Theme: EASY ON THE EYES. (33. Pleasing to look at ... or a phonetic
hint to a two-letter sequence in 16-, 20-, 51- and 56-Across ) - Each
theme entry contains EZ. (Edited later: Each Z is on top of letter I. Thanks, Anon and Mark S.)
16. Amazon founder: JEFF BEZOS.
20. Very focused, as an athlete: IN THE ZONE.
26. Voices one's view: OPINES. We got a lot of OPINES from the last debate in Houston.
51. Expatriate American poet arrested for treason in 1945: EZRA POUND.
55. Had a smoke: LIT UP.
Not me for the last 18 years. What does everyone think about these
relatively new flavored Vapers? We have had one death in Minnesota.
56. Aztec emperor: MONTEZUMA.
62. Dog food brand: IAMS.
62. Dog food brand: IAMS.
here again. Tough last Sunday in the Minnesota world of sports. After
the Twins took two from Cleveland on Saturday they looked like the bad
news bears on Sunday. The Vikings looked careless and stupid at Lambeau
Field on Sunday also. They were certainly not IN THE ZONE.
1. Activist Parks: ROSA. Very famous lady. I would not call her an activist though. She was just sitting in the seat that she to which was entitled.
5. First bird to attack in "The Birds": GULL.
Seagulls are beautiful birds with white feathers and gray trim. I seem
to remember the Hitchcock birds were black like crows.
9. "¿Qué __?": PASA. What??
13. Overly neat, say: ANAL. I decided not to touch this answer. And no photo.
14. Irish New Ager: ENYA.
15. Deep sleep: SOPOR.
18. 2001 bankruptcy headliner: ENRON.
I still have some Pinnacle golf balls with Enron logos. I know I have
mentioned it before. But the same answers keep coming up in these
19. Corn serving: EAR. I hear with my ear but get my corn out of a can.
22. "Of course!": AHA.
24. Some dadaist art: ARPS. Jean Arp or Hans Arp.
27. Scolds: BERATES.
29. Clear dirty dishes from: BUS. "Just hop on the bus, Gus, Make a new plan Stan. There must be fifty ways to leave your lover." (Paul Simon)
30. HS promgoers: SRS. Yup, I remember a senior being someone who is 17 or 18 years old. Now I think you need to be over 62,
31. Tops of waves: CRESTS. I have never tried surfing but I am amazed by those that can.
32. Small batteries: AAS. We have been searching for 9 volts for our smoke detectors. Not in stock or very expensive. Next stop Target.
39. Bash into: RAM. This is an LA Times Crossword. Shouldn't the clue be "Player at the LA Memorial Coliseum on Sundays?"
40. Rapscallions: KNAVES.
42. Soak (up), as gravy: SOP. Standard Operating Procedure.
45. Halves of qts.: PTS. A field goal will get you three.
46. Look over again: RE-CHECK. I would usually double-check.
47. Like Goldilocks' first bowl of porridge: TOO HOT. Yeah, I remember the story, but I am pretty sure that bears do not eat porridge.
49. Send to the canvas: KAYO. Famous for Ali opponents.
50. Code-breaking org.: NSA.
53. Tiresome grind: RUT. Named after an ugly road.
60. One-eyed "Futurama" character: LEELA.
61. Earnest request: PLEA.
63. LAX landing list: ARRS. Arrivals.
64. Some 35mm cameras: SLRS.
65. Open-handed hit: SLAP. Also a wild hockey shot.
1. Koothrappali on "The Big Bang Theory": RAJ.
2. Common bill: ONE. George Washington got that one because he was President number one.
3. Low-crime part of town: SAFE AREA.
4. __ Romeo: sports car: ALFA. You better have 40 to 80 grand lying around if you want to own one.
5. "Gosh!": GEE. Whiz!
6. Opens, as a parka: UNZIPS.
7. Rhone cathedral city: LYONS. Sue Lyon was "Lolita" but I really enjoyed her with George C. Scott in "The Flim Flam Man".
8. At the back of the pack: LAST.
9. Swindler with a scheme named for him: PONZI.
There were a lot of these going around in the eighties. I think folks
have wised up a bit now. I was approached but I am not quite that
10. Cooks' wear: APRONS. Yes but there is also one at the end of my driveway.
11. Earlier: SOONER. "Oh Oh Oh klahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain."
12. "Gunsmoke" actor James: ARNESS. Marshal Dillon was born in Minneapolis in 1923.
15. Leaks slowly: SEEPS.
17. Like an overtired child, perhaps: BRATTY.
21. One may be hidden under a welcome mat: HOUSE KEY. I cannot believe that people do this.
22. "Grey's Anatomy" network: ABC. I am old enough to remember when our choices were NBC and CBS. ABC came along a bit later.
23. "__ goes nothing!": HERE.
25. Fall back on: RESORT TO.
28. Beast of burden: ASS. I will also leave that answer alone. Sorry.
29. Scroogean scoff: BAH. Humbug!!
32. 20s dispenser: ATM. I have said this before. In Las Vegas the ATMs dispense Benjamins. Then you go back to the tables and turn them into 20s.
34. "Old Town Road" rapper Lil __ X: NAS.
35. Cry after a stunning performance: ENCORE.
When I performed solo in the Benilde H.S. Glee Club, no one ever
"ENCORED" me. But I did once bring the house town when I rode on the
MTA at a parish in Crystal. "Poor Old Charlie"
36. Slangy assent: YAH. "She loves you Yah Yah Yah." Beatles on Ed Sullivan's Show, circa 1963.
37. Happening later: EVENTUAL.
38. Moments, briefly: SECS. 60 of them equals a MIN.
41. Caribbean music: SKA.
42. __ Artois: Belgian beer: STELLA. I have never liked beer. Lucky me. However my short hitch in Germany rated German beer as the worst.
43. More slimy: OOZIER.
44. Stout relative: PORTER.
45. Dad: POPPA. This seems old. I never heard anyone call their dad Poppa.
46. Original "SNL" cast member Gilda: RADNER.
48. Lugs: HAULS. I have three bowling balls and two pairs of shoes I lug into the bowling centers.
49. Small hill: KNOLL.
52. Baseball's "men in blue": UMPS. I am not able to understand why Joe West and Laz Dias are still holding this job,
54. Guns from Israel: UZIS. I know nothing about guns - Nor do I want to know. Thank you.
57. Univ. aides: TAS.
58. UFC fighting style: MMA.
59. Egyptian snake: ASP.
She gets what she wants irregardless of price, Yeah did you see her
ring that was some hunk of ice! She has 30 minks that she's never worn
twice, What kind of life is that? Would you take that kind of life it
it was offered to you? You can bet Cleopatra's ASP you would. (Chad
Mitchell Trio).