, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 21, 2016

Wednesday, Sept 21, 2016 Don Gagliardo and C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Heave-Ho - The first words (all nouns) are all synonyms.

16A. "Good Guys Wear Black" star : CHUCK NORRIS. I only knew him in "Walker, Texas Ranger."

24A. Post-performance celebration : CAST PARTY

36A. Stroke with a wedge : PITCH SHOT. Like this.

51A. Display for lecture illustrations : FLIP CHART

61A. Sofa decor : THROW PILLOW

Boomer here. Live from Minnesota. Home of the 3M Company. Believe it or not, Scotch tape is not made in Scotland. It's made right here in St. Paul.

Boomer at 3M Championship, August 5, 2016

Minnesota is known for 10,000 lakes, and that does not include the ones that eat my golf balls.  I feel a fishing theme in this puzzle.  You CAST your line from your reel.  PITCH the lure into the weed bed.  FLIP the fish into the boat; then THROW it back ... Too small.


1. Pour love (on) : DOTE. Maresey Dotes and Doesey dotes ...

5. Sledding spot : SLOPE.  Did not like the clue slopes are for skiing. Hills are for sledding.

10. Work the aisles, slangily : USH. Ush is no word that I've ever heard. Hey I'm a poet and didn't know it.

13. Very familiar with : UP ON

14. Not spontaneous : STAGED

15. Howe'er : THO. Hope you got this with down clues, because I don't get it.

18. Haul to the shop : TOW

19. Sailor's pronoun : HER. I guess this refers to a ship. Why they are all female, I'll never know.

20. Full of energy : ALIVE. Golfer Jim Furyk touts 5 hour energy and he is still alive.

21. Stereotypical Geek Squad employee : NERD

22. Mass-mailing tool : E-LIST. I'm surely on a few of these, my junk mail box is full

27. Went astray : SINNED

29. Pupil's cover : EYELID

30. Drawn-out account : SAGA

31. Not as demanding : EASIER. That's what I am talking about. Better clues would be easier.

35. USN clerk : YEO. Never heard of this - but I was in the US Army

39. Take steps : ACT. Take steps is to walk.  Thespians act.

42. Defiant retort : MAKE ME

43. __-Seltzer : ALKA. Remember Speedy with the funny hat?

47. Touchdown spot : TARMAC. I suppose you wanted people to think "Football". Well football teams fly 10 times per season. 

49. Log-shaped pastry : ECLAIR.  Eau Claire, Wisconsin is about 100 Miles from the Twin Cities.  I suppose you could get an Eclair there.

55. "Siddhartha" author : HESSE.  I'm not good at books. The last one I read was "Harps in the Wind".

56. Charitable gift : ALMS

57. Instagram upload : PHOTO. I don't have Instagram. Facebook upload would be an easier clue for me.

59. "__ matter of fact ... " : AS A. Better clue for me would be Hutchinson Family Singers leader, ___ Hutchinson OR the governor of Arkansas ____ Hutchinson.  (See "Harps in the Wind". Asa Hutchinson was my great great grandfather and founded the town of Hutchinson).

60. Young __: tykes, in dialect : UNs. Too much Beverly Hillbillies watching.

64. Shear (off) : LOP. I recently lopped off my hair. I was starting to look too much like Donald Trump (only thinner and with a smaller mouth).

65. Residences : ABODES

66. __ Romeo : ALFA

67. Onetime rival of Delta : TWA. Founded by Howard Hughes (AKA The hermit at the Desert Inn.) TWA flew from 1925 !! to 2001.  Flight 800 hurt them a lot.

68. Having a key, in music : TONAL

69. Go against : DEFY

 1. Title for Prince William's wife : DUCHESS of Cambridge. See also 17. Prince William's wife : KATE

2. The "thee" in "Get thee to a nunnery" : OPHELIA

3. Seeing the sights : TOURING

4. Letter-bottom letters : ENC. I usually see this as ENCL. Another crossword shortcut I suppose.

5. Dispassionate : STOIC. NFL often used this adjective to describe former Vikings coach Bud Grant. Now nearing 90, did you see him blow the big horn at US Bank Stadium Sunday night?

6. Cocoon contents : LARVA.  These are ugly.  Some use them for bait to catch panfish.

7. Ungentle giants : OGRES. They live under bridges and under kids' beds.

8. Shar-__: wrinkly dog : PEI.  I never saw a wrinkly dog, I never hope to see one.  But I can tell you anyhow, "I'd rather see than be one".

9. Paper staff, briefly : EDS. some of these three letter answers are starting to look like abbreviations for illness or drugs.

10. Downright : UTTERLY

11. Skimpy nightgown : SHORTIE.  If you say so.  Spellcheck says it's a word,  I would spell it Shorty, but then it would screw up the puzzle.

12. Folksy greeting : HOWDY DO. I may have heard Barney Fife of Mayberry say this.

14. NBC skit show broadcast from 30 Rock : SNL. Another drug abbreviation. Many people are hooked on this show.

21. Scottish isle denial : NAE. I always thought it was "NAY".  But ask a Scot if they make Scotch Tape and he will say NAE. 

23. Finger-clicking sound : SNAP. Also a really good Ginger cookie.

25. A little laughter : TEE HEE

26. Prefix with technic : PYRO. I've always liked the pyrotechnics at Comiskey and US Cellular Field. I hope the White Sox will continue the explosions at Guaranteed Rate Stadium.

28. Unhook, say : DETACH

32. "Crikey!" : ACK.  Now this really makes no sense.

33. Sailor's pronoun : SHE. There's the ship again

34. Doctrinal suffix : ISM

37. Desktop with an AppleCare option : iMAC

38. "Canterbury" story : TALE

39. Guilty : AT FAULT

40. "Operators are standing by!" : CALL NOW.  I dislike TV commercials that beg you to call. 

41. Bygone weight-loss pills : TRIMSPA. People were duped by Fen Phen. If you want TrimSpa I guess you have to call now - Operators are standing by.  There's a reason this stuff is not sold at stores.

44. French explorer who named Louisiana : LA SALLE

45. Rude dismissal, in slang : KISS-OFF

46. Passage between buildings : AREAWAY. This could also be viewed and clued as ARE AWAY.  (On Vacation ??)

48. AWOL seekers : MPS.  Military Police, Not a drug.

50. Kenneth __, portrayer of Judge Lance Ito in "The People v. O.J. Simpson" : CHOI. Korean surname.

52. Baker's protection : APRON. Or concrete at the end of your driveway.

53. Valerie Harper sitcom : RHODA. Great show. Rhoda got her start on the Mary Tyler Moore epic sitcom - staged in Minneapolis.

54. Item draped on a rack : TOWEL

58. Scout gps. : TPS. Sorry, I have noooo idea what this is. Troops???

61. Skin pic : TAT. Tattoo.
62. "True Detective" network : HBO

63. Stripling : LAD

Sep 20, 2016

Tuesday, September 20 2016, Patti Varol

Theme: Watch Your Step!

17. Adjusted sales figure on which some royalties are based : NET RECEIPTS. SAFETY NET.

28. Wood-finishing tool : BELT SANDER. SAFETY BELT.

37. Brass instrument played like a trumpet : VALVE TROMBONE. SAFETY VALVE.

45. Long, narrow mollusks : RAZOR CLAMS. SAFETY RAZOR.

60. Motto for the cautious ... or a hint to the starts of 17-, 28-, 37- and 45-Across : SAFETY FIRST

Melissa here. Straightforward theme, although I needed 60A to get it. Kept wondering what a VALVET was before the rest of 37A filled in. 


1. Pilothouse wheels : HELMS. Started off with an unknown - the clue meant nothing to me. A d'oh moment later.

6. Sphere in a library : GLOBE

11. Cheering syllable : RAH 

14. Use a broom : SWEEP

15. Lubricate again : RE-OIL

16. Touchdown approx. : ETA

19. Bus. get-together : MTG

20. Gentle touch : CARESS

21. Letter that opens with a click : EMAIL

23. Headache treatment : ASPIRIN

26. Concerning, on memos : IN RE. In Regard.

27. Seasonal bug : FLU

33. Tennessee senator __ Alexander : LAMAR. Unknown.

36. Zoo critter with striped legs : OKAPI

42. "Sure, I'll give you a ride" : GET IN

43. Sleep audibly : SNORE

50. Hotel divs. : RMS. Rooms.

51. Poet Khayyám : OMAR

52. Place for meditation : YOGA MAT

55. Intense personality : TYPE A

57. Response to a clever put-down : OH SNAP!

59. Actress Hagen : UTA. Learning moment.

65. Washington MLBer : NAT. Washington Nationals.

66. Mount in Exodus : SINAI

67. Lucky break : FLUKE

68. Genetic info letters : DNA

69. Seagoing mil. training group : NROTC. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corp.

70. Spine-tingling : EERIE   


1. QVC rival : HSN. Home Shopping Network.

2. Baaing mom : EWE

3. Tennis do-over : LET

 4. Gracias, across the Pyrenees : MERCI

5. Hurled weapon : SPEAR

6. "The Heart of the Matter" novelist Graham : GREENE

7. Hawaiian floral rings : LEIS

8. "Uh-oh!" : OOPS

9. Stand-up routine : BIT

10. Besides : ELSE

11. Send back, as to a lower court : REMAND 

12. Clothing : ATTIRE

13. "Marvelous" Marvin of boxing : HAGLER

18. Bed with high sides : CRIB

22. Yellow "Despicable Me" character : MINION

23. CIO partner : AFL

24. Balkan native : SLAV

25. Shoe company with a cat in its logo : PUMA

29. Doone of Exmoor : LORNA

30. Ref's ruling : TKO. Technical Knock Out.

31. Retired newsman Donaldson : SAM

32. LAPD alerts : APB'S

34. 1990s veep : AL GORE

35. Camper driver, for short : RV'ER

38. And so on: Abbr. : ETC

39. Shop __ you drop : TIL

40. Par : NORM

41. Clever Bombeck : ERMA 

44. Contractor's fig. : EST

45. Portly : ROTUND

46. "The Joy Luck Club" novelist : AMY TAN

47. Mexican revolutionary played by Brando : ZAPATA

48. Word before "Pizza" or "River," in film : MYSTIC

49. PlayStation maker : SONY. This was my one wrong entry - tried SE for SEGA. Nope.
53. Social faux pas : GAFFE

54. Lots and lots : A PILE

56. Part of AAA: Abbr. : ASSN

57. Point __ return : OF NO

58. Qualifying race : HEAT

61. __ conditioner : AIR

62. Capek's robot play : RUR. Another learning moment.

63. Slide down the slopes : SKI

64. Collarless shirt : TEE

Sep 19, 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016 Grant Boroughs

Theme: ARR! - I'll be hornswoggled; it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2016.

17A. Ship-fouling organisms, on Talk Like a Pirate Day?: BARRNACLES

32A. What kids ask on a long trip, on TLAP Day?: "ARR WE THERE YET?"

38A. Ship's right-front section, on TLAP Day?: STARRBOARD BOW

57A. Cold northern region, on TLAP Day?: THE ARRCTIC

3D. Food storage area, on TLAP Day?: LARRDER

40D. Bill for drinks, on TLAP Day?: BARR TAB

ARRgyle here, matey and we have a new skipper, Cap'n Boroughs. I feels he's done a fine job and if'n ya don't arrgree, you'll hang by your thumbs from the yarrdarm 'tils we get back in port. If you check among the booty, you will find many seafaring entries.

1. Dangerous wind for small boats: GALE

5. "You're gonna need a bigger boat" movie: JAWS. Completely off-script ad-lib.

9. Barbecue rod: SPIT

13. Actor Sharif: OMAR

14. Verbal exams: ORALS

16. Actress Lollobrigida: GINA

19. Lights-out tune: TAPS

20. Horse hue: ROAN

21. Spyglass component: LENS

23. With 48-Down, mediocre: NOT 48-Down. See 23-Across: SO HOT

24. "Alas ... ": "SADLY..."

26. Cry of fright: [EEK!]

27. Burning: AFIRE

29. Key lime __: PIE

30. Pigpen: STY

31. Story surprises: TWISTS

36. What George Washington could not tell, according to folklore: A LIE

37. Oregon Trail wagon pullers: OXEN

43. Sends to the Hill: ELECTS

45. Agrees to: OKs

46. Wonderment: AWE

47. Wood-shaping tool: LATHE

48. Urgent distress signal: S-O-S

49. When right turns are sometimes permitted: ON RED

51. Tax agcy.: IRS. (Infernal Revenue Service)

52. Dire fate: DOOM

54. Two of a kind: PAIR

55. The color of tropical seas: TEAL

61. "The Sopranos" actress Falco: EDIE

62. Human trunk: TORSO

63. Ring of light: HALO

64. Flatfish sometimes served stuffed: SOLE

65. Recipe amts.: TSPs. (teaspoon)

66. Online auction site: EBAY


1. Dollop: GOB

2. Doctors' org.: AMA. (American Medical Association)

4. Swashbuckler Flynn: ERROL

5. __ of 6-Down: French heroine: JOAN

6. 5-Down of __: French heroine: ARC. (Joan of Arc)

7. Minnesota's state fish: WALLEYE

8. Like a smooth-sailing clipper ship: SLEEK

9. Rank above cpl.: SGT. corporal/sergeant

10. One tickling the ivories: PIANIST

11. Sitting at the dock of the bay: IN PORT

12. Tries a bite of: TASTES

15. Taxpayer ID: SSN

18. Dissenting vote: NAY

22. Fictional Tom or real-life Diane: SAWYER

24. Massage facility: SPA

25. Balloon filler: AIR

26. Old anesthetic: ETHER

28. Wicked one: FIEND

30. Mixes: STIRS

31. __ Hold 'em: TEXAS. Poker game.

33. Enjoy, as television: WATCH

34. Overjoyed: ELATED

35. Chess castles: ROOKS

38. Shove off: SET SAIL

39. Post-WWII babies: BOOMERS. CSO.

41. Be indebted to: OWE

42. Married: WED

43. Upper crust groups: ELITEs

44. Rio Grande city: LAREDO

49. Rowboat propeller: OAR

50. Specialized market segment: NICHE

53. Giants slugger Mel: OTT

54. All in favor: PROs

56. Director Ang __: LEE

58. Deadly snake: ASP

59. Dockworkers' org.: ILA. (International Longshoremen's Association)

60. Playfully shy: COY


Sep 18, 2016

Sunday, Sept 18, 2016 Paul Coulter

Theme: "Doctor Hoodoo" - An rhyming syllable is added to the last word of each theme entry.
23A. Wimpish newspaper writer? : EDITORIAL WIENIE. Editorial we.

36A. Corleone family member providing free downloads? : SONNY AND SHAREWARE. Sonny and Cher. Sonny is the hot-tempered brother killed by the rival mob.

59A. Succeed after leaving the band? : REAP WHAT YOU SOLO. Reap what you sow.
87A. Gardening during karate training? : RAKING IN THE DOJO. Raking in the dough.

103A. Old Aspen music maker? : ROCKY MOUNTAIN HI-FI. Rocky Mountain High.

126A. "The comedian just wasn't funny"? : NOT MY CUP OF TE-HEE. Not my cup of tea.

As the title "Doctor Hoodoo" ("Doctor Who") subtly hints, all the last words go through spelling change before the extra syllable is added. The theme really needs an creative mind to make it happen.

I was in a Vietnamese-style mooncake coma and stalled quite a few times in the solving. I thought the extra syllables might spell out something. Asked Argyle, who said he saw nothing special.


1. Agcy. that does searches : TSA

4. Curry spice : CUMIN. Also the essential seasoning in Xi'an style shish kabob. Lots of hot red peppers too.

9. Letter-moving gp. : USPO

13. Kind of cookie? : SMART. Sweet clue.

18. Song and dance : RIGAMAROLE. Not a word we often see in grids.

21. Auction cry : SOLD

22. Have second thoughts : WAVER

 25. Patsy's "Ab Fab" pal : EDINA. I only know the city Edina here in MN.

26. Divvy up : ALLOT

27. Bourbon and others: Abbr. : STs

28. Small birds with complex songs : WRENS

29. Fit the facts : ADD UP

30. Home on the range : TEEPEE

32. Mine, in Marseilles : A MOI. Alliteration.

34. Winter Palace resident : TSAR

44. Bowlers, e.g. : HATS

48. Biol. or chem. : SCI

49. With 17-Down, warning cry : IT'S A. 17. See 49-Across : TRAP

50. Heather family shrubs : ERICAs. Learning moment for me.

51. Blew it : ERRED

53. Bermuda Triangle locale: Abbr. : ATL

55. Comes down with : GETS

58. "JAG" spin-off : NCIS

64. Katniss' "Hunger Games" ally : PEETA. Another learning moment.

65. South Carolina river : SANTEE. I only know PEE DEE.

66. Foreword : INTRO

67. Closet concern : MOTH

69. Muddy home : STY

70. Game ragout : SALMI.  Never heard of it. Wiki says this: A salmis is a preparation from classical French cooking. When a roast or sautéed piece of meat is sliced and reheated in sauce, the result is a salmis.

72. Fields who founded Mrs. Fields : DEBBI

74. Carpet manufacturers' contraptions : LOOMS

76. It's generally higher on the hwy. : MPG. Also 14. Highway safety org. since 1980 : MADD

78. Fuzz : LINT

80. Bring up : RAISE

82. Vehicle with caterpillar treads : SNO-CAT. Oh, that's interesting trivia.

85. Jays and Rays : ALERS. Every puzzle needs a few glue entries.

90. Jupiter's wife : JUNO

91. Emperor after Claudius : NERO

92. "Your point being ... ?" : SOO. Not AND,

93. Driver's choice : SEDAN

94. Good-for-nothing : OTIOSE. Not a word I use.

96. PGA part: Abbr. : ASSN

100. __ de coeur: pained outburst : CRI

102. Insignificant : MERE. Not PUNY or TINY.

108. Desolate : LORN

109. Hammett hound : ASTA

110. Soft sweater : ANGORA

115. Ocean ring : ATOLL

119. Champagne buckets, e.g. : ICERS. I guess so.

121. Medicinal amt. : TSP

124. "America's Funniest Home Videos" host : SAGET

125. Craze : MANIA

129. Long-distance commuter's community : EXURB

130. Actress Gershon : GINA

131. Capital on the Danube : BRATISLAVA. Slovakia's capital. Great fill.

132. Japanese-American : NISEI. Or ISSEI.

133. Painful rebuke : SLAP. I thought it might be ET TU.

134. Common thing? : SENSE

135. Came upon : MET


1. Late October option : TREAT. Felt silly not nailing it.

2. Move furtively : SIDLE

3. Quick : AGILE

4. It's driven : CAR

5. "The Haj" novelist : URIS (Leon)

6. Zoo barrier : MOAT

7. "And how!" : I'LL SAY

8. Just out : NEW

9. Log-in requirements : USER IDS

10. Loudness unit : SONE

11. Statue base : PLINTH. Consonants-heavy.

12. Black Sea port : ODESSA

13. One on the stand : SWEARER. Same letter count as WITNESS.
15. All fired up : AVID

16. Eye care solution brand : RENU
19. Crowning : ATOP

20. Tiny particles : MOTES

24. "Forget it!" : I WON'T

31. Daybreak goddess : EOS

33. Printemps period : MAI. May. Printemps is also a huge department store in Paris. I got this double-layered chiffon top there at the end of last century. Gosh, been so many years. It still fits nicely. The colors probably confuse D-Otto.

35. Chariot-riding god : ARES

37. Sweet Sixteen org. : NCAA

38. Capone colleague : NITTI

39. Starch-producing palm tree : SAGO

40. Press release? : WINE. Great clue.

41. Online security feature : ACCESS CODE. Great fill.

42. "Something to Talk About" singer : RAITT (Bonnie)

43. Bacon serving? : ESSAY. Francis Bacon.

44. Half a matched set : HERs

45. Atlas stat : AREA

46. Like some organisms modified in labs : TRANSGENIC. Got via crosses.

47. Anatomical walls : SEPTA. Plural of septum.

52. Fixates (on) : DWELLS

54. "Casino Royale" Bond girl Vesper __ : LYND. Played by Eva Green. This girl might be Splynter's type.

56. 20th-century blight victim : ELM

57. Item on a belt : TOOL

60. Spherical opening? : HEMI. Not ATMO.

61. "SNL" castmate of Ferrell and Gasteyer : OTERI

62. Name of eight popes : URBAN

63. Pulitzer-winning Ferber novel : SO BIG. Nailed it.

64. Calls : PHONES

68. Baloney, to Brits : TOSH. I thought it's BOSH.

71. As to : IN RE

73. Sister of Osiris : ISIS

75. Data transmitter : MODEM

76. Very important : MAJOR

77. Demotion in 2006 news : PLUTO

79. Bluejacket : TAR.  I did not know "bluejacket" means sailor, Spitzboov!

81. Methuselah's father : ENOCH

83. A bit cracked : AJAR

84. Color quality : TONE

86. Hornswoggle : ROOK.  Is "Hornswoggle" a word you use in your daily life?

88. Zen riddle : KOAN

89. Doughnuts, shapewise : TORI

91. Captain of the Nautilus : NEMO

95. Class guides : SYLLABI

97. Astronomer's aid : STAR MAP

98. Pert : SASSY

99. It might be picked : NIT

101. "__ tree falls ... " : IF A

104. Circular gaskets : O RINGS

105. Straighten out : UNCOIL

106. Simple life some strive to get back to : NATURE. It feels good to be off line one day a week.

107. Tech. schools : INSTs

111. Highlands native : GAEL

112. Early Irish alphabet : OGHAM. Maybe Irish Miss knows. Never heard of it.

113. "Still Me" memoirist : REEVE (Christopher)

114. Bothered big-time : ATE AT

115. "Right on!" : AMEN

116. Curbside call : TAXI

117. Responsibility : ONUS

118. Old Italian capital : LIRE

120. Italian hot spot : ETNA

122. Cross : SPAN

123. Kitties : POTS

127. It has an eye on television : CBS. Simple in retrospect.

128. "Shame on thee!" : FIE. This clue makes me smile.
