, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 16, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 Mark McClain

 Theme: Take up a collection.

18. Add to the language : COIN A PHRASE. Coin collection. Nine most valuable U.S. coins.

23. Unusually high temperatures, often : RECORD HEAT. Record collection. One man, 30,000 records.

 38. Law enforcement slogan : STAMP OUT CRIME. Stamp collection. The twisty tale of the world's most expensive stamp.
50. Dessert with swirls : MARBLE CAKE. Marble collection. Man collects 50,000+ marbles.

58. What the starts of 18-, 23-, 38- and 50-Across can be part of : COLLECTIONS

Good morning all, Melissa here. Mostly smooth sailing, except for a few spots - last to fall was the crossing of 4A PONTE and 7D TUN. What? Simple, straightforward theme, once it appeared. 

1. Mud wrap venue : SPA

4. Bridge, to Botticelli : PONTE. Italian for bridge.

9. On a cruise : AT SEA

14. Knock gently : TAP

15. Unalaska inhabitant : ALEUT. Had never heard of this city before, so pretty.

 16. With 27-Down, striped holiday treat : CANDY
17. Tycoon Onassis : ARI

20. North Atlantic hazard : ICEBERG

22. Perching on : ATOP

26. Letters used in old dates : BCE. Before the Common Era.

29. Beirut's country: Abbr. : LEB
30. __-Cat: winter vehicle : SNO

31. Skin-and-bones sort : SCRAG

33. Fish and chips option : COD

36. Wonton, e.g. : DUMPLING

41. Felix Unger et al. : NEATNIKS

42. "Atlas Shrugged" author Rand : AYN
43. Many opera villains : BASSI.

44. Grassland : LEA

46. Uncertainties : IFS

49. Braying beast : ASS

54. Canyon feedback : ECHO

57. Ice-T or Jay Z : RAP STAR

62. "Who am __ judge?" : I TO

63. German river, to Germans : RHEIN

64. Adult insect : IMAGO. According to Wikipedia, "Imago is the last stage an insect attains during its metamorphasis.

65. Not quite lge. : MED

66. Chore list entries : TO DO'S

67. Web surfing tool : MODEM

68. Beverage suffix : ADE


1. Step between landings : STAIR

2. Part of UPS : PARCEL

3. Unit-pricing word : APIECE

4. Hoosier hoopster : PACER

5. Grace opening : O LORD

6. Sounds from a stable : NEIGHS

7. Vineyard vat : TUN. A large cask.

8. Approximate touchdown hr. : ETA. Estimated Time of Arrival.

9. Vier und vier : ACHT. German, four and four are eight.
10. Hawaiian root : TARO

11. Feature of most fedoras : SNAP BRIM. A snap brim can be turned up and down at opposite ends.

12. Newspaper hires, briefly : EDS
13. Vote for : AYE

19. __ on the back : PAT

21. Spotted members of the lynx family : BOB CATS

24. Laptop buyer, for one : END USER

25. Month after juillet : AOUT. Another unknown to me, July and August in French.

27. See 16-Across : CANE
28. Urge (on) : EGG

31. Energetic : SPRY

32. Outpatient treatment sites : CLINICS

34. Upscale hotel chain : OMNI

35. Printer resolution spec. : DPI. Dots per inch.

37. __ Nashville: country label : MCA

38. Bering and North : SEAS

39. Like graduation caps : TASSELED

40. St. with a panhandle : OKLA

41. Steph Curry's org. : NBA

45. In Europe, say : ABROAD

47. Daughter of Muhammad : FATIMA. Youngest daughter of Islamic daughter Muhammad. Too many letters for Laila.

48. Enjoyed the ice : SKATED

50. Comfy slip-on : MOC

51. "Tootsie" actress Jessica : LANGE

52. Word with Downs or salts : EPSOM

53. Slowly eat into : ERODE

55. Ad writer's award : CLIO

56. Feathered brooders : HENS

58. Dated PC hookup : CRT

59. "So that's it!" : OHO

60. Bob Cratchit's boy : TIM

61. I believe, in texts : IMO. In my opinion.

Feb 15, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016 Robert E. Lee Morris

Theme: Not for the shallow - The first word in the theme answers can be the end of a phrase starting with DEEP.

38. Pool diving area ... and, literally, what the start of each answer to a starred clue can be : DEEP END

17. *The president's annual salary, e.g. : SIX FIGURES. Deep Six, I'm going with the naval use of the term for a measure of six fathoms; a depth suitable for burial at sea.

61. *Prince film featuring "When Doves Cry" : PURPLE RAIN. Deep Purple. It seems unclear what Prince meant by 'Purple Rain'. Deep Purple is a rock band but what I like best is the use in the opening line of this remake of "Star Dust" by Nino Tempo & April Stevens. Deep Purple

11. *"Sweet dreams" : "SLEEP TIGHT". Deep Sleep. 'Sleep tight' may just mean 'sleep soundly'.

29. *Scatterbrain : SPACE CADET. Deep Space, the final frontier.

Argyle here in the deep freeze. At least we didn't get the wind they were predicting. A musical Monday, not theme related though. Standard pinwheel grid, some standard crosswordese and some c/a from recent puzzles. All-in-all, a good day.


1. Diplomat Henry __ Lodge : CABOT. (1850 - 1924) or (1902–1985)(Jr. or II) He was the grandson of Henry Cabot Lodge.

6. Former Ford division, briefly : MERC. (Mercury, 1938 - 2011)

10. "Kindly let us know," on invites : RSVP. (French: répondez s'il vous plaît). And 10D. English translation of the start of 10-Across : RESPOND

14. Like a noisy stadium : AROAR

15. Length times width : AREA

16. Israeli airline : EL AL

19. Lily that's Utah's state flower : SEGO

20. Mary __ cosmetics : KAY

21. Agree silently : NOD

22. Avoid shipping out? : SHAPE UP. Ultimatum: Shape up or ship out!

24. Electrically connected : WIRED

26. Weds in secret : ELOPES

27. Kind of football kick : ONSIDE. Deliberately kicked short in an attempt to recover the ball.

30. Prairie dog or squirrel : RODENT

32. Brown photo tone : SEPIA

33. Long skirt : MAXI. Not demure when it is see-thru or has a thigh-high slit.

34. Carpe __: seize the day : DIEM

37. Hawaii's Mauna __ : LOA

41. Dean's list fig. : GPA. (grade point average)

42. How some audiobooks are recorded : ON CD

44. Prayer ending : AMEN

45. Autumn shade : OCHER

47. Pencil mark remover : ERASER

49. PC memos : E-NOTES

50. Say yes (to) : ACCEDE

52. Arabian Peninsula country : YEMEN

54. Thick fog metaphor : PEA SOUP

56. Prefix with east or west : MID

57. Comedian Margaret : CHO

60. X-ray units : RADs. (obsolete?)

64. "Understood" : "I SEE"

65. Flanged fastener : T-NUT

66. It's measured in degrees : ANGLE

67. "Why don't we?" : "LET'S"

68. "__-dokey!" : OKEY

69. 1971 Eric Clapton hit : LAYLA


1. Wine barrel : CASK

2. Operatic solo : ARIA

3. Squarish, as some cars : BOXY

4. Lummox : OAF

5. __ and Tobago: West Indies nation : TRINIDAD

6. "All in the Family" spin-off : "MAUDE"

7. Make a typo, say : ERR

8. "Cheers" actor Roger : REES. (1944 - 2015)

9. Redeemed, as casino chips : CASHED IN

12. Unclear : VAGUE. Purple Rain?

13. Lands heavily : PLOPS

18. 2000 Bush opponent : GORE

23. Pub potable : ALE

24. Nintendo game system : Wii

25. Window treatment : DRAPERY

27. Capital of Norway : OSLO

28. Gas used in signs : NEON

31. Team on the farm : OXEN

33. Viral video, e.g. : MEME

35. Fencing sword : EPEE

36. Fourth planet : MARS

39. Approach cautiously : EASE UP TO

40. Fait accompli : DONE DEAL

43. Puts on clothes : DRESSES

46. "Vaya __ Dios" : CON

48. Commotion : ADO

49. Actor Jannings : EMIL

50. Tax deadline month : APRIL

51. Put an end to : CEASE

53. "E" on a gas gauge : EMPTY

55. Rock genre : PUNK

57. Clever : CAGY

58. Sledding slope : HILL

59. Most fit for military duty : ONE-A

62. Regret : RUE

63. Genetic stuff : RNA


Note from C. C.:

Happy Birthday to Hondo (Skip), whose comments often crack me up, esp the grouchy ones :-). Hope Lucy makes today extra special for you, Hondo!
Left to right: Marti, Dudley, Hondo & Montana (Sept 2013) 

Feb 14, 2016

Sunday February 14, 2016 Jake Braun

Theme: "Cherish the Thought" - Valentine's Day puzzle.

33A. With 35- and 60-Across, request for today : BE.  And 35A. See 33-Across : MY

60A. Today's honoree, nicknames for whom begin the answers to starred clues : VALENTINE

25D. Informal message for one's 60-Across: I LUV U. The only entry point to the heart formed by the black squares in the middle.

24A. *120-year-old candy : TOOTSIE ROLL

95A. *Ingénue's benefactor : SUGAR DADDY

98A. *Venezuelan wonder : ANGEL FALLS. Wiki says "they are named after Jimmie Angel, a US aviator, who was the first person to fly over the falls. Angel's ashes were scattered over the falls on 2 July 1960."

115A. *Weasel relative : HONEY BADGER.  Looks mean and scary. Nothing "honey" about it. 

16D. *Innocent : BABE IN THE WOODS

3D. *Offer that can't be refused : SWEETHEART DEAL
C.C. here. Thanks to dear Gary for covering me the past two Sundays.

I figured we might get a Valentine's Day puzzle after Rich ran the "Presidential Firsts" last Sunday. Presidents' Day tribute puzzle is normally run today or tomorrow.

What a sweet puzzle. So deftly designed. We have two two-letter entries and an unchecked letter U in I LOVE U. But all theme answers are placed symmetrically in this left to right mirror grid. 


1. Kitchen qty. : TBSP. Steve might have this. Cute bamboo salt box.

5. Band of schemers : CABAL. Like China's Gang of Four, led by Chairman Mao's wife.

10. Orgs. on 84-Across signs : AGCYS. All crosses. 84. Sign of success : SOLD. Real estate agencies.

15. Touch : ABUT

19. Swerves at sea : YAWS

20. Pine Tree State campus town : ORONO

21. One who gives you chills : CREEP

22. Taberna snack : TAPA.I wonder if someday we'll see Banchan, the Korean appetizers.  Most are veggies and seaweeds. Looks like roasted eel on the top left, Jayce.

23. Hunter's target : PREY

26. Way to the top : T-BAR

27. Put together : ERECTED

29. Chicago rumblers : ELS

30. Like a good waiter : PATIENT. And attentive.

32. Dumas duelist : ATHOS. "The Three Musketeers".

37. Withdrawn : TIMID

38. Hurt : ACHED

39. Puts on the air : TELEVISES

43. Isn't resolved : PENDS

45. Brought to court : SUED

46. Dishonesty : FRAUDULENCE. Sparkly one-word entry.

48. Cut it out : STOP

49. St. with both Lewis and Clark counties : IDA. We also have Clark County here in MN. But no Lewis. We have a city called ORONO (20A) also.

50. Rolls up, as a flag : FURLS

51. Covered with spots, in a way : ACNED

52. I-road? : HWY.  No abbr. mark? Or is I- enough?

53. Jamie of "M*A*S*H" : FARR

55. Consumer protection org. : FTC

56. __ quandary : IN A

57. Coop group : HENS. Also 5. Farm houses : COTES. Not BARNS.

58. Butter container : TUB

66. Methodology word : HOW

67. Vet : OLD PRO

70. Runway activity : TAXIING

71. Jai alai ball : PELOTA. Nailed it. That basket is called CESTA.

74. Intensifies : DEEPENS

76. Get up : WAKEN

77. Indistinct : SHADOWY

78. Some trial evidence : DNA

79. Where she blows : THAR

81. Sea of France : MER. Also the brand of  pricey facial cream. Brad Pitt knows.

82. It was orig. the State School of Mines and Metallurgy : UTEP. Unknown trivia to me.

83. Place for pips : DIE
86. Over : ANEW

88. Birth announcement words : A SON. 102A. "__ today is better than a hen tomorrow": Franklin : AN EGG. 113D. Take __: swing hard : A RIP. Three partials. Rich allows four in a Sunday grid.

89. IRS IDs : SSNS

90. Agree to pay later : RUN A TAB

93. Code : ENCRYPT

103. Gave one's word : SWORE

105. Clinton's FBI chief : FREEH. Learned from doing crosswords.

106. Start of a project : PHASE ONE

110. 1995 World Series winner: Abbr. : ATL. Not CLE. Two more baseball entries: 6D. Shortstop who made his MLB debut at age 18 : A-ROD And 59D. Two-time A.L. Cy Young Award winner Saberhagen : BRET. Easy crosses for non-baseball fans.

111. When many fans come out : HEAT WAVE. Not sports fans.

114. Dutch astronomer who lent his name to a cloud : OORT. You can't put this in Monday/Tuesday grid. Rich will ask you to remove it.

118. "Permit Me Voyage" poet James : AGEE. Avoided Tommie.

119. Learning method : ROTE

120. Frequently framed words : MOTTO

121. Lab dish eponym : PETRI

122. Sorry sort : RUER

123. Hershey's toffee bar : SKOR

124. Improv bit : SPOOF

125. Online admin : SYSOP

126. Mtg. with a therapist : SESS (Session)


1. Kind : TYPE

2. Double-dealer : BARRACUDA. Only know the fish meaning. Lovely entry.

4. Motivated, with "up" : PSYCHED

7. Cause of a start : BOO. That "start".

8. Tiny worker : ANT

9. Drop a game : LOSE

10. Hard-to-beat foursome : ACES. Cards.

11. "Get out of my yard!" : GRR

12. Corp. top banana : CEO

13. TripAdvisor alternative : YELP. Both sites review restaurants, hotels, etc.

14. Snowball impact sound : SPLAT

15. On occasion : AT TIMES

17. Fluctuating : UP AND DOWN. As I'm writing this post, Boomer's nerve pain flares up. The pain is like someone stabs at your foot with a needle every few seconds. This normally lasts 3 days. He just can't get much sleep. Breaks my heart to see him suffer.

18. Sharp-tasting : TART
28. "Dracula" (1931) director Browning : TOD

31. Racetrack edge : TIP. Learning moment for me.

33. University of Cincinnati athlete : BEARCAT

34. Month after Av : ELUL. Regular in our Wayne R. Williams days.

35. PC time meas. : MSEC

36. Craving : YENNING. Yen can be a verb??

38. "I sincerely doubt it!" : AS IF

39. "Storage Hunters" network : TRUTV. Unfamiliar with the show.

40. Masthead VIPs : EDs

41. Pier gp. : ILA

42. It may require a set change : SCENE. Nice clue.

44. 1974 CIA parody : S*P*Y*S. Wiki says this: The asterisks in the title are designed to remind users of M*A*S*H, which also starred Gould and Sutherland, and whose title is generally rendered with the same asterisks. Beyond this, there is no connection between the films.

46. Musical climax letters : FFF. Opposite of PPP, right?

47. Author LeShan : EDA

54. College basketball coach with a trophy named for him : RUPP. Gimme for PK. I drew a blank.

57. Frustrating thing to be on : HOLD

61. __ firm : LAW

62. It's taken sitting down : EXAM. I smiled once I got it.

63. Swoosh company : NIKE

64. Level : TIER

65. Room renter : INN And 72. Hotel choice : TWIN. Beds.

66. Jalopy : HEAP

67. They may be long : ODDS. And 104. 67-Down poster, briefly : OTB

68. Carson's successor : LENO. Who's your current favorite comedian? I subscribed then unsubscribed to Nick DiPaolo's podcast in one day. So many F words.

69. In stock : ON HAND

71. Derived from benzene : PHENYL. Learning moment to me as well.

73. Agreements aboard : AYES

75. Capital near the Red Sea : SANA'A

77. Put away : STORE

80. Getting a pension: Abbr. : RET'D

82. Hurricane Katrina rescue gp. : USCG. Also 100. Overflow protection : LEVEES

85. Fast racer : DRAGSTER

87. Dough amounts : WADS

88. Poet Sexton : ANNE

89. 1977 film retitled in 1981 : STAR WARS. No idea. What was it called in 1977 then?

91. Push : URGE

92. Via : BY WAY OF

93. Winter warmers : EARLAPS

94. Sputtering sound : PFFT

95. Flavors : SAPORS. Did not know it's plurable, D-Otto!

96. Detach, as a trailer : UNHOOK

97. Tailor for : GEAR TO

99. Confederacy : LEAGUE

101. Changes course, as a ship : SHEERS. Did not know it can be a verb, Spitzboov!

107. Resistance units : OHMs

108. Slangy refusal : NOOP

109. Opposite of ecto- : ENTO. Prefix for "Inner". Also ENDO.

111. APB stats : HGTS (Heights)

112. Architect Saarinen : EERO

116. WWII command : ETO. European Theater of Operations.

117. Elder Partridge daughter player : DEY (Susan)

Happy Birthday to dear Marti, who brought so much joy and love to us when she was active on the blog. I thought of you the whole time while solving this puzzle, Marti. We all miss you.

Allen and Marti


Feb 13, 2016

Saturday, Feb 13th, 2016, Mark Bickham

Theme: None

Words: 70 (missing J,Q)

Blocks: 30

Our first Saturday offering in 2016 from Mr. Bickham - his last one, back in September, was easy; I breezed through.  Not so much today.  I had to cheat one proper name, but for the most part, I prevailed, and within my personal allotted time.  Today was one of those days when I truly took advantage of the "Wild-A** Guess".  Had two entries that were featured in recent puzzles, too, which I thought was odd; one clued the same, the other, differently.   Triple 8/6 corners, two spanners, and two 9-letter answers today;

26. Philosophers in the news since 1985 : CALVIN AND HOBBES - One of my all-time favorite comic strips, and I know BarryG is a huge fan as well

46. Basics : BARE NECESSITIES - also a lingerie shopping site - one of their ads....


1. Candy in a strawlike container : PIXY STIX - I knew this, but all I could recall of the spelling was "-STIX".  The rest I had to WAG 

pure sugar

9. "The Great Santini" Oscar nominee Michael : O'KEEFE - caved in to Google on this one - before my time - IMDb

15. Do-it-yourself style : HOME PERM - ah.  The important thing to recognize here is that "style" refers to 'hair', not 'manner'

16. One often checking boxes : POLLER - I considered "TESTEE" at first

17. Partly : IN A SENSE - oops.  Had ONE SENSE

18. He broke Walter's NFL career rushing record : EMMITT - Once I had half the letters, I recalled this guy - but I am not such a fan of football that I know the players all that well; in fact, I was told that he won Dancing With The Stars, too

19. Was sharply critical, with "out" : LASHED - not CHEWED

20. Adopted great-nephew of Claudius : NERO

22. Everyday list ender : ZEE - dang~!  Not ETC

23. Common pledge : I DO

24. Composer/conductor Boulanger : NADIA - the "D" was my last fill - funny story; more at 10d.

33. Like many fliers : AVIAN - Dah~!  Had A-I-N, so I tried aLiEn first - as in unidentified fliers

34. Fictional place near Atlanta : TARA - Gone With The Wind

35. Internet __ : MEME - CAFE was wrong, but 25% correct 100%ly

36. Put one's foot down? : REV - and then see 5 Down

37. What smart alecks do : GET CUTE - WISE OFF was wrong

40. Swift of fiction : TOM - WAG

41. Binged (on) : ODed - total WAG

43. Fabrication : YARN - LIE was too short, but I was on that wavelength

44. "Running on Empty" (1988) actress : LAHTI - WAG

49. Ruin partner : WRACK - not an idiom I am familiar with

50. Metaphor words : IS A - ugh.  I had AS A, and nothing was working in the SE.  "Life IS A Journey" - I get it now

51. Dept. in a "Law & Order" spin-off : SVU - I put in MCS first, Major Case Squad

53. Piece of work : TASK - not OPUS

55. Like Miss Congeniality : NICEST

59. Compression-utilizing weapon : AIRGUN

61. Forbidden zone : NO-GO AREA - sounds made up

63. Beckett genre, with "the" : ABSURD - WAG.  I had to find out what makes up the genre - the Wiki

64. Whirlpool protection, perhaps : OVEN MITT - clever; Whirlpool, the manufacturer of fine ranges

65. Designer Johnson : BETSEY

66. 2003 film with the tagline "He doesn't care if you're naughty or nice" : BAD SANTA - never saw it, and have no desire to do so in the future, even at (clecho); 3d. 66-Across setting, briefly : XMAS


1. Dr. __ : PHIL - took just a little too long for this one to occur to me; J, No, Who, Spock, Pepper, Zhivago - letter by letter, I missed the four-letter one

2. New York school : IONA - true clecho to follow; this one is Catholic....

4. New York school : YESHIVA - this one is Jewish

5. Ticket generator : SPEEDING - eh.  I like speed TRAP better

6. Body stretcher? : TENDON

7. Agcy. with complicated schedules : IRS

8. Colossus and Cyclops, e.g. : X-MEN

9. Collapsible topper : OPERA HAT

10. Dragon habitat : KOMODO - OK, so I was thinking FOREST first, and then DUNGEON ( I was a huge D&D fan ).  Then I had --O-O, and filled in KIMONO.  Yeah, I know that's wrong

11. Tree that can form natural tunnels : ELM

12. Daughter of Anne Boleyn : ELIZABETH I - this one we had back on Jan 16

13. Blowout : FETE - not ROUT

14. Deco pseudonym : ERTE - I like Art Deco, and I like this bronze

21. Sweeps on a gridiron : END RUNS - 18a. was probably good for this

25. Watson's creator : IBM

26. Evergreen with edible pods : CAROB - and this one we had on Jan 30

27. Estée Lauder subsidiary : AVEDA

28. Spreadable sausage : LIVERWURST

29. Goes after : ATTACKS

30. Pearly coating : NACRE

31. Behave theatrically : EMOTE

32. They come before finals : SEMIs

38. Superficially attractive thing : EYE CANDY - I learned this term when I worked on the movie set back in '97

39. Colloquial language features : ELISIONS - wanna, gonna, etc.

42. __ Spiegel: German magazine : DER

45. South American desert : ATACAMA - WAG

47. Human __ : NATURE - I thought there might be a slight misdirection, so I went with BEINGS, being in the plural

48. Burned a little : SINGED

51. Scandinavian import : SAAB - SAADLY, they're no more

52. Vague feeling : VIBE

54. Turner of old TV? : KNOB - Mr. Bickham GOT CUTE on this one (37a.)

56. Land near Albion : ERIN - WAG

57. Paving stone : SETT - learning moment for me; I have heard of a Belgian block

58. Casual farewell : TA-TA

60. The Theatre Cat in "Cats" : GUS

62. Tiny tube travelers : OVA - another one that took too long to occur to me

Thank you for all the birthday comments this week - no time to do the puzzle that day, but I did get a chance to read the comments~!
