, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 12, 2017

Wednesday, July 12, 2017 Gary D. Schlapfer and C. C. Burnikel

Theme: SCHOOL DAYS.  Various activities that school children may be involved in are indicated by the clues with asterisks.

18 A. *Annual kids' competition aired by ESPN : SPELLING BEE.  A contest to see who can correctly spell obscure words nobody will ever see or hear again.  In the class room version, I hope the target words are more useful.

24 A. *Excursion that may require permission slips : FIELD TRIP.  Visit to a dairy farm, fire station, or some other location that might be of educational interest.  The permission slip allows the teacher and helpers to take the students away from school premisses.

37. *Evacuation exercise : FIRE DRILL.  A practice run for leaving the building in a safe and orderly fashion, so that all occupants can be accounted for.  We had these where I worked, with several thousand people gathering in a number of assigned locations.  As department safety coordinator, I made sure everyone participated.

50 A. *Year-end hurdle : FINAL EXAM.  Year being the school year, not the calendar year.  The last test of acquired knowledge before moving on - or not.

And, the unifier -- 57A. Group lawsuit ... and what each answer to a starred clue is? : CLASS ACTION.  In the lawsuit, a group of people with a common complaint join together to take legal ACTION against some entity. In the CLASS room, it's an activity in which the students participate.

Hi, Gang.  JazzBumpa here for todays lesson. Pretty straight-forward theme - all of these ACTIONS clearly relate to things that students and teachers might be doing, though a couple of them can also occur in other contexts.  You'd almost think that the idea came from someone with inside-the-classroom experience! So - let's put on our thinking caps and see what we can learn.  


1. Place for fuzzy navels : BAR.  This concoction of orange juice and peach schnapps [or many other potential ingredients] might be served in a tavern.

4. Plots of land : TRACTS.   Refers to [usually] large areas of indefinite extent.

10. Animated internet pics : GIFS.  The Graphics Interchange Format was developed in 1987 by Steve Wilhite's team at CompuServe.


14. Whopper, but not a Big Mac : LIE.   Deliberately untruthful statement of some magnitude, not a large hamburger sandwich.

15. Reconciled : MADE UP.  I thought that they had gotten back together, but it was just a story somebody MADE UP. { I loves me the English language!}

16. "You said it, sister!" : AMEN.  Or brother.  Let's be inclusive.

17. Safari find : URL.  Safari is the browser on Apple computers.

20. Kazan who directed Marlon in his first Oscar role : ELIA.  This was Mr. Brando's 4th best actor nomination.  Can you name this 1954 film?  It was also the big screen debut of Eva Marie Saint.

22. Crème de la crème : ELITE.  The ones who are best at something, like ELITE athletes or musicians.

23. Neruda's "__ to Common Things" : ODE.   You can read it here.

27. Not as well-done : RARER.  As a steak, not a task.

29. Not hidden : IN VIEW.  I can see it.

30. Airfield fixtures : TOWERS.  The better to see with.

31. Bridal bio term : NEE.  Referring to her birth [or maiden] name.

32. Reader at Mass : LECTOR.  One who reads a scriptural passage as part of a church service.

36. Pigs out (on), briefly : OD'S.  Over-Doses.  Trivializing a term that otherwise relates to a serious public health problem.

39. Sergeant's address : SIR.  As the Sergeant would be addressed by his underlings, or would address her/his superior officers.

41. Balkan first-timer in the 2016 Olympics : KOSOVO.  Over Serbia's protest, they sent 8 athletes who competed in five events, and took home one gold medal, won by Majlinda Kelmendi in judo.

42. Vandalize : MAR.  Cause damage.

45. Oasis visitors : CAMELS.  And, presumably, their riders.

47. Urbana-Champaign "Fighting" team : ILLINI.  University of Illinois sports mascot.

49. What might make a Cardinal an Oriole : TRADE.  From a National League team to one in the American League.  You knew there had to be some baseball in here somewhere.  A quick google search did not reveal any player-for-player trades between these teams in recent years.

53. Wood cutter : SAW.  Carpenter's tool.

54. Maine college town : ORONO.  Home of the University of Maine.  But why is there never any love for ORONO, Minnesota, in Hennepin County on the north shore of Lake Minnetonka?

56. Understands : GETS.  Comprehends.

61. Homeric outburst : D'OH.  Simpson, not the author of The Iliad.

62. Dynamic leader? : AERO-.  Prefix.

63. Crunchy breakfast : MUESLI.  Ugly sounding word for granola.

64. "Just sayin'," in texts : IMO.  In My Opinion.   Admit it - you have one!

65. Must have : NEED.

66. Out in a hammock? : ASLEEP.  Outdoors, and catching some Z's.

67. Empire St. paper : NYT.  New York Times, a continent away from the Golden State's L.A. Times.


1. Much sushi- and sashimi-grade tuna : BLUEFIN.  Several species of tuna in the genus Thonnus, found in many places around the world.

2. Southwest, e.g. : AIRLINE.  The plane truth.

3. Take over for : RELIEVE.  As a baseball pitcher, perhaps.

4. Corp. symbols : TMS.  Trademarks (™).  

5. Eschew the doorbell : RAP.

Rap, rap.
Who's there?
Hip Hop.
Go away, I hate rap.

6. Like __ in the headlights : A DEER.  Refers to someone with a glazed over expression, or frozen into inactivity by fear, panic or confusion.

7. Ma's strings : CELLI.  There are 4 strings on one CELLO.

8. Showy April bloom : TULIP.

9. Shish kebab holder : SPIT.  A rod or stick upon which the meat is skewered.

10. __ rule : GAG.  A imposed prohibition to speak about a specified topic.

11. "There's nothing to do" : I'M BORED.  I have no idea what that feel like.

12. Birdseed buffets : FEEDERS.  

13. Contemptuous looks : SNEERS.

19. Fiddling emperor : NERO.   Nerō Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus [37-68 A.D.], the last Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, from 54-68 A.D.  There is much good and bad to be said abut him.  But he certainly did not fiddle, for that instrument would not be invented for another 900 years.  Rumor had it that he sang and/or played the lyre while Rome burned in July of 64 , but he was out of town at the time.  He organized and participated in relief efforts, and made a new urban plan, with wider roads and more widely spaced brick houses.  But he was scapegoated for the fire, and deflected blame on to Christians, who were then brutally tortured and murdered.  Definitely not this guy.

21. Liston opponent : ALI. Sonny and Muhammad [born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.] respectively

25. Where heros are made : DELI.  Sandwiches.

26. Sexy dance moves : TWERKS.  Sexy or downright obscene?  You be the judge.

28. Mil. no-show : AWOL.  Absent Without Official Leave.

30. "Jeopardy!" fare : TRIVIA.

33. VIP with a corner office, perhaps : CEO.  Chief Executive Officer.

34. NFL six-pointers : TDs.  Touchdowns.

35. Guatemala gold : ORO.  Spanish

37. Mister Rogers : FRED. Seen here making sexy dance moves.


38. Take it easy : LOLL.   Just layin' around.

39. Mrs. Smith's rival : SARA LEE.  Purveyors of pre-packaged deserts.

40. "It's not news to me ... " : I'M AWARE.

42. Blended : MIXED IN.  Shaken or stirred.

43. Gray area? : ANATOMY.  Refers to a medical text book of the human body by Henry Gray with illustrations by Henry Vandyke Carter, first published in 1858. The TV medical drama, now in it's 13th season, is GREY'S ANATOMY.  

44. Drummer's sound after a one-liner : RIM SHOT.  Find it here.

45. Med. imaging procedure : CT SCAN. Computerized Tomography combines a series of scanned X-ray images taken from different angles, and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images of bones, blood vessels and internal organs.

46. Some summer births : LEOs.  The 5th Zodiac sign, in the fire group, symbolized by the Lion.

48. Triangle side : LEG.  All triangles have legs.  Some legs have triangles.

50. Prepare to shoot with a Canon : FOCUS.  Camera, not heavy artillery.

51. Maker of chips : INTEL.   With headquarters in Santa Clara, CA, they are not to be confused with Frito-Lay, with headquarters in Plano, TX.  INTEL has many Trademarks.

52. Cacophony : NOISE.  Cacophony traces back to Greek roots meaning "bad" and "sound."   NOISE, via Old French traces back to the Latin word for seasickness, nausea, which does sound bad.

55. Major Hindu deity : RAMA.  The 7th avatar of Vishnu, the Supreme Being in some Hindu traditions.

58. Lawn roll : SOD.  A grassy layer of earth.

59. Bullring cry : OLE.  An interjection used as a shout of encouragement or approval.

60. Puppy bite : NIP.  Playful, one hopes.

OK, kids - CLASS dismissed.  Our own C.C. and Gary gave us a great lesson plan today.  Hope you found it enlightening.  Now go do your homework.

Cool regards!

P.S.  In case you didn't know and haven't G-spotted that Eva Marie Saint movie cited above, its On The Waterfront.

Jul 11, 2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Patti Varol

Theme: Shhh! - Variations on a theme.

20A. "Hush": "PLEASE BE QUIET"

32A. "Hush": "DON'T SAY A WORD"

41A. "Hush": "PUT A SOCK IN IT"

57A. "Hush": "BUTTON YOUR LIP"

Argyle here with Constructor and Editor, Patti Varol. I notice a subtle increase in harshness in the HUSHes, IMO.


1. Like a rough winter: HARSH

6. Opera number: ARIA

10. "Beat it!": "SCAT!"

14. Nebraska city on the Missouri: OMAHA

15. "Shoot!": "DARN!"

16. Bear whose bed was too hard: PAPA

17. Like granola bars: OATEN

18. Arabian sultanate: OMAN

19. "College GameDay" airer: ESPN. (Originally an initialism for Entertainment and Sports Programming Networks)

23. Funnyman Caesar: SID. Argument to Beethoven's 5th.

24. It's often heated up for dinner: OVEN

25. Table salt additive: IODINE

28. Banishment: EXILE

30. FYI relative: BTW. (For Your Information / By The Way)

31. Cincinnati ballplayer: RED

36. Cathedral area: APSE

39. Ocean west of Eur.: ATL. (Atlantic)

40. Murray or Roddick of tennis fame: ANDY

46. Big bird Down Under: EMU

47. Pizza __ restaurant: HUT

48. Ready to pour: ON TAP

51. Forbidden actions: TABOOs. 44D. Forbidden action: NO-NO

53. Payroll IDs: SSNs. (Social Security number)

55. Lav of London: LOO. Head, john, little house outback.

60. "Shake a leg!": "C'MON!"

62. Pakistan neighbor: IRAN. 8D. Baghdad's land: IRAQ

63. Despicable character: LOUSE

64. Painter Chagall: MARC

65. Fictional sleuth Wolfe: NERO

66. Tacked on: ADDED

67. Hathaway of "Interstellar": ANNE

68. Olympian's goal: GOLD

69. Marsh stalks: REEDS


1. Basketball targets: HOOPS

2. Charlotte __: U.S. Virgin Islands capital: AMALIEWiki link

3. Like adult movies: RATED X

4. __ butter: cosmetic moisturizer: SHEA

5. Space pilot who insists, "I take orders from just one person: me": HAN SOLO

6. Photoshop software developer: ADOBE

7. Budget noodle dish: RAMEN

9. Retirement income source: ANNUITY

10. Radar gun reading: SPEED

11. Like some durable skillets: CAST IRON

12. Smartphone download: APP. (Application)

13. Almond-colored: TAN

21. Fairly matched: EVEN

22. Where Grant Wood's "American Gothic" house is: IOWA

26. Geeky type: NERD

27. Jacuzzi effect: EDDY

29. Inventor's spark: IDEA

30. "__ Ha'i": "South Pacific" song: BALI

The lyrics can be found on the YouTube link.

33. Ambassador's asset: TACT

34. E*TRADE purchase: Abbr.: STK. (stock)

35. Light bulb unit: WATT

36. In __: moody: A PET

37. Mountain cat: PUMA

38. Tough to budge: STUBBORN

42. Small liquor amount: SHOT

43. Giving the boot: OUSTING

45. Completely cut off: INSULAR

49. Refer (to): ALLUDE

50. Self-assured: POISED

52. Postal scale unit: OUNCE

53. Hairbrush target: SNARL

54. Church council: SYNOD

56. Pages for opinions: OP EDs

58. Cookie shaped like two of its letters: OREO. A new clue for an old answer.

59. Biked, e.g.: RODE

60. Nashville awards gp.: CMA. (Country Music Association)

61. Guy: MAN


Notes from C.C.:

1) Chickie (Leah) was not able to post from her Blogger account. She sent me below. Hopefully she'll return to our blog soon.

"Please send my thanks to everyone on the Corner. The virtual hugs, condolences, and thoughts for me on Bill's passing are so very comforting."

2) Happy birthday to dear CanadianEh!, who's been with our blog for a few years. Her comments are often always so warm and insightful. Dinner at the winery, CanadianEh!?

Jul 10, 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017 George Jasper

Theme: Stuck in the middle with you (Stealers Wheel) - A partner to the target word (AGE) may be found in the middle of the theme answers.

17. Beverage from a German vineyard: RHINE WINE. New Age.

27. Unauthorized recording: BOOTLEG ALBUM. Legal Age.

44. Nuclear power: ATOMIC ENERGY. Ice Age.

61. Period after young adulthood ... and a hint to each set of circles: MIDDLE AGE

Argyle here. George Jasper appears to be a newcomer. Very easy except .... I think one might still find the AGEs without the circles. They aren't perfectly in the middle but they do span two words.


1. Stinging insect: WASP

5. Storied broom riders: HAGS. I didn't remember Hogwarts librarian Irma Pince.

9. Distinctive aroma: SCENT

14. Govt. workplace monitor: OSHA. (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

15. Yemen neighbor: OMAN. They are the toe and heel of the Arabian Peninsula boot.

16. Copier need: TONER

19. Wheel spokes, geometrically: RADII

20. Triangular Greek letters: DELTAs

21. Coexist peacefully: GET ALONG

23. French fashion monogram: YSL. (Yves Saint Laurent)

24. Boot front: TOE

26. Anteater's slurp in the comic "B.C.": ZOT

33. Do the play-by-play, say: ANNOUNCE

36. Like Cheerios: OATY

37. Slightest: LEAST

38. Medical ins. plan: HMO. (health maintenance organization)

40. Tree trunks: BOLES

41. "To know me __ love me": IS TO. No need for sugar in your coffee this morning. 60A. Whitney Houston's "__ Always Love You": I WILL

42. Musician at ballparks and churches: ORGANIST

48. Put the kibosh on: NIX

49. Klutz: OAF

50. Noah's boat: ARK

53. One of a group of versifiers that included Wordsworth: LAKE POET. The Lake Poets were a group of English poets who all lived in the Lake District of England. Wiki link

58. Stubby piece: NUBBIN. A variant of Middle Low German knubbe, knob?

63. Excessive enthusiasm: MANIA

64. Partner of proper: PRIM

65. On a yawl, say: ASEA

66. Small hippo type: PYGMY

67. Trillion: Pref.: TERA

68. Mix together: MELD


1. Verbose: WORDY

2. Barbecue residue: ASHES

3. Con man's setup man: SHILL

4. Breathe heavily: PANT

5. Question in response to "I need this in a hurry": "HOW SOON?"

6. French friend: AMI

7. Criminal group: GANG

8. React to pepper: SNEEZE

9. Layer upon layer: STRATA

10. Mined fuel: COAL

11. Prefix meaning "within": ENDO

12. German no: NEIN

13. Pre-calc math course: TRIG

18. Go to a steakhouse, say: EAT OUT

22. Get dolled (up): TOG

25. Make an engraving: ETCH

27. __ buddy: BOSOM

28. Citrus fruit: LEMON. CSO.

29. Senseless: LOONY

30. South Pacific resort island: BALI

31. Sport-__: versatile vehicles: UTEs. Sport-youths?

32. Classic PC game: MYST

33. Et __: Latin for "and others": ALIA

34. Source of many tweets: NEST

35. Partnership for Peace international gp.: NATO. (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

39. Sandwich cookie: OREO

40. "Baa Baa Black Sheep" wool unit: BAGFUL

43. Mom's mom: GRANDMA

45. Not out-of-bounds, as a ball: IN PLAY

46. AFL merger partner: CIO. (American Federation of Labor / Congress of Industrial Organizations)

47. Not subject to taxes: EXEMPT

50. Demean: ABASE

51. Bright Orion star: RIGEL. (Beta Orionis)

52. Work, as dough: KNEAD

53. Like a wet noodle: LIMP

54. On a trip: AWAY

55. Mattress option: KING

56. Kind of tournament round, briefly: ELIM. Usually, a single-elimination tournament.

57. Run out of gas: TIRE

59. Smile broadly: BEAM

62. S, SE or SSE: DIR. (direction)


Jul 9, 2017

Sunday July 9th, 2017 John Lampkin

Theme: "Cereal Boxes"- Different grains bookend each theme entry.

25A *Lids for a fancy box? : OPERA HATS. Oats. English is strange. Oats are always plural, but not other grains.

27A. *Easy order for a mixologist : WHISKEY NEAT. Wheat.

39A. *Ceremonious choreography : RITUAL DANCE. Rice. Have any of you cumin rice?

42A. *Lothario's organ : ROVING EYE. Rye.

65. *Ring leaders : BARNUM AND BAILEY. Barley.

88A. *Joe may come from one : COFFEE URN. Corn.

91A. *Moved like a crowd : MILLED ABOUT. Millet. I just mentioned to TTP yesterday that no matter how I try, my millet porridge is never as good as my grandma's.

106A. *Significant other : MAIN SQUEEZE. Maize. Isn't it the same as corn?


110. Deep-rooted ... and what the uncircled letters of the answers to starred clues are? : INGRAINED

John's set is close to complete. Sorghum is unworkable, hence its absence. It's actually gluten-free, like oats, millet, corn & rice. I never had it, but many of the pricey liquors in China are made of Sorghum.

John broke with the convention and started his themers in Row 4 rather than Row 3. I'm guessing he tried Row 3 but did not like the result.

Lots of playful clues/fill, PYROMANIAC (73D. One who remembers old flames with fondness) is my favorite. It sums up John's style perfectly.


1. Hunk : GLOB. Thought of STUD.

5. Tortilla-wrapped serving : FAJITA. You won't like this if you don't like cumin.

11. Hardly a haymaker : JAB. Boxing punch.

14. Pulled up a chair : SAT

17. Whom Samwise accompanied to Rivendell : FRODO

18. Backspace key, often : ERASER

19. One who might err on the safe side? : UMP. Nailed it.

20. __ dixit: assertion without proof : IPSE

21. Add zing to : LIVEN. 29. Zing : PEP

22. Berate : RANT AT

23. "Heavens!" : GOODNESS!

30. Donizetti aria "Regnava __ silenzio" : NEL. This is clued as [First word in Dante's "Inferno"] last Sunday.

31. Bee bunch : SWARM

33. Watergate figure with a radio talk show : LIDDY. G. Gordon Liddy.

34. Exude : OOZE. It's great to see your previous avatar, Yellowrocks!

36. Learn : HEAR OF

37. Giant __, world's largest antelope : ELAND. Learning moment for me. Hello!

46. Bearded blossom : IRIS

47. G, in the key of C : SOL. Got via crosses.

48. Adjust, as a chronometer : RESET

49. Tat misreadable as WOW : MOM. Tattoo.

50. Honey : TOOTS. Chinese are quite reserved, not many "sweet" words. "Respect" trumps all. 

52. Tweaks : MODIFIES

56. "Is this some kind of __?" : A JOKE

58. New England cape : ANN

59. __ chi : TAI

61. Biting : ACID

62. "Good-bye, cruel world!," in Westerns : I'M A GONER

68. Worldwide anticrime gp. : INTERPOL. Currently headed by a Chinese.
71. Rod's partner : REEL

72. Author Deighton : LEN

73. Bench press muscle : PEC

76. Ethel on "I Love Lucy" : MERTZ. So many "I Love Lucy" collectibles at the flea market.

77. Produce a steady stream of : CHURN OUT

80. Words with remember or forget : TRY TO.  We also have 48. Word with debt or guilt : RIDDEN. 56. Bond or bonding follower : AGENT. Playfulness & originality!

82. Bon __: Comet rival : AMI

83. "__ the loneliest number" : ONE IS

85. "Argo" org. : CIA

87. Fine __ : ARTS

 95. Crease-resistant fabric : ORLON

96. Estefan with Grammys : GLORIA

98. Consider to be : DEEM

99. Steel, e.g. : ALLOY. Not METAL.We also have 40. Metal that's pumped : IRON

101. Form opener : LINE A

102. Key preposition : O'ER. Francis Scott Key

103. Boxer with feats of Clay? : ALI. Cute.

113. Rank people? : AMATEURS. Another great clue.

114. Swab's assent : AYE SIR. Normally with two Ayes, right?

116. Blink of an eye : TRICE

117. D.C. pros : NATS

118. Cleo's undoing : ASP

119. Fix, as a pump : RE-SOLE

120. Former Midwest territorial capital : OMAHA. Another learning moment for me, Gary!

121. Is for you : ARE

122. Steely __ : DAN

123. Airborne camera holders : DRONES. Used by quite a few YouTubers.

124. Many a competition : RACE


1. Bone to pick : GRIPE

2. Fictional turn-on : LOVE POTION. Hey, this is even organic.

3. Smelly-sounding German river? : ODER. Odor.

4. Windfall : BONANZA. Great word.

5. Wild : FERAL

6. Smell __ : A RAT

7. Fugitive portrayer before Ford : JANSSEN (David). I've only seen Harrison Ford's movie.

8. Believer's suffix : IST

9. Pots, cups, etc. : TEAWARE

10. Prefix with -pod : ARTHRO. Prefix for "Joint".

11. Handled containers : JUGS

12. Every which way : AMOK

13. Fraternal initials : BPOE

14. Leadfoot : SPEED DEMON. So what's the plural for "Leadfoot"? Leadfoots or Leadfeet?

15. Syrian president : ASSAD

16. Touchy : TESTY

17. Bomb : FLOP

20. Baseball unit with distinct halves : INNING

24. Musician with a Nobel Prize : DYLAN. Pride of Minnesota. I had a lovely walk around Lake Harriet with Andrea Carla Michaels last week. Another Pride of Minnesota. Then another long walk with Boomer in our favorite trail on June 30, D-Otto, followed by buying a rice bowl like this in our local Asian store. I think I want one more. Really like the dragon at the bottom.

26. Bread butts : HEELS

28. The Who classic : I'M FREE. Got via crosses.

32. Female in WWII : WAC. Women's Army Corps. Do you still remember Southern Belle? She was a WAC during the Korean War. She used to comment regularly.

35. Boot from power : OUST

36. Heavenly topper : HALO

37. Original sinner : EVE

38. Fired up : LIT

39. Dexter's wife in "Dexter" : RITA. Easily obtainable,

 41. __ effect : DOMINO. Not RIPPLE.

43. Alternate version, in scores : OSSIA. Unknown to me. You'd think it's related to bone.

44. Farm connection : YOKE. Farm animal.

45. ER part: Abbr. : EMER

51. HBO rival : STARZ

53. Beaver's work : DAM

54. Victim of hot wings? : ICARUS. Another great clue/fill.

55. More classy : FINER

57. Delight : JOY. I linked Amy at Costco clip a years ago when "Call Me Maybe" was hot. Which song do you like the best?

60. Dada daddy? : ARP (Jean). Dada co-founder.

63. "Uncle" of old TV : MILTIE

64. Flagon filler : ALE. I did not know this is called "Flagon".

65. Risk : BET

66. Peptic problem : ULCER

67. Rain-__ gum : BLO

68. Apple computer : iMAC

69. Nautilus captain : NEMO

70. Like poison ivy : TRIFOLIATE. Having three leaves. Also a new word to me.

74. Shocked accusation : ET TU

75. Outlay : COST

78. Actor Pat of Batman films : HINGLE. Never heard of him.

79. NCAA's Bruins : UCLA

81. Broccoli __ : RABE

83. LBJ's antipoverty agcy. : OEO. Office of Economic Opportunity

84. "The Sound of Music" extra : NUN

86. Calculating snake? : ADDER. Amazing clue.

89. Leads, as a band : FRONTS

90. "Family Ties" mom : ELYSE

91. Ancient Roman currency minter : MONEYER. Guessable.

92. Anger : IRE

93. Go-between : LIAISON

94. Bubbler : AERATOR

97. Gecko, for one : LIZARD. John sent me this fun picture. He said "Costa Rica's Jesus Christ Lizard is supposed to be able to walk on water. This one failed miserably and can’t even open a can of soda without spilling it."


99. Dryer brand : AMANA

100. Texas university in Beaumont : LAMAR

102. Fairy tale baddies : OGRES

104. Café con __ : LECHE. Not fond of putting milk in coffee or tea.

105. Thought : IDEA
107. Campus area : QUAD

108. Heavenly bear : URSA

109. "Monday Night Football" channel : ESPN

111. Shade of green : NILE

112. Hogwarts librarian __ Pince : IRMA. Gimme for Santa.

115. That thing in Tijuana : ESO

Happy Birthday to dear Tony (AnonT), who's always been so kind and caring to everyone on our blog. He's also a foodie. This picture cracks me up.

At Wit's End near Carmel on Father's Day 2017