, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 3, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016 Joel Elkins and Andrea Carla Michaels

Title: Faster, Higher, Stronger - The Olympic motto. It is my desire to be as idealistic as I can about the Olympics, even given all we know about their seamier side.

Joel and Andrea have brought us a very entertaining and timely puzzle as we approach the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Their puzzle incorporates the six U.S. venues utilized for these quadrennial events.

Theme Reveal:

65. Event whose only six U.S. hosts are answers in this puzzle : THE OLYMPICS - Three U.S. host cities for both Summer and Olympic competition. Three are in the horizontal fill, two in the vertical fill and one city with three words is split between two horizontal fills and one vertical fill. 

Theme answers with notable events for each (fully realizing your recollections may be very different):

17. California ski resort (1960) : SQUAW VALLEY - Figure skating champion Carol Heiss cashed in her celebrity as quickly as she could

25. Peach State capital (1996) : ATLANTA - Perhaps best remembered for "The Greatest" being revealed as the secret torch lighter

27. With 39-Across and 61-Down, metropolis near the Wasatch Range (2002) : SALT 39. See 27-Across : LAKE 61. See 27-Across : CITY - A tattered flag from the World Trade center bombing which occurred only five months previous was a prominent part of the opening ceremonies.

52. Home of the Blues (1904) : ST LOUIS - The first Olympics in the U.S. was awarded to ST. LOUIS because it was also having a World's Fair and threatened to stage AAU track competition simultaneously if Chicago was selected. Only 12 countries showed up and the U.S. had 523 of the 630 athletes.

11. Home to the NFL's Rams (1932, 1984) : LOS ANGELES - Many consider Babe Didrikson Zaharias to be the finest female athlete of all time and she won 3 gold medals at the '32 olympics. She was limited to 3 events and won or tied for the win in all three but was eliminated from the high jump for "illegal technique" of her head going over first which is widely used today.

The '84 games were boycotted by the U.S.S.R. and 13 other aligned nations. Carl Lewis set the goal of winning the same four gold medals that Jesse Owens had won in front of Hitler in 1936 and did just that.

29. New York resort in the Adirondacks (1932, 1980) : LAKE PLACID - Like Carol Heiss, our crossword friend also cashed in on 1932 figure skating Olympic gold

Here is my most memorable Olympic moment: The U.S. amateurs defeating the highly favored and very experienced Soviet hockey team in the '80 hockey semifinals that led to Al Michaels' famous "Do you believe in miracles?" call. This is my favorite amateur sports memory that didn't involve Huskers!

Despite all the issues I will watch some of the Rio coverage but wouldn't travel down there for anything. Let's see what other events Joel and Andrea have for us:


1. TV workers' union : AFTRA - The Screen Actors' Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists merged in 2012
6. "We Create Music" org. : ASCAP

11. "__ It Go": hit song from "Frozen" : LET - Easier advice to dispense than take

14. Smallish iPods : NANOS

15. Eucalyptus eater : KOALA

16. Daily Defense skin care brand : OXY - Quite an arsenal

19. Weaken : SAP

20. Stellar : ASTRAL

21. Some cameras : SLR'S

22. Master : ACE

23. Sci. subject : ANAT

30. Quick drink : SIP

32. Participate in karaoke : SING - What all these machines need...

33. 60 minuti : ORA -  37. Capital SSE of Firenze : ROMA - "A ROMA ci sono 60 minuti in un'ORA (In Rome, there are 60 minutes in an hour)" 68. Pisa place : ITALY completes the mini-theme trifecta

34. "Really?" : IT IS

36. Jetties : PIERS - Jetties extending out into new Lake Wanahoo behind the dam by Wahoo, NE

41. Actress Sevigny : CHLOE

43. Pebble-in-puddle sound : PLOP

44. Thumbs-up critic : EBERT - Of this movie, he said, "I had a colonoscopy once, and they let me watch it on TV. It was more entertaining than 'The Brown Bunny.'"

46. That seƱorita : ELLA

47. Revealing rock genre : EMO

48. Look closely (over) : PORE

50. Stockholm airline : SAS

51. Exam for many sophs : PSAT

55. Tilt-A-Whirl, e.g. : RIDE - Do the people who set up and maintain these instill confidence in you?

57. Starbucks order : TEA

58. Mil. ranks : SGTS

60. Subsidiary of Fiat : LANCIA - Brigitte Bardot in a LANCIA Flavia. Nice lines!

64. Curved path : ARC

67. Calendar col. : FRI

69. Bloke's buddy : MATEY

70. G-man : FED

71. Synthetic fabric : NYLON

72. "Family Ties" mom : ELYSE


1. Ancient jug handle : ANSA - We had this recently but it didn't stick in my brain box

2. Online help pgs. : FAQS

3. Letter-shaped fastener : T-NUT

4. Obviously enjoy, as a joke : ROAR AT

5. Nile dam : ASWAN

6. Blotter letters : AKA

7. Mars days, in "The Martian" : SOLS - During his SOLS on Mars, Watney grew potatoes using a unique fertilizer

8. __ lily : CALLA

9. "Fore!" et al. : ALERTS

10. Stub with withholding info : PAY SLIP

12. Better than estimated : EXACT

13. Far from laid-back : TYPE-A - One take on this idea

18. Big name in pickles : VLASIC

24. Sunday contribution : TITHE

26. "There's __ in the air" : A NIP

27. Part of a shoe : SOLE

28. Speedy steed : ARAB

31. Medicinal units : PILLS - My double transplant recipient golf partner takes 39 PILLS/day, 14,235/yr

35. __ eclipse : SOLAR

38. Windex target : SPOT

40. Buck chaser? : EROO

42. With little effort : EASILY

45. Rely on : TRUST IN

49. Interstate through Cheyenne : EIGHTY

51. Foreign correspondent? : PEN PAL 

52. Employees : STAFF

53. __ Haute : TERRE 

54. Rickey Henderson specialty : STEAL

56. Actor Jean-Claude Van __ : DAMME

59. Diva's offering : SOLO

62. Finishes, as cupcakes : ICES

63. "__ sow, so shall ... " : AS YE

66. Former White House adviser Nofziger : LYN - "The executive branch has grown too strong, the judicial branch too arrogant and the legislative branch too stupid."

Now let's race on to see your comments on this fun puzzle and perhaps an Olympic memory as well.  Please stay in your own lane!

The Grid

Notes from C.C.:

1) Congratulations on Joel Elkins on his LA Times debut! He also teamed up with dear Andrea Carla Michaels for his NYT debut last month.

2) Happy Birthday to our sweet Melissa B, who's going to become a first-time grandma soon.  Her daughter is expecting her first daughter on August 13th.

Left to Right: Melissa's daughter, Melissa's mom Barbara B, Melissa


Aug 2, 2016

Tuesday, August 2, 2016 Patti Varol

Theme: O

20. *Many a smartphone download : FREE RINGTONE. Ring

29. *Beef cut : TOP ROUND STEAK. Round

44. *Traction aid for off-road vehicles : ALL-WHEEL DRIVE. Wheel

53. Influential groups, and what each of the answers to starred clues contains : INNER CIRCLES

Argyle here. Three theme entries are unique to LAT puzzles(used for the first time) and Patti should know, she is the assistant to Rich. Two tall climbers and strong corners complete this tough Tuesday. Quite a few CSO's, too.


1. Stare in astonishment : GAPE

5. Phased-out jets : SSTs. (SuperSonic Transport)

9. Duvet filler : EIDER

14. October birthstone : OPAL

15. Abbr. in an abbreviated list : ET AL.

16. Carne __: burrito filling : ASADA. "Where's the beef?"

17. "My bad" : "OOPS"

18. Singer Simone : NINA

19. Shoot down, in a way : REBUT

23. Viola's sect. : STR. (strings)

24. Good to go, at NASA : A-OK

25. Wields power : REIGNS

33. Radiates happiness : GLOWS

35. Russian denial : "NYET!"

36. Poetic tribute : ODE

37. Blades cut by a blade : LAWN. Tricky.

38. Spider-Man Parker : PETER

40. Crossword diagram : GRID

41. Part of a storm or a needle : EYE

42. Uber alternative : TAXI

43. Frat party garb : TOGAs

Nashua, where are you?

I was looking for a pic to add to this when I discovered I didn't even have the entry!

48. "New Hampshire's Gate City" : NASHUA. Ah, there you are.

49. Fair-hiring abbr. : EOE. (Equal Opportunity Employer)

50. Clean Air Act org. : EPA. (Environmental Protection Agency)

57. Site with "Health A-Z" guides : WEB MD

60. Home Depot purchase : TOOL. Not a TARP today.

61. Farm grunt : OINK. The one part of the pig that can't be used.

62. Shake an Etch A Sketch, e.g. : ERASE. Cute.

63. In the buff : NUDE. ;-)

64. Fried corn bread : PONE

65. Woodland deity : SATYR

66. Fired from the job : AXED

67. Hearty meal : STEW


1. Says 17-Across, say : GOOFS. (Oops)

2. To the left, at sea : APORT

3. They're usually on a roll : PAPER TOWELS. Ahem, the bigger rolls.

4. "What __ is new?" : ELSE

5. Graduate-to-be : SENIOR

6. Three sheets to the wind : STINKO

7. Cranberry quality : TANG. Hand up for TART.

8. Part of a window shutter : SLAT

9. Sincere : EARNEST

10. Words upon making out a distant image : "I SEE IT"

11. Apply daintily : DAB

12. Academic address ending : .EDU

13. __ race : RAT

21. Knocks : RAPS

22. Gavel-pounding demand : ORDER

26. "Middlemarch" novelist : GEORGE ELIOT. (Mary Ann Evans)

27. 1976 Olympics star Comaneci : NADIA

28. RR station postings : SKEDS. Schedules.

30. Part of MYOB : OWN

31. Up to the time when : UNTIL

32. PBS "Science Guy" Bill : NYE

33. Gather a bit at a time : GLEAN

34. Clapton woman who's "got me on my knees" : LAYLA. "The song was further inspired by Clapton's then unrequited love for Pattie Boyd, the wife of his friend and fellow musician George Harrison of The Beatles." Wiki

38. Song of praise : PAEAN

39. Application file suffix : EXE

40. Head in a capital: Abbr. : GOV. (Governor)

42. Lightning follower : THUNDER

43. Row at Dodger Stadium : TIER

45. Capriciousness : WHIMSY

46. Solve, as a cipher : DECODE

47. Stirred up : ROILED

51. Pasta often served alla vodka : PENNE

52. Cockeyed : ASKEW

54. European volcano that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site : ETNA

55. Butter-and-flour sauce thickener : ROUX

56. Police : COPS

57. Director Anderson : WES. Wiki LINK.

58. Wisk rival : ERA

59. Baseball club : BAT


Aug 1, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016 Jason Mueller

Theme: Colorful Windmill - with the reveal at the hub.

40A. 1950s RCA innovation ... or this puzzle's four longest answers? : COLOR TV

17A. Albert/Gabor sitcom set on a farm : GREEN ACRES. CBS

11D. Sitcom for which Candice Bergen won five Emmys : MURPHY BROWN. CBS

59A. Tom Selleck police series : BLUE BLOODS. CBS

25D. Drama in which Tatiana Maslany plays several clones : ORPHAN BLACK. BBC America

{Rabbit Rabbit} Argyle here. Jason has been HERE before. A neat start to the week and the month. It is a little odd that the color starts the Across themes and ends the Down themes. Is there a purpose?


1. Veggies in Mendel's experiments : PEAs

5. Wear away : ERODE

10. Key with five sharps: Abbr. : B MAJor

14. Apiece : EACH

15. Name of nearly 20 French kings : LOUIS

16. Deceptive scheme : RUSE

19. Spring flower : IRIS

20. Auction unit : LOT

21. Remain firm : STAND PAT

23. Chided : SCOLDED

27. Slangy affirmative : YEAH

28. Gives a hoot : CARES

29. Fingers in a lineup : IDs

32. Pictograph : GLYPH

35. Award for Tiger Woods or Roger Federer : ESPY. (short for Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Award)

36. Con's early release : PAROLE

38. Spelling contest : BEE

39. High degree : NTH

41. Hwy., e.g. : RTE

42. Stat for Cy Young : ERA. (earned run average) lower is better.

43. Compensated (for) : ATONED

44. Thesaurus entry : WORD

45. Top 40 listings : SONGS

47. Solidify : GEL

48. "Space Oddity" singer David : BOWIE

49. Raised, as horses : BRED

51. Longed (for) : YEARNED

53. Amphitheater : COLISEUM

57. Jan. honoree : MLK. (Martin Luther King Jr.)

58. Garden of Eden exile : ADAM

64. Scalp parasites : LICE

65. Prefix with mural : INTRA

66. "Go back!" computer command : [UNDO]

67. Signs, as a contract : INKS

68. __ Tots : TATER

69. Thomas Hardy heroine : TESS


1. Pin for hanging : PEG

2. Organ associated with van Gogh : EAR

3. Crack pilot : ACE

4. Frankenstein creator : SHELLEY

5. Make wildly happy : ELATE

6. Legendary big bird : ROC

7. Belonging to us : OURS

8. Slimming-down strategy : DIET

9. Student's composition : ESSAY

10. Type of shower or gown : BRIDAL

12. Most populous continent : ASIA

13. In __: as a prank : JEST

18. Approving bobs : NODS

22. Israeli desert : NEGEV

23. Parts of acts : SCENES

24. Big name in recent Cuban history : CASTRO

26. Back-and-forth talk : DIALOG

30. Unmanned spy plane : DRONE

31. In a bad way : SORELY

33. "The Dick Van Dyke Show" surname : PETRIE. Rob Petrie, his wife Laura, and son Richie.

34. Listened to, as advice : HEEDED

36. Pan partner : POT. Pot and pan just sounds wrong.

37. Old Ford model : LTDEtymology

40. They're tried in court : CASES

44. Get in one's reps : WORKOUT

46. Tony winner Tammy : GRIMES. Her daughter is Amanda Plummer.

48. Soccer sphere : BALL

50. __ card: payment method : DEBIT

52. Block : EMBAR

53. Colombian metropolis : CALI

54. Chief Norse god : ODIN

55. Bone near the radius : ULNA

56. Mixed-breed dog : MUTT

60. Before, poetically : ERE

61. United : ONE

62. Driller's deg. : DDS. (Doctor of Dental Surgery)

63. Palindromic call for help : S-O-S


Jul 31, 2016

Sunday July 31, 2016 Jake Braun

Theme: "Art Nouveau" - ART is added to each theme entry.

23A. Prefer not to serve the drinks? : MIND BARTENDING. Mind-bending.

39A. Apt wear when drinking gin cocktails? : MARTINI SKIRT. Mini skirt.

58A. Special area for booting up again? : RESTART ROOM. Restroom.

82A. Garb for the Scottish seaside? : BEACH TARTAN. Beach tan.

99A. iPad owners' gatherings? : APPLE PARTIES. Apple pies.

119A. Lewd weasel relative? : DIRTY OLD MARTEN. Dirty old men. The clue makes me smile.

16D. Group that controls film cartoons? : ANIMATION CARTEL. Animation Cel.  One of the theme entries in the Cell/Cel/Sell/Sel puzzle D-Otto and I did for the WSJ.

47D. Patterns for moving supplies? : CARTON TEMPLATES. Contemplates. This and 58A both have one-word as the original phrase.

I've seen a few "Lost Art" puzzles where ART is removed from each theme entry. This is the first time for an ART addition theme.

Jake seems to be fond of Sunday grids. All his LAT puzzles so far are Sunday's.  This 140-worder is skillfully designed with a great assortments of 6's and 7's.


1. Pandora's boxful : EVILS

6. One going over the wall : HOME RUN. And 6. 6-Across, for one : HIT

13. Contemporary electronic music genre : NU JAZZ. Learning moment for me.

19. Soup legume : LENTIL. Not ADZUKI. Staple in Cantonese cuisine.

21. Hematite or magnetite : IRON ORE

22. Borneo sultanate : BRUNEI. Rich in oil. Lots of Chinese live there.
25. Melanin-deficient individual : ALBINO

26. What fits all, in ads : ONE-SIZE

27. Prefix with ware : MAL. Malware. Another trickily clued prefix: 49. Intro to economics? : SOCIO

28. Pulled up a chair : SAT

30. "__ it!" : I'M ON.  Little partial price to pay for the scrabbly Z's and J.

31. Aleppo's land: Abbr. : SYR

32. Diane who played Flo in "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore" : LADD. Not LANE.

34. Big name in game shows : MERV. Not ALEX.

37. Throat dangler : UVULA
42. Suggest : GET AT

45. Highway through Whitehorse : ALCAN. Yukon. I drew a blank.

48. Opposite of hence : AGO
50. Olympus competitor : LEICA. What camera are you using? I have a little Coolpix. 

51. Lover of Beauty : BEAST. Capitalized B.

52. One on the run : PERP. Simple in retrospect.

54. '50s foe of Dwight : ADLAI

56. Crew member : OAR

57. Pres. on a dime : FDR

61. Sound during cutting : SNIP. Hair salon.

62. Glue, say : ATTACH. Verb "Glue".

65. Lost by design : THREW. "by design" threw me. "Lost on purpose" would be a piece of cake.

66. It's sold in yards : FABRIC. Also 86. It's sold in yards : ALE

68. Scrapes and bruises, in totspeak : BOOBOOS

70. Rural skyline features : SILOS

72. Falls for many lovers? : NIAGARA. Sweet clue.

75. Eggnog topping : NUTMEG

77. Doctrinal offshoots : SECTS

79. Screenwriter Nora : EPHRON. She knew who Deep Throat was all along.

80. Dillon of "Wayward Pines" : MATT
85. Old young king : TUT
87. Schoolyard retort : DID SO

88. Third __ : RAIL. Not BASE.

89. Many of its pieces are lost during play : CHESS. Alas, I don't play chess.

91. Not likely to give up the hammock : COMFY. Hi there, Dave!

93. Healed : CURED

96. __ Aviv : TEL

97. "Roots" writer : HALEY

98. Old Toyota : SUPRA. Not PASEO.

102. Puts away cargo : LADES

104. Noodle variety : SOBA. Was thinking of UDON of course. Love Seafood Udon.

105. Quite a : SOME. Does the clue feel incomplete to you?

106. Poisonous slitherer : ASP

109. Antlered male : STAG

111. __ volente : DEO

113. Bars on a deli package : UPC. Now I know Gary has a Hy-Vee in his area. How about you? I love our local Hy-Vee. 

115. Penalty for forgetfulness, perhaps : LATE FEE. Got via crosses.

117. Intolerant of : HATING

123. "... if you know what's good for you!" : OR ELSE

124. Watch : OBSERVE

125. Sure winner : SHOO-IN

126. Pretend to be : POSE AS

127. Prepares : READIES

128. Vito Corleone's eldest : SONNY. The one with the hot temper. Michael is the youngest. Fredo is the middle son, also the weakest link. Connie is weak too.

1. St. __ fire : ELMO'S

2. Promising, as mine walls : VEINY. Maybe miners do use this word.

3. __ circle : INNER

4. Classic Fords : LTDs

5. Hissing : SIBILANT

7. Where Utah's minor league Owlz play : OREM. PROVO and OREM are our regular Utah city answers. We also have 18. Utah national park : ZION

8. French friend's address : MON AMI. Also 10. French king : ROI

9. Like boring speeches, so it seems : ENDLESS

11. Spigoted vessel : URN

12. Photo lab items : NEGs. No "Abbr." hint?

13. Network for hoops fans : NBA TV

14. Blue text, often : URL

15. Significant anniversary : JUBILEE

17. Greek known for paradoxes : ZENO

20. __ Wolf, "Fiddler on the Roof" butcher : LAZAR. Watched the movie ages ago. Don't remember the butcher's name.

24. Bureaucratic tangle : RED TAPE

29. Civic duty, perhaps? : AUTO LOAN. Another great clue.

33. Compilation : DIGEST

35. One of early Hollywood's "Big Five" : RKO. Wiki says the Big Five are: 20th Century Fox, RKO Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

36. Church official : VICAR

38. Aptly named fruit : UGLI. It's actually sweet and juicy. 

39. Live __: Taco Bell slogan : MAS. Live Mas (Live More).

40. Bridge positions : NORTHS. Is it common to have the positions pluralized, Spitzboov?

41. Done with : RID OF

43. Popular berry : ACAI

44. Rain delay rollout : TARP

45. BBC sitcom : AB FAB. Absolutely Fabulous. Guilty of putting it in one of my grids.

46. Caused : LED TO

53. County counterpart : PARISH

55. Insomniac's prescription : AMBIEN. I bet D-Otto goes to sleep quickly. He's so Zen!

58. Four-sided figures : RHOMBI. One more I-ending plural: 100. Ancient scrolls : PAPYRI

59. Rent again : RE-LET

60. Like some garages : TWO-CAR

61. [I'm frustrated!] : SIGH. The spray I mentioned a while ago lost effect on Boomer's diabetic foot nerve pain. Sigh!
63. Border on : ABUT

64. Portable bed : COT

67. Conviction, to a cop : RAP. Got via crosses also.

69. Pea pod, e.g. : SEEDCASE

71. Layers : STRATA

73. Waken : ROUSE

74. Pacing, maybe : ANTSY

76. Prepare for a road trip : GAS UP

78. "M*A*S*H" actor David Ogden __ : STIERS. Stranger to me.

80. Coats for brolly carriers : MACs. Steve probably uses umbrella now. When I first came to the US, I called crackers "biscuits". Guangzhou is very close to Hong Kong, where British English is more common.

81. Baseball family name : ALOU

83. Military subdivision : CORPS

84. Considering everything : ALL TOLD

87. Pair : DYAD

89. Serengeti speedsters : CHEETAHS. Hi there!

90. Owns : HAS
92. Easily damaged : FRAGILE

94. "Ticket to the Moon" gp. : ELO

95. Appeared for the first time : DEBUTED

101. Mosque leaders : IMAMS

103. Paper borders : EDGES

106. "Flow gently, sweet __!": Burns : AFTON

107. Escort : SEE IN

108. Cent : PENNY

109. Browse the mall : SHOP. Boomer says I spend more time picking a T-shirt than he does buying a car.

110. Poi base : TARO. I bake taros the same way I bake potatoes.

112. Scent : ODOR

114. Area with moorings : COVE

116. Sock ending : EROO

118. Govt. subject of James Bamford's "The Puzzle Palace" : NSA

120. "When Will __ Loved?": 1975 hit : I BE

121. Botswana neighbor: Abbr. : RSA (Republic of South Africa)

122. Arles article : LES
