, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 Paul Coulter

Top O' the Morning!  The word Day "opens" up a new phrase when added it proceeds the each word of the theme answer.

17-Across. Classroom text: SCHOOL BOOK.  Day School and Day Book.

28-Across. Twinkling in the night sky: STAR LIGHT.  Daystar, also known as the planet Venus,  and Day Light.

39-Across. Relief from the daily grind: TIME OFF.  Day Time and Day Off.

48-Across. Office spot with a coffee pot: BREAK ROOM.  Day Break and Day Room.

And the unifier:
63-Across. Start of a sports season, and what each half of 17-, 28-, 39- and 48-Across can have: OPENING DAY.

1. Barbecue glowers: COALS.

6. Priestly robes: ALBS.  The word ALB comes from the Latin, Albus, which means White.  //  Not to be confused with 10-Across: Cobbler's Tools: AWLS.

Priestly ALB

Cobblers' AWLS.

14. Neighborhood map on a city map, e.g.: INSET.

Inset with an Inset

15. Java neighbor: BALI.  Java and Bali are two islands of Indonesia.

16. Former Iranian ruler: SHAH.  The last SHAH of Iran was Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Oct. 26, 1919 ~ July 27, 1980).  He was deposed in the Iranian Revolution in February 1979.  The word SHAH comes from an old Persian word meaning King.  This coming Saturday will mark the 100th anniversary of his birth.

19. Deep sleep: COMA.  Also the title of Robin Cook's first medical thriller.

20. Represent: DENOTE.
This scale begins and ends with a D-Note.

21. Like a bike: WHEELED.
23. Goes on to say: ADDS.

24. Summer on the Riviera: ÉTÉ.  Today's French Lesson.

25. MLB Network analyst Martinez: PEDRO.  Pedro Jaime Martinez (b. Oct. 25, 1971) is a Dominican professional baseball player who had a long career in Major League Baseball.  He played for the Boston Red Sox from 1998 until 2004.  He also played for 4 other teams.  This Friday will be his 48th birthday.

34. On bed rest, say: LAID UP.

36. Lupino of "High Sierra": IDA.  Ida Lupino (Feb. 4, 1918 ~ Aug. 3, 1995) makes frequent guest appearances in the crossword puzzles.  I learned of her from doing the crossword puzzles.  In addition to being an actress, she was also directed films.

37. Bird's crop: CRAW.

38. Colorado native: UTE.  A crossword staple.

42. "__ Am": Alicia Keys album: AS I.

43. Screen material: MESH.  I was thinking of a movie screen, not a screen on a door or a window to keep the bugs out.

45. Sinus doc: ENT.  As in an Ear Nose and Throat Doctor.  These doctors make frequent appearances in the puzzles too.

46. Growing weary: TIRING.

51. Landlord's income: RENTS.

52. Tell tall tales: LIE.

53. Field of study: AREA.

55. Pays some of: DEFRAYS.

59. Closed in on: NEARED.

62. Cut __: dance, in old slang: A RUG.

66. Hightail it: FLEE.
67. Trait carrier: GENE.

68. Mozart's "Così fan __": TUTTE.  With foreign subtitles for your reading pleasure.

69. Spill the beans: TELL.

70. Taiwanese PC maker: ACER.  I learned about this PC from doing the crossword puzzles.

71. Most common roll of two dice: SEVEN.

1. Prefix with gender: CIS-. As in Cisgender, which is the opposite of Transgender.  Cisgender is the term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth.

2. How software was once sold: ON CD.

3. Queens tennis stadium: ASHE.  The stadium is named for tennis great Arthur Ashe (July 10, 1943 ~ Feb. 6, 1993).  He won 3 Grand Slam Titles.  He retired from tennis in 1980.  He was older than 23 when he retired.

4. Johnny's "The Big Bang Theory" role: LEONARD.  I never watched this show, so needed perps to help with the name.

5. Was conspicuous: STOOD OUT.

6. Convent leader: ABBESS.   A famous movie Abbess.

7. Language of Southeast Asia: LAO.

8. Hard punch: BLOW.

9. Many a Punjabi: SIKH.  Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that originated in the Punjab region of India during the 15th Century.

10. One leading a Spartan lifestyle: ASCETIC.

11. Healthy bread type: WHOLE GRAIN.  I initially tried Whole Wheat.

12. Like a weak excuse: LAME.

13. Roe source: SHAD.

18. Inc., in the U.K.: LTD.

22. Slender aquarium swimmer: EEL.

25. __ bob: vertical measuring tool: PLUMB.  A Plumb Bob is a weight with a pointed end suspended from a string.  It is used for a vertical line reference, known as a plumb line.

26. Diner: EATER.  Also the name of a 1982 movie.

27. Gas at a truck stop: DIESEL FUEL.

29. Connect with: TIE TO.

30. Big deal: ADO.

31. Whitewater ride: RAFT.  I have never had a desire to go Whitewater Rafting.

32. "Who __?!": "Join the club!": HASN'T.

33. Small sticks: TWIGS.  The Water Institute of the Gulf is sometimes referred to as TWIG.

35. Jetty: PIER.

40. 6, on a cellphone keypad: MNO.

41. Insects with a painful sting: FIRE ANTS.  You don't want to step on a fire ant hill!  They are called fire ants for a reason!

44. Stylist's supply: HAIR GEL.

47. Debate again: RE-ARGUE.

49. Hawaii's Mauna __: KEA.  Mauna Kea, which makes frequent guest appearances in the crosswords, is a dormant volcano on the Island of Hawaii.  It is also the highest point in the State of Hawaii.  There is an observatory on the summit of the volcano.

50. Style: MANNER.

54. Camping gear brand: REI.  I am not familiar with this company.

55. Inane: DAFT.

56. Mystery writer Gardner: ERLE.  Erle Stanley Gardner (July 17, 1880 ~ Mar. 11, 1970) was an attorney, but he got bored in the courtroom and began writing legal thrillers.   He is best known for creating Perry Mason.

57. Tranquil exercise: YOGA.  It's harder than you might think.

58. On __: without a contract: SPEC.

60. 1999 Ron Howard film: ED TV.

61. Go out with: DATE.

64. WSW's opposite: ENE.  East-NorthEast is the opposite direction of West-SouthWest.

65. Japanese money: YEN.

Here's the Grid:

QOD:  Lazy people tend not to take chances, but express themselves by tearing down other’s work.  ~  Ann Rule (née Ann Rae Stackhouse; Oct. 22, 1931 ~ July 26, 2015, American crime writer

Oct 21, 2019

Monday October 21, 2019 Kevin Salat

Theme: MIXED SIGNALS (62. Communication confusion ... or what's literally found in this puzzle's three sets of circles) - SIGNAL is scrambled in the middle of each theme entry.

17. Vessel for Bond: MARTINI GLASS.

28. "... for the remainder of my days": AS LONG AS I LIVE.
47. Places to get bronzed skin: TANNING SALONS.

Boomer here. 

I am pretty sure that I have played my last round of golf for 2019 last Thursday.  We had a nice weekend but the weatherman says that the future is not looking too warm or dry. Well, our Gophers remained undefeated on the football field while Wisconsin took one on the chin from Lovee's crew.  The door is open to Pasadena. The last time the Gophers were in the Rose Bowl, I watched it on our 19" black and white TV.

In 1961, Calvin Griffith moved the Washington Senators to Minnesota and they became the Twins.  Washington was without Major League Baseball until the Montreal Expos moved to the nations Capital in 2005.  D.C. has not seen a World Series since before I was born and I am pretty old.  It was pretty impressive the way the Nats took care of the Dodgers and Cardinals. Houston has their hands full and it should be fun to watch.


1. Thespian's platform: STAGE.  The last one out of town ??

6. English Derby site: EPSOM.  I believe the salt is named after this site.

11. Earlier: AGO.  "A long, long time AGO, I can still remember how the music used to make me smile. Don McLean - American Pie.

14. Handsome god: APOLLO.  APOLLO CREED, a Heavyweight champ that ran into Rocky.

15. "Me too!": DITTO.  One of the Flagston kids.

16. Coffee hour vessel: URN.  I have heard of this, but I get my coffee from a pot.

19. Sigma follower: TAU.

20. Golf tournament kickoff: PRO-AM.  I have bowled many PRO AMs as a bowler.  Recently bowled with Parker Bohn III at Treasure Island (in MN).  Parker was the PRO, I was the AM.

21. Clairvoyant: SEER.

22. B-ball: HOOPS.  We have Timberwolves in Minnesota.  They are not too good with HOOPS.

24. Spanish "month": MES. See 31. Twelve 24-Acrosses: ANO.

25. Money in the middle of a poker table: POT.  This used to describe my belly, but then I thinned up.

27. Smoke for Sherlock: PIPE.  I tried this after I quit cigarettes in 2001.  It did not last long.

34. No-holds-__: BARRED.  A lot of Viking opponents get "BARRED" by Anthony.

Anthony Barr

37. "Like it __ ... ": OR NOT.

38. 2020 Super Bowl number: LIV.  We had LII in Minneapolis.

39. Lemony Snicket's evil count: OLAF.  We have a St. Olaf College in Northfield, south of Minneapolis. You may have heard of it.  Jesse James wishes he had not.

40. Celestial shower component: METEOR.

42. Ice cream holder: CONE.  David was a great pitcher for the Mets.

David Cone

43. "The Greatest" boxer: ALI.  This guy only pitched his greatest to the media, but he was pretty good.

44. Painter of café scenes: MANET.

45. John of "Three's Company": RITTER.  The son of country singer Tex Ritter.  He had a great career on the sit-com but passed away early at the age of 55.

50. Adolescent: TEEN.  "Well, I'm just eighTEEN got a ruptured spleen and I always carry a purse."  Draft Dodger Blues - The Chad Mitchell Trio.

51. Cuteness reactions: AWS.

52. State-of-the-__: ART.  Mr. Garfunkel.

55. "Me too!": SO DO I.

56. Give off: EMIT.

59. Debate topic: ISSUE.

61. Game with Draw Two cards: UNO.  I think everyone had one of these games when I was a kid.

65. Quito's country, to the IOC: ECU.  That would be Ecuador, down by the Equator.

66. "Time is money," e.g.: ADAGE.

67. Texting devices: PHONES.  It's odd. I mentioned to three of my bowling coach buddies that I mentioned them in "My Nickel's Worth" column on  All three took out their phones and read the column.

68. Filming site: SET.  Six wins in a tennis match or another name for a TV.

69. Tibetan priests: LAMAS.  Okay a man became a monk in Tibet in an order that allowed only two words after five years. So after the first five years he visited the monk superior and said "I'm Hungry".  "No problem brother, we'll see that you receive more food".  After another five years he said "I'm cold."  Once again the head monk said "No problem, we will get you more blankets."  After the third five year period he proclaimed "I Quit".  The head monk said "Brother, I am not surprised,  You have done nothing but complain ever since you got here."

70. Engaged in battle: AT WAR.


1. Fifth tire: SPARE.  No, everyone knows that it's when you leave a ten pin and pick it up on your next ball.

2. Pamplona runners: TOROS.  We have a TORO company in Northern Minnesota that makes lawn mowers and great snow throwers.

3. Utah ski resort: ALTA.  One letter off from a vaping product called ALTO.  I could not help but notice that since the Medicare season is upon us, it seems as though there are a dozen health care commercials on TV every hour.  One of them was followed by one of these ads for ALTO.  I could not help but think if you buy one, you better have the other paid up also.

4. Quick look: GLIMPSE.

5. Ages and ages: EON.

6. Beat by a bit: EDGE.  A smaller Ford SUV.  I once owned an Explorer, but they are really huge now.

7. Paperwork accumulation: PILE.  Not Gomer, his name was PYLE.

8. "A __ Is Born": STAR.  "When you wish upon a STAR, makes no difference who you are."

9. Tense NBA periods: OTS.  It takes a tie game to get there and the Timberwolves seldom squeak out a tie.

10. Slam-dancing area: MOSH PIT.

11. Tesla self-driving car system: AUTOPILOT.  Reminds me of the movie Airplane and the blow up doll named OTTO.

12. Fruity metaphor for a rumor mill: GRAPEVINE.

13. Burden: ONUS.

14. Clock radio toggle: AM PM.

18. "No one __ blame": IS TO.  That's what Rocco said when the Yankees kicked our Twins butts.

23. Crude in a tanker: OIL.

26. 2018 Best Actor Gary: OLDMAN.  Now this puzzle is getting personal.

28. Dog's bark: ARF.  Dennis the Menace says his dog goes "RUFF".

29. What students take at lectures: NOTES.

30. Legendary Garbo: GRETA.

32. Melancholy: SORROW.  "Only one thing that money can't buy, True Love will never die. All my sorrows, soon forgotten." Kingston Trio.

33. Of all time: EVER.  "If you're ever in a jam, here I am." I don't know who sang that one.

34. Yacht or ferry: BOAT.  I once owned a boat, and took my son fishing a lot in the summer.  Now he owns a boat and lives by a lake.  C.C. and I used to go for pan fish off a fishing dock in a small town called Annandale, MN.  Now we go to Cub and buy walleye from the freezer.

35. Suddenly: ALL AT ONCE.  It's a strike if you knock the pins down ALL AT ONCE

36. Postponed, as a ball game: RAINED OUT.  Sometimes it's also a golf game.

41. U.K. language: ENG.

42. Dime's 10: Abbr.: CTS.  Jeopardy's James Holzhauer called a dime, $1,000.00.  Must be Las Vegas talk.

44. Barely enough: MINIMAL.

46. Acumen: INSIGHT.  A Honda Hybrid car.

48. Prefix with liberal: NEO.

49. Pull-up muscles, briefly: LATS.

52. Yoga posture: ASANA.

53. Measuring stick: RULER.

54. Hardy's "__ of the D'Urbervilles": TESS.

55. Takes to court: SUES.  Johnny Cash once touted, "My Name is Sue, How do you do".  Then Elaine Benes of Seinfeld said "Don't call him SUES."

56. More than a quiz: EXAM.

57. Prefix between kilo- and giga-: MEGA.  There's a lottery game called "Mega Millions".  C.C. and I do not play. Once in awhile we might buy a $2.00 ticket and we would be happy to double our money.

58. March 15, notably: IDES.

60. Skiing surface: SNOW.  I think I have heard of this.  I think it was Chrissy's surname in "Three's Company."

63. Wash. neighbor: IDA.  I have a cousin that lives in Twin Falls.  He told me his golf season is not yet over.  I'm not sure if he hits golf balls or potatoes.

64. Hoppy brew, for short: IPA.


Oct 20, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019 Gary Larson

Theme: "Off to a Good Start" - The first words of all the theme entries are synonyms of "good".

22A. Awesome product component?: CHILL FACTOR.

24A. Awesome mattress covering?: DOPE SHEET.

43A. Awesome plumbing connector?: TIGHT FITTING.
68A. Awesome hobby?: HOT PURSUIT.

70A. Awesome hunting dog?: HIP POINTER.

88A. Awesome entitlement?: RADICAL RIGHT.

113A. Awesome suit fabric?: BOSS TWEED.

115A. Awesome predicament?: SWEET PICKLE.

Each first word has a totally different meaning than "good", awesome!

I'm not familiar with "tight" and "radical" as "good". Is it common or new slang?

1. Dojo maneuver: CHOP.

5. Guitarist Joe of The Eagles: WALSH.

10. Wilts: SAGS.

14. Start of an incantation: ABRA. Do you have Abra auto repair shop in your area? 

18. The last Mrs. Chaplin: OONA.

19. Slow down: BRAKE.

20. Shiraz's land: IRAN.

21. Trickle: SEEP.

26. Step on it: INSOLE. Nice clue.

27. Stuck a fork in: STABBED.

29. Glenn Miller Orchestra singer Ray: EBERLE. Unknown to me. The guy on the left.

30. Immortal name in dance: ASTAIRE.

32. Ultimatum word: ELSE.

33. Staring-into-space experiences: TRANCES.

34. DEA agent: NARCO.

36. Court game word: ALAI. Jai alai.

39. Routine: ACT.

40. Stubborn critter: ASS.

48. Tiny toiler: ANT.

49. Fall collection?: LEAVES. We have quite a collection in our yard.

51. More consequence?: MERRIER. The more, the merrier.

52. Poetic adverb: OFT.

54. "__ & Basie": 1963 jazz collaboration: ELLA.

55. "True Detective" actor McNairy: SCOOT.

56. Bump from the schedule: PREEMPT.

60. Peacock's pride: PLUMAGE. I'll be proud too if I have plumage like this.

64. QVC sister channel: HSN.

65. Shot in the arm: BOOST.

66. Wall St. trader: ARB. Arbitrator. (Correction: It's arbitrager. Thanks, Sandyanon.)

72. Bit of legal advice: SUE.

73. Lose control: GO APE.

74. Chicken dinner choice: LEG. Roasted pigeons are very popular in Guangzhou.

75. Support: ENDORSE.

76. Gallivant: TRAIPSE.

78. Sound: NOISE.

80. Wine choice: ROSE.

81. Originally called: NEE. Wang for me.

82. Tool in a kit: NAIL GUN.

84. Shadowed: TAILED.

86. Low-tech note-taking aid: PAD. Scored a few cute pads during my last Marshalls' trip.

91. Snake's sound: SSS.

92. Zodiac animal: RAM.

93. Vacation spot: ISLE.

94. "Truly, the souls of men are full of __": Shak.: DREAD.

96. "We the Living" novelist: AYN RAND. Never heard of the book.

100. Big drink of water: SWIG.

104. Retail outlets: EMPORIA.

108. Low wind: BREEZE.

109. Like some receptions: CATERED.

112. In a showily pretentious manner: ARTILY.

117. Tennis great Nastase: ILIE.

118. Villain named Julius: DR NO.

119. Points at the dinner table: TINES.

120. Pepsi rival: COKE. Only Pepsi in our home.

121. Picnic staple: SLAW.

122. Cereal grain: OATS. I finally tried oat milk for the first time. It's a bit thin but pretty good with cocoa powder.

123. Mocking sarcasm: SNARK.

124. Arab leader: EMIR.


1. Movie mogul Harry and sportscaster Linda: COHNS. Wiki said Harry Cohn co-founded Columbia Pictures.

2. Lift: HOIST.

3. Checked out at the library: ON LOAN.

4. Ease, as symptoms: PALLIATE.

5. Ring org.: WBA. Boxing ring.

6. Scythe blade shapes: ARCS.

7. Starbucks serving: LATTE.

8. Bar word meaning "cup" in Danish: SKOAL. The fight song for Vikings is "Skol,Vikings".

9. Sage and thyme: HERBS.

10. Pro or con: SIDE.

11. 2000s Yankee nickname: A-ROD.

12. Sign of something missing: GAP.

13. Unkind look: SNEER.

14. Whitish: ASHEN.

15. Tailgate party recyclable: BEER CAN.

16. Campaign poster word: REELECT.

17. Most pertinent: APTEST.

22. Org. in Clancy novels: CIA.

23. Wheel inventor: FERRIS.

25. Govt. agency that aids entrepreneurs: SBA. Small Business Administration.

28. "Get lost!": BEAT IT.

31. Hosp. readout: ECG. All too familiar to Dennis.

33. Bolivian export: TIN.

35. Units of resistance: OHMS.

37. '80s-'90s Compaq laptop model: LTE. No idea.

38. Prepare sans oil, as a movie treat: AIR POP.

40. Israeli leaders?: ALEPHS. First letter in Hebrew.

41. Betray: SELL OUT.

42. Soldier, at times: SALUTER.

44. Electronics whiz: TECHIE. A few T's on our blog. Tony, TTP and the Hainan Tom (a la Carmen, D-Otto), all vets.

45. "Mending Wall" poet: FROST.

46. Wrinkle remover: IRON.

47. Continues: GOES ON.

48. Supplier of bills: ATM.

50. Seductress: VAMP.

53. Far from fragrant: FETID.

57. It may be skipped: ROPE.

58. Security rounds: PATROLS.

59. Locks: TRESSES.

61. Bellow title hero March: AUGIE. Also unknown to me.

62. One looking for a switch, maybe: GROPER.

63. Those, in Tijuana: ESAS.

65. Coastal California scenic attraction: BIG SUR.

67. Basenji and Borzoi: BREEDS.

69. Flips: UPENDS.

70. Katherine of "Suits": HEIGL.

71. Edible seaweed: NORI.

74. 1970 Kinks hit: LOLA.

77. What's more: AND.

78. Like Miss Congeniality: NICEST.

79. Writer Bagnold: ENID.

83. Trouble: AIL.

84. Prominent, after "on": THE MAP. Took me forever to identify this song. Has anyone heard of Mindme or Ebba? The song is amazing. 

85. "... but it'll cost you": AT A PRICE.

86. __ tax: PAYROLL.

87. "The Bourne Identity" malady: AMNESIA.

89. Assist: AID.

90. Test for M.A. seekers: GRE.

92. Yeshiva leaders: RABBIS.

95. One involved in a speculative "bubble": DOTCOM.

97. Fix, as a hem: RESEW.

98. AIDS-fighting drug: AZT.

99. Salon overhaul: NEW DO.

101. Bridge positions: WESTS.

102. Novelist Shaw: IRWIN.

103. Actress Davis: GEENA.

105. Kipling's "__-Tikki-Tavi": RIKKI.

106. Less well: ILLER. Ill is good too.

107. Word of support: AYE.

109. Small change: CENT.

110. Bothers: ADOS.

111. Critter on XING signs: DEER.

114. Notable time: ERA.

116. Word of reproof: TSK.


Oct 19, 2019

Saturday, October 19, 2019, Jeffrey Wechsler

Themeless Saturday Puzzle by Jeffrey Wechsler

Today I had a pleasant 18 minute stroll through Jeffrey's 151st LA Times puzzle. As you regulars know, Lemon noted on October 11 that he was blogging Jeffrey's 150th LA puzzle that day and we had the benefit of a fun puzzle and commentary from Jeffrey. Add in Lemon's always elucidating narration and it made for a lovely experience. 

Jeffrey's accompanying comments on that Friday said how he values terseness for that which  made me look to see where he and Rich pared down to the most succinct cluing today.

You regulars will also be able to pick Jeffrey out of this gaggle of constructors shown in the accompanying picture here. I will post at the bottom (*) of the write-up which one is our prolific Jeffrey. 


1. Safari sight: WILD ANIMAL - All right, who's watching whom?

11. Class clown, at times: APER - I had a student "APE" some of my actions during class and I laughed really hard!

15. MRI safety consideration: ENERGY DOSE - An ENERGY DOSE greater than 3.5 kJ/kg can be uncomfortable for the patient. You're welcome! 😙

16. Fabric used in sci-fi costumes: LAMÈ  - Still puzzled about your halloween costume? For around $80 you can get this gold LAMÈ outfit that would make Elvis proud. Do sci-fi next year!

17. Ones concerned with public images?: TV STATIONS - In my misspent yute, we had two and then three TV stations. Now...

18. Infuriates: IRES.

19. Where food may be collected: BIB.

20. Many Egon Schiele works: EROTIC ART - Search at your leisure. I couldn't pick a "favorite" to post

22. Lacking a key: ATONAL - A two-min primer on this type of music

26. __ code: PENAL.

27. Has as an address: RESIDES AT - Most here know what fictional character RESIDES AT this Baker Street address

31. "__ Mio": O SOLE - Sherrill Nielsen sings in Italian and then The King answers with the English adaptation of this lovely melody

32. Gradual process of concern to periodontists: BONE LOSS 

34. Recognizes: ID'S.

35. See 46-Down: THIS and 46. With 35-Across, self-confident words: I CAN DO - That is the mantra for this anxious woman anticipating her first roller coaster ride

38. Annoying sort: TWERP.

39. Leporello in "Don Giovanni," e.g.: BASS - Don's servant. Description of the role is servant, comic relief, sidekick, misguided, loyal 

40. Dorm figs.: RA'S - Resident Assistants are supposed to prevent liquor from entering the dorm

41. Vacation itinerary entry: TOUR SITE - Daughter avoids these on vacation and we seek them out

43. French dispatch boat: AVISO -I was proud my cwd experience filled this in immediately 

45. Summer fun item attached to a ladder: POOL SLIDE - I CAN NOT DO THIS!

49. Cetera of Chicago: PETER Not on my play list

50. __ powder: TALCUM - Whether TALCUM increases cancer risk due to some asbestos content is an open debate right now

51. Intellectual property statute: PATENT LAW - America's first patent issued to Samuel Hopkins and signed by G Washington

56. Greece neighbor: Abbr.: ALBania

57. Oklahoma city: ENID - About 7 hours SSW of me

58. Payment: REMITTANCE.

62. Coleridge work: RIME - Archaic spelling of rhyme. Coleridge's original title was RIME of the Ancyent Marinere.


64. Hightailed it: SPED.

65. Musical with the song "Sex Is in the Heel": KINKY BOOTS - Music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper, book by Harvey Fierstein. Trailer 


1. Rec room amenity: WET BAR - Yes, but here is a real (and really) WET BAR

2. Ask: INVITE.

3. Sappho's home: LESBOS Here 'ya go

4. Gere title role: DR. T - The critics saw a lot more to like than the audiences

5. Ottoman honorific: AGA - The AGA Khan is said to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed 

6. News initials since 1851: NYT 

7. Romeo's last words: I DIE.

8. Baskerville Hall setting: MOOR.

9. "It came __ surprise": AS NO.

10. Opposite of provided: LEST.

11. Eatery "just a half a mile from the railroad track": ALICE'S The Smithsonian's take on Arlo's song

12. Conspiracy theory origin, perhaps: PARANOIA - Nobody as insignificant as Lee Harvey Oswald could have killed JKK, so... 

13. Green shades: EMERALDS.

14. Antsy: RESTLESS - Supervise a 7th grade study hall and you can also find some 24. Commotion: ADO.

21. Wall St. events: IPOS Ten biggest IPO's of 2019

23. Ink spots?: NIBS - The NIB on this pen is the spot where ink is placed

25. Tempo of Chopin's "Marche funèbre": LENTO - Same for this piece more familiar to me (assai means very)

28. Clinch: SEW UP.

29. Last Olds model: ALERO.

30. Where the heart is: TORSO - More "that's why I love Jeffrey's puzzles" cluing/fill

33. Like some wasted milk: SPILT - Don't cry over it 37. Anticipatory question: IS IT TIME? - Yes, it's time to let it go!

35. Early Hudson's Bay Company employees: TRAPPERS.

36. Imbibe minimally: HAVE A NIP - Not a SIP it turns out

39. Franklin half-dollar image: BELL - Can you find the mint mark that indicates where this coin was struck?

41. Undecided: TORN.

42. Org. with beeping wands: TSA - Truly a thankless job but...

44. Like some rye: SEEDED.

47. Pleasing to the ear: DULCET - My first thought was of Bing Crosby but this was too hard to pass up

48. Places firmly (in): EMBEDS - A ___ EMBEDS a(n) ____ into a ____

52. "Star __": TREK 

53. First name in casual wear: LEVI - These LEVI jeans from 1879 (when Mr. Strauss was 50 yrs-old), with trademark rivets, were not made for casual wear. They are stored in a fire-proof safe where only two people have the combination. 

54. "And that goes for me, too!": AMEN.

55. Pretend not to see, with "at": WINK - Trust me

59. Old possessive: THY.

60. Q neighbor: TAB - Not NOP or RST

61. "Is that __?": A NO - Not my response if you are asking to comment today!

*Jeffrey is standing next to C.C. in an argyle sweater