOX - Steve Allen on What's My Line famously asked, "Is it bigger than a BREAD BOX?"

24. __ tolerance: ZERO - My principal was a big advocate until his daughter got caught with beer

25. Succulent plant genus: ALOE.

27. "Puh-leeze!": SPARE ME.

29. Org. with a "Parents" link on its main page: NEA - Look closely to see the link

30. LED part: DIODE - Top - Incandescent flashlight. Bottom - Light Emitting DIODE flashlight 

31. Briefly: IN SUM - After a too-long presentation, "So, IN SUM, you are saying...". I prefer pitchmen that are 35. Most brief: TERSEST.

37. Bald spot: TONSURE - A sign of religious devotion from the Latin word tonsura meaning clipping or shearing 

39. "Chicago Med" pro: E.R. DOC.

40. Not whispered: ALOUD

42. Modern steady: BAE - This variation of Babe is not a word I would ever use/hear/like

45. AM radio staple: TALK 

46. National __: DEBT See for yourself

49. Supports, in a way: VOTES FOR.

51. How work references may be given: ON REQUEST - You might first want to be sure what they are going to say

53. Stretchy fabric: LYCRA - LYCRA, spandex and elastane are all the same and they dominate school hallways and cause an occasional 
26. Wanton gaze: LEER 

56. Pleasure trip: JAUNT 

59. Go on: OCCUR.

60. The Northern Pacific's __ Islands: ALEUTIAN -  Why did Japan invade Alaska six months after Pearl Harbor?

61. Way up or down: STEPS - TikTok Asia Stair Shuffle Challenge

62. Jellyfish appendage: TENTACLE - The sting from the TENTACLES of the Box (cube-headed) Jellyfish can be fatal.


1. 12-point type: PICA - Our only two choices in high school typing

2. "Iliad" god: ARES.

3. Display with pins: CORKBOARD.

4. Complete: ENTIRE - $74.90 for the ENTIRE series in paperback

5. Beasts with snouts: SWINE.

6. Clumsy character: OAF.

7. Hash browns, e.g.: FRIED POTATOES - I considered RICED and DICED for _ _ _ ED POTATOES

8. Have regrets: FEEL BAD.

9. Lapse: SLIP.

10. Town hall meeting attendees: CITIZENS.

11. Lessen: ABATE.

12. Space blanket material: MYLAR - They reflect body heat back to keep you warm

13. Refuse: SAY NO.

17. Reason for revenge: SCORE TO SETTLE - A lousy philosophy 

21. Remove, as from a schedule: AXE - Whole lotta that goin' on

23. "No promises" tag: AS IS 

25. Required game payment: ANTE.

28. Make sure not to overlook: MIND.

30. Prefix with -gon: DECA.

32. Like Alaska's climate: SUBARCTIC.

33. River to the Caspian Sea: URAL - The watershed of the URAL River is within the blue dotted area

34. Easily dominated: MEEK.

36. Break down the resistance of, as a customer: SOFTEN UP.

38. Means of escape: OUTS.

41. Cry that's from hunger?: LET'S EAT.

44. Current drama that ranks third behind "Gunsmoke" and "Lassie" in total original episodes, familiarly: SVU - If you're a devotee...

45. Japanese industry giant, or the city in which it's headquartered: TOYOTA - Almost a 4-hr drive from Tokyo

46. Places for black belts: DOJOS - Moviedom's most famous DOJO?

47. Legally establish: ENACT.

48. __ Banner, a.k.a. The Hulk: BRUCE - Dr. Bruce Banner (Bill Bixby), uh, hulking out to become The Hulk (Lou Ferrigno)

50. Scorn, as the rules: FLOUT - Some FLOUT the quarantine requests 

52. Game divs.: QTRS.

54. Capital of Oman: RIAL - 1ريال is approximately $2.60

55. Actress Dudek of "House": ANNE.

58. Wetland: FEN - We drive by this FEN north of Lincoln on our drive there

Comment at will:

Jun 5, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020, Jeffrey Wechsler

Title: No more Montreal Canadians hockey club! No

Okay, That might be a stretch and not that helpful but my other choices were: ISO country code for Switzerland; Continuum hypothesis, in set theory; Cholesterol and so on. I could have just removed the first two letters of my last name, but not everyone knows my secret identity. Hi, like our first Friday in June, we begin this month with a puzzle from Jeffrey Wechsler. As always in addition to a theme with wit, there are some nice fill like, BECLOUD, BERATED (interesting how the "BE" beginning works so differently), GLUTTON, HIGH ART (JW's career as a curator)  IN A MEMO, LATE PASS, MADE A BID, OVERRIPE and PET HORSE.

18A. Result of severe yoga class over-registration?: THREE ON A MATCH (11). The mental picture of three enthusiasts sharing a single mat opens the mind to many possibilities.

30A. Jeweler's assurance about mounting one flashy gem?: IT'LL DO IN A PINCH (12). Pins and brooches just are not as popular now.

36A. Show whose wit is quicker?: BEAT TO THE PUNCH (12). This reminds me of shows like above.

52A. Dander-sensitive visitor's query at the doorway?: IS THERE A CATCH? (11). For HG, and all of the non-allergic cat owners.
And the rare Friday reveal.

45D. V-shaped cut ... or, in two parts, a hint to four long puzzle answers: NOTCH (5). Parsed as Not CH. I did not need it, and I wonder if this was JW or Rich's suggestion?


1. Italian sausage choice: MILD. These days everything in my home is a choice of spicy or Thai spicy.

5. Small amounts: BITS. I have to eat most meals in...

9. Texter's "Holy moly!": OMGOMG(od) (oodness)!

12. As of today: TO NOW. I think "Up to now" but what do I know.

13. Code type: PENAL. Sounds obscene.

14. Batman after Michael: VAL. KEATON - KILMER. I never noticed the K symmetry.

15. Liszt creation: ETUDE. He wrote MANY.

16. Sister of Thalia: ERATO. Nine Muses. Muses. Calliope · Clio · Euterpe; Erato; Melpomene · Polyhymnia · Terpsichore · Thalia · Urania.

17. Brown URL suffix: EDU. The Ivy League school in Rhode Island.

20. Like many SSA payment recipients: RETired. Not mandatory, but you will be taxed if you make too much money.

21. Natural resource: ORE. Nice, simple fill. Paired with

22. Zion National Park sight: BUTTE. There are many to climb. Here is ONE.

23. Thin man of rhyme: SPRAT. Jack could eat no fat.

25. Automaker whose Rambler sales were likely aided by the 1958 hit "Beep Beep": NASH.

27. Swarms (with): TEEMS.

29. Part of RNA: RIBO. Ribonucleic acid (RNA), a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA. Dictionary.

33. Dallas suburb: PLANO. CSO to our Texans.

35. Asked for milk, maybe: MEWED. Kitty cat.

40. Words from Caesar: ET TU. Brutus!

41. Whale's mouthful: KRILL. Krill are small crustaceans of the order Euphausiacea, and are found in all the world's oceans. The name "krill" comes from the Norwegian word krill, meaning "small fry of fish."

42. Gemini, e.g.: SIGN.

46. Musical with the song "Endgame": CHESS. This is way out of my musical knowledge and league.

48. Obvious flirt: OGLER. Ogling is not flirting; it is aggressive and invasive.

50. God in the Vatican: DIO. Italian word.

51. Slice (off): LOP.

55. U.K. singer Rita: ORA.

56. Volga-Ural ethnic group member: TATAR.

57. Alpine mont: BLANC.

58. Enterprise letters: USS.

59. Word before now and then: EVERY.

60. Heaven partner: EARTH. They are going dancing this Saturday.

61. __ Moines: DES.

62. Rockefeller Center muralist: SERT.

63. Tupperware parts: LIDS. Why don't they ever match?


1. Flying foe of Godzilla: MOTHRA. I watched this MOVIE alone in the basement of my Uncle's house when I was little.

2. Accustoms (to): INURES. This word is often seen in legal double talk.

4. Socially inept sort: DWEEB. First used in 1964. Why?

5. Dressed down: BERATED. There are 79 such "BE" words. 36D. Muddle, as one's judgment: BECLOUD.

6. How office directives may be relayed: IN A MEMO. Too often.

7. Leaving word: TA-TA. This is of British origin. The OED defines it as "nursery expression for 'Good-bye'".

8. Vegas array: SLOTS. Do your casinos still allow indoor smoking?

9. Like bananas used for bread, often: OVERRIPE. Yum.

10. Raised one's auction paddle, say: MADE A BID. Or played bridge or so many other choices.

11. Insatiable sort: GLUTTON. Even for punishment.

12. Wyoming's __ Range: TETON. The Teton Range is a mountain range of the Rocky Mountains in North America. It extends for approximately 40 miles in a north-south direction through the U.S. state of Wyoming, east of the Idaho state line.

13. Felt-tip marker pioneer: PENTEL.

19. Microsoft Office component: OUTLOOK. We use that for the office.

24. Shellfish entrée: PRAWNS. Prawn is a common name for small aquatic crustaceans with an exoskeleton and ten legs, some of which can be eaten.

26. Break: HIATUS. Spring hiatus does not seem as exciting.

28. Requiring less effort: SIMPLER.

31. Boomer?: TNT. Our Boomer - Tried 'N True.

32. Fresh, to a Fräulein: NEU. New. Nu?

33. Lucy, a Clydesdale, in the comic "Non Sequitur," for one: PET HORSE.  The horse is riding the Moose.Non Sequitur Comic Strip for December 15, 2003

34. Tardy student's admission slip: LATE PASS. They bring the parent's note to the office and they are issued a 'late pass.'

37. Harness racer: TROTTER. Breeds that are used for flat racing include the Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Arabian, Paint, and Appaloosa

38. Sophisticated paintings, say: HIGH ART. Do you see it?

39. Logical Queen: ELLERY. We are approaching the 100th anniversary of the creation of this character. Ellery Queen was created in 1928 when cousins Dannay and Lee entered a writing contest sponsored by McClure's magazine for the best first mystery novel.

43. Security desk request: ID CARD.

44. NFL team that doesn't play home games in the state it's named for: GIANTS. New Jersey - New York... meh. JW lives in New Jersey.

47. Locations: SITES.

49. Rise up: REBEL.

53. Store for future use: SAVE.

54. Court game word: ALAI. Jai will now leave on this note and hope you enjoyed the ride. I do not alai to you. Thank you, Jeffrey, and all who read and write. Lemonade out.