, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 23, 2010

Thursday September 23, 2010 John Pounders

Theme: The Kool-Aid Man's catchphrase, Oh, Yeah! All three answers end with THAT. Each is punctuated differently to have a different meaning.

20A. "Oh, yeah?": SURE ABOUT THAT?

36A. "Oh, yeah!": I LIKE IT LIKE THAT.

53A. "Oh, yeah ...": I REMEMBER THAT.

Al here.

Lots of tricky cluing today, only four proper names and a couple of geography clues. A fun puzzle, but nothing really stood out structurally to me, so on with the answers.


1. A teaspoon, maybe: DOSE. It seems so obvious after you see it. Not so much before.

5. It may involve splashing: BATH.

9. Old hat: PASSE. Out of fashion, trite. The allusion is to nothing more than the appearance of worn-out headgear, but there is an older, more vulgar meaning...

14. Quechua speaker: INCA. Estimates are that 6-8 million people in the Andes region speak it today. You can take lessons...

15. Return from the Alps?: ECHO. Hike, anyone?

16. Sticky resin used in paint: ALKYD. Oil-based as opposed to Latex water-based. The term alkyd is a modification of the original name "alcid", reflecting the fact that they are derived from alcohol and organic acids.

17. Hot quaff: GROG. Supposedly an allusion to Old Grog, nickname of Edward Vernon (1684-1757), British admiral who wore a grogram cloak and who in August 1740 ordered his sailors' rum to be diluted.

18. Love god: EROS. Greek. Cupid was the corresponding Roman God.

19. "Thelma and Louise" car: T-BIRD. Movie Spoiler picture.

23. __ manual: USERS. The one for my blue ray player came in 8 different languages. What a waste of paper.

24. Canadian sentence enders?: EHS. How do you spell the country to our north? C, eh? N, eh? D, eh?

25. Start using: TAP. Like a beer keg.

28. High degree: PHD. Needed perps to eliminate NTH.

29. Prone: LIABLE. Apt is actually the older meaning from Latin: bent forward, inclined. To lie face-down wasn't recorded until the 1570s.

33. "Carnival of Harlequin" surrealist: MIRO. Joan. We just had him for "Sill Life With Shoes" last Thursday.

34. Angler's accessory: SEINE. A net.

35. Silas Marner, e.g.: MISER. Subtitled The Weaver of Raveloe, by George Eliot (the pseudonym of Mary Ann(e) Evans).

41. Garden bulb: TULIP. Do you think of flowers or vegetables first when you see or hear the word garden? I wanted ONION at first. Gardenias are named for naturalist Dr. Alexander Garden, Vice President of the Royal Society.

42. Sharp ridge: ARETE. There are several in this picture.

43. Repose: CALM. A related word to repose is "pause". Calm is from from Old Italian calma, which is from Late Latin cauma "heat of the mid-day sun" (in Italy, a time when everything rests and is still).

44. Journey: VOYAGE. A journey was originally one day's travel. Or a group once again made popular by a bunch of Gleeks.

46. Merit badge org.: BSA. Boy Scouts of America.

49. Quarterback's cry: HUT. Why? I also found this, which claims that back when Roman Centurions gave orders, they then said HUT to execute it immediately. It could be true, the military today still uses HUT in marching cadence.

50. Time in a pool: DIP. To dip was originally to baptize, and is possibly related to "deep".

51. Willow tree twig: OSIER. Used in basket weaving. And they're coming to take me away, ha ha.

58. Virile one: HE-MAN. Dolph Lundgren in the live movie adaptation of the earlier cartoon.

60. Cranny's partner: NOOK. I think we just had INGLE recently, too.

61. First name in Indian music: RAVI. Shankar. Father of Norah Jones.

62. Church chorus: AMENS. Choir first anyone?

63. Tackle box item: LURE.

64. Mars counterpart: ARES. Mars/Roman, Ares/Greek Gods of war. Ares and "ire" are related. He was an angry god.

65. Opinion giver: JUDGE.

66. Cravings: YENS. Earlier yin "intense craving for opium", from Chinese yan "craving," or from a Beijing dialect word for "smoke." Reinforced in Eng. by influence of "yearn".

67. Word with cheap or bike: DIRT.


1. Unearths: DIGS UP.

2. Assault: ONRUSH. Assault from Latin prefix ad- (toward) + saltus (a leap or jump).

3. Homered, say: SCORED. Baseball home run. Nothing to do with the Simpsons.

4. Thirsty: EAGER.

5. Overseas network, with "the": BEEB. BBC is the British Broadcasting corporation. Also called "Auntie" Beeb.

6. Polis leader?: ACRO. Acropolis, acro for "high", and polis for "city". Usually translated as "citadel". The famous one at Athens, Greece. A picture that shows it high on a hill.

7. Commandment pronoun: THOU.

8. Hiker's stopover: HOSTEL. Not sure why a hiker, specifically. More budget-oriented than a hotel, I suppose.

9. Rustic ways: PATHS.

10. Jessica of "Sin City": ALBA. Another "comic book" movie. "Visually groundbreaking", rated moderately high.

11. People-wary, as a horse: SKITTISH.

12. Turk. neighbor: SYR. Turkey, Syria.

13. Byrnes of "77 Sunset Strip": EDD. TV detective show, ended in 1964.

21. Dreaming, perhaps: ASLEEP.

22. Not just a: THE. Definite article "the" vs. indefinite "a".

26. Space: AREA.

27. Sea side: PORT. The left side of a ship, that faces the harbor when docked. Opposite of starboard (the side where early boats were steered)

30. 1969 Super Bowl: III. The first two were retroactively renamed Super Bowls. They weren't called that at the time.

31. Colony dweller: ANT. From a compound of bases *ai- "off, away" + *mait- "cut." Thus the insect's name is "the biter off." Emmet survived into the 20th c. as an alternative form.

32. Secure, as a ship's line: BELAY. To coil a running rope around a cleat or pin.

33. Tick cousin: MITE. Little suckers. Another recent word.

34. Whole alternative: SKIM. Wanted semi. Didn't think of milk at first.

35. Falling star: METEOR. Meteor formerly meant any atmospheric phenomenon (thus meteorology for weather study). Atmospheric phenomena were formerly classified as aerial meteors (wind), aqueous meteors (rain, snow, hail), luminous meteors (aurora, rainbows), and igneous meteors (lightning, shooting stars).

36. Allergic reaction: ITCH.

37. Place to see grass skirts: LUAU. Had HULA in there at first.

38. Poorly planned: ILL-TIMED.

39. Bank offering, for short: IRA. Individual Retirement Account.

40. Powder container: KEG.

44. Animation: VIM.

45. For all to see: OPENLY.

46. Native of NE India: BIHARI. Bihar.

47. Pitcher known as "Tom Terrific": SEAVER. Awards galore.

48. Escape __: ARTIST. Hatch was too short.

50. Crowded: DENSE. Also Thick.

52. Valuable violin: STRAD. Also AMATI.

54. "You __?": RANG. Lurch, from the Addams Family.

55. Pout: MOUE.

56. Conceived, as an idea: BORN.

57. Barely manages, with "out": EKES.

58. Muslim's duty: HAJ. Hajj, Hadj

59. Source of lean meat: EMU.

Answer Grid.


Sep 22, 2010

Wednesday September 22, 2010 James Sajdak

Theme: SLAPSTICK COMEDY (36A. Where it's laughable to see the answers to starred clues). Beautiful grid spanning unifier, right in the middle.

17A. *Coconut dessert : CUSTARD PIE

23A. *Facetious name for a fund-raising circuit entrée : RUBBER CHICKEN

46. *Mixer holder : SELTZER BOTTLE ♪♬ ♫ A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants ♬♫♪

57. *Yellow slipper? : BANANA PEEL Mythbusters.

Melissa here.

What a fun puzzle, very visually evocative. A pangram, too. This is James Sajdak's sixth appearance this year in the LA Times, his themes are always entertaining.


1. Cabo locale : BAJA. See Cabo at the very bottom.

5. Fall, as home prices : SLUMP. Don't remind me.

10. Havana howdy : HOLA

14. Distant start? : EQUI. Equidistant.

15. Insured patient's med cost : CO-PAY

16. Mideast nation : IRAN

19. State bordering eight others: Abbr. : TENN. Tennessee. Borders Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri

20. Krazy of comics : KAT.

21. Backsliding event? : LUGE. Fun clue.

22. Tourist attraction : MECCA

27. Some campus sisters : THETAS

29. Big repair bill reaction : OUCH. Very slapstick-y. And 25D. Bops : CONKS, which crosses two theme answers.

30. "Hee Haw" prop : BALE. Pretty. They make beautiful homes, too.

31. Kuwaiti currency : DINAR

33. Fairy tale legume : PEA. The princess and the pea.

40. Old curse word : POX. "A pox damn you, you muddy rascal, is that all the comfort you bring me?" Henry IV Part II.

41. Overhangs : EAVES

42. Canal that Sal worked on, in song : ERIE. The Boss's cover.

43. Stud farm stud : SIRE

44. Groundbreakers : FIRSTS

51. Mindful : AWARE

52. Rankles : IRKS

53. TV channels 2 to 13 : VHF

56. Lisa's title : MONA. From Wikipedia: "In Italian, ma donna means my lady. This became madonna, and its contraction mona. Mona is thus a polite form of address, similar to Ma’am, Madam, or my lady in English." Slapstick Mona Lisa.

60. "Agreed!" : OKAY

61. Put an __: stop : END TO

62. Janis's comics mate : ARLO. A new clue for Arlo. Well, sort of. The lead characters of this strip are named after 1960s music icons Arlo Gurthrie and Janis Joplin. Wiki says "Many of the most notable jokes are based on sexual attraction, especially Arlo's desire for Janis." Like this.

63. Sale caution : AS IS

64. County northeast of London : ESSEX

65. Oceanic flora : KELP


1. Eponymous German brewer Heinrich : BECK

2. Caribbean color : AQUA.

3. "Don't worry about it!" : JUST RELAX. Be happy.

4. River isle : AIT. An ait (or eyot) is a small island. It is especially used to refer to islands found on the River Thames and it's tributaries in England.

5. Surgical coverage? : SCRUBS. Didn't get this right away, even though I have some in every color.

6. Raccoon ___, "The Honeymooners" fraternal group : LODGE. Did not remember this.

7 Like some echelons : UPPER

8. Printemps month : MAI. Printemps is French for Spring.

9. Joe-__ weed: herbal remedy : PYE. Pretty.

10. Like smart phones, e.g. : HI TECH

11. Vacuum shown lifting a bowling ball in TV ads : ORECK. Bowling balls seem to be the standard for suction.

12. Tilting pole : LANCE. Couldn't have said it better myself.

13. 1997-2006 UN leader : ANNAN. Kofi.

18. Goya's "Duchess of __" : ALBA. Painting.

22. Prefix with scope : MICRO

24. Sch. near the Rio Grande : UTEP. University of Texas at El Paso.

26. '50s Red Scare gp. : HUAC. House Un-American Activities Committee. Some great movies about it - Guilty by Suspicion, Citizen Cohn, The Front.

27. Kitchen meas. : TBSP.

28. Saintly circle : HALO

31. One going down : DIVER. Umm ...

32. Assure victory in, slangily : ICE

33. Gut it out : PERSEVERE

34. Cut out, say : EDIT

35. Bridge assents : AYES. Sailor speak.

37. Take by force : SEIZE

38. Container allowance : TARE. The weight of an empty container.

39. Keyboardist Saunders who collaborated with Jerry Garcia : MERL. Had no idea.

43. Range rovers? : STRAYS. Sneaky clue.

44. Loc. with billions in bullion : FT KNOX

45. "__ girl!" : IT'S A

46. Island where Robert Louis Stevenson died : SAMOA. Was unaware of this trivia.

47. Furry Endor inhabitants : EWOKS. Star Wars creatures.

48. Hawaii's Pineapple Island : LANAI

49. Pickles : BINDS

50. Speak formally : ORATE. Little oral fixation today. Maybe it's just me.

54. War, to Sherman : HELL. William Tecumseh Sherman, Union general during the Civil War. "You don’t know the horrible aspects of war. I’ve been through two wars and I know. I’ve seen cities and homes in ashes. I’ve seen thousands of men lying on the ground, their dead faces looking up at the skies. I tell you, war is Hell!"

55. Hardly a big ticket-seller : FLOP

57. Sewing circle : BEE

58. T or F, on tests : ANS. True or False.

59. Karachi's country: Abbr. : PAK. Karachi is the largest city, main seaport, and financial center of Pakistan.

Answer grid.


Sep 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Robert A. Doll

Theme: Life's a Beach - As the unifier indicates, put BEACH in front of the first word of these four common phrases and you have a connection.

17A. Top banana: HEAD HONCHO. Beachhead - the area that is the first objective of a military force landing on an enemy shore.

23A. Unstable situation, metaphorically: HOUSE OF CARDS. Beach house.

37A. Huge mess: BALL OF CONFUSION. Beach ball.

45A. Gregarious fun lovers: PARTY ANIMALS. Beach party.

58A. Valuable shore property, and a hint to what the first words of 17-, 23-, 37- and 45-Across have in common: BEACH FRONT

Argyle again.

The unifier explains the connection but doesn't really help the solving of the clues. The first three change their meaning when combined with beach but PARTY stays the same. In fact, you can find PARTY ANIMALS at a BEACH PARTY. Toga! Toga!


1. Briquettes : COALS. A sort of progression: Briquettes - COALS - embers - ash.

6. Zip : ZERO

10. Country music pioneer Ernest : TUBB. When I listen to his I'm Walking the Floor Over You, I can't help but think of Poe's, The Tell-Tale Heart. Dost thou think I am mad?

14. "As a result ..." : AND SO

15. Country on the tip of the Arabian Peninsula : OMAN. Map.

16. Spot in the ocean : ISLE

19. Depilatory brand : NAIR. Or Neet/Veet.

20. '60s-'70s war site, briefly : NAM

21. "Now it makes sense!" : I SEE

22. Cake finish : ICING

26. Workplace inspection org. : OSHA

29. Comportment : MIEN

30. Louise's gal pal : THELMA. From the 1991 movie, "Thelma & Louise".

33. Buzzing swarmers : BEES

34. Performed : DID

40. "Danny and the Dinosaur" author Hoff : SYD. An "I Can Read" book.

41. Court postponement : STAY

42. Ancient Greek military power : SPARTA. They hit the big time with their movie.

43. Blood fluids : SERA

44. Veggies studied by Mendel : PEAS

52. Assumed name : ALIAS

53. Defensive spray : MACE

54. Marx's "__ Kapital" : DAS

57. Thin curl of smoke : WISP

61. Third man : ABEL and 3D. Father of 61-Across : ADAM

62. High-strung : EDGY

63. Sacher treat : TORTE. The Sachertorte was created by pastry chef Franz Sacher (1816-1907) in 1832 for Prince von Metternich, the Austrian State Chancellor. The prince enjoyed trying new dishes and ordered the chef to create a new cake. Orders were sent to the kitchens where it was instant pandemonium. The head chef was sick and the team of cooks in the kitchen had no idea what to prepare. Franz Sacher, a 16-year old apprentice cook, rolled up his sleeves and created this famous chocolate cake with the ingredients that were available. It consisted of chocolate sponge cake cut into three layers, between which apricot jam are thickly spread between the layers and on the top and sides of the cake. The whole cake is then iced with a velvet-like chocolate and served with a side dish of whipped cream. The Sacher Torte and other recipes made him prosperous, and he operated several cafes and restaurants.

64. Goodyear product : TIRE

65. Member's obligation : DUES

66. What matzo lacks : YEAST


1. "High Hopes" lyricist Sammy : CAHN. "High Hopes" is a popular song, introduced in the 1959 film A Hole In The Head, winning the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1959. The music was written by Jimmy Van Heusen, the lyrics by Sammy Cahn. A Sinatra standard.

2. Top draft status : ONE A

4. '60s "trip" drug : LSD

5. Early gas company based in Cleveland : SOHIO. Standard Oil of Ohio or Sohio was one of the successor companies to Standard Oil after the antitrust breakup in 1911. It merged with British Petroleum, now called BP(Hiss, boo), in 1968.

6. Districts : ZONES

7. Roast host : EMCEE

8. Bleachers cry : RAH

9. John __ Lennon : ONO. Lennon and Yoko Ono were married in Gibraltar on 20 March 1969, and he changed his name by deed poll on 22 April 1969, adding "Ono" as a middle name. Although he used the name John Ono Lennon thereafter, official documents referred to him as John Winston Ono Lennon, since he was not permitted to revoke a name given at birth.

10. Kid's make-believe phone : TIN CAN. Not make believe. This site can tell you how to make one.

11. Carrier that added "ways" to its name in 1997 : USAIR. USAir in 1979, US Airways in 1997. Of local interest, Mohawk Airlines was an early part of what was to become USAir.

12. Duck hunter's cover : BLIND. Not only for ducks, the meaning "anything that obstructs sight" is from 1530s. In this case, the obstruction of the prey's sight of the hunter.

13. Cold-water hazards : BERGS

18. Its flagship sch. is in Stillwater, west of Tulsa : OSU. Oklahoma State University.

22. Freezes over : ICES UP

23. Oates's musical partner : HALL. Daryl Hall and John Oates, Private Eyes.

24. Divine sign : OMEN

25. Feudal domains : FIEFs

26. Gambling parlors, briefly : OTBs. Off-track betting (OTB)

27. One-horse carriage : SHAY. Two wheeled is correct version but four wheeled carriages are often called shays, also.

28. Had in one's hands : HELD

31. Strolls (along) : MOSEYS

32. Performers' union: Abbr. : AFTRA. The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA). AFTA. The After Shave Skin Conditioner.

33. Tarzan's son : BOY

34. Awful : DIRE

35. Letter after theta : IOTA

36. Genetic info carriers : DNAs

38. "Misery" actor James : CAAN. Movie poster

39. Easy targets : SAPS

43. Swingline fastener : STAPLE. Swingline is a brand name for staples and staplers.

45. Touch, cat-style : PAW AT

46. Accused's excuse : ALIBI

47. Choir platform : RISER

48. Likeness : IMAGE

49. "Miracle on 34th Street" setting : MACY'S. One of my favorite movies.

50. Rhine whine? : ACH. Great rhyme.

51. Sandy Koufax or CC Sabathia : LEFTY. Left-handed baseball pitchers(and a mini shout-out to our leader).

54. The first Mrs. Copperfield : DORA. Not the magician. "David Copperfield or The Personal History, Adventures, Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the Younger of Blunderstone Rookery (which he never meant to publish on any account)" is a novel by Charles Dickens, first published as a novel in 1850. Like most of his works, it originally appeared in serial form a year earlier. David, as an adult, first married naĂ¯ve Dora Spenlow, but she dies. He eventually marries and finds true happiness with the sensible Agnes, who had secretly always loved him.

55. Insects on farms : ANTS

56. Editor's "leave it in" : STET

58. B&B part : BED. Bed and Breakfast inns, usually a private home. Many couples have bought old homes, thinking becoming a B&B will pay the mortgage; it doesn't, for most of them.

59. College URL ending : EDU. Its name is derived from education, indicating its intended use as a name space for educational institutions.

60. Future fish : ROE. Finally, some alliteration.

Answer grid.


Sep 20, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010 Samantha Wine

Theme: Have you seen my... - Three common phrases start with a word that may indicate, say, our car keys when we are in a hurry.

20A. Daydreaming: LOST IN THOUGHT

36A. Failing to grasp a key element: MISSING THE POINT

52A. Not expected back at work until tomorrow: GONE FOR THE DAY

Argyle here.

A compact Monday puzzle from our editor. Samantha Wine is an anagram of "What's in a name?").

Simple theme. Lively theme answers, none of which have been used in any major newspaper puzzle before. The sparse theme entries allow Rich to place 20 six-letter or more non-theme fill, including a wonderful BAILOUTS.

A bit harder than usual, perhaps.


1. Persian Gulf emirate : DUBAI. A small nation with a big footprint.

6. Aptly named novelist : READE. Charles Reade (1814 - 1884) was an English novelist and dramatist, best known for The Cloister and the Hearth. I must have missed that one.

11. Check for drinks : TAB. Goes well with 38D "Drinks are on yours truly" : "I'M BUYING"

14. Rocket scientist Wernher von __ : BRAUN. We had Eva Braun yesterday.

15. Use for dinner, as dishes : EAT ON

16. Realm from 800-1806: Abbr. : HRE. The Holy Roman Empire (HRE). The first Holy Roman Emperor is generally considered to have been Otto I, King of Germany. Charlemagne, crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800, was the forerunner of the Holy Roman Empire, largely because he had inaugurated the tradition of imperial coronation by the Pope.

17. Jazzy O'Day : ANITA. Singing Ain't Misbehavin'.

18. On the __: broken : FRITZ. Origin unknown.

19. Approx. landing hr. : ETA

23. More intimate : CLOSER

25. __-mutuel: type of betting : PARI

26. Funny Costello : LOU. Partnered with Bud Abbott.

27. Abel's slayer : CAIN

30. Tsar or emperor : DESPOT. It doesn't mean tyrant, necessarily.

32. It follows the overture : ACT I

34. Pressed for time : IN A RUSH

41. Conceived of : IDEATED, Didn't need to see this word again.

42. IRS agent : T-MAN

43. What ballerinas dance on : TIPTOE

46. Slangy agreement : YEAH

48. HVAC measure : BTU. British Thermal Unit (BTU or Btu)

49. Utah city near Provo : OREM

50. Uproar : TUMULT. Taken straight from Latin

58. Econ. yardstick : GNP. Gross National Product

59. Nebraska city : OMAHA

60. Tee shot : DRIVE. Golf.

63. Mauna __ : LOA. Active volcano on the island of Hawaii.

64. Lees competitor : LEVIS

65. Ocean ship : LINER

66. Bigger picture: Abbr. : ENL.

67. Kosher deli offering : KNISH. Knish Nosh.

68. Sharp-eyed bird : EAGLE


1. Trade name abbr. : DBA. Doing Business As.

2. Caterer's vessel : URN

3. Controversial financial rescues : BAILOUTS

4. Cars : AUTOS

5. "Be right there!" : "IN A SEC!"

6. Get a better int. rate, probably : REFI. Refinancing.

7. Make on the job : EARN

8. Working busily : AT IT

9. "The lady __ protest too much": "Hamlet" : DOTH. We had DOST yesterday.

10. Automaker Ferrari : ENZO

11. Store to "fall into," in old ads : THE GAP. Can you buy both Levis and Lees there?

12. Prefix with -scopic : ARTHRO. And often followed by surgery.

13. "Scram!" : "BEAT IT!"

21. New employee : TRAINEE

22. End result : UPSHOT. 1531; originally, the final shot in an archery match, hence sense of "result, issue, conclusion" (1604).

23. Littleneck, e.g. : CLAM

24. Centers of activity : LOCI. Plural of locus, (in many legal phrases) a place or area, esp the place where something occurred.

28. Actress Swenson : INGA. She was on the TV show, "Benson". She is the one standing behind Benson(Robert Guillaume), on the left. Image.

29. Smartly dressed : NATTY

30. Obstetrician's calculation : DUE DATE

31. Psychic's asset, for short : ESP

33. "Surely I'm not the only one?!" : "IS IT ME?"

35. South Korea's first president : RHEE. Syngman Rhee (1875 – 1965) was President from 1948 to 1960.

37. Altar promise : "I DO"

39. MLB league : NATL.

40. Letter-shaped fastener : T-NUT. An image of one style of T-nut.

43. Flip back and forth, as an on-off switch : TOGGLE

44. Like some denim patches : IRON-ON. Hell, now days, they are ripped on purpose!

45. Letter-writing friend : PEN PAL

47. Circular gridiron gathering : HUDDLE

51. "West Side Story" heroine : MARIA

53. Music genre that experienced a '50s-'60s revival : FOLK

54. Sign of the future : OMEN

55. Sitarist Shankar : RAVI

56. That's partner : THIS. This and that.

57. Corned beef dish : HASH

61. Commercial prefix with -cro : VEL

62. Prior to : ERE. Ere there was Vel-Cro, there was Duct Tape.

Answer grid.


Sep 19, 2010

Sunday September 19, 2010 Jeff Chen

Theme: Location, Location, Location or rather YOU ARE HERE (109A. Mall map phrase, and a homophonic hint to this puzzle's theme) - The first word of each common phrase starts with U, and the second word starts with R. Thus, U R HERE.

21A. Alternative media magazine since 1984 : UTNE READER. Named after the founder Eric Utne. Just a reprint of various articles. I've got no idea on how to pronounce Utne. You?

26A. City improvement program : URBAN RENEWAL

43A. Moving option : U-HAUL RENTAL

50A. "Song of the South" storyteller : UNCLE REMUS. Nice to see a complete name.

63A. Den controller : UNIVERSAL REMOTE

77A. Consumer Reports feature : USER REVIEW. Easy guess.

85A. Score after a 22-Down, usually : UNEARNED RUN


In addition to UNEARNED RUN, we also have:

116A. D.C. team : NATS. Nationals.

118A. League divisions : EASTS. And ARAB (92A. __ League). League clecho (clue echo).

22D. Diamond flaw? : ERROR. Think baseball whenever there's a question mark besides diamond.

Fun puzzle. When I first read the title, I thought of "under", "over", "beneath", you know, those positional prepositions. Got most of the U beginning theme answers, but did not grok the theme until I reached the unifier.

Total 19 Us in the grid. I mentioned before that unlike A, E or other vowels, U is a bit tough to place in the grid. So, there had to be some shuffling around of several theme answers to make the grid work smoothly. Of course, Jeff loves You! Who could forget his last *ULUS?

Congratulations to Jeff on his Sunday debut! Nine theme entries, great start. Do tell us how the theme was developed and what were some of the challenges you faced in constructing this first 21*21.


1. Game with triples and doubles : DARTS. Was picturing baseball.

6. Strike out : OMIT. Thought of baseball again.

10. Rogen of "Knocked Up" : SETH. Have never seen "Knocked Up". Sounds goofy.

14. Singer's syllable : TRA

17. On the ball : ALERT

18. Composer of the "Brandenburg" concertos : BACH. Got it via crosses.

19. Virile : MACHO

20. Scold, with "out" : CHEW

23. Woolf's "__ of One's Own" : A ROOM

24. Overhaul : RE-DO

25. Consequence of selfish acts, some say : BAD KARMA. Great fill.

29. Pulitzer category : DRAMA

31. Napa prefix : OENO. Prefix for "wine".

32. Old commercial prefix with mat : FOTO

33. Tabasco, por ejemplo : ESTADO. "State". I was thinking of the hot sauce.

37. Sully : SOIL

39. Gazed amazedly : MARVELED

46. Place : SITE

47. One way to swing : FRO. To and fro.

48. Driving __ : RANGE. Golf.

49. Swimming cap brand : VOIT. Unknown to me.

53. Food scrap : ORT. Also OAT (38D. Feedbag morsel).

54. Secure in a harbor : MOOR

55. Monopoly buys: Abbr. : AVES

56. Go with the flow : ADAPT

57. They're often not on the menu : SPECIALS. Some are.

60. Fluish feeling : AGUE. Learned from doing word.

61. Terse negation : IT ISN'T

66. Coke collectible : BOTTLE. It has become a huge industry, all kinds of Coke collectibles.

68. Cajun vegetable : OKRA. Have you tried fresh okra? Not so mushy at all.

69. Desert menaces : RATTLERS

73. Indian dignitary : RANEE

74. Calendar col. : TUES. And NOV (28. Calendar pg.). Calendar clecho. Click here and thumb up the definition, if you have not voted. We also have AUG (36D. What "8" may represent: Abbr.). In calendar too.

75. Short smokes? : CIGS. Cigarettes.

76. Droid : BOT

80. School in Durham : DUKE. Coach K & the lacrosse scandal are all I know about Duke.

81. Feudal lord : LIEGE

83. Rose-rose-rose-rose connector : IS A. Gertrude Stein. "Rose is a rose is a rose..."

84. Distillery vessels : VATS

87. "No prob!" : NOT AT ALL

90. Herr's partner : FRAU

91. Patterned marbles : AGATES

93. Bibliographic abbr. : ET AL

95. It eats shoots and leaves : PANDA. I've yet to read "Eats, Shoots and Leaves".

102. Recites effortlessly : REELS OFF

107. Quarter, e.g. : COIN

108. Like a stadium full of cheering fans : AROAR

111. Capital NNW of Santiago : LIMA. Harvested a few precious lima beans this year.

112. Illegal lending tactic : USURY

113. Chapter 11 issue : DEBT

114. Allied (with) : SIDED

115. Black and tan half : ALE. According to Wiki, Black and Tan is "a drink made from a blend of pale ale and a dark beer such as a stout or porter".

117. Memorable periods : ERAS


1. Smear : DAUB

2. Resort near Snowbird : ALTA. See this map. Utah ski town. I forgot again.

3. Tear to pieces : REND

4. Tough journey : TREK

5. Equivocate : STRADDLE

6. He bested Clinton in 2008 : OBAMA. I like how it parallels MADAM (7. Speaker's title, perhaps).

8. Curling surface : ICE

9. Unlike a dead end, briefly : THRU

10. Kitchen wrap : SARAN

11. Field involving scarcity and elasticity : ECONOMICS. Not a familiar references. Nice rhyme.

12. Superhero based on a god : THOR. Norse thunder god.

13. "Smooth sailing from here!" : HOME FREE

14. Chaney title role : THE WOLF MAN. Was shocked I got it.

15. Unwanted letter of fiction : RED A. "The Scarlet Letter".

16. MP's quarry : AWOL

19. Silents actress Normand : MABEL. Can never remember her name.

20. Minotaur's island : CRETE

27. Agitate : ROIL

30. Moving about : ASTIR

33. Continental money : EUROS

34. Astute : SHARP

35. Oncle's spouse : TANTE. French for "aunt". Oncle is "uncle".

40. View from Nantucket: Abbr. : ATL. Tricky clue.

41. Burst : ERUPT

42. "__ thou know who made thee?": Blake : DOST

44. Develop slowly : EVOLVE

45. Rope loop : NOOSE

46. Look of disdain : SNEER

50. Throat projection : UVULA

51. "Something to Talk About" Grammy winner : RAITT (Bonnie). Nice song. To answer Husker Gary's questions: No, I've never heard of "Now or Never". And yes, Elvis is known in China, but definitely not as popular as Eminem or Jay-Z. Kids now rap nonsense everywhere.

52. Comet brand before it was reassigned to Mercury : EDSEL. Unknown trivia to me. Whatever, flop.

54. "You've got __" : MAIL. So so movie.

55. Gelling agents : AGARS

58. More adorable : CUTER

59. Lay to rest : INTER

60. Cockeyed : ASKEW

61. Diagnostic machine : IMAGER. No idea. Diagnostic of what?

62. Rug rats : TOTS

64. Lecherous sorts : ROUES. Pronounced as roo-EY.

65. Eleniak of "Baywatch" : ERIKA. First encounter with this lady.

66. Low man : BASSO. low voice. I was in the serf style low man direction.

67. Revolving door recommendation : ONE AT A TIME. Gorgeous entry.

70. Film critic Roger : EBERT

71. Scoundrel : ROGUE

72. British guns : STENS

73. Bankrupt : RUIN

74. Boxer's dream : TITLE BOUT. Is this like boxers's Superbowl?

75. Get ready to play, as a CD track : CUE UP

78. Noted WWII bride : EVA BRAUN. Hitler's bride. Got me.

79. Kilmer of "The Saint" : VAL

80. Chromosome component : DNA

81. Language involving fine print? : LEGALESE. Nailed it.

82. Wash. neighbor : IDA

85. www addresses : URLS

86. Four-time presidential candidate : NADER

88. Combat zone : ARENA. We often see ETO clued as DDE's arena.

89. Sailor : TAR

90. Godmother, at times : FAIRY

94. Uphill pullers : T-BARS

96. Curaçao neighbor : ARUBA

97. __-foot oil : NEATS. No idea. What's commonly used?

98. Winner of seven straight NCAA hoops championships : UCLA

99. Labor : TOIL

100. __ Minor : URSA

101. Fictional alter ego : HYDE. Jekyll's alter ego.

103. Sunni relative : SHIA. How they keep fighting each other is beyond me.

104. Weighty refs. : OEDS

105. Stew : FRET

106. Some raiders : FEDS. Was quite scared when conducting my first raid with Pinkerton.

110. Anthem preposition : O'ER

Answer grid.


Sep 18, 2010

Saturday September 28, 2010 Robert H. Wolfe

Theme: None

Total words: 70

Total blocks: 32

Hallmark of Bob's Saturday themeless: three grid-spanners, all colloquial expressions:

17A. "Beats me" : I HAVEN'T GOT A CLUE

36A. Reservation opening : ON SECOND THOUGHT

52A. "And afterward?" : WHAT HAPPENS NEXT

He must have a notebook full of 15-letter common expressions. Besides the above three 15s, Bob also gives us 11 more multi-word entries.

D, R, S & T are probably the most frequently used English consonants in crossword grid. Today we have 27 Ts. T can start or end a word. Form consonant blend like TR, TW or ST. Very versatile, just like S, but much better looking. Too many plural S or third person singular S at the bottom/right edge can make a boring grid. Singular ASS, SOS, SAS, ASSESS is not much better.


1. "Get going!" : SNAP TO IT. I sure did not start well.

9. Bantam : PETITE. Always associate bantam with chicken, not person.

15. Consort of Gustav I : KATARINA. I did not even know who Gusatav I was. According to Wiki, he's the founder of modern Sweden.

16. Like many barber shops : UNISEX

19. Bulbs in the kitchen : LEEKS. Not light bulbs. ONIONS can be clued this way also.

20. Speed : ROCKET. Can you make a sentence for me to show how they are interchangeable?

21. Wins approval : SELLS

23. Fellow : GENT

24. Contraction of a sort : TIC. Muscular contraction. Twitch. Great clue.

25. Botanical opening : STOMA. Greek for "mouth". New to me.

27. "Oh, sure!" : I BET

31. Italian classic : O SOLE MIO. Classic what? Food? Car? Beauty? I sure needed "song" in the clue.

34. Many a Middle Easterner : SEMITE

38. Arrives at : GETS TO

39. Vaulter's target : CROSSBAR

40. Before, before : ERST

41. Cast : THREW

43. Gasteyer of "SNL" : ANA. Learned from doing crossword.

44. Main call : AHOY. Bounding main. Ocean.

45. Points at dinner : TINES. The fork points.

47. In the habit of : USED TO

50. Big fan : FIEND

56. Explosive solvent, as it was formerly called : TOLUOL. Sigh! Nope. Luckily the crossing ETUI (49D) has become a gimme, otherwise letter U can be a wild noun guess.

57. Some tiny rods and spheres : BACTERIA. Too sophisticated a clue for me.

58. Funny bit : SHTICK. Consonants rich.

59. Versatile auxiliary wind-catcher : STAY SAIL. Stumped me again.


1. Word with run or jump : SKI

2. "No way!" : NAH

3. Regardless of the consequences : AT ALL COSTS. Nice entry.

4. "Star Trek" character __ Chekov : PAVEL. Mystery answer for me. Have never watched "Star Trek".

5. Poem with the line "Who intimately lives with rain" : TREES

6. Pen emission : OINK. Nailed it. Pig pen. I've been thinking lately why Jayce says sometimes clever clues please him, sometimes annoy him. Clues such as OINK are lovely. A big "Aha" or "D'oh" when you get it. On the other hand, "Chinese bread" (normally question mark is not provided on Saturdays) for RENMINBI will irk many, simply because most solvers are not familiar with the currency. A clever clue will not help. But try to commit RENMINBI (literally "people's money") to your memory, it will come up in a puzzle some day.

7. Stats for QBs : INTS. Interceptions I suppose.

8. Touching game : TAG

9. Fake it : PUT ON A SHOW. Great answer too.

10. Pass : ENACT. As law.

11. Little sucker : TICK. Fun clue.

12. You usually can't walk to one : ISLE. Draw a blank.

13. Ger. : TEUT. OK, Teuton/Teutonic.

14. Computer filename ending : EXE

18. Utah County city : OREM. South of Salt Lake city.

21. Moe, for one : STOOGE. The other two are Curly & Larry.

22. "The Spirit" comics writer Will : EISNER. First encounter with this guy.

23. Emotionally therapeutic episode : GOOD CRY. Do you cry easily?

25. Convince using flattery : SMOOTH TALK. Beautiful phrase.

26. Badge material : TIN

27. "God's Other Son" radio host : IMUS (Don). Not familiar with the show.

28. Swing time? : BIG BAND ERA. Gorgeous clue/answer.

29. Flammable gas : ETHANE

30. Bright swimmers : TETRAS. Brightly colored fish.

32. "O, swear not by ... the fickle moon ... __ that thy love prove likewise variable": "Romeo and Juliet" : LEST. Man, Shakespeare gives me trouble all the time, esp his damned quotes, never know what the guy wanted to express.

33. Outside: Pref. : ECT. Or ecto. Opposite of "endo-".

35. Aurora's counterpart : EOS. Greek dawn goddess. Also learned from doing Xword.

37. Three abroad : TRE. In Italy. Uno, due, tre. Sometimes it's clued with a tricky "It's over due?".

42. Shooter's target : HOOP. Basketball.

44. Literally, "for this" : AD HOC

45. Petulant : TESTY

46. Laura of "ER" : INNES. Total stranger.

47. "That's not good!" : UH OH

48. Old man of the sea : SALT. Slang for "sailor", but why "old"? It's not used any more? Or just playing on Hemingway's book title?

49. Small tool case : ETUI

50. Great achievement : FEAT

51. Tambo Colorado builder : INCA. Was ignorant of Tambo Colorado. The Inca adobe complex in Peru.

52. Mg. and kg. : WTS (weights)

53. "Frontline" airer : PBS

54. Noon indicator : XII. Clock/watch. Got me.

55. Chess champion who succeeded Botvinnik : TAL (Mikhail). The Latvian chess champion. I don't know who Botvinnik is, but the three-letter chess guy is always TAL, meaning "rain", "dew".

Answer grid.


Sep 17, 2010

Friday September 17, 2010 John Lampkin

Theme: AP IP - AP is replaced by IP in the first word of each two-word common phrase.

17A. Ballet? : TIP DANCING. The base phrase is Tap Dancing.

27A. Photo session with a klutz? : TRIP SHOOTING. Trapshooting. Constructor John Lampkin is an avid photographer and recently shot some scenes at sea on the Maine Coast the day after Hurricane Earl blew by. In other words, he did some TRIP SHOOTING OF WATER. See his dramatic images here.

47A. Part of a barber shop review? : SNIP JUDGMENT. Snap Judgment. Fun clue.

62A. Christmas morning ritual? : RIP SESSION. Rap Session. Such an evocative answer.

The first and the last both have one consonant in front of IP, the middle pair have a double consonant blend. I like the symmetry, intended or not.

I wonder if John tried three blend consonant clusters like STR, you know, Strap Down to STRIP DOWN. Sounds good to me.

I mentioned last week how constructors pride themselves in debuting a new word/phrase, today we have WINGNUT (24D. Hand-tightened fastener). With the I & U (from two pre-set theme answers) in place, John could have gone with DISH OUT or FIRE UP or any other existing choices. He went extra mile and got WINGNUT. Safe clue. No political controversy. I loved the fill also because it's a nickname for carrier based fighter pilot. Familiar with the term, Spitzboov?


1. Bulldogs' home : YALE. Yale Bulldogs.

5. Controversial 2009 Nobelist : OBAMA. Controversial indeed.

10. Tevye's toast subject : LIFE. Tevye is the father in "Fiddler on the Roof". L'chaim (literally "to life")!

14. Airline with a King David Lounge : EL AL

15. Drink disparaged by W.C. Fields : WATER. "I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it."

16. Bridal gown shade : ECRU

19. Iberian Peninsula invader : MOOR (756-1492)

20. Cartographic detail : INSET

21. Au pair in a ring? : KTS (Karats). Au = Gold (Thanks, Dennis) chemically. Why pair? The "Au pair" play is lost on me.

22. Salsa instrument : BONGO

23. Can't commit : SEESAWS. Hey, CC alliteration.

25. "Don't gimme that!" : C'MON

32. Realtors' database: Abbr. : MLS. Dictionary says it stands for Multiple Listing Service. Not a familiar term to me.

35. Abbr. part, often : INIT (Initial). Drew a blank.

36. "The nerve!" : I NEVER

37. Court cry : OYEZ. Used to think it's O YES. Another CC alliteration.

39. Airborne annoyances : GNATS

41. Dynamic opening? : AERO. Aerodynamic.

42. Gibbon, e.g. : SIMIAN

44. Naldi of silents : NITA. Lives forever in Xword due to her Xword friendly name.

46. Use a seed drill : SOW. What is a seed drill?

50. She played Elizabeth I in "Elizabeth" : CATE (Blanchett). Very sculpted face.

51. Wrote a Dear John : ENDED IT

55. Shot to the face? : BOTOX. Man, I understands the humor, but this clue still sounds a bit violent to me.

58. ESP, e.g. : PSI. Just learned the telepathy meaning of PSI a few weeks ago.

60. Predawn : EARLY

61. Pundit's piece : OP-ED. Alliteration.

64. Area between gutters : LANE. Bowling.

65. Come about : OCCUR

66. Further : ELSE

67. Line discontinued in 2004 : OLDS

68. Military camp : ETAPE. Learned from doing Xword.

69. Blonde, at times : DYER


1. Elusive Himalayans : YETIS

2. "Drop me __" : A LINE. Or A NOTE.

3. Dropping the ball, so to speak : LAPSE. Hmm, "so to speak", I bet Lois seldom lapses.

4. First arrival : ELDEST

5. MYOB part : OWN. MYOB = Mind Your Own Business.

6. English, maybe : BACKSPIN. The pool term "English". Can it also mean SIDE SPIN, Lois?

7. Arguing : AT IT

8. Good guy : MENSCH. Nice consonants-rich word.

9. Its mon. unit is the peso : ARG (Argentina)

10. Throat-soothing brew : LEMON TEA. Iced Lemon Tea is very popular in Hongkong.

11. Macintosh's apple, e.g. : ICON

12. __ legs : FROG. Delicious! Delicacy in Guangzhou.

13. Prefix with bond or dollar : EURO. We had this clue before.

18. Game company first called Syzygy : ATARI. Unaware of the trivia. What does Syzygy mean?

22. Godsend : BOON

26. What misters do : MOISTEN. Misters = Ones who mist. Notice it's not capitalized?

28. Ford muscle car, to devotees : STANG

29. Lithographer James : IVES

30. Fabled fiddler : NERO. Alliteration. Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

31. Generate interest : GROW

32. Damp area growth : MOSS

33. The Eagles' "__' Eyes" : LYIN'

34. Big Mack : SEMI. Nice play on "Big Mac".

38. 60606 and 70707, e.g. : ZIP CODES. Awesome clue. Where are those two places, by the way?

40. Proctor's announcement : TIME IS UP. Another debut entry.

43. "Iliad" hero : AJAX. He rescued the body of Achilles and killed himself when Achilles' armor went to Odysseus.

45. Much of Chile : ANDES

48. Portray : DEPICT

49. Ribbed : TEASED

52. How deadpan humor is delivered : DRILY

53. Terse concession : I LOSE. Always wanted I LOST.

54. Jazz pianist McCoy __ : TYNER. Sorry, Sir, don't know you. I am sure Jazzbumpa will pick a smooth link for us.

55. New Mexico's official neckwear : BOLO. Can you picture Gunghy with a bolo tie?

56. Fire __ : OPAL. The fill-in-the blank clues today are not that easy.

57. Be inclined (to) : TEND

59. Shelter org. : SPCA

62. Some eggs : ROE. Now I see "egg", I see IRA. Nest egg.

63. Long lead-in : ERE. Erelong.

I did not notice any clecho (clue echo), you? Go there and thumb up, lurkers. Thanks.

Answer grid.
