, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 2, 2019

Monday September 2, 2019 Matt McKinley

Theme: LABOR DAY (64. September 2, 2019 ... and what the first words of the answers to starred clues commemorate) - The first word can follow LABOR.

17A. *New Year's Eve headwear: PARTY HAT. Labor Party,
40A. *Billiards stick: POOL CUE. Labor pool.

11A. *Ground out on which the fielder needn't tag the runner: FORCE PLAY. Labor force.

35A. *Great Britain's flag: UNION JACK. Labor union.

Boomer here.  

Greetings all.  Wishing you a restful holiday.  Why do the call it Labor Day and then give 3/4 of the country the day off work?  But most of all, I am sure most of you will join me in wishing safety and free of damage to Lemonade and all who may be in the path of Dorian along the Southeastern shoreline of our country. 


1. Grazing area: LEA.  In Southern Minnesota we have a small city named Albert Lea, named after a famous soldier and surveyor in the 19th century.

4. Islamic mystic: SUFI.

8. Would rather have: PREFER.  I would PREFER an easier clue.

14. Rock concert gear: AMP.  Okay, I know what turns up the volume, but to me an AMP will always be a measure of electricity.

15. Mellowed in a cask: AGED.  Or me in a townhouse.

16. Novelist __ de Balzac: HONORE.

19. Offshore driller: OIL RIG.  Maybe Desper-otto can tell us if they are still doing this.  I remember BP having a problem in the Gulf of Mexico.

20. Loses speed: SLOWS.

21. Absorbed: RAPT.

23. Treats with a cold pack: ICES.  I have been treating aches and pains with a heating pad.  I am ready to try ice.

24. Weather-affecting current: EL NINO.  I think I still have that Storm bowling ball.

26. Vinyl record feature: GROOVE. " Lookin' for fun and feeling Groovy "  Paul and Art.

28. Building sites: LOTS.  We have lots of building sites here in Brooklyn Park.  Many town homes and condos are reaching for the sky.  We may get two Reps after the 2020 census.

30. Comprehensive: IN DEPTH.

33. France, under Caesar: GAUL.  GAUL is a bit of a questionable name for a country.  Sounds like Gall and in Gallbladder.

36. "And __ what happened?": THEN.

38. Relative via marriage: IN-LAW.

39. Sprint: RUN.  Many are preparing to run in 2020.

42. "SNL" alum Poehler: AMY.  Don't know her, but we have Ms. Klobuchar in the running, plus I have a younger sister named Amy also.

Amy Poehler

43. City near Syracuse: UTICA.

45. "Trees," for one: POEM.  "I wish that I could only see a poem as lovely as a tree."  It would not look like the tired old ash tree in our yard.

46. Parting words: BYES.

47. Compound cry of dissatisfaction: BOO HISS.  Not hearing this too much at Target Field this year.  We will see how our Vikings do soon.

49. Agile: SPRY.

51. Common workday starting hr.: NINE AM.

53. OSHA's "S": SAFETY.  Occupational Health.

57. Indian royal: RAJA.

59. Powerful engine: V TEN.  Have not seen one of them ever.  I think a Rolls Royce or a Packard may have had one back in the thirties.  I think BMW may have tried it in the past also.

61. Patty Hearst's SLA alias: TANIA.

62. Florida fruit: ORANGE.  Speaking of which, I hope Dorian does not ruin the crop.

66. "Hannibal" villain: LECTER. 44. Italian wine favored by 66-Across: CHIANTI.

67. Jacob's twin: ESAU.  I am not a big bible toter, but this story is really strange.  Jacob killed his twin Esau apparently to fool his blind father and gain a birthright.

68. Outfielder's asset: ARM.  A high batting average would be helpful also.

69. Muslim ascetics: FAKIRS.

70. Sunrise direction: EAST.  If you travel west 12,000 miles you get to the far East.

71. ___ Bo: fitness system: TAE. 


1. Moment of forgetfulness: LAPSE.  I notice that since I got older I have had many forgetful moments.  Now I know what they are called.  I hope I don't forget it.

2. Online shopping mecca: E-MALL. C.C. does a bit of online shopping. Saves on gasoline.

3. Cook's protection: APRON.  We have one at the end of our driveway.

4. Refuses: SAYS NO.  "You say YES, I say NO, you say WHY, and I say I don't know.  Hello, Goodbye.

5. "That stinks!": UGH.  This could be an acronym for an Under Ground Home.  Might be useful this week in Florida.

6. Fright: FEAR.

7. Suitcase tie-on: ID TAG.  And yet Airlines still lose them.

8. Kind of "Star Trek" torpedo: PHOTON.

9. King, in France: ROI.

10. Give some pep to: ENLIVEN.  Remember a breakfast cereal called "Pep"?  Then you are old enough to eat Grape Nuts.

12. Canal across New York: ERIE.  There's that Great Lake again.  Must be superior to the others.

13. Rules, briefly: REGS.

18. Woven fabric: TWILL. Wow! I have not seen TWILL fabric since Pep was a cereal.

22. Harry and William of England: PRINCES.  Without the "S" - this Purple Rain guy is a Minnesota icon.  There is a museum in a Southwest suburb of Minneapolis.  Even the Twins had a Prince night where they gave away purple stuff.

25. Enzo's eight: OTTO.  I have heard of OTTO Von Bismarck.  Not sure if the capital city of North Dakota was named after him.

27. Slobbery comics pooch: ODIE.  Jim Davis created Garfield and this dog.  The reason I remember this is that we had a Lithonia lighting rep Named Jim Davis that called on Graybar, and we used to call him ODIE.

29. Frequents, as a store: SHOPS AT.

31. Get under control: TAME.

32. Interstate rds.: HWYS.  I think the Interstate highway system that was initially created by Dwight Eisenhower was a great idea.  We have an I-35W in Minnesota that could have been planned better though.   A few years ago a bridge (and a bunch of cars) fell into the Mississippi River, They rebuilt the bridge, and now they have a big mess downtown while they add a few lanes. 

33. Vittles on the trail: GRUB.  J.K Simmons, (The State Farm ad guy) used to call lunch "GRUB" when he was Emil Skoda on "Law and Order".

34. Prefix with correct: AUTO.   It does it by itself.

37. Symphonic rock gp.: ELO.

40. Ache: PAIN.  You name it, I got it.

41. Infield quartet: UMPS.  In the majors only.  Lower divisions get by with one or two.

46. Substantially: BY FAR.

48. Cuts off, as diplomatic ties: SEVERS.

50. Inform on: RAT OUT.

52. Big fight: MELEE.  NHL season is right around the corner.

54. Continue until: END AT.

55. Jewel-studded topper: TIARA.

56. "I did good!": YAY ME.

57. Massage deeply: ROLF.  A treatment.  I am surprised that there is no commercial on TV -- "Ask your doctor if ROLFING is right for you."  Or why doesn't Joe Namath let you know that Medicare does not cover Rolfing.

58. Rectangle measure: AREA.  Lengths times Width

60. Mission Control org.: NASA.

63. Olympic country code alphabetically just before GHA: GER.

65. Music majors' degs.: BAS.

Last Word. I woke up Saturday morning to learn that Valerie Harper passed away.  Of course I always liked the Mary Tyler Moore show because they pretended it was in Minneapolis even though the only Minneapolis scenes were Mary walking along Lake of the Isles, and tossing her hat on Hennepin Avenue.  Valerie played Rhoda Morgenstern well, and earned a few Emmy awards.  But my newspaper informed me that Valerie was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2013 and given about three months to live.  Six years later it caught up with her.  Thank you for setting an example for me, Rhoda.  Now rest in peace. 


Sep 1, 2019

Sunday September 1, 2019 Gail Grabowski

Theme: "Wide-Screen Display" - Each theme entry is in the pattern of H* D*:

27A. Aircraft carrier storage area: HANGAR DECK.

29A. Performer using hand motions: HULA DANCER.

49A. Just okay: HALFWAY DECENT.

67A. Interior designer's concern: HOME DECOR.

85A. "ER," for one: HOSPITAL DRAMA.
104A. Pointer, e.g.: HUNTING DOG.

109A. Certain downpour downside: HAIL DAMAGE.
37D. Real go-getter: HUMAN DYNAMO.

41D. Nutritionist's recommendation: HEALTHY DIET.

126A. How most TV shows air, and a hint to nine puzzle answers: IN HD.

This complements the IN HD puzzle we had a few years ago. Fun to read Santa again.

Again, Gail started her first two theme entries in Row 4 rather than the traditional Row 3. This way, the two Down 11's could be placed where they are right now. As she had theme material in both Across and Down, she made sure the longest non-theme entries ares 8-letter long. 

1. Moussaka ingredient: LAMB. I think that's eggplant under the ground lamb.

5. Angular pipe fitting: ELBOW.

10. Motion carriers: AYES.

14. Distorts: SKEWS.

19. Hesse-based automaker: OPEL.

20. Portmanteau breakfast brand: MAYPO. Never saw this in our local grocery store.

21. Pic, in ads: FOTO.

22. Like a fog-enshrouded cemetery: EERIE.

23. Trendy farewell: CIAO.

24. Join the contest: ENTER.

25. Aussie greeting: G'DAY.

26. Slender-billed marsh bird: SNIPE.

31. Jobs in clubs: GIGS. Here's a Chinese Idol performing Chinese version of "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!". The singer is well-known in Beijing's club scene.

32. Ever so slightly: A TAD.

34. Somme soul: AME.

35. Arrival announcement: I'M HERE.

38. Holy sanctuary: SHRINE.

40. Singer at Barack's 2009 inauguration ceremony: ARETHA.

43. Dispense drinks: POUR.

44. Murmured romantically: COOED.

45. Crimp-haired critter: EWE.

46. Towel designation: HERS.

48. All-hrs. convenience: ATM.

54. Electrical unit: AMP.

55. Opioids watchdog org.: DEA.

56. Ready to blow: IRATE.

57. Kitchenware brand: OXO. D-Otto likes this brand.

58. How many rumors spread: ORALLY.

60. Almost reaches: NEARS.

62. Gross portion: DOZEN.

64. More sharp: TARTER.

65. Navy Cross, e.g.: MEDAL.

71. Emmy winner Christine: LAHTI.

72. Macron's palace: ELYSEE.

74. Shirt tags may irritate them: NAPES.

75. Birthplace of the violin: ITALY. Piano too. We have 93. Piano piece?: PEDAL.

77. Karaoke singer's liability: TIN EAR. Been loving "Lost Without You" lately. So moving.

78. "Evil Woman" gp.: ELO.

79. Pain-relief brand: ADVIL.

81. Grumpy companion?: DOC. Disney dwarf.

84. Picasso's here: ACA.

89. "Rosemary's Baby" novelist Levin: IRA.

90. Capital south of Quito: LIMA. And 103. Pacific Coast country with a 22,000-foot peak: PERU.

92. __ Adams: SAM.

94. Come off as: SEEM.

95. Throat tissue: TONSIL.

97. Chicken serving: BREAST. Boomer uses Fryin' Magic to coat the chicken pieces. Amazing.

99. Style popularized by the Beatles: MOP TOP.

101. Bout ender, briefly: TKO.

102. Sommelier's suggestions: REDS.

115. Vast, in verse: ENORM.

116. Hibernation spot: LAIR.

117. Attracted: LURED.

118. "I heard you the first time": OK OK.

119. Backpack feature: STRAP.

120. Glamour shelfmate: ELLE.

121. Type similar to Helvetica: ARIAL. Our blog uses Georgia.

122. Late hours, in ads: NITE. And 68. Hr. when the sun is strong: ONE PM.

123. All lathered up: SOAPY.

124. Source of many tweets: NEST.

125. Basket contents, perhaps: WASTE.


1. Nessie's hangout: LOCH.

2. Samoan capital: APIA.

3. Have in mind: MEAN.

4. Writer with a website: BLOGGER. I'm one, but Google owns the site. We can't even block those mean-spirited anonymous attackers.

5. Come to light: EMERGE.

6. Reels in: LANDS.

7. Part of MB: BYTE.

8. Gp. with pipelines: OPEC.

9. Place to do a job: WORK AREA.

10. Throw on the couch?: AFGHAN. Nice clue.

11. "Hey, bro": YO DUDE.

12. What makes lists briefer, briefly: ET AL.

13. Tofu source: SOYA. To the British.

14. Bagel choice: SESAME.

15. Fashion house founder Cole: KENNETH.

16. __ Burdon, the Animals' frontman: ERIC. Unknown to me.  Is he very famous?

17. Moist towelette: WIPE.

18. Visionary: SEER.

28. Natural drier: AIR.

30. Be loath to: DARE NOT.

33. Spruce (up): TIDY.

35. 2010 Apple debut: IPAD. Seems like ages ago.

36. Floater in a sunbeam: MOTE.

38. Like either "g" in "George": SOFT.

39. British general at Bunker Hill: HOWE. Googled afterwards. William Howe.

40. Leave wide-eyed: AWE.

42. Biceps band: ARMLET.

44. Don't play well together: CLASH.

45. Thrifty, in brand names: ECONO.

47. Johanna who created Heidi: SPYRI. This Swiss lady.

49. Historic Florida racetrack: HIALEAH.

50. Part of ETA: Abbr.: ARR.

51. Drifts off: DOZES.

52. Boardroom VIP: EXEC.

53. Cheerful refrain: TRA LA LA.

59. Word near Kazakhstan on Asia maps: ARAL.

61. Minimal effort: EASE.

62. Stop on a line: DEPOT. And 63. Commemorative lines: ODE.

65. Black Sabbath's genre: METAL.

66. Bring forth: ELICIT.

69. Niger neighbor: MALI.

70. Romantic triangle figure: RIVAL.

73. It formed some features of Arches National Park: EROSION.

76. Director Burton: TIM. Directed Johnny Depp in a few movies:  "Edward Scissorhands"; "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"; "Alice in Wonderland", etc.

79. Mixes in: ADDS.

80. "Phooey!": DRAT.

82. McFlurry flavor: OREO.

83. Sleep out, say: CAMP.

86. Abe's role in "The Godfather": SAL.

87. Did a takeoff on: APED.

88. Regulation affecting boxers?: LEASH LAW. Another great clue.

91. Raid product: ANT TRAP.

94. Layered Italian dessert: SPUMONI.

96. Like Speedos: SKIMPY.

97. Suffers from the heat: BROILS.

98. Feel sorry about: REGRET.

99. Stick one's nose where it doesn't belong: MEDDLE.

100. Man-mouse link: OR A.

103. Kilt feature: PLEAT. Looking good.

104. Pianist Dame Myra __: HESS.

105. "Do __ others ... ": UNTO.

106. Romance novelist Roberts: NORA.

107. Secluded spot: GLEN. And 108. Secluded spot: DALE.

110. Surrounding atmosphere: AURA.

111. Camera lens feature: IRIS.

112. Comparable (to): AKIN.

113. Many a black-clad teen: GOTH. There's a goth lady in our local flea market. She wore black from head to toe. Same outfit for about 12 years.

114. Scratched (out): EKED.


Aug 31, 2019

Saturday, August 31, 2019, Neville Fogarty and Paolo Pasco

Themeless Saturday Puzzle by Neville Fogarty and Paolo Pasco

I celebrate two special days today - International Bacon Day and the first game of the FB season for the Nebraska Cornhuskers.

As the saying goes, there are two types of people: 1) Those who love bacon and 2) those that are wrong. From midsummer BLT's are a staple in our household. The wonderful bacon can be had year round but garden fresh tomatoes are the perfect complement in this. Okay, it really is important in a club sandwich as well but let's not belabor the point!

Today's constructors are Neville Fogarty and Paolo Pasco


1. Literary reminder: BOOKMARK.

9. Mideast presidential name since 1971: ASSAD - He has presided over a lot of misery

14. Dutch treat?: APPLE PIE - Is it really Dutch or Deutsch? Oh well, it's delicious even without bacon 😙

15. More green: LUSHER.

17. Regular order: THE USUAL - At the DQ, mine was a raspberry malt

18. Hoped-for airport monitor update: ON TIME - Two weeks ago my granddaughter's Newark to Omaha flight was two hours late. Bad weather over WVA force her plane's route north to fly 27. Routing preposition: VIA the Great Lakes instead. 

19. Word preceding an opinion: CENTS - "My two CENTS worth..."

20. Chided: TSKED - Hmmm... 

22. Base used often: TEN - Your computer would see 22 in base 10 as 10110 in base two

23. "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" playwright: ALBEE and 34. "Gone Girl" girl: AMY - Two movies that are unnerving portrayals of marriage

24. Longtime ISP: AOL - Not MSN it turns out

25. Common picture postcard color: AZURE - An AZURE sky on a postcard from the Cote d'Azur (the French Riveria)

28. Ones bringing charges, briefly: DA'S

30. "Gotcha": I SEE NOW - "Gotcha" as in "I understand" not "I fooled you"

32. Canal speaker: EARBUD - My bluetooth enabled hearing aids preclude the use of ear buds which I was always losing anyway

35. Buds: PALS - Non-auricular buds

36. Limit-enforcing tactic: SPEED TRAP - One site rates Sarasota, FL as the worst in the country

39. Consort of Shiva: KALI - Continuing our mini theme of unhappy couples, KALI is shown standing on Shiva's chest

42. Vientiane people: LAO - Vientiane is the capital of Laos

43. Story collection including "Robbie": I ROBOT Isaac Asimov's nine short stories including one entitled Robbie

47. Trying to lose: ON A DIET - I am down 21 lbs but have hit a plateau 

49. Comics fight sound: BAM.

50. Blackjack component: ACE - You can have 21 without an ACE but it's not a blackjack

51. Asian noodle dish: RAMEN - 48 pkgs for $9.89

52. UFC sport: MMA - Mixed Martial Arts. About anything goes

54. Philosophical principle that rules out unlikely explanations: RAZOR.

56. 48-Down victim: EGO - A fragile EGO can be hurt by a careless 48. 56-Across damager: INSULT.

57. Diamond ploy: STEAL - A polite end to a failure to STEAL. Definitely not a 62. "Whew!" evoker: CLOSE ONE.

59. Preppy collars: ETONS.

60. Garfield's successor: ARTHUR - Chester helped make merit rather than patronage a basis for government jobs

64. Vacanza a dicembre: NATALE - Italian - NATALE è una vacanza a dicembre (Christmas is a holiday in December) 

65. Quick, provocative reactions, as to current news: HOT TAKES - Often wrong with no apologies later

66. Finish choice: MATTE.

67. Hoodwink: OUTSMART.


1. Robin's milieu: BAT CAVE.

2. Laertes' sister: OPHELIA 

3. Place for free rounds: OPEN BAR.

4. 1971 title detective: KLUTE.

5. Wack: MESSED UP - Judge Judy would say this but would omit the "H"

6. Toon storekeeper: APU - A Simpson's character

7. Vaqueros' props: RIATAS - Lasso to a cowboy

8. Kutcher's "That '70s Show" role: KELSO Typical dialogue

9. Moisturizer ingredient: ALOE 

10. Sweet treat: SUNDAE - Religious blue laws were circumvented by changing the Y to E

11. Mach 1 flier: SST - The "Mach Meter" at the front of the cabin told passengers how fast the SST was traveling relative to the speed of sound (Mach 1). This meter shows the plane is going 2.02 times the speed of sound (about 1,300 mph)

12. Yellowfin: AHI TUNA Know your tuna

13. Analgesic brand: DEMEROL - Another pain reliever in the opioid family

16. Starts over: RENEWS.

21. Artist who influenced Schiele: KLIMT - I learned of KLIMT in this movie

26. Marx Brothers straight man: ZEPPO.

29. Youngest to win six Grammys in one night: ADELE.

31. Its flag has two green stars: SYRIA - The left flag represents Assad's current gov't and the right one is the one that preceded Assad and is flown by those who want to overthrow him

33. 45 half: B-SIDE - I read that clue until it made sense. Oh, 45 rpm records.

34. Excitement: ADO.

37. Fictional invitation written in currants: EAT ME.

38. Seat sides: ARM RESTS Solution for arm rest issues?

39. Hangul alphabet user: KOREAN - Gary comes out something like ê²Œë¦¬

40. "Lolita" character Vivian Darkbloom, to Vladimir Nabokov: ANAGRAM - I wonder when Vladimir discovered that

41. Rival of boxer Robinson: LAMOTTA - Jake (The Raging Bull) LAMOTTA fought Sugar Ray Robinson six times and only won once

Jake Lamotta            Sugar Ray Robinson
44. Arm on a shoulder: BAZOOKA - A BAZOOKA is certainly classified as an ARMament and it is indeed placed on a shoulder to fire. (All right, Neville, Paolo or Rich, who came up with this clue?)

45. "Woe Is I" author Patricia: O'CONNER $12 at Random House and grammatically correct 

46. Least gassy: TERSEST - Long-winded people can be called gassy

49. "Cat __": Jane Fonda film: BALLOU - Lee Marvin was the stole this movie and won an academy award in the process! 

53. Like action heroes: MACHO.

55. Prioritized players: A-TEAM.

58. Evolutionary diagram: TREE A modified family tree for Henry Fonda that begins in Nebraska

61. Overhead expense?: HAT - The "overhead" expense for this HAT was $24.99 at the Pentagon Mall. It was $8.00 at the kiosk across the street from Ford's Theater.

63. Slugger Mel: OTT.

Have yourself a BLT while fresh T's are still around and don't scrimp on the B. Then leave us some pertinent or impertinent comments:

Aug 30, 2019

Friday, August 30, 2019 Joe Deeney


18. Fat flier?: ROUND ROBIN.
A round robin is a tournament format in which every player (or team) plays every other player (or team) in order.

26. Frozen flier?: COLD TURKEY.
Cold turkey has come to mean to suddenly stop doing something.  Often associated with quitting smoking. 

40. Feeble flier?: LAME DUCK.
Referring to an elected official who is nearly powerless because they are only holding the position  until the end of the current term.

53. Funny flier?: SILLY GOOSE.
I think the meaning of silly goose has to be taken in context.  It can be playful and it can be insulting.

64. Frugal flier?: BUDGET HAWK.
One who trains the focus of a keen eye and a sharp pencil on a spending plan, looking for opportunities to pare spending.

Each theme "flier" clue was described with an adjective that began with the letter F.   5 theme clues that used only 6 different words.  Pretty neat.   Definitely consistent.

I enjoyed solving this puzzle and spotting the birds hidden in the clues.  I had no idea where we were going until I got one.    I hope you did not find this puzzle "for the birds."  


1. Letters before QIA: LGBTLGBTQIAPK+ and What It Means

5. "Harrumph!": PSHAW.

10. Chance in a box: AT BAT.

15. "Small world": OH HI.

16. Make it right: ATONE.

17. First two-time Nobelist: CURIEMarie Skłodowska Curie

20. Cuts back: TRIMS.

21. Suffix with violin: IST.

22. For whom Wednesday is named: ODIN.

23. One of a famous 154: SONNETA Guide to the Sonnets of William Shakespeare

24. Ignite: START.

29. Unpleasant look: SNEER.

31. Dress down: BERATE.  Refund: Rebate.  Old car: Beater.  

32. Metaphorical Donne poem: THE FLEA.

34. Rand who created Howard Roark: AYN.  From the book, The Fountainhead.

35. Old phone part: DIAL.   I posted this before.  I love how the parents? encourage the boys to figure out how it works. 

39. Half a matching set: HIS.

43. __ wrongs ...: TWO.  don't make a right.

44. Bet first: OPEN.

46. Phil's twin on "Rugrats": LIL.  Phil and Lil DeVille.  No idea.

47. Eyes slyly: PEEPS AT.

49. Baffler: ENIGMA.

52. Jet: SPRAY.

57. "Creed" actress Thompson: TESSATessa Thompson   No idea.

59. Simultaneity: UNISONBallet Mécanique

60. Rick's "kid": ILSA.   Casablanca

62. Comedy club reactions: HAs.  HA HA HA HA HA !

63. Colorful four-tone toy: SIMON.

67. Vintner's concern: AGING.  Oeno stuff.

68. Didn't dine out: ATE IN.

69. Latin 101 verb: AMAT.   He loves.

70. "That's incorrect": NOT SO.

71. "It __ happened yet": HASN'T.

72. "So Sick" singer: NE-YO.   Shaffer Chimere Smith   No idea.


1. Sri Lankan primate: LORIS.  So cute.  Don't rub their bellies.

2. The Flying Dutchman, for one: GHOST SHIPA Tale From Holland

3. Group with an extremely high population?: BHUTANESE.   The people of Bhutan.    The country's landscape ranges from lush subtropical plains in the south to the sub-alpine Himalayan mountains in the north, where there are peaks in excess of 7,000 metres (23,000 ft). - Wikipedia

4. Sn, on a table: TIN.   And  27. Pb, on a table: LEAD.     Elements in the Periodic Table, in Group 14 (the Carbon Group), Periods 5 and 6 respectively. 

5. Cowpoke's pal: PARD.

6. Not easily moved: STOIC.

7. Fraternize: HOBNOB.

8. Team's lack?: AN I.

9. Harmless cyst: WEN.

10. Carry on: ACT OUT.

11. Flush: TURN RED.

12. Precipice: BRINK.

13. "Mental Illness" Grammy winner Mann: AIMEE

14. Cross: TESTY.

19. "How about that": DO TELL.

23. Politician's positions: STANCES.

25. One sometimes accused of being blind: REF (eree).  

28. Stop producing opportunities, as a financial market: DRY UP.

30. Adjust, as wheels: REALIGN.

32. Brief while?: THO (ugh).   While I tend to agree that two wrongs don't make a right, sometimes tit for tat feels good.  Though I don't think it's always the best reaction. 

33. Pal of Picasso: AMIGO.

36. "So sad!": IT'S A SHAME.

37. Far off: AWAYS AWAY.

38. Land purchase: LOT.

41. Muppet who doesn't use the pronoun "I": ELMO.

42. Didn't give up on: KEPT AT.

45. __ Column: Trafalgar Square monument: NELSON'S.
Nelson's last and most famous battle was fought off the Spanish cape of Trafalgar, when he defeated Napoleon and the French and Spanish fleets. 

48. Mature leader?: PRE.

50. "12 Years a Slave" Oscar winner Lupita __: NYONG'O.  "12 Years a Slave is a 2013 biographical period drama film and an adaptation of the 1853 slave memoir Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup, a New York State-born free African-American man who was kidnapped in Washington, D.C. by two con men in 1841 and sold into slavery."

Nyong'o played the role of Patsey, a slave who works alongside Northup at a Louisiana cotton plantation.

51. Thought-revealing drama techniques: ASIDES.

53. Geena's "Thelma & Louise" co-star: SUSAN.   "It stars Geena Davis as Thelma and Susan Sarandon as Louise, two friends who embark on a road trip with unforeseen consequences."

54. Fictional fencer Montoya: INIGO.  Inigo Montoya is a fictional character in William Goldman's 1973 novel The Princess Bride.

55. Age __: LIMIT.

56. Onetime Rolex rival: ELGIN.   "Elgin was founded in 1864, right as the civil war was coming to an end. The first watch Elgin made, an 18 sized B W Raymond railroad grade watch, was finished in 1867 and over the next 100 years, they went on to produce about 60 million watches. Elgin produced their first wristwatch around 1910." -  The Elgin Watch Collectors Site

Fun Trivia ?  NBA HOF'er Elgin Baylor was named after his father's favorite watch: - - Legends Profile: Elgin Baylor

58. Invite as one's date for: ASK TO.

61. Email folder: SENT.

64. "Harrumph!": BAH.

65. Acting guru Hagen: UTA.
"Hagen was an influential acting teacher who taught, among others, Matthew Broderick, Christine Lahti, Amanda Peet, Jason Robards, Sigourney Weaver, Katie Finneran, Liza Minnelli, Whoopi Goldberg, Jack Lemmon, Charles Nelson Reilly, Manu Tupou, Debbie Allen, Herschel Savage, George Segal, Jon Stewart, and Al Pacino. She was a voice coach to Judy Garland" - Wikipedia

66. Role for Harrison: HAN.   Actor Harrison Ford played Han Solo.