, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 11, 2016

Tuesday, October 11 2016, Janice Lutrell

 Theme: The show must go on.

20. *Artsy Lower Manhattan neighborhood : EAST VILLAGE

58. *Drug bust calculation : STREET VALUE

11. *Panel decision that's not unanimous : SPLIT VOTE

 35. *Became a YouTube sensation : WENT VIRAL

40. Set in a den, slangily ... or, initially, what can be found in each answer to a starred clue : THE TUBE.

Most TV's in use now are LCD or plasma. The old style CRT, or Cathode Ray Tube is a vacuum tube - and that's about all I know about that. Even though the CRT didn't last, the term "The Tube" might just be around forever.

Melissa here. I had to work way too hard for this one, for no particular reason that I can say. Only two total unknowns but I had to work for the tada just the same.


1. __ and flows : EBBS

5. Stepped heavily : TROD

9. __ Rica : COSTA

14. Pitcher's goof : BALK

15. Inflatable mattress prefix with Bed : AERO. Great crossword word, three vowels.

16. Colorado ski mecca : ASPEN

17. Muslim denomination : SHIA. Tried SIKH first, and discovered after looking it up that Sikhs are neither Hindu nor Muslim. Learning moment.

18. Not fatty, as meat : LEAN

19. Lease again : RELET

23. Car owner's premium pmt. : INS

24. American of Japanese descent : NISEI. Unknwown #1.

25. Dieter's catchword : LOFAT. Had to wait for the L to fill in - LOFAT or NOFAT?

27. Sweat unit : BEAD

30. Originates (from) : DERIVES

33. Like morning grass : DEWY

36. Title for Doubtfire or Dash : MRS.

38. Site of Arizona's Red Rock State Park : SEDONA

39. Rocks in bars : ICE

42. Gratuity : TIP

43. Dessert with a cherry : SUNDAE

45. Refreshing retreat : SPA

46. Wines that usually go well with beef : REDS

47. __ seat: advantageous spot : CATBIRD. I don't hear this phrase often, do you?

49. In couch-potato mode : IDLE. Watching the tube, perhaps.

51. France dance : VALSE. Second unknown for me. So sneaky, once I realized that VALSE is the French word for waltz. Oh.

52. Up to one's ears (in) : AWASH

56. Architect I.M. __ : PEI

62. Throat ailment : STREP

64. Modest skirt : MIDI. Tried MAXI first.

65. Writer Jaffe : RONA. Author of "The Best of Everything," made into a movie. Died in 2005.

66. Video game pioneer : ATARI

67. Region : AREA

68. Sullen : DOUR

69. Makeover place : SALON

70. Camera attachment : LENS

71. Bay Area cop gp. : SFPD


1. "Barnaby Jones" actor Buddy : EBSEN

2. Persian faith : BAHA'I

3. Utter joy : BLISS

4. Glide past on the ice : SKATE BY

5. Anklebones : TALI

6. Movie spool : REEL

7. Verbal : ORAL

8. Name on a Trump card? : DONALD

9. Untroubled : CAREFREE

10. Suffix with fruct- : OSE

12. "The Hunger Games" extra : TEEN

13. Picnic invaders : ANTS

21. "C'est la __!" : VIE

22. Turns sour : GOES BAD

26. Help : AID

28. UMass town : AMHERST

29. Hip-hop Dr. : DRE

31. Oklahoma's "Wheat Capital" : ENID

32. Drains of strength : SAPS

33. Phonograph record : DISC

34. Quito's country: Abbr. : ECUA. Quito is the capital of Ecuador.

37. N.Y. and Calif. : STs

40. Dramatic downturn : TAILSPIN

41. Wire service letters : UPI. United Press International

44. Corporate alias abbr. : DBA. (Doing Business As)

46. Bounty hunters' goals : REWARDS

48. Of the skin : DERMAL

50. Where a Brit may powder her nose : LAV. (Britain, slang) Short for lavatory.

53. Unlikely to get excited : ALOOF

54. Dawn : SUN UP

55. Listened to : HEARD

56. "This is your brain on drugs" ads, briefly : PSAs. Public Service Announcement

57. Singer James : ETTA

59. Irish name for Ireland : EIRE

60. Xanadu : EDEN

61. Spanish aunts : TIAs

63. Suffix with ranch : ERO

Oct 10, 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016 Joel Mackerry

Theme: Monday smothered in gravy - Synonyms for money.

62. Down payment ... and what 17-, 25-, 38- and 53-Across have in common (besides being food): CASH UP FRONT

17. Pizza topping veggie: GREEN PEPPER

25. Traditional filled fare of Europe and West Asia: CABBAGE ROLL

38. Salad staples: LETTUCE LEAVES

53. Baked-in-their-shells seafood dish: CLAMS CASINO

Argyle here. Joel's fourth Monday. He certainly could find more synonyms but he has enough for today. I am curious as to what a later in the week offering Joel could provide.


1. "Stay out of my affairs," briefly: MYOB. (Mind Your Own Business)

5. Briefly, e.g.: ADVERB. Hung me up for awhile.

11. CFO's degree: MBA. (Chief Financial Officer/Master of Business Administration)

14. Window section: PANE

15. Like the sound of tall grass in the breeze: SWISHY. Not the clue I would have come up with.

16. "__ the ramparts ... ": O'ER

19. Dusting cloth: RAG

20. Slugger __ Harper of the Nats: BRYCE. Young fellow, he was 17 when he went in the 2010 MLB Draft.

21. Stylish, clothes-wise: NATTY

23. Remit: PAY

29. Preppy shirt brand: IZOD. See 21-Across.

31. Japanese noodle: SOBA

32. Replaceable joint: KNEE

33. Much-photographed evening event: SUNSET. Red Sunset Over Sedona.

36. Showroom model: DEMO. (demonstration)

43. Unexpected obstacle: SNAG

44. Revealing, as a bikini: SKIMPY

46. Eye care brand: RENU. Take care of those eyes after ogling those bikinis

50. Savings vehicles for later yrs.: IRAs. (Individual Retirement Account)

52. Copied: APED

57. NFL scores: TDs. (football touchdowns)

58. Car body style: COUPE

59. Saltwater candy: TAFFY

61. Covert __: secret missions: OPS. (OPerations)

68. Sara of baking: LEE

69. Band on the road: TROUPE

70. Franc replacement: EURO

71. Oral health org.: ADA. (American Dental Association)

72. Emphasize: STRESS

73. French state: ÉTAT


1. Fuel efficiency no.: MPG. (miles per gallon)

2. Pirate's cry: "YAR!"

3. Singly: ONE BY ONE

4. Bar pint contents: BEER

5. Pet adoption org.: ASPCA. (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

6. Nerdy types: DWEEBs

7. BMOC, for one: VIP. (Big Man of Christmas/Very Important Person)

8. Sixth sense, for short: ESP. (ExtraSensory Perception)

9. MLB scoreboard letters: RHE. Runs, Hits, Errors.

10. "In Treatment" star Gabriel __: BYRNE. Irish.

11. Salt brand with an umbrella girl: MORTON

12. Fab Four member: BEATLE

13. Socks pattern: ARGYLE. Thanks for the SO, Joel.

18. Metropolis served by JFK and LGA: NYC. (John F. Kennedy International Airport/LaGuardia Airport/New York City)

22. Noah's project: ARK

23. Circle ratios: PIs. There is more than one?

24. Blue, in Baja: AZUL

26. Spanish groceries: BODEGAs

27. Adam's second son: ABEL

28. Fun and __: GAMES

30. Mar.-to-Nov. hrs.: DST. Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 AM on
Sunday, November 6, 2016.

34. UFO pilots, presumably: ETS. (Unidentified Flying Object/Extra-Terrestrial)

35. Belted Forum garment: TUNIC. Because TOGA wouldn't fit.

37. Wine barrel wood: OAK

39. Siena sweetheart: CARA. Italian.

40. Through, in itineraries: VIA

41. Remove everything from, as a fridge: EMPTY OUT

42. Zoomed: SPED

45. NFL gains: YDS. (yards)

46. Coke competitor: RC COLA

47. Snuck out to get hitched: ELOPED

48. Queasy feeling: NAUSEA

49. Strike caller: UMP

51. Abs strengtheners: SIT-UPS

54. Religious factions: SECTS

55. Neck areas brushed by barbers: NAPEs

56. Not working today: OFF

60. At no cost: FREE

63. Museum display: ART

64. Fem. campus group: SOR. (sorority)

65. Shade of color: HUE

66. Org. for marksmen: NRA. (National Rifle Association)

67. Tyke: TOT


Oct 9, 2016

Sunday October 9, 2016 Matt Skoczen

 Theme: "Big Time" - The first word can follow "Big".

 23A. Breakfast order : CHEESE OMELETTE. Big cheese. I use the OMELET spelling. You?

36A. Fruity pastry shop purchase : APPLE TURNOVER. Big Apple.

51A. Unite : BAND TOGETHER. Big Band.

78A. Wedding acquisition, perhaps? : BROTHER- IN- LAW. Big brother.

95A. Stab : SHOT IN THE DARK. Big shot.

111A. 1949 Crosby film set in Ireland : TOP O' THE MORNING. Big top. Unfamiliar with the film.

17D. Fan of Pat and Vanna, familiarly : WHEEL WATCHER. Big wheel.

60D. Ones not at home on the range : CITY SLICKERS. Big city.

Simple theme. I mentioned before that Rich prefers this type of "words that can follow/precede" theme on weekdays, unless the theme really excites him to warrant a Sunday.

Impressive chunks of white spaces in upper left & lower right corners. Themeless look. This is very hard to pull off with sparkly and clean fill.

1. Suffered a setback : RELAPSED

9. Shared spirit : ETHOS. We also have PATHOS (63. Pity-evoking quality)

14. Bit by bit : SLOWLY

20. Swimwear option : ONE PIECE

21. "High waving heather __ stormy blasts bending": Emily Brontë : 'NEATH

22. Tie up : TETHER

25. Writ word : HABEAS. Habeas corpus.

26. NFL lineman-turned-actor Alex : KARRAS. Is he a gimme to you?

27. Powder first marketed as Hudson's Soap : RINSO

28. Burned in a thurible : CENSED

29. Spanish liqueur : ANIS

30. Rolled __ : OATS. I've been having overnight oats every morning since March 31. Pomegranates are now in season. So good with overnight oats.

32. Garage event : SALE

33. Directed : LED

35. Abbr. for old dates : BCE

41. Twistedly funny : WRY. PK is having problem with her iMac, Irish Miss. Hopefully her computer guy fixes her glitch soon.

42. "Absolutely!" : YES SIREE

44. __ bread : RAISIN. Not BANANA or GARLIC.

45. Still-life subject : VASE. I tried EWER first. It showed up later at  76. Still-life subject : EWER

46. Tabasco, por ejemplo : ESTADO

47. Illusions in an act : MAGIC

49. Foppish neckwear : ASCOT
55. Yokels : HICKS

58. Drag, e.g. : RACE. Got via crosses.

61. Delete : ERASE

62. What X may mean : TEN. Also 88. M, on many forms : MALE
64. Bird: Pref. : AVI

65. Bernadette et al.: Abbr. : STES

66. Tammany Hall Tiger artist : NAST (Thomas)

68. U.K. country : ENG

69. Kugel ingredient : POTATO. Never had Kugel before.

71. Middle of Christmas? : ESS

74. Spa feature : SAUNA

76. Part of Q.E.D. : ERAT

77. First name in dance : TWYLA (Tharp). Not ADELE.

81. Work for : SERVE

83. Court tie : DEUCE. Oh, tennis.

84. Trypanosome transmitter : TSETSE. The fly is back.
90. Energy output : EFFORT. Did not come to me easily.

92. Concepts : THEORIES

94. 2001 boxing biopic : ALI

98. Richie's dad, to the Fonz : MR. C

99. F1 neighbor on PCs : ESC

100. U. of Maryland player : TERP

101. "No problem" : EASY. And  103. "No problem" : OK BY ME
102. Sandra Denton, in a hip-hop trio : PEPA. Salt-N-Pepa. Got me.
105. Rapper __ Shakur : TUPAC

108. Kitchen gadget : PEELER. D-Otto brought his potato peeler to Florida when he visited his sister. His legendary potato dumplings need serious prep work.

110. Louisiana cuisine : CREOLE

114. Set : HARDEN

115. Stirred : AWOKE

116. Scolds severely : RIPS INTO

117. Newspaper ad, commonly : INSERT

118. Baltimore's __ Harbor : INNER. Aleppo moment.

119. Least seasoned : GREENEST. Also 3. Most skeptical : LEERIEST


1. "__ baby ... " : ROCK-A-BYE. Got via crosses.

2. Adds value to : ENHANCES
4. Mimes : APERS. Noun "Mimes".

5. Italian coastal city : PISA

6. Understands : SEES

7. Friendly front? : ECO. Eco-friendly.

8. JFK, e.g. : DEM

9. Sign up : ENLIST

10. Many a senior : TEEN. Also 19. Jr. and sr. : YRS

11. They may be tipped : HATS

12. "The Simpsons" bus driver : OTTO. And our Meals on Wheels driver as well. D-Otto volunteers for several causes.  

13. Byron's "__ Walks in Beauty" : SHE

14. Mount named for a friend of George Vancouver : ST HELENS. I did not know who George Vancouver is. Now I know.

15. Not quite a ringer : LEANER. Drew a blank. Horseshoe score.

16. Wagering places: Abbr. : OTBs
18. Band heads : LEADERS
24. "Symphony in Black" artist : ERTE

28. Sturgeon delicacy : CAVIAR. This is how I first tried caviar. On sliced baguette.

30. Reveal in a poem? : OPE

31. Taproom quencher : ALE

32. Letters in the sand? : SOS. I like this clue.

34. Easter decorating supply : DYE

36. Opera that premiered in Cairo in 1871 : AIDA

37. Characterized by : PRONE TO

38. Impulse : URGE

39. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee the same year as Clapton and Taylor : RAITT. Got via crosses.

40. Wall recess : NICHE

43. Word from Tonto : SABE. Kemo Sabe.

45. Big name in sporting goods : VOIT. This stumped some last time.

47. Rap sheet routines: Abbr. : MOs. MO = modus operandi.

48. Turn gray, maybe : AGE

50. Rap (with) : CHAT. I did not know "Rap with" means  "Chat with". So I was rapping with Boomer. Told him that pumpkin pie should be called "squash pie". Pumpkin is too stringy. What you get in a can is mostly a mixture of various winter squashes.

52. Rap's Dr. __ : DRE

53. Shock source : TASER

54. Tedium : ENNUI

56. Hawaiian coffee district : KONA

57. U.S. Army E-6 : SSGT

58. Spellbound : RAPT

59. Swear to be true : AVOW
63. Hymnal that's often richly illustrated : PSALTER. Learning moment for me. 

65. Rating unit : STAR

67. Massachusetts cape : ANN

70. On the safer side : ALEE

72. "Ditto!" : SO DO I

73. Back on the ocean : STERN

74. Champagne word : SEC

75. "Odds __ ... " : ARE

 78. Sooner than : BEFORE

79. Sluglike "Star Wars" alien : HUTT. I only know Jabba the Hutt.

80. "Dilbert" intern : ASOK. Learned from doing crosswords.

82. Heated : VEHEMENT

85. Facebook feature : TIMELINE

86. Medusa's hair, after Athena got done with it : SERPENTS. Vivid clue.

87. Dish requiring special utensils : ESCARGOT. Had no idea how to eat these when I first tried.

88. Questel who voiced Betty Boop : MAE, Unknown figure to me.

89. Loser : ALSO-RAN

91. Data-uploading letters : FTP.  OK, File Transfer Protocol.

92. 6-pt. scores : TDs

93. Loft filler : HAY

95. Salon appliance : STYLER. Also the name of Sting's wife. I doubt Rich will ever use it though. A bit obscure.

96. Winter warmer : HEATER

97. Apiece : EACH

102. Secure, on a farm : PEN IN

104. Portend : BODE

105. College __ : TOWN

106. Conversant with : UP ON

107. Nose (around) : POKE

108. Vitalian, for one : POPE. Aleppo moment. Did not know Pope Vitalian.

109. Gaelic tongue : ERSE

110. See 111-Down : CHI. And 111. With 110-Down, Eastern discipline : TAI

112. Bit of work : ERG

113. Fallen space station : MIR. Fell to Earth in 2001.

Last Monday I met with Andrea Carla Michaels, the Monday Queen of NYT crosswords. We walked around Lake Harriet where Andrea grew up. She showed me her childhood home, which is gated now. Andrea now lives in San Francisco, but might move back to MN someday. She used to be a standup comedian and has so many interesting stories to tell. Wish you guys were walking along with us. Click here for a few more pictures.

Oct 8, 2016

Saturday, Oct 8th, 2016, Greg Johnson

Theme: None

Words: 68 (missing J,Q,X,Z)

Blocks: 30

This is the second Saturday puzzle I have blogged from today's constructor, and upon reviewing that last one (back in Nov. 2015), I read that my solving experience was much the same today - and I recognize this as a pattern with all crossword authors; no matter whose name is at the top of the grid, I seem to have the same struggles and successes with their contribution.  Like that puzzle a little under a year ago, I was able to get through 75% of the puzzle clue-by-clue, but then I ran into self-inflicted spelling/WAG mistakes, and did myself in - no ta-DA - so it was red-letter to the rescue.  Oh well.  Triple 9-letter Across corners, and stacked 9's and 10's crossing a pair of 10-letter climbers;

9. Not woody, to a botanist : HERBACEOUS - I had HE-B---- and just filled this in, not that I knew it was right, but it sounded right

26. Jefferson and others : VIRGINIANS - my first thought, but I waited on perps

1a. Decorative border : HEMSTITCH - too many thoughts to start; clothing, home decor, gardening~? I waited

55a. Formal choice : SILK DRESS - add a 44d., and you get this....

33a. One of ten in the Kentucky Derby : FURLONG - I took surveying as part of my construction technology classes in college, and I am always fascinated by the origin of distances and lengths - the Wiki

22d. Black arts practitioner : WARLOCK - "Crowley" fit, but didn't work with the crossings

(see below)


10. Business investment? : SUIT

14. Regardless : IN ANY CASE

15. Black-and-white vegetarian : PANDA - and a semi-clecho with....

16. Black-and-white : POLICE CAR

17. One putting two and two together : ADDER

18. Exit discreetly : SLIP OUT

19. Ivory, e.g. : BAR SOAP

21. Unannounced, as a quiz : POP

22. Beyond silly : WACKO - I tried INANE

23. Corroded : EATEN

26. Protect against harm, in a way : VACCINATE

30. It's about 40.5 for Pittsburgh, Pa. : N.Lat - I got it,  but only because I am aware that LI is roughly on the 42nd North Latitude

31. Inspiration for a red shade : FIRE ENGINE

32. Tirana is its cap. : ALBania

34. "Gr8 joke!" : LOL - at first I didn't get the G-R-8 hint, but then the V-8 can flew....

35. Classroom no-no : CALLING OUT - I pondered CLASS CLOWN, but class can't be in both clue & answer

37. Where le nez is : TÊTE - Frawnche, nose and head

38. Typical ham feature : THEATRICS - ah, the CLASS CLOWN kind of 'ham'

39. More twisted : WRYER

40. Cleared the room, perhaps : STUNK - here's where the problems began; stAnk, stInk - and I don't care for "stunk", so it didn't occur to me

41. Inc. magazine subject : CEO - I tried BUS.  first

42. A museum in Pesaro, Italy, marks his birthplace : ROSSINI - my DOWN crossings had me change this from GALILEO to GALILEI to CASSINI - and I was really pleased with my first 42d. fill

45. Alternative histories : "WHAT IFS"

49. Possible response to "I raise" : ALL IN - I got into a card game with some AA friends last Saturday night, and I am back at it tonight.  The buy-in was $20, and I took one pot that was fairly decent, then lost paired 10s and 8s to 3 threes....I went "all in" and ended up "all out" of money - but I had something to do on a Saturday night for a change - worth every penny of $20

50. Words seen before a dollar sign : AMOUNT DUE - all my bills are paid online

52. Filmmaker's __ light : KLIEG - I am ashamed to admit this did not come to me, but then again, we used softbox lighting on the movie set I worked on, not these

53. Only you : NO ONE ELSE - O.M.G. - the blue-eyed girl has re-entered my life - in the most bizarre way possible.  If you are curious, email me - I can't divulge the details here....

54. Casual food : EATS - as in diner signs and such


1. Swinging joints? : HIPS - har-har

2. Organic compound : ENOL - we had this recently

3. Landlocked African country : MALI

about 23 N Lat

4. Fragment : SNIPPET

5. Business VIP : TYCOON

6. Freeze : ICE UP - Look away, Tin - two weeks in a row~!

7. Careful handling : TACT

8. Union foe in the 19th cen. : CSA

10. Tearjerker : SAD SONG

11. Command following "Oops!" : UNDO - think computers; I have frequent "oops" moments with AutoCAD and Photoshop

12. Flash, maybe : IDEA

13. Weather protection : TARP - baseball winds down as hockey starts up

15. Downtown challenge : PARKING

20. Reason for a misunderstanding : ACCENT

23. Make law : ENACT

24. Quran deity : ALLAH - makes me think of this song from Van Halen, with Dave's "religious" philosophy (@2:40)

25. Stand with a leaf : TABLE - clever way to misdirect, but I did not fall prey, since I have been regularly refinishing leaf tables

27. Dancer posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2014 : AILEY - did not know this one - filled via perps

28. Govt. issue : T-NOTE

29. Pot-using sportsman : EELER - learned doing crosswords

31. 2K, say : FUN RUN - meh.  I had FUNRA- from my stAnk fill, and just couldn't see what we were looking for

33. Tailor's service : FITTING - ...but then this made sense, so GALILEO had to go

36. Many Aberdeen residents : LASSIES - for some reason, I was thinking Texas, but that's Abilene ( though there IS an Aberdeen in Texas ) - we're talking Ireland instead

37. Harness racer : TROTTER - another good WAG on my pert

39. Withdrew gradually : WEANED

41. Piece : CHUNK

42. Casino tool : RAKE - well, Cassini gave me "CAGE", and that seemed reasonable

43. Paella cooker : OLLA

44. Clothing opening : SLIT

45. Clothing material : WOOL - bonus image this week

46. Off : IDLE

47. Bellyache : FUSS

48. Gets it : SEES

51. "Excusez-__" : MOI - and finish avec les Frawnche


Note from C.C.:

Happy Birthday to dear Jayce, my patient puzzle collaborator and friend. Thanks for understanding me the way you do, Jayce! Thanks for being here for all of us. Cooking Trader Joe's Chicken Gyoza in your honor today, but no miso for broth.

Jayce, June 2013, Santa Barbara